• Published 10th Jun 2020
  • 3,844 Views, 81 Comments

the Royal Knight of Miracles - NinjaMare

a Magnamon comes to Equestria, but has no memories of how he came to Equestria.

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Chapter 5: The Way Back Home.

Author's Note:

Now i did plan to drag this story out, maybe two or more chapters, but it would've just been padding and just trying to length what was always meant to be a short story. so that's why this last chapter took so long to put out, aside from other projects taking up time. hopefully that this is a good ending to this little fic.

In the Digital World, far off in a glamorous two Digimon were looking into a crystal orb, showing Magnamon returning the Crystal Heart to its former pedestal, and be washed over by waves of light. And seeing what look like corrupted black smoke being ejected from his body, and being burned away. One of the two Digimon growled in frustration before slamming a clenched fist onto the orb, smashing it to pieces.

“NO!” the figure shouted in anger. “The corruption was burned away! And now Magnamon well undoubtedly come after us!”

“…then we simply have to end this the old fashion way, before Magnamon returns and bring our transgressions against him, and what our plans are on reviving Lucemon.” The other digimon said as he twirled a rose in his hand, before crushing it. “We cannot allow him, or any of the other knights catch onto our plans.”

“For if we do, not only will we be stripped of our ranks…we will certainly be eradicated for this treason!” the former Digimon said as his wings spread out.

“Then let us ensure that Magnamon cannot gum up our plans.”


Both Digimon then left the room they were in, and once they were outside made their way to a nearby balcony, where they both took the sky before a portal opened before them. but as the pair passed through a portal, another Digimon trotted upon the balcony to catch the two disappear into the portal.

“Now where are those two wondering off to?” the red-armored figure inquired before galloping off the balcony, and following after the pair, passing through the portal before it fully closed.

~~Crystal Empire~~

Magnamon has been floating in front of the Crystal Heart for about in hour, seemingly deep in self-meditation as the ponies around him celebrate in not only the defeat of Sombra, but also the return of their beloved relic. As for the ponies that accompanied the Mega, they to were enjoying the crystal ponies festivities, but the only one that seems to be not taking part in the jovialness was Twilight. She was standing by the Digimon’s side, wondering what it is he is doing, and also wondering how is it that he was able to accomplish the mission that the princesses themselves tasked Twilight to fulfill in a matter of minutes.

“It is time.” Magnamon said suddenly.

“Time for what?” Twilight asked as she watches the Digimon float off a short distance.

“After restoring what these crystal ponies have lost, the heart has also restored my memories.” The Mega said as he stared at his left claw. “And showed me the ones that had sent me here in the first place.”

“So…your going back home then?” Twilight asked, a little sad to see Magnamon leave, without getting to know the Digimon better.

“Not yet.” The Mega said to the unicorn. “Your princess has asked me to join you on this mission, and I will see it through to end. Once the mission has been fulfilled will I make my way home.”

With that the Mega continues to float off, until he was amongst the celebrating ponies. But as the Digimon starts to mingle with the ponies, the crystal ponies start to praise and thank the Digimon for not only defeating Sombra, but for also returning the Crystal Heart to them. Magnamon tried to play off the significance of his actions, but the crystal ponies kept praising the Digimon, some even called them their newest protector and guardian.

“Wow, these crystal ponies really like Magnamon huh.” Pinkie said as she continues to watch the Digimon followed by the crystal ponies.

“Well he did just return their prized artifact to them.” Applejack said to her pink friend.

“Sucks that we didn’t even get to do anything to help these ponies, we’ve might as well just stayed in Ponyville.” Rainbow remarked as she started munching away on some crystal corn.

“I’m just glad that the crystal ponies are no longer all sad and depressed, they all look so happy now.” Fluttershy commented as she looks over the crowed of ponies.

“I suppose its all’s well ends well then.” Rarity said as she brushes a bit of her mane out of her face.

Just as Rarity said those words, both she, her friends, and even the crowed of crystal ponies heard something that was like a distant booming sound. To the regular ponies, they remember this sound, it was the same booming noise that Twilight and her friends heard, just before they first saw Magnamon. And speaking of the Mega, he turned away from the ponies surrounding him, and looked skyward as he felt something. A sense of dread and familiarity. Everypony then saw from the sky, a portal popping into existence, and from that portal everypony saw to beings that look just as fantastical as Magnamon. One was adorned in white sharp armor, with golden spikes, and torn wings flaring from his back. the other being was more slim looking, adorning a hot pink armor, golden ribbons, and a large golden shield on the right arm.

“Who or what are those things?” Rainbow asked as she looked at the two slowly descending pair.

“Those two are Digimon, like me.” Magnamon said as he looks up at the two.

“But they look nothing like you Magnamon.” Twilight said as she pointed out the clear differences in their forms.

“Digimon have radical differentials between each other, than you ponies among yourselves.” The Mega retorted.

“So who are they?” Rarity asked as she kept her eyes on the descending pair.

“The white one is called Dynasmon. And the pink one is Crusadermon. And like me, their both members of the Royal Knights that protect the law and stability of the Digital World…or at least, that’s is their duty.” Magnamon said as they other two knights softly landed on the ground, they’re mere presence causing the ponies to back away from the pair, and hid behind Magnamon.

