• Published 2nd Apr 2021
  • 8,100 Views, 51 Comments

Fractured Friendship - ScisetShimmerEvan

No one remembered Sunset as anything but as a bully—or so she thought. But someone did remember a hand given in friendship...will it be enough?

  • ...

Wallflower's secret (Edited by Echo Breeze) (Updated 1/31/2023)

After their rough weekend with the memory crisis, it was time to return to CHS. But even though Sunset had her friends back, they still needed to find out who had the Memory Stone, and the best guess was someone at CHS had it and was responsible for it. But who?

When arriving at CHS that Monday morning, the first thing that caught Sunset and her friends' attention was many students showing looks of fear and hatred when passing and glaring at Sunset.

“It seems like whoever has that stone has affected everyone at CHS as well,” Twilight reflected lightly.

“And I thought we were the only ones affected,” Applejack leveled.

“Well, it was kinda obvious that you five weren’t the only ones affected by it. Though I wished it was only you girls and not everyone else at CHS. It just makes it more frustrating,” Sunset replied as she closed her locker.

As the three girls made their way to the music room, Sunset ran into Micro Chips, who soon collapsed onto the floor, scared to see her in front of him.

Sunset was surprised when she ran into him and decided to help him. But after she let her hand out to help him he gave her his lunch money instead.

Sunset was confused why he gave her his lunch money and was gonna tell him she doesn’t want it before screaming out loud she wasn’t mean. But she had a different idea in mind to not make her thoughts become a reality.

Sunset laid the money down next to the frightened Micro Chips before stepping up and saying to him “Keep it. It's not mine. You need it more than I do.”

Micro Chips was surprised to see Sunset Shimmer do that, as well as the other students who watched it before Sunset and her two friends continued their way to the music room.

“That was good of you Sunset.” Replied Twilight.

“Not to mention you didn’t overreact when Micro Chips handed you his lunch money, '' Applejack said.

“I was gonna yell at him, tell him I didn’t want it. But a part of myself was telling me if I did it, I’d be making a scene in front of everyone. Maybe if I try not to be so angry, or act like my old self today, people will know I’ve changed and that I’m not that person anymor-”

But just as Sunset thought she was in the clear, she ran into the last person she wanted to see.

“Well well well, look who’s back for more.”

“I’m not in the mood to fight with you, Trixie. I already got a lot on my plate with what’s going on.”

“Huh, figured that’s what you’d say for the bully you are.”

This soon caused Sunset to turn red with anger. She wanted to punch Trixie so badly to get revenge on her for what she did to Fluttershy the other day. But she instead walked away, leaving a somewhat confused Trixie behind her, while Twilight and Applejack hurried to catch up with her.

“That was weird? Whatever, the great and powerful Trixie has more important stuff to deal with,” Trixie said as she left her locker for her first class of the day.

When the three of them arrived at the music room, the door was already open with the rest of their friends awaiting them.

They could tell something had happened with the look on Sunset’s face but decided to ask her something else that was on their minds.

“Any word from Princess Twilight?” Asked Fluttershy.

“No, she still hasn’t replied,” Sunset answered, which soon made the rest of them go quiet once again.

“This is worrying me, I don’t know how much time we have left to find that stone. Just coming back here with people afraid and hating me again is making me feel like it's the aftermath of the Fall Formal and Anon-A-Miss all over again!” Sunset dejectedly said.

“Don’t worry Darling, we may not remember you entirely, but we're here to help you, no matter what happens!” Rarity said.

“She’s right sugarcube. Even if we’ve lost our memories of you, we still know that even if we forget you there’s much proof around us to prove you aren’t mean anymore.”

“Applejack is right, you don’t need to worry, Sunset. I’ve managed to think of a way how we can find who erased your memories. With that, we can finish in under a day!”

“What’s that Twilight?”

“If we split up and talk to just about everyone at CHS, asking if they’ve seen the Memory Stone or something like it, we might have a good chance at finding the one responsible for this mess!”

“But how? There’s got to be close to three hundred students that attend CHS. Even if we try to split up, we still have classes to attend. And they last close to two hours!” Rainbow Dash deadpanned.

“Luckily, I’ve got that covered. I asked Principal Celestia we need extra time to work on the yearbook, so while she thinks we're working on the yearbook, we're trying to find the one who has the Memory Stone.”

