• Published 22nd Sep 2021
  • 7,432 Views, 565 Comments

New Noses To Know - Irrespective

Baked Bean and Princess Celestia have welcomed their newborn into the world. Now the fun begins.

  • ...

8. - Therapy

Author's Note:

I am not a licensed therapist. 

If anything, I probably need therapy myself, so if you’re taking advice from me, we can get a group rate.

That aside, I do believe that mental health should be taken as seriously as physical health, and that like the physical, both you and I should seek help from competent and accredited professionals. 

So, as Celestia begins her therapy sessions, I won’t be spending a lot of time with the actual therapy. I don’t want to give out bad or inaccurate advice. 

What I will share is some general ideas and suggestions. While I will do my best to make sure they are helpful, I could very well be wrong, especially since every individual has individual needs. Please seek out professional help if you are struggling with any mental health issues.

You got this.

* * * *

“Your Highness? Doctor Cheerilee has arrived.”

Celestia drew in a deep breath, then forced out a smile. “Thank you, Sergeant Pepper. Show her in.”

The steadfast centurion nodded, pushed the door to the drawing room wide open, and motioned for an unseen pony to come through. One royal eyebrow slid up as Cheerilee entered and bowed to her.

“Good afternoon, Your Highness. I’m so sorry to keep you waiting.”

“Not a problem, Doctor, though I must admit you’ve caught my curiosity.”

Cheerilee laughed lightly. The door swung shut as she glanced over her cheerleader clothing. “Well, this would be why I’m late. Today was the big Applewood Derby race, but there were some ‘complications’ that required a second heat. I boarded your carriage as soon as I could.”

“I see. You look very peppy, if you don’t mind my saying so.” Her eyes lingered on the pom-poms. “Very cheerful.”

“I like to encourage my students as much as possible, as I’m sure you do. They enjoy it when I dress up like this, or do other little spontaneous things.”

“I may steal the concept from you, then.” Celestia motioned to the cushions. “Please, make yourself comfortable, and help yourself to the refreshments.”

“Did your husband provide these?” Cheerilee looked over the massive spread of pastries, pies, cakes, and cookies, all decoratively spread out on the table between them.

“He did. Bean tends to cook when he’s nervous, and… well, he’s probably only half as nervous as I am, I think. Would you care for some tea?”

“Yes, please. Thank you.” Cheerilee took the offered cup, and sniffed appreciatively. “Deerjeeling. One of my favorites.”

“Help yourself as much as you’d like. Anything we don’t eat will be given to the guards, and Bean’s cooking has already fattened all of them up as it is. Lieutenant Spear Point is threatening to run the whole Corps through basic training again just to get everypony back in shape.”

The two laughed, and Celestia felt some of her tension leave with the mirth. She had been simultaneously dreading and anticipating this first therapy session, so anything that helped calm her anxiety was most welcome. In her mind, this was yet another battle to be fought and won, and she was never comfortable when she had to go to battle blind.

There was a brief silence while the good doctor added sugar and milk to her tea. A sip and a nod later, she placed the cup and saucer on the table. “Before we begin, Your Highness, I’d like to first say that you have taken a very important—and very brave—first step today. Our mental health is just as important as our physical health, but unfortunately, there’s still that age-old stigma that seeing a therapist means there’s something profoundly wrong or broken about you. Nothing could be further from the truth.

“Having said that, our sessions are not so much about ‘fixing’ your issues, like how you would fix a broken bone or a leaky faucet, for example. Therapy is designed to give you the tools and support you need to manage and overcome the challenges you are facing and will face in the future. The most important thing to remember is that this is not a one-and-done sort of deal. It will take time and effort, but it will work.”

“I understand,” Celestia said with a slight sigh. “I am willing to listen and use whatever you have to share with me.”

“Good. Do you have any questions for me at this point?”

“I do have one, but I suspect it is one you’ve heard many times before.”

Cheerilee smiled. “Most ponies are surprised when they find out I’m a doctor, since I don’t make a fuss about using the title. I received my doctorate after I got my teaching degree, so I got used to being just ‘Miss Cheerilee’ and saw no reason to change.”

“Why did you decide to study mental health?”

