• Published 2nd Sep 2021
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World at War: Protectors of Harmony - TasteDaRainbow

Bravery doesn't mean you're not scared. It means you'll go anyway. Join Twilight and her friends' adventure in the middle of World War 2.

  • ...

Lieutenant Blake

Author's Note:

The Italic word in the first scene was spoken in German language.

"I'm sorry, I can't be hearing this right. What did you just say?"

"My Leader, our intel said that they have encountered several new creatures with the Americans in Normandy."


"Yes, Sir."

"Any idea what creature they are?"

"Negative, my Leader. We only have sightings, we still don't know what they are and where they come from. But they looked like small horses. Some of them have wings, one has a horn, one has both a horn and wings, and the other two don't have both."

"How many of these horses are there?"

"Some say there are seven of them, and others say there are eight. Oh and one more thing, my Leader, there appears to be an oversized lizard too."

"This doesn't make any sense at all."

"My Leader?"

"Alright, send some recon squads and find more about the creatures. We can't afford the Allies to use them against us."


The paratroopers and the ponies got along very well. The news of the friendly colorful talking ponies had spread to all over the division of the Airborne and vowed to keep it a secret from anyone. Even their own Allies. Parker and his squad were more interested in hearing the story of the Crystal Empire. They were surprised when Twilight and her friends told them how Spike saved the day with Cadance. The paratroopers were on edge when they heard that Spike almost risked his own life just to get the Crystal Heart before King Sombra could lay a hoof on it.

"Well damn," Reed said, "You're one hero, Spike."

Spike waved his claw dismissively. "Naw, if it wasn't because of Twilight in the first place, me and Cadance wouldn't get the Crystal Heart to stop Sombra."

"So much for the land of friendship." Glenn said with a chuckle.

"At least it's better than this God awful shitty place." Andrew chimed in.

"We can tell." Luna said with a chuckle.

"Are there any more conflicts other than Sombra?" Parker asked, "I mean, surely it's not just that one."

"Oh, there are plenty, dear," Rarity answered, "But most of it was solved simply by the power of friendship."

"Like Discord!" Pinkie exclaimed next to Reed.

"Discord?" Reed asked, looking down at the pink mare.

"Discord is the Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony who once ruled over Equestria in a state of unrest and unhappiness." Twilight answered.

"Until my sister and I used the Elements of Harmony to imprison him in a stone." Luna continued.

"Elements of Harmony?" Glenn asked, "Is that some kind of a weapon or something?"

Twilight's excitement grew as Parker and his friends began to take interest in Equestria. Though, she still had to ask a lot more questions about their world but that can be done later.

"The Elements of Harmony are six supernatural artifacts representing subjective aspects of harmony." Twilight answered.

"Artifacts?" Reed tilted his head, "Lemme guess, magic?"

"You can say that," Twilight replied, "Each artifact represents an element of friendship and only activates if the wielder possesses the corresponding trait and if all six are used in conjunction."

A moment of silence passed by as the paratroopers processed the words. Or trying to.

"Can you rephrase that?" Andrew began.

Twilight chuckled. "It means they can only be activated if the wielder has the same power it has and in order to use it, the six of the artifacts must be used at the same time."

"Is it just me or I'm feeling like I'm back at college again." Reed said. Everyone laughed at his statement.

"What, she reminds you of one of your professors?" Parker said.

Reed shrugged. "Kinda. Though, Twilight would be a good mentor. My professor was a huge pain in the ass." Twilight blushed from his compliment.

"Oh! I got it!" Spike suddenly exclaimed, which got everyone's attention. "Why don't we go to the Germans and ask for our friendship? I'm sure we can stop this war."

Glenn laughed bitterly. "If only it was that easy, Spike." The ponies turned to look at Glenn.

"Isn't it a good idea?" Rainbow asked, "I mean, I'm sure we can help you guys to talk about it with them and their leader to stop this."

