• Published 22nd Sep 2021
  • 7,342 Views, 524 Comments

New Noses To Know - Irrespective

Baked Bean and Princess Celestia have welcomed their newborn into the world. Now the fun begins.

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10. - Thestrals

Tonight was a night long to be remembered in the history of Equestria.

Princess Luna, Prima Nocta and Most Royal Diarch of All Equestria, drew in a slow, even breath as her carriage swiftly moved towards a place that she did not wish to visit and a past that she would rather forget.

But her past had to be fully reconciled with her present if she ever wanted to find peace, both within herself and with what she’d done.

It was rather amazing how all of those perceived slights and minor offenses had grown into the festering canker that had been Nightmare Moon, bit by bit and wholly because of her. There were so many times she could have walked herself back, so many warnings from her dear Star Struck and her Twilight Starbright that went unheeded.

That was, perhaps, the injury that stung the most. Her wounded pride blinded her to the truths they were trying to impart, and now, even after a thousand years, far too many ghosts of that pride continued to haunt her.

Her eyes drifted up to the new moon that hung in the night sky, dark but still faintly visible against the spotty cloud cover. It was fitting, in a way, that her meeting with the thestrals should come at such a time, but with any luck—and if Harmony would permit—this visit would mark the final page of the last chapter from her betrayal. From here, the future would hopefully wax stronger, and Luna could finally claim full reconciliation with all ponies for her actions.

“Princess Luna?”

“Yes, Corporal?” Luna glanced at the unicorn guard sitting beside her.

“We’re on schedule, so we should be arriving at the rendezvous point in just a few minutes, ma’am.”

Luna nodded, and the corners of her mouth twitched up. “Thank you, Larkspur. Your preparations for this diplomatic meeting have been exceptional. I commend you for your service and diligence.”

Larkspur saluted, but somewhat slowly, like he was trying to determine if that was the appropriate response for his Princess. “Thank you, ma’am.”

So steadfast. He really is so much like my Star Struck.

Luna studied her loyal guard for a moment as he began to study a clipboard with the itinerary, but then her gaze moved out and down to the dark forest streaking beneath them. With Larkspur’s announcement, one of two things were now bound to happen, but the Princess of the Night feared that there was, in fact, only one true outcome.

Luna knew the temptations of power. The yearning. The desire. The pleasure of its intoxicating grasp. The rage that fed upon itself to keep that power to herself, even if it meant destroying the world. It was entirely possible that her former royal guard had drunk deeply from the same well of fury and rage that she had created, nurtured, and forced upon them. She alone was responsible for that decision. It was quite possible they would be as unwilling to forgive her as she was herself.

It was her actions that had led to their current state of near banishment and exile. Had she heeded Star’s council and warnings, they would have remained in their appointed place, serving Equestria in a way that nopony else could.

A faint noise danced along the razor’s edge of her hearing in a familiar pitch and unforgettable tempo. Luna closed her eyes for just a moment, and when she opened them again, she drew in a deep sigh over the startled gasp of Corporal Larkspur.

For the first time in a thousand years, the thestrals had returned to their ceremonial places in front of and behind her carriage. Clad in the brilliantly royal purple armor that marked them as Luna’s Elite, they slid silently into their appointed positions without hesitation.

One regal eyebrow slid upwards as Luna surveyed this historical moment. The two lead thestrals each proudly bore a Banner of the Two Sisters, an honor that not even Celestia received when she traveled. For them to bear the emblems of their mutual royal sovereigns—the current emblems—was most peculiar and slightly confusing. If they had been displaced and dispersed after her fall, then how did they know the proper protocol?

“Stars and moon above,” Larkspur put a hoof on his chest and took in a deep breath. “I hate it when they do that.”

Before Luna could ask for clarification, the carriage pitched down, the solar pegasi in complete synchronization with their new nocturnal compatriots. It was almost like the two different groups had rehearsed these maneuvers together, and that notion in and of itself piqued Luna’s interest. What had the thestrals been up to during her banishment?

