• Published 12th Sep 2020
  • 3,869 Views, 409 Comments

Gods and Monsters - Revel Montaro

A century has passed since Princess Twilight ascended to the Solar Throne and the reign has been a mostly peaceful if albeit lonely one. However, ancient creatures from time forgotten have watched, waited, and prepared for their chance to return.

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“And with one last bit of polish,” Sable Nimbus finished buffing the red gem inset in the circlet crown, holding it up to the light to inspect its cleanliness, brilliance, and craftsmanship. “I believe that is perfect, Your Highness.”

The thestral, dressed in the formal uniform jacket of the Night Guard mixed with a silver lined black skirt, bowed and held up the newly crafted crown to Sunset Shimmer. She took it in her red telekinetic field and turned it over, inspecting it once more herself. The new circlet was modeled off the one that had been loaned to her from Tempest Fury, but was primarily composed of enchanted blackened steel trimmed with gold inlay. A new fire ruby was embedded in the center below the hole for her horn. The biggest change in design was that the central crest now rose above her horn opening to a rounded tip. A second gem was placed in the center and skillfully crafted in the shape of her cutie mark.

The circlet crown was the top piece to an entire new set of armor that had been crafted for Sunset. The chest plate was gold with another enchanted fire ruby in the center also cut and smoothed into an embossed oval. The body plating, like the crown, was also composed of blackened steel, enchanted to reduce weight and matched her black hoofguards that also featured red gems in the center of each. The optional cape was a nice addition for formal occasions… such as a coronation.

“Thank you, I’ll hold onto that for the moment.” The new crown was taken up in a magenta levitation field as the pony casting the spell entered the room. Much to Isabella’s dismay, Twilight Sparkle had also elected to go ‘informal’ with her dress attire. Preferring to wear her usual regalia, starburst chest plate, hoofguards, and daily presentation crown as opposed to the ceremonial one in the vault that Celestia had worn during Twilight’s own coronation. Twilight had appeased Isabella’s sense of ceremony and style a tiny bit by agreeing to wear a matching lilac dress cape to the one that was attached to Sunset’s armor.

“It’s almost time. How do you feel?”

Sable bowed and excused herself to take her rehearsed position along the side stairs of the balcony outside beyond the curtain. For a second, as the curtain was moved, Sunset could see and hear the massive crowd gathered outside the castle.

Sunset tapped her chin and smirked. “All things considered? I feel good.”

Twilight smiled, admiring the overall aesthetic of Sunset in her new armor. She did a small walk around as her love stood proudly smirking, giving Twilight a mischievous side eye. Unable to resist, Twilight gently glided her hoof down over Sunset’s golden shoulder guard, over her primary wing arm and feathers, which sent a pleasurable shutter through her target’s body. The hoof continued over the armor and down Sunset’s flank and with only a moment of hesitation over her cutie mark and down the curve of her rump. Sunset gasped and giggled in surprise.

“Oh my! I have been touched inappropriately by royalty in a semi-public setting! Scandalous! What ever shall I do?”

“Ah ha ha ha! It’s good to be the princess,” Twilight said with a little husk in her voice. Sunset found the undertone extremely alluring and licked her suddenly dry lips. “Honestly though, I was a little worried about the whole full body armor presentation, but Ironside and Tempest came up with an elegant and powerful design that balanced perfectly. I like it and it suits you.”

“It’s easy to take off too.”

Twilight smiled. “I’d like to test that later for myself.”

Sunset chuckled and batted her eyelashes. “Maaaaybe.”

“I understand that with new relationships there is a period of time where banter and innuendos are common and even healthy as the bond grows. Commonly known as the ‘puppy love’ phase,” said Raven from her new integrated pouch on Sunset’s armor. “That said, if you two are going to act like this too often I may need to reconsider my setting to always be listening.”

Sunset smiled and gently tapped Raven in her pouch. Her smile disappeared as Sunset closed her eyes and focused on meditative breathing. Twilight gently nudged her and the bright teal orbs opened part way, looking down at Twilight’s golden hoofguard.

“Are you sure you’re okay? I can have an attendant bring you a drink or if you need time I can ask Luna to extend her speech. I’m sure she wouldn’t mind. You know as well as I do how much she loves telling stories.”

Sunset smiled warmly. “I’m fine, really. It’s just… gathering my thoughts into words. What to say to you. I want you to know the truth of how I feel about you, about us. I… I will always love her, Twily. We shared so much of our lives together, raised children, even grandchildren for a bit. A literal lifetime of living. But at the same time, you showed me I have so much room in my heart for more. I… I don’t know what the future will bring for us, what next challenge is over that horizon. I still need time to heal from everything that’s happened in my life, but I know that whatever it is I want to face it with you. I love you, Twilight, you’re my friend and…”

Twilight understood Sunset’s hesitation. Nothing else needed to be said, she nodded and smiled, “I love you too and I’m here for you, will always be here for you, no matter how long you need.”

