• Member Since 13th Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago


I do stuff. What sort of stuff has yet to be determined.


This story is a sequel to Night Train to New York

[Written for the May 2021 Pairing Contest, and edited with the invaluable help of Admiral Biscuit.]

New York City, January 1983

Princess Luna is in New York City for a diplomatic visit, but there's always time to go sightseeing and shopping.

As her bodyguard, Bon Bon is obligated to come along.

Fun is had by all.

Featured on 5/31/2021!

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 36 )

Would love of a chapter of them going up to the observation deck or eating at windows on the world.

Sometimes the best solution is a bag full of cash

Interesting way to finish off dinner (and a trip) :)

She swallowed the last of the second cake, and licked the scraps of cake and cream off of the paper base. “I hate it. I want ten more.”

Phfffttt. The whole thing of Twinkies, right there.

A fantastic story, and a worthy successor to your last effort. I enjoyed myself thoroughly.

Ah, yes, Twinkies, for a mass produced product, it has individual bad parts that somehow managed to blend into something ... edible (and slightly addicting) ...

“I don’t know what happens in Magic Fairy World, but they ain’t alive.”

They will be .... soon enough ...

"Is there anything left in the store?" She asked as she fell into step behind Luna.

"We art not that bad." The Princess responded as she set the mass of books down next to the checkout counters.

No, but Twilight is (in a bookstore) ... :twilightsmile:

“You knocked him out!”

“Not on purpose!”

Next time use a lighter cake ... :trollestia:

I assume that Bon Bon's reaction to a Butterfinger would have been the same as her reaction to the Twinkie.

The moment with the gift was sweet. A happy Lyra makes all of the work and stress worth it.

I hope that if Cadance ever finds herself in 1980s New York City, she doesn't visit Times Square.

...Do I see the twin towers in the cover art?


Yes. You'll also see them in the actual story as well.

Wait, so who actually dealt the knockout cake blow- Luna or Rainier?


It was a big cake - Luna grabbed one side of the tray, Rainier took the other. Put them together and that cake had a lot of velocity.

The only way that might've been even better was if Prince Albert had been opposite Luna on the tray, because he was pissed at "some old guy harassing his mom" and not even knowing it was Frank Sinatra. And then inviting Luna to try bobsledding.

“Why is this called Tab?” Luna asked as she inspected the pink-and-white soda can.

“Dunno,” Bon Bon said as she washed down her cake with the fizzy beverage. “But it tastes good.”

Well, somepony has good taste. Though I haven't seen any TaB since sometime last year at the places I'd usually buy it from, which is getting annoying...

:rainbowlaugh: Oh wow! This was amazing, and hilarious, and the scene with the engagement ring was just too cute! :twilightsmile:

and was pursuing the candy rack of a Duane Reade drug store

Perusing, although I guess it depends on how badly she wants candy.
EDIT: I'm sure our Canadian PM also introduced her to Coffee Crisp, that's my headcanon.

“It doesn’t matter if it was on purpose! You and the Prince of Monaco knocked out Frank Sinatra with a red velvet cake!”

Ok the funnies aside this gives a bit of context to the time period because Frank Sinatra is definitely not alive in the current century


The date is listed at the beginning of Chapter 1, but in case you missed it this is January of 1983.


The bastards at Coca Cola discontinued it because of COVID-related financial difficulties. Also, for future reference: Tab was chosen basically at random out of a list of computer generated names. (They did that in 1963, using an IBM 1401!)

... I kinda wanna see Celestia and Luna attending a movie screening of some good '80s cinema throw abouts. Like Ghostbusters or the horrific glory that is Alien.

Hmm, just looked it up, apparently (at least according to https://us.coca-cola.com/tab), there are three stores left which still sell TaB.

Now I can't help but contemplate having someone in one of those areas go in, buy up a pallet worth of it, and ship it to my location via freight (as one does with large, heavy things). I suppose I'd have to find someone local with a proper freight dock (or at least a decent forklift) that they'd let me use to unload...

Tiffany’s would be using Lunas visit for a massive PR and marketing coup for sure. But someone watching Equestrian purchasing habits would be mildly perplexed. Busted up trains and expensive jewellery.

People’s reactions seem a bit odd to me too. Not quite how I’d expect them to react to alien royalty.

Chrysalis would see Alien and get ideas.

Movie execs upon seeing Crysalis for the first time:


And here I thought ponies visiting earth all loved RC Cola. (reference to a different story)

-sees the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center on the cover art- -sighs sadly- I miss them so much though in New York City...... ;-; :fluttershysad:

“Wait, so I get paid for looking and acting like someone or something else and humans will lavish me with praise and adoration?”

‘Changelings take Hollywood by storm!’ - NY Times interview with the Queen of versatility, Chrysalis.

Small error. In January 1983, Prince Rainier III only recently became a widower. His wife, Grace Kelly, died September 14, 1982. Prince Rainier never remarried. He died in 2005.


I have no idea what you're talking about
Good job! Nobody but you noticed, so let's keep this between us, shall we?

I would think Ponies wouldn't like TaB. Aspartame might taste like sugar to most humans, but I think Equestrians would taste it as slightly metallic.

(I say most, because it tastes metallic to me. Like someone put aluminum foil on my tongue. Not tasty at all)


That's very interesting. I've never heard of anyone having that issue before.


It's probably genetic, like how basil can be tasty to most and to the other 30% of the human race, like me, it takes like dish washing soap.

Makes me wonder if the same situation with left and right handed people also crops up in unicorn magic; the magic being generated with a left or right "spin". Go back a few generations and educators would actively try to stomp out lefties because writing with your left hand was "wrong" (even deviant to some extremists).

Could you write a chapter or story of Celestia/Luna visiting the towers?

The whole bit about trains being alive reminds me of the Japanese tsukumogami-tools that are old enough to achieve life and self-awareness. Although the trains didn't get angry and spontaneously form limbs to wreak havoc.

to whether or not they should bow or not


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