Her time to contemplate the matter was cut short when her carriage gently touched down. Two equal rows of thestrals lined a path from Luna’s conveyance to what looked like a large clearing in the forest, with a roaring bonfire providing illumination. With a glance, Luna could see no fault in their stance or their ceremonial armor. Did this mean they would return to her service, or that they were now ready to administer vengeance?

“Presenting!” A thestral from the head of the line bellowed, and in perfect unity, two dozen hooves moved to the hilts of their sabers. “Her Most Royal Highness, She Who Is the Night, Diarch of Equestria and Viscountess of the West Wede, Princess Luna!”

Said Princess watched impassively as each thestral drew their weapon, then snapped it to their right shoulder. This ritual was an ancient holdover from Commander Hurricane and the Pegasi Tribe, used to show that the troops were armed, trained, and ready to fight for their Liege, until their last breath and to the last pony.

Her eyes moved to the end of the rows, where a large thestral awaited with the same unreadable expression she herself was trying to wear. This had to be their current commanding officer, given her position and the bright purple plumage on her helm. It was time to account for herself, and with head held high and outstretched wings, Princess Luna strode purposefully towards her destiny.

For a brief moment, she regretted not bringing her sister or her brother-in-law, but she had decided not to inform them of her actions after a fierce internal debate. Celestia could very well demand forgiveness for the younger sister, and that was the last thing Luna wanted. If she was to be forgiven, it would be because the thestrals offered it of their own free will, not because it was forced.

Besides, Baked Bean was infernally curious, and he would interrupt the proceedings with a million questions.

If this reunion went well, she would have to arrange a meeting. With questions. If not, well… she would not have to worry about it, she supposed.

“Princess Luna.” The velveteen contralto of the massive mare boomed out, strong and proud, and Luna was pleased. “After a thousand years, you have returned to us.”

“Yes.” Luna kept her voice at almost-Canterlot Voice level, so she could be heard clearly across the vast clearing and into the trees. There had to be hundreds of glittering golden eyes peering through the distant upper branches, and she was sure there were many times that hidden where she could not see. “I have come to you this evening to ask for your forgiveness, and to reinstate all of you to your rightful place as my Royal Guard.”

“Forgiveness?” the commander replied. “You seek absolution for Nightmare Moon, then?”

“I do. In my anger and jealousy, I allowed myself to betray you, and my actions have driven you from your homes and your livelihoods. Had I not been blinded by my own hubris, you and your ponies would not have suffered and been cast out from society. I offer to you, and to all of you,” she said, moving her gaze around the open space “my most abject and humblest apologies, and this as your Princess, your commanding officer, and…” her voice hitched slightly “and as your friend. It is my intent to bring you back into the greater Equestrian society, to reinstate all who would step forward again as my Royal Guard, and to offer whatever recompense you deem necessary.”

With that, Princess Luna spread her wings to her side and bowed. Her knee had bent for few in her long life, but it did so now as the final emphasis to her words and desires.

“Rise, Princess Luna.” The commander took a step back, and spread her own leathery wings in deference. “For a thousand years, we have waited for your return and restoration. With your contrite words and humble confessions, you have shown us all that you have truly been redeemed.”

Velvet Midnight bowed her head and bent her knee to her Diarch, and without hesitation, the armored troops behind her spread their wings and took the knee before her. Like a dark wave rippling out from her, every thestral lowered themselves in humble obeisance, until the entire clearing had silently submitted to the nocturnal Princess. To Luna, it was like an immense weight was being lifted from her back, and a sublime joy that she had not felt in centuries filled her from nose to tail.

Once again, her little ponies had surprised her with love and acceptance that she did not deserve, but that she cherished with all her heart.

