• Published 2nd Sep 2021
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World at War: Protectors of Harmony - TasteDaRainbow

Bravery doesn't mean you're not scared. It means you'll go anyway. Join Twilight and her friends' adventure in the middle of World War 2.

  • ...

Purple Heart Lane – Part I

Author's Note:

Battle took place in Carentan Highway. Or known as National Road 13. But after 502nd's bravery for pushing the enemies back from Carentan while suffering heavy losses on that same road, the world recognizes the road as Purple Heart Lane.

D-Day Plus 3

June 9th, 1944

Carentan Highway, Normandy

23:47 hours

Parker's POV

Our convoy got attacked right after we passed Saint-Come-du-Mont. We had to stop in order to prevent casualties. We fought our way through small arms fire until we reached the crossroad. Things went straight out of hell right there. We didn't expect the Krauts would be hurling up to fight back. It was lucky that they didn't fight for long. They pulled back but their 88 pinned us hard for one day. They attacked us five times. Each attack accompanied by those 88 shitting on us. Flynn and Andrew got wounded but they insisted on staying. I thought I could keep the ponies safe but I was wrong. Applejack nearly got hit by the 88 on their third attack. The explosion was close to her and she got shrapnel on her left foreleg in return. Her friends watched when the medics tended to her. The horrors were painted in every face as they heard Applejack's wailing. Her scream of pain, her tears, and her expression when she looked at me. She was downright terrified but she hid it. She remained strong, just like I hoped. But I couldn't guarantee it would last long. But for now, at least I know one pony could endure this. The rest is still unknown to me.

10 hours earlier

Parker dragged Rainbow as she crashed to a nearby tree when the fight suddenly started.

"You alright?" He asked as he checked on any injury.

Rainbow shook her head while her vision came back to her. "Wow, that was embarrassing." She couldn't imagine herself flying straight towards a tree out of a gun fight.

"Stay here." Parker said as he quickly went to the fight.

"Parker!" Twilight called out while peeking from a small bush to get a view on the Germans, "They're attacking us again!"

"I know! Now get down before you get shot! Find a place to cover yourself!" Parker yelled from the top of his lungs as he sprinted towards his squad. The Kraut soldiers came from the bridge and attacked them in surprise. This was the third time they have launched the attack.

"Reed! Go get the ponies to safety! They must be out of the fight!"

"Got it, Sarge!" Reed replied while bullets whizzed past his head. "You heard the Sergeant! Follow me!"

"Andrew's hit!" Jones yelled as he dragged Andrew to a safe spot.

"Just a scratch! I'll be fine!" Andrew retorted as he clutched his left arm.

A massive explosion sent paratroopers flying within its radius range. Parker's eyes widened as he knew what the Germans were doing. "88!" He screamed, looking at the sky as another round exploded behind him. This time, Parker's expression went to horror as he heard Reed yelled somewhere.

"Sarge! Applejack's hit! I need a medic!"

Parker watched the bridge they were about to cross, his weapon on his shoulder and his arms crossed. It was scheduled that they were going just after midnight. The sound of cricket, bombardments from afar, and the soldiers talking to one another accompanied his mind of thoughts. He couldn't shake the sight of Applejack. He looked up at the night sky but couldn't see any moon or stars. The smoke must've filled it, he thought.

"Sarge." Someone called out behind him.

Parker looked back to see Jones and Dante walking towards him. "Hey Jones, Dante, what's the matter."

"Nothing, Sarge," Dante replied with a clear Spanish accent, "Just wanted to see what you're up to."

Parker nodded. "We're going in right after midnight. I suggest you get some rest before we begin."

Jones shrugged. "We already have. Besides, the view looks nice."

Parker looked back at the bridge, Douve River stretched from west to east underneath it. He could barely see the hills that lead to Carentan. He could've sworn he felt the Krauts were watching him as well. The breeze of the wind blew past Parker and his men while they were enjoying the calm scenery. None of them spoke, they cherished the moment before they went back to their battle. The highway was the keypoint for armor support to Paris. And they were gonna make sure to clear it for their allies.

"Think you two can watch the bridge for me?" Parker asked, still looking at the bridge as his two men stood on either side.

"Will do, Sarge." Dante replied firstly.

