• Published 8th Sep 2022
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The Omnitrix Hero - Banshee531

Flash Sentry always liked helping others, but in a world full of magic and amazement an ordinary guy can't do much. That is until a strange watch crashes down from the sky, allowing him the power to become one of ten mighty alien heroes.

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Season 3, Episode 1: World Famous

Canterlot, the city had been in the spotlight for a while given everything that had happened there.

But now, a full on alien invasion had brought it into the limelight once again. Large sections of the city had been practically destroyed, with it being a miracle that nobody had actually lost their lives.

One such teen had been running through the city, using his phone to document everything. "See," the teen told his camera as a large robot marched down the street, "these things have taken the entire place over." The camera changed to show the teen's face, said face being a bespectacled one covered in zits. "I'm risking my life because someone has to document these historical events." He then turned the camera towards a couple of buildings. "A few minutes ago, the ship that brought all these robots crashed down. And now-WAIT!"

In that moment, the ship that had crashed began to hover into the air.

"The ship's back up. I wonder what brought it down before?" He continued to watch as several robots and drones past him, the teen glad he was hiding in the alleyway. "I hate to say this, but I think this might be the end of earth as we know it." But as he said that, a bright flash of green light exploded. "WOW!"

When the light faded, the kid holding the camera had to slowly point it higher.

"What the heck?" And then the image was shown. A giant red and white alien figure, standing taller than any of the skyscrapers around him. The footage showed the giant stomping around and swatting the drones out of the sky, followed by it unleashing a laser that hit the ship and destroying it.

The camera moved through the streets, eventually coming to the one the giant was on.

The next thing the teen recording knew, the alien threw something into the air with a powerful sonic boom. Whatever it threw disappeared into the sky, likely being thrown out of the atmosphere and into space. That was when the alien reached up and touched its chest, unleashing another burst of green light.

From that light, the alien vanished and someone much smaller stood in its place. The camera shifted down and eventually showed the one who had done all of this, the teen turning towards the camera and unknowingly revealing his face. Flash Sentry.

The footage then shrank into a small window, as a news anchor appeared beside it and turned towards the camera. "What you just watched was amature footage showing Flash Sentry, who has recently been revealed to be a one man alien invasion." The screen changed to show footage of aliens doing multiple different things. XLR8 speeding past, Firefly launching fireballs, Riot-Horn crashing through a wall and many many others.

"Three days ago, Canterlot suffered an attack from an alien warlord. The reason for this attack was due to Flash Sentry being in possession of an alien weapon that apparently turned him into those alien. And upon this revelation, we went down to the street to ask what the citizens of Canterlot think about this latest development."

The screen changed to show a young man dressed in a Crystal Prep uniform. "That guy's the reason half our city got destroyed. I hope they lock him up and throw away the key."

The screen changed again, this time to an woman carrying a baby. "That plant alien saved my baby when her carraige almost rolled into traffic. If all those aliens were actually one person, I say he's a hero."

It then changed to an old couple, sitting on a park bench. "If the device that teen used to transform is what the alien was after, I'm glad it was in the hands of someone who used it for good," the woman stated.

"Yes," the man agreed, "who knows what that alien would have done if it got its hands of that thing."

The screen changed to show a police officer, "that kid shouldn't have been playing hero. He should have handed that device into the proper authorities instead of putting everyone in danger."

It changed to show a bunch of kids. "I think those aliens were all heroes," a teen kid cried. "I wish I had a watch like that, so I could be his alien hero sidekick." The others agreed, all wishing they could have super powers like that.

The screen changed again to a member of the fire department. "When those aliens first showed up, I was annoyed they were doing our jobs for us. But then I realised that if the aliens are saving the people, we can focus on the fires and save even more people. And now that I know those aliens were all just one guy, I'm even more happy they're using their powers for good. I hope I get to say thanks to that guy."

The screen changed back to the news anchor, as the screen beside him showed Flash being led away by a bunch of police officers. "After the events of the invasion came to an end, Flash was led away by the authorities for questioning. Rumors say that the President is heading to Canterlot to investigate the situation himself. One can only wonder what Sentry is thinking about right now."

"This food sucks," Flash groaned as he finished the ham sandwich that had just been delivered to his cell.

He sighed as he sat on his bed, looking around at the jail cell he had been thrown into after getting arrested. All thought of a phone call or seeing a lawyer seemed to be thrown out of the window, as he remained trapped in the room that was barely bigger than his bedroom.

