• Published 6th Dec 2021
  • 1,891 Views, 181 Comments

Age Of Devil Fruits - Madforce Entertainment

Isaac. Just a normal guy dealing with normal problems. But one day, he received a mysterious package in the mail, containing a weird Fruit covered with a swirl pattern which will send him into a strange yet magical world of anthropomorphic… Ponies!

  • ...

Chapter 2: The Lord Of Cinder and The Lady of Fire

The Sun rose to begin a new day. Isaac, who was currently staying at Scootaloo’s home, was sleeping on her couch, while upstairs, Scootaloo, who was asleep in her bed, woke up and rubbed her eyes.

“Time to get up,” She mumbled to herself before she got out of her bed. Her nightwear was a vest top and her underwear, both of which were white. She walked to the bathroom to do her morning ritual. Once she was finished, Scootaloo rendered her bedroom and dressed in her usual attire. “I wonder if that guy is still here,” She said to herself before she then went downstairs to see Isaac. He was still asleep on her couch. “So he is still here.” She walked over to the couch and shook him to wake him up. “Hey, it’s morning, time to get up,” She said, waking him up.

Isaac slowly awoke from Scooterloo’s shaking. “Hmm, what time is it?” He asked sleepily, with his eyes closed.

“It’s still early,” Scootaloo answered, “do you want coffee?” She asked.

“No thanks, not a coffee lover,” Isaac replied groggily as he sat up, still half asleep.

“OK, suit yourself,” Scootaloo said with a shrug, walking to the kitchen to make herself coffee. “Hey, the bathroom’s free, go get yourself cleaned up,” She told Isaac.

“OK thanks,” Isaac said as he walked upstairs to take a shower. He went into the bathroom to wash himself.

After a while, there was a knock on the front door. “Who’s that?” Scootaloo wondered and went to answer the door. At the door was Rainbow Dash.

“Hey, Scootaloo,” She said with a grin.

Scootaloo was not happy to see her. “Oh, why are you here, Dash?” She asked with an annoyed look.

“Well, I came to see how you’ve been doing,” Rainbow Dash replied when she heard the shower running from upstairs. “Who’s in your shower?” She asked.

Scootaloo panicked, trying hard to think of an answer. “Uhh, It’s my... Boyfriend!” She quickly lied.

Rainbow Dash was surprised at this. “You have a boyfriend?” She asked with raised eyebrows.

“Yeah, that’s right, I have a boyfriend, and he spent the night here, and just before you ask, he rocked my world like a Hurricane!” Scootaloo replied with a few more lies and a strained smile.

Rainbow Dash, much to her relief, was buying her story. “Oh, OK, Umm, how about I come back later then,” She said with a cold sweat.

“Yeah, that's the best idea, we’re still secretive about our relationship,” Scootaloo agreed hastily.

“OK, I’ll leave you and your Boyfriend alone,” Rainbow said as she turned and walked away. “Don’t forget to use protection,” She joked.

Scootaloo blushed at Rainbow Dash’s joke. “Sh-shut up!” She yelled after her.

Rainbow Dash just laughed as she walked away from Scootaloo’s house. “Nice to see she has someone in her life now. We need to find this guy, and once we find him I’ll spend the rest of the year with her, and we’ll do whatever she wants,” Rainbow Dash thought to herself with a happy smile.

Scootaloo shut the door and leaned on it, blushing like crazy. “Oh man, why did I say that?!” She asked herself with her hands on her face.

“Hey, Scootaloo, you don’t have any clean underwear for me to use, do you?” Isaac then called down to her.

Scootaloo blushed so much that steam seemed to come whooshing from her ears. “Mmm, h-hold on a second!” She called up to him in a stuttering voice. She then grabbed something from her Dad’s old dresser. “I can’t believe this is happening,” She thought to herself in panic.

Upstairs, Isaac waited for Scootaloo. “Is she OK?” He thought to himself.

“Hey, I’ve got something for you. I’ll leave it by the door,” Scootaloo told him from the other side of the door, sounding on edge.

“Thanks, Scootaloo,” Isaac replied, as he reached out and grabbed the clothes from the ground.

Scootaloo ran back downstairs, jumped onto her couch, and crouched into the fetal position, putting her hands over her face. “Oh God, what’s going on with me?” She mumbled to herself in embarrassment. Suddenly, there was a loud yell from upstairs.

“WHAT HAPPENED TO MY HAIR!” Isaac yelled in shock.

Scootaloo jumped from this, and she ran back upstairs. “Hey, are you okay?” She asked.

Isaac opened the door, looking at her frantically. “Look at my hair!” He showed her as he was freaking out.

“What’s wrong with it?” Scootaloo asked.

“What do you mean what’s wrong?! My hair is black!” He said in disbelief.

“Dude, calm the hell down! It was always black!” Scootaloo insisted.

“Wait, what?” Isaac asked, confused.

“Your hair was grey from the moment I met you,” Scootaloo explained like it was obvious.

“Wai?” Isaac asked again.

“Yeah…” Scootaloo started, but was caught off guard when Isaac's towel fell off his body, and gave her an eyeful, causing her to blush and scream. She then grabbed anything within reach and threw it all at him. “Cover yourself, pervert!” She yelled at him, as he ducked back into the bathroom.

Later, Scootaloo and Isaac were seated at the table. Scootaloo was drinking some coffee while Isaac was going through his book. “Oh, I see, so one of the side effects of the Cinder-Cinder Fruit is that it turns my hair, Charcoal Black,” He read out loud.

“Well, that’s nice to hear,” Said an annoyed Scootaloo sarcastically, rolling her eyes.

“Come on, we both know that was an accident,” Isaac said calmingly, trying to clear the air a little.

“Accident or not, it still scarred me for life,” Scootaloo frowned, taking another sip from her coffee.

