• Published 28th Feb 2022
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They're... ON HOLIDAY? - Nameless Narrator

After reaching peace between Equestria and Hive changelings, queen Chrysalis takes two high ranks and a small retinue of drones with her on a trip to an island holiday resort.

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Day 5 - Standard procedure: 8/8

Having been booted out by Chrysalis, 10013, 99380, and Smiley are sitting side by side on the beach, watching the tide reach them, tickle their hind legs, and then withdraw. They’ve been silently sitting there for some time, watching the sun rise and reflect off of the water. In the case of 99380 and Smiley, they’re just waiting for 10013 to figure out what to do next and enjoying the warm sun before it gets too hot. 10013, obviously, is busy with the other end of the deal. However, eventually it has to admit that it probably won’t figure out the best course of action alone.

“Is there anything you guys want to do? I mean, we already got Smiley a point, 20100 is busy somewhere that way,” 10013 waves its foreleg in the vague direction of the slope, ”and 36658 is out of reach. I’m kinda stumped here, since everyone seems to still be asleep.”

Smiley pokes the approaching tide with its hoof, licks the water, and makes a face while spitting the sea water out. 10013 tries it too, and shudders:

“Eww, so salty, and in a really weird way on top of that. Definitely not like the fizzy drinks on the ship. I wouldn’t absorb it if I were you, but it might be worth trying to mix with goop. What about you, 99380?”

“If you say we shouldn’t drink it I believe you,” the newbie shrugs.

“No, I meant if you had anything you’d like to do.”

99380 pokes its hoof in the sand briefly before replying with an open smile.

“Nope! I’m happy to be around friendlies and that nothing is trying to eat me and that’s enough.”

“Awww, that’s good to hear,” 10013 pats 99380’s head, “But is there really nothing you’d like to explore? One of the lectures I attended on the ship was about management, which I understood to be kinda like leadership, and the shouty minotaur stressed out that a good leader thinks about what others need to be happy and effective.”

99380 scratches its head.

“I liked the talky box, it had a really friendly lady inside it. Nice tunes, too.”

“That’s settled then. Let’s find a radio!” 10013 stands up, muzzle scrunched in determination.

Smiley and 99380 mimic its pose for a moment before looking at it.

“Umm, where?” asks 99380.

“I guess we could walk around the resort until we figure something out or see something relevant,” 10013 shrugs, “It’s not the best plan…”


“Ehhh, but nothing, probably,” 10013 chuckles nervously, “It’s not the best plan. Period.”

“Meh, I don’t have a better idea,” 99380 pokes the Silent, “How about you, Smiley?”

Smiley walks over to 10013 and licks its face.

*Happy face* *Saluting face*

“I guess we have our answer,” 10013 sighs, “Let’s follow the clueless leader! But as 36658 always says - High Score will provide a way, we just have to keep looking.”

As they start strolling east along the promenade, knowing that if nothing else they’ll at least explore that direction since 36658 and 99526 went the other way, 99380 nudges 10013.

“And what do you like? Leading?” it tilts its head.

“I’m not sure,” 10013 taps its hoof against its chin, “I used to think that, but I kinda realized that I’ve been doing it only because I was the highest ranked drone after returning back to the hive, and in those days it still mattered.”

“Huh? Rank doesn’t matter anymore?”

“Not at all like before,” 10013 shakes its head, “It used to be that surviving longer meant you were faster, smarter, and stronger than the others and you climbed ranks when the others ahead of you died. At least it was like that for us, drones, because physically there’s so little difference between us that ranking doesn’t make much sense. Before 387 and the Queen decided on the new rules and announced those, I heard that high ranks straight up used to kill each other to climb,” it shudders.

“That sounds horrible!”

“It does, but the new rules say that if high ranks want to climb, they need to perform a service which benefits the hive instead of just proving they have the raw power, skill, or cunning to take on a higher rank.”

“Much more useful.”

