• Published 6th Dec 2021
  • 1,891 Views, 181 Comments

Age Of Devil Fruits - Madforce Entertainment

Isaac. Just a normal guy dealing with normal problems. But one day, he received a mysterious package in the mail, containing a weird Fruit covered with a swirl pattern which will send him into a strange yet magical world of anthropomorphic… Ponies!

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Chapter 1: The Cinder Lord and a Tomboy.

Author's Note:

In this chapter Isaac finds himself in the Everfree Forest to seal his wound, and reserves help from a witch Doctor.

Isaac was still asleep on the train when the train came to a stop at its next destination. The sudden movement made him knock his arm, waking him up from the pain. “Ahh, god!” He gasped, as he rubbed his shoulder before he looked around the train car. “So, it wasn't a dream,” He said, as he struggled to stand up. He saw a box with a Red Cross on it, headed toward it, and managed to open it, finding first aid boxes. “Hmm, I’m not a fan of stealing, but, if need’s must.” Isaac grabbed one of the first aid cases but froze as he heard other train car doors being opened, and urgent voices. “Uh oh. They must be looking for me,” he said under his breath. He quickly closed the First Aid box, and headed over to one of the train car doors, opening it just a crack to peek out, seeing a forest. He looked up and down the train, seeing no one in sight, before sliding out of the car, closing the door behind him.

He then quietly headed along the train, to peek around the other side, and saw a small town, with more anthropomorphic Ponies of all types going about their business. “Okay, first I’ll treat this hole in my shoulder. Then I’ll try to figure out where I am.” He then turned and ran towards the forest.

Within the Forest, there was a Hut, which was built into a tree, and adorned with masks and potion bottles. The front door of the hut suddenly burst open, and a young mare, with purple eyes, and maroon hair came running out of the hut, with tears in her eyes and looking distraught. As the girl ran off into the forest, another, older, zebra mare with a dark coat, which was adorned with dark stripes, and a swirl pattern on her thighs, came out of the Hut. Her eyes were a lighter shade of blue, and her hair was grey and white, styled into a Mohawk. She was wearing a tribal-style tw-piece, along with golden earrings, five tribal rings around her neck, and five similar rings on her upper left arm. “Poor child, I wish I could do something for you. I truly do,” she said with sadness in her voice.

After running out of the older mare’s Hut, the younger, tomboyish mare ran on with her eyes tightly closed, still crying heavily. “I hate you, Zecora!” She yelled in a mix of blind rage and utter despair. She ran and ran, until she came to a stop, and clutched at her chest as she tried to catch her breath. Once her breathing had slowed down, she let out a heavy sigh. “What can I do now?” She asked herself sadly. But then, she looked up as she heard a growl from behind her. She quickly grabbed her weapons, which were a pair of Tonfas. “Timberwolves!” She said, looking in all directions for where the mysterious beast was. She turned around just in time to see three Timberwolves emerge from the bushes, slowly getting closer to her, growling and snarling viciously, as she got ready for a fight.

She stood her ground as the three wolves pounced at her.

Meanwhile, Isaac was walking through the forest. “Come to think of it, maybe I shouldn’t have come to this Forest,” He said to himself, struggling with his arm. He stopped suddenly when he heard the screams of a girl. “A girl in trouble!” He broke into a run towards the screams. He came to a stop as he saw a young female Pony, fighting with what looked like wolves made of wood and leaves. She was wearing a fighter-style outfit, made up of an orange tank top, and black biker shorts with purple stripes, while her hands and feet were wrapped in bandages. She was trying her hardest to fight off the wooden wolves with her Tonfas.

“I have to help her,” Isaac said, before running toward her. At that moment, one of the wolves jumped on the mare from behind. She grunted in pain, before looking in terror at the gaping wooden jaws about to rip her apart. “BLACK CANNON!” Isaac yelled, raising his right arm, and shooting his fist at the wolf, smashing it to pieces. Isaac came to a stop in front of her. “Are you alright?” He asked.

The girl stared up at him, before getting back to her feet. “Who are you? And what are you” She asked.

“A friend,” Isaac replied, before turning around just in time to see the other two wolves running up to attack him. “BLACK HAMMER!” He yelled as he transformed his right hand into a huge Ashy hammer, and slammed it down on the last two wolves, shattering them to pieces.

After he had finished off the wolves, Isaac turned back to the tomboy Pony. “Are you okay?” He asked once more.

“Um, yeah, I’m fine, but who are you exactly?” Scootaloo asked.

“My name is…” Isaac began… only for his head to suddenly feel light. “I think I’m…” he then collapsed to the ground and passed out.

“Hey, what’s wrong!?” Scootaloo shouted as she got to her knees and shook him by the shoulders. When he didn’t respond, she became more worried, especially when she noticed the blood still dribbling from his shoulder. “You're wounded, and you still fought off those wolves to save me?” She said, feeling grateful before she picked him up off the ground. “I gotta get you back to Zecora, she’s the only person who can help you,” She dashed as quickly as she could back to Zecora’s Hut.

Inside her hut, Zecora was mixing something in her Cauldron. “This will soon be ready,” she said with a satisfied smile as she stirred her brew.

At that moment, her peace was broken when her door was kicked open. “Zecora, we need help!” Scootaloo cried as she carried Coren inside.

“Oh my, what happened?” Zecora asked as she looked over the young tomboy Pony and the injured Man.

“I was attacked by Timberwolves, and this guy saved me, but he’s bleeding a lot of blood,” Scootaloo explained in a panic.

“Put him on the table,” Zecora told her. Following Zecora’s instructions, she placed Isaac on the table. Zecora then removed his coat, hat, sunglasses, and his waist jacket, and then she removed his cufflinks and his long-sleeved shirt. “He likes to be covered,” she stated. “Scootaloo, go wash the blood out of his clothes,” She asked her.

“Okay,” Scootaloo nodded, before grabbing Isaac’s clothes and leaving Zecora to her task.

Scootaloo then takes Isaac’s clothes to wash them, while she removes anything in the pockets. “A pocket watch, a letter, and a little book. I think that’s everything.” She put his stuff to one side before she placed his clothes in soapy water and began to clean away the blood.

Later on, Scootaloo hung Isaac’s clothes to dry and entered Zecora’s Hut who had just finished stitching Isaac’s wound. “He lost a lot of blood, but I believe he’ll live,” She said, much to Scootoloo’s relief.

“I managed to wash out the blood from his clothes,” Scootaloo said as she hung Isaac’s coat to dry.

