• Published 5th Feb 2022
  • 963 Views, 31 Comments

Power Rangers: Guardians of Harmony, Ten Year Return - Banshee531

Ten years have passed since the Guardian Rangers saved the world from multi-dimensional evils. In that time, peace has returned to their world. Until now. Can our heroes save the day, or will this be the end of the world as we know it?

  • ...

Chapter 7

As soon as they were sure no little bits of the destroyed building were gonna fall to the earth, luckily the entire structure was vaporised, the Power Rangers disembarked from the Megazords and the eleven machines all reverted back to their tiny forms.

The Rangers were back on the street, looking down into the pit that had once housed Mirage Corp's HQ. "Let's go!" Flash told them before leaping into the pit, the others jumping down with him. As they did, Heart, Rarity and Starswirl arrived on the scene. And they weren't the only ones.

Police cars appeared along with a few ambulances and several news cars. They along with multiple individuals also arrived, wanting to see what had happened and get some answers about the strange mind glitch they had been suffering through the last three months.

"Excuse me?" A reporter asked Starswirl, "but you were with the Power Rangers before, weren't you." He nodded, "where'd they go?" He got his answer when Flash suddenly leapt up out of the crater, with a young girl in his arms as he did so.

As he landed, Heart realised who was with him. "Soul!" He rushed forward and almost tackled his sister to the ground, the pair hugging one another tightly as the other Rangers arrived whilst carrying their own passengers.

The police and paramedics quickly rushed forward, the medical workers beginning checks on the individuals whilst the police began talking to the Rangers. "Captain!" One officer cried as Shining removed his helmet along with the rest of the Rangers. "What the heck is going on?"

"It's a long story," Shining told him. "Let's just say that we've been cleaning up a few...left overs from the old day." The others chuckled at this, as a group of women suddenly appeared through the crowd.

"DADDY!" Flash recognised that voice and turned to see Twilight at the front of the crowd, Stardust in her arms. The little girl struggled in her mother's grasp until Twilight put her down, Star rushing towards him as Flash crouched down. She leap into his arms and he held her tight, the little girl beginning to cry. "I missed you!"

"I know baby!" He told her, "but I'm here now." Drago then let out a roar as Star turned to him, Flash letting her go as Drago leapt into her arms.

"I'm sorry Draggy," Star cried. "I forgot you. I'm sorry."

Flash smiled before feeling a presence to his side, making him look up and make eye contact with his wife. "Hey," he told her as he slowly stood up.

"Hey," she said back before hugging him. "I'm sorry. I should have been there for you."

"It's not your fault," he told her. "Mirage wiped your memory. You couldn't help it. I'm just glad he didn't try and use you or Star to make me surrender." They pulled back and Flash looked around, seeing the other Rangers embarrassing their families as well. Trail moved over and hugged Star as well, whilst Shining and Cadance embraced along with Flurry. Sandal hugged Fluttershy as she, Linden and even Ayala were crying into his chest. Soarin had a hand on Rainbow's stomach, whilst using the other one to rub the shoulder she had punched. Applejack and Pinkie had gone over to greet Lyra and Sweetie, whilst Sunset began to make her way over to them.

"Sunset!" Twilight hugged her best friend, "I'm so glad your safe."

"Same," Sunset nodded. "I'm glad you have your memories back. Don't suppose you know if Celestia's already replaced me, have you."

"Yeah." Sunset frowned, "but you can have your job back if you want. I expect I'll be able to get my old one back once all this has been cleared up." Sunset laughed as several news reporters finally decided to get in on the story.

Flash stepped forward as the cameras focused on him, the Red Ranger knowing it would fall to him in order to explain what the heck just happened. "People of Canterlot and anyone else outside the city that's watching, I have a very strange tale to tell."

And so he began to explain everything to the media, though he did leave out a few details. He explained how Mirage was a survivor of the monster army that attacked a decade ago, how he had the power to manipulate minds on a small scale and used that to build a business empire. How he tried to create a portal to his world that would likely destroy theirs, leading to Starswirl's appearance. He left out how Mirage got his hands on an Element and told them that he managed to use his device to trap Starswirl in another dimension, whilst also getting his hands on an energy source from there that allowed him to increase his power and use it to brainwash the entire city apart from the Power Rangers. How he intended to use the Elements to spread that control over the entire world, but with the work of Micro and the other Rangers they managed to stop him. Finally, he explained what had happened during the battle and how they managed to finally defeat Mirage.