“Yep, but that’s not for us to judge because we weren’t the ones going to the surface and gathering love. Now, though, even you 99-ranked newbies grow stronger faster because you have more love than we used to, and because there are us veterans who can teach you some of the dangers of the tunnels. I think our ranks right now are more like pony names than actual hive rankings. I’m fairly sure that 36658 is tougher, stronger, and faster than I am, and its rank hasn’t changed,” 10013 shrugs, unbothered, “So, in short, I doubt leadership is as much my calling or special talent as just something I was told to do by 387.”


“It’s fine. I’ve gone four years without having a special thing other than fire-dousing goop, so I think I’ll be okay,” 10013 suddenly smiles and hums to itself, “Ha! I just got an idea what we can do. Two things at once, in fact.”

“Wat wat wat?” 99380 gets immediately infected by 10013’s excitement.

“Number one - we want to find a radio. Number two - we all want to rank up. And what does ranking up mean when we’re not supposed to fight anyone and when our number doesn’t get higher- lower- better?”

“We, umm…? I dunno?” 99380 scratches its head.

*Happy face* *Spooked face!* *Face gasping for air.* *Face with eyes darting from side to side* *Relieved face* *Happy face*

Both 10013 and 99380 look at Smiley, but only one realizes the full extent of what the Silent just did.

“…Smiley?” 10013 pats Smiley’s head, “This isn’t a coincidence, right? You actually figured it out,” it breathes out.

“We’re… okay,” 99380 is still chewing through the ‘clue’ “We’re scared. We’re running away. We look around. We’re… not being chased anymore? We’re okay,” 99380’s eyes go wide, “WE RANK UP BY RUNNING AWAY! Wait! That’s not what I meant. I mean that we rank up by getting better at running away! From baddies,” it looks at 10013, “Did I get it too?”

“Close enough,” 10013 smiles, “We rank up by getting better at any little thing we can.”

“Thanks for the clue,” 99380 hugs Smiley, “Imma call you Smarty from now on!”

Smiley sticks its tongue out in the same disgusted frown it made when tasting sea water and scoots aside, falling off of the bench with a surprised squeak.

*Pouty face!*

“I think you got a clear ‘no’ to that,” 10013 snickers as Smiley stands up, glaring at 99380, “So, are you ready to rank up, 99380?”

*Nod nod nod!*

“Good,” 10013 continues, “So, if you don’t know where to look for a radio here, then let’s use past experience as a reference. Where did you find a radio last time?”

“A drinky place on the ship,” replies 99380 after a brief delay.

“And have we seen a drinky place here yet?”

Another pause, and this one lingers.

“Is everything okay?” asks 10013, nudging 99380.

“Oh, sorry,” the other drone looks away and rubs its head nervously, “I’m kinda trying to memorize the clues you’re giving me so that if I get into a situation I’m not smart enough for, I can remember what a drone like you used to lead me to an answer.”

“That’s a neat trick. Are you using the hive mind space that we can’t get into yet?”

“Mhm,” 99380 nods, “It takes some time but I think it’ll be useful not just for me. It’s kinda lonely there, though. Like a biiiig cavern with no one around.”

“Don’t worry. Now that we know you can use it, we’ll eventually learn it too. I’ll make time for some experiments later, but now we’re searching for the radio.

“Oh, rightrightright!” 99380 looks from side to side, taking in the stands and small buildings lining the promenade on the side opposite the beach, “There’s a bunch of places that look similar, but there doesn’t seem to be anyone around, and the pony taking care of the drinky- umm, bar -hah, I remembered!- wasn’t too happy when I went there and turned the radio on without him around.”

“Well, for ponies, drinks and food come hoof in hoof, so if we can’t go to a drinky place then…” 10013 leaves the suggestion hanging in the air.

“We find a foody place?” 99380’s jaw drop, “GASP! The place where Smiley ate all the drawy rocks!”

10013 hops off of the bench.

“I guess we know where to start looking.”


“No! Not you again!” a familiar griffon calls out when the trio of changelings enters the dining room of the hotel accommodating the guests of lower status, “We’re busy setting the tables for breakfast!”

*Spooked face!*

Smiley tries to hide behind 10013, which isn’t exactly effective due to the size difference, and only serves to make 10013 look from the front as if it has two foreheads.

“We just want to ask if you didn’t know where we could find a talky- radio,” 10013 observes the frowning griffon putting spoons and forks on the tables, not daring to move in case it would serve as provocation.

