• Published 23rd Dec 2020
  • 1,469 Views, 32 Comments

Evening Crown - Onyourleft

An orphaned Twilight must struggle to survive amidst the tides of war, the knife of heartbreaking betrayal, and the concealed plan that threatens to end it all.

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Chapter 6: My Dearest

Author's Note:

My editor is still away so please excuse any grammatical mishaps.

This chapter is more heartwarming than usual because I needed it this week... but don't be fooled. I hid quite a few puzzle pieces in here. As always, I love to receive any and all feedback, and more content for this AU is on the way!

They were luscious, beautiful, jaw dropping and utterly fantastic. A single plate, a mountain of golden ovals, a sticky sweet river of syrup rolling lazily down the hills. Never before had Wagon beheld such a grand image. His tongue unconsciously licked at the air, desperately hoping to get a taste of heaven.

While the lime colt drooled over the ground, stuck in the dining room doorway, Princess Celestia was trying desperately to control her laughter. The joyful pegasus filly, whose name she had discovered to be Dragon Fruit, was drowning in a bowl of assorted fruits. The only signs of life were the occasional squirt of juice that shot out from her general direction. Meanwhile, the adorable earth pony known only as Wagon, had still neglected to leave the doorway.

“This food is for you dear one. Please help yourself to whatever you would like.” Princess Celestia dipped her head towards the long table, inviting him for the third time to join in. Wagon shook his head, as if breaking a trance, before creeping over to the glowing mound of pancakes. Celestia let out a sigh, these children were not like any she had met before… and she had met far too many children.

Wagon cautiously approached the table, observing every angle and glancing back at Celestia every few seconds, still seeking some sort of approval that the princess didn't even know how to give. He tentatively reached for a fork before a green and red blur ambushed him from above.

“Wagon! Wagon! Have you tried these weird star fruits? They are all pointy yet so soft and sweet inside!” Dragon Fruit stood above the stunned colt, offering him some of the strange fruit. Celestia watched the two interact, laughing wholeheartedly at their innocent joy. Not thirty minutes before, the two of them had been camping out in the castle gardens, brandishing sharpened twigs as weapons and threatening the poor castle staff who wandered by. It had been a good laugh for the guards, but they soon realized it would take a different type of pony to persuade the children to leave their hideout.


“Yes your majesty, it has been one hour and twenty two minutes since their escape. We were able to trace them into the castle gardens where they have constructed a ‘fortress’, or at least, that is what the gardeners observed it to be.” The unicorn lieutenant dropped his salute and turned towards the open doorway into the gardens. Princess Celestia, who was just a little bit confused, followed his lead.

“You are meaning to tell me that two orphans were able to sneak out of the castle without being seen? Even after I placed extra guards at their door?” She gave the poor lieutenant a questioning eyebrow, and turned her head to receive his answer. The guard in turn, swallowed his pride and accepted her disappointment… mostly.

“Well, you see your highness, they are just about young adults and used the windows to escape while the guards were mid-switch… so we can’t really be put to blame... but yes, that description is accurate.” It didn't take the beat red stallion long to realize his mistake. He started to mumble a nervous apology when a rustle in the trees caught their attention.

“Stay here. Your services are no longer needed.” Celestia continued forward, each iron-hooved step sounding off her royal approach. The guard nodded and quickly stood at attention, relieved at his narrow escape.

Meanwhile, Dragon Fruit and Wagon were having a panic attack.

“What do we do Wagon?! The princess herself is headed straight for us!” She shot out her wings and glided down to the mossy floor, glancing at her stunned friend who was peering curiously through the brush. He hurriedly closed the gap and gave her a skittish ‘mmm’ before grabbing his sharpened stick.

“No! We can’t threaten the Princess! Not only could she kill us both with but a thought, but we could be thrown in prison for life!” Her eyes darted back and forth in panic, and she grabbed the frightened colt by the shoulders and shook him violently while yelling, “What do we do?!”