He had been there for three days, bored out of his mind without any of his friends coming to see him. Though he doubted that was by their choice.

He looked down at his arm, which had a metal band locked around it to keep him from activating the Omnitrix. But even if he could use the watch, he wouldn't. The last thing he needed was to worsen his situation. He would rather be stuck in a cell forever, then be on the run from the law.

"Just gotta be patient and hope my friends can get me out of here."

"You can't keep us from seeing our son!" Misty screamed at the officer guarding the police station.

"I'm sorry ma'am," the officer announced. "But until further notice, nobody is allowed to see the prisoner. Those are the orders we were given." Misty glared at him, though she wasn't the only one. Trail, Shining, Adagio, Trixie and all the Rainbooms were there. They had been trying to get in and see Flash since he was arrested, but none of them were allowed.

Even Shining was barred, since he was also under investigation due to him being a friend of Flash.

"You can't do this!" Twilight told them, "what are you even holding Flash for anyway? You can't just lock up whoever you choose."

"I'm not at liberty to say," the guard stated. The others glared at him, but in that moment their attention was cut off by something else. A powerful wind, which was blowing down on them and threatened to knock everything away.

They looked up and saw the cause was a helicopter, which hovered down towards the ground. As it landed, the doors opened and several figures in black suits leapt out. They looked around, as the precinct opened with the captain of police and several officers rushing out.

"Clear?" One of them asked, the others repeating the word in confirmation. "All clear!" Suddenly, someone stepped out of the helicopter.

He was a brown skinned man with short black hair, wearing a suit that he adjusted the tie of as he stepped onto the ground. This was someone that they all knew from TV and radio. The President of the United States.

The cops all gasped at this, the others being just as surprised as the president marched forward. "Who's in charge of this precinct?" He asked the cops, the captain stepping forward.

"I...I am."

"Well not anymore," he explained. "From this point on, the Secret Service will be in charge of dealing with the individual in question.

"Hey!" They all turned to see Trail, who marched forward whilst the men in black prepared to tackle him. "The individual you're talking about is my son. So if you have any questions for him, you'll need to do it whilst I'm there. He's still a minor, so unless you want the whole internet the know the president is a kidnapper, you'll let us see him."

The president started at him, clearly impressed with his fatherly protection. "Did you know about your Son's...hobby?"

Trail sighed, "no. My wife and I found out the same way the rest of the world did."

"I understand," he nodded before turning to the others. "Did any of you know?" They all shared a look, then nodded at him. To say the cops were shocked to hear about Shining being in on this was an understatement. "Very well. I would like to question each of you about what you knew. However, as was just pointed out to me, those that are minors will need to have your parents or guardians present during this." He turned to the captain of police, "please hand him over to my agents."

The captain nodded and turned to another officer, who rushed inside and came out a minute or so later with Flash.

The teen looked around, seeing his parents and friends who all looked worried. They were especially concerned when they saw Flash was handcuffed. "Those won't be necessary," Shining told the president. "Flash isn't a threat."

"Until I can be sure of that, the cuffs stay on." He pointed at a car that had just driven up, "this will take Mr Sentry to the area we've prepared for questioning. His parents may accompany him." Flash nodded and made his way over to the car, his parents going with him as the others took out their phones and started calling their parents. They all knew this was gonna be a really long day.

Meanwhile, across town, one of the banks that had survived Vilgax's attack was currently being inspected by those that work there.

With the city in such a state, it would be a while before the place could reopen. But what those inspecting the pace didn't know was that the place was being watched by a bunch of crooks that were looking to score some paydirt.

"Oh yeah," one of the large group smirked. "The place has no security and just a couple of dweebs keeping an eye on the place. Getting into that vault's gonna be a cakewalk."

"Are you sure about this?" Another of the crooks asked. "What about those alien heroes?"

"Haven't you been watching the news?" Another of the large group asked. "Those aliens were all one guy. And he got arrested." This seemed to calm that criminal down. "That whole invasion thing was a blessing in disguise. Now Canterlot's in such disarray, the cops probably won't show up if an alarm is triggered."

"So what do we do?" A fourth member of the group asked. "Go in, guns blazing, and hope one of those bankers can open the vault for us?"

"Who needs one of them," another crook asked. "I've made something super special that'll blow that vault wide open." He opened his bang and showed everyone what was inside. The other nine criminals all looked inside and were absolutely astonished by it.

"Wow," they whispered, "and that'll get us into the vault?" He nodded, "then what are we waiting for?" The ten moved over to a van that was in the alleyway, the lot opening it up and showing it was full of dangerous rapid fire guns that would surely give them the edge.