“There’s a radio in every guest suite,” retorts the griffon, “Now, please, let us work. Breakfast starts in twenty minutes.”

“Thank you, Mister griffon,” 10013 bows, “We won’t bother you again.”

“Thank you!” 99380 waves at the griffon who just groans.

The door clicks as Smiley’s slips outside before the other two and waits in the hallway until they leave as well. They reach their suite shortly, and 99380 giggles:

“So much walking only to end up where we started.”

10013 shrugs, looking around once more before asking:

“We got a good leg stretch out of it. So, how do we find and use the radio box?”

An image of the radio from the ship flashes through their hive links, and the trio scatter, looking for anything similar.

It doesn’t take long, actually. On the corner table in the living room sits a smaller, sleeker black box with white writing on the front, wires coming out of the back, and a bigger box next to it with a grill on the front and, upon examination by booping, a softer membrane behind it.

Having some experience with pony scribbles, 10013 identifies two knobs with words underneath, one saying ‘Volume’ and one ‘Frequency’. Unfortunately, the first one doesn’t make sense to it, and it has no idea what the second could mean in the current context.

“Any ideas, 99380?” 10013 asks the other drone who is busy examining the black box from the sides.

“Those turnies on the front make it louder or make it say different things,” it mumbles in response, “But I recall there being these long antennae and those were important. I can’t see those anywhere.”

“Hmmm,” 10013 shrugs and, after a moment of thought, decides on turning the ‘volume’ knob. The radio clicks, and the bigger box next to it starts talking with clarity incomparable to the one on the ship:

“It’s three quarters to nine, and you’re listening to 90-88, Dragonfire! Stone music all day, every day! But, so that you guys don’t get surprised by this crazy world of ours, here’s the hourly news-”

“Yaaay, talky box!” 99380 cheers.

“It makes me wonder if others would like to hear it too. News about stuff that’s happening… uhh… somewhere could be useful,” ponders 10013.

“I don’t think we can make it loud enough,” 99380 shakes its head.

“You were playing tunes for the Queen on the ship. Why not share the news with anyone listening through the hive link?”

“But there are only the three of us. Everyone else is too far. And besides, if someone needs something they can always connect through a hive link.”

“True, but why would others have to waste love digging through your head for anything useful when you, with your better and less tiring communication, can tell them. Maybe just drone stuff, something not worth storing in the hive mind. Maybe… maybe when you know of a drone who found some super smooth rock and wanted to trade it. That way everyone would hear it and be ready during breaky time.”

“Wooow, that does sound useful! Or maybe I can just play tunes I store in the hive mind!”

“See? Now you’re getting it,” 10013 smiles, “Come to think of it, we can test it soon. Smiley and I will go check out what that breakfast thingy is all about. The hive mind is saying it’s food-related. You can play us some nice tunes from here, and we’ll bring you noms.”

“Understood!” 99380 salutes and curls up in an armchair next to the table.

“Oh, and one final thing-” 10013 concentrates.

[10013:0, 20100:4, 36658:3, 99111:2, 99380:5, 99526:2, Smiley: 6,


“-Here’s a point for you for figuring out where we would find a radio. Once we’re back, I’d like to do some experiments with you regarding our reserved part of the hive mind. The sooner we figure out how to teach someone to access it, the better.”

Some mental examination later, 99380 wibbles.

“You gave me your point?”

“It’s only fair,” 10013 shrugs, “I can’t just make up points like the high ranks, so it’s a trade. You did a good job and we’ll be doing the hive mind practice later, I gotta return the favor.”

“B-But won’t 36658 be mad at you? You know, the whole fanatic-heretic team split?”

“I’ll just have to work harder,” 10013 smiles, “Besides, no one said that we had to pool our points to join 99111’s and 36658’s conflict.”

“Huh…” 99380 rubs its chin.

“Don’t worry about that. We’re all getting points by working for the good of the hive, and that’s all that matters.”


Even after 10013 and Smiley leave, they can still both hear the griffon announcer talk about weather and world affairs that are way beyond their understanding.

Author's Note:

Why do I get the feeling that the story should be ending, not halfway through...

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