• Published 12th Sep 2020
  • 3,858 Views, 409 Comments

Gods and Monsters - Revel Montaro

A century has passed since Princess Twilight ascended to the Solar Throne and the reign has been a mostly peaceful if albeit lonely one. However, ancient creatures from time forgotten have watched, waited, and prepared for their chance to return.

  • ...

Chapter 11: Rise

Raven woke Sunset up just as the sun was beginning to break the horizon with an alarm that sounded like a battle stations klaxon on a warship. It was annoying, and horrible, and far better than the simulated cat vomiting sound she sometimes used that could wake any creature from the deepest sleep. Thankfully, the castle staff had delivered fresh coffee beans to Sunset’s door the night before otherwise, no matter how many times Raven set her alarm off it would only have ended badly for the electronic intelligence.

Sunset, soon after finishing her morning cup, had caught up to Isabella Windsong as she was walking to the private dining hall. The griffon was muttering to herself as she reviewed her schedule of the day, which began with whisking Twilight away to begin the daily grind. The griffon scowled fiercely at Sunset for the interruption, par for the course for her. The glare that could have burned through steel simply bounced off the goldenrod alicorn.

“Look, I just need to talk to Twilight about a few things, it’s important.”

“Of course, it’s important, it’s always important. Everypony, every creature wants the princess’s time because it’s important! That is why we set up schedules and make appointments,” Isabella replied sharply.

Sunset growled, rubbing her temple. “So, I need an appointment just to see my friend?”

“To say hello, no, for business and or related issues that are not, basic greetings, yes. Despite what you have been told or believe, you are not special, Sunset Shimmer, not in this regard.”

“Isa, that was uncalled for.”

Isabella and Sunset turned to see Twilight Sparkle standing in the doorway a disapproving frown on her face. The griffon bowed her head, shamefully.

“I apologize, You Highness, but I do only have your best interest and the needs of Equestria in mind. Lady Sunset cannot monopolize your time on a whim just because she lives in the castle. It is unfair to the rest of court and the common ponies who do not have such a privilege.”

Sunset frown and began to turn to walk away when a golden hoofguard on the end of a long purple leg reached out and turned Sunset’s face back towards her. Their eyes met, Twilight’s full of pain and sympathy. Sunset’s anger melted away like ice to a flame. “I’m sorry, Sunset. I’m sorry for Flurry’s behavior yesterday and that she ran you off. I’m sorry I don’t have more time, especially time for you.”

“That’s one of the things I wanted to talk to you about, but if I’m causing problems for you, I can get in line like everypony else,” Sunset said softly, wrapping her hoof around Twilight’s.

Twilight sighed, her expression twisting bitterly for a moment before nodding. “Sadly, it’s for the best. I’m sure Isa will find some time for you.”

“Of course, Your Highness.”

Sunset relented and nodded. “Yeah, okay. Just as well, I guess. I’m almost done with my other project and need to run a few more tests and tweaks while I wait for you.”

“Okay, I’ll see you soon.” Twilight, hesitant at first, but then stepped closer, pulling Sunset into a hug and nuzzling her mane. Sunset just stood in the hallway as the princess and her assistant walked and talked. She knew it was just a friendly hug, it was just a friendly hug… right? Was that more than a friendly hug? Had it really been so long since someone had hugged her like that she could not tell the difference or was it different just because it was Twilight?

“Your heart rate is spiking. Are you feeling well, Sunset?”

“Yeah,” she whispered to Raven, “just… processing.”

Later that night, with Raven’s helpful suggestions and Sunset’s magic and engineering knowhow they had managed to invent an interface that allowed the alicorn to once again enjoy her favorite downloaded games on a larger screen while she used telekinetic fingers to operate the game on her PAAL screen. That was a grand accomplishment, but Sunset wanted to find a way to move the games to a construct to play off her crystal screen and a game controller that was compatible with hooves as well.

“One step at a time, girl,” Sunset whispered to herself as her little knight ran through the countryside on horseback looking for more enemies to slay.


Three days. It took three days to find a sufficient gap in Twilight’s schedule for the week that did not involve cutting into down time Twilight used to relax or try to cram everything into a few sentences while Isabella ushered the princess to the next function. Sunset had, naturally, groaned about the wait to Isabella who was about as sympathetic as a bag of rocks, but Sunset also refused to steal any of her friend’s personal time. The world was unlikely to end in the next three days, plus it gave her time to work on her gaming project and spend personal time with Celestia and Luna.