Princess Celestia approached the brush and could hear the indistinct sound of voices from within. She wasn't sure what to expect, but apparently these two were intelligent and possibly crazed… if what the gardeners said was to be trusted. Without a sound, she covered the entirety of the gardens in her magic, controlling every element if needed be.

Once she had prepared herself and conjured a general plan, her golden waves parted the leaves. The first thing she noticed wasn't the two children, it was the sharp stick that was inches from her face. Celestia stared at its off-center point and raised her eyebrows in bestartlement. Once her eyes were able to uncross themselves, she got her first look at the infamous orphans. What greeted her was a growling light green colt, who was posing defensively in front of his friend, and a forest green pegasus filly, who held her own makeshift weapon behind the larger earth pony.

Her original thought had been that at the sight of her, the children would calm down and smoothly exit their enclosure. She was so used to ponies who respected and worshipped her that the viscous façade caught her off guard. Any other pony would have fallen into a bow, yet these children wouldn't budge. Celestia quickly re-analyzed the situation and conjured up a short-term plan.

Wagon watched through slitted eyes as the Princess knelt down, removing her crown and sandals. Her mane, which reminded him of flowery meadow, melted onto the floor, seeming to light up all that it touched. And her face, which projected nothing but care and wisdom, filled him with a strange feeling that he couldn't quite place.

Celestia lowered the spear with her hoof, ever so slowly, and gazed into the young colts eyes. She saw many emotions flashing by, and tried as best as she could to ease his stress. The trio sat for a minute, calmly breathing and feeling the small wisps of wind slip through the underbrush. The smell of flowers and fresh cut grass wafted through the air, and the orphans couldn't help but fall into the rhythm. The Princess surveyed the children as their heaving chests slowed to a gentle pulse, and their angry growls turned into whispers of breath. The time had come, but she had to be gentle.

“You have nothing to fear children, please, drop your weapons.” While she was technically asking a question and her tone was soft and polite, it was a command. The colt with the shaggy mane immediately dropped his weapon, but remained a wall between her and the filly. The pegasus herself practically lost her hoof with the makeshift knife when it shook out of her grasp.

“Thank you. Now, if you could tell me your names, that would be a start.” Celestia had this urge to scoop them up in an alicorn sized hug and destroy whoever had placed them in such fear… but some third sense named logic strangled the life out of that course of action.

“I-Im Dragon Fruit, and this is W-Wagon.” To Celestia's surprise it was the filly who answered. After her response, she tucked her wings in close to her torso and edged out from behind her larger friend.

“I know w-we caused s-some trouble, but w-we were really frightened.” The filly fidgeted nervously, glancing between Celestia and Wagon. The Princess, who had already fallen in love with the two adorable children, had to fix the situation as soon as possible or she might go with her instincts and snatch them up.

“It’s alright to be afraid, you have gone through more than you ever should have; and waking up in a strange room I am sure didn’t help.” Celestia used her magic to very carefully pull the children forward, casting calming charms and persuasion spells at the same time. Her smile exuded warmth, and the aura of her power flowed like a shield around the trees, emanating calm.

“You both look like you could use a meal, so how about we leave this dirty hollow and go to have some breakfast.” She knew it was a little abrupt, but her magical analysis had found that first, and leaving them time to reconsider would not be optimal. “And if you would like to talk or ask me any questions, then you may do so. I am here to protect you.” Celestia knelt down and extended her hoof. “You have nothing to fear.”

Dragon Fruit stared at the Princess curiously, she was not what she had expected… but she felt a soft rustle against her chest as she moved, and remembered. She raised her trembling hoof and met the glowing warmth of the princess. With a motherly smile, Celestia guided the scared filly from her safe enclosure, dragging Wagon along. She had so many questions, but what mattered more was that the children felt safe.


