• Published 5th Feb 2022
  • 966 Views, 31 Comments

Power Rangers: Guardians of Harmony, Ten Year Return - Banshee531

Ten years have passed since the Guardian Rangers saved the world from multi-dimensional evils. In that time, peace has returned to their world. Until now. Can our heroes save the day, or will this be the end of the world as we know it?

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Chapter 1

Author's Note:

Hey everybody. I know a lot of you were looking forward to seeing the Bakugan Story, but that'll have to wait a little bit longer. I've decided to revisit one of my original stories since it's been a while since I payed it any respect. As such, please enjoy this all new chapter of the Power Rangers Guardians.

Canterlot City. A bustling metropolis that was once the site of many great battles in a war against good and evil. Since then, the city had repaired the damage done to the place and become one of the countries leading technological heavens. And it wasn't just technology that had advanced.

The place was one of the greenest cities in the city, doing away with every form of fossil fuel to be replaced by the many natural forms of energy production. Wind, hydro-electric and many more were used to power the country.

But despite the many amazing things about the city it was far from perfect.

In one of the streets of Canterlot, people were enjoying themselves as they lived their lives. But the peace that covered the city was soon broken by the sound of an alarm, making everyone begin to worry.

"Halt!" A loud robotic voice cried, making the people turn to see an army marching down the streets. That army was made up of a bunch of robots, which were humanoid in appearance covered in silver metal with heads that had a large screen where the face should have been. They were carrying black guns and all were running in perfect sync. "Criminal miscreant. You will be detained!"

The 'criminal miscreant' turned out to be a boy of around sixteen years old. He had red skin and yellow hair with orange tips, who was wearing an orange hoodie with blue jeans and red shoes. On his hands were a pair of red fingerless gloves that showed his yellow fingers whilst his face was littered with freckles.

The teen ran as fast as he could, whilst the robots pointed their weapons at him and started firing lasers in his direction. Luckily, they appeared to have terrible aim and instead blasted everything that was around him.

The people on the street screamed as parts of the pavement and the stores blew up when they were hit by the lasers, whilst the boy ran passed them followed by the robots. "Stupid kid," a man said whilst watching the continuing carnage. "Don't make the Peacekeepers destroy our things!" The other people nodded, appearing completely forgiving to the robots that had caused the destruction they blamed on the boy.

The teen continued to run down the street and quickly ducked into an alleyway, which was to narrow for the bulky robots to fit through. They tried shooting him, but he managed to get out the other side before they finished aiming.

The teen took a deep breath of relief as he stopped running, only to hear more footsteps and turn to see a smaller group of Peacekeepers marching down the street. "Oh come on!" He moaned before running off.

Down the street, a woman in her late twenties was riding her bike until she came to a stop in front of a book store.

Getting off and taking a cardboard box out of the basket, she skipped into the bookstore. "Delivery," she whispered before a late age woman at the front desk smiled at her. "I've got that candy order you commissioned." The woman looked her over, seeing she was wearing a bulky coat and hat that mostly hid her hair despite the pink and blue strands that had snuck free. She had cream coloured skin and blue eyes.

"Thank you dear," she took the box. "Your candy is always the best. What is your secret?"

"Old family recipe," she replied with a smiled. "Very old family recipe." Before she could say anything else, explosions could be heard and the pair looked out the window to see the boy and the Peacekeepers rush passed. Luckily, the store was struck by a stray laser but it was very close.

"Honestly," the woman shook her head, "teens today. No respect for law and order."

"Yes," the younger woman nodded, "no respect at all." The ton she spoke those words in showed she didn't believe a word of it. "I need to get going." She rushed out the room and grabbed her bike before racing off down the street, pressing a button on her bracelet as she did so. "This is Pink. We have a situation. Green, it's heading your way."

In a nearby park, many people were playing. Either they were kicking a ball around, climbing trees or doing other fun things you would usually do in the park.

But one person in particular was near a bed of flowers, planting several seeds and calmly watering them. He was a rather bulky man in his late twenties with brown skin, wearing clothes similar to the woman before that hid his distinctive features rather well. But like the woman, he couldn't hide all his hair under his hat and a few green dreads could be seen coming out the back.