Sunset smiled brightly, wiping a tear away, “Thank you.”

Twilight reached out and pulled Sunset closer until their lips met, both leaning into one another and letting out small moans of pleasure that eventually broke into playful giggles. “So much to look forward to. I can’t wait.”

“And here I thought we were having a coronation not a wedding,” said Luna with a cheeky grin. She was adorn in a mix of dress and armor of blued metal plates and lighter blue under layer that showed through the gaps and ended in a dress skirt. Upon her head was a simple circlet with a silver moon worked into the weaved metal design. “If neither are desired however, I suggest we move directly into the festivities of libations and the bacchanal orgy. I think I miss those most about the old days.”

Twilight looked on in horror. “Tell me she’s joking.”

“I honestly can’t tell.”

Luna grinned. “Keep that in mind should you choose to engage me in games of chance and bluff, dear niece. Just do not invite Spike, he is a clever one and formidable player of bluff games.” Luna drew herself up and held her head high. “I digress and believe it is time for my speech.”

Twilight and Sunset shared a small giggle as Luna parted the curtain and stood on the balcony overseeing the gathered crowd of creatures. It pleased her heart to see so much wonderful variety, something she would have never have seen a thousand years ago. This was her sister's legacy, Twilight's, and now Sunset's. Such a bright and glorious future to behold.

“Citizens of Equestria! Honored Guests! I, am Luna, former princess of Equestria, Royal Advisor to the Canterlot thrones, General of the Armies of Equestria, Mistress of the Night and safe keeper of dreams! I welcome all to this rare and momentous occasion! One month ago, we as a nation and world at large suffered the loss of my beloved sister, Celestia." Luna paused for a moment of silence in which many in the crowd bowed their heads respectfully.

"Now, after her lifetime of service to this great nation she rest in peace surrounded by friends and loved ones who have passed to the Golden City. Together, we mourned, together, we rebuilt, together, we stood again stronger than before. Knowing my sister as I do, she is smiling at our perseverance.

“That is our true strength. We are a nation built upon the bedrock of friendship, embracing our differences to make something greater than the sum of our parts. Reaching one hoof out to another to accomplish mutual goals of prosperity and harmony. It was true, when those first pony tribes came together for the first Hearth’s Warming, it is true today as we usher in the next great chapter in our history. And so, I am honored with the privilege to introduce the ruler of our great land, the keeper of the sun, the protector of righteous justice and freedom, your high princess, Her Majesty, Twilight Sparkle!”

Sunset watched as the crowd roared and cheered as Twilight gracefully and regally stepped forth, her smile pleasant and welcoming as her mane and tail billowed gently with ethereal power. Sunset knew the secret to the, “royal wave” as it was sometimes called among the common folk.

Celestia had explained how it worked to her a few years ago and shared the secret spell with her daughter. It was difficult to conjure correctly, requiring concentration, coupled with a connection to the celestial bodies. As a present, Sunset had made the effort to cast it on herself to show her mother for her celebrated birthday (not her real one), which brought Celestia to flowing tears of joy. If Sunset was being honest it felt a bit ridiculous and odd. However, considering what past royals and some nobles had done to their manes and tails to distinguish themselves, it was a small price to pay to put a genuine smile on her mother's face.

The only other time Sunset had seen or felt the wave was when she had participated in dream walking. For some reason, most likely her connection to the moon, her mane and tail waved even if she did not will them to do so. Just another oddity in the life of Sunset Shimmer. Even once the coronation had concluded, Luna planned to remain in charge of guarding the dreams of ponies, but Sunset planned to join in and help every time she had a chance to do so. But that was for later. Twilight was about to begin her introduction and Sunset did not want to miss a word.

Twilight lowered her hoof and the cheering died down. She scanned over the gathered crowd, smiling brightly. She nodded to the nobility and VIP boxes and also to the citizens that had clamored to witness the event.

“Thank you all for coming. It is true that we do not often have the opportunity to welcome a new member to the royal family,” Twilight’s eyes drifted over the crowd again, settling in on Flurry Heart sitting between her mother, Princess Cadence and Prince Whitetail in the VIP box section off to her left. Her niece smiled warmly, giving a little wave, “but when we do it is an occasion like no other in the entire world. Over the last one hundred years, I have had the pleasure and honor of serving you as your lone princess. It has been the greatest and at times, most challenging job I have ever done. However, if asked would I do it again, I would say yes without a moment of hesitation. I love Equestria and all the creatures that make it what it has become, we are a nation of many. Many hearts, many minds, many friends.