"So you allowed this monster to escape from you ten years ago?" One of the reporters asked, clearly trying to be that one guy that tried to turn the heroes into the ones at fault.

"Yeah," Flash admitted, "though it's not like we knew he existed. He was never sent after us back in the day, so we never met him. It's not like we have a list of monsters Darklight had under his control. Hopefully, he's the only one that survived until now."

"But what if he isn't?" Another asked, "what if there's a bunch of monsters living in our world getting ready to strike."

"Then they'll have to deal with the Power Rangers!" Flash stated as the ten put their helmets back on and stepped into view of the camera. "Like I told Mirage, we'll protect this world for as long as possible until it's time for someone else to step up and take over that task." The other Rangers nodded, whilst the people of the city smiled at their heroes. They might all be scared anyone they knew could be a monster in disguise, but they knew they had heroes that would protect them from anything no matter what.

The Guardian Power Rangers were just that, the guardians of their lives. Guardian they trusted to always do the right thing.

Later that day, the Rangers had finally finished going over everything they had learned about Mirage to the authorities.

Each of them were then contacted by their former employers, the lot of them being offered their previous jobs back. Luckily, the people that had replaced them were happy to step down and let them have their lives back. Lyra would be back on the national orchestra, Micro's business had been returned to him, Sweetie and Pinkie could continue their work making delicious sweets and treats and so on and so forth. Shining would be returning to acting captain within the month and had even been offered the chance to head up a new division, which would hopefully help find new Power Rangers for when it was time to pass the torch. And whilst Shining, and even Starswirl, was in agreement that that would be a good idea, he knew an officer who would be better suited for such a task.

To the Ranger's amazement, Pinkie had somehow thrown together an amazing party to celebrate the Ranger's victory and return. Heart and all the people that had previously been held captive by Mirage were also invited, the lot of them also explaining to the media why they had all been 'arrested' with the Rangers going into more detail about their strange immunity to Mirage's control.

Celestia and Luna were both there, the pair apologising to the Rangers about thinking they were criminals and promising Sunset and Dusk their jobs back. The two Rangers were happy to hear this, glad they didn't have to worry about finding another line of work.

It never ceased to amaze the lot of them how quickly Pinkie could make such an incredible party, but when they arrived at Flash and Twilight's house the place was somehow decorated to the nine with cake and other great foods sitting on the table.

The younger members of the group rushed to get their favourite foods whilst the adults grabbed some non-alcoholic cider and did a toast to the Ranger's victory. The small Zords then started playing with the children, who all enjoyed having the little robots join in on the fun.

Off to the side, Flash was leaning against the wall thinking about what Shining had told him earlier. The idea of training future Power Rangers sure was an interesting one, but he wasn't sure if it would be that easy. After all, it took more then being a great fighter or amazing Zord pilot to get the Elements to bond with someone. But as he thought that, there was one person who popped into his head. One that, whilst still young and foolish, had the makings of something great. He just needed a little guidance.

He was pulled out of his thoughts when Twilight slid up next to him, drink in hand and a smile on her face. "Crazy day, huh?"

"Crazy couple of months," Flash told her. "Glad it's all over."

"Same," Twilight put her head on his shoulder. "Star really missed you, you know?"

"I know."

"I know it wasn't your fault, but still." She looked down, frowning. "I love that you're a Power Ranger and the amazing things you do as a Ranger, but I don't want Star to go through that again."

"Yeah," Flash nodded, "but I can't promise it won't. We live in crazy times." Twilight nodded back, "but I won't be doing this forever. Like I told Mirage, I just have to wait until I find someone worthy enough to take over for me."

"Any idea who that might be?"

"I might have a few candidates, but it's gonna be a while before they're ready to put on the helmet and spandex." Twilight laughed at this and moved so that she was in front of Flash and leaning back against his chest, Flash's arms wrapping around her.