He had just finished planting the seeds, when his bracelet let out a voice. "This is Pink. We have a situation. Green, it's heading your way." The man looked up and spotted the teen running through the park, the Peacekeepers following after him.

"Got'em," he told the bracelet. "Anyone else around?"

"This is Red," a male voice spoke up. "Blue and I are also nearby. We'll head'em off."

"Got it," Green nodded before getting up and running after the robots.

The teen had run into a more busy area of the city, with larger buildings surrounding him. The Peacekeepers right behind him as he ran down the street between two large buildings, only to stop when he spotted another group of Peacekeepers right in front of him.

Seeing no other way, he turned towards one of the buildings and headed into an opening that lead to its parking garage. The teen ran as fast as he could, fearing for his life as the Peacekeepers followed.

But then, he ran past a pillar and as he did he spotted someone step out from behind it. He didn't bother to take in his features and kept running, but that soon changed when he heard the sound of a gun being shot. A moment later he felt something wrap around his legs and tie them together. "WOW!" He cried as he fell to the ground.

He let out a moan and rolled onto his back, looking down and seeing his legs were tied up by some kind of thin metal rope.

He then looked up and saw the one that had fired the rope was a yellow skinned man with a brown buzz-cut wearing black combat armor. The teen's eyes went wide as he started shuffling backwards, looking terrified as the Peacekeepers arrived.

"You've led us on quite the chase," the man told him. "But it's over now. Come quietly and we won't be forced to hurt you." The kid looked terrified, almost appearing ready to cry. His body reacted without thought and he continued pushing himself backwards. This caused the robots to raise their weapons and train them on him.

"Please," he whispered, "just...leave me alone. I didn't do anything wrong."

"Your very existence invites disaster," the man told him. "Our perfect future can be undone by you and those like you." He took out a pistol and pointed it at the teen, "that's why you need to be dealt with." The teen looked ready to have a panic attack, closing his eyes and waiting for the inevitable. But then-

The sound of a laser firing filled the air and a red energy bullet shot passed the teen and struck the man's gun.

"Augh!" He cried, dropping the destroyed weapon.

Before anyone could process this, several more energy bolts shot passed the teen and struck the Peacekeeper's guns. One by one, the lasers destroyed the guns leaving the robots weaponless.

The teen looked around and saw who had fired the blasts, along with everyone else.

Marching towards them were two individuals. One was an orange skinned man with short blue hair, whilst the other was a mint coloured woman with blue and white hair. The man wore a red zipped up jacket and blue pants, whilst the woman wore a blue open jacket over a pink blouse and blue pants. But what really made them stand out, where the strange yellow guns they both carried in their hands.

They passed the teen, the man pointing his gun at his legs and firing it. The laser struck the wire and made it break apart, allowing the kid to pick himself up and run to a pillar on the far wall, leaving the adults to stare one another down.

"Flash Sentry," the man growled.

The man named Flash smiled, "sup partner. Long time...no see."

"You're no partner of mine," he growled back. "You're nothing but a criminal. You and the rest of your Ranger team." Flash frowned at this, but the woman turned to him.

"We have to stay focused."

"You're right," Flash nodded as he got serious. He then took something out of his jacket pocket, a strange red battery with a dragon on the side of it. "Ready Lyra?"

"Ready!" The woman named Lyra took out a blue battery, which had a snake on it.

"Magi-Chargers!" They clicked a button on the batteries as they lit up, "Ready!" They then placed the batteries inside a slot of the gun before shutting it, both guns lighting up and speaking out.



They spun the guns before holding them up. "Energise!" They spun the barrels and the gun's light increased, the pair then pointing the guns forward. "Unleash the Power!" They pulled the triggers and the light shot out the guns and filled the entire parking garage.


When the light faded, the two where wearing brightly coloured suits and a helmet. Flash now wore a red suit with white in certain areas and an upside down pentagon on his chest with a dragon head on it, whilst Lyra's suit was a mix of white and light blue with her pentagon having a snake's head on it.