“Now you're just being melodramatic,” Isaac said with a raised eyebrow.

“OK, OK, I overreacted, I’m sorry,” Scootaloo said with her hands raised. “Let’s just move on. What are you going to do, now?” She asked. “Rainbow Dash and the others are looking for you, and it won’t be long before the Royal Guard starts posting wanted posters.”

“I know, and I do have somewhat of a plan,” Isaac answered.

“Oh really, what’s your plan then?” Scootaloo asked.

Isaac gave Scootaloo a serious look. “I can’t stay here. I have to leave soon,” He told her.

Scootaloo stared at him. “Leave? Are..are you serious?” She asked, trying to process his answer.

“Yes,” Isaac said with a nod. “There are some people I need to find. A group called The Lobelia Organization.

“The Lobelia Organisation? Who are they?” Scootaloo asked.

“A group of people I desperately need to find,” Isaac said very seriously. “People I need answers from. Also, don’t forget, I’m a Wanted man, so I can’t stay here too long anyway.”

“So, does that mean…” Scootaloo asked slowly. “That you could end up somewhere far away from here? Like...The Crystal Empire for example?”

“Maybe even further than that,” Isaac replied.

Scootaloo thought hard about what she’d just been told. She had wanted to get away from Ponyville for a long time now, and having heard Isaac’s plans to venture out beyond her small town, beyond her kingdom, and into the unknown, to find the Lobelia Organisation, this was an opportunity she knew she could not miss. She was once promised such an opportunity by her surrogate sister, Rainbow Dash, and at that moment, she could only think about 4 words, but saying these could go 1 of 2 ways, but she knew she had to risk saying these words. Shooting to her feet, she blurted out, “Take me with you!”

“Wh-what?” Isaac stuttered in confusion.

“Take me with you, Isaac!” Scootaloo pleaded desperately, as she got down on her hands and knees in front of him, “Please, Isaac, please take me with you?! Please?!”

“Scootaloo, where’s this coming from?” Isaac asked softly.

“Please, Isaac, ever since my wings were taken from me, my life here has fallen apart,” Scootaloo said in a broken voice as tears began to fall from her eyes. “I can’t take it anymore. My friends don’t even bother me coming to see me anymore, and Rainbow Dash always has an excuse why she doesn’t come and see me,” She said tearfully as the floodgates opened and she started to sob. “I hate it, I hate it so much it hurts!” She said through her tears as she cried her heart out, letting out all the anger, pain and sadness she’d held in for so long.

“Scootaloo,” Isaac said, as he dropped to his knees and hugged her tightly, while Scootaloo buried her face in his shoulder and continued to cry. “So that’s what happened,” He thought solemnly to himself. “Her wings were taken from her, probably surgically removed. Then what were the odds of her finding that Devil Fruit? Hmm, The Float-Float Fruit. I’ll start my quest for the Lobelia Organisation tomorrow. If she chooses to come with me, I’ll give it to her, and if she doesn’t want to come, I’ll tell her what it is then. She deserves to know about its power at least.”

After a little while, Scootaloo finally stopped crying and calmed down. “Are you OK?” Isaac asked.

“Y-yeah,” Scootaloo sniffled, “I-I’m fine, I-I just couldn’t hold it back.”

“Scootaloo, tell me, what happened to your wings?” Isaac asked her.

“Well, as I’m sure you’ve guessed, I’m not an Earth Pony, I’m Pegasus. When I was a little Filly, I could never fly,” She said, remembering her younger days.

“How come you couldn’t fly if you had wings?” Isaac asked in confusion.

“I was told my wings were underdeveloped, and that’s the reason why I could never fly. In recent years, I started suffering from back pains. The Doctor told me that the bones from my wings were going inwards into my body. They said if I didn’t have them removed, I would become paralysed for the rest of my life. I said no at first, but Rainbow Dash and my friends convinced me to have the operation. They promised that nothing would change between all of us. But ever since that day, my friends stopped visiting me, always saying that they were too busy, and Rainbow Dash always kept telling me she had her duties. Even my parents don’t see me anymore since they went off exploring the world. I just have no one left in my life anymore,” Scootaloo explained with a saddened look.

“I see,” Isaac said with a sorrowful look. “Scootaloo, listen to me. I’ll be starting my journey tomorrow. I’m going to see Zecora about my wound, and I’ll be staying there to hide from anyone who comes looking for me. If your heart is set on coming with me then I won’t stop you,” He told her.

“Yeah, Rainbow Dash came here while you were taking a shower,” Scootaloo agreed with him. “Probably best not to risk you being found here again.”

Isaac nodded and went to get himself ready to head back to the Everfree Forest. Once he was ready, he headed for the front door and paused as he looked back at Scootaloo. “I’ll see you tomorrow,” He said as he left the house.

Scootaloo was now left alone to think about her decision. “If I stay, nothing will ever change. But if I go with him, there will be no turning back,” She thought to herself. Then she suddenly remembered what she said to Rainbow Dash. “Yeah, that’s right, I have a boyfriend, and he spent the night here, and just before you ask, he rocked my world like a Hurricane!” She blushed heavily from this. “Why am I thinking about that?” She asked herself. She spent the rest of the day thinking hard about what she was going to do.

After leaving Scootaloo’s house, Rainbow Dash went to rejoin Twilight and the other girls. Pinkie Pie saw her approaching. “Hi, Dashy!” She said in her usual cheerful voice as she skipped towards Rainbow Dash.

“Sup, Pinkie. So what’s Twilight’s plan to find this guy?” Rainbow asked.

“No idea, she’s still on the snail to Princess Celestia,” Replied Pinkie Pie.

“How’s Scootaloo, Sugarcube?” Asked Applejack in concern.