The three alicorns were already seated at the table for dinner in the smaller, private dining hall when Twilight Sparkle entered, let out a long breath and a groaning sigh. Sunset, Celestia, and Luna gave sympathetic smiles.

“Uggghhhh,” Twilight ran a hoof down her face, “I thought I would never get away from that event. Don’t get me wrong, it was a good idea on paper, but just like everything else some noble or wealthy business pony manages to turn a charity event that was supposed to raise money for wounded soldiers, sailors, and the disabled into a photo op with the princess for their own business and/or campaign. I swear, everypony has damn agenda.”

Twilight sat in her plush chair and slammed her face onto the table so dramatically that even her crown slid off, coming to a rest right before Sunset Shimmer. The crown took on a red glow from Sunset’s magic as she gently slid it back towards Twilight. She heard Twilight mumble her thanks while keeping her face still hidden behind the massive cascade of moonlight and magenta mane.

“Well, hopefully dinner will raise your spirits,” said Celestia, tapping on the end of the table with her hoof loud enough to let the staff know it was time for them to enter. Twilight sat back upright, placing her crown back on her head and attempting to pretend her earlier outburst had not happened. After all, if there were any ponies that loved gossip more than soldiers it was the castle staff. Few would run off to the press to whisper the latest scuttlebutt, but few was still more than none. A moment later the guards opened the door to allow Pasty Cake and two servants to enter pushing two trolleys of covered plates.

“Goooooood evening, Your Highnesses!” If Sunset did not know better, she would have bet good coin that Pasty Cake had been related to pony Pinkie Pie. The peach earth pony was always in high spirits and had enough energy to run the royal kitchen all by herself if she really wanted to, but still had a small staff at her disposal. She loved her job and it showed in not only her demeanor, but in her presentation. The two trolleys came to a stop and the head chef lifted the lids and began setting out the salad course with a side of garlic bread.

“While you enjoy your greens, I present for your dining pleasure a triple layer lasagna made with my special blend of costal spices! I have two variants, one with extra cheese and because Her Majesty prefers less, one with only a dry parmesan sprinkle on top. Enjoy!”

The four alicorns indicated their choices and portion sizes and ate with the only sounds being silverware clinking against stoneware plates. After the salads and main course was cleared Twilight sighed happily and locked eyes with the pony across the rectangular table from her.

“So, Sunset, you have been unusually patient these last few days. What have you been working on?”

Sunset set down her napkin and felt a smile spread across her face at the sight of Twilight’s mischievous expression. The corner of her eye then caught equally as wicked grins on both her mother and aunt’s faces as well. Sunset cleared her throat and sat up, taking a more professional posture.

“I can show you my pet project later if you like, but what I really wanted to talk to you about and why I asked for your time has to do with YOUR schedule and handling of court.”

Twilight blinked, completely taken off guard. “Oh? I thought you hated talking politics.”

“I do, but this is important. Tell me, if you would, why is there no night court to help balance your workload?”

“Oh, that’s easy, because Luna has no interest in resuming her role in the night court and I haven’t found another pony that I trust enough to handle things without their own special interest interfering where I end up micromanaging them to the point that they have no authority and it becomes redundant.”

Sunset nodded her head in understanding. “Okay, I get that you want somepony qualified and will put the interest of Equestria first, but I was informed by a member of the nobility that you have not had a regent of the night court since your former student, Luster Dawn stepped down.”

Twilight tapped her chin and then nodded, “Sound about right.”

“Twilight, that was what? Sixty years ago?”

“Sixty-seven years ago,” Twilight replied automatically, her eyes looking at her empty tea cup on the table.

Sunset almost teleported to stand next to her friend, to pull her into a warm embrace of hooves and wings and nuzzle her, whisper into her ear that it was okay. Almost. Sunset let out a breath and sat up straighter. Professionalism. This was a job interview not a therapy session.

“Twilight, we’re friends, so I’m going to be honest with you. You are running yourself ragged trying to do all of this yourself. I’m here now, I've got these wings, so I need to pull my weight around here. I want to help you by taking on some of your workload.” Sunset swallowed the lump that had formed. “With your permission I would like to reopen the night court.”

“That’s… wow. Well, thank you for your concern and your offer, but you have not immersed yourself in dealing with Canterlot nobility in a long time. I don’t know if you would be able to handle it.”