Zecora was puzzled how this man with a hole in his shoulder managed to save Scootaloo. “Scootaloo, How did he save you?” she asked.

“Well, he transformed his hand into a hammer...” Scootaloo said before she paused for a second to think. “That was made of Ashes or was it Cinders?” She tried to remember.

“Hmm, this creature can use magic, but he has no horn or any amulets, and I don’t see any other means of using magic, and upon my travels, I have never come across a creature of this variety before. Very interesting,” Zecora said as she sat down on a stump.

“So where do you think he’s from?” Scootaloo wondered.

“I am most uncertain,” Zecora replied and looked back down at Isaac. “What secrets will you have to share with us?” She asked in a mysterious voice. She then looked back at Scootaloo. “Scootaloo, go to town and grab another shirt for our friend,” she instructed.

“Okay, I’ll be as fast as I can,” Scootaloo said, running out of the hut, and towards town.

Soon, Scootaloo returned to Zecora’s Hut with a shirt for Isaac. She reentered the Hut, as Zecora was moving Isaac to her bed. “Zecora, what are you doing with him?” She asked.

“His body temperature has dropped,” Zecora explained, looking worried as she put him into her bed. “We need to raise it back up.” She then looked at Scootaloo with a serious look. “How old are you again?” she asked.

“I’m 18, why?” Scootaloo asked back.

Instead of answering, Zecora undid and removed her skirt. “We’ll have to lay with him to bring his temperature back up.” Under the skirt was a small loincloth. She then slid under the sheets, snuggling closely with Isaac. “I’ll lay on his left, and you take his right,” She told Scootaloo.

“Wait, Zecora, isn’t this a little sudden?” Scootaloo asked in a slight panic as she blushed a little.

“If you're going to repay him for saving your life, you must do this,” Zecora said seriously and with narrowed eyes.

Scootaloo couldn’t argue with Zecora. Blushing heavily, she stripped down to her underwear and headed over to the bed, and climbed under the covers. “He better not get any ideas,” She said with a deep frown as she lay down next to Isaac and snuggled in close to keep him warm.

Isaac slowly reawakened, letting out a groan as his head felt heavy. “Did I pass out again? Wait, where am I?” He thought to himself. He turned his head to the right and saw Scootaloo sleeping peacefully next to him, which made him smile. “Oh, it’s her. I’m glad she’s safe,” he thought with relief...before his eyes widened in alarm. “Wait, is she naked?!” Isaac then felt something on his left, turned his head to look, and saw Zecora, also sleeping soundly. “Wait, who's she!? How did I get here?! Two girls, one on each arm...hold on...I’m a plain guy in my 20s with dark hair. Crap, is this the start of a harem!? If that’s so, my life Is going to be a living hell!” His mind was now racing.

Zecora then wakes up, seeing Isaac awake, and looking panicky. “Ah, you are up. How do you feel?” She asked, rubbing the sleep from her eyes as she sat up.

Isaac couldn’t help but look at her breasts as they were hugged by her tight top. “I’m fine,” He answered, blushing heavily.

“Ah, that is good,” Zecora said with a smile as she slipped out of bed, making Isaac blush even more as she showed off her long shapely legs, and put her tribal skirt back on. She then looked at the clock. “Noon already?” She said stretching. “I shall brew us some tea to replenish our energy,” she said as she left the room.

Not long after, Scootaloo awoke. She sat up straight, and there was some drool dripping from her mouth. “Aw, man. When did I fall asleep?” She asked, wiping the drool from her mouth, as she looked around. “Wait, this is Zecora’s Hut, and I’m in her bed.” She then turned her head, and, upon seeing Isaac, remembered why she was in Zecora’s bed.

“Uh, hello,” Isaac said with a little wave and an awkward smile.

“Uh, yeah, hi,” Scootaloo says, smiling just as awkwardly, before getting out of the bed, and putting her clothes back on. “Just putting this out there, I only slept next to you because Zecora told me to. So the life debt I owed you is paid,” She said as she pulled up her shorts.

“Life debt?” Isaac asked as he sat up.

“You know when you saved me from those Timber Wolves,” Scootaloo said as she grabbed the shirt she got for him. “Put this on. Your other clothes are still drying,” She said, throwing the shirt at him before she left the room.

Isaac put the shirt on, before wincing slightly, as his arm was still hurting. “This shirt’s a little tight,” He said before he headed down the stairs, where Zecora was making the tea, and Scootaloo was sitting at the table. He approached the table and took a seat.

“Here, drink this, it will restore your strength and stamina,” Zecora said, placing a cup of tea on the table.

“Thank you,” Isaac said gratefully, raising the cup to his lips and taking a sip. “Ooh, nice, peppermint,” he smiled,

“Here is one for you as well, Scootaloo,” Zecora said, giving another cup to Scootaloo.

“Thanks, Zecora,” Scotaloo replied with a smile before taking a sip of her tea.

Zecora then sat down and drank some of her tea. “That was a good nap, and this is good tea,” She said with a happy grin.

“Hey, just curious, but, why were we all in bed together?” Isaac asked with a slight blush.

“Your body temperature dropped dangerously low. So, I put you in my bed, and I and Scootaloo lay with you to raise it back up again by sharing our body heat,” Zecora explained.

“Ohh, okay, just curious,” Isaac said, “Thank God this isn’t a Haram Situation!” He thought to himself in great relief.

“Hey, here’s your stuff,” Scootaloo said, passing Isaac his belongings.

“Thank you,” He said with a smile as he took his stuff back.

“Tell me, how did you get that hole in your shoulder?” Zecora asked,

“Well, I woke up in a garden by a castle, and this Pony woman with huge white wings came along, and wanted me to surrender to her. She gave me her word that I wouldn’t get hurt. I was going to surrender, when an arrow came from out of nowhere, and hit my shoulder. Immediately after that, I ate my Devil Fruit to use its power to escape from the castle. You already know the rest,” Isaac explained.

“I see, and what is a ‘Devil Fruit’?” Zecora asked curiously.

“It’s a kind of fruit created by the Sea Devil, and there are all kinds of them. The one I ate was called the Cinder-Cinder fruit, which is a Logia Type. Now, I can turn my body into Ashes and Cinders at will,” Isaac explained before he frowned as he noticed something. “Wait, I’m answering your questions rather fast, like I just can’t help but tell the truth.”

“So, you noticed. You have drunk a truth serum. I used some Peppermint to hide the taste,” Zecora explained.

“Why would you do that?” Isaac asked, feeling rather insulted that she had deceived him.