“The prophecy now stands fulfilled!” she proclaimed, and every thestral rose up as one in both purpose and destiny. “I, Lieutenant Velvet Midnight, now pledge, on behalf of all thestrals, our continued undying devotion to you, Princess Luna, and to the Kingdom of Equestria. As we once were, so shall we be again: your loyal Soldiers of the Night!”

A great cheer erupted, filling the woods with an unbounded joy that brought Luna to tears. She was grateful beyond words that these ponies had so willingly offered their forgiveness to her.

“And now, to celebrate the return of our Princess, let us feast!” Velvet Midnight roared with delight.

* * * *

Tonight would long be remembered by Princess Luna.

The overwhelming pandemonium of happy thestrals overwhelmed Luna’s usual restraint just enough to release a contented sigh, while internally her heart felt like it might burst from joy. With Velvet Midnight’s pronouncement to feast, the thestral tribe had launched into a party so grand, Luna kept looking for a certain pink pony in the large crowd. Tables filled to overflowing with all manner of delectable food had appeared out of nowhere, and there was no hesitation on anypony’s part to partake. There was lively music and dancing, cheerful conversations over boisterous laughter, and best of all…

Luna smiled. Best of all, there was forgiveness.

Based on appearances, this party was bound to last well into tomorrow morning and would probably pick right back up again at moonrise. Luna, for her part, wanted this joyous occasion to last for as long as possible, mostly because of the wonderful atmosphere, but also because she was not looking forward to what would come after.

Bringing the thestrals back into the greater Equestrian society was going to be a tremendously difficult undertaking. She would need to speak with her sister about how that would best be brought about, and to Captain Shining Armor about reinstating her royal guard detail in Canterlot. Under him, of course. The good Captain had been doing such a splendid job that promoting one of her thestrals above him would be improper to say the least.

There was enough time for that in years to come. Time for the ponies of Equestria to adjust and accept the thestrals, just as it had taken them time to adjust and accept her when she had been redeemed by the Elements of Harmony.

The more she thought of it, the more Luna wished she had brought Celestia and Bean with her. Her elder sister would know exactly how to handle the integration, both for the military and civilians. The nobility would grumble about yet another unbalancing of their delicate power structures, but Celestia would handle their complaints and ‘persuade’ them to see things her way, just as she had when Luna had been reintroduced.

The mountains of opposition tended to shrink to molehills whenever Celestia showed up, and Luna was eternally thankful for that.

“Your Highness?” Velvet Midnight’s voice interrupted her reverie, and Luna turned to face her. “Might I have a moment of your time?”

“Certes.” Luna stood, then retreated a few paces away from the party with the thestral leader. “What can I do for you, my little pony?”

“Actually, I was about to ask you that question,” Velvet replied. “You seem somewhat preoccupied with your thoughts.”

“Somewhat, yes.”

Velvet nodded. “I would love to answer whatever questions I can, if it would help.”

Luna paused in thought for a moment. There were several other questions she had, and there was no time like the present. “I suppose I should ask about your history, to begin. There was little information available in the archives.”

“That was at our request, Your Highness,” Velvet said, and a sly smile came when she caught Luna’s curious glance. “I see this comes as a surprise to you, which means that Princess Celestia was true to her word. I will be sure to thank her when I see her next.”

This revelation was a bit of a shock, but not wholly unexpected. Celestia always did like to meddle, and the sneaky little thing had seemingly set matters up perfectly once again. “Why did you choose to remain in exile and to swear my sister to secrecy?”

“When you were banished, our ancestors decided that it would be in the best interest of all for the thestrals to separate themselves from Equestria. They feared the backlash that would inevitably occur when frightened ponies accused us of being corrupted by Nightmare Moon, somehow. Then, once your thousand years had come to an end, we would return to our rightful place as your eternally loyal guard, and take our place as the Soldiers of the Night once more.

“Princess Celestia begged them not to do this. She pleaded, with deep fervor, for them to remain, that they could work through whatever challenges may arise because of your fall together. She warned them that their self-imposed exile would only confirm the rumors they were trying to avoid, and that she could not guarantee that the ponies of the future would welcome us back. But it was all for naught; our ancestors were adamant and firm. They moved here, to the very edge of Equestria, and it is here where we have remained, patiently waiting for your summons.