"Like Glenn said, it wasn't that easy," Parker replied, "And second, it's already too late. The Brits already tried to appease Hitler — their leader — to stop the war. That didn't work, no matter how hard they tried. Hitler was already a maniac and decided to expand his territory all over Europe and Russia."

"We wouldn't be here if they did some Peace Treaty shit or something." Reed said.

"Sorry to interrupt, darling. But if I may ask, what are the Brits?" Rarity asked, "I assume it is one of the nicknames you give to other people, yes?"

"Correct, and they're one of our allies," Parker replied with a smile, "They're people from a country named Britain to be exact. That's why we called them Brits."

"Their accent is just like yours, Miss Rarity," Reed said with a grin, "Even though I certainly have no doubt of speaking in King's language." He continued with an almost perfect British accent.

Everyone turned their eyes to the young private while he casually stared at them back with a grin. Keeping his arms crossed, Reed raised one of his eyebrows. "Art thou surprised?"

If their jaws could fall off to the ground, it would be Rarity's and Luna's. Both of their eyes focused on Reed as they looked at him in astonishment. Curiosity started to flood Luna's mind as questions began to file in. Same goes for the flabbergasted pony fashionista.

Snapping out of her thoughts, Rainbow nudged Reed's shoulder. "Since when have you become a very complicated pony- person?" She asked, hovering next to him.

"First of all, Dash, it's an accent," Reed answered, turning his head to see her, "And second, an accent doesn't define your personality. Now I don't know about your world but here, I can do shit tons of stuff but I am who I am."

"Right." Rainbow muttered.

"I swear, he had a hard time reloading a fucking Garand back in training." Parker muttered loudly.

"I may have slipped my fingers, okay." Reed barked.

"The Brits can do better." Andrew teased with a smirk.

"I can do better with-"

"You're going to meet a lot of Brits if you're lucky later on." Another voice cut Reed's words. The ponies turned around to see Lieutenant Blake with another soldier behind him walking towards them. Parker could see the rank of Corporal on the soldier's left sleeve; while he and his squad immediately stood up properly and saluted the Lieutenant. The ponies that were sitting on the bench stood up as well.

"As you were." Blake said. The paratroopers went back to their position. Before the ponies could sit however, Blake got their attention.

"I have a couple of tents already set up for the ponies to sleep. And some food if they're hungry. I can-"

The sound of a growling stomach interrupted him. They all turned to the source of the noise and saw the purple dragon smiling sheepishly on Parker's left shoulder.

"Sorry. All the things that happened today were enough to make my stomach a little angry." Spike chuckled with his face turned to the color that could match a tomato.

Blake shook his head slightly while chuckling. "That's my cue. I don't wanna interrupt, but I can tell all of you must be tired and hungry."

"We could use a little rest if we are going to have a big day soon." Luna said calmly. Twilight and her friends however, were still in doubt whether or not they should go.

"Alright then, come with me." Blake turned around and was about to walk when he realized something. "Oh, and Parker." He turned his head to the right, looking at Parker from his shoulder.

"Yes, Sir?" Parker replied.

"You and your squad stay here, I'll be back after our guests here get some food and a place to stay properly."

Parker nodded. "Understood, Sir."

Smiling slightly, Blake nodded back before gesturing to the ponies to follow him.

"All right, here we are." Blake stopped in front of two tents facing him. The colors were pale dark green and from the cleanliness of it, it looked like it was set up moments ago.

Blake turned around to face them with his hands in his pockets. "These will be the tents for y'all to rest. I figured that you have grown close with Parker, so we set up the tent next to his. I'll order my men to get you guys some food and make sure you get a proper rest after that. Because we're not going to stay here any longer."

Luna bowed her head slightly. "We thank you for your hospitality, Lieutenant."

Blake smiled calmly. "No need to thank me. It's part of our duty to keep innocents safe." He then nodded before turning to face the soldier next to him. "Corporal, I need you to give our friends here some food and water. Make sure the food is for vegetarians." Blake stared at Spike for a moment before continuing. "All except one."