“Twilight, I was raised in the castle, I was taught politic science by Celestia, yeah her, there she is, say hello, Mom. I was taught the ins and outs of how to play the game at a young age. I was dealing with the nobility and studying professional protocols when you still had not even earned your cutie mark yet.”

“It’s not the same court as it was when you were a filly. The nobles are different.”

“The nobles are always different, but the game is the same, plus I’m a quick study. I can relearn who the power players are, any new procedures and laws that have been added and updated in the last hundred years or so.”

Twilight continued to stare at her cup drawing imaginary circles on the table with her hoof. “It would be a lot of work. I would have to completely revamp my schedule as it is and there would be pushback from the noble council and various guild houses who don’t like you. I think most of them don't like you.”

“Since when was Twilight Sparkle afraid of a little hard work?”

Before Twilight answered, Tasty Cake returned with the dessert round. A plain if heavenly red velvet cake with light pink frosting. The alicorns thanked the chef as she left them to their privacy again. Twilight was about to take a bite when she set her fork down.

“Thank you for the offer, Sunset, but I don’t think it’s necessary. You already do so much for Equestria with your inventions and projects.”

Sunset set her fork down as well. “That’s just busy work, something to keep me occupied and not go insane.”

“Seriously, it’s okay. I’ve got it all under control.”

Sunset growled, slamming her hoof onto the table. “Babe, just let me help you!” As soon as the words left her mouth, Sunset’s eyes went wide and she covered her face with a hoof. “Dammit.”

Celestia and Luna who had been silently watching the exchange while enjoying their cake looked at one another. Celestia reached out and touched her daughter who fought down her tears and embarrassment.

“I… I didn’t mean to say that, like that, I mean… yeah.”

Twilight nodded, but her face remained crestfallen. “I understand. I remind you of her.”

“Yes… no, I mean, I’ve always been able to separate the two of you. It's not replacement or mistaken identity. You two were always similar yet not the same, like twin sisters. This is just me in my own head. Sometimes when I get excited or angry or just, I… I’m sorry. Every time I think I'm ready to... just forget I said anything.”

“You have nothing to apologize for and I appreciate your concern for my wellbeing. I really do,” Twilight said. She had a few bites of her cake and then stood. “Let me think on your proposal, okay? In the meantime, I would really like to see what you have been working on.”

Sunset looked up, her eyes glassy, but no tears had fallen just yet. “You sure? I don’t want to make things awkward.”

“I think talking some science will make us both feel better.”

Sunset smiled warmly. “Yeah, I’d like that.”

Celestia and Luna finished their slices of cake and each eyed the unfinished slices that sat on Twilight and Sunset’s plates. They waited until the two younger alicorns left before stealing the remaining slices.

“Didn’t your doctor say you were only allowed one slice of cake per week?” Luna arched an eyebrow, one hoof on her cheek and a sassy grin on her face.

“Oh, kiss my plot, Lulu.”

Sunset opened the door to her room and gestured for Twilight to follow her to the work bench along the back wall. Twilight walked slow. It had been quite some time since she had visited Sunset’s private residence. Technically, she could go where ever she pleased. It was HER castle, after all. With the right application of force Twilight was certain she could have broken Sunset’s wards too if she really wanted to, but that would have been rude and unnecessary. This place, after all was Sunset’s sanctuary from the world. She understood completely the need to have a place that was just yours.

“Oh, good, you’re back. Without network connectivity I have come to truly despise being left behind.”

Twilight fur stood on end. A voice had spoken from somewhere in the room, a posh, elegant voice, but as far as she could detect there were no other ponies in the room. Did Sunset leave a pony on hold on her SunLight crystal when she left? Was there… was there a pony in her bedroom… waiting for Sunset? “Uhhhhh?”

“Oh!” Sunset’s face lit up before she grinned sheepishly. “I haven’t had a chance to introduce you to Raven yet.” Sunset levitated a small glass rectangle to herself and held it up. “Say hello, Raven.”

“Hello, Raven,” the glass repeated, which made Sunset role her eyes and groan.

“Really? You really went there?”

“I learned all my bad habits from you, just so you know.”

“Is that... your phone talking? The glass you were wearing at Grunt's hatching was your phone and you were able to actually get it to work here? In Equestria?!” Twilight’s face lit up and she grinned while tapping her forehooves together like a filly. “This is amazing! The scientific possibilities are… incalculable! We should make up a list of other technological items we can attempt to bring back from the human world next time the portal opens!”

“I am reasonably sure with a 96% accuracy that this pony sounds like my co-creator, Professor Twilight Sparkle.”