“That might just work, Twilight!” Sunset beamed, smiling at the prospect.

“Thanks, Sunset. I thought it would make things less challenging as we try to find the stone. So let's all split up and meet back up at lunch to discuss if we found anything. Got it?”

“Got it!” They all said in unison.

Soon the seven girls split up to begin the search for the Memory Stone. They had a lot of ground to cover and figure out who had it. But that was when the problems started piling up.

Just about everyone they talked to either didn’t know what they were talking about, thought it was a waste of time, or just didn’t want to talk to Sunset Shimmer. And when lunch arrived they had nothing to report.

"This doesn’t make sense? A majority of people who dislike Sunset attend CHS,” Applejack said, confused.

“But everyone we’ve talked to doesn’t have a clue what we're talking about,” Rarity commented.

“Err, I swear, whoever is behind this is gonna pay!” Said, Rainbow Dash.

“Revenge isn’t the best thing to do Rainbow Dash. If we want to find our memory stealer we have to think harder. Doing violone won't get us anywhere.”

“What about Maud? She might know about it,” questioned Pinkie Pie.

“Well, we asked her about it,” replied Twilight.

“But it didn’t go as well as we thought,” finished Sunset.

“What happened?” Asked Fluttershy before the two girls explained what happened.


“Is there anything you can tell us about this? Anything at all?”

“If you do Maud, we’d really appreciate it,” replied Twilight.

Maud continued to examine the picture of the Memory Stone, trying to remember if she’d seen something like it.

“I can’t tell much from this drawing,” Maud replied.

“Well thanks anyway Maud, guess we’ll-”

“Only that’s it's felsic-intrusive igneous, granular in texture, most likely arranged in an equigranular matrix, with scattered biotite mica and amphibole, at least sixty-five percent alkali feldspar by volume, with a melting point of twelve-fifty centigrade, plus or minus ten degrees. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful.”


“Huh? Could've sworn she at least knew something/ She knows more about rocks than anyone else I know,” shared Pinkie Pie.

“But it's brought us back to where we started! I can’t even decide what to do next!

"I need to go and do some thinking, I’ve lost my appetite,” Sunset replied as she left the cafeteria with several students giving her looks as she left.

“Should one of us go after her?” Asked Fluttershy.

“I’ll go talk to her,” Twilight replied as she left to go find Sunset.

“And we’ll get back to searching, that’s what Sunset would want us to do,” Rainbow said as she continued to finish her lunch.

As Twilight continued wandering the halls of CHS she couldn’t find Sunset till she ended up in the computer lab. She was staring at a yearbook with her bag and journal peaking out right next to her.


Sunset got startled by Twilight’s response but was glad to see her.

“Sorry, I just came to talk, that’s all.”

“I know you want to cheer me up Twilight, but I don’t see how I can be happy right now. Maybe we shouldn’t find the stone and I just deal with this myself,” Sunset replied, as she continued staring at herself from the old yearbook of her old self on one of the pages.

“What you need to do is stop thinking about that. We won’t find the stone with you thinking about your old self. You're just going to upset yourself the more you tell yourself who you once were. You know you can't think if you're wound up Sunset,'' replied her worried friend.

“It's fine Twilight, I get it.”

“Was there any reason why you came here, of all places?” Asked Twilight.

“I wanted to come in here to see if we missed anyone but we've talked to, A to Z.”

“But what about this girl here who doesn’t have a picture of herself? 'Wallflower Blush'. Who's that?” Wondered Twilight.

“I’m right here, you know,” replied a girl, startling Sunset and Twilight, who didn’t see her in the room.

“Can I help you with something?” Wallflower asked.

Sunset was about to ask Wallflower herself before Twilight beat her to it.

“Yes actually,” replied Twilight as she made her way over to Wallflower.

While that was happening Sunset went back to looking at the list of students, seeing if she forgot anyone she might've missed. That was until she noticed her journal glowing! Princess Twilight had found something so she opened it right away to see what the princess had found.

Sunset, we think the Memory Stone was buried under this rock formation. And you must hurry! If you don't destroy the Memory Stone by the time the sun sets today, all those memories will be gone forever! You need to find the stone because if you don't, everyone you know and love will forget the person you are now. There will be nothing left to stop this!

Sunset was shocked! She only had a few hours left to find the stone and that rock formation or else the memories would be gone forever. But she had never seen the rock formation before and wasn’t sure where she’d find it in time. That was til she noticed the screensaver on Wallflower’s computer. And shockingly, it was the same rock formation seen in her journal.

