• Published 28th Feb 2022
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They're... ON HOLIDAY? - Nameless Narrator

After reaching peace between Equestria and Hive changelings, queen Chrysalis takes two high ranks and a small retinue of drones with her on a trip to an island holiday resort.

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Day 1 - Shippy time: 8/9

Just like everyone else, 10013 has been wandering around the ship for some time. However, while the others were exploring, it was gathering courage to act upon the rather confusing invitation it got from the zebra guard.

*Puzzled face.* *Disappointed face.* *Awkward face.*

“Smiley, is something wrong?” asks 10013, immediately forgetting its own worries.

*Relieved face.*

“Hang on, I’ll be right there.”

10013 concentrates on Smiley’s hive link. It’s not far, nothing on the ship should be unreachable, but pointing out the exact location of someone else is a bit difficult. Normally, drones just ping a map location but that’s a bit beyond Smiley’s abilities.

The hive link leads 10013 down… and down… and down until the drone stops in front of a heavy metal door which is, quite certainly, locked. 10013 bangs on it.

“Are you there, Smiley?”

*Bang bang bang!*

“Gotcha!” 10013 nods, hearing the noise from the other side, “I could dig you out but you heard 387. Wait there, I’ll find someone who has the key, okay?”

*Happy face.*

10013 climbs the stairs one floor up to the staff deck. It can sense 36658 and 20100 nearby but they won’t be of any help.

I need… I need… AH-HAH!

It rushes towards a somewhat familiar dark blue uniform with yellow SECURITY written on the side.

“Mister security pony! Mister security pony!” it calls out. The pegasus turns around and its expression hardens when he sees the changeling.

“Yes?” he asks.

“My buddy is stuck behind a door downstairs! Do you have a key or do you know who has it?”

“You mean on the maintenance deck?” the pegasus frowns, “How did they get there?”

“Well, it didn’t dig through the door since we’re not allowed to, so it must have been open.”

“Great, more security incident paperwork. No matter how many training seminars some ponies get…” the pegasus facehoofs, “Alright, come on.”

10013 leads the way back down and taps at the door again. Smiley taps back.

“Identify yourself!” orders the security guard.

“Umm, Smiley can’t talk, sir,” explains 10013.

The pegasus reaches under his security uniform with one foreleg. When his foreleg comes out again, it’s wearing a heavy, studded horseshoe. With his wing, he pulls out a set of keys and unlocks the door before carefully opening it and stepping back, only to see a beaming changeling face.

“Heya, Smiley!” 10013 waves.

*Happy face!*

Smiley walks out, looks at the pegasus ready to punch, and nuzzles his raised leg before walking over to 10013 and simply waiting for the situation to unfold. The pegasus locks the door, takes off the heavy combat horseshoe, and leads the two up to the staff deck again.

“I need some information for the incident report,” he stops and faces the drones before pulling out a notepad from his saddlebag.

“Sure,” 10013 nods.

“First, your names.”

“I’m 10013 and that’s Smiley.”

The pegasus looks at the beaming Silent.

“Easy to remember, I suppose,” he scribbles something on the paper, “Which delegation do you belong to?”

“Uhh, changelings?” 10013 tilts its head.

“Changeling hive or Northern San Palomino?”

“Oh. Changeling hive,” 10013 nods, “With Queen Chrysalis.”

Speaking of San Palomino, I should visit that zebra lady. Wait, did he just say those guys were changelings too?

“Time… section…” the pegasus mumbles while writing, “Okay, I guess that’s all. In case we need anything, somepony will find you. If that’s all, you’re free to go,” he puts the notepad away.

“Thank you,” 10013 nudges Smiley, “Say- I mean do something thankful.”

Already beaming Smiley slowly waves. The pegasus nods in response and leaves.

“You wanna come with me or do you want to look for somewhere new to get stuck?” 10013 chuckles. Smiley licks its face, “Gotcha. Let’s go see a zebra- changeling- pony- something!”

Several minutes later and two floors higher, the two find themselves being scrutinized by a different muscular zebra mare for some reason wearing a lot of leather straps all over her body while standing guard by a door belonging to a nobility suite.

“Hello, I was told to come here, Miss zebra.”

“One moment,” the zebra nods and enters the suite. Only a few seconds later, she returns, leaving the door open, “Come inside.”

As the door closes behind the two, 10013 finds itself facing…

…a changeling infiltrator.

“Hello,” he opens, sitting on the bed with a worried expression, “How are you in terms of love?”

“A bit low,” admits 10013, surprised that this would be the first concern, “But… who are you? The Saint Plop-”

“The baron of Northern San Palomino,” he sighs, “Technically, the husband of the baroness of Northern San Palomino, but the lawyer insisted that it makes me a baron too. Before the invasion, though, my rank was 1313.”

“Hi, 1313. Why did you want to talk to us instead of the Queen or the high ranks?” asks 10013, sitting down.

