• Member Since 12th Aug, 2020
  • offline last seen Last Friday


Avid writer, watcher of anime, player of games, and chef in my spare time.


This story is a sequel to Interviews With Equestrians

Thanks to the efforts of Pale Vestige and Cheerilee, Cozy Glow now has a better life where she can focus on rekindling the troubled youth who were once like her. Join her and see how she does it.

(In honor of the one-year anniversary of Interviews With Equestrians!)

Chapters (15)
Comments ( 49 )

I took a look at his flank. His cutie mark depicted what appeared to be a buckball court. “Oh? How come, Whip?”

“I hate sports,” he mumbled as he lied back down, “I want nothing to do with sports. I prefer art and painting. Why is my cutie mark like this?”

This is interesting. Cutie Marks seem to stem from either certain passions or events, so it's very strange that a pony could wind up with a cutie mark they hated.

I won't lie. The whole "Cozy Glow is a adult now" completely turned me off from your last story, and resulted in me moving on to other things. But this premise is just interesting enough to cause me to track this story.

The reason why I had her age up was to allow her to gain the concept of empathy with the help of Pale and Cheerilee. Now that she's learned through her mistakes, she can find her calling in life without there being a massive timeskip in which her adoptive parents are super old.

I figured there was probably a narrative reason behind it.

It's just that A: it feels contrived and B: once you strip away her being a child, the only thing left of her character is her many many "issues" and quiet frankly, your Cozy Glow struck me as remarkable tame compared to the one in cannon.

That was kind of the point. I didn't want to do what every other author on the site did and try and tame her "demonic child" side. I chose to humanize and make her into my own interpretation of the character. One that could understand empathy while also learning from her past mistakes in order to search for a future where no one else would have to suffer the way she did. It wasn't perfect, but I stand by my narrative decision. Hopefully you can understand that.


I didn't want to do what every other author on the site did and try and tame her "demonic child" side.

I appreciate that. I find there's a very small hard to hit middle ground, and that's where she's most realistic and interesting as a character (at least to me).

It wasn't perfect, but I stand by my narrative decision. Hopefully you can understand that.

I do. And I certainly wouldn't ask you to change it. I only bring it up now, because I earnestly hope that this story will go a bit more in depth in working through the issues of Cozy Glow's patients, especially since you'll be inventing them, and can use whatever issues you can imagine as a basis for conflict.

Precisely. Interviews With Equestrians was Pale Vestige's story with his crewmates and Cozy Glow as the deuteragonists.

This is going to be Cozy's story from the ground up with my original elements from that story included here (such as Pale and Cheerilee being her adoptive parents). I'm no longer dealing with the canon. This is all me. 😁

Raven is like the Swiss Guard, everyone wants her services:heart:

Interesting chapter. Got some theories on what is going on here, and I'm interested in seeing the results. Looking forward to more.

Appreciate the feedback! Thanks!

Hoo boy, this is really getting off to a great start. And Doctor Cozster, despite her childish demeanor and adorableness, is quite the professional in this story. I'm willing to bet she got that from Raven. 😁 Anyway, looking forward to what happens next.

The best way to deal with kids is to understand them! Let's hope Whip can whip up a good drawing. :raritywink:

😁 I see what you did there with that pun.

So...wanna know more about my job?

I do, Dr. Glow. This is very fascinating. You're practically doing what the CMC were doing twenty years ago. Keep it up. 😁

That was the easy part. But getting her to actually open up would be the hard part. Join me and see how it goes.

Oh, believe me, I can't wait to see how this will turn out, Dr. Glow. 😁

Helping a pony was one thing. Helping a diamond dog is a whole other beast. Hope she knows what she's doing.

Sweet little chapter. Zoe being shy was cute.

And her being uninterested about communicating, until Cozy Glow volunteered to spend time learning about her passions, was well done.

It makes me think you have some experience with this. Can't wait to see where it goes.

She does! Don't you worry!

Thanks! I have a small experience with psychiatric understanding so this came naturally for me. Glad you enjoy Zoe. Not enough Diamond Dog love on this site.

“ARF!” Zoe barked and leapt behind me.