The teen gasped, "Power Rangers!"

The man growled before pointing at them, "arrest them!" The robots charged and the two Rangers did the same, pointing their blasters and the machines and firing. Some of the Peacekeepers fell, but others managed to withstand the blasts and attempted to punch the Rangers.

But both of them managed to spin to avoid them and as they did, a pair of swords appeared from out of nowhere. "Spirit Sabre!" They both yelled whilst slashing at the robots, knocking them down. The two suited individuals fought through the machines, both using a different style of battle. Flash fought using fast and strong attacks, hitting as many robots as possible in seconds with as much strength as possible. Lyra seemed to have a different style, the girl practically dancing around the robot's attacks before hitting them with precise attacks to their vital areas.

From where he was hiding, the teen watched in amazing. Something seemed strangely familiar about this.

Flash had just taken down another Peacekeeper when his dangers senses kicked in and he ducked to the side to avoid a punch, the Ranger spinning around to point his blaster at the perpetrator before stopping as he realised it was the man he had called partner. "Give up," he told Flash before trying to punch him again. "You know you can't run forever."

Flash kept dodging his attacks, fighting every instinct he had that told him to fight back against him. "You're not thinking straight Shock Trooper." He used the side of his blade to block another punch, using this to push him backwards until he pinned him against the pillar. "Come on, you know me. You know I'm not a criminal."

"Then why did you steal mister Mirage's power gems?" He asked, pushing Flash away. Before Flash could respond, he found himself getting blasted at as more Peacekeepers arrived with their weapons charged. Flash and Lyra cried out as the lasers slammed into their, their suits the only things keeping them from getting seriously hurt.

"Flash!" Lyra cried, "there's too many of them." Flash knew she was right.

"No other choice!" He cried as they both started jumping backwards until they reached the kid, blasting at the robots for cover fire. "Let's get out of here!" He grabbed the boy by the sleeve. "Come on kid. We're running for it!" He pulled the teen with him and the three of them ran, rushing from side to side to avoid getting shot. "Watch it!" He cried back, "careful!"

"I'm getting too old for this!" Lyra cried as they continued to run.

As they did, the teen stared at the Red Ranger's helmet. Doing so caused something to happen, memories long since forgotten flying to the front of his mind. He remembered seeing this Ranger before, not in pictures or on TV, but in person. For some reason, this person filled him with a sense of familiarity.

"They're not getting away," Shock Trooper stated once the three were out of range. The army marched after them, rushing around a corner seconds after the Rangers did.

"This guy doesn't give up!" Lyra cried as they ran, Flash laughing.

"It's one of the reasons I respect him so much." He stopped laughing as they caught up, getting ready to shoot at them again. But before they could, the ringing of a bell filled the air.

Before anyone could ask what was going on, a person on a bike rolled between the Rangers and Peacekeepers. The rider cried out as she stopped and spun on her back wheel, the front of the bike hitting the robots and knocking them back.

The three stopped and looked back, surprised by their savior's sudden appearance. That was until she took off her helmet to reveal their friend, Sweetie Drops. "Hey!" She smiled before slamming the wheel of her bike into another robot.

"You!" Shock pulled out another gun and pointed it at Sweetie, only for something to hit his hand so hard it made him flinch and drop the weapon. "Gyah!" He looked down at what had hit him, seeing it was a seed. "What?"

"You seriously need to chill out man." Shock turned to the voice and spotted a bulky individual standing near another pillar, but run from it when some Peacekeepers tried to fire at him. It held up a small bag and pulled something out of it, the man flicking a handful of seeds at them that went into the gun barrels and caused the machines to start going haywire.

"Sandalwood!" Lyra cheered as he took of his hat to confirm it, he and Sweetie rushing over to them.

"Took you guys long enough," Flash told them as the pair took off their bulky coats to reveal the green and pink versions of the jackets the two Rangers had been wearing.

"Sorry," Sweetie told him, "deliveries are a lot harder when you're trying to keep a low profile."