“Straight to the point. Good,” he nods, “Who invited you?”

“The Queen.”

“I mean, you as in all of you. The hive representatives.”

“The Queen read us a scroll thingy which said you did,” says 10013.

1313 sighs and plops his back on the bed, looking at the ceiling.

“I was afraid you’d say that but I’d be lying if I said I was surprised…”

“You didn’t invite us?”

“No, I didn’t, and neither did Zamira. No offense, but the last thing I wanted was to see the Queen ever again. I doubt I’m important enough for her to try to control me but you never know,” he takes a long breath before covering his eyes with his hooves, “Holes damn it…”

10013 doesn’t know what to say, so it just sits on the floor until the bathroom door clicks.

“Hey, honey, you can’t be sleeping when you have visitors,” laughs a zebra mare of a similar strong build as the guard outside, although a little bit rounder.

“The invitation said we did it, Zami,” groans 1313, “Which means someone either did it under our name or that Chrysalis forged it for some reason. That’s why Princess Celestia said she had to send us a second one.”

“Ah,” Zamira, wearing a pink thong and a matching swimsuit top doing wonders to bring out her muscles as well as her backside, leans over to Smiley, “You’re a happy fellow, aren’t you?”

Smiley boops her. Zamira’s eyes go wide.

“1313, I found a solution to not losing my fantastic figure in the future - we adopt. Specifically this one.”

“We’re very adoptable,” 10013 nods wisely, “That’s the whole changeling thing.”

“Eeeeeeeee!” Zamira grabs Smiley and raises it up, “It’s mine now, I win at life.”

“It meant adaptable,” grumbles 1313, “They have no clue what adoption means.”

Zamira carries Smiley to the bed where she sits down next to 1313 and makes the Silent pat 1313’s head by guiding its foreleg.

“Look, it’s just so happy!

“Yes, that’s a Silent. It has fewer brain cells than your shampoo bottle. It can’t possibly comprehend the implications of what’s going on here. It’s happy because it’s not getting eaten or thrown against a magical barrier right now.”

“1313 is not wrong,” 10013 adds, “But Smiley has been getting better. It can do way more than just wait for orders.”

“See?” Zamira shakes a completely unbothered Smiley in 1313’s face, “You have to ask your Queen to let us get one.”

“I don’t know if that would work, Miss,” 10013 shakes its head, “Most of the old storage caverns caved-in since the invasion. I mean, there are still a bunch of eggs around but we have been getting only a few new ones every month.”

“How does that work anyway?” Zamira turns Smiley around and scratches it under its chin. The tip of its tongue flops out in response, “Does she kidnap a bunch of stallions to fill her up and then she just keeps plopping out eggs for a week, or do changelings like 1313 here bring her mares so that she can fill them like egg sacks with her creepy alien facehugger dic-”

“ALL OF THE ABOVE, THAT’S THE PROBLEM! WE’RE ADOPT- ADAPTABLE!” 1313 bolts into a sitting position, “Never show Chrysalis the eastern clop magazines you keep reading, it’ll just give her ideas.”

“Well-” Zamira ponders it.

“And if we’re not careful, she’ll make me drag you off to the hive and then do all of them to you-”

“I mean, would that be so b-?”

“-and I don’t want to do that because she says so. I want to do that because I love you but I’ll have no choice but to obey and then she’ll use us to take control of Equestria!”

“Using our massive political leverage that we have as Northern San Palomino nobility? We own three villages and a chunk of desert that we only got so that we wouldn’t blab about Blueblood.”

“That’s just how it starts!” gasping for air in exasperation, 1313 grabs Zamira’s shoulders and shakes her, “Then she’ll make us overthrow the South San Palomino guys and she’ll control the entire desert!”

Smiley, now sandwiched between the two, turns around and hugs 1313’s barrel. This pleases Zamira.

“Honey? You could learn a thing or two from this guy,” she pats Smiley.

“I…” 1313 puts both his forelegs over his face again, “I don’t think you’re getting it, Zami. Chrysalis might not be the best infiltrator in the hive but she was still good enough to fool everyone, replace Princess Cadance, and completely control Prince Shining Armor. If she or that other infiltrator she has with her does something to me I won’t be able to stop it and you won’t even notice. One day, without a word, I might just turn on you-”

Zamira puts a hoof on 1313’s lips with a gentle smile before turning towards 10013.

“Little guy, is your Queen really that bad or is 1313 overreacting?”

10013 rubs its head, pondering it.

“He’s… it’s complicated,” it says hesitantly, “I mean, I saw the Queen up close only twice in my life, and it’s the same for most changelings from what I heard. Buuut… life’s been a lot better since the new rules. The high ranks aren’t allowed to eat us anymore and we get more chances now, so if anything happens that doesn’t allow us to finish our quota during worky time we don’t get immediately shoved into the crusher and recycled. No one knows how many chances we have but we’re not testing anything. Things are a lot better these days, really. Just look at me, I’m almost five years old. That’s practically ancient by drone standards, and there’s more of us who have been alive before the invasion,” 10013 smiles, “Maybe the Queen has changed.”