Celestia’s thoughts were brought back to reality as her eyes took in the scene before her. The timid colt up to this point had refused to touch anything, and now he was only inches away from taking a bite. Wagon grasped the piece of fruit and pulled it up to his mouth, he paused, Celestia sighed, he had been so close... and ‘glup’. Within the next couple of minutes, seemingly all of the food disappeared.

Princess Celestia adored the children as they ate and laughed, her heart a mix of regret and deep compassion. Thoughts ran through her head in a hurricane of emotions, but after a thousand years, such things left her under no true stress. The Princess frowned at that thought, not quite sure what to make of it. In a rather wise move, she placed these thoughts into a box and set them aside for later, she had more… Celestia glanced around the room, grimacing slightly at the terrible mess… pressing matters.

“Come now children, let's not destroy the dining hall. There are others who might like to use it.” Celestia rose from her seat by the door, her ethereal mane drawing a sunset across the room. “The food is meant to go into your stomach, not on the walls.” She strode regally towards the two orphans, who both grinned guiltily at their foalish behavior.

Celestia gave a feminine chuckle before wrapping her golden magic around the nearby napkins. She raised them into the air and made quick work of the dripping mess. The napkins themselves flew back and forth like birds in the early morning, swooping around the vaulted ceiling and grazing the grassy carpet with lifelike grace. The two orphans watched with wide eyes and open mouths as the Princess brought the room back to its glimmering formality. She then lightly dabbed their faces, cleaning off the fruit juices and pancake remains, while they just continued to stare at her in disbelief.

“Wow! That magic was amazing.” The pegasus filly ruffled her wings and glanced around the room, throwing her red mane behind her head in a practiced motion. Celestia let out a light laugh and took the final steps to reach the children.

“Now that you have eaten, I do believe that a bath is in order.” As she spoke, Celestia guided the orphans with her hoof, lightly pushing them towards the northern door. A small group of servants stood waiting. She prepared her short goodbye until Wagon let out a dissatisfied ‘hmmm’.

“Is there a problem little one?” Celestia turned to look down upon the lime colt observing his behaviors. Fortunately, she didn’t have to find an answer.

“He doesn't trust ponies very much… you know, with everything we’ve been through.” Dragon Fruit responded, her tone solemn and lacking her previous childlike wonder.

“Yes my dear, I understand. But these servants are the safest ponies you could ever be with, and I promise that I will be but one room away.” Wagon gave the princess a nervous glance and shifted from one hoof to the other. Celestia was about to reassure him further, when she saw a crystal guard standing in the southern doorway. Her mind whirled, and thousands of years worth of knowledge conjured up a simple solution.

“You wouldn’t want Dragon Fruit to be alone would you?” She used her magic to move Wagon’s mane from his face, he looked up at her, his eyes flashing with strong fear and past loss; both of which were far too strong for one his age. Oh how she wished to take it away or even to return the fun of their breakfast; but alas, time was ticking by and she had a lot of pressing matters that required her attention.

Wagon gazed into the glistening and motherly eyes of the princess, his previous instincts of fight or flight diminishing. He had only known her for a short time, but an old friend's words rang true in his head.

“Let me tell you something Wagon.” Alpha shifted closer, laying a brotherly hoof on his shoulder. “I used to live my life as a doubter... a poor colt who couldn’t tell right from wrong for a dime, and it was a miserable life.” He stretched his wings and glanced up into the open night sky, a beautiful sight from the rickety old roof. “The other orphans weren’t ponies to me. They were simply ‘others’ who I could use, or ‘others’ who could use me.” Alpha shook his head in sad reminiscence. “Back in those days, money was the only appeal and power the only means of true safety and happiness. But then I learned something, or more, I learned somepony, and everything changed.” Subconsciously, Alpha reached into his gray coat and fidgeted with his yarn necklace, his most valued possession. “We all have trust to place at one point or another, and I choose to put my trust in ponies, not in money or power… but don’t by a damn idiot either, you know what I mean!” Wagon shook with inner laughter and put his own hoof around his best friend.