“I needed to know how you got wounded, also, you are a foreign creature to this land. If it's any consolation, me and Scootaloo also drank the same tea,” Zecora replied reassuringly.

“WHAT THE HELL ZECORA!?” Scootaloo yelled indignantly. “YOU SECRETLY DRUGGED US?!”

“Calm down, Scootaloo. It would have been unfair to our guest if he was the only one who drank the truth tea,” Zecora said with a calming smile, taking another sip of her tea. “You can ask any question from me if you like.”

“Okay, so who are you? Also, why did you help me in the first place?” Isaac asked the Zebra.

“My name is Zecora, and I helped you because you saved young Scootaloo from the Timber Wolves,” She replied with a thankful smile.

“Oh, okay. So, where are we?” Isaac asked again as he looked around the hut.

“We are within the Everfree Forest, or, if you meant this kingdom, this is Equestria,” Zecora explained.

“Equestria? So I did get sent to another world. I need to find the Lobelia Organisation and get some answers about that experiment of theirs. But why did they send me to a world filled with...well...pony people? It doesn't make sense,” Isaac thought to himself.

“OK, I need to be blunt. What are you?” Scootaloo said with a frown.

“Scootaloo,” Zecora said in a disapproving tone. “You could have asked that question a bit less bluntly.”

“I’m sorry, Zecora,” Scootaloo said, crossing her arms. “But this is bothering me. I need to know what he is.”

“It’s fine Zecora,” Isaac said, not minding Scootaloo’s bluntness. “I was about to ask you both the same question. I’m what’s known as a human.”

“A human?” Scootaloo said with a raised eyebrow. “Have you ever heard of Humans?” She asked Zecora.

“In all my travels I have never come across or have heard of such creatures,” Zecora said with a thoughtful look. “You said you woke up near a castle. Tell me, how did you come to be near the said castle?”

“Well, that’s a very weird story to tell,” Isaac said. “All I can tell you is that I got this package and a letter from the Lobelia Organization, and after opening and reading said letter, next I knew, I was waking up in this huge garden near this castle.”

“Lobelia?” Scootaloo asked. “You mean like the flower?”

“I am not familiar with that organisation?” Zecora said with a confused look. “I never asked you this, but what is your name?” she asked Isaac.

“My name is Lancer D Isaac,” Isaac replied.

“Lancer? That is a most unusual name,” Zecora declared.

“Lancer is my family name. The country my father comes from, they say their name backwards,” Isaac explained.

“Ahh, I see. I have heard of some cultures where they refer to themselves by their last name first. Well, in any case, Scootaloo, I think it would be best if you take Isaac to your home, and let him stay with you until he has fully healed,” Zecora said with a smile.

“WHAT?! WHY?!” Scootaloo exclaimed in shock, slamming her hands down on the table.

“He has nowhere else to go, and you could use the company,” Zecora answered as she gave the young mare a slightly stern look. “Scootaloo, he is a newcomer to this land, and he has nowhere else to go and he knows no one. Also, do not forget that he saved your life when you encountered those Timberwolves.”

“Ugh, fine!” Scootaloo huffed reluctantly, getting flustered. “Let’s just go!” She turned and walked to the door.

“Scootaloo, please wait a moment. Isaac will need medicine. I shall make some for him,” Zecora told her as she reached the door. Scootaloo didn’t reply, she just left the Hut. “Now, you stay there. This won’t take me long.” Zecora then said to Isaac as she stood up from the table, and headed over to her cauldron to begin to make some medicine for him.

Isaac waited for both Scootaloo and Zecora, once more thinking about the Lobelia Organisation. “Where do I even begin to look for them? It's not like there’s going to be a map that shows me how to find them. Hmmm.” As he was lost in thought, Zecora had just finished making the medicine.

“Here you are. Now, mix the powder with water before going to bed, and rub this on your wound on both sides. Have Scootaloo help you do the back end,” She instructed him and gave him a small leather pouch.

“Thanks, Zecora, but I can’t pay for this,” Isaac said with a shake of his head.

“I have little need for money,” Zecora said with a smile. “However,” she went on, her smile becoming a saddened frown. “There is one way you can repay me. By becoming Scootaloo’s friend.”

“Okay, but doesn’t she have any friends of her own?” Isaac asked curiously.

“She did, at one time,” Zecora said sadly. “But that is a story that is not mine to share. Just please be her friend. That child needs one right now,” she implored.

“Um, OK, Zecora,” Isaac replied, feeling concerned about whatever was going on with Scootaloo.

The door then opened, and Scootaloo came back inside. “Hey, are you ready, yet?” She asked impatiently.

“Yes he is,” Zecora reassured her. “There is no need for such rudeness towards our guest, Scootaloo.”

Scootaloo sighed. “Sorry, Zecora,” she said with an apoplectic nod, before looking back up at Isaac. “Well, come on, then,” She stuttered anxiously, wanting to go, making Zecora roll her eyes.

“Yeah, alright,” Isaac said as he stood up. “Thank you for everything, Zecora,” He said gratefully, as he then left her Hut and headed after Scootaloo.

“Farewell children,” Zecora said with a warm smile as she waved goodbye.

Scootaloo and Isaac made their way to her home on the outskirts of Ponyville. When they entered the building, Isaac stopped and stared in disbelief. Everywhere he looked, everything was a mess like a storm had swept through the place, and everything was covered with a fine layer of dust. It was almost like the house had been left empty and neglected for quite some time.

“So, er, this is your house?” he asked cautiously, trying not to sound put off.

“Yeah, it is! You got a problem with it?!” Scootaloo asked angrily.

“No, just thinking out loud,” Isaac replied defensively.

“Whatever!” Scootaloo snapped, rolling her eyes, as she walked toward the stairs. “Stay right there, I’ll get you some bedding,” She ordered him with narrowed eyes.

After Scootaloo went upstairs, Isaac waited for her, as he looked around the place. “Wow, this place looks like it hasn’t been cleaned in ages,” He thought. He was still looking when he saw a picture of Scootaloo with someone else on the mantelpiece. “Hmm?” He grabbed the frame and examined the picture closely. “Wait, I saw her at the castle,” He thought. The picture was of the younger pony with Rainbow Dash, and Scootaloo was holding a trophy, as she was smiling with delight. “She sure looks happy here,” He said.

“HEY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?” Scootaloo yelled at him furiously as she came back down the stairs.

“Sorry, I was looking around, and…” Isaac tried to explain.