“I think she's doing better. She said she has a boyfriend now,” Rainbow Dash answered with a relieved smile.

“Oh, so she has a spouse,” Said Rarity with an intrigued smirk.

“It’s nice to hear Scootaloo is doing better,” Fluttershy said with a happy smile.

“So what’s the name of this lucky young stallion who has won Scootaloo’s affections?” Rarity asked.

“Hmm, actually, I don’t know his name, Scootaloo never said. Maybe later today visit her, and ask her,” Rainbow Dash replied.

Just then, Twilight finished her conversation with Celestia, and she rejoined the other girls.

“So what did Celestia say?” Asked Rainbow Dash.

Twilight took a deep breath and began to speak. “Alright, here's the situation. Celestia told me they searched the whole City, and he was nowhere to be found. My brother is coming with a Search Party to find him,” she explained.

“And what are we going to do?” Asked Applejack.

“We’re going to wait for them, and help in the search,” Twilight replied. “So for now, everyone can go home and wait until Shining Armor arrives with his search party.”

“Oh, a party, I’ll bring snacks and Cakes with…” Applejack covered Pinkie Pie’s mouth before she went on a tangent.

“Not that kind of party, sugar cube,” She told the party girl sternly.

“Alright now…” Twilight said before she was interrupted.

“Twilight! Your brother’s on the Snail, he said it's important!” Spike called to her.

Twilight grabbed the receiver. “Hello, Shining Armor? What’s wrong?” She asked.

“Twilight! I've just received a report from the Crystal Empire! They’ve found another human there!” Her brother said urgently.

“What!?” All the girls cried at once in shock.

“Yes another human was seen, and that’s not all! He was seen in possession of another of those Devil Fruits! He then ate the Fruit, and then seemed to slash down the Guards with blades made of the wind which he produced from his fingertips!” He also told them.

“So what’s happening now?” Twilight asked, now worried for her family.

“I’m headed to The Crystal Empire to check on Cadance and Flurry Heart. The Search is still coming to help you find the Cinderlord. I’m sorry, Twilight, but I can’t help you with the search,” He said to his sister.

“I understand, Shining Armor. If I was in your position, I would do the same,” Twilight said, completely understanding her brother’s dilemma.

“Thanks, Twilight. But be careful. From what I heard, this individual caused a lot of damage, and we don’t know what the Cinder Lord is fully capable of yet,” Shining Armor said in a warning to his sister and her friends.

“Thanks for your warning, Shining Armor, and you should be careful as well,” Twilight replied.

“I will, good luck with the search,” Shining Armor said before hanging up.

Twilight hung up as well, then placed her hands over her face. “I can’t believe this is happening.” She said, sighing heavily

“I can’t believe there’s another one of them Fruits that was lying around,” Applejack said in disgust.

“I know, Darling, and then another one of those awful humans gained its power and caused a lot of damage to all those beautiful Crystal houses,” Rarity agreed with an indignant huff.

“So what now?” Asked Rainbow Dash, “There’s two of these Devil Fruit using weirdos now.”

“I don’t know,” Twilight said, “I wish I did know what to do, but I don’t.”

Fluttershy walked up to Twilight and placed her hand on Twilight’s shoulder. “I’m sure it's going to be OK,” She said comfortingly and softly.

Twilight put her hand on Fluttershy’s hand. “Thanks, Fluttershy,” she said gratefully.

“Ok, so what should we do?” Asked Rarity.

“Hmm, OK, let's think about places we haven’t looked for the Cinder Lord,” Twilight said as she pulled out a map of the town. “Once the search party gets here, we’ll have some idea where they can look for him next,” She explained.

The girls agreed and started to think of places they had already searched for Isaac, as well as trying to think of places to look for him next.

Isaac soon made It back to the Everfree Forest. As he walked through the forest to find Zecora’s Hut, He couldn’t stop thinking about Scootaloo.

“What should I do? If I give her the Float-Float Fruit, she would finally be able to fly, but on the other hand, if I do give her the Fruit, she’ll have a target painted on her back.” Isaac continued to think about the dilemma, and he eventually found Zecora’s Hut. The Zebra herself was working in her Herb garden.

“Oh, Isaac, good to see you again,” She said with a smile, “how’s your shoulder?”

“It’s doing better now, thanks to you,” Isaac replied.

Zecora could see there was something on his mind. “Come inside, and I shall boil some tea for us,” She said as she stood up and entered her Hut. Isaac entered her Hut and sat at her table, and Zecora placed a cup of tea on the table. “Here,” She said.

“Thanks,” Isaac said, eyeing the tea with wary eyes, remembering his last experience drinking tea in this Hut.

“Don’t worry, it’s not poisoned,” Zecora said with a chuckle.

“Alright, thanks,” Isaac said taking a sip of the tea. “Ohh, Peppermint.”

“So tell me what troubles you,” Zecora asked.

“You know Scootaloo’s story about her wings, right?” Isaac asked.

“Yes I do,” Zecora said with a saddened tone.

“Well, I’ve recently been told about it, and I’m planning on leaving soon, but here’s the thing. Scootaloo wants to come with me,” Isaac explained.

“Hmm, I see, but that’s not what’s troubling you, is it?” Zecora asked.

“No,” Isaac said, before reaching into his bag and pulling out the Devil Fruit that Scootaloo found, placing it on the table. “This is what concerns me.”

“Hmm, is this a Devil Fruit?” Asked Zecora.

“Yes, It’s called the Float-Float Fruit. Scootaloo found it in the Forest,” Isaac explained.

“Float-Float Fruit?” Zecora said curiously.

“That's the name of it, and whoever eats this Fruit gains the power to make objects float just by touching them, and it can also allow the user to fly,” Isaac explained.