Just at that moment, the rest of the girls arrived at the scene. Twilight noticed their arrival and hoped they found something.

“Find anything?” Asked Twilight.

“Nothing,” replied Applejack.

“What about you Sunset, any news from Princess Twilight?” Asked Rainbow Dash.

“Yes, but it's not good. She found out that if we don’t find the stone and destroy it before the sun sets today, all the memories it collected of me will be erased forever!”

This causes the girls to worry even more.

“But I think I might know who might have it. And where we can find the rock formation seen here,” Sunset said, pointing at the picture in her journal.

“Who?” Her friends all asked before Sunset pointed over to Wallflower explaining that the rock formation was the same one seen on her computer, meaning Wallflower might have the stone.

So she asked them to follow her lead as she went over to Wallflower so they could talk to her. Try and see if her theory was true, she is responsible for the mess.

“Can I ask a silly question, Wallflower? Where did you take that lovely photograph that’s your computer wallpaper?” Sunset asked.

“Oh? That's my garden. Well, the school's garden, technically. I'm the president of the Gardening Club. I founded it, too. I'm also the only member of it. And the only one who's ever been to the garden. And seen it. And no one ever asks about it.”

“You don’t have many friends do you?” Twilight asked.

“I was maybe going to add this picture somewhere in the yearbook, but honestly, I'm not sure if I should. What do you all think?”

This brought a quiet atmosphere to the room before Rainbow replied with a not-great answer to Wallflower.

“Sorry, but Sunset doesn't let anyone put things in the yearbook without her permission. She is the president of the yearbook committee and whether you're a member or not if they deserve it.”

This upsets Wallflower before she decides to get back to her work, ignoring the seven of them as best as possible.

They all huddled to discuss if Wallflower was behind this mess. If she was, what they were gonna do to get the stone away from her?

“Sunset darling, are you certain you think this girl is the one responsible for this? That rock formation might not even be the same one seen in the journal,” asked Rarity.

“Plus why her out of everyone else we’ve talked to?” Wondered Applejack.

“Maybe she’s just been ignored a lot and hasn't given much attention,” said Pinkie Pie.

“Plus we hardly know her. I doubt many people here do as well?” Replied Rainbow.

“I know but I need answers. And since she doesn’t want to answer us I’ll have to do this the hard way.”

“But how, she won’t force it on us?” Wondered Twilight.

“I’m gonna go into her mind and read her memories. I know I’m gonna be going into her privacy but follow my lead. I need answers now! Time is of the essence.”

The rest of them didn’t know what to say but knew they at least hoped what Sunset sees, could lead them a step closer to finding the stone.

Sunset walked over to Wallflower and touched her arm to read her memories, startling Wallflower as Sunset grabbed her arm.

“What are you-”

But Sunset didn’t get to hear her question, as she dove in to see Wallflower’s memories, and what she saw shocked her!

She saw many memories of Wallflower being ignored during her time at CHS. From the Fall Formal and the Battle of the Bands where she was ignored, almost like she was invisible. She soon finds out that Wallflower indeed was the one who erased the memories. She indeed found the stone and the rock formation buried in the forest behind CHS. She then sees Wallflower using the stone late at night as all of Sunset’s memories went into the stone as it glowed bright red before Wallflower makes an evil-like smile as she got ahold of the memories.

Sunset soon steps away from Wallflower, shocked by what she saw, but surprised that the person she thought was new at CHS had been a student for years and ignored. But they had found the culprit. Wallflower Blush was the one responsible for this mess!

“I-I can’t believe it, you're the one who erased all of my memories from everyone!”

“What!” Her friends shared in unison.

“I knew it, you own me five bucks Applejack,” replied Rainbow Dash

“Wallflower, is this true? Are you the one who erased Sunset’s memories?” Asked Twilight.

Wallflower didn’t know how Sunset was able to see her memories but she knew that her cover was blown.

“What, how did you… Yes, I’m the one who did it! Happy now!”

“But why, we hardly know you!” Yelled Sunset.

But before another one of them could answer, Wallflower started to sing a song about how she feels being ignored, being invisible to everyone at CHS.

The girls were very confused as to why she was singing but knew it would buy them some time to find the stone.