“PUT THAT DOWN!” Scootaloo yelled again, pointing at the picture frame in his hand. Isaac quickly put the frame down. “Look, you can have the couch. Once you're better you can leave,” She said with a huff, before walking over to him. She looked down at the picture with a look of utter disdain, before picking it up and throwing it into a nearby bin. “Good riddance,” She hissed with disgust. “I’m going out, don't wait up.” She headed for the door and slammed it on her way out.

Once she was gone, Isaac took the picture from the bin and looked at it closely again, wondering why Scootaloo seemed to have so much hatred for it. It was then he noticed something he hadn’t noticed before. “Wait, she has wings in this picture. But she doesn't have wings now. So what happened to them?” He said with a thoughtful frown, wondering about Scootaloo’s past.

As he waited for Scootaloo to return, Isaac decided to help out the troubled young ponygirl by doing some cleaning up.

Eventually, Scootaloo finally returned home. “Hey, I’m back,” She said, before pausing to look around the room, surprised at how much cleaner and tidier everything was. “Did you clean my house while I was out?” She asked.

“Yeah, I didn’t have anything to do, so I thought I’d do some cleaning for you,” Isaac replied with a shrug.

“Uh, thanks,” she said with a small smile. “Look, there's some food in the kitchen. If you get hungry, just help yourself.” She then headed back upstairs.

“I don’t know what Zecora was thinking about this whole friend thing,” Isaac thought to himself doubtfully.

Later that day, Scootaloo was laying on her bed, thinking about the human downstairs. “Why did Zecora want that guy staying in my house?” She asked herself with a slight scowl before she took a sniff of something in the air. “What is that? Is he cooking something?” She got off her bed, left her room, and went to see what Isaac was doing.

Downstairs in the kitchen, Isaac was making Spaghetti for the two of them. “Sadly I had to make a vegetarian one, mostly because my host is a Pony, and last I checked there’s no such thing as a carnivorous horse. I wish it wasn’t vegetarian but you got to work with what you’ve got. Now, I just need to finish the Garlic Bread, then it will be ready,” He said, serving the Spaghetti.

Scootaloo then entered the kitchen and saw Isaac as he finished the cooking. “You're making Spaghetti?” She asked.

Isaac turned and smiled at her. “Yep, and I made Garlic Bread as well,” He replied.

“My favourite, how did you know?” Scootaloo asked, smiling back despite herself.

“I didn’t, but I saw that you had the ingredients to make it, so I decided to make enough for the two of us,” Isaac said, checking on the Garlic Bread. “You’re just in time, too. I think it’s ready.”

Isaac lifted out the Garlic Bread from the oven and placed it on one side. Scootaloo sat down at the table, and Isaac divided the meal between them, before serving the Spaghetti to Scootaloo. “Thanks,” She said bluntly.

They ate their meal in silence, to begin with, and it was rather awkward for both of them. But finally, Scootaloo broke the silence. “So, where are you from?” She asked.

Isaac didn’t know how to answer this question, but he finally decided to just tell the truth. “I’m from a place called Britain,” He answered.

“Hmm, Britain? I’ve never heard of it,” Scootaloo said. “Where is it, exactly?”

“It’s a very long way from here,” Isaac replied. “Say, Scootaloo, what can you tell me about Equestria?”

“Well, currently we’re in a town called Ponyville,” Scootaloo started. “The nearest major town to here in Canterlot. That’s where that castle is located, the one you told me and Zecora about.”

“Canterlot. So that must be the name of the town I escaped from,” Isaac thought to himself. “So, on that note, who’s the Reigning Monarch?”

“Well, that’s obvious. Princess Celestia and her sister, Princess Luna, of course,” Scootaloo said, beginning to sound bored.

“Wait, just the two Princesses?” Isaac asked with a raised eyebrow. “There’s no King or even a Queen?”

“Nope. Just the two Princesses,” Scootaloo said, rolling her eyes.

“So this kingdom is ruled by two Princesses, but has no King or Queen?” Isaac thought to himself. “Well, that’s just...bizarre.” He then thought back to when he first arrived in this new world, and the pony two women who confronted him. “Those two were both in charge from the way they were ordering those guards around. And the names would fit them. They must have been Celestia and Luna.” He frowned in annoyance. “Nice going, Isaac. Not even been in this world a day, and you’ve already pissed off both of its ruling Monarchs.” He shook his head and went back to eating.

Soon, they finished their meal. “Mm, that was good,” said a now happy Scootaloo as she rubbed her now full belly in satisfaction.

“I'm glad you enjoyed it,” Isaac said with a smile.

“Oh, hey, guess what,” Scootaloo said, “I found this weird-looking fruit growing on a dead tree while I was out.” She went through a bag and pulled out what looked like a huge grapefruit with a strange swirl pattern covering it and with a curly stem. “How about we share this between us,” She offered.

Isaac blanched in shock. He didn’t know which one, but he knew that this was a Devil Fruit. “Scootaloo, I don’t think you should eat that,” He said in warning.

“Huh? Why not?” Scootaloo asked in confusion.

Isaac gave her a very serious look. “Because that’s a Devil Fruit,” He explained. “Created by the Sea Devil himself. If you eat a Devil Fruit, it will grant you a unique power, but you will also be cursed. You’ll lose the ability to swim for the rest of your life, and you’ll forever be rejected by the sea. For example, I ate the Cinder-Cinder Fruit, and now I can turn my body into hot cinders and ashes. You saw me do it when I saved you from those...Timberwolves, did you call them?”

“Whoa!” Scootaloo exclaimed. “So, you’re saying you ate one of these Fruits, and that’s how you saved me from the Timberwolves? That does answer my questions. I was wondering how a creature like you could use such weird magic like that, even though you don’t have a horn.” She then gave him a curious look and asked, “Hey, what’s your Cutie Mark look like?”

“My...what?” Isaac asked in bewilderment.

“Oh, so you don’t have Cutie Marks where you come from?” Scootaloo asked.

“Uhh...what’s a Cutie Mark?” Isaac said with a raised eyebrow.

“Here, I’ll show you,” Scootaloo said, as she stood up, pulled up her shirt to reach the rim of her shorts, and began to pull them down.

“Whoa, what are you doing?!” Isaac exclaimed in shock and embarrassment as his eyes bugged out and he blushed heavily, before quickly looking away.

“Hey, relax,” Scootaloo said with a teasing smirk, “You’re cute, but you’re not that cute.” She continued pulling down her shorts, revealing the side of her flank, where there was what looked like a Tattoo of a shield, with three stripes of red, white, and maroon, and in the centre was the image of a wing, with a lightning bolt emblazoned on it. “This is a Cutie Mark. Or rather, it’s my Cutie Mark,” She said with a hint of pride in her voice. “Every Pony has a Cutie Mark, and no two Marks are the same.” She then cleared her throat, before muttering, “Well, for the most part.”