“I see, so this is what was on your mind,” Zecora said with an understanding nod, taking a sip of her tea.

“Yeah, with her situation, and the power this Fruit grants, I was thinking about giving this to her, regardless of whether she comes with me or not,” Isaac said, taking another sip of his tea.

“No.” Isaac looked up at Zecora’s stern voice. “If she decides to go with you on your journey, then give it to her. But if she doesn’t, don't let her have it. You will always have a target on your back, and if Scootaloo eats this Devil Fruit, she’ll be hunted down by her friends and family. If she doesn’t want to go with you, then for her sake, don’t give it to her,” She tells Isaac with a serious look.

“Hmm, OK, I understand, but what about if she finds out about the Devil Fruit's power before I’m ready to leave?” Asked Isaac.

“Sometimes, to help someone, you must hurt them,” Zecora replied with a sad look.

“So, we’re going to let her decide?” Isaac asked.

“Yes, we must,” Zecora nodded. Isaac looked down at the Float-Float Fruit. “Now, use this bag to carry that Fruit.” Zecora reached under the table, pulled up a shoulder bag, and placed it on the table.

“Uh, thank you, Zecora,” Isaac said in confusion, “but I already have a bag.”

“I think this one will be more useful to you,” Zecora said with a knowing smile.

“Uh, OK, I’ll take it, thank you,” Isaac said gratefully and put the Fruit in the bag, only for the Fruit to disappear inside like it wasn’t in there. “What the, where’s the Devil Fruit?” He asked in confusion.

“Inside, of course. Are you telling me you have never seen a Haven Bag?” Zecora asked.

“A Haven Bag?” Isaac said, confused.

“Yes, a Haven Bag is a bag that is bigger inside than outside,” Zecora explained.

“Wow, a bag like this exists here?” Isaac said with amazement.

“Yes, they do. In fact, during my younger day as a traveller, I used one of them as a portable home,” Zecora explained further.

“You can live in one of these?” Isaac asked in surprise.

“Yes, indeed you can,” Zecora replied with a smile.

“Whoa, so I can just jump in or step in?” Isaac asked, trying to figure out how to enter the bag.

“You simply slide in by placing your head inside, and it will suck you inside. Do not worry, you will not be harmed as you enter,” Zecora explained.

Nodding in understanding, Isaac put his head in the bag and then felt a jolt as he was sucked into the bag completely. Just as Zecora said, the bag was bigger on the inside. There was a bed, a table, and other camping equipment. “Wow, there’s a lot of camping gear in here,” Isaac said as he looked around the inside bag. “Hmm, now that I know how to get in here, how do I get out?” He asked himself. “Oh wait yeah Devil Fruit powers.” Isaac turned into a cloud of ashes and shot towards the opening of the bag. He seeped out of the bag as a smoggy vapour.

Zecora watched in astonishment as the black cloud seeped out of the bag. “Hmm, did he light a fire in there?” She wondered, as the cloud formed into the shape of a human body, and Isaac regenerated in front of her. “Ah, so that’s how your power works,” Zecora said, intrigued as she looked at Isaac from top to bottom.

“Yeah, my body can become hot cinders and ashes at will,” Isaac explained.

“I have to ask, why didn’t you use the ladder to leave the bag?” Zecora asked while sipping her tea.

“There’s a ladder?” Isaac asked back with a raised eyebrow.

“Yes, of course, there is,” Zecora said as she took another sip of her tea. “How else can anyone get out of a Haven Bag?” She asked Rhetorically. “There are several pieces of Camping equipment I used to use back in my travelling days there,” Zecora said in a nostalgic tone, remembering her days travelling the world.

“Hey, Zecora, are you sure you want to just let me have this bag and all the equipment inside?” He asked, sipping his tea.

“Yes, I wouldn’t mind, it is all just collecting dust anyway,” She answered with a smile. Isaac was grateful to Zecora for everything she had done for him. “And besides, I recently got a brand new one from my sister.” She went on, pulling out her new bag to show him with an adventurous smile.

“Ohh, I get it, so she’s just pawning off her Hand-me-down on me,” Isaac thought to himself. “You have a sister?” He asked.

“Yes, she’s in my homeland,” Zecora said, placing her hand on her chin. “Come to think of it, I must pay her a visit at some point,” She said to herself.

Isaac couldn’t help but feel guilty over everything that Zecora had done for him. “Zecora.” She looked at him. “I am truly grateful for everything you have done for me. Patching up my shoulder, and now giving me this bag, and I don’t have any means of paying you for all of this,” He said with a hint of guilt in his voice.

“The herbs I use to make my medicine come from the forest. So I never charge for any medical treatment, and also I didn’t want to throw away my old bag,” Zecora explained, feeling nostalgic again. “Remembering my travels with that bag. From the storms to the frozen tundras, and the blistering heat in the desert. That old bag was with me through it all. I could never just throw it away,” She explained with a smile.

Isaac understood what Zecora was saying about her old bag. There have been times when he felt the same about stuff he had for a lifetime, like toys and games he had kept since he was a child.

“Also, you are a good person even though you have a bounty, and I can see you have a good heart, and needless to say I have a great judge of character,” Zecora explained with a wink.

Isaac blushed at this. “I see, and I understand where you're coming from,” He said, still blushing a little.

Zecora laughed softly at Isaac. “Now, please remove your clothes?” She suddenly asked.

At this, Isaac’s face went as red as a tomato. “WHAT!? WHY!?” he shouted in a panic.

“No need to shout. I just need to look at your shoulder,” She explained with a cheeky smirk.

“Oh, sorry, I forgot about my shoulder for a moment there,” Isaac said sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head.

“OK, now that we’ve cleared the air, please remove your coat and Shirt?” Zecora asked again.