“Yeah, there’s a reason for that. Princess Twilight, meet Raven, Twi’s last great gift to humanity. Or curse, depending on the day. She is an artificial intelligence that has learn how to grow and respond by listening and observing. She’s my friend and has gotten me through some rough times.”

“Aww, you do care.”

Twilight smiled at the glass and bowed her head. “If you helped keep my friend in one piece then I am glad and grateful. Thank you Raven… Raven, like Celestia’s former personal assistant?”

Sunset’s grin spread wide. “I forgot, you knew her too! Yeah, Raven never really liked me. She put up with me, helped Kibitz raise me, but I don’t think she liked foals in general much. Or maybe just me. I was a brat. Anyhow, when I was customizing my PAAL I latched onto the idea of making her sound as close to Raven Inkwell as possible. There was just something incredibly childish and satisfying about finally being able to pretend that I got to boss Raven around. I’m surprised Tempest didn’t mention her to you.”

“She probably didn’t think a talking piece of glass was a national security threat and it slipped her mind. Tempest is a wonderful friend and even better Captain of the Guard, but going along those lines she is also ALWAYS on duty even when she is not.”

“Sounds about right.” Sunset gestured for Twilight to meet her at the large shaped crystal sitting on the table. “Well, with that out of the way, this is what I’ve been working on.” Sunset levitated her PAAL next to the black cube that had a small wire sticking out the side of it. A few tweaks to a power node and a few taps on the side of the smooth crystal the surface lit up. Twilights jaw dropped.

“Oh, sweet Celestia! You built a computer?!”

“Ehhh, rudimentary gaming platform. It’s still a work in progress. Right now, it still requires Raven to be hooked into the system to work. I want to eventually get those games off her and onto a solid state crystal storage, but I’m having difficulty finding the right way to transfer the information. Before I left, I downloaded about fifty of my favorite mobile games along with a few old school classics that I just had to have.” Sunset held up what looked like a large boomerang with various controls and buttons on it made oversized to accommodate pony hooves. “Wanna play?”


The frantic knocking on her residence door shook Sunset Shimmer from the wonderful dream she was having. And why did her bed smell like sweet lavender and was so warm and soft… Sunset’s eyes came into focus. The first thing Sunset noticed was that she had never made it to bed and instead fell asleep on the larger of her sitting area couches… on her back. Her left wing must have gone numb at some point because otherwise it would have felt more uncomfortable to lay upon.

The second thing she noticed was that Princess Twilight Sparkle, ruler of all of Equestria, was laying on top of her using Sunset as a body pillow with her head snuggling her chest, hooves wrapped around her with flowing indigo and magenta mane everywhere. Sunset usually was not a morning pony, but her eyes shot wide open and her heart started pounding so fast and loud she could hear it in her own ears, which were probably as scarlet as the rest of her face. The knocking came again, louder and more forceful.

“How much did I drink last night?”

The PAAL on the table lit up and chimed in, “None, actually. But the princess did stay up considerably later playing Dragon Quest 3.”

Sunset closed her eyes and teleported out of her friend’s grasp and instantly replaced herself with a pillow. Twilight snuggled the pillow, mumbled something incoherently, and snored. It was absolutely precious and made Sunset smile and giggle. She could look at that sight all day and never get tired of it. Sunset’s head split with a yawn while she moved quietly to the door and opened it a crack, peering out to see who had been knocking. She gulped, her mouth going sticky and dry as if she had actually finished a bottle of some hill-billie distilled rotgut. Ah shit.

“Lady Sunset,” said Tempest standing at the door with her helmet on and a defensive barrier shimmering. She was accompanied by Isabella, Celestia, and Gauge, who must have drawn the short straw since he was holding a cup of fresh coffee. “Where is the princess?”

Sunset rubbed the back of her head. “She’s… still sleeping.” Tempest blinked rapidly, Celestia smirked, Gauge held his poker face, and Isabella facepalmed with one of her claws. “Okay, wait. That sounded bad when I say it like that. I need that coffee.”

“We do not have time for this.” Isabella pushed the door open and lead the entourage into the room. Sunset wanted to protest, but it was not like she had anything to hide. They didn’t do anything… probably... that she could recall. Mental note, ask Raven if I did anything I would possibly regret later.