"You can count on us." Jones smirked slightly.

Parker looked at his two men before nodding. "Stay on guard." He patted both of their shoulders before walking back to his group.

Parker's group were huddled underneath a large tree and was surrounded by other paratroopers that claimed their temporary resting spot. The ponies gathered in a small group, practically as close as they could to the tree.

"Twilight!" Applejack called out. Twilight had been staring at the night sky for almost ten minutes and Applejack had to call her out several times.

"Yes?" Twilight blinked and looked at her friend.

"Are ye okay?" The cowpony asked.

Twilight nodded with a fake smile. "I'm okay."

Applejack looked uncertain but nodded nevertheless. She immediately winced when she tried to stand with her wounded leg.

"Easy there. Does it hurt, Applejack?" Fluttershy asked.

"A bit. But Ah'm fine, Shy," Applejack replied while caressing her wound, "And ya asked that more than six times tonight."

"I'm just making sure," the yellow pegasus said, "But it hurts, isn't it?"

"It was mighty hurt the first time Ah felt it. But Ah can take it. If these folks can endure pain without magic then so do Ah."

Rainbow smirked. "What's with all the tears then?"

Applejack frowned as she looked over at the cyan pegasus, who was leaning her back against the tree. "Ah thought Ah said 'tis hurt a lot the first time Ah felt it."

Rainbow shrugged. "I can take more than that."

"That's enough," Twilight interrupted, "Rainbow, you shouldn't be thinking of a competition right now."

"I didn't?" Rainbow said in confusion, "All I want to say is that stop trying to look tough. Even Wade was way worse when we first met him."

"That's because he got shot, dear," Rarity chimed in, "That's more of a pain than getting hit by a shrapnel."

"Either way, both are just the same," A voice interrupted their argument, "I don't know why you're arguing about this but lemme tell ya something."

Parker crouched between Twilight and Applejack as he looked at the group. "What Applejack said or did wasn't just an act for a show off. She remained calm despite being in pain so that y'all don't have to worry about her too much." He looked at Applejack with a smile. "And I respect that. Not only will it boost your morale but it'll make you stronger than you think."

Parker looked at Rainbow, his expression turned into a serious one. "And Rainbow. The only truth of war is no one left untouched. Soldiers will always have a wound from battle. But it'll make them stronger."

"Why?" Rainbow asked softly.

"Because we fight for what we love. Not because we hate what is in front of us." Parker looked down to his knee before taking a deep breath.

"Lieutenant Speirs once told me." He said, the others eagerly waiting for him to continue, mostly Rainbow. "I can tell that you all are scared. All of you." Parker looked at Luna. "You don't have to be afraid to let it out because we're all scared too. I'm scared as well." He looked back at the ponies, then Rainbow. "But when I couldn't do anything, Speirs told me that I was being a coward. And that I still have hope. But-"

"The only hope you have is to accept the fact that you're already dead. The sooner you accept that, the sooner you'll be able to function as a soldier is supposed to function. Without mercy, without compassion, without remorse. All war depends upon it." Lieutenant Blake said as he walked behind the large tree.

"How did you know?" Parker asked as he stood up. The ponies could only wait for the two to finish.

"I was with you when he said that, remember?" Blake said.

Parker nodded slightly before sitting back in the group. "Yeah, now I remember."

Blake then looked at the ponies. He scanned each and every one of their faces. "I hope it'll get to you. If you stick with us until this war ends, you'll know soon enough how helpful those words are."

With that, Blake walked away to check the other paratroopers. The group fell silence as they tried to process Blake's words.

"Parker?" Pinkie broke the silence.

Parker looked at her. "Yes, Pinkie?"

"I… I don't want to go…" She said quietly. This was the first time Parker heard Pinkie say that. Without a single happiness in her voice.

Parker smiled. "Pinkie, going with us doesn't mean you have to kill and fight with us. We're going to protect you until you find your way back home. But I wanna be honest with y'all. I doubt that you will be out of this without a single wound."

The ponies looked at him in disbelief. Twilight couldn't imagine how painful it was to be shot. Let alone getting shot, Applejack just got hit by a shrapnel and she was in tears.