“Of course, not every thestral thought this was a good idea either,” Velvet went on. “There were some who thought Celestia was right, and that we should remain. So, in order to persuade these holdouts, some genius decided to tell them there was a prophecy, and that it had been foretold that we would be separated and then return. We were all a deeply spiritual bunch back then, so that was enough to convince them to fall in line.”

“I sense that you have some disbelief about the prophecy,” Luna noted.

Velvet shrugged. “I’m a bit more doubtful than most, to be fair. Being both the village leader and the local commanding officer means I have to be skeptical, as you well know. Please don’t misunderstand, Princess. I am not wholly without faith; I never doubted the prophecy, including the part that said you would return and reclaim us when the time was right. I just have a hard time believing that every single one of your royal guards could so easily be persuaded to leave Princess Celestia and the Castle of the Two Sisters. Our Oath was and remains to the Diarchy, to you, and to Equestria as a whole.”

Luna nodded. “My soldiers would not have abandoned Equestria and my Sister, especially after I had. Most likely, there were several factors that went into the decision to leave, and only Celestia would remember the details. I shall speak to her about the events later, but for now, let us not concern ourselves with such matters.”

“I will be more than happy to share what I remember when we get home,” Celestia said, eliciting a gasp from the other two mares. The solar sovereign stepped out from her concealed place behind some convenient bushes, and she gave her younger sister an awkward and embarrassed grimace. “Can you forgive me for interrupting?”

“You are here?” Luna hugged Celestia warmly. “How did you know? Did Corporal Larkspur tell you about my designs?”

“He did not. I actually learned about what was going on from Captain Shining Armor. Larkspur felt that organizing a security detail for a Princess was several degrees above his pay grade, so he consulted with the captain.” Celestia nodded to Larkspur, who was chatting with a thestral guard nearby and looking suspiciously innocent. “In fairness, Shining did not tell him who to pick for the security detail. He only gave a few suggestions and outlined the most important points. I believe a checklist was included. Most of the heavy lifting was completed by Corporal Larkspur on his own.”

This revelation sent a small thrill of delight up Luna’s spine, and she let out a light laugh. “I never doubted him. Now that you mention it, Sister, I have another question. Did you tell Velvet Midnight about my visit, and did you make arrangements for the proper banners to be flown?”

Celestia shook her head. “I didn’t say anything to anypony about your plans. In fact, I intentionally kept myself out of the affairs of this evening. All I knew was the scheduled time of your arrival. I knew this was something you needed to do on your own, without me or my influence. I had resolved to not be here at all, but in the end, I decided to be available for assistance if you encountered any significant issues. Which you did not, and I am exceedingly pleased.”

“I am glad you came, Sister. Truth be told, I wanted you to be here, sharing this moment with me. But I am also pleased that you did not interfere.” Luna paused in thought, then turned her attention back to Velvet Midnight. “So, how do you know of the proper protocols for my arrival?”

“Princess Celestia may have let us go into exile, but she never left us alone, either,” Velvet replied with a snort of amusement, and Celestia nodded in agreement. “She was relentless in her efforts to reclaim us over the centuries. She was relentless, returning year after year over centuries, always trying her best to reclaim us. Always patient, always there when we needed her, always respecting our desire to remain sequestered from the rest of Equestria. Those efforts paid off, in small measure, about a hundred years ago, when my great-grandparents realized your return was fast approaching. While they would not be moved until you arrived, they did reluctantly permit some thestrals to join the Royal Guard so that we would be familiar with modern procedures, and thus, ready to be your Soldiers of the Night when you called once more. At the moment, a small company of thestrals are trained and at your disposal, with many more willing and able to answer your summons, should you deem it necessary.”