As Wallflower continued to sing the girls started to search the room from top to bottom in search of the stone. While doing so Twilight decided it would be best that she started recording this on her drone just in case. She figured that if Wallflower tried to use the stone on them, she’d escape and they’d all forget what happened. She also gave all her friends notes to put in their pockets in case it happens. They weren’t sure if they should but did so in case Wallflower uses stone on them so that they’d be prepared for what came next.

Soon, the only place that hadn’t been checked was Wallflower’s backpack. While it was an invasion of privacy, Sunset knew she had to risk it. She dug straight into it to find the stone and when she spotted it, Wallflower saw what she was doing.

“Hey! What are you doing? That’s my personal belongings you're digging into!”

Before she knew it, Sunset and Wallflower were tugging on the backpack so they could get the stone. Twilight and the rest of their friends helped Sunset to get Wallflower’s backpack, but one of the backpack’s straps snapped and Wallflower had gotten her backpack back. She grinned until realizing the seven of them had cornered her so she wouldn’t escape.

“You're cornered, Wallflower. You have nowhere to go!” Replied Rainbow Dash.

“Give us the stone now!” Replied Rarity.

“Or we’ll show you our true power!” Replied Pinkie Pie.

“We don’t want to hurt you. Just give us the stone, and we can all go our separate ways. It's too dangerous, it doesn’t belong to you!” replied Applejack.

“Why are you even doing this Wallflower? Why?” Asked Twilight.

“Yeah, what did I ever do to you? I don’t even know you!” Replied an angry Sunset.

“Unlike you, I’m always alone! No friends, not anything. I’m tired of you getting attention at this school as well as your so-called friends! I wanted to see how you’d feel when everyone hated you back when you were CHS’s Biggest Meanie! But somehow, you were able to convince them you aren’t mean, even though you still are!”

“Well, you're gonna regret this! You're about to see how mean I am if you don’t give us that stone!”

“You know what, I have a better idea. Why don’t we forget this happened? And you all forget this afternoon had ever happened!”

“Wallflower doesn’t!” The seven of them replied, but it was too late!

Wallflower used to stone them as she erased the last few hours from their minds. She then snagged the key to the computer lab as she made her escape. She locked the door in the process so they wouldn’t follow her. She threw the key into the trash before heading off to her garden.

“There’s no way they can stop me now. They won't even remember anything that they just went through. But first, I need some more memories before my plans are finalized!”

As Wallflower made her way out of CHS many students were staring at her in fear as she walked by. Her eyes were turning black before she used the stone again on several students causing several to run away in fear. Even one of the teachers saw what was going on, and was confused as to what was happening before her eyes!

“Once those memories are erased, no one will be able to stop me now! Not even the Rainbooms!”

Back at the computer lab the girls soon awoke, all wondering what had happened.

“Is everyone ok?” Sunset asked.

“Wait, does anyone know what we're doing in the computer lab?” Asked Twilight.

“And how did we get here?” Wondered Rainbow Dash.

“But the question remains, what happened?”

“Oh no, girls we have a problem!” Replied a worried Rarity.

“The door, it's locked!” Replied Pinkie Pie.

“Don’t worry I’ll get us out in no ti-”

But when Sunset looked back to where she put the key, it was gone!

“Oh no, the key, it's gone!”

“So we're trapped in here?” Said a frightened Fluttershy

“We have to get out of here!” Replied Rainbow

“But who did this to us? What do we do now!” Questioned Twilight.

“And how do we get out of here!” Replied a frightened Sunset.

Wallflower’s plan had gone perfectly. The girls had forgotten what had happened the entire afternoon and now they were trapped in the computer lab with no way of getting out.

With time running out, none of them were even sure how they'd find the stone at this point or if they’d be able to get the memories back in time and stop the memory stealer before the sun sets and the memories are gone forever.

To be continued…

Author's Note:

Well, it looks like the time isn't on their side for the Mane 7 with stopping Wallflower from fulfilling her plan. Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and I'm so sorry for the wait for those who were wanting to see the next chapter. I promise to have the last 2 chapters out in the next 2 weeks if all goes well. Anyway if you have any questions or thoughts leave them in the comments below as well as like the story if you've been enjoying it. Until then I'm SciSetShimmerEvan and I'll see you all next week for the epic battle of the Main 7 vs Wallflower. And trust me this battle is gonna be a good one and a plot twist no one will see coming.