Parker knew the expression from each ponies and quickly acted on it. "That's why I want you guys to stay strong," he said, getting their attention, "Blake said that because he wanted you to act something when one of those bastards tried to attack you. Why? He doesn't want you guys to get hurt. What if me and my squad died protecting you before you knew it?"

"NO!!" Spike exclaimed, making everyone slightly alarmed by his voice. "Please don't…" he begged, "You're the only one I can trust here."

Parker looked at him with a calming smile. "Then stay strong. At least for me."

Spike looked at him hesitantly before nodding.

Parker nodded as he stood up. "Applejack, think you can walk?"

Applejack slowly stood up with the aid from Fluttershy. As she stood up straight, she wiggled her wounded leg several times before looking up to Parker. "I'll be doing jus' fine. I can walk." Her smile gave Parker assurance.

"Alright. We'll be leaving in a couple of minutes. It's almost midnight and we're gonna take that town." With that, Parker left the group.

Applejack sat back down slowly on the grass, reminiscing the feeling of it before she had to b
leave. Luna looked at all of her ponies and knew here and there they were all scared.

"My little ponies," she began, Twilight and her friends looked at her, "I know this must be very tough to all of you. Considering you never have been in war. You may have fought the evil ones, but not as close to killing them. What Sergeant Parker said is right. We have to remain strong. Not just for his sake, but for ours as well. We do not have to kill, but we have to defend ourselves when the enemy is too close to reach us. I trust Parker and his squad to be the Protectors of Harmony for they have shown great hospitality and honesty. Today, we shall not be afraid of what we are going to face. We shall stand our ground and show them that we can be more than they think we can." Luna looked at each and every one of their faces, they all had more determined faces than before. She smiled when her words had struck deep in them.

"Come here." She said as she extended her wings. They soon reached for a group hug.

"Remain strong my little ponies," she continued as Luna's horn lit slightly, "We will soon find our way back home."

The light from the moon itself made the Royal Garden the most beautiful place in the palace. Lush grass paths wound between immaculately-kept flower beds that boasted everything from red-pink amaranth bushes to burning yellow-orange dahlias to soft white blue-speckled stargazer lilies. Their fragrance barely tinted the air with hints of passing sweetness. Weeping willows swayed in the breeze, their full branches casting wide, generous shadows across perfectly manicured and exquisitely comfortable patches of sitting grass.

On the path, a white alicorn could be seen walking ever so slowly in the middle of the garden. The alicorn huffed and looked at the smooth dark blue sky that stretched infinitely over the pond and past the hedge that encircled the gardens. It looked so clean and pure. Stars sparkled everywhere, making a final touch to the night sky. The breeze made it even better as the alicorn's mane swayed not only because it can do it itself, but the wind helped her make it gorgeously waving about.

The alicorn stopped in the middle of the garden, surrounded by beautiful flowers, bushes, small trees and the singing of crickets. Her horn glowed a golden aura around it for a few seconds before dissipating into thin air. Princess Celestia looked up to the beautiful night sky before closing her eyes.

"Hold on a little longer, sister," she spoke softly, "I will continue to help you as much as I can."

D-Day plus 4

June 10th, 1944

Carentan Highway, Normandy

00:16 hours

It was already past midnight and the paratroopers already readied themselves for their assault. Parker and his group were in the middle of the line, trying his best to keep the ponies to remain calm. Moments later, Lieutenant Colonel Cole began his walk, followed by the rest of the 502nd Parachute Infantry Regiment. They all walked in two lines, both on each side of the road to the first bridge. Parker looked around cautiously. Though he could barely make out the scenery because of how dark it was, the moon didn't provide them any light because the smoke got in its way.

Reed, Wade, and Cesaro were ordered to surround the ponies while Parker led his squad. Reed — walking on the right side of the ponies — gripped his Garand tightly, daring any Krauts that would ambush the ponies or his brothers.

"Why are we exposing ourselves like this?" Rainbow asked.

"Because, Dash," Reed said while looking around, "Can't you see that both sides of this road are flooded, not to mention it's a bit marshy."

"So we have no choice?"


"It's so dark." Fluttershy spoke quietly.

"There will be light in no time." Cesaro jokingly said from the back of the line of the group.

"Hell no," Wade chimed in, "I ain't getting my ass fucked by those 88."