Flash was sitting in another room, his parents in there with him, wondering what was gonna happen.

As soon as he had arrived at his location, which turned out to be the town's hall, the guards had ushered him and his parents into this room in order to question his friends first. The three had sat in silence, Flash knowing his parents had many questions for him but didn't want to say anything in case the room had been bugged.

After what was probably an hour of waiting, the door opened and a suit walked in. "We're ready for you now." Flash sighed and got up, being lead through the building until her arrived at the large hall that town meetings were usually held in.

As Flash entered, he spotted his friends in one of the corners along with their parents. He then turned towards the main stage, which was where the president was currently sitting. But behind him, a large screen could be seen with multiple faces on it.

Flash quickly realised it was an internet group chat and Flash recognised a few of the people on the screen as leaders of other countries. "Okay," he gulped, "this just got a lot more serious." He was led to a desk and three chairs, told to sit down along with his parents.

"Welcome," the president stated. "I took the liberty of questioning your friends first. Just be warned that if your story doesn't match theirs, it could have big consequences for them. Understand?" Flash nodded, "good. Now. Let us begin the questioning. Let's start with your name."

"Flash Sentry."

"And now, tell us how you acquired that unusual device on your arm? The one that almost caused our entire world to be destroyed by an alien." Flash sighed and started explaining everything that had happened to him. How he got the Omnitrix, how it stuck itself to his arm and how he chose to use it to save those around him who needed help.

It was a long tale, Flash going into more detail than the others due to actually being there the whole time. Then he explained what had happened when he was thrown into the Null Void, shocking his parents and friends since they hadn't had a chance to be told all this.

Flash's tale eventually ended and the many world leaders stared down at him.

"I see," the president spoke. "I must admit, you've been on quite the adventure. But it's time to stop messing around." Flash didn't like the sound of that, "we can't allow someone so young to wield such a dangerous weapon. You shall remove it and hand it over to the government, so that we may begin tests and search for someone more qualified to use it."

"You can't do that!" Rainbow cried, "nobody deserves that watch more then Flash." The guards all glared at her, but Rainbow clearly wasn't backing down. The others were also in agreement, but those on the screen clearly didn't care what she thought.

"A device of such power cannot belong to a child," the leader of an asian country stated. "Nor should it belong to any one nation."

"I'm in agreement," the russian leader announced. "Have him remove that watch, then we shall work to reverse engineer it so that every country will have one." This statement was met by the most unusual of responses. A laugh.

Everyone focused on Flash, who couldn't help himself from laughing. "Is something funny?" The president asked.

"Yes. The fact that you think you can remake something like this." He held up his manacled arm, "this device is the most complex piece of machinery in the universe. It took the smartest mind in five galaxies centuries to complete it. Nothing we have would even let you take it apart to study."

"I think you're underestimating earth's ability to adapt to new technology," the president stated.

"No, you're underestimating how complex this thing is. Us trying to learn how this thing works would be like a caveman trying to figure out how a phone works. It's not gonna happen." He turned to the world leaders, "I'm not trying to mock you. But there is only one Omnitrix. And unless you plan to time share it, it's not gonna be something you can all have. Besides, it won't even come off."

"It must have some method of removal," the british prime minister stated.

"Not one that I know of," Flash replied. "This thing has a bunch of different settings, but none of them allow you to remove the Omnitrix. And for the record, one of the settings is a self destruct. So I'd be careful when messing with it." The leaders all looked annoyed, clearly feeling like Flash was holding out on them.

"Enough of this," another of the asian leaders called out. "I say we just cut the thing off the boy."

"How?" The french leader asked. "If it really is as well made as he says, then it's possible anything earth has would break before it left a scratch." Flash nodded, agreeing with that statement as the previous speaker spoke up.

"I don't mean cut the device." Flash quickly realised what he was talking about and suddenly got very protective of his arm, his parents and friends all looked horrified and enraged by this statement. Luckily, the president also felt the same way.

"I am not having any of my citizens getting their arms cut off just so we can possibly get this device." They all sighed, "there must be some other way to remove it." Flash was about to speak up, but somebody else did so before him.

"Nothing your limited technology can perform." In that moment, a bright flash of light exploded on the table in front of Flash. Everyone gasped at the light, whilst Flash was in shock due to recognising the voice. And as the light faded, the one in question was revealed.