“This was the vision that my predecessor, mentor, and cherished friend, Princess Celestia, had worked tireless towards, despite the numerous challenges and pitfalls she had faced. I know in my heart that she is pleased with what we have become and what we will continue to evolve into in the years and centuries to come.”

Twilight paused to allow the crowd to cheer and whistle, making momentary eye contact with her friends spread about the gathering. She smiled more brightly as her eyes locked with Spike’s as he bounced his son in his arms, the baby dragon drooling happily all over his father.

“Celestia loved all of her subjects, no matter where they came from, or what species they identified as. Equestria is a land of love and friendship and we gladly stand together to defend it. Now, please join me in welcoming your newest royal and defender of friendship. The daughter of Princess Celestia, keeper of the moon, steward of the night court, inventor, artist, musician, and my beloved friend, Princess Sunset Shimmer!”

Sunset cast the spell on herself as she stepped through the curtain, her mane and tail waving about in an ethereal yet rhythmic motion just like Twilight’s and Luna's. Just as she was hoping, Twilight did a small doubletake, eyes going wide. Sunset winked and grinned, stepping up to stand just to Twilight’s left, waving her hoof as the crowd broke into noise and cheers once more.

When Sunset turned back to Twilight she could practically hear her lover’s thoughts of fevered inquiry. Twilight recovered gracefully and beckoned Sunset to kneel, which she did just as they rehearsed.

“Sunset Shimmer, do you swear to lead with honor, do you swear to defend all of Equestria righteously, do you swear to cast judgment upon those before you with impartiality and fairness for as long as you bear this crown?”

“I swear.”

Twilight lifted high for all to see the black and gold helm crown she had taken earlier. Gently, she slid it into place upon Sunset’s head, taking a moment to trace her hoof down the side of her lover’s face. Sunset sighed subtly nuzzled the hoof.

“Then arise, Princess of the Moon, take your birthright as my equal and stand beside me as high princess and Diarch of Equestria!”

Sunset stood and the crowd once again broke into stomping hooves and cheers. She saw Flurry Heart, Cadence, and Thicket clapping their hooves together with smiles on their faces. Next to their booth were the foreign ambassadors from the surrounding nations and the Guild council and nobles. Their expressions were a mix of jubilation and unreadable plainness. About the best one could expect from that lot. Sunset paid them little attention and instead gazed over the sea of faces of all kinds, too many to pick out any ponies that she knew. Finally, she turned to her left where the guard captains in their parade best stood, clapping hooves and smiling. They both nodded respectfully to their now official co-ruler.

Twilight gestured for Sunset to take center stage. Without hesitation, Sunset Shimmer stepped before all who could see her and extended her wings until they burst into flame, sending a round of ‘oooh and ahhhh’ throughout the gathering. That little bit of show had actually been suggested by Isabella. Sunset retracted her wings and Twilight stepped forward on her right and Luna to her left.

“BEHOLD!” shouted Luna with the Royal Canterlot Voice, “YOUR PRINCESSES! TWILIGHT SPARKLE AND SUNSET SHIMMER!”


Author's Note:

And that is the End of Gods and Monsters. If you have made it to the end here, thank you for reading! I tried to get the image to show up at the end, but it was not cooperating so feh! Anyhow, the link above works just fine. I will be posting more on what comes next over on the Blog page as well as thoughts, process, and general ramblings.

This was a lot of work, but honestly a LOT of fun as well. So to finish with, here we have Raven's playlist.

Raven’s Gods and Monsters Playlist:
House Arrest – Bryan Adams
Learning to Fly - Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers
Mama, I’m Coming Home – Ozzy Osbourne
The Dream Within – Elliot Goldenthal
What I’ve Done – Linkin Park
Castle of Glass – Linkin Park
Gone Away – The Offspring
Yesterdays – Guns n’ Roses
How You Remind Me – Nickelback
Gotta Knock a Little Harder – Mai Yamane
Amazing – Aerosmith
Heavy – Collective Soul
Rise – Origa featuring Yoko Kano
Eat the Rich – Aerosmith
Behind Blue Eyes – The Who
Your Song – Elton John
Brain Damage/Eclipse – Pink Floyd
Ignite – Ogawa Tomoyuki and Aoi Eir performed by Ama Lee
End of the Innocence – Don Henley
Hells Bells – AC-DC
Into Dust – Mazzy Star
Requiem in D Minor – W.A. Mozart
Crossing Field (Acoustic) – Watanabe Sho performed by Ama Lee
Immortals – Fallout Boy
If Today was Your Last Day – Nickelback
Preliator – Globus
Stairway to Heaven – Led Zepplin
Remember Me – Journey
Here I Am – Bryan Adams
I’ll Be There for You – The Rembrandts

Comments ( 36 )

“Now, please join me in welcoming you newest royal and defender of friendship.”