"Those critters better pay for what they've done ta me." Applejack annoyingly said while walking limply.

Reed noticed this and shouldered his weapon. "Hey Applejack, need a hand?"

Applejack shook her head. "Ah'm fine, sugarcube. Jus' needa get used to it, is all." She winced once her wounded leg touched the ground.

Reed did not buy it as he instinctively grabbed Applejack and cradled her in his arms. "Like Parker said, don't hesitate to ask for help." Applejack frowned before giving in and leaned further onto Reed's chest. He didn't blame her for being so affectionate, they all scared shitless.

The rest of the walk went without a single word. They all stopped all of the sudden and they had to crouched down so as to not alert the enemy.

"What's happening?" Luna asked quietly.

Wade shrugged. "Don't know, just follow the orders and we're good to go."

Then they saw Parker slowly walk to the front of the line. Few moments later he came back and other paratroopers began to spread out. Before anyone could ask, Parker signalled his squad to huddled together, the ponies did the same.

"Alright," Parker began, "Those bastards have blown the second bridge that we're about to cross. The engineers are gonna fix it. In the meantime, we have to wait."

"Dang, this day couldn't get any worse." Andrew lamented.

"No shit." Jones chimed in.

"That's not all guys," Parker interrupted, "Lieutenant Ralph has picked us to come with him on a recon mission. I need two volunteers."

"I'm in." Reed said immediately as he set Applejack down gently.

"Same here." Wade spoke up.

"No, Corporal. You're gonna stay here and watch our ponies."

"Fuck, alright."

"Another one?" Parker asked.

"Fuck it," Julian said, "Count me, Sir."

Parker smiled. "Good, now let's go."

"Wait." Rainbow said, interrupting him.

"What is it, Rainbow?" Parker turned around to look at her.

"Can I come?" She asked hopefully.

Parker shook his head. "I can't let you come. It'll be too risky and it's dark here. Don't underestimate your enemy."

"I'm not underestimating," Rainbow retorted, "I just wanna come with you guys."


"Sarge," Reed put a hand on Parker's left shoulder, "At least she wants to learn something. If they wanna help, they can help, right?"

Parker looked hesitant for a moment before turning his attention to Luna. "With your permission, Princess. Can Rainbow come with us to do a reconnaissance mission?"

Luna nodded almost immediately. "Yes she can. But do make sure she comes back."

Parker nodded. "You know who I am." He then looked at Rainbow and gestured to her to follow. "Now come on, the Lieutenant is waiting. And do not fly until I say so."

"Aye, Sarge."

"Corporal, find a place for them to rest while the bridge is getting fixed."

"But there's literally no place except here, Sir," Wade responded, "The others did the same, just sit and stay on guard."

"Alright then." Parker said before turning to the bridge.

The group then made their way to the second bridge where the engineers were working. Lieutenant Ralph was on the side of the bridge that barely could hold one man to walk through it. He noticed Parker and his squad approaching and quickly checked his ammunition.

"Alright," he said once Parker and his men stood in front of him, "These are your men, Sergeant?"

"Yes, Sir. They're all ready to go." Parker responded.

Lieutenant Ralph nodded before noticing the cyan pegasus next to Parker. "What is she doing here?" He asked.

"She's gonna help us, Sir. Maybe if we got caught up in the crossfire she could easily fly back here and warn the others."

Ralph nodded again. "Good idea. Just don't do anything stupid ya hear?" He spoke to Rainbow.

Rainbow nodded firmly. "Clear as day." It took a moment for her to realize what she just said. "Where the hell did those words come from?" She blinked. "Whoa, what?"

Reed laughed quietly. "Guess human language has finally gotten into you."

"Oh, shut up."

"Alright, let's stay on mission and try not to make a sound." Ralph said as he walked through the bridge that was being repaired by the sappers.

Parker went in second, then came Reed with Rainbow following him. And last was Julian. They all quietly made their way through the causeway. Not long after they crossed the bridge, a noise could be heard somewhere but then something unexpected happened.

"We're sitting ducks, you know that?" Dante said in annoyance.

"Well, not like we have any other option," Glenn retorted, "If you wanna get sucked with that mud right there then be my guest."