Wagon glanced over at Dragon Fruit, concentrating on her stunning marble necklace. If only Alpha could have seen how much it meant to her. With his decision firmly set in stone, Wagon opened his heart, even if only a little bit, and trusted she who had overlooked their peril.

To Celestia's great relief, Wagon gave a confident nod and stepped closer to Dragon Fruit. He was noble and strong, and she wouldn't forget that.

“Very good. Now, don’t cause too much trouble. I will be back later today.” Celestia used her white wings to edge the two forward before turning towards the possibly fortunas and most likely terrible discussion that was soon to happen. She sighed, why did life have to be so complicated. These children were stuck inside a web of deceit that spanned a hundred of their lifetimes. If only she could have saved them sooner... The princess adjusted her sandals and crown, she had to look her best if this was going to work.


“You need something, don’t you?” Chuckled a deep voice from within the dark cell.

“Unfortunately, I do.” Answered Celestia, her tone overflowing with disdain. She shifted uneasily on her wooden seat, alone in the darkness.

“Will you ask nicely? Ha ha.” Growled the stallion, a dark and disgusting tongue licking his sharpened white fangs.

“If that is all you require.” She deadpanned.

Solar and Lunar magic surrounded the cell, so powerful that no mortal pony was allowed near. Even Celestia herself felt light headed whenever she made the terrible decision to enter. On days like today, she dreamt of when that miserable parasite would perish, even though it could never be by her own hooves.

Two eyes that were dark as a void peered out from between the bars, illuminated by a dim red glow from above.

“Speak then. You know of what I cannot say.” These lines were repeated with the slightest air of victory and mirthful joy, Celestia herself cringed at its implication. She knew all too well what he spoke of. The heavy dust and stench of death clenched her throat, causing her to cough.

“The curse… can it be broken?” She held fear and curiosity in the forefront of her mind, a million different outcomes playing out before her.

“Hmmm… not what I expected to hear, though it intrigues me greatly.” The dark grey stallion flicked his black mane over his shoulder and looked into the back wall, contemplating what could possibly bring up such an important, yet peculiar subject.

“Answer the question.” Celestia slammed her hoof against the stone floor, letting a loud crack ring through the abandoned halls.

“Yes my dear, it can be broken… and oh how I cannot wait to see what you do about it.” King Sombra licked his lips once again, staring at his prey. Celestia cringed at her prisoner, backing away slightly.

“That is none of your concern. And we have nothing more to discuss.” Abruptly, she rose from her rickety chair and began to ascend the frosty staircase.

“Your fear of me is nothing compared to your fear of her.” Sombra banged his head against the bars, causing them to tremble, and the magical barriers to flash into existence. Celestia paused, turning her head to give him a sad look of pity and regret. He snorted in anger. “One day I will be free. Not to rule, but to watch as your plans fall apart and your ponies suffer.” He tried as best he could to glare through the glowing walls, but it was to no avail, she had already left him.

Comments ( 6 )

Awwwwwwweeeee.... :applecry: Ohmigosh that was adorrrrable!

I think you actually did very well without an editor, so don’t worry about that! The only question I have is where is Athena, but I suppose I’ll just have to wait and find out soon. I’m intrigued with what part Sombra plays in EC and can’t wait for more!

Thanks for the feedback! I am relieved that I didn't botch the grammar, because I will admit that its not my strongest area :twilightsheepish:

Just read the whole thing up to here, and I like what I've read so far. There's a lot of mysteries set up, even starting right in the first chapter, which is a good hook. So far I'm only really invested in Athena though, and I'm not sure the other characters have had a chance to stand out yet.

Athena is the main character of this story, though many of the side characters are simply building up at the moment.
I am glad that you have enjoyed the story so far! :twilightsmile:

Another great chapter. I enjoyed how you used this chapter to get to know the characters a bit more, as well as introduce Sombra (I wasn't expecting him to be a part of this story)

good story, keep writing.

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