*flips table then unflips in even harder*

i absolutely loved this story, and i admit i am very sad to see it ended. that said i hope to join you on your next great story

Thank you so so so much for this fic! It was totally amazing and an emotional rollercoaster!

And so, Sunny takes her rightful place at Twilight's side. In more ways that one.

This was a wonderful ride Revel. Thank you for taking us on it.

Good story.

That was amazing from start to finish! I'm glad I have had the pleasure to read this wonderful story as well as its predecessor!
Though it does make me wonder, Do Twilight and Sunset get married? Do they have foals? Would the kids be named differently or would at least one of them be a look-alike enough to be named Sunna (considering Aurora had an unknown biological father, while Sunna was biologically as Sunset x SciTwi child).
Great now my imagination is running wild...
Anyways, again, great work! Awesome read!


excellent ending to an excellent story :twilightsmile:

All very good questions, short answer, don't know yet. We'll see what comes to me. Thank you for reading.

*slow and steady applause* Masterful work, my friend. Both stories were an insanely enjoyable read, even as much as they were an emotional rollercoaster. I've had a great time following this tale from start to finish, and I was not disappointed. I look forward to seeing if you write more in the future, hmm?

Two:I do really, really, really, really really hope you continue making Sunset+Twilight+Celestia Stories. This was really well written and probably one of the best Momlestia& Sunset fics ive seen on the site apart from your other Incarnate fic.
Three:I also hope there is more fics in this universe with our cast, I remember a line saying at the end of the world Celestia could come back unless I am remembering incorrectly.
Four: THank you so damn much for writing this and its prequel, I honestly cant thank you enough for sticking through aswell.

It's been a fantastic story to follow. Thank you so much!!!

Thank you for your kind words. Now, moving forward, no, Celestia is gone, but I can always revisit her in other parts of the timeline.
Thank you, glad you enjoyed. I have plans and as long as it remains fun I'll keep writing here (eyes mass effect story collecting dust.)

Awesome story from start to finish looking forward to the spin offs

Congratulations on posting the finale of Gods and Monsters. It has been a heck of a ride! 

These are the kinds of big, high-magic, character-angst, Teen rated stories I love. In both Incarnate and Gods and Monsters, the stakes are high, the character voices ring true, and the endings are satisfying.

I created a blog post to help bang the drum about these wonderful stories.

Thank you for sharing them with us and I look forward to what you share next!

Thank you for reading.

I loved this story. Thank you for writing it.

thank you for reading.

This surely is a certified pog fanfic

I'm sorry, I really am. It was one of the hardest things I had to write and hope it didn't discourage you from pressing on.

And now, the journey I have taken over the past 12ish hours has come to a close. After rereading Incarnate, I then came over to this, and it was a ride! At first I had completely different expectations for what this story would be. I thought it would be the 30 moons, and then that was done, and Twi gone. And a whole new story opened up, the one focused fully in Equestria, and it was beautiful. High stakes like the previous entry in this universe, but very different. I was terrified near the end when Sunset had lost her memories, and when they were returned, it was done it such a satisfying way. Gods and Monsters did a great job at many things, especially setting up Equestria and the changes it had been through. And the original chatacters in this were great, from the guards to our new favorite AI, Raven. The worldbuilding was fantastic.

Something I really enjoyed was the musical/song references of each chapter, and I look forward to listening to this playlist that has been put together, including relistening to some songs I really love (such as the Ama Lee ones, among others.)

Great job on this story, and I look forward to reading the other things you have published in this universe, and the other things you will publish.

Thank you for the wonderful review and compliments. I'm glad you enjoyed this because it was a lot of fun to write.

Incarnate was a good story and easily earned a gold medal, but this story rises so far above it and I had to give Gods and Monsters a platinum.

*Bows*. Thank you. They were a joy to write and glad you enjoyed them.

So, I've finally gotten around to actually making Raven's Gods and Monsters Playlist on Spotify, and I have a question. Is the whole album "The Dark Side of the Moon" by Pink Floyd supposed to be on there? Or was there a song in particular that stuck out in that album?

Also, I did add a cover of the Gods and Monsters song by Lana del Rey to the playlist. It fits the story really well.

For the purpose of storytelling I only used the title song. I have the whole album and can see the appeal, but that dark, hypnotic melody that feels like a dreamscape is what I was going for.

my journey starts here
im sunset x twilight now and forever
god bless you revel
and hope for more sunset x twilight romance stories to come

You're welcome, glad you enjoyed.

Absolutely one the best stories I have read ever . I have to say I am still reeling from the one two punch of Twi passing in the beginning and Celestia later. Any plans for a sequel?

Discord Day followed by I, Raven. Plus a side Story Anything but Time. Oh, and thank you for the compliment!

I always said Sunset Shimmer had decent taste in music but the playlist is definitely something I can get behind

Thank you. Compiling it was a chore yet an enjoyable one.


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