"Shut the hell up, guys," Wade ordered, "Stay on guard and be quiet."

Glenn snorted. "I wonder why Parker chose you as a Corporal."

Wade shot a glare at Glenn. "If you won't stop being a dick for one day I'm gonna have to pull a trigger on your head."

Glenn nodded mockingly. "Yeah right, like you-"

"Glenn, fucking stop it already," Andrew interrupted, "Show some hospitality in front of our guests, would ya?"

"More like civilians."

"Quit your fucking whining, Glenn," Sven chimed in, "Do you know how many fucking times I had to deal with your stupid bu-"


Their heads turned to the sound and they saw the explosion not far from the bridge in front of them. The ponies knew what was about to happen.

"Incoming!!" Someone shouted as another 88 shell exploded on the side of the causeway, causing the paratroopers to scream in pain who got wounded by the shrapnel.

"Get down!" Wade ordered as he looked around.

"What are we gonna do?!" Luna asked as another explosion rang through the air.

"I don't know!" Wade answered. Fluttershy instinctively flew away from the group but Andrew caught her mid air by one of her hindlegs.

"Fluttershy, what the fuck are you doing?!" He asked as he pulled her to him.

"I'm scared!" She whimpered as she quietly sobbed.

Andrew pulled her close to him and tried to comfort her as best as he could. "It's okay, we're safe. They're just aiming for the bridge."

"But what if they got us here?" Twilight frantically asked. None of the soldiers answered her question. All except one.

"Just stay strong, Twilight. Never let fear distract you for doing something stupid that could make yourself in even worse state." Wade said as he looked at the bridge, unfazed by the explosions in front of him. He stood up and immediately warned the others. "Get away from the bridge! Find some cover!" He yelled.

Another explosion caused the screams of the paratroopers to fill the night sky. Soon enough, orders filled the air as the paratroopers that got caught in the killzone hurriedly moved to a safe spot. Wade wouldn't stop warning the others. Fluttershy held Andrew for dear life while crying to his chest. The yellow pegasus wouldn't stop sobbing and trembling. "It's okay, Fluttershy. You're safe, I promise you're safe." He spoke softly to her ear while caressing her back.

"God help us." Jones spoke quietly to no one.

"Shit." Parker mumbled as he saw the Krauts bombed the bridge but none of the shells hit it.

"My friends!" Rainbow exclaimed. She was about to go back but stopped by Reed's hand.

"They're gonna be okay, Dash," he said, trying his best to calm her down, "Seems like they're targeting the bridge. Your friends are dozens of feet away from that killzone."

Rainbow didn't answer, she heard the screams of the paratroopers that got hit by those 88. She couldn't imagine if she got back and her friends got hit too.

"Rainbow," Parker's voice got her attention as she turned around to look at him, "You can go back, we can handle it from here."

Rainbow stared at him for a moment before looking back to the second bridge, then back to him. "No," she responded, "I'll make sure that you guys are alive before I go back there."

"Are you sure?" Reed asked.


Parker nodded. "Alright, let's catch up with the Lieutenant."

Rainbow tried her best to ignore the screaming pain of the paratroopers behind her. She knew she must stay strong for the sake of her and her friends. Once they were done, she would immediately fly back to her friends. The cyan pegasus was hoping that everypony was okay, including Parker's squad.

She recalled the day when they got ambushed. The convoy had to stop because the drivers were hit and they had no choice but to walk through the gun fight. They pushed their way to the crossroad and thought that the Germans had retreated to their base. But instead, they attacked them five times that day and got Applejack wounded. No matter how hard Parker tried to protect them, they got Applejack. It was unexpected. Rainbow could see the weight in Parker's eyes, after Applejack got hit by the shrapnel, he didn't leave her side. He stayed there and talked to her as if he was her father. He only left if some officers called him, but if he wasn't doing anything, he stayed with Applejack. That alone told her how much he did his duty and to fulfill his promise. He looked at Reed, then to Parker's back as he walked carefully.

I won't let him down

With a new determination, Rainbow walked cautiously with the group. Scanning here and there for any hostiles while the barrage of 88 was still going.