Isaac removed his coat and shirt to show Zecora his shoulder. She then took a closer look at his shoulder. “Hmm, you must be a fast healer, your wound is almost fully scared over,” She said, examining his wound closely.

“I never thought about how long it would take me to heal before,” Isaac said thoughtfully.

“Hmm, it might be due to the medicinal herbs I collected yesterday,” Zecora said as she carefully rubbed some more balm on his shoulder. “If this keeps up, you’ll be at full strength again in no time.”

“That would be perfect. I plan on leaving soon,” Isaac told her again.

“So, where are you planning on heading?” Zecora asked.

“I don’t know yet. I am not from this land, and I don’t know anything about the neighbouring Kingdoms,” Isaac answered.

“Hmm, there are a few towns near here, and the nearest Kingdom is The Crystal Empire,” Zecora explained as she finished her treatment on Isaac's shoulder. “This will heal soon. Just keep doing what I’ve told you to do.”

“Oh, yeah, The Crystal Empire,” Isaac replied.

“Oh, so you know of it?” Zecora asked.

“Yeah, Scootaloo told me all about it,” Isaac replied.

“Well, the only other place that I’d be able to tell you about would be” Zecora began, only to be rudely, and loudly interrupted, when there was a bang on her front door.

“OPEN UP! I KNOW YOU'RE IN THERE!” Shouted a male, very angry, and very snobby sounding voice.

Zecora looked over at Isaac in alarm. “Hide,” She whispered. Isaac transformed his body into a cloud of cinders and ashes and formed a dark, glowing pile in the corner of the fireplace.

Once he was gone, Zecora opened the door, and a tall, smartly dressed stallion pushed her aside and stormed into the Hut. It was Prince BlueBlood, and he looked furious. He looked around her Hut with disdain, before turning back to her. “WHERE IS HE!?” He demanded loudly.

“Where is who?” Zecora asked innocently, with a very forced smile, trying hard to hide her annoyance at the rude stallion's forced entrance.

“THAT SO-CALLED CINDER LORD!” BlueBlood yelled at her.

“Cinder Lord?” Zecora asked again, trying to look clueless.

“STOP PLAYING DUMB! I KNOW HE’S HERE! THAT FILTHY HUMAN ROBBED ME OF MY BIRTHRIGHT!” BlueBlood continued to scream and rant in almost childlike anger.

As the angry stallion continued his tirade at Zecora, Isaac could hear this guy’s rambling. “What is he going on about?” He asked himself. With some of his ashes, he looked out of the chimney. He saw Zecora and a blonde-haired stallion dressed like an upper-class citizen. But his outfit was filthy like it hadn’t been washed in a few days. Also, he must be an archer, as he was carrying a bow and there was a quiver of arrows on his back.

“I KNOW HE’S HERE, I COULD NEVER FORGET THE FACE OF THAT MAN!” he went on, before pausing to look at Zecora and giving a devilish smile. “Alright, how about we make a deal? Tell me where he is, and I’ll give you all the money you could ever want,” He said in what he thought was a tempting tone.

“I have little interest in money, now leave,” Zecora said sternly, losing patience with the rude and disrespectful stallion.

“NOT UNTIL I FIND HIM!” BlueBlood continued to yell at her with an indignant glare.

Zecora gave the rude stallion a deadpan look, then she grabbed him by his shirt and showing an impressive amount of strength, she threw him over her shoulder and out of her Hut, leaving him lying in an undignified heap. “Go home little man,” She told him coldly, giving him a piercing glare.

BlueBlood got back up, fuming with rage, and made a run at her, his fist raised. “DON’T YOU DARE TOUCH ME YOU-!” He screamed, only to freeze as Zecora pulled out a deadly-looking hunting spear, and pointed it threateningly at the blonde stallion.

“Listen closely little boy,” Zecora said coldly, her eyes burning with anger. “I truly hate disrespectful ponies, and if you continue to be an annoyance, I’m afraid I might have to remove your tongue.” With those words, she trusted her spear closer to his throat. “Or maybe I could take out your vocal cords from that pretty throat of yours. That would put an end to your incessant whining. Hmm, and come to think of it, looking at your body, I could use parts of you to make a delicious stew.” Zecora licked her lips and gave a wicked smile, as she drooled a little. “Oh yes, I have some vegetables I picked from my garden which would go well with you.” Internally, she hoped he would buy her act as a ruthless cannibal.

Isaac, who was listening to everything that was going on, was now a little scared by Zecora. “Whoa, scary,” He shivered to himself.

BlueBlood stared down at the head of Zecora’s spear, his eyes wide as dinner plates, and his pupils as narrow as pinpricks. “Y...You don’t s...scare me!” He stuttered in a cold sweat, as he backed away slowly. “J-just y-you wait you savage! I’ll be back!” He turned and ran as fast as he could from Zecora’s Hut, not daring to look back.

Zecora laughed as she watched him run off into the forest. “What a foolish child,” She said in amusement, still laughing. She closed the door and walked to her table. “You can come out now,” She called to Isaac in a cheery voice.

Isaac seeped out of the fireplace, regenerated his body, and sat down at the table again. After he finished his regeneration, Isaac looked uneasily at Zecora. “You don’t eat Ponies, right?” He asked cautiously.

Zecora just laughed at him. “Oh no, I’m a vegetarian,” She replied, wiping a tear from her eye after laughing so hard.

“So, what’s with the spear?” Isaac asked again, feeling relieved.

“I used to use it for protection back in my travelling days,” Zecora explained, putting her weapon away.

“Hmm, I see,” Isaac said with a nod.

“Now, tell me,” Zecora said curiously, “how much more can you tell me about these Devil Fruits? The last time you spoke of them, you only told us some basic details. For example, you said that your Devil Fruit was something called a Logia type. This would imply that there are other types of these Fruits. Is this true?”