"Azmuth." The galvin stood before him, wearing the same clothes he had worn in the Null Void. The tiny alien looked around, taking stock of everything that was around him.

"That's Azmuth?" Applejack asked.

"The creator of the Omnitrix," Twilight whispered in amazement.

"Huh," Adagio looked confused. "I wasn't expecting the smartest mind in the universe to be so...small." The suits rushed forward and pointed their guns at the alien.

"Hands in the air!" One ordered. "We order you to surrender in the name of the secret service."

"And what if I don't?" Azmuth asked, "and do put those away. I already sent out a signal that's excited the copper atoms enough to make them worthless." The suits all looked confused as one of them tried to shoot the floor, but the gun wouldn't fire. "See."

"What are you doing here?" The president asked, clearly not phased by the alien in the room.

"I've come to get my Omnitrix back," Azmuth stated. "It does belong to me, after all." Flash frowned, having expected this when he realised Azmuth was there. He held up his arms and showed the frog his manacled arm, Azmuth sighing before taking something out of his cloak.

He pointed it at Flash and the handcuffs fell off, followed by the Omnitrix cover. The watch was revealed, the president and other world leaders all staring at it in amazement.

Azmuth quickly looked the watch over, "you've taken good care of it. I would have expected a species like yours to do something stupid like...accidently break the faceplate off or something."

"Please," Flash rolled his eyes, "what kind of idiot would do that. Anyway, thanks for giving me the chance to save my world. That key you gave me was just what I needed to stop Vilgax from blowing the whole thing up." He prepared himself to lose the Omnitrix, "don't make me have to wait."

Azmuth sighed, "it's a shame you couldn't keep it."

"What do you mean?" Trail asked, having finally gotten over the appearance of the alien. "You actually want Flash to keep it?"

"I've seen what your son can do with this device," Azmuth explained. "The Omnitrix was never built to be used the way he has used it, but it's clear he's done more good with it than I could ever do. He's clearly proven he's worthy of the Omnitrix's great power. If I had it my way, I would have simply let him keep it. However..." He turned towards the president, "it's clear him keeping it would cause more harm than good for him. Tell me, what would you have done if you couldn't remove the watch from Flash's arm?"

"I don't know," the president replied.

"I think you do. You likely would have kept him locked up to stop people from panicking, then start using him in some kind of war you started."

"How dare you," the president growled. "I would never do that."

"You say that now, but you humans have a nasty habit of going back on your word when you think you have no choice. You or one of your replacements will eventually decide that Flash needs to be used a weapon."

"I wouldn't even let them use me as a weapon," Flash told him. "They could drop me in the middle of a warzone and the only thing I'd use the Omnitrix for is getting the heck out of there." Azmuth smirked, liking that attitude. It was truly a shame he couldn't keep the Omnitrix.

"So that's it then," the president sat down. "You let your device fall into this boy's hands, causing our planet to be put in danger, then come and take it away and leave us without any way of defending ourselves against possible future threats." Azmuth raised an eyebrow at the president. "From what Flash told me, this Vilgax was quite the famous alien. I assume that word of his defeat will quickly spread to every other planet that holds life on it."

"Yes," Azmuth nodded, "the universe is big but that kind of info moves through it fast."

"So tell me, what should we do if another threat should show itself? What if another alien comes to try and make a name for themselves, by attempting to destroy our planet. If something like that happens, you would leave us to defend ourselves?"

"There are galactic organisations out there that could protect your world," Azmuth stated. "But if you really wish for a human to be your protector, then I am willing to let the Omnitrix stay on this planet." That shocked the humans, as Azmuth turned to Flash. "But only if this young man is the one using it." That shocked them even more. "And you must promise not to try and turn him into a weapon. If I let you keep the Omnitrix and find you tried to make him end a war you fools started, I'll remove the Omnitrix and never give it back."

"You can't be serious," the president cried. "He's a boy. He's not even a legal adult yet."

"Compared to me, none of you are considered adults. But that is my demand. If you want to keep the Omnitrix, Flash Sentry will be the only human who can have it. And he'll continue to work under the authority of the Plumbers." The president glared at him, as the other world leaders complained that this was an outrage.

Back at the bank, the workers had finished their inspection of the building.

"Everything looks in order," the bank manager announced. "Glad nothing here got damaged." The others employees nodded, also happy to see this. They all discussed what they would do once they got the place closed up again. With some of the city a total wreck, there weren't a lot of places open for them to go have a drink and enjoy themselves.

But before any of them could suggest something, the doors were flung open and ten individuals rushed in.