"Well until they're ready, you be extra careful. I don't wanna raise our kids alone?"

"Kids?" Flash asked, wondering where that added S came from. Twilight glanced back at him and smiled, Flash realising what she was saying. "Seriously, you're-"

"Of course not. When have we had the chance to do that."


"But...I do want Star to grow up with someone, like how I had Shining when I grew up." She then smirked and pulled Flash's arms around her tighter. "Plus, I think I might have overheard Cadance telling Shining the same thing. So if we're lucky we'll have a pair of cousins around the same age that can be best friends." She looked over at Rainbow and Rarity, both talking with their significant other, "and we might also have them in the same year as our other friend's kids. It'd be perfect." She looked over her shoulder at him, "what do you think?"

Flash smirked and hugged her tighter. "I was hoping the next few days I could spend relaxing and making up for lost time with my family. Seems I won't be relaxing at nights like I'd hoped." Twilight snickered at this and blushed up a storm, then kissed him.

The party continued on and after a few more hours, the guests started leaving to head home. The freed captives had all been given hotel reservations until something could be done for their living situation, since some of their homes hadn't even been touched in the months they had been away and needed a proper cleaning before they were liveable again.

The Rangers then started heading home as well, Lyra and Sweetie planning to crash with Pinkie's family whilst Sunset and Trail would be staying at Flash and Twilight's. Luna had offered Dusk the chance to sleep on her couch until his place was back to full liveable condition.

As the sun set and the moon appeared high in the air, Flash stepped outside to take a break from the party. He was out on his porch, thinking he was alone, but then noticed someone sitting on one of the step's stone banisters. It was Heart, leaning back against the stone slide-like construct.

The teen shifted his gaze and noticed the older man, who smirked down at him before moving over to sit on the opposite banister and leaning back against it. "Never thought you'd be going through all this when you woke up last week, did you?"

"Yeah. I never thought I'd get within ten feet of a real Power Ranger, let alone actually fight besides them and help take down an evil dictator."

Flash laughed at this. "Tell me about it. If you had told me ten years ago when I walked into that forest that I'd be leaving it a super hero, I would have laughed right in your face. Strange how life can just throw a curve ball at you when you least expect it. One moment your a normal guy, the next you're bonded to a magical gem that gives you the power to transform into a bright red suit and command and giant robot dragon. Destiny, they're never straight forward."

"Tell me about it," Heart agreed. They stayed there, looking up at the starry sky for a few moments in complete silence. Then, Flash spoke up again.

"That was kinda reckless, you know." Heart turned to him, "jumping into that portal back in the other world. If Mirage or his Peacekeepers had been there, they probably would have done something a lot worse then throwing you into a cell with your sister."

Heart sighed, "I know. But...I had to. I had to save my sister. That portal was the best shot I had at getting her back and...and I had to take it, no matter what was waiting for me on the other side."

"Were you scared?"


"But you still did it."

"I had to," he repeated. "Though it didn't stop me from being completely freaked out. When I got to the other side, I was so jumpy I pointed my blaster at anything that cast a shadow."

"So you were listening to your fear but not letting it take control of you." Flash smirked at him, "that right there was courage in its purest form."

"Me?" Heart asked, "I had courage?"

Flash nodded, "just be careful. It might have been brave, but it was still reckless to do what you did. There's gonna come a time when doing the courageous thing, isn't the smart thing. That's something you have to learn. When to listen to your fear and realise you should do what it tells you, but not letting it control you completely."

"I guess," Heart nodded. "But, how the heck am I supposed to learn that?"

"Well..." Flash looked like he was thinking, though he wasn't. "If you're not doing anything on the weekends, I could show you a thing or two on the weekends." Heart turned to him in shock, Flash smirking back at him. "Over the last two days, you've done stuff I wouldn't have had the guts to do at your age even if I did have my Ranger Powers. You fought against robots, monsters and infiltrated a bad guy's lair without even breaking a sweat. And when the time came to pick between what you wanted and what the world needed, you made the right choice. I think you have what it takes."

"To do what?"

Flash took out his Element, "to one day be bonded to this instead of me." Heart's eyes went wide.