“I’ll start from the beginning. They are mysterious Fruits which are said to have been made by the Sea Devil,” Isaac explained.

“And for what purpose were these Fruits created?” Zecora asked further.

“Well, that’s just it, no one knows,” Isaac said. “There have been plenty of theories, but nothing concrete.”

“I see,” Zecora nodded, “and these other types?”

“There are three types in total,” Isaac went on, “Paramecia Types, which grant you any kind of physical ability. Zoan Types, which grant you the ability to transform into any kind of animal. And of course, Logia Types, like my Cinder Cinder Fruit, which let you transform your whole body into a substance or element, and are said to be the rarest and arguably the most powerful of all Devil Fruits.”

“Hmm, interesting,” Zecora said with intrigue, “I must say, those Zoan Types intrigue me most, but all of these Devil Fruits sound very interesting. I would genuinely like to get my hands on one to examine it closely.”

“Hmm, well you won’t learn much about Devil Fruits just by observing one,” Isaac said, “Their powers remain unknown until someone eats them.” He then looked outside and saw how late it was getting. “Wow, it’s getting dark out there,” He said in surprise.

“Yes, it is getting quite late. Are you going back to Scootaloo’s home?” Zecora asked.

“No, I told her that I would hide in the forest until tomorrow,” He replied, “and if I stay here any longer that guy might do something extreme.”

“Yes, you are right. Also, I have been meaning to ask. Do you know that stallion?” Zecora asked.

“No, I don’t know anyone in this kingdom,” Isaac replied with a shrug, “Who was that guy, and what’s his anger towards me about?” He thought to himself.

Zecora saw that Isaac was deep in thought about the blond stallion. “Hmm, I have a suggestion.” Isaac looked up at her. “There’s the ruins of an old Castle in this forest.”

“A Castle?” Isaac asked with interest.

“Yes, the Castle of the Two Sisters. The wildlife likes to keep its distance from the old Castle,” Zecora explained, as she grabbed some paper and used a pan to draw a makeshift map. “Use this to find the old Castle, and use the Haven Bag I gave you to have some shelter,” she said to Isaac, giving him the map she made.

Isaac took the map from her. “Thanks, Zecora, but you’re doing too much for me,” He said humbly.

“Isaac, it’s alright, I take pleasure in helping others,” Zecora explained with a smile.

“I am truly grateful for everything you have done for me. If there’s any way I could ever repay you please just let me know,” Isaac smiled back.

“No, there’s nothing I need, but if a day does come I shall tell you,” Zecora replied, still smiling.

Isaac thanked Zecora one more time before he left her Hut and made his way to the Castle of The Two Sisters. Soon, He found the ruins of the old crumbling Castle. “So this is the old Castle,” He said as he carefully crossed the old rope bridge leading up to it.

He made it across the bridge and headed inside the Castle. It was full of dust and cobwebs, and as he ventured further, he found a room that still had a door and a window. “Okay, this room should do for tonight,” He said, looking around the old room. In one corner, there was an old bed. He placed his bag on the bed, and then opened it, and climbed inside. “Well, I’ve spent a few days here, and I have no contact from the Lobelia Organization,” Isaac said to himself, and took a deep breath, thinking about what he could do next. “I’m too tired to continue debating this any longer,” He decided, walking over to the camping bed and sitting down on it. He then saw the Float-Float Fruit and placed it on the table. “If she comes, it’s hers, and if she doesn’t I’ll keep it. Just like Zecora told me,” he told himself seriously. Isaac lay on the bed and used his coat as a blanket. “Just like when I used to go camping with Dad,” He mumbled to himself as he fell asleep.

The next day, the morning sun crept over the land. In her house, Scootaloo woke up, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. “Morning already?” She mumbled to herself with a yawn. Once she was fully awake, she thought about what Isaac told her yesterday. “He said he was leaving today.” She got out of her bed, walked towards the window, and looked outside. “Hmm, should I stay or should I go?” She asked herself.

Scootaloo walked to the bathroom to get ready for the day. Ather her morning ritual, she changed into the same outfit that she wore yesterday. “I need to extend my wardrobe,” She said with a sigh as she looked down at her clothes. “Hmm, come to think of it, everyone in this town seems to be wearing the same outfit every day,” She said in the realisation of that little fact.

She walked downstairs and grabbed the morning paper. The Headline of it read Gabby Gums Daily. Scootaloo read the title news. It read, Unnatural Creature goes on a rampage in The Crystal Empire. “What?!” She exclaimed in shock and continued to read the story. An unknown creature with strange Magic used the wind to slash the buildings and the streets. Unfortunately, the creature in question is still at large. “I have to show this to Isaac!” Scootaloo said frantically, and ran back upstairs, packing everything she could carry into a huge bag about three times her size. “Alright, I think that’s everything I’ll need.” She hooked her bag over her shoulders and liftedi, only to immediately fall backwards, landing flat on her back. “Okay, I think I might have overpacked here.” With a mighty effort, she managed to get back on her feet, drag the huge heavy bag down the stairs, out of her front door, and made her way towards the Everfree Forest.

Zecora was in her Hut, mixing her herbs, before she threw the mixture into a boiling pot. “Alright, now I just need to leave this for a few hours,” She said to herself, moving on to the next part of her potio-making. Just then, there was a knock on the door. “Hmm?” She stared at the door and walked slowly towards it. “Who is it?” She asked cautiously.

“It’s me, Isaac,” She heard Isaac from outside the Hut. Letting out a sigh of relief, Zecora opened the door to let Isaac in and Isaac entered the Hut.

“Wellcome Isaac. How can I help you today?” She asked with a pleasant smile.

“I need nothing more from you Zecora, I came to say goodbye,” He explained.