“Ponyville.” Cheerilee laughed a little to herself. “The idea came to me after I’d been teaching for a few years. I could see the signs of internal struggles in my students, but I never knew how to help them, and I felt awful about it. So, at the end of one school year, I went back to college and began my doctorate. I’d take night classes during the school year, and over summer breaks, I’d take as many classes as I could at Canterlot University. I met Horsenpfeffer during my first year, and we quickly became good friends. In fact, she and I are going to meet up for dinner later today.”

“I see. Well, I suppose we should get started, then. I’d hate to keep good friends apart.”

“I appreciate that, but please don’t worry about the time. We can take as long as you need. There is no rush. I’m here to help you, first and foremost.”

“I suspect Doctor Horsenpfeffer would say the same thing.”

“Do you mind if I take notes during our sessions? It helps me to keep track of what we’ve talked about and how you’re progressing.”

“That will be fine.”

“Thank you. Let’s start with your emotions. When did you first notice this depression?”

* * * *

“Where are you dragging me off to?”

Chrysalis let out an annoyed huff. “Wherever your international relations office is, Pokey. Apparently, there’s some forms I have to fill out to make Thorax my official ambassador. You ponies and your paperwork, I swear.”

“What can I say? We love accountability,” Hokey Pokey replied.

“You also love complicating matters to unreasonable degrees. Why does Sunbutt’s palace have so many hallways? Does she like aimlessly walking around in circles?”

“It’s defensible. Shouldn’t you know where everything is from when you were impersonating Princess Cadence? Or did you forget already?”

“I didn’t have to bother with those details,” she said as they rounded a corner. “Because, like now, I had an escort to take me wherever I needed. Studly hardly ever left my side. Isn’t he around here, somewhere? I wouldn’t mind getting a little lick off of him. For old time’s sake.”

“Yeah, and then his wife will stomp you flatter than a pancake.”

“I reiterate that you ponies really need to learn how to forgive and forget.” Chrysalis stuck her nose in the air and sniffed haughtily.

“Sure. Just as soon as you forget to whip up another scheme to invade Equestria. Left turn.”

“We should get lunch after this.” Chrysalis rubbed her stomach and smacked her lips. “I’m starving. A nice M.L.T. sounds good, but only if the mutton is nice and lean, and the love is ripe. They’re so perky. I love that.”

“You’ll have to eat without me. I’m still on duty.”

“Then why are you walking with me?” Chrysalis purred.

“Walking?!” Pokey nodded to his motionless hooves, which were scraping against the floor while Chrysalis pulled him along by the tail with her magic. “You’re press-ganging me into this!”

“Don’t bother me with details, Pokey-poo. Right or left?”

“Right,” he grumbled. “The sooner we get there, the sooner I get out of this. I’m gonna catch it from the Lieutenant for this one.”

“I’ll write you an excuse note, don’t worry. ‘Dear Mister Lieutenant Whoever’s-in-Charge, if you do anything to punish my Pokey-wokey, I will hunt you down and feed you to a pukwudgie. Sincerely, Queen Chrysalis.’ Sound good?”

“No, but I know you’ll do it anyway.”

“Sergeant Pokey? Are you all right?”

Chrysalis gasped, released Pokey, and whirled to the unexpected visitor with a manic grin. “Why, if it isn’t my dear little Prince Blueblood! I thought you’d gone back to Yakyakistan. How are you, my delightful little prawn?” She cooed and pinched his cheeks between her hooves.

“You two know each other?” Pokey asked.

“Not exactly. Snookums and I have met, but he doesn’t remember any of it.”

Pokey started to reply, but he stopped when he saw a flash of green sweep across Blueblood’s vacant and distant stare. “What did you do to him?”

“I had to figure out who That Bean’s guards were somehow,” she shot back, leaning against the inert noble while inspecting a forehoof. “Snookums was the perfect target: close enough to Celestia to know about you and the other guards that normally guard Mister Nose, but distant enough not to arouse suspicion. It helps that this dolt is a hopeless romantic, doesn’t it?”

Blueblood dumbly nodded and spoke in a cold, hollow voice. “Of course, my Queen.”

“A couple of sly winks, a few kisses, and he was putty in my hooves,” Chrysalis went on smugly. “A bit sad, really. I got more resistance from Studly, and he thought I was his fiancee! This sap is so desperate for a mare to love that he throws himself at any tail that’s willing to give him the time of day. He’s going to get himself in a lot of trouble one day.”