The criminals smirked as they showed off their guns, which they started firing at the ceiling to show they really were real. The bankers screamed as they held up their hands, praying these crooks wouldn't use them on them. "Please don't hurt us!" The bank manager cried, as the criminals moved forward. "Relax, we're not gonna hurt you. Just leave!" The bankers didn't argue and ran for it, the lot of them making for the door. And as the manager was about to leave, he saw one of the criminals pull something out that made him want to scream.

"Why did they let us go?" One of the bankers asked, once they were out and safely away from the building. "Didn't they think hostages would be a useful thing?"

"Why are you complaining?" Another banker asked, "did you want to be held hostage?"

"No. It's just weird."

"They probably thought they didn't need any," the manager announced as he took out his phone. "With the way the city is, the police are probably swamped dealing with all the insanity that's been going on."

"So why are you phoning them?" His employee asked.

"I'm not phoning the police. I'm phoning a friend who works in the mayor's office. He'll want to hear about what I saw." He waited and was thankful he eventually picked up, the friend asking why he called. "Listen, we've got a serious problem. Some crazed crooks have taken over my bank. And they have a bomb!"

Back with Flash and the others, the president was still trying to comprehend what Azmuth had suggested.

"So you want me to let this boy run around, completely unsupervised, with a device that is on the same level as a nuclear bomb strapped to his arm?" Flash frowned, really wishing people would stop calling him a boy or a kid. It wasn't like he was a ten year old. "In what galaxy do you think that is a good idea?"

"Flash won't be unsupervised," Azmuth replied. "As I stated earlier, he will work under the authority of the plumbers. Should he do anything that is considered undeserving of the Omnitrix, then I shall see to it that the device is removed. But until he give me a reason not to trust him, I say you should let him keep the Omnitrix."

"This is ridiculous," the russian leader cried. "Why should we rely on a bunch of space pipe makers to protect ourselves? You should let us use that device how we see fit. We are the planet you put in danger by sending it here."

"I didn't send it here," Azmuth stated. "The Omnitrix's transport was attacked by Vilgax as it past your planet. Not my fault you're in a part of the galaxy that is rather clear of obstacles and makes a good space run shortcut."

"That's beside the point," the german leader cried. "If America gets to have that device, you should build one for each of us."

"I can't," Azmuth replied. "Making only one took me centuries. The materials that make it aren't exactly easy to manufacture. You would all be dust before I had the time to make another one." The other leaders all glared at him, whilst the president let what Azmuth said sink in.

"Please," he turned to Flash, "just give me a chance. I might be young, but that just means I'll have more time to learn what it takes to be a real hero. I'm not asking you to trust me right away, but don't I deserve the chance to earn your trust?" The president sat back and let those words swirl around in his head.

The other leaders looked annoyed he was even considering it, the lot about to yell out in refusal.

But before they could, the doors of the building flew open and a suit rushed in. "Mr President!" He cried, running to the man's side. "We have a situation. A bomb threat has been called in." They all looked absolutely shocked to hear this, the president standing up.

"Tell me more?"

Back at the bank, seven of the ten criminals were standing at the doors of the building and were firing their weapons into the streets.

Many cops were gathered outside, all of them hiding behind their cruisers to shield themselves from the hail of bullets. They attempted to fire back, but their shots weren't even getting close to the criminals.

A bunch of cops tried to get in close, but they all found themselves getting shot and were forced to take cover once again. "We've got them pinned."

"But we're also trapped!" Another yelled. "You and your no hostages idea. Why did you let those guys go?"

"The police shouldn't have reacted this fast. How'd they know about the bomb?" He had almost had a heart attack when one of the officers called out for them to turn over their explosive device. But he wasn't worried. Their weaponry was far superior to the cops. They could outgun them, no problem.

"What's the situation?" The president asked.

"The officers we relieved of Sentry have rushed onto the scene. But several more officers aren't gonna be able to get there for a while. Much of the police force of this city was injured during the invasion. Their forces are spread thin."

"Then let me go!" They all turned to Flash, "I've dealt with bank robbers before. Heck, I've dealt with alien bank robbers before. And I'm even better now then I was during those times." He held up the Omnitrix, "let me prove to that I can be trusted with this device. If I fail, you can take the Omnitrix and give it to someone you think is worthy."

The president stared at the teen, then looked over at Azmuth. The galvin nodded, clearly agreeing to this plan. Whether or not he was agreeing to Flash's terms was another story altogether.