“Hmm,” Zecora smiled, “so you’re leaving now?” She asked.

“Well, I will be soon, I still need to figure out where I’m going,” He replied.

“I see, come sit down and have one last drink with me,” She invited him to her table.

Isaac took a seat at the table, while Zecora brewed the tea. Once she finished making the tea, she placed the steaming cups on the table. “Thank you, Zecora,” Isaac said gratefully.

“Well, this will be the last time we’ll be having tea together,” Zecora said, blowing into her cup to cool down her hot tea.

“Yeah, it probably will be our last,” Isaac said, taking a sip. “Ohh, peppermint.”

Zecora and Isaac sat and drank their tea in comfortable silence, and after a little while, the door was opened, and Scootaloo flopped inside, her face shining with sweat, as she tried to catch her breath. Isaac and Zecora saw her on the floor with a huge backpack holding her down. The two of them stood up, walked over to her prone form, grabbed her shoulders and helped her off the ground.

“Scootaloo, why are you carrying a bag this size?” Asked Zecora.

The only times Isaac had ever seen anyone carry bags of this size was in anime, and they usually carry enough stuff for a long journey. “Scootaloo, have you decided to come with me?” He asked her.

“Yeah, I have, but that’s not the reason why I’m here,” Scootaloo said, opening her bag and searching for something inside. She pulled out a newspaper. “Here it is. Take a look at this,” She said, passing the paper to Isaac.

Confused, he then opened it and read what it said. After Isaac finished reading, he gave Scootaloo a very serious look. “I can think of one Devil Fruit that fits the discussion. The Sickle-Sickle Fruit. So there must be someone from my home here, and they have also eaten a Devil Fruit,” He said, folding the newspaper.

“Hmm, then you're going to The Crystal Empire?” Asked Zecora.

“Yes, I’ll need to find this person and hopefully convince them to stop causing any more damage,” Isaac answered with a frown.

“Well, in that case,” Zecora said and walked to a shelf that was full of rolled-up maps. “This will help you find your way to the Empire,” She said, passing the map to Isaac.

Isaac took the map. “Thank you, Zecora,” He said with a smile.

Zecora nodded in acceptance and then looked at Scootaloo. “Scootaloo.” The younger mare looked up at Zecora. “I have given Isaac a Haven Bag. We can place your luggage inside, so you won’t need that huge pack weighing you down,” she explained.

“What?” Scootaloo said, looking at Isaac with a raised eyebrow. “Zecora gave you a Haven Bag?” She asked him. She then looked at Zecora. “Where did you get a Haven Bag from?”

“It was from my travelling days,” Zecora answered with a smile.

“I want a Haven Bag,” Scootaloo pouted cutely, making both Isaac and Zecora laugh.

“Alright, now how about we move your luggage into the Haven Bag,” Zecora said with a chuckle.

While Zecora helped Scootaloo move her luggage into the Haven Bag, Isaac studied the map. “Hmm, if I travelled there by foot it would take too long, and I don’t think Zecora has a vehicle of any kind.” He then remembered what Zecora said to him about Scootaloo, and knew he had a promise to keep.

Once Scootaloo and Zecora finished moving Scootaloo’s stuff into the Haven Bag, Isaac approached Scootaloo. “Are you sure you want to come with me?” He asked her, looking right into her eyes.

“Yeah, I’m sure of it. There’s nothing for me here anymore,” Scootaloo told him with nothing but conviction in her voice.

“Hmm, I understand,” Isaac nodded, before taking out the Devil Fruit Encyclopedia and opening it to the page with the Float-Float Fruit. “Here, read this,” He said, giving her the book.

Scootaloo raised an eyebrow. “Um, okay,” She said sceptically as she took it and saw the picture of the Devil Fruit she had found. “Hey, that’s the Fruit I found.”

“Yeah, it is. You should read what it says about it,” Isaac told her.

Scootaloo looked at the book and read what it said about the Fruit she found. As she reached the bottom of the page, her eyes widened as she continued to read. Once she was done, she looked up at Isaac, and her eyes became pinpricks. “Is this true?” She asked, her jaw set, and her voice low but strained.

“Yes,” Isaac said simply.

Scootaloo’s face was a mix of emotions. She suddenly raised her hand, clenched it into a fist, and ran at him, planning to give him a hard right hook. She knew he’ll just become Cinders and Ashes to avoid her, but she needed to punch him right now. When her fist met the side of his face, Isaac took the blow and was knocked to the ground. Scootaloo was shocked that he didn’t turn into Cinders and Ashes. Zecora was also shocked to see Scootaloo’s outburst.

“Ow, wow, that’s one hell of a swing you have,” Isaac complemented Scootaloo as he got back to his feet, rubbing his cheek.

“Why didn’t you turn into Cinders and Ashes?” Scootaloo asked.

“If I did you wouldn’t have believed me,” He replied with a shrug.

“So, that Fruit…” she trailed off.

“Yes, the Float-Float Fruit does grant the ability to fly, and you don’t even need wings,” Isaac told Scootaloo with a small, gentle smile.

Scootaloo was overwhelmed with emotions. She placed her hand on her mouth and tears formed from her eyes. She lost strength in her legs and fell to the floor. She couldn’t help herself but cry. Her childhood wishes the hope that she had clung to for so long, the dream that she had thought had been destroyed forever, were now so close. Zecora knelt to comfort the emotionally stricken girl, pulling her into a hug.

Isaac was about to join them when he looked up just in time to see something speeding toward them from the forest. He quickly reacted with his Cinder hand to catch the object. It was an arrow. Growling, he stepped over the two mares and out of the hut. “Stay inside,” He told them as he shut the door behind him. “ALRIGHT, WHO’S OUT THERE?!” He called out into the surrounding trees.