"The plants needed some proper love and care before I left them," Sandalwood stated before he and Sweetie pulled out the same blasters Flash and Lyra had. They then took out a battery, Sandal's green with a large wolf on it whilst Sweetie's was pink with a winged cat on it.

"Magi-Chargers!" They clicked a button on the batteries as they lit up, "ready!" They then placed the batteries inside a slot of the gun before shutting it, both guns lighting up and speaking out.



"Energise!" They spun the barrels before pointing them forwards, "Unleash the power!" Like before, the entire building was filled with light that exploded out the guns.

In the streets, an alarm went off as one of the TVs on the side of a building activated.

On it, a white skinned woman in her late twenties appeared with her purple hair up in a bun and a pair of red spectacles in front of her eyes. "This is a message from Mirage Corp's Security System. Several Power Rangers have been discovered in sector B-44. Anyone in and around that area are advised to take extreme caution so as to not fall into an unwanted situation. Remember, anyone aiding and abetting the criminals will be met with the same punishment."

As this was being announced, a fancy business car drove through the street. Inside the car, the same message was being playing by a TV inside. The person riding in the back heard this and looked out the window. "Stop here."

"Sir?" The driver asked.

"That's an order." The car pulled to a stop and the person opened the door to get out, standing tall and revealing themselves to be a man in his late twenties with purple skin, dark blue hair and thick black glasses. He wore a suit and straightened his tie before looking up at the TV.

As the light faded, Sandal and Sweetie were now dressed in suits like their friends. Sweetie's was pink with a cat head on her pentagon whilst Sandal's was green with a wolf head on his.

The four circled around the teen and with their numbers, they were able protect him against the attacking robots. Sandal slashed as several with his sword whilst Sweetie blasted them with her gun, Flash and Lyra fighting the same as before.

When the last of the robots were destroyed, Flash turned to Shock and held up his sword. "Last chance Shock. Try and remember."

"I do remember," the man told them before holding up his gun. "I remember you are nothing but criminals that need to be snuffed out." Flash growled, but knew they had no choice. He took out another Magi-Charger and activated whilst pressing a button on his sword, causing a section to open up and allow him to slot the Charger inside.


"Sorry bud," Flash slashed his sword through the air and unleashed a shockwave that struck the ground in front of Shock and made it explode. Shock Trooper hissed as he leapt back from the explosion, allowing the Rangers to make a hasty retreat with the teen.

"Damn," Shock growled when the flames faded. He took out a radio and spoke into it, "they got away. Lock onto their energy signatures and send...them."

The Rangers rushed out of the parking lot and into an alleyway between in and another building, pulling the teen around a corner where nobody was looking.

"I think we got away," Sandal gasped.

"I hope so," Sweetie prayed before turning to the teen. "Why were they after you?"

"Yeah," Lyra nodded, "you don't look like much of a threat. So why were they after you, kid?"

"I'm not a kid," he told them. "My name's Fire Heart and I don't know why they're after me." He frowned, "but they have my sister." The Ranger's eyes went wide, "they just showed up at our house and broke down the door. They got my sister before I could do anything. I barely managed to get out myself." Flash looked down and saw the kid gripping his fists, shaking in rage.

He put a hand on his shoulder. "It's okay Heart. I know this is hard. We'll find a way to save your sister. Promise." Heart smiled. But before he could say anything, the Ranger's heads all shot up. "Look out!" Flash tackled Heart as the street around them exploded.

The five managed to leap to safety and turned to the source of their attack, Heart doing the same as his eyes went wide.

A pair of Power Rangers were walking towards them, one in an orange suit with a lion head on the pentagram whilst the other was in a silver suit with a bull's head on the pentagram. Both were holding a blaster and pointing it at them, completely silent as they got closer.

"Not good," Flash gulped before they pulled Heart in the other direction. But they stopped when they saw another pair of Rangers walking towards them, these ones being in suit of black and gold with a bird and serpent head on their pentagrams. "We're trapped."

"What do we do?" Sweetie asked, the four pulling out their blasters.