Those 88s are definitely behind that barn

There's not even a single light coming from there, genius

Because they've stopped, retard. Probably they pulled back and left the barn

Still, they would be stupid enough if they put those batteries there

You're an idiot

No you





Ralph and his group had safely crossed the third bridge and were now watching a farm from the fourth bridge. They could barely see anything because of the dark. And no one dared to use a flashlight. They discovered a large belgium-anti tank gate on the fourth bridge, causing them to stop their advance and watched from afar instead. But Lieutenant Ralph didn't give up just yet.

"Alright, here's the plan," Ralph quietly said as he turned to his group, "Rainbow Dash, I want you to fly as quietly as possible over this gate and wait for us on the other side. Me and the rest will force our way through the gate."

"I can just lift all of you to the other side, you know?" Rainbow said nonchalantly.

Ralph shook his head. "It's too risky. We'll get spotted easily. I don't want you to get shot as well."

Rainbow then nodded in understanding. Ralph gestured to her to go first before turning back to others. "Okay, we just have to find our way through this shit."

"We can squeeze through it." Parker simply said.


"What?" Ralph asked.

"Yeah, squeeze. You can literally see there's a small gap underneath the gate. Those Krauts were stupid." Parker stated as he pointed towards the base of the gate. There was indeed a small gap that would only fit for one man to go through.

I remember the last tight thing you slid in was an air vent

I would smack you, but in Airborne, we don't hit little girls

Ralph nodded. "Alright then, let's go." He said as he proned and started to crawl his way to the other side. Parker followed suit not long after Ralph got out. Just after Parker got out, the gate suddenly creaked and it nearly crushed Reed who was about to crawl towards the other side.

"You lucky bastard." Julian said with a grin.

"Am I right?" Reed said as he looked through the gap. It was still there but smaller than before. "Think we can squeeze through it?"

"We won't know if we don't try." Julian stated.

Reed nodded before finally giving in since there was no other option. He laid on his back and put both of his hands on the gate and pulled himself. But failed miserably.

"Ah shit." Reed groaned as he looked at his belly, who got in the way.

"Reed, what's the hold up?" Parker quietly asked, not looking away from the high ground in front of him.

"I'm kinda stuck," the private replied, "This gap is too fucking small for me. Son of a bitch." He lightly punched the gate on top of him. It creaked, making the young private to hold his breath in fear of this being the end of his career. Getting crushed by a massive gate. His mother would be so proud.

Rainbow Dash — who was standing next to Parker — looked at Reed. And she almost lost it as she quickly put both of her hooves on her muzzle. "You- you're blaming the gate when your fat belly literally got in the way?" She asked while trying her best to hold her laughter.

"Fuck off, Dash, I'm not fat. This gate literally made the gap smaller for me to crawl." Reed annoyingly retorted.

Rainbow was still holding her laughter when Parker stood up and walked over to Reed. "Gimme your hands." Parker said as he shouldered his weapon.

Reed obliged and Parker successfully pulled him out. And then Julian came next. He squeezed through it easy enough and quickly joined the others. Lieutenant Ralph examined the field in front of him before thinking of a way to go to the high ground.

"Alright, we don't have any choice," he said, "We have to go up there. Without a single fucking cover."

"Sir, I don't think it's a good idea." Julian said matter-of-fact.

"I know it isn't, but we won't know our enemy's location if we don't go up there. And it's our job to do the reconnaissance for the others."

"What if this turned out to be fubar, Sir?" Reed asked. Rainbow looked at him in confusion.

It took a moment for Lieutenant Ralph to reply. "Then our pegasus friend here will warn the others. Just keep her safe."

Rainbow was starting to not like this. She looked at Parker as the Sergeant looked back at her. He smiled and nodded before gripping his Thompson tightly. "Don't worry. Stay behind me." He quietly said. Rainbow felt safer and she nodded.

"Go." Ralph ordered as the group walked cautiously to the barn in front of them. They all quietly walked their way towards the barn. All except Parker.

See, told you there's no one

I highly doubt it

Dude, you're gonna thank me one day for giving you the best gut feeling ever

You're not my gut feeling

But I can think

But you can't feel

"Fire!" Someone suddenly shouted in German.

Time seemed to slow down as the five of them came under intense fire from a machine gun coming from the barn. Parker and the others immediately laid down on the grass while blindly shooting their weapons to the barn.