“I’m sorry… what?” asks Zamira slowly, her tone suddenly cold.

“That’s what I’ve been trying to explain!” says 1313, “In my time, the life expectancy of drones was what? A month?”

“Nope, two weeks,” 10013 shakes its head, “There weren’t that many of us over a month. High Score and I were pretty unique.”

A slow, choked groan comes out of Zamira’s mouth before she asks:

“Honey, how much do I have to control my language around the little guys?”

“Not at all. They’re not foals. Drones are expected to work from day one and they reach the full extent of the knowledge they need maybe by day three. Think of them more as adults who were locked up in a cellar, never had any contact with the outside world, and got hit every day in the head with a brick.”

“Heh heh, yeah,” 10013 rubs its head in response, “Last month a tunnel caved in on me, but High Score was with me in spirit and the big rocks got stuck on each other so they just squished me hard instead of completely flattening me. I got smacked in the head pretty bad, though, before I dug myself out.”

Zamira, almost robotically, stands up, walks into the bathroom, and closes the door behind her, much to the surprised stares of all three changelings. A moment later, they start hearing furious screams presumably muffled by a towel.

“... evil… shithead… month… monstrous… them all… controlling…”

*Sad face.* *Worried face.*

Hearing the fragmented tirade, Smiley hops off the bed and opens the door to the bathroom.

“-WITH A RUSTY SPOON!” comes out before Zamira presumably notices the colder air and stops, “Yes?”

Smiley flies up and hugs her neck.

With a new, determined expression, Zamira steadies it by putting one foreleg under its butt and walks outside.

“Honey,” she says sharply.

“Yes?” 1313 knows the tone. It’s the ‘We do things my way now, no questions’ tone.

“I saw Acting Grandmaster Sun Hammer of the Paladins on the guest list. We are going to find her and ask her for any possible magical protection against mind control or anything even remotely similar. Whenever we split up, take anyone from my unit with you. If you go to the toilet, Zaida will be there with you. If we’re not showering together, you’re showering with Zeri. If I get drunk and meet a sexy beefcake to have fun with over night, Zahara will be in your bed, rubbing her ass against you while Zaida and Zeri watch. Got it?!” she lets go of Smiley and jabs 1313 in the chest.

Faced with this level of authority, both 1313 and 10013 nod, although only one knows what all that meant.

“Good,” she says, “Now, how about we- what the hay?!” Smiley is now carefully chewing on her outstretched foreleg, earning a confused shake rather than a smack.

“Smiley, what are you doing?” asks 10013.

*Curious face.*

A fleeting image of 36658 crosses 10013’s mind.

“Ohhh,” the drone understands, “It wants to know how you taste. My buddy 36658 saw some zebras outside while we were waiting to enter the ship. It used to make agonyslayers by eating striped zebra trees and it was curious if you tasted the same. Now it has a poppy patch on the edge of the Badlands and makes all kinds of stronger stuff, but mostly tormentannihilators, from its goop, some of which we get to keep in case we get crushed but survive.”

“And that’s the level of storytelling clarity you get from drones,” 1313 smirks, “Don’t think too hard about it.”

Zamira only raises an eyebrow.

“I don’t need to, it’s perfectly clear to me. I told you I was a tribal shaman apprentice back home and brewing simple painkillers from birch bark is the most basic thing I ever learned. I know you can eat various things to make your goop taste different and alter its effects. We do enough kinky stuff at home. And finally, if I’m correct about the poppies then this 36-something is now making either morphine or heroin. The only thing that puzzles me is where that changeling found a thesaurus to eat in order to come up with those names.”

And now, both 1313’s and 10013’s jaws drop in sync.

“You’re a very smart stripey lady,” says 10013 after a moment of gawking.

“It takes a lot of work to be this intelligent and sexy at the same time,” she replies with a smile.

“I’m the luckiest bughorse in the world,” 1313 chuckles as he gets off of the bed, unceremoniously shoves Smiley off of Zamira’s leg, and kisses the zebra.

“Smiley, I think we got what we came for. Let’s not bother them anymore,” 10013 mentally nudges the Silent.

“Hey, Zami,” 1313 offers, easily sensing and overhearing the communication, “How about we let these two tag along for the afternoon? They could use a bit of love refill and… maybe the world won’t end if we put off talking to the Paladins until tomorrow after all.”

Zamira’s eyes light up.

“I get the happy one, you get the serious one,” she exclaims, snatching Smiley again and squeezing it like a plush toy.

*Panicked fa-* *Serious face.* *Serious face.*

“Don’t even try that, Silent,” 1313 shoots it down.

Author's Note:

There's your power couple.

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