Isabella was about to call out the princess’s name when she spotted the purple alicorn curled up on the couch, snoring lightly. She tried to wake Twilight with a few shakes, but she only snuggled into the pillow more, a small smile on her face. It was at that moment that Sunset’s face began to burn scarlet again when she realized that the body pillow Twilight was delightfully snuggling was the one she usually kept on her bed. The one that SHE usually wrapped herself around for comfort and sometimes… self-relief and probably smelled like Sunset… in more than one way. Isabella turned back to Sunset and crossed her arms, her glare could have melted diamond carbide.

“The sun is supposed to be up in less than ten minutes, Her Highness has a breakfast meeting with the planning supervisor on the Nightmare Night festivities next month, all of which requires her to actually be awake to take care of,” Isabella hissed. “What did you do?!”

“We just played some video games last night, that’s it. I conked out about two, I think, and Twilight, well, I think she just pulled an all-nighter and now she’s… out. I guess I should have warned her how addicting some of those games can get.”

“You played games?” Isabella replied. “Is that some sort of euphemism?”

“What? No! Hey, nothing happened! We just had fun. You remember what fun is, right? Because I’m pretty sure she doesn’t get to do it that often.”

The others in the room exchanged glances. Tempest slid her helmet off and brushed out her mane, finally breaking the silence. “Well, she’s not wrong. I can’t remember the last time Her Highness did something fun for herself.”

Celestia stepped around Isabella and summoned a large blanket in her magic, gently laying it over Twilight. She stared at her former student a moment before turning back to the others. “Now that we have confirmed that Twilight is well, I think our next course of action is clear. Sunset, you must take over for Twilight’s duties for the day.”

Sunset nearly choked on the coffee Gauge had passed to her. She managed to suppress her coughs so as to not disturb her friend, causing her eyes to water terribly. Although it was probably unnecessary, from the looks of it Sunset doubted an incoming missile barrage would wake Twilight up. “You can’t be serious.”

“I agree,” said Isabella.

Celestia, her old court mask working at full capacity, ignored the comments. “I will assist you with every step and detail just as I did with Twilight when she first took up the throne, but even if we were able to rouse Twilight from her sleep she is in no condition to lead. I could simply take over and handle all the duties myself-”

“I would prefer that,” quipped Isabella.

“But did you not just approach Twilight last night offering to help her in such a similar capacity?”

The griffon did a doubletake between Celestia and Sunset. “Wait, what?”

Celestia approached her daughter and touched a hoof to her chin, raising Sunset’s face so they could look eye to eye. “Is Sunset Shimmer all talk? Or is she a pony who steps up and gets things done for the betterment of others? Especially her friends.”

“Damn,” Sunset whispered, “I forgot how good you are at this.”

Celestia smiled serenely. “You won’t be alone.”

Isabella groaned and threw her claws in the air. “Fine, have it your way, ancestors help us. First thing’s first, you need to help Celestia raise the sun. I will meet with the planning supervisor and see if they will accept my recommendations or reschedule if necessary. After that you need to be made presentable if you are going to be leading the court.”

“Right, a quick bite and I just need to find my hairbrush, maybe a little feather preening.”

“Uh, no,” Isabella stepped up to Sunset, the griffon examining what she had to work with and gesturing with a sweeping arm. “We are not talking about an informal dinner party or charity event. We are talking about the day court in front of all of the nobility of Canterlot. The high court of ALL OF EQUESTRIA. If you are going to sit your plot on the throne you have to look like you belong there or else this will end badly before it even begins, especially for Her Highness. I will not allow that. You need your hair and mane brushed of course, but we need to find you a crown to wear. Perhaps a spare one of Celestia’s or-”

“Fuck you.”


Sunset’s wings extended and for a half second burned with fire, her eyes hard, taking on a faint glow. “I am NEVER wearing a crown. Never again.”

Isabella composed herself after Celestia placed a reassuring hoof on Sunset’s shoulder to reign in her daughter’s emotions. “You must have something, some sort of regalia. The nobility must see you as a legitimate stand in or they will scoff and dismiss you and that requires a symbol of authority. I don’t understand why you are opposed to it. It carries weight for sure, but more symbolic than physical mass.”

Sunset shook, struggling to fight down her anxiety. She took several deep breaths, closed her eyes, and touched her rings. It brought her heart rate under control, but not her anger. It did not stop the memories that were forever burned into her mind and soul. She could still feel the pain the Element of Magic caused when it transformed her, feel the tears that evaporated in the hellfire of her demon form. Sunset had...not quite mastered, perhaps came to terms her darkness, but sometimes, if she let her anger get the better of her, she could still hear her own dark cackle.