I looked up to find Maud was standing right there in front of us wearing a pair of reading glasses. How she managed to appear here without us hearing her move was a question I didn’t know the answer to. And to be honest? I wasn’t sure if I wanted to know anyway.

Yeah, I'm with Cozy on this. I mean, Maud has got to be too old to be doing stuff like this. But then again, so is Pinkie. And isn't Maud married to Mudbriar or something? Where is he in this?

I was busy ineffectively chipping away at a rock using a pickaxe with my mouth while making notes using my wingtips to hold the pencil and pad. It was all coming together…

Looks like Cozy is taking notes and making progress. I'm starting to think that this interaction between Maud and Zoe is somewhat similar to Maud's friendship with Starlight. More or less.

Mudbriar may show up soon!

And yes, Maud is actually much better at making friends than you might think at first glance. Zoe is in good hooves.

Nice to see Mudbriar in this chapter.

And in that moment, I felt like I had channeled the best parts of both mom and dad to make that little girl’s day. I think they’d be proud of me…

I completely agree. It's a shame she's not a detective like him. 😁 She has a very exquisite mind.

She could be! But she lets her dad handle that stuff. How did you like Zoe?

Oh, she's a very interesting character. I think she and Cozy Glow can relate whenever parents are involved, bio or otherwise.

Thanks! Stay tuned for more therapy sessions! 😁

And naturally, he deflected it with a roll of his eyes. “Agh--don’t start with that now, Cozy. You know I’m just doing what I can to make sure this world finally knows some semblance of peace. For instance: I’m currently investigating Starswirl The Bearded.”

Huh. You can take the man out of the detective, but you can't take the detective out of the man. Looks like old Starswirl is being investigated. Wonder how Princess Twilight feels about that. Or Celestia and Luna, for that matter.

“Good luck with Smolder, kiddo,” Pale replied as he took off his hat and coat and placed them on a nearby clothing rack. “Do your best--but not more than what you’re able.” And with that, they left.

Let's hope that Smolder doesn't hold a grudge for past wrongs like some dragons do.

You're gonna see a lot of his exploits going on in the background.

And lets hope so! Smolder is pretty mature compared to most dragons at least.

Cozy and Smolder getting along. Now I've seen everything. 😁 And wow, looks like Dr. Cozy is gonna have a new patient in Ash. But I wonder what's wrong with him?

And I really like the introduction to Ash as being adopted because I almost thought he was Smolder's kid, which would lead me to question who she's married to. Makes me wonder who's paired up with Spike.

Well it has to do with Klugetown as Smolder said. You'll find out soon!

And Smolder is the current Dragon Lord and she manages the kids like Ember did in Sweet And Smoky and is enrolling Ash in the school like Ember did for her.


You mean freelance ranchers and hired hands?

Are they driving cows through the streets again?:duck:

Something like that! It's actually a reference to another story I'm currently finishing up titled 'Advent Of A Gunslinger' that's on my page. Fair warning, it's rated M but yeah, the basic idea is that Klugetown's slave trade is being abolished through a war that various outlaws have started. Ash here is sadly one of the kids that lost his home from that war.

“Um…heya!” I called out as I trotted over, “...Smolder! It’s me…Cozy…ha…ha…” Cloud nuggets. I was sweating like a melting ice cube as I spoke to them with this dopey smile on my face.

I can’t stop imagining what a lovely scene it would be.:raritywink:

She's remembering how she treated Smolder and the others in the past and it is the big awkward. :rainbowlaugh:

How was I gonna handle this kiddo?

Good question, Cozster. Ash has good awareness of his surroundings including who's tailing him and is more than aware of Smolder's involvement. Then again, he's a dragon. So getting him into therapy and opening up is going to be tough. Maybe a certain resident friendly dragon can help.

That is the question. While he is a nice dragon, he's still stubborn like most if them generally are.

It's really nice to see Flash Drive in the story again. I was half expecting Corkscrew. 😁

As soon as the black unicorn said that, my gray earth pony father immediately started to panic. “Oh no. Ohhhhh no ,” he reeled his head back, “I don’t think you should get Zecora involved. You might end up bringing something down on us that you aren’t prepared to fix.”