“Oh, so these Cutie Marks are like Tattoos,” Isaac said.

“What?” Scootaloo said. “No, they’re not Tattoo they’re our Marks. They are part of us.” She then smirked again as she gave her hips a shake, and said, “And you know, you’re lucky you get to see it. We’re not supposed to show our Marks to any boys until we get married.”

“What?!” Isaac shouted in shock, but then looked up as Scootalloo broke out laughing.

“Nah, dude,” she said in amusement as she pulled her shorts back up. “I’m just messing with you.”

“Alright, alright, you got me,” Isaac said, rolling his eyes. “Look, like I said, we don’t have these Cutie Marks where I come from.” He then got an idea, to pay her out. “Here, I’ll show you,” he said as he stood up and reached for his pants.

“Whoa, hey, what are you doing?!” Scootaloo exclaimed, as she blushed and covered her eyes with her hands.

“Relax, you’re cute, but you’re not that cute,” Isaac said with a smirk, using her own words against her. He pulled down his pants just enough to show off his thigh. “See, it’s blank. Nothing there.”

Scootaloo reluctantly peered through her opened fingers and then lowered her hands as she stared in surprise for a moment, before looking up at Isaac’s face in confusion. “Uhh...is this part of the joke, or what?” she asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Uh, what?” Isaac asked. “What are you talking about?”

“Isaac, if you don’t have a Cutie Mark, then what do you call that?” Scootaloo said as she pointed at his thigh.

Taken aback, Isaac looked down at his exposed thigh and gasped in shock at what he saw. Emblazoned on his upper leg, was what looked like a Tattoo of a pile of burning Cinders and ashes. “Whoa, what the hell is that?!” He exclaimed in shock and surprise.

“You don’t know?” Asked Scootaloo.

“No! That wasn’t there before!” Isaac said.

“Then how did it get there?” Scootaloo asked.

“I don’t know!” Isaac replied.

“Wait a minute,” Scootaloo said in realization. “Didn’t you say that you ate the Cinder Cinder Fruit, which lets you turn into cinders and ashes?”

“Yes, but what does that have to do with… oh,” Isaac said, before trailing off as the penny dropped.

“Yeah, Isaac, you got that Mark after you ate your Devil Fruit,” Scootaloo said, her face splitting in a wide smile. “You don’t have a Cutie Mark. You have a...uh…” She clicked her fingers to think of a name. “A Devil Mark! That’s so cool!”

“They never told me about this in that letter,” Isaac said despondently, before he slumped down into his chair, slammed his face into his hands, and moaned in disbelief.

“Aww,” Scootalloo said with a smirk as she leaned forward and patted him on the head. “There, there.”

This made Isaac look up at her with a scowl. “Don’t patronise me, woman,” he said sourly.

Scootaloo then sat back in her chair, and her attention returned to the bizarre Fruit on the table in front of her. “Anyway, back on topic. So, you’re saying that if I eat this Fruit, I can turn into Ashes and Cinders like you?” She asked.

“No, there’s only one Cinder-Cinder Fruit. That’s a completely different Fruit. No two Devil Fruits are ever the same,” Isaac explained.

“Ohh, I get it. So, which one is it?” Scootaloo asked.

“I don’t know, but I can find out,” Isaac said and pulled out the book he had received with his Fruit. “Thanks to my Devil Fruit Encyclopedia,” He said with a smile, holding the book in the air. He then opened the book and began looking through it to find out which Devil Fruit this was. “Hey, can I ask a question?” He asked.

“What about?” Scootaloo asked, her eyebrows raised cautiously.

“About that picture of you and-” he stopped abruptly when Scootaloo suddenly slammed her fist on the table.

“THAT’S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!” She screamed, her eyes burning with rage.

Isaac stared at her in stunned silence, before he continued to look through the book. “I’m sorry, I was just…” he began but stopped when there was a knock on the door.

“Scootaloo, it’s me, Rainbow Dash! I know you’re in there! I heard you yelling!” A female voice on the other side shouted.

“Is she the one from the photo?” Asked Isaac.

“Quick, you have to hide, now,” Scootaloo told him in alarm.

Isaac activated his power, turning his whole body into Ashes, and disappeared, while Scootaloo ran to the door. She reluctantly opened the door, and Rainbow walked in. “Hey, Scoot, how’s it going?” She asked with a smile.

“What do you want, Rainbow Dash?” Scootaloo asked sourly.

“Well, I thought I’d check on you,” Rainbow said in a caring tone. She looked around and saw that the house looked cleaner than usual. “Have you been cleaning up here?” She asked.

“No,” Scootaloo said defensively.

“So, do you have a guest here or something?” Rainbow asked curiously.

“Look, why are you here, Dash?” Scootaloo said bitterly.

“Alright, listen, something’s come up again, so I can’t…” Rainbow stopped when Scootaloo punched the wall hard.

“There's always something!” She snapped angrily.

“Scoots,” Rainbow said softly.

“Just go, Dash,” Scootaloo said forcefully.

“Look Scootaloo, there’s a Guy with weird powers running around out there. He can turn into Ashes and Cinders. Once we find him, I promise to spend some time with you, and we can…” Rainbow stopped talking when Scootaloo interrupted her once more.

“You keep saying that, but then something else comes up. Ever since my wings were removed, I’ve lost everything. I don’t see you, Applebloom, or Sweetie Belle anymore. Just get out of my house,” Scootaloo said, trying hard to hold back her tears, as she opened the front door, wanting Rainbow Dash to just leave.

With a sorrowful look on her face, Rainbow walked out the door. “Scootaloo, I’m so sorry. But seriously, if you see this Ashe's guy, report it. The sooner we get this guy, the better,” she said, and then she left Scootaloo’s house.

Isaac had heard every word, and while he was hiding, he was still going through the book and found the list of known Devil Fruit names.

Scootaloo then walked back into the kitchen. “Hey, she's gone. You can come out now,” She said.

Isaac reformed his body and faced her again. “Are you okay?” He asked.

“I’m fine, but you might want to lay low for a while,” Scootaloo said cautiously.

“Maybe I should go back to the forest,” Isaac suggested.

“No, Zecora said you still need to heal that wound,” Scootaloo replied. “Just stay here till your shoulder has healed.”

“I don’t want to cause you any problems,” Isaac said as he started to clean the table.