“If you ever had a crown do to you what one did to me you would never touch one either.”

Tempest stepped up next to Sunset and touched her opposite shoulder of Celestia, drawing the alicorn’s attention. “Go raise the sun, then meet me at the armory. I think I know something that will satisfy both of you.” With that said Tempest let herself out of the room.

“I’ll station two guards outside to wait for Her Majesty to awaken.” Gauge bowed and followed his commander out.

Isabella turned to Celestia one last time. “I hope you know what you are doing, Your Grace.”

Celestia smiled serenely once more. “Have faith, my friend.” Celestia turned back to her daughter who levitated that strange glass device onto her shoulder again. She watched as Sunset stared down at Twilight for a moment before brushing the hair from her face and whispering something that brought a smile to the sleeping princess’s face. “It’s time.”

Sunset and Celestia exited the room last, Sunset taking a moment to secure it with a basic locking spell that Twilight would easily be able to undo. Two thestrals took up position on either side of the door their black spears held firmly in the upright rest position. Celestia nodded to them and they bowed their heads in respect.

The white and goldenrod alicorns walked to the nearest balcony and took flight, Celestia led her daughter to the top of the solar tower near the observatory. It was similar in design to Luna’s tower except that this tower, in fact, now belonged to Twilight. They touched down on the open balcony and turned to the western sky first where the moon was already low and awaiting its final push to slip below the horizon.

“Thank you for doing this,” Celestia said, wiping a tear from her eye. “I selfishly must admit I have more than once dreamed of doing this with you.”

Sunset smiled, nuzzling her mother. “What are you talking about? This isn’t the first time. I remember being, what, about five when I first tried to raise the sun for you.”

Celestia laughed a deep, genuine chortle. “Yes, I remember. You came to this spot, right at the edge of the balcony and tried with all your might to summon the sun. You tried so hard. It was… precious, endearing. I think you even made it wiggle an inch.”

Sunset nodded. “Yeah, I was a pretty cute filly. You know, before I became a holy terror.”

Celestia gently wrapped her daughter in a winged embrace. “None of that. Positive thoughts. The true secret to lifting the sun, besides being connected to it is you must think positive, happy thoughts. A new day is about rebirth, about warmth, about life. You must reach out with your strength of will and feel that burning sphere in space itself. Feel it, summon it as you would a flame.”

Sunset reached out with her senses and let out a deep breath. It was there, just beyond the horizon. Like an unseen torch in the distance in her mind’s eye. It almost felt alive.

“First, you need to lower the moon. It wants to rest, sitting low to the horizon it will respond to the lightest of nudges. Think of it like putting a child to bed. It wants to be reassured that all will be well and that it will see you again. You and Luna have grown close, wonderfully close. It will respond to you, sensing that familiarity.”

As Celestia had said, Sunset felt the pull of the moon just as the tides do. It called to her, like an old friend. She had worked many nights burning the midnight oil on games and projects, all under the watchful eye of the moon. Sunset felt that kindred connection as her horn began to glow red.

Sunset eyes remained closed as she imagined putting her girls to bed when they were little. First Sunna, always wanting her flashlight in hand and a quick story before lights out. Next Aurora, who gladly read out loud for a few minutes to show her Mama how well she could read. Sunset would kiss each and bid them sweet dreams followed by Twi doing the same. Sleep now, I’ll see you again soon. The moon slipped away.

“Very good.”

Sunset next turned East, her eyes still closed, but she knew which direction to turn, she could feel it in her soul like a burning compass. It was like a flicker in her chest, she could feel the sun inside her. It reminded Sunset of the tiny magical orb that her mother had sent to her in the in between that had unlocked her alicorn ascension. Sunset focused on that burn in her chest, connected with it and bid it connect with the sun itself. She willed it come forth.

“Good, just like that. Let me give you just a little boost.” Celestia’s horn took on a golden light for just a moment, touching the tip of her horn to Sunset’s, the magic arcing from one to the other. Sunset gasped, her eyes opening just as she pulled the sun up over the horizon. It was the most breathtaking sunrise she had ever seen because it was the first one she had created.

“And that, my little sun, is how it is done.”

Author's Note:

Gooooood Evening.

Figured I'd go ahead and post this now since I will be busy tomorrow.

Not much really to say here that is not self explanatory. I mean, if you've never pulled an all nighter whether it was for school or gaming... well I'd like to say you have missed out, but seriously you feel like shit the next day.

See you next week. Questions? Comments?