“It would seem that these creatures have grown rather fond of you Magnamon.” Crusadermon said in a slight jovial tone.

“Then again, you’ve always had that effect on others.” Dynasmon retorted. “But enough of these formalities—”

“Indeed.” Magnamon said as he took a step forward. “Let’s cut to the chase on why you’re here.”

“What do you mean? aren’t they here to bring you home?” Twilight said with confusion in her voice.

“No. in fact…they’re here to make sure I don’t interrupt their plans.”

“Indeed, so in that regards Magnamon…” Dynasmon said as he slowly raises his right hand. “WE MUST TERMINATE YOU! Dragon Collider!” the head of a spectral dragon head came barreling out of the other knights hand, roaring towards Magnamon as the ponies run away screaming!

“Aura Barrier!” the golden armored Mega created a translucent pale blue barrier surrounding him, where the spectral dragon head crashed into before dispersing back into the ether. But the mega kept his barrier up, as he sensed another attack coming.

“Fist of Athena!” Crusadermon rushed in front of Magnamon’s barrier, and delivered a devastating punch with the pile bunker, nearly shattering the barrier in one go. And just as the pink armored knight was about to attack again, the golden armor knight dis-spelled the barrier, and lept over the other knight, left claw outstretched and pointing at Crusadermon.

“Magna Blast!” Magnamon released his utmost powerful blast directly on top of Crusadermon, sending the other Mega smashing into the ground.

“Dragon’s Roar!”

Magnamon was shot in the back by a point blank attack by Dynasmon, by a series of rapid fire energy blasts. The ponies watched as their golden armored protector was sent flying into a nearby building, and without allowing the Mega to recover, the white armored knight flew through the hole in the building, where the sound of a hand-to-hand fighting could be heard. As the two Mega’s fought, Crusadermon recovered from the point blank strike, and then made his way over to the building but stopped in Magnamon was tossed out through the hole. And as the golden armor Digimon came soaring towards him, the pink armored knight grabbed hold of one of the golden bands of his armor, and used it as blade.

“Spiral Masquerade!” the golden glade struck with blinding speed, cutting at Magnamon’s body before sending him flying upwards with a upward slash. Dynasmon then came bursting out of the building, via the roof, before flying above the golden armor Mega. Energy building up in between his palms.

“Dragon’s Roar!”

“Magna Blaster!” The barrage energy projectiles meet the wave of golden energy as they collided with each other, before canceling out. But the clash didn’t end there.

“Fist of Athena!”

Magnamon cried out in pain as the center of his back, was struck with immense force, nearly breaking through his own golden armor. But as the Mega was sent further into the air, Dynasmon raised his right claw, building up energy again before thrusting it downward, where it was a foot from Magnamon. Ready to strike with another powerful blow.


The ponies then heard another new voice cry out, before they all saw a large golden arrow soar through the sky, and strike Dynasmon in the side and sending him crashing into the ground. Crusadermon and the ponies turned to where the arrow came from, but the pink armored Mega was also struck by a flying golden arrow, sending him flying across the ground creating a deep groove in the street. After Magnamon came crashing down onto the ground, the ponies returned their attention to where the arrow came from, and again they saw another marvelous looking creature, who was undoubtedly another Digimon. This new figure looked like a six-legged centaur dawning reddish pink armor, with a long flowing mane and tail, wielding a large shield on one arm while strapping a large crossbow on the other. the figure came galloping down to the ground, and assisted Magnamon in recovering from the blow he took from Crusadermon.

“Kentaurosmon?” the mega questioned as he looked at the new Digimon.

“Don’t worry my friend, I’ve got you.” the equine shaped knight said as he held Magnamon as he regained his footing. “Care to explain why Dynasmon and Crusadermon are attacking you with such fervor?”

“I will, but first we must incapacitate them before they cause any harm to any of these equines.” Kentaurosmon looked at the frightened ponies, before looking over to the other two Mega’s.

“Very well, then I suggest we take this away from this populated area, before we to aide in the destruction of this city.”

As both Dynasmon and his partner recovered from the attack that Kentaurosmon used on them, they were both quickly tackled by the other knights and were taken outside of the empire. But while the knights left the empire, the ponies couldn’t help themselves but try and follow after the four Mega Digimon’s, if nothing but try and see the outcome of the fight. Entering the frozen wasteland of the north, the four mega’s broke off in pairs where they continued the fight. Magnamon would be facing off with Crusadermon, while Kentaurosmon fought against Dynasmon.

“Tell me Dynasmon…” Kentaurosmon said as he tossed the dragonesque knight into the snow. “Why have you and Crusadermon attacked our comrade Magnamon.”

“That is none of your concern Kentaurosmon, but now that you’ve decided to mettle in our affairs…” Dynasmon’s entire body began to generate an immense amount of energy as he spoke. “I am forced to eliminate you, so you don’t interfere with our plan!” the white knight then unleashed all of the energy he had built up in his most powerful attack.