Some were chuckling from the shadows, and the blonde stallion from the day before stepped into the light. “Nice to see you again,” He said with a wicked smirk.

Isaac stared at the stallion suspiciously. “So, who are you exactly?” He asked in a defensive voice.

“Hmm, yes, this is the first time we have seen each other face to face. You don’t remember me, but I remember you from the Royal Garden,” BlueBlood replied, his dark smirk unwavering.

Isaac remembered the Garden by the Castle he was in when he first arrived in this world, but he didn’t remember this guy. He remembered his arrival, the confrontation with Celestia, the arrow that hit his shoulder...the arrow! He knew who this guy was. Isaac gave a very angry glare. “You’re the bastard who shot that arrow at me!” He shouted accusingly, with both his fists clenched.

“Yes, that’s correct, and now, because of you, I lost everything that was mine!” BlueBlood hissed, his smirk twisting into a hateful, furious scowl. “And now that I have you, I’ll drag you back to the Castle and my aunt will reward me for it by restoring my birthright!” He ranted and began laughing like a maman. As he laughed, other stallions appeared from the shadows. They all had nets and weapons to capture Isaac.

Isaac counted 7 in total. “Okay, I can see where this is heading. Mind if we take this somewhere else?” He asked.

“Hmm, no,” BlueBlood said with a twisted grin. “GET HIM!” He ordered his goons, and they ran towards Isaac, brandishing their nets and weapons. But before they got close enough to attempt to capture him, a wall of flames suddenly appeared in front of Isaac, blocking them from reaching him.

“HEY!” Yelled an unfamiliar female voice. Everyone looked in the direction where the flames came from and saw a human girl walking through them. She wore a black leather jacket with orange stripes on the sleeves, a light blue shirt, and blue jeans, and she had black boots with the same orange stripe patterns, matching her jacket. Her eyes were Light Aqua, and her hair was deep red with yellow streaks. Isaac was shocked to see another human, and for a moment, he thought her hair was made of fire. Also, being the huge One Piece fan that he was, he immediately knew she possessed the power of a Devil Fruit, and there was only one Fruit it could be. “She’s eaten the Flame-Flame Fruit!” He thought, as she continued to walk into view, with her left hand in her pocket. “He asked if you can take this fight away from the Hut,” She said, pointing at Zecora’s Hut. “There’s probably people inside who he doesn’t want to get hurt.” She looked at the disgraced prince leading the group, while he looked at the girl with pure anger. “So, I’ll ask you again on his behalf. Can you take this somewhere else?” She asked them.

“SILENCE!” BlueBlood screamed, as he drew his bow and loaded an arrow, pointing it at the girl's head. “HOW DARE YOU INTERFERE! I AM PRINCE BLUEBLOOD, AND YOU TWO COMMON SWINE ARE BENEATH ME!” He fired his arrow at the girl. “DIE!”

The arrow struck her square in her eye, and her head shot back from the impact. BlueBlood laughed insanely at her, but the other men just stared at her in shock, while Isaac just looked at her thoughtfully. “She hasn’t falle,” He thought to himself.

“Well, that was rude,” the girl said in annoyance, as the arrow burst into flames and burned away to nothing in seconds. The girl then lowered her head, and BlueBlood and his goons gasped as her eye, which was now made of fire, regenerated back to normal.

“Her body is made of fire. So I was right, she has eaten the Flame-Flame Fruit,” Isaac thought to himself.

“Well, now,” The girl said with a glare, as she clenched first and it ignited with flames. “Who wants to get burned first?” She asked, readying herself for a fight.

BlueBlood stared at her with a mix of anger, disgust and horror. “What kind of monster are you?” He asked with dilated eyes. He then looked around at his goons. “What are you waiting for?!” He demanded. “Capture them both!” He ordered them.

“Screw this, I’m outta here!” One of the goons shouted and began running away.

“Yeah, I ain’t getting paid enough for this!” Shouted one of the others, and ran away too.

One by one, the cowardly goons turned and ran from the Hut, abandoning BlueBlood, and leaving him by himself. “COME BACK HERE YOU WORTHLESS COWARDS!” He screamed after them.

“So, it’s just you and me, now, pal. What’s your next move?” The girl asked with narrowed eyes, with her fiery fist ready to strike at him.

Knowing he was completely outmatched, BlueBlood turned and ran like the coward he was. “This isn’t the end of this! I will regain my birthright!” He yelled over his shoulder as he ran.

Once the former prince was out of sight, Isaac was now alone with the fire girl, who put out the flames around her hand and turned to face him. “Well, now that he’s gone,” She said, only to pause as she saw Isaac was staring at her with narrowed eyes and had taken up a fighting position. His right arm was made of hot Cinders, and Ashes were falling from it. She held up both of her hands in surrender. “Whoa there, take it easy. I’m not here looking for a fight, and I presume we’re both Logia Types, so a fight between us would just be dragged out anyway. We’ll just end up getting unwanted attention,” She explained.

Isaac paused, before lowering his arm. “Alright, you did help me out with that whack job and his thugs. So you know about Devil Fruits?” He asked.

“Yes I do, and I’m very glad I was able to find you,” The girl said with a slight smirk as she crossed her arms. “My name is Sunset Shimmer, and we need to talk.”

To Be Continued...

Author's Note:

Calling for OC’s! If you like what you’ve been reading here you can join my storyline with your own OC.

All you need to do is to fill the following.





Physical description:

Devil Fruit:

You can either PM your OC’s or place them in comments below. I hope you guys join Isaac’s adventure in the Magical and strange world of Equestria.

Devil Fruit’s that have been called for.
Chain Chain Fruit.
Ice Ice Fruit.
Bomb Bomb.
That rest are available hope to hear from you all soon!