"Very well," he stated before turning to his suits. "Do any of you have a camera collar?" They all nodded and took something out of their jackets. They were a bunch of small boxes with a glass circle on it and a strap coming out the back. "Give one to him." The lead suit stepped up to Flash, placing it around his neck. "This will allow me to see everything you do. Prove to me that you are worthy of my trust."

Flash smiled as the camera was activated. "Thank you." He activated the Omnitrix and brought up XLR8, the teen looking back at his friends and then his parents. His friends all smiled at him, knowing he would be okay, whilst his parents looked scared. "Don't worry. I'll be okay." They didn't look any less scared and Flash slammed the Omnitrix down, a bright flash of light engulfing him before fading to show the velociraptor alien. "Gotta run!" With that, he lowered his visor and exploded out the door with a gust of wind.

"Good luck," Misty whispered as the president turned to his fellow leaders.

"Apologies. But I'll be needing this screen to see how he does." The leaders all frowned as he hung up on them, whilst Azmuth leapt onto the table next to him. The others all began to make their way close, as the president fiddled with his laptop. "Ah, here it is." The big screen suddenly changed to show a bunch of blurry pictures, "what's going on?"

"I doubt that camera you gave him could detect movement of such speed," Azmuth told him. He then took out the device from earlier and pressed it, causing something to appear next to him. A device that looked like a microphone connected to a box. "Here, this should allow us to talk to him. Sentry?"

"What the?"

"Relax. I've set up a communication link with the Omnitrix. This should allow use to talk to you."

"Oh, got it."

"Be careful Flash," Shining told him. "Remember what we discussed when entering a hostile place."

"Case the environment and make sure to leave no room for surprises. Got it. Luckily, XLR8 can do that in three seconds. I'll check the area out and go in to help the cops. Hopefully, they're all still alive."

Back at the bank, the criminals continued to fire away at the cops.

Many officers had been shot by their heavy machinery, the lot barely able to pull themselves behind their cruisers to shield themselves as they tried to stop themselves from bleeding out.

"Ahhh!" One of them cried, as he held his bloodied leg. He knew if he didn't get medical help soon, he would either bleed out of be forced to have his leg amputated. But there was no way he could possibly escape, since any time any of the officers attempted to get away the crooks fired at them. It was a miracle nobody was hurt.

But that might soon change, since three of the criminals walked out. "Piggies," one sang, "come out to play." They cocked their guns, ready to shoot them, whilst the cops gulped.

"I think this might be the end," another of the officers stated. They were about to agree with them, but then something happened that changed everything.

A powerful gust of wind suddenly shot past the crooks, knocking all three of them into the air. They screamed as their guns also vanished, the three hitting the ground and finding their arms and legs were tied behind their backs.

"What was that?" One of the crooks cried, only to see one of the cops who had stood up to get a look at the situation. "Now I've got you!" But before he could fire, the blue blur shot past and the cop vanished. "Where'd he go?" Another blur shot past and the crooks saw that one of the other cops that had been hiding also vanished. It shot past again and took another cop, then another and another and another.

"What's going on!?" Another crook cried, as the three tied up criminals tried to free themselves.

"Come out here and help us!" One of them told the crooks inside, but the cowards were too scared to step outside. And sure enough, once the last cop had been zipped away, the blur appeared in front of the criminals. And when it stopped moving, they figured out what had been causing them problems.

"It's that kid!" One of the criminals cried, seeing XLR8 standing there. The camera was still around his neck, recording everything that the alien hero was doing.

"See," Shining told the president, "Flash disabled the danger and saved the injured cops."

"Maybe," the president nodded, "but that doesn't mean him having that device is a good idea." As he said that, the crooks pointed their guns at him. They all wondered what Flash would do next, expecting him to dodge the bullets. But he didn't.

"Hold it," Flash cried. "If you do that, the only ones you'll end up hitting are your friends on the ground." The crooks on the ground began to panic, whilst those pointing their guns at him seemed to be considering what to do. They then shrugged and prepared to fire anyway. "Fine, have it your way." Suddenly, the footage turned completely green.

The criminals started firing into the green light and as they did, they heard the bullet bouncing off of something.

When the light faded, they saw the thing they had hit was a crystal wall. It had appeared in front of the crooks and protected them, the bullets not even cracking them and falling to the ground. This shocked the crooks, only for something to leap out from behind it. Diamondhead.

The crystal alien flew through the air and landed at the front of the bank, then charged inside as the criminals fired. The bullets did as much damage to him as they did to the wall, Diamondhead quickly rushing into the building and sliding to the middle of the room.