Like, say, Swamp Fever? Cutie Pox? Or the infamous Poison Joke? 😁

Nevertheless, with the aid of Pale-Pops and Uncle Drive’s advice, I had a newfound plan ready to go. “Thanks, guys. You always know just what to say when it comes to helping others.”

“No worries, fam,” Drive replied, “Tis what we do.”

Damn right. Cozy is living proof of that.😁

As he walked off, I knew in my own heart that I couldn’t give up on Ash no matter how hard it got. But now I had two ways of going about this. Should I be direct with Ash and approach him with more sincerity? Or should I be sneaky and study him from afar before I engage?

Knowing Cozy's history of being sneaky and manipulative, I think she can pull off the latter. I think even if she tried the former, the dragon wouldn't budge.

He knows more about dragons than Corkscrew so I decided to bring him in instead. His work with Zecora has helped him a lot. 😅

Hopefully Cozy doesn't get caught though!

“Are you watching them from a bush?” a voice suddenly spoke up from behind me, “Isn’t that kinda weird?”

I mean, it would be if you were labeled as a stalker. Sooo...

“I’m a doctor,” I spoke up in response to the voice as I looked down at who it was. It was that griffon girl from before. I immediately narrowed my eyes and said, “Hey. Aren’t you supposed to be in class right now?”

“Oh, uh…I’m done with the baking class,” she continued. Her feline lion half was a teal color of fur and her eagle-half was comprised of pink feathers and a yellow beak along with soft green eyes. “But I bet you’re lookin’ at Ash, right?”

I glared at her once again. “No. Even so, who are you, little missy?”

Careful with the sass, Cozster. That sounds almost like the old you talking.

Much to my surprise, Sunburst responded amicably. “Oh don’t worry. He’s learned his lesson and won’t be trying the same stunts that he used to pull when we were younger. Plus, he’s only here because our usual art teacher couldn’t make it today due to a sickness. Everyone was so busy that Discord offered to fill in for her.”

Discord better behave himself this time.

“Alright. Thanks for the explanation. Have you seen Ash around? His next class is art, correct?”

Sunburst pulled out his notes and confirmed it. “Yup. Just be careful. From what we’ve seen so far, Ash gets rather…protective of his craft.”


That’s when we heard a familiar dragon's voice call out from the art room.

“...don’t mess with my work! You’re disrespecting my art!”

“...Hoo boy,” I muttered, dreading to think about what that could be the result of.

You're telling me, Cozster. Why do I somehow get the feeling that Ash reminds me of Garble when it comes to arts and crafts?

Well Ash is a bit more particular than that...you'll see. :trixieshiftleft:

Nice to see Saffy again. Though, her wondering what Pale is up to, I think it's best that she, as well as Cozy, don't know the details of what he and Cheerilee are doing at the moment regarding a herd. No idea how Cozy would react to this.

Yeah. Saffron is far too wholesome for that stuff. 😅

What did you think of Discord as a teacher?

Hmm. It's a mixed bag for me. On the one hand, he's doing great. The other hand, based on his chaotic nature, it can be difficult for him to keep that particular nature in check. In short, I give it 50/50.

That's a fair assessment. At least we're done with that and can focus on eating with Ash now. :raritywink:

Yeah, assuming Ash doesn't get hostile towards a licensed psychologist.

I rubbed my hooves together. As much as I didn’t like to admit it, I still enjoyed scheming from time to time in order to accomplish whatever it was I wanted to accomplish. Of course, this was all for the sake of Ash, but the rush of coming up with a plan never got old.

“Let’s just say...I have a few ideas.”

And thus, we have Manipulator Cozy rearing its head. Difference is, she's doing this to help Ash and not herself. Let's hope it pays off.

Dragons need to learn that being mean isn't how you get ahead. Cozy is ready to change that for them.

😁 Good on her.

Cozy looks super cute in the cover

Well, that's another patient helped. Well done, Dr. Cozster. Also, Cozy as a dragon. I...have mixed feelings about that. Don't ask why. I'm still figuring that out.

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