“Look, you’re not causing me any trouble,” Scootaloo said reassuringly. “What happened between me and Dash is personal.” She paused, before saying quietly and sadly, “Very personal.” She shook her head. “So, what are we going to do with this Devil Fruit?” she asked, gesturing to the Devil Fruit on the table.

“Probably best if I keep a hold of it,” Isaac said, before looking at Scootaloo thoughtfully. “Not unless you want to eat it,” he offered.

“What?” Scootaloo said in surprise. “I don’t even know what kind of Fruit it is, so I don’t know what kind of power it gives. I mean, I could end up with something really weird, or something useless, so, sorry, but no thanks.”

“Yeah, there’s some pretty dumb ones out there,” Isaac muttered under his breath. “Don’t blame you.”

“Before I even think about eating this thing,” Scootaloo went on, “why don’t you try and find out which one it is first? I want to know exactly what I’m getting if I do eat it.”

“Fair enough. Sure,” Isaac agreed. As he cleaned the kitchen, he thought about the Devil Fruit, and about those girls who were looking for him. “There’s no choice. I’ll just cause more trouble for her if I stay. I’ll have to leave this town,” He thought to himself.

Within Twilight’s Castle, five of the girls were gathered around the crystal table, when Rainbow Dash entered the throne room.

“Oh, Rainbow, you’re back,” Said Fluttershy.

“How’s Scootaloo, darling?” Asked Rarity with concern.

Rainbow Dash just walked towards Twilight without answering, as Twilight looked up at her with worry. “Um, Rainbow Dash, is everything okay?” She asked worriedly.

“Twilight, can you and the girls find the Ashes guy without me?” Rainbow asked.

“Why? Did something happen to Scootaloo?” Twilight asked again.

“No, she’s fine...mostly,” Rainbow Dash said hesitantly, before saying, “But, it’s just that I haven’t spent any time with her since her wings were removed, and she has no one else but me, and most of my time is spent helping you guys out. Between that and my time spent with the Wonderbolts, I just don’t have any time for her.”

“I understand, Rainbow,” Twilight said in a caring voice, “And I would like to let you spend all the time you need with Scootaloo. But Celestia wants us to find the Cinder Lord. The sooner you get him, the sooner you can spend all the time you want with Scootaloo.”

“Ohh, we are looking for a Noble Man are we?” Rarity said in a teasing voice.

“No, it’s a self-given title,” Twilight said.

“Ohhh,” Rarity said in a disappointed tone and with a sad frown.

“Oh, alright, Twilight, the sooner the better.” Rainbow agreed reluctantly.

“Okay, girls, here's the plan,” Twilight began, “Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash, go to Cloudsdale and ask around. Someone there might have seen him. Everyone else goes to town and looks for any clues.”

“What about you?” Asked Pinkie.

“I and Spike are going to do some research on Devil Fruits,” Twilight replied.

“Well, we best just get started,” Applejack said as she stood up and walked out of the room, the other four girls following her.

Not long after the girls left, Spike entered the room. He was a young humanoid dragon with purple scales covering parts of his body, green hair, and green eyes. He was wearing a purple hoodie with matching pants, and green shoes. In his hands, he was carrying a large white snail, with a sun emblem on its shell, and what looked like a phone receiver attached to the top of its shell.

“Hey, Twilight, you got a call from Princess Celestia,” He said while holding out the snail to her, as it made an odd ringing noise.

“Thank you, Spike,” Twilight said as she grabbed the receiver. “Hello, Princess Celestia.”

“Twilight, have you found him yet?” Asked Celestia’s serious voice from the snail’s mouth.

“No, I haven’t,” Twilight replied in disappointment, “I have just sent the girls to find any clues to his whereabouts.”

“I see,” Celestia replied.

“Also, I’m about to start my research into these Devil Fruits,” Twilight continued.

“Well, fortunately, as it happens, I have good news on that front. We have managed to gather some information about Devil Fruits,” Celestia went on. “I asked a girl named Wallflower Blush, who happens to be studying plants, to study the remains of the Fruit that the Cinder Lord has eaten. According to her, the fruit has no seed-bearing structure, and once bitten into, the Fruit almost immediately began to rot away, but that is all we know for the moment.”

“Hmm, I see,” Twilight said in deep thought, “If it began to rot as soon as part of it was eaten, then by that logic, the Fruit in question can only be eaten by one person, meaning that only one person can have the power granted by that Fruit. But, wait,” She went on in slight confusion, “If it has no seed-bearing structure, how can it be called a Fruit?”

“Yes, that is a good question, Twilight,” Celestia said, “However, it is quite clear that these Devil Fruits are very unnatural. However, how they grow is not our concern at this time. Our main concern is the potential threat they pose from the bizarre, and as we’ve seen, dangerous powers they grant to those who consume them. Needless to say, we must find him. At present, he knows more about these Fruits than anyone else. Now listen carefully, Twilight. If you find him, inform him that my word still has value. If he surrenders, no more harm will come to him.”

“I understand, Princess,” Twilight replied in understanding of her fellow Princess’ request. “I promise I will not fail you. Once I have found him, I will inform him of your ultimatum. I’ll report back as soon as possible.” She was about to place the receiver back on top of the snail’s shell when she brought it back to her mouth. “Oh, one more thing. Is there anything you can tell me that would help me with my research into Devil Fruits?”

There was a moment's pause before Celestia spoke again. “Yes, I believe there is. Before he escaped from Canterlot Castle, the Cinder Lord said that Devil Fruits were created by a being known as the Sea Devil. Maybe you should start your research there.”

“The Sea Devil,” Twilight said thoughtfully. “Thank you, Princess.” She then placed the receiver back on top of the Snail’s shell, and the snail closed its eyes like it was sleeping. She then looked up at Spike. “Spike, we have a lot of work to do. Can you go to Sugar Cube Corner and get some coffee, please? We are going to need it,” She said with an apprehensive frown, dreading the work to come.

“Sure, Twilight, I won't be long. Oh, before I go, I found some books about Demonic items,” He said, before making his way out of the room.

“Thanks, Spike,” Twilight smiled. “And with the change, get yourself something nice.” She got up from her throne and walked off to the library.

It was now dark outside, and Isaac was sitting on the couch in Scootaloo’s living room, thinking about his next move.

“Hey, what’s on your mind?” Asked Scootaloo as she sat down next to him.

“Just thinking,” He replied.

“What about?” She asked again.

“What my next move will be,” He said when he suddenly had an idea. “Say, have you got a map of the world?” He asked.