“Lieutenant Midnight answers directly to Captain Armor,” Celestia added. “The royal guard corps have run many training exercises with the thestrals, so they are fully integrated and will have no problem stepping into their roles. We only need to change the armor they wear, and when they report for duty.”

“I think my troops are looking forward to that the most,” Velvet said with a bob of her eyebrows. “None of us are morning ponies, after all.”

“I do not doubt that,” Luna said. “I fear your integration back into society will not be so easy.”

Velvet nodded. “I agree, it won’t be easy. I’m sure there are many stigmas and concerns that we’ll need to overcome. But if the crystal ponies can be accepted after a thousand years, then so can we. It will take time and effort, but we’ll do it together.”

“So we shall. I will not abandon or betray you again. Whatever it takes to bring you back to your rightful place, it will be done.”

“And for that, we are most grateful, but as you said before, let’s not worry about that now. Would Your Highnesses care for a slice of mango cake? Evening Star baked it fresh just for tonight, and you’ll never find another dessert as decadent as hers.”

“I know a pony who would gladly challenge that assertion,” Luna said with a knowing glance to Celestia. “Please, lead the way.”

* * * *

Princess Celestia blew away the steam from her tea, then sighed in appreciation as the comforting liquid slid over her tongue. Her dear husband, as expected, had exploded with a million questions when she had returned from the thestrals and their party. She had spent the better part of the day in explanation, with the occasional pause while he wrote her every word down. Apollo, for his part, was happily cooing in his bassinet, but he would be hungry soon, and after that, it’d be time for his nap.

She could use a nap, herself, too.

Celestia’s ears twitched as the scratch-scratch of Bean’s pencil came to a halt, and she gave him a cautioning glance when he began to chew on the hapless writing instrument. Despite her best efforts, she had never been able to break Bean of that terrible habit, but it wasn’t worth a fight over the matter. There were just some things that had to be endured in marriage and ruling, after all.

“So…” Bean paused, spat out his pencil, and scratched an ear. “So, how hard is it going to be to bring the thestrals back into society?”

“In all honesty, I am unsure. I fear my little ponies will be somewhat wary of them, given their apparent connection to Nightmare Moon.”

“There should be some ways to counteract that tendency. Something subtle, just because it would be far too easy to just ‘Princess’ this issue. Hm…”

The Princess in question did not object to her characterization. ‘Subtle’ was something she had been practicing for centuries, although not always successfully. “Having them within the ranks of the Royal Guard will be helpful in that regard. Granted, they’ve been there for some time, but since they will no longer be wearing solar armor—and thus not under the look-alike enchantment—I’m hopeful that ponies will be more trusting and open to them if they see that you and I are.”

“Oh, no problems there. Luna better set up that meeting with Lieutenant Midnight soon, or I’m gonna fly down there myself, with or without you two. In fact,” Bean hesitated for just a moment. “I bet it would really help if we appointed one of them as one of my guards, alongside Pokey and Clover. Having them in the circles of the highest levels of government would show a great deal of trust and respect, I think.”

Celestia nuzzled his ear, then kissed his cheek. “I will speak with Shining Armor and Velvet Midnight about it, but I believe they will be supportive.”

“We could ask Shining and Cadence to recruit some thestrals for their guard too. And maybe encourage a few of them to settle there with their families?”

Celestia nodded. “Having them in various posts around Equestria, making appearances and answering questions will help others to learn about them, and learning helps with acceptance. This will also help to squash any rumors that may spring up, since ponies will be able to see what they are really like for themselves.”

“And what if…” Bean shook a forehoof in the air, his gaze distant for a moment. “What if we had them doing things that weren’t related to the guard? Like, for example, what if my parents hired a couple of them to work at the Zuerst?”

Celestia shook her head from side to side slightly in thought. “Perhaps, but I wouldn’t want either your parents or the thestrals to feel like they were being forced into such an arrangement. But I suppose we could offer employment and relocation services, so those thestrals who did wish to find new jobs would have an easier time.”