“Release him. Now.” Pokey’s tone was sharp and unyielding.

“Oh, do I have to?” Chrysalis whined and pouted. “He was quite useful to my plans; with a little encouragement, he could be again. Imagine all the angst he could create now that he works with both nobles and yaks!”


“But I don’t wanna!” She stomped a hoof, like a petulant foal who was being told to clean up her toys. “I mean, sure, I haven’t played with him for a while now, but c’mon! He’s been a pain in your flank, I know he has. You let me keep him like this, and I’ll make it so he follows your every command, too! Imagine all the trouble you could avoid by having Blueblood there to throw his connections and influence around! It’s a win-win!”

For a brief moment, Hokey Pokey was actually tempted by Chrysalis’ offer. Blueblood had been a pest in the past, and it would make things easier if he could sic the noble on his bourgeois friends, instead of having to constantly rely on his own status as a Royal Guard.

But before the Queen could realize his inner contemplation, Pokey forced himself to shake his head. “Hard pass. Nopony deserves to be like this, no matter how obnoxious they are. Get your corrupting magic out of his head and leave him alone.”

“Buzzkill. You owe me for this, Pokey-poo.” Chrysalis opened her mouth and sucked out the magic through Blueblood’s left ear.

“Huh? What?” Blueblood swooned for a moment, then put a hoof to his head. “Ow. What just happened?”

“Queen Chrysalis had you under her control, sir,” Pokey stated matter-of-factly. “But you’re free now.”

“Bleh!” Chrysalis spat. “It tastes like earwax.”

“She did? When did she do this?! Arrest her, immediately!”

“Oo, yes!” Chrysalis held out her forehooves. “I’m all yours, my sweet babboo. I deserve a good spanking for all of my naughty naughtiness. I suggest you take me somewhere private, so we won’t be disturbed while you administer justice.”

“Nice try, Bug. I’m not doing anything of the sort.” Pokey turned to Blueblood and ignored the Queen’s high-pitched whine of disappointment. “This happened over a year ago, sir. She was using you to find out who Prince Bean’s guard detail was. Once she foalnapped the Prince, she had no further use for you.”

“Oh! Oh.” Blueblood sounded dejected, but he almost kept up his stoic facade. “Well, then, I’ll leave the matter in your capable hooves. I think I’ll head over to the infirmary and make sure there’s no lingering changeling magic. And maybe a bottle of aspirin.”

“Would you like an escort, Sir? I can summon another guard to assist you.”

“No, I’ll be fine. Carry on.”

Pokey watched Blueblood’s retreat for a moment, then turned to glare at the totally innocent-looking Chrysalis. “You’re going to have to pay for that one, one way or another.”

Chrysalis scoffed. “Oh, please. He’s fine. Now! Which way to the international affairs office, again?”

“One of these days, Chrysalis,” he muttered as she dragged him down the hall once more. “Bang! Zoom! Straight to the moon!”

* * * *

“Celly? Is that you?”

“It is.” Celestia gently closed her chamber door, her mind a whirl of thoughts and emotions. She offered a small smile when her beloved Baked Bean gave her a kiss, but then one eyebrow slid up in surprise. “What is all this?”

“Oh, just a little something I whipped up.” Bean motioned to the small table, and Celestia moved with him while looking over the romantic, candlelit dinner that he had created. “I thought you might like a nice meal, given everything that’s been happening lately.”

“This is so sweet,” Celestia praised. “I like the rose petals around the place settings. It’s a nice touch. Is that candle scented?”

“Sunflower flavor,” he confirmed. “I made all of your favorite things, even a rhubarb pie for dessert. I hope you like it.”

“You spoil me so badly. Thank you.”

“Please, make yourself comfortable. I picked out the softest pillows for you.” Bean nudged a few as Celestia positioned herself in front of the table before sliding under her right wing. “Is everything okay? Do I need to get you something else?”

“You have done more than enough, my love.”

“So, may I ask how therapy went?” he asked, popping the cork off a bottle of chilled apple cider.

“It was… well, not quite what I expected, but surprisingly comforting. Doctor Cheerilee mostly offered reassurances about therapy, and she wants me to track how depressed I feel during the day. Our next session will be on Tuesday.”