Pfft, no one

I miscalculated

Your miscalculation are going to get us all killed

Worth the shot

Oh Jesus

"Sir, we can't stay here!" Reed exclaimed as he unloaded his entire clip to the enemy.

"I know!" Ralph replied, "Rainbow Dash! Get the fuck out of here and warn the others! Tell 'em the barn is heavily defended by a machine gun and light infantry!"

"I'm not leaving you guys!" She said behind Parker as Parker continuously shot at the Krauts.

"That's an order!" Parker exclaimed as he reloaded his weapon. Rainbow looked at him in disbelief as Parker looked back from his shoulder. "Go Rainbow! We'll catch up!"

"Parker, I'm not leaving any of you!" Rainbow desperately said.

"If you don't warn the others, we'll all die here!" Parker replied between gun fires, "Go! We promise we'll be back!"

Rainbow's breathing rapidly increased after a grenade exploded in front of them. She looked at Parker for a moment before deciding what she had to do.

"Rainbow Dash! Go now!" Lieutenant Ralph ordered.

"Yes, Sir!" Rainbow exclaimed before placing a hoof to Parker's shoulder, getting his attention.

"What is it, Rainbow?!" He desperately asked, "I thought Lieutenant Ralph ordered you to go now!"

"Promise me you'll come back!" Rainbow said.

"I promise! We'll all be back before you know it! Now go!" Parker ordered as he began to shoot again.

Rainbow nodded before spreading her wings and pulled herself into the air. She took one last look at the squad below her. She could see Julian got up and ran as fast as he could to the gate, Reed followed shortly. That left Lieutenant Ralph and Sergeant Parker who were still in the fight. Julian and Reed proceeded to give covering fire for them to run back to the gate. She sighed in relief when she knew they would be back shortly before flying back to the second bridge.

The barrage of artillery fire had stopped. The engineers quickly began their task again. Lieutenant Colonel Cole had been informed that there were no casualties. Thankfully, the bombardment was only focused on the bridge but the Krauts were stupid enough to not hit it. Some were severely injured, some were slightly injured and the rest survived without a scratch. Several gunfire could be heard after the bombardment was over and it was still going until now. He looked up at the sky as he heard the sound of what seems to be a bird coming closer towards him. Not long after that, a cyan pegasus landed behind the working sappers as she frantically turned her head left and right as if she was in need of help. Cole was about to call himself crazy from seeing such a thing when he realized that he had been informed about the talking ponies and one little dragon roaming in his battalion. Hell, he even saw them before yesterday. Stupid old man.

"Lieutenant Cole?!" The cyan pegasus called out with a clear sign of fear in her voice, "Has anyone seen Lieutenant Colonel Cole?!"

"Hey kid," Cole walked up to her with his deputy behind him, "Hey, relax, take a deep breath and let it out slowly." He instructed.

Rainbow did exactly what he told her. As she regained her composure back, she looked up at Cole and his deputy. "You must be Lieutenant Colonel Cole?" She asked.

"That's right, kid. Name?" Cole asked as politely as he could.

"Rainbow Dash."

"Okay, Rainbow. What's wrong?"

"Uhm… So, I was with Lieutenant Ralph and Sergeant Parker along with some of his men with their reconnaissance mission. We crossed the third bridge without any trouble but on the fourth bridge, there seems to be a large gate that you need to break through if you want to get to the other side."

Cole nodded, letting her continue. "But when we squeezed our way in, we came under heavy fire. There's a barn not too far from the fourth bridge. Lieutenant Ralph and the rest got ambushed. It's defended by a machine gun and a small amount of infantry." She finished.

Cole nodded again. "What about our patrol?"

"They are on their way back. I think so…" She trailed off. The gunfire was still heard and a flare could be seen fired to the air in the distance.

"Please come back…" Rainbow said quietly.

Unfortunately, Cole heard it. "Hey. Look at me," he said, getting her attention, "They'll be back. Don't think otherwise, okay?" Rainbow nodded slowly.

"You did a great job on telling us, Rainbow Dash," Major John Stopka — Cole's deputy — said, "I'm telling you not even our newest recruit would even be brave enough to go out there."

Rainbow's face lightened up a bit and smiled at the Major. "Thanks, but I was doing what they ordered me to do."