“Hmm, I might, let me look around,” Scootaloo said, as she stood up and walked towards a door at the back of the room. This room was her Parent's Study. She reached out to open the door but hesitated. Isaac, who was watching her from the couch, noticed her pause and wondered what was up. Scootalloo stayed still for a moment longer, before opening the door and stepping inside. The room looked like it hadn't been touched for quite some time. After looking through the piles of books and notes about far-off lands and discoveries her parents had made on their expeditions, she found what she was looking for. “Never thought I’d come in here for anything again,” she whispered bitterly as she left the room. She finally came back to Isaac, carrying a rolled-up map. “Found one,” She said and unrolled it on the table.

“Okay, so, where are we on the map?” Isaac asked as he scanned the map.

“Hmm, I think we’re here,” Scootaloo said, pointing to near the centre of the large landmass, which showed the little town, named Ponyville, which was close to a mountain at the centre of the landmass. On the side of the mountain, was what looked like a white castle, named Canterlot. That must be where he escaped from.

“Ok, Scootaloo, I know this country is called Equestria. What about the surrounding kingdoms? What are they called?” Isaac asked again.

“Well, several different Kingdoms are surroundingEquestria,” Scootaloo said, “There’s the Dragon Lands, Griffinstone, Yakyakistan...oh, and there’s also the Crystal Empire up near the Frozen North.”

“Wait a minute,” Isaac asked with raised eyebrows, “you have Dragons and Griffins here?”

“Well, not exactly. The Dragon Lands are ruled by the Draco, and Griffinstone is the home of the Avians,” Scootaloo explained.

“Dracos and Avians?” Isaac asked curiously. “What are they like? Are they like you?”

“Soft of,” Scootaloo said, before explaining, “You see, it’s like this. Dracos are kind of like us Equestrians, but they are more like you than us. But, they have scales that cover different parts of their bodies, they have wings, but they are more like large bat wings than birds wings, and they have long scaly tails, like reptiles. Some of them even have horns. Avians, on the other hand, are more like you too but are much more birdlike. They have feathers all over their bodies, they have pads on the bottoms of their feet, so they don’t bother wearing shoes, and they protect them when they land. And also, their hands have Lion claws. And get this. They can retract their wings.” She then let out a sigh. “A fact that I can’t help but be envious of,” She thought morosely to herself.

“So, anyway, you also mentioned this Crystal Empire place,” Isaac went on. “What can you tell me about it?”

“Oh, yeah, right,” Scootaloo said, glad about the change of subject. “The Crystal Empire is an amazing, beautiful place, and, as the name describes, it’s all made entirely out of crystal, and it’s the home of the Crystalites.”

“Crystalites?” Isaac asked with a bewildered look. “What are they like?”

“Well, basically, they’re just like us Equestrians,” Scootaloo explained. “They’re made up of Earth Ponies, Pegasi, and Unicorns, just like us, but with one key difference. Their hair, skin and eyes are really shiny like they are all made of crystal too.”

“Really? Wow,” Isaac said in slight awe, as he imagined what these Crystalites might look like. “A place called The Crystal Empire, where everything is made of crystal, and the people who live there look like they are made of crystal too. Sounds like something Rebecca Sugar would dream up,” He thought to himself.

“Er, quick question,” Scootaloo said, “Why do you need to know all this stuff, anyway?”

“Because I have to leave this place soon. There’s this group of people I’m trying to find.” Isaac said as he thought of the letter that came with the Cinder Cinder Fruit from the mysterious Lapis Lobelia.

“You only just got here, and you’re already thinking of leaving?” Scootaloo asked.

“Look, Scootaloo,” Isaac said, giving her a stern look. “As that friend of yours, Rainbow Dash said, I’m a wanted man. If I stay here too much longer, they are bound to track me down, and that would not just be bad for me, but for you too. If you got caught up in my mess, what would your parents say?”

Scootaloo's face twisted into a bitter scowl, and she tutted in disgust. “My parents don’t have anything to say these days,” she said disdainfully.

“Wait,” Isaac said as worry seeped into his voice, “don’t tell me your parents are-.”

“No, they’re not dead!” Scootaloo snapped. “They’re just too busy galavanting around the world to have any time to do with me!”

“Well,” Isaac said slowly, “what about your friends?”

“Friends?!” Scootaloo practically spat out the word like it was poison in her mouth. “What friends?! Those two bitches abandoned me a long time ago too!”

“Umm, OK,” Isaac said in a wavering voice, now feeling very uncomfortable, and completely at a loss on how to proceed from here without upsetting the very troubled girl in front of him even more.

Before she could say anymore, Scootaloo took a deep breath to calm herself, before giving Coren an apologetic look. “Hey, look, sorry about that. Family and friends are kind of a sensitive topic for me.”

“No no no,” Isaac said hurriedly, hoping to break the tension, “I completely understand, it’s OK.”

“OK, right. Thanks,” Scootaloo said, relieved he wasn't mad at her. “But still, you shouldn’t leave yet, not with that hole in your shoulder.”

Isaac looked between her and his shoulder, before sighing in defeat. “OK, you’re right,” he said. “I’ll stay until my wounds have fully healed.” He then looked around the room and saw the clock. “Wow, it’s already that late.”

Scootaloo then saw the time too. “Whoa, you’re right. Yeah, better call it a night then,” She said as she got up and headed for the stairs.

“Hey, just before you go, Zecora told me to ask you to help put this on my back,” Isaac said before he pulled out a bottle of balm from the pouch Zecora gave him.

“Oh OK, let’s get this over with,” Scootaloo said, making her way to the couch. Isaac then took his shirt off, while Scootaloo applied the balm on the back wound. “OK, done,” She said, before letting out a yawn. “Geez, I’m tired. I’m going to bed now.” She stood up and walked towards the stairs again. “I’ll see you in the morning,” She said before she disappeared upstairs.

After she had gone, Isaac took his medicine from Zecora and then sat back on the couch as he stared at the map. “Hmm, The Crystal Empire...Griffinstone...The Dragon Lands,” He thought. “I am in another world, aren’t I? Was sending me to another world part of their experiment? At that moment, he groaned as his head started to hurt. “I’m giving myself a headache from all this thinking. It’s about time I got some sleep myself. I’ll come up with a plan in the morning.” He lay down on the couch and quickly fell asleep.

Meanwhile, Twilight and Spike were in her library, going through book after book. “Ugh! Nothing! Not one of these books has anything about Devil Fruits! This is unbelievable!” Twilight said in frustration.