As he did, he spun around and fired several shards at th crooks. These hit the guns right in the barrel and cut them up, preventing them from being fired again. The petrosapien then began to charge at each of the crooks, dealing simple but effective punches that knocked them down and allowed him to stick them to the ground with crystal manacles.

One by one, the criminals all went down. When the last one was stuck to the ground, with only a few cracked ribs, Diamondhead looked around. "How many more crooks are there?"

"We think about three," Shining replied. "But it could be more. Be careful." Flash nodded and touched the Omnitrix, transforming into Chamalien and leaping onto the ceiling before turning invisible. He began to make his way through the bank, following Shining's instructions on how to get to the vault

He really wished the camera collar wasn't around his neck, since it prevented him from being completely invisible. He just had to be more careful.

And as he drew closer to where the vault was supposed to be, he heard voices coming from a room up ahead. "I don't hear any commotion outside. Think the others managed to deal with the cops?"

"Who cares. That's not our job. Our job is to get this freaking vault open."

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" A third voice asked. "That things seems pretty powerful. What if it blows the whole place up and us with it?"

"Would you relax. I know what I'm doing. I watched a video about it online." Chamalien frowned hearing this and knew he had to find a way to take them down. But he was worried that if they shot at him, he might accidently hit the bomb and blow them all to kingdom come.

He looked around and spotted a chair, the lizard smirking as he turned visible and used his tail to hook the back and lift it up. He then threw it against the wall and caused a loud clattering sound, catching the crooks attention. "What was that?" Chamalien went invisible again and scurried towards the door, are they opened and three crooks ran out holding guns.

They spotted the chair and all went to investigate it, allowing the alien his chance.

Chamalien flew down from the ceiling and landed on two of the crooks, whilst using his tail to sweep the legs of the third. The three cried out and hit the ground, Chamalien grabbing their weapons and leaping for the door.

He flew inside and threw the weapons away, hitting the Omnitrix to transform back to human. As he did, the crooks begin to recover. They turned towards the door and saw Flash smirking at them, the teen slamming the door shut and using a chair to bar the door closed.

The crooks rushed towards the door and tried to get inside, but are unable to get through.

Flash turned towards the vault, seeing the door had something on it. The bomb. "You guys seeing this?" He asked, moving over to the bomb and taking a closer look. As he did, his eyes went wide seeing the timer was counting down. He only had about five minutes before it blew.

"Yes," Azmuth replied, "and this isn't good. Clearly those fools had no idea what kind of bomb they had. It'll blow that door off and destroy anything inside that's valuable. And it'll cause the entire building and likely the ones around it to be destroyed as well." Hearing this made Flash worry, since he didn't want any of the crooks to die.

"How do I defuse it?"

"Remove the panel around the timer." Flash did so, revealing a bunch of different wires and mechanisms connected to the timer. "Alright. Now listen closely and do exactly what I tell you." Azmuth started explaining what he needed to do, but Flash had absolutely no idea what he was saying with all the technobabble the galvin was telling him. "What are you waiting for? Hurry."

"Wait a minute!" Flash cried, "I don't even understand half the words you just said." Azmuth sighed in his ear, clearly about to try and explain it simpler. But before he could, Twilight spoke up.

"Flash, change into Grey Matter. If you're a galvin, you'll understand what Azmuth's telling you."

"Got it!" Flash activated the Omnitrix and cycled through the aliens until he found the one he was looking for. "Let's go!" He slammed the watch down, transforming. But when the light faded, he realised he wasn't the alien he wanted. "Oh no," he gulped seeing he was the skunk alien he had unlocked along with Grey Matter. "This stinks."

"Flash," Twilight cried, "you've gotta change into Grey Matter. Hurry!" Flash reached up to hit the dial, but Azmuth spoke up before he could.

"Don't change. You don't need to." Flash was confused, but then Azmuth told him to look up at the bomb. When he did, he realised he understood what the bomb parts did.

"Wow," Flash jumped up and hung onto the bomb, "this is so simple." He started taking the parts Azmuth had told him to remove off, amazed at how smart he felt right now.

"Wait?" Shining turned to Azmuth, "that alien's smart?"

"Not as smart as we galvin, but still smarter then humans. Intelligence wise, if I was a normal human and you were a caveman, this alien would be about as intelligent as your species was in the...eighteenth century." The humans who heard this all let that information sink in, the president turning to one of his men.