"Are you serious."

"Deadly." Flash tossed him the gem and Heart managed to grab it and look it over in his hands. He could feel the energy it held, powered by the courageous power of the one wielding it. "But you're not there yet. First of all, there's no way I'm letting a minor become a Power Ranger. I might have started when I was your age, but you've still got school to finish and being a super hero can put a real bite out of your homework time. Plus, like I said, you've still got a long way to go before you're ready to wield the Element of Courage. But you've got potential." He reached over and took the Element back, Heart seeing it glow in his fingers. "So...what do you say. Wanna see if I can turn you into a Power Ranger worthy of this Element?"

Heart continued to stare at the Element, then thought back to what he had watched the Rangers do that day.

Despite all the odds, despite the entire city being turned against them, despite every piece of logic saying they should have lost on this day, they managed to pull out a win and save the whole world. And Flash thinks he could become someone just like that.

"Heck yeah!" He nodded, "I want you to train me to be the best Red Rangers the world's ever seen." Flash smiled at this and held out his hand, Heart reaching out and shaking it eagerly. "Does this mean you're gonna teach me to drive the Megazord?"

Flash rolled his eyes. "That'll be one of the last lessons you ever learn."

"But I'll get to wear that cool armor form, right? And that Alicorn Bowgun you used, I'll get to use that too?"

"Maybe," Flash nodded. "Who knows, maybe by then we'll find a way to make a new Purple Ranger that can use it. Just don't let this go to your head. I can still change my mind if I think you're not taking this seriously and even if I think you're worthy, you'll need to also convince Starswirl and the Element that you have what it takes." Heart nodded, clearly excited but also trying to be serious about this.

Before any of them could say or do anything else, the door opened and the other Rangers stepped outside. "Hey," Lyra smirked, "what are you guys doing out here?"

"Just...looking up at the stars," Flash told them. As he said that, a familiar sound filled the air. The sound of a rocket shooting into the sky and suddenly exploding, unleashing many coloured lights that filled the night canvas. Heart and the Rangers gasped at this and all smiled as they watched another firework shoot into the air, then another and another. Clearly someone was wanting to keep celebrating not becoming a mind zombie and not getting blasted into a crater.

The Rangers smiled as they watched the show, the fireworks strange beginning to make familiar patterns. There was one of each of the Rangers helmets, then some of their Zords before the display ended with multiple fireworks going off followed by one big one that exploded into the shape of the team's logo.

Watching this event, made the Rangers glad they had managed to get through everything they had had to endure over the last three months.

Being a Power Ranger wasn't always easy. There would be challenges and obstacles they would need to constantly overcome, but it would be worth it to allow others to live lives of joy and friendship. And they would protect that joy, defend those friendships, for as long as they were needed.

For they, were the Power Rangers. The Guardians of Harmony.

Voice Cast

Flash Sentry/Sandalwood: Vincent Tong

Lyra Heartstrings/Rainbow Dash/Applejack: Ashleigh Ball

Micro Chips: James Nichol Kirk

Sweetie Drops/Fluttershy/Pinkie Pie: Andrea Libman

Soarin Skies: Matt Hill

Sunset Shimmer: Rebecca Shoichet

Shining Armor: Andrew Francis

Trail Blazer: Michael Liscio, Jr

Dusk Shroud: Dan Green

Fire Heart: Pierce Cravens

Twilight Sparkle: Tara Strong

Rarity: Tabitha St. Germain

Starswirl: Chris Britton

Mirage: Doug Parker

Shock Trooper: Micheal Dobson

Author's Note:

And thus, this anniversary special comes to an end. I hope you all enjoyed this and liked how the Ranger's futures turned out.

Comments ( 3 )

That was fun. With the battle over, the Rangers and their friends can return to their normal lives and be reunited with their families. It was fun seeing how their futures turned out with this story, and it looks like it is only going to get better for them.

Woohoo!!! That was awesome! I'm so glad that they're back together with their families.

Amazing! I like how Flash was talking bed talk to Twilight when she said she wanted another kid. But I'm most excited for is the Bakugan fanfic you have planned.

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