• Published 2nd Apr 2021
  • 8,100 Views, 51 Comments

Fractured Friendship - ScisetShimmerEvan

No one remembered Sunset as anything but as a bully—or so she thought. But someone did remember a hand given in friendship...will it be enough?

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Erased! (Edited by Echo Breeze) (Updated 1/30/2023)

Before I begin this story I’d like to give a fair warning that this story contains many spoilers from the Equestria Girls Special “Forgotten Friendship” and to be warned if you have or haven’t seen it since it first came out in 2018. But other than that enjoy the first chapter of my Equestria Girls special remake.

It was a beautiful Friday afternoon at Canterlot High as another day of school was just about over. Finals had just finished up earlier in the week and with only two weeks left before summer break started, there wasn’t much time left before the new yearbooks were due to be finished!

Sunset Shimmer was walking down the halls taking photos for the yearbook and saying hello to many of the students of CHS. She was the president of the Canterlot High School yearbook committee and was in charge of getting everything organized for the new yearbooks. With help from her friends and the other members of the committee.

Over the last year, much had changed for her. From turning into a demon at the Fall Formal, battling three sirens weeks, the Friendship Games against their rival school, Crystal Prep Academy, and then herself and her friends getting magical geodes during their stay at Camp Everfree.

Sunset was glad the school year was just about over. She wanted to spend a nice relaxing summer with her friends and her best friend, Sci Twi, after the long and tough year, they all went through. Sunset had begun developing a crush on Princess Twilight’s human counterpart but wasn’t sure how she could confess her feelings to her. But Sunset thought it is best to just wait until summer started and then confess to her that she has feelings for her and see what happens then.

As Sunset rounded a corner she spotted her friends along with Spike all talking to one another before they spotted her, waving to her to join them. She smiled back, before walking towards them and taking a group selfie together!

After their selfie and getting many photos for the yearbook, they went off to the computer lab to get some more editing done. Everything was going well with the work. With just a few more days left until the books were due to be completed, Sunset felt determined they could finish them in time. Within the last two days alone, they were eighty-five percent complete, which made Sunset feel very pleased in the end. If Princess Twilight was here, she would have been very proud of how much she had changed since she had been shown the importance of friendship.

As Sunset went to set down some papers she bumped into someone, causing her and the other person to collapse onto the floor. When Sunset saw the girl, she didn’t recognize her at all, nor had she ever seen her before. She looked to be the same age as the rest of the girls. She had green hair and skin, brown eyes wore a light and dark brown sweater, along with a pair of gray pants and slip-on shoes.

“Excuse me?” Replied the girl.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t see you come in,” replied Sunset as she started to pick up her papers.

“I’ve been here for a while.”

“I didn’t realize.”

“I’ve been trying to get your attention since you got here.”

“Oh, I see. I’m Sunset Shimmer. President of the Yearbook Committee and editor-in-chief. Do you want to join in? We need all the help we can get before the yearbook is due to be completed next week,” replied Sunset.

“I’m Wallflower Blush,” replied the girl.

“Well it's nice to meet you, Wallflower,” said a happy Sunset.

“I’ve been on the yearbook committee all year for your information.”

“Oh um,” Sunset said as her face went red with a blush.

“We met in ninth-grade English.”

“And… I was.. saying it was nice to meet you then. You didn’t let me finish actually.”

This made Wallflower angry.

“Anyway, I counted up all the votes for the yearbook superlatives,” replied Wallflower as she handed them to Sunset.

After taking a close look Sunset’s friends were shocked by what they saw.

“Most likely to succeed, Best Smile, Class Clown, gasp We won 'Best Friends!' Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Twilight Sparkle, and me!”

This soon caused all seven of them to be happy with excitement over winning 'Best Friends!'

But then the conversation went a different direction when Rainbow Dash shared her opinion on it.

“It's just a yearbook?”

Which caused the rest of the girls to gasp in shock!

“Just a yearbook?” Said a now angry Sunset.

“Great, now ya gone and done it, Rainbow Dash,” replied Applejack.

“The student body has entrusted me with the responsibility of gathering their memories into the pages of this book. Thirty years from now, we might not even remember everything that happened, but we can and will remember what’s in the yearbook from our time in high school!” Replied Sunset.

This made Rainbow feel a bit better until she brought up Bulk Biceps had won 'Best Muscles' and how every time someone opens and closes the yearbook, it looked like someone was kissing him.

Rarity then suggested they should take their group picture for the yearbook the next day at the beach, which everyone agreed on. Rarity had just gotten done making them all swimsuits she had been wanting to show off and that it would be nice to be by the beach as summer was getting real close. But then their chat was interrupted when Trixie came barging into the computer lab.

“The great and powerful Trixie demands to speak to the yearbook editor immediately!”

“Unfortunately, that person is me. What can I help you with, Trixie?” Sunset said, annoyed til Trixie yanked the papers of the yearbook superlatives out of her hand.