"Yes, Sir." The soldier replied before jog to his destination.

"Sir?" Rainbow asked, earning Blake's attention, "What do you mean by make sure?"

It took a moment for Blake to finally realize what she was asking. "Oh, in case if Parker hasn't told you yet, humans are omnivores. We eat plants in the form of different vegetables. Not only that, we also eat the flesh of animals and fish products. Cooked, of course."

The explanation alone was enough to make the ponies shiver. Though Spike, Luna, Rainbow and Fluttershy looked rather calm.

"So, you're on top of the food chain?" Twilight asked.

Blake could hear the uncomfortable feeling from her voice. But he nodded anyway. "Apex predator, that is correct." Blake walked to the tent before opening the flip. "Come on in, don't want those legs collapsed before all of you are on your own bed."

Rainbow Dash was the first to fly in, leaving a trail of rainbow on her tail while Blake stood dumbfounded.

Luna giggled. "Apologies for her attitude, she must be pretty tired and eager to get some rest."

"I can tell." Blake replied as he saw the cyan pegasus quickly claim one of the beds as hers before looking at him with a sheepish smile.

"Hehe, sorry. It's anypony's to pick, right?" Rainbow asked innocently.

Blake nodded before gesturing to the remaining ponies to get inside. "Make yourselves comfortable and the beds are all yours to pick. Get yourselves a rest before the food comes."

As if his words were heard, the Corporal's voice called out to his Lieutenant outside. "Sir? The food's here."

"We're in here, Corporal." Blake called back while his guests were picking their own bed.

The corporal walked through the flip of the tent, carrying four lunch boxes with two other soldiers behind him. One of them carried the other four lunch boxes while the other one carried a bag which Blake assumed to be bottles of water. "Seven vegetarian meals for our guests, Sir." He said.

Blake nodded. "Thank you, Corporal. You may hand it to them." The corporal wasted no time to give the ponies and the little dragon their food.

While the soldiers were giving out the food, Blake spoke up. "I know I've said this before when Parker introduced all of you to me." He stopped when the corporal and the other soldiers had done their tasks before walking back and stood behind their Lieutenant. Saying his thanks, Blake continued. "But all of you have to be careful once we're moving. Stay away from the crossfire, and avoid any interaction with the enemy."

Applejack cocked an eyebrow. "Why not? We can help to talk with them. Ah think they'd listen."

Blake shook his head. "They can't speak English like us. If they saw you or had you in their grasp, you'll be taken with them so they can do God knows what they're doing with our surrendered brothers."

"Brothers?" Fluttershy tilted her head, "All of you are a family?"

"Not in blood, but in bond," Blake replied, "I doubt every civilians we'll meet will aid us in pushing back the Nazis before they could take all of Europe. So we're in this together until we stop those bastards for good. And probably get some of his mustache with us." Unbeknownst to him, the soldiers behind him smiled slightly.

Before the ponies could ask any questions, Blake decided it was time for him to take his leave. "Alright, I don't have much time. I still need to discuss something with Parker and his squad before going back to CP. Make yourselves at home and I'll get you guys some boots if you want to."

"Oh, yes please," Rarity replied, "I've seen mud everywhere and I don't want to get my hooves dirty."

Lieutenant Blake shook his head while chuckling to himself. "It's gonna get a whole lotta worse once you're on the battlefield." With that, he turned around and left the tent. The other soldiers followed closely.

"Ah really don't like where this is goin'." Applejack began as she was certain that the soldiers couldn't hear them.

Luna sighed. "Neither of us wanted this to happen." She then turned her attention to Twilight. "As for you, Twilight. I expect you to be more careful with things like this; not merely jump into conclusions or actions out of your own excitement. Not only that, you did not even send a letter about this to Celestia."