“Breath of…WYVERN!” a gigantic energy dragon then appeared on the snowy field above Dynasmon, and with a mighty roar it rose up into the sky before dive-bombing at the red-armored knight.

While Kentaurosmon deals with Dynasmon and his spectral dragon attack, Magnamon and Crusadermon were exchanging blows with one another. With the flamboyant pink knight occasionally trying to use his pile-bunker to deliver a finishing blow, but the golden armored Digimon was either able to dodge the attack or use his Aura Barrier to block the attack before countering with one of his own moves.

“Crusadermon, your plan to revive Lucemon is madness you know that right?” Magnamon said as he manages to capture his adversary in a choke-hold. “If he’s revived, it is the end of the Digital World as we know it.”

“You know nothing about what we plan Magnamon, so don’t try and speak as if you know anything!” the pink Mega said as he bashed the back of his head into Magnamon’s face, staggering the knight of miracles enough turn and launch an attack. “Scarlet Tempest!”

With a swing of his pile-bunker, Crusadermon creates a whirlwind if snow and rose petals, punching straight into Magnamon’s gut as it sends the other knight rocketing up into the air. After being thrown a yard into the air, Magnamon manages to recover from the attack just as Crusadermon flies towards him. crossing his arms, Magnamon begins charging up energy in front of him into a small tight sphere, and when Crusadermon was close enough he recoiled his right arm back to launch another attack.

“Fist of Athena!” just as the pink Digimon was in mid-swing, Magnamon quickly un-crossed his arms as the small sphere collapses upon itself, unleashing the golden Digimon’s most powerful attack at his disposal.

“Shinning Gold Solar Storm!”

Far off in the distance, Twilight, and her friends, as well as a good amount of the crystal ponies, were trudging through the still rampant snowy winds trying to find where the Digimon went. But as they wondered through the snow filled air, they all saw a brief flash of light, which then turned into a massive beam of pure radiant golden energy that pierces through the snow and icy winds.

“That must them over there!” Applejack called out as she, and the other galloped towards the light.

Back to the battle between the Mega’s, Magnamon had just struck Crusadermon point blank with his most powerful attack, slamming the other knight into the ground and blowing away all the snow within thirty feet of the impact spot. Some distance away, the battled between Dynasmon and Kentaurosmon was also coming to a close, as a sphere of a raging blizzard surround the two of them…with only Dynasmon being assaulted by the freezing cold, ice, hail, and snow, while the red-armored Mega aims his crossbow at his opponent. Before firing another arrow of light at the white knight, which thoroughly knocks dragonesque Digimon flat on his back.

“That should take care of that.” Kentaurosmon said as he waves his right hand, dismissing the snow storm he created around him and Dynasmon, who laid passed out on the ground. he turned to face where it was Magnamon was, and saw the golden armored knight flying out of a large crater with Crusadermon in tow, wrapped up in his own golden bands.

“It seems you managed to wrap things up my friend.” The six-legged equine Mega said as he hefts Dynasmon over his own shoulder.

“Yeah, but he managed to get in some good hits in.” Magnamon said as he rubbed his chest. The two Mega’s then looked off to where the Empire was, and found the small crowed of ponies just a few feet away.

“Magnamon!” Twilight called out before skidding to a stop. “Are you alright?”

“For the most part, yes. But I’m afraid I must depart now, these two need to answer for their crimes against not only their fellow knights, but their treason towards the Digital World.”

“Ah!” Pinkie bemoaned. “So your leaving already, but we haven’t gotten to get to know you yet.” The Mega gave a small chortle as he looks down at the ponies.

“I’m sorry Pinkie, but my duty calls and I must answer it. but don’t worry…” Magnamon said as he and his fellow knight began to rise up into the air. “I might stop by for a visit every now and then.”

The ponies then gave the two knights a little farewell as they flew up into the sky, where another portal appeared followed by the thunderous booming sound. As the two Mega’s reached the portal, and as Kentaurosmon passes through it, Magnamon gave one last look towards the ponies where they were waving at him and shouting over the rustling wind. Despite everything that has happened, this little diversion that both Dynasmon and Crusadermon had placed him in, was a nice little detour.

‘Perhaps I will pay this world another visit, someday.’ With that last thought to himself, Magnamon passes through the portal to head home, and see to it that the traitorous knights are dealt with. As well as their plans onto reviving Lucemon.

Comments ( 13 )

nice fight nice ending

I hoped this would go on for a little longer, but oh well.

This was a really good story.
And that's coming from a pokemon

Not a bad ending

Dynasmon and Crusadermon those to give the Royal Knights a bad name

Kentaurosmon is a surprise but being a horse like Digimon I think he be right at home in the mlp world

funnily enough, i did make a rough draft of Kentaurosmon being like a deity in the MLP universe.

i mean Kentaurosmon is kind of god-like Mega based on his Wiki, but this idea never reached a final draft when i started posting fics.

Good story ^^ and can you make story with Metalgarurumon ?

i have thought about making a MetalGaruumon fic, but i'm not sure if i'll actually do it.

Oh it's ok , take the time

SEQUEL !!!!!!!

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