She looked through it to see if she had won 'Greatest and Most Powerful' but didn’t, which upset her, and that it wasn’t one of the superlatives when Sunset explained it to her and that she wasn’t voted for anything in the yearbook. But then Trixie had to change the subject that was downright gonna take things into a sour conversation when she pulled out an old yearbook from their freshmen year.

“Neither was 'Biggest Meanie.' But that didn’t stop you from winning back in our freshman year!” Trixie replied as she showed it to Sunset, causing her to get upset.

But fortunately, her friends had her back as they each mentioned that things had changed since then. Twilight even brought up an important thing to Trixie as she helped her best friend.

“But we all know that Sunset doesn’t earn the right to be remembered that way. She cares about everyone she knows and loves,” Twilight said, before tossing the yearbook behind them, which was then taken by someone that no one else saw happen.

“Thanks, Twilight. What would I do without you,” Sunset replied as she smiled and blushed for a split second.

And so after Sunset explained to Trixie there won’t be a 'Great and Powerfullest' superlative in the yearbook Trixie grew extremely mad!

“Oh, you’re the one who will be sorry Sunset Shimmer! When you least expect it! I’ll have my revenge on you, and then I’ll disappear like this!

Trixie soon revealed a smoke bomb and threw it onto the floor, causing the girls to start coughing until the smoke had disappeared, revealing Trixie pulling on the doorknob that was locked.

Sunset opened the door for her with the key to the computer lab as she and her friends were now leaving school for the day.

Trixie was still upset as she walked away but still plotted on getting her revenge on Sunset. She figured it would be best to do it when Sunset and her friends were at the beach the next day. And when it does, she could give them a taste of their own medicine.

As the seven girls exited the computer lab no one realized Wallflower was still there.

“I’ll just finish up some more of wor-”

“Oh I forgot to turn off the lights,” Sunset said, turning them off and leaving Wallflower Blush all alone.

“In the dark.”

After Sunset left school Twilight accompanied her back to her apartment. The two were discussing some last-minute edits to the yearbook as they chatted together while enjoying some tea and snacks.

“Once we get this photo done tomorrow, we’ll be just about complete with the photos for the yearbook. I can’t wait to see it when it's done!” Replied Twilight, as she took a sip of her tea.

“Yep and with a bit more editing, it will be ready to be set off, printed, and copied. I sure have been enjoying my time as president of this committee. And that I had help from you and the girls.”

“It's the least we can offer as your friend, Sunset. We care a lot about you. We’d do anything for one of our dearest friends.”


But Sunset’s mood soon changed as she looked away from Twilight with a frown on her face, revealing she was hiding something.

“Sunset, something wrong?”

“Huh, oh um it's nothing Twilight, it isn’t important,” Sunset replied, moving her bangs out of her face.

“Sunset you can tell me anything if something is bothering you. I’ll be here to help you with anything you're going through. Twilight said as she put her hands in Sunset's lap, causing the girl to get her attention.

“Talk to me.”

Sigh It's about what Trixie said.”

“What about her?”

“She said she wants to get revenge on me all because I didn’t add her to the 'Greatest and Most Powerful' superlative in the yearbook. I simply didn't do it since there wasn’t much time left. The yearbook is due to be completed soon and I wasn’t sure what to do. But what if she wants to get revenge on me? She must've been serious about sabotaging our group photo together at the beach!”

Sunset was worried now as she brought up her feet onto the couch, hugging them as a few tears showed up on her face.

But Twilight knew how to help her friend.

“Sunset. It's best to not worry. Trixie might have just been getting under your skin. She must've been trying to scare you.”

“But what if she does want to get revenge on me? And might do it tomorrow at the beach, just so she’ll humiliate me in front of everyone!”

“Sunset, you don’t need to worry. I’ll be bringing my drone tomorrow to take our photos. I’ll make sure to keep a close eye out for her if she does show up. I’ll make sure to tell Spike too so he keeps an eye out aside me.”

“You’d do that. For me?”

“Of course. You're my best friend Sunset. I’ll always be here to help whenever you need help, no matter the situation. I’ll be there by your side until the end.”

“Thanks, Twilight. You're the best.”

“It's what I can offer after everything you’ve done for me since I transferred to CHS. It proves that you're no longer that bully person fear. Because to me, you're the kindest person any friend would ask for.”

“Thanks. That means a lot.”

The two soon looked into each other's eyes and began getting very close to kissing. Until-

Ring Ring

“Oh no!”

Twilight’s phone was ringing. She immediately picked it up and noticed she was getting a call from her mom, which she right away answered.

“Hi, mom. I’m at Sunset’s place why? Oh darn it, I forgot. Sigh, I’ll be home in ten. Love you, bye.”

“Something up?”

“My mom called to remind me my aunt is in town. She wants me to be home right now, as she’s just gotten back from the airport. So I have to leave now Sunset. I’m very sorry.”

“It's alright Twilight, it's getting late anyway. We can work some more of this Monday at school alright?”