Twilight pressed her ears to the back of her head. "I know. I'm sorry, Princess. I was just too excited about the spell until I completely forgot about any negative effects it might have caused." She said as she hung her head low. "I'm the one to blame."

Luna smiled as she walked up to Twilight and rested a hoof on her shoulder. "Twilight, we all make mistakes. And remember that life's greatest lessons are usually learned at the worst times and from the worst mistakes." The Moon Princess placed a hoof under Twilight's chin before lifting her head up to meet her eyes. "Mistakes are meant for learning. Not repeating." Luna said, her smile still present.

This put Twilight at ease as she smiled back. "Forgive me, Princess. And thank you."

"There's no need to ask that, Twilight." Luna nuzzled Twilight's cheek gently, which Twilight happily reciprocated. Lifting her head up, Luna turned to look at the rest. "Alright, we all should be getting our rest. Lieutenant Blake said tomorrow is going to be a long day."

"Like preparing for a party?" Pinkie asked enthusiastically. Everyone in the tent stared at her, unamused. "What?" The party pony asked innocently.

Rarity groaned from her bed before lying down on her back. "I believe it will be much worse than that."

"Oh my gosh, this meat tastes good." Spike said out loud to no one.

When he realized what he just said, he took notice that the rest of the ponies were staring at him in disbelief and disgust. Swallowing what remains he had in his mouth, he burped.

"Sorry. Never really had these before." He smiled sheepishly.

"Parker." Blake's voice interrupted Parker's train of thoughts.

Parker and the rest of his squad were still waiting for Blake's return after he made sure that their guests had a proper place to rest. Immediately standing up from his position, Parker gave Blake a slight nod.


Blake noticed that all of the squad already gathered behind Parker. He took this as his cue. "I've set up their tent next to yours. So it'll be easier for you to watch them." Parker nodded in response. "And I am sure to give you the responsibility of taking care of our new guests here."

"Yes, Sir. You can count on me."

"Not so fast, Parker." Blake interrupted, getting Parker's attention. "I have to ask you, are you sure of taking them with us?"

Parker raised an eyebrow. "If I doubt myself I wouldn't be willing to protect them, Sir."

"Parker, I just want you to know what you're getting yourself into," Blake explained, "If the Krauts know about them, I bet they're gonna be focusing their target on those poor fellas." He hesitated before saying, "And you're in their way."

"I thought we were supposed to protect the weak." Reed said out of nowhere.

"Cut it, Private." Parker ordered from his shoulder before turning his attention back to his Lieutenant. "Sir, I found them and they're my responsibility. There's no way in hell that those Krauts will lay a hand on them."

Blake could only sigh at his response. He knew Parker would be this stubborn. "We can take them back to our country, they don't have to face any of this."

Parker narrowed his eyebrows as Blake began to annoy him. "With all due respect, Sir. Have you lost your damn mind?"

That's what you call 'with all due respect'?

Shut the fuck up

"That's what you call 'with all due respect'?" Reed asked.


Parker shot a glare from his shoulder towards Reed, making the private nod in embarrassment before shutting his own mouth.

"I take it that you don't like them, Sir?" Parker asked again. But before Blake could respond, Parker cut him off. "Sir, you know we can't trust our own people back in our homeland. I don't want to see them a couple of weeks later, joining us and fighting for us. We won't make them as a weapon of war and I will make damn sure that they're going back home in one piece."

Blake stood there as he processed the words. He could only sigh as he turned to walk away. "You know you're one of the best soldiers I have in this company, Parker. I just don't want to waste your life by protecting someone that doesn't even know the bonds between all of us. Especially when they know nothing about war." With that, Blake walked away.

Parker just stared at Blake, who already got into a jeep and disappeared from his sight. Sighing, he turned to see his squad that were looking at him.

"He literally just said that when he didn't even know the bond between us and the ponies?" Reed asked in disbelief.

Parker could only shake his head before walking towards his tent. "I'm gonna make sure to shove those words back up his ass."