“Do I need to cancel tea with Discord and Fluttershy?”

“Mm, no. I scheduled the session for after tea, so there shouldn’t be a problem.”

“Okay, but if we need to change it, I’m sure they’d understand.”

“Where’s Apollo?”

“Mama Nana is keeping an eye on him in the nursery for now.”

Celestia nodded, and her grin grew slightly. “You’ve thought of everything, haven’t you?”

“I wanted tonight to be relaxing for you.” He paused, passed a fluted glass to her, and his concerned eyes met hers. “I don’t think I could imagine what you’re feeling or thinking right now. All I know is that you’re hurting. I don’t want you to hurt.” His eyes drifted down, and he swallowed. “So, whatever you need me to do, I’ll gladly do it. I want you to have all the love and support you need, so you can get back to where you want to be. If you need to be sad for a time, or even just want to be sad, then that’s fine. We’ll ride this thing out together.”

The Eternal Mare of the Morn pulled her husband in and gave him a tear-stained kiss. “Thank you, Bean. I am so grateful that I don’t need to face this foe by myself. It may take some time, but we will conquer this together. I only ask one thing of you.”


“I know you will fight with me and for me, but please be willing to fight against me, as well. I fear it will not be easy for me to break the thousand-year old habit of enduring my battles alone, as evidenced during Tirek’s attack. Don’t let me push you away, like I have done in the past. Stay by my side, no matter what.”

“I will.” Suddenly, a small grin emerged on his handsome face. “But no banishing me to the moon if I get all pushy or burn the toast. Deal?”

And for the first time in days, Celestia felt a matching smile form with a touch of comfort and joy. “Deal.”

* * * *

Princess Luna drew in a deep breath, her gaze slowly drifting over the peaceful scene that now lay before her. Her crescent moon rested comfortably above the eastern horizon, and the city of Canterlot basked in its soft, pleasant glow. Pinpricks of yellow danced in the windows and doorways of homes and businesses alike, and despite the distance, the Nighttime diarch could hear the pleasant, comforting tones of cheerful conversation amongst her little ponies.

A contented smile came as she looked beyond the bounds of the capitol, and towards a small hamlet that lay at the edge of a dark green forest. The citizens of Ponyville would be tucked away in their own beds at this late hour, their slumber soon to take them to fantastical places and extraordinary adventures that could only be appreciated from within a pleasant dream.

It was still astonishing how much had changed during her banishment. Even now, she still half-expected ponies to flee from her night, terrified of the dark and the unknown dangers that lurked on the edge of their perception. Celestia had obliterated every last trace of such feelings, and no matter where Luna went, she always found ponies enjoying—or even cherishing—all that the evening offered to them.

A frown came when her eyes moved past the home of her dear granddaughter and to the Everfree Forest, and the next breath she drew was long and frustrated. Despite the time that had passed since her redemption and return, there was still one large, unresolved issue from her betrayal, and she did not wish to face it.

She dreaded to think of what the thestrals—her former Royal Guard—would think of her now, what they would say about her treachery and deceit. Ever loyal to her and her every command, they had borne the full consequence of her fall, their devotion being repaid with accusations and persecution. They existed now along the edges of society, driven from their homes and…

Luna snorted. She glared at her hooves while fighting back the emotional surge. She had forgiven herself for her own actions, but how could she even begin to beg for forgiveness from them? How could she ever justify her jealousy and anger?

The obvious answer, of course, was that she could not. She could not face their condemnation, however warranted it may be.

If only Harmony hadn’t conspired against her again. It had been easy to ignore the thestral issue upon her return, since an apology would be seen as weakness among the nobility that infested her kingdom, both in the past and in the present day. That was one thing that had not changed during her lengthy absence.

But then Celestia had been diagnosed with baby blues, or Postpartum Depression, as it was known nowadays. Luna had expected Celly to simply grin and bear it, forcing her way through the miasma just like she’d always done, but her sister had unexpectedly reached out to a physician to help her tend to these emotions, caring not a whit of what others would think of it.

Luna had warned that the snobbery would see an opportunity, that there would be whispers debating the fitness of their Princess’ continued rule and challenges to her authority. They would push and test and tug and strip away whatever little power they could.