“Sounds good Sunset.”

“And besides, let's relax with our friends on our trip to the beach tomorrow. We deserve it.”

“Sounds good to me.”

After Twilight grabbed her belongings, Sunset said goodbye to her friend before leaving to go home.

“Well, I’ll see you tomorrow Sunset.”

“Yeah, see you tomorrow Twilight.”

Twilight could tell Sunset was still worried about the revenge Trixie wanted to give to her and once again reminded her of something important.

“Don’t worry yourself too much. Everything will be alright. We’ll be there to help you in case it does happen alright?”


Twilight gave her friend a quick hug before walking down Sunset’s driveway. That was until Sunset called her back.


“Yeah Sunset?” Twilight replied, looking back at her.

“Thanks for the pep talk.”

“Anytime Sunset, see you tomorrow.”

Sunset waved back as Twilight once again before going back into her apartment to get started on dinner.

That night, Sunset was sitting in her bed with her pet Ray, looking at some photos of herself and her friends from the last year at CHS. From their trip at Camp Everfree, their time with the Shadowbolts, and the time they were in the Daring Do film after stopping Juniper Montage.

After taking a look at the time, seeing that it was nearly 10 pm, she decided to call it a night. She put Ray back in his cage and kissed him goodnight.

But instead of crawling back into bed, she decided to write a message to Princess Twilight, as she began writing her message in her journal.

Dear Princess Twilight,

I thought you’d be happy to hear my friends and I were voted 'Best Friends' in the yearbook today. After all, if you hadn’t forgiven me, or shown me what Friendship is along with the girls. I’d still be that arrogant student when I left Equestria, still wanting to be a princess. But you’ve given me that second chance I thought I didn’t deserve/ And I thank you for it. And I’ll never forget it.

Your Friend,
Sunset Shimmer.

After Sunset put her journal away she removed her slippers before turning off the lights and went off to sleep.

But what Sunset didn't know as she slept away was a strange magic was swirling through the night sky. It went to the forest behind Canterlot High before everything turned back to normal. Or so we thought?

Sunset didn’t realize the magic that had gone by, was a sign of trouble coming!

The next morning, the girls were at the beach having fun under the sun. Sunset had just arrived after changing into her swimsuit along with her red and orange sarong around her waist. She also had her book bag on her shoulder with her journal, phone and clothes inside.

When she saw her friends in the distance, she smiled, thinking about the fun day they were about to have.

Twilight was working on her drone with a few modifications. Spike was playing with Pinkie Pie, Rainbow was discussing something with Rarity about towels, while Applejack watched them and Fluttershy had come out of the water with a head of seaweed on her head she caught during her swim.

As Sunset got closer the girls were each posing for pictures at the drone.

But as Sunset got close, the drone nearly hit her! But fortunately, she dodged it in time.

“Oh, Twilight, you got the selfie sensor on your drone working?” Sunset asked.

But then something weird happened.

Instead of Twilight answering her, the rest of the girls were staring at her, wondering why she was there. This began making Sunset feel very confused.

“O… Kay, So, who’s ready to take a 'Best Friends' picture together?

But again, no one replied, even Fluttershy went to go hide behind Applejack. This was a serious red flag, as something wasn’t right.

“Is everything ok girls? Is it something I said?”

Sunset got her answer thankfully, but not how she expected it.

“Did I just hear that Sunset Shimmer wants to be in our 'Best Friends' picture? Heh. Now I’ve heard it all!” Replied Applejack.

Something wasn’t right and Sunset needed answers.

“Am I missing the joke here?”

This time Rarity replied.

“The only joke here is whatever this is you’re playing on us. Acting all nice, like you’re our friend.”

“And it's not funny,” replied Fluttershy, who continued hiding behind Applejack.

“Yeah because you aren’t nice at all,” said Rainbow Dash, who crossed her arms in anger.

“You're nothing but a meanie big bully!” Replied Pinkie Pie.

“And we ain’t friends.” Replied Applejack

“Wait what?”

Sunset knew something was wrong, so she did the only thing that she thought would answer them. She immediately touches Applejack's arm to read her mind with her powers to see into her memories. And what she saw was shocking!

She saw past events like the Friendship Games, the trip to Camp Everfree, and the Battle of the Bands. However, whenever she appeared in these memories she faded away like she was never there.

Sunset immediately moved her hand away from Applejack, feeling speechless by what she saw. She didn’t know if this was real or not and if she should believe it. But she knew that something had caused this to happen. But the answer, she did not know!

“It’s like I’ve been… Erased!”

To be continued...

Author's Note:

Well, it looks like Sunset is in a not-so-good situation right now. Stay tuned for the next chapter to figure out what she'll do. But be prepared for a surprise that no one will see coming. If you'd like to guess leave a comment below. Hope you all enjoyed the first chapter of this story remake and I'll be back next week with the next chapter. Until next time I'm SciSetShimmerEvan, I'll see you down the line.