"And you did the right thing by obeying their orders," Cole stated, "Well done, Miss Dash."

Rainbow's stress washed away the moment Cole and Stopka congratulated her. For Cole and Stopka, they had succeeded in calming the cyan pegasus.

Cole smiled as he gestured down the causeway. "Now go and tell the news to your friends. I'm sure they're waiting for your arrival."

"What about Parker and the rest?" She asked hopefully.

Cole placed a hand to her shoulder. "Don't worry about them. They'll be okay, now go back to your friends and have some rest before we start to move out again."

Rainbow looked at him for a moment as if she was searching for confidence in him that Parker and his squad would be back. After a moment of silence, she hesitantly nodded before walking back to her group. Cole and Stopka watched her as she reunited with the others.

"What do you think about them, Sir?" Stopka asked as he looked at Cole.

"They're one of us, Major," Cole replied with a smile, "They're definitely one of us." He then went back to his business, followed by Stopka. The sound of the gunfire never seemed to end.

"Dashie!" Pinkie went in a blur as she immediately hugged Rainbow. The cyan pegasus barely had the time to react.

"Nice to see… you too… Pinkie." Rainbow choked out.

"Pinkie, you're crushing Rainbow." Twilight stated. Pinkie gave one more bone crushing hug before letting her go.

"I'm so glad you're okay." The party pony said with a large, sad smile.

Rainbow took several deep breaths before coughing. "Yeah, I'm okay."

"Rainbow," Applejack called out as Rainbow looked at her, "Where's Parker and the others?"

Rainbow's heart skipped a beat when she asked it. She hung her head low and said, "We got ambushed after we crossed the fourth bridge. They're fighting their way back now."

"Then why are you here so soon, dear?" Rarity asked, "Shouldn't you be with them in their time of need?"

Rainbow raised her head to look at Rarity. "It's not that simple Rarity. I insisted on staying but Lieutenant Ralph ordered me to go back and tell the others about their situation. Even Parker told me to go back."

"What did he say?" Luna asked softly.

"It's an order."

"Don't worry too much, guys," Andrew interrupted, "They know what they're doing."

Pinkie turned around to face Andrew. "How can you be so calm? Shouldn't you be worried that your friend is in danger?"

"Stay positive." Sagi replied while checking his Garand. "Hey, Damien. Pass me that cigarette will ya?"

Damien was sitting on the side of the road, watching the field in front of him as he let out another smoke from his mouth.

"Damien!" Sagi called out again.

"What?" Damien asked as he turned around.

"Pass me that cigarette."

Damien pulled the cigarette from his mouth and gave it to Sagi, which he happily took it. Damien then pulled out another cigarette from his pack and lit it up with a lighter before turning to watch the scenery in idle.

"Rainbow?" Spike called out.

"Yeah, Spike?" Rainbow said from her spot.

"When will they be back?"

Rainbow sighed. "I don't know, Spike. The machine gun hit them hard, last time I saw them they were close to death itself."

Another flare was fired in the distance behind Rainbow. They all looked at the dimly red light filled smoke in the air as it slowly made its way to the ground, all the while the sound of gunfire continued on.

"They'll come back." Flynn broke the silence.

"Yeah," Wade chimed in, "Never let those negative thoughts get to you because it'll only break you little by little. Before you know it, you're already broke if you let that happen."

Rainbow looked at Wade, then back to the flare. "Yeah, they're gonna be alright. They are tough guys after all." She said with a weak smile.

"Damn right you are." Sven said.

"Alright, listen up everyone," Wade began as he turned to face the group, "The bridge ain't gonna be repaired anytime soon so I suggest we take some rest before the sun rises." He then looked at Rainbow. "Especially you, Rainbow."

Rainbow couldn't argue with him. She was already feeling tired and wanted to close her eyes. She nodded before walking to her friends as they tried their best to stay comfortable on the causeway. Most of them were surprised to see Rarity didn't complain much about how they would sleep like that. Rainbow didn't care much, she instantly laid next to Andrew. Fluttershy was fast asleep in his arms. Rainbow yawned before finally letting herself off to sleep. Her final thoughts were the sound of machine gun fire and Parker ordered her to warn the others.