Celestia had challenged them to ‘bring it on,’ to use the current vernacular, and had politely but flatly refused to hide the issue. If anything, Celestia hoped that this would inspire others to reach out for assistance that they might normally not seek.

Come what may, Celestia was going to do what was best for herself and her family.

And because she was willing to risk showing weakness to her little ponies, it meant that Luna should be willing to as well. Celestia would never say that out loud, but the implication was there like the pull of the full moon on the tides of the ocean. A thousand years ago, such an example would have infuriated Luna to no end.

To be fair, it still did, to a much lesser degree.

“Princess?” Corporal Larkspur’s voice interrupted her thoughts, and she repressed her grin as he approached her. “Forgive my intrusion, Your Highness, but you wanted to see me?”

“Yes. Approach, Corporal.” Luna did not glance back, and she kept her face impassive as she listened to his hoof falls. His salute was so crisp that she could hear it snap. “Corporal Larkspur, Your Princess is in need of your services.”

Luna glanced at the steadfast guard and found him still saluting, unwavering in the slightest. He reminds me of Star Struck. So dedicated, so firm.

“Name your request, Princess. I am at your disposal.” He blinked, gulped, and his tail clamped down over his rear. “Within established regulations, of course.”

So innocent in some ways.

She focused on the task instead and asked, “What do you make of this?”

Larkspur looked understandably confused when Luna levitated a scroll over to him. He unfurled the short missive, glanced at the Princess, and with her nod, began to read.

Dear Princess Luna,

I guess this is my first friendship letter to you. I don’t really have anything to write about yet, since l’ve only had a couple of friendship lessons from Princess Twilight Sparkle, but she’s insisting that I write. Something about it being rude to keep you waiting.

As of now, the only thing I can share with you is how guilty I still feel. The Princess and her friends tell me that they’ve forgiven me, but I’m having a hard time believing that. How can they just ignore and dismiss all the bad things I did? I mean, I stole their cutie marks! And yet they’re treating me like I’ve always been part of their little group.

Do you have any advice about this? I don’t mean to be rude, but Princess Celestia forgave you after you became Nightmare Moon the ‘Incident,’ so I think you know how this feels. Is there a spell that numbs your guilty feelings, maybe? Anything you could share with me would be appreciated.

With Deep Regard
How are you supposed to end a letter to Princess Luna ack Spike don’t write that down

Awaiting Your Reply,
Starlight Glimmer

Larkspur flipped the scroll over, then back again. “I’m not quite sure what you’re looking for, Your Highness. This seems like a rather personal and private letter.”

“What advice would you share with Starlight Glimmer?” Luna asked, her gaze on her moon.

“Um… well, Your Highness, I’d tell her to give it time, and to trust Princess Twilight Sparkle, since she is the Princess of Friendship. Apologizing to the others for what she did would be helpful too.”

“How so?”

“It’s a sign of maturity, Your Highness. And humility. No pony likes to admit their mistakes and faults. It’s demeaning and uncomfortable. But if you do, it shows you’re more concerned about others, and that you care for them.” Larkspur hesitated, then let out a small sigh. “That probably doesn’t make any sense, but when you own up to your mistakes, it liberates you. You’re not held down by the past. But I’m sure you know more about this than I do, given the whole Nightmare Moon thing. Ma’am.”

“A reasonable assumption, but remember that I was the recipient of the apologies, not the giver. My sister refused to lay any blame on me for what had happened. My fall was entirely her fault, in her eyes.”

“What? Well, that…” He trailed off, obviously surprised with this revelation. “Weird. I just assumed you would have…”

“It is of little consequence. Your words are the truth, and I shall heed them.” Luna turned and faced him directly. “Corporal, in one week’s time, I will undertake a journey to the edge of Equestria, along Our mutual border with the Dragon’s territory. You are to assemble a retinue to accompany me and provide for my safety. Not too large as to upset the Dragons, and not to small to provide for my safety. I will leave the composition and number up to you.”

There was no doubt in Larkspur’s voice. “I shall assemble the escort immediately, Your Highness. We’ll be ready to depart by this time in one week. I will not fail you.”

Luna nodded and turned her gaze back to the distant horizon. “I know you will not, and thank you. Dismissed.”

* * * *