“The next time we see my parents, we can discuss it with them, too.” Bean yawned, and slid his pencil into the spiral binding of his notebook. “But it’s been a long day, and I think I’m going to get wood rot if I write anything else. Shall I go get dinner started while you take care of Pollie?”

Celestia hummed a note of delight and pecked Bean’s nose. “That sounds delightful. Would you mind making me a mango cake for dessert?”

“Really?” Bean tilted his head. “Why mango?”

“Because there is a thestral who claims to be the best pastry and dessert chef in the whole enclave, and possibly even Equestria. Before I send my champion to bring this pony’s ego down a few notches, I want to make sure he will be victorious in battle.”

Bean grew a lecherous grin. “Give me twenty minutes, and I’ll give you a cake so delicious, your taste buds will dance and sing, and you will forget all about this imposter’s inferior confection.”

“I can hardly wait,” Celestia purred with delight.

* * * *

Corporal Larkspur was not looking forward to his debrief with Captain Armor.

Granted, he had known this meeting would happen from the moment he had gone to his commanding officer for assistance on how to put together a security detail for a Princess. He felt that he had done a reasonable job, overall, and Princess Luna had only praise for his efforts.

But there had been some missteps, and he knew it. While he wasn’t going to be in trouble, per se, he was going to have to account for the operational hiccups, and he had no idea what his commanding officer was going to say.

He hoped Captain Armor would be understanding, at least.

With that, Corporal Larkspur took a step back from the Captain’s office door. He’d been standing outside for a few minutes in an attempt to steel his resolve, but he couldn’t delay this anymore. Royal Guards were always punctual, and if Lieutenant Spear Point’s angry reactions were anything to go by, Captain Armor was not a pony to keep waiting.

With a deep breath, and standing a little taller than normal, Larkspur gave five authoritative knocks on the door of destiny, then braced himself.


Larkspur marched in, stopped and saluted in front of the captain’s desk, and kicked the door shut with a rear hoof. “Corporal Larkspur, reporting for debrief, sir.”

“At ease, Corporal.” Luna’s reply nearly broke Larkspur’s stoic stance, but he managed to hold himself together. Barely. “Have a seat. The good captain and I have much to discuss with you.”

Larkspur plopped his rump on the chair nearest to him and swallowed hard. Captain Armor was studying him with an intent, unreadable glare while Luna whispered something in his ear. This was not how he had expected this meeting to begin.

“Thank you, Princess,” Shining said to Luna once she was done, his gaze remaining on his subordinate. “Corporal, let’s have a little chat, shall we?”

“Yes, sir.”

“It would seem your efforts have caught Princess Luna’s attention.” Shining Armor leaned back in his chair. “It appears that she is both pleased and proud with the work you have completed, and she is eager to see how you will handle your next task.”

“Thank you, Princess Luna.” Larkspur dipped his head. “I greatly appreciate your kind words, but I know there are things that could have gone better.”

“And we’ll discuss that in a moment.” The corners of Shining Armor’s mouth twitched up ever so slightly. “Corporal, to be honest, I’m pleased with your work as well. You conducted yourself well, the guards in your detail had no complaints with your execution, and Lieutenant Velvet Midnight even offered her compliments. Your overall performance as of late has shown marked improvement, and with Princess Luna’s blessing, I’m going to put you on my short list for promotion consideration. Keep up the good work, and I think you’ll find yourself as a Sergeant in short order.”

Larkspur felt like he might be overwhelmed with joy with this news. “Thank you, sir! I will give you my absolute best work, sir!”

“That’s what I like to hear.” Shining shared a quick wink with the smirking Princess. “Now, let’s discuss what happened. I hope you saved me a piece of that mango cake.”

Lark swallowed nervously. “I tried, but Princess Celestia was there, and…”

“Say no more.” Shining Armor shook his head. “There are some tasks that even we must face with knowledge of our inevitable defeat.”

* * * *