“Yeah, it's odd. Not a single one of these books has any information about Devil Fruits,” Spike said, agreeing with Twilight, and almost as frustrated as her.

Twilight sighed heavily and was just reaching for yet another book when the Transponder Snail began to ring. “Padda, Padda, Padda.” Twilight picked up the receiver. “Click!”

“Hello?” She said into the receiver.

“Hey Twi, it’s Rainbow,” Rainbow’s voice answered. “I and Fluttershy asked around, and no one has seen the guy.”

“Alright, Rainbow, thank you. I think we’ve done all we can for today. Tell the others we’ll resume the search for him tomorrow,” Twilight replied. “I’ll see you two in the morning.”

“Gotcha, Twi. See ya tomorrow,” Rainbow said, before hanging up. “Click!”

Twilight hung up the receiver, and then she decided to call Celestia. “May as well tell her the bad news,” she said in disappointment, before picking up the receiver again and turning the dial to put in the number for Celestia’s direct line.

After a few rings, Celestia answered. “Hello?”

“Princess Celestia, it’s Twilight,” She said.

“Have you found him?” Celestia asked, getting straight to the point.

“No, not yet, I’m afraid. Also, I have gone through my whole library, and found no further information on Devil Fruits,” Twilight reported.

“Hmm, I see,” Celestia said, and Twilight can hear the disappointment in her voice. “We must keep looking for him. He’s the only one who knows anything about these Devil Fruits,” she told Twilight.

“I understand, Princess. Leave it to us,” Twilight replied, understanding her task.

“Thank you, Twilight. Know that I am truly grateful to you and your friends for all your efforts,” Celestia said, before hanging up. “Click!”

Twilight hung up once more and turned to look at Spike. “Okay Spike, let’s call it a night,” She said, rubbing her tired eyes.

“Sure, Twilight,” He said, stretching his arms and yawning.

That said, Twilight and Spike left the library to go to bed, knowing that tomorrow they’ll have more work to do.

Within the throne room of Canterlot Castle, Princess Celestia was looking at the map of the city, with Red Crosses covering different parts of the map.

Just then, Shining Armor came marching into the room and saluted her. “Your Highness, I have a report for you,” He said seriously.

“Let’s hear it, Shining Armor,” Celestia replied, her eyes glued to the map.

“We searched the back alleys, and all abandoned buildings in the city, and we still haven’t found him,” Reported Shining Armor.

“What about the sewers?” Asked Celestia, still not taking her eyes off the map.

“We haven’t looked there yet, Princess,” He replied.

“Search there next,” Celestia ordered, “We can't leave no stone unturned. If he’s desperate, he might take his chances hiding there,” She explained.

“Understood, Your Highness,” Shining Armor said, before leaving the room to carry out his orders.

As Shining Armor left, Luna entered the room, a deep frown on her face. “Sister, my Vanguard has searched the surrounding areas. He has not been found yet, I am afraid,” She reported.

“I see. Thank you, Luna,” Celestia said with a long, weary sigh.

“Sister, shall I send my Vanguard to the neighbouring towns?” Luna asked.

“No, leave them here. I want them within arms reach. Just in case that man isn’t the only Devil Fruit user within our kingdom,” Celestia said as she rubbed her eyes from her exhaustion.

“Understood, Sister,” Luna said, before looking at her sister curiously. “Tell me, Sister, why are you so desperate to find this man?” She asked.

“I need to know more about these Devil Fruits, and that man is our only lead,” Celestia replied. Luna then chuckled at her sister. “What's so funny, Luna?” Celestia asked in annoyance.

“Whom are you trying to convince, me or yourself?” Luna asked with an amused smirk.

“Excuse me?” Celestia said with a raised eyebrow.

“Tia, I’m your sister, and I can read you like a book,” Luna said with a grin. “You don’t want to find him because of the Devil Fruits, you want to find him over the fact that BlueBlood broke your word.”

These words, Isaac’s words then echoed in Celestia's mind. “You gave me your word!” She remembered his final angry shout before he made his escape. She took a deep breath, and let it out in a long, heavy sigh. “You’re right, Luna,” she said. She looked up at her sister. “My word is my bond, and when BlueBlood pierced his shoulder with that arrow, he broke my word. If BlueBlood had not shot that arrow at him, he would not have felt threatened enough to eat that Fruit, he would simply have handed it over to me, and all of this could have been avoided.” She then sat down on her throne and placed her chin in her hands. “You know something else, Luna?” she said. “I have gone over the events of last night over and over again in my mind, and do you know what the first words I remember hearing the Cinder Lord say were?”

“No, sister, I do not believe you have told me,” Luna said curiously. “What did he say?”

Celestia leaned forward and gave her sister a serious look. “I heard him shout out the words, ‘What? No signal?’, and when he first saw me, his reaction was one of great confusion and panic as if he had never laid eyes on an Alicorn before,a, when we first encountered each other, he asked if I was an Angel,” she explained. “Have you heard of such a creature as this Angel, Luna?”

“Hmm, Angel,” Luna said thoughtfully, “I have never heard of such a creature, Sister. Perhaps they are the monarchs of his homeland like we Alicorns are the Monarchs of our Kingdom.”

“Hmm, maybe so, Luna,” Celestia said, “for now, all we know is that something doesn’t add up with this Cinder Lord. He is just as much a mystery as the Devil Fruits.”

“Do you believe that there could be a Kingdom filled with others of his kind, and the Monarchy of his land is made up of these Angels?” Luna asked with intrigue.

“Yes, for the moment, that is what I presume,” Celestia said, before placing her hands over her face, and sighing heavily in exhaustion. Luna then walked up to her sister and took hold of her hands, pulling them away from her face, as Celestia looked at her with a mix of exhaustion, worry, and sorrow in her eyes. “We need to find him, Luna. We need to learn about these Devil Fruits, and I need to apologise to him,” Celestia told her younger sibling.

“I truly understand your feelings, Tia, and we will find him sooner or later,” Luna said reassuringly, now fully understanding her sister's feelings about the Cinder Lord. She then smiled and said jokingly, “And when we do find him, you could always make him an Alicorn, or maybe try and see about making one of these Angels as an apology gift,”

Despite how she felt, Celestia couldn’t help smiling and giggling. “Since when were you the funny sister, Luna?” She asked in amusement.

“Only when I need to be,” Luna said with a warm smile. She then stood up and turned to leave. “I will relieve you for the night shift as always, Sister,” she said as she left the Throne Room.

Once Luna was gone, Celestia sighed once more as she looked at the map again. “Where can he be hiding?” She thought to herself.

To Be Continued...