"Take'em down," Lyra told her. But the other Rangers already had their blasters at the ready, just waiting for them to attempt to attack so they could blast them. However, they didn't get that chance.


"Thunder Sabre Strike!" From above them, another Ranger flew into the alleyway. He was dressed in dark blue with red in place of white and a bird head on his pentagon. In his hand was a lightning-themed sword which he swung around, unleashing a blast of lightning in the direction of the Orange and Silver Rangers. The attack blasted them backwards, surprising the Gold and Black Ranger.

This gave the others the chance they needed, the four rushing forwards. Sweetie and Sandal fired at the Black and Gold Ranger, whilst Flash and Lyra did the same to the Orange and Silver ones. The other Rangers were unable to recover from this bombardment, allowing Flash and his team to get in close and slash them down the chest with their swords.

The four Rangers cried out as they began to glow, then vaporised into light partials that disappeared into the air.

Heart was shocked to see this, as the five remaining Rangers turned to the newcomer. "Soarin!" Flash told him, "took you long enough!" The new Ranger reached up and grabbed his helmet before pulling it off, revealing a light blue skinned man with dark blue hair.

"Sorry," he told them. "I got here as quick as I could. Good thing I arrived when I did I would have been caught like you guys." He turned to Heart, "whose the kid?"

"I'm not a kid!" Heart cried before turning to Flash, as he and the other Rangers removed their helmets. "You...killed them. I thought the Power Rangers were all supposed to work together but...you killed them." Heart stared at Flash and saw the look of worry appear on his face.

"It's...complicated." He turned to the others, "how'd they find us so quickly. I don't think Shock saw where we went."

"CCTV?" Lyra suggested, "a camera or two might have caught which way we went."

"You think it's that simple?" Sweetie asked, Sandal just shrugging. "I don't like not knowing. What's to stop them from tracking us down if they do have a way to find us."

"They're tracking your magic." The group turned towards the voice and spotted someone sanding at the entrance of the alleyway, the sight of him making all their hearts break.

"Micro Chips," Flash whispered as the man moved towards them.

"Mirage Corp has discovered how to track the energy of your Elements when it's in use. Basically, whenever you're morphed they'll be able to tell where you are."

"I see," Lyra nodding.

"Well then we'll need to be careful when we morph," Flash told the other Rangers before he was consumed by light. When it faded, he was back in his street cloths. The others de-morphed the same way, Heart's eyes going wide at the sight. But the Riders remained focused on the suited man.

"Flash," Micro whispered, "you haven't changed." His eyes shifted to Heart, "always jumping in when you're not wanted to help those that didn't ask for it."

"Yeah," Flash nodded, "I guess I haven't changed." He reached out and grabbed the side of Micro's jacket and opened it up to reveal an M-shaped emblem on his shirt. "Wish I could say the same for you. Working for the guys that did this to us." Micro pulled away, covering up the emblem. "Why Micro. Why are you on the same side as the guy that turned the world against us."

"Turned the world against you." Micro turned to walk away, "I have too much to afford becoming a fugitive." He stopped for a moment and glanced back at them, "you should consider turning yourselves in. Mister Mirage is a forgiving person. I'm sure he'd be willing to look passed what you've done. Then maybe you can go home to your families and continue on with life."

Flash frowned at him, "you know we can't do that. Not if it means that guy getting our Elements." He pointed at Micro, "you might have forgotten what being a Guardian means but we haven't. We'll protect the Elements and undo what this Mirage guy's done. Mark my words!"

Micro continued to stare at him for a few moments, then turned away. "I knew you'd say that." He corrected his tie and began to walk off, his former teammates watching him leave.

"Micro!" Flash rushed forward, "why are you doing this!" But Micro didn't answer, Flash about to run after him. But before he could, the sound of sirens filled the air.

"Flash!" Lyra called out to him, "we have to get out of here." Flash clearly wasn't happy about that, watching as Micro stepped out of the alleyway. "Flash!"

The Red Ranger growled, but turned to them and nodded before they all ran off. A minute later, the police arrived but there was no sign of the fugitives anywhere.