"I'm not sure, but I think I was just insulted."

"I'm sure," his guard replied as Flash spoke up.

"Okay, what next."

Flash listened closely, as Azmuth explained everything he needed to do.

He was still amazed at how he understood all this, having not pegged this particular alien for being very smart. "I guess it had to have something going for it aside from a horrible smell." As he said that, the doors banged loudly as the crooks on the other side rammed themselves against them. As they did, the chair holding the doors closed shifted a bit.

"Alright. Now simply pull out the blue wire that should be hidden beneath all the other wires" Flash moved the many wires out of the way, revealing the blue one. But then, he saw that there were two wires of that colour. "Um...which blue wire?"

Azmuth frowned, "there shouldn't be a second wire."

"It must be a failsafe," Shining stated. "They put in two wires to stop the bomb from being disarmed. One will shut it down, but I'm guessing the other will make it explode." This statement terrified everyone, especially Flash's parents. They looked back at the screen, trying to figure out a way to tell which one was the one they needed to cut. But the wires were perfectly identical and connected to the exact same spots.

"What do we do?" Twilight asked, clearly worried Flash was about to blow up.

Flash stared at the wires, his skunk brain trying to formulate a plan.

Then, he had an idea and jumped down off the bomb before moving over to the vault. He quickly started fiddling with it, using his ears to listen as he spun the vault's wheel several times. "What are you doing?" He heard Shining ask as he worked, the skunk not responding as he heard several clicks.

"That should do it!" He spun the wheel and the vault unlocked, swinging open and revealing a ton of money and other things inside as Azmuth spoke up.

"Flash, placing the bomb inside the vault won't be enough to stop the explosion from destroying everything."

"I'm not gonna put it in the vault." He rushed over to the door and pulled the chair away, just as the crooks attempted to tackle the door. They all fell to the ground, groaning as they did, then turned to see Flash.

They glared at him, but then he pointed at the vault and showed it was open. "We're rich!" They cried, about to run into it. But then they noticed the bomb was still counting down.

"Not if that bomb blows all your precious money up." The crooks looked horrified and rushed towards the bomb, the one who set it up quickly getting to work.

"Flash!" Twilight cried, "what are you doing?"

"I had a eureka moment," Flash stated. "Why risk blowing myself up, when I can have the guys who made the bomb do the job for me." And sure enough, the bomber cut the correct wire and the bomb stopped with less then a minute left.

"Alright," the crook cheered, "now to get the cash."

"Oh, I don't think so." They turned to Flash, who was standing in front of where he had thrown their guns. "The only thing you're getting, is a couple years in the slammer."

"And what are you gonna do about it?" A crook asked, "shoot us with our own guns?"

"I don't use guns," Flash replied. "I'm not weak, like you."

"Weak!?" One of the crooks growled, "I'll show you who's weak. A pipsqueak like you probably can't even lift one of our guns!"

"You're right," the skunk nodded. "But I don't want to, or need to." With that, he turned around and pointed his tail at them. Before the bombers could ask what he was doing, a strange gas exploded out of the tail and shot towards them.

The minute they were consumed, their noses were assaulted by a horrible stench. The three of them screamed as they tried to block out the smell, whilst Flash laughed.

"Now that's what I call a U-Reek-Ah moment." The criminals screamed and ran for the door, as the skunk pushed the vault closed. They ran through the bank, hoping to escape the horrible smell. But no matter how fast they ran, they couldn't outrun the smell.

"Hey!" One of their friends cried as they ran into the bank's lobby, "get us out of here!" But they didn't listen and ran out of the bank, where a bunch of cops were waiting.

"Freeze!" The crooks happily surrendered, so long as the cops kept that horrible monster away from them.

Said monster stepped out of the bank, the crooks screaming in fear and begging to be taken away. The cops were completely shocked, wondering what such a small and cute creature could have done to make them so scared.

The Omnitrix beeped and for the first time ever, Flash wasn't worried about changing back in front of people. He returned to normal and stepped towards the cops, then smiled at them as he walked past. "The rest of the crooks are trapped inside." They then heard cries of horror, as the smell from the stink blast had finally reached the lobby. "You...might wanna give it five minutes." The criminals begged to be arrested, as Flash walked down the street.

But before he could get away, a car drove up and Flash knew it was the president's personal guard. They had come to make sure he didn't run for it, Flash knowing this would happen.

Flash was soon returned to the town hall, where he was placed inside the room he had been in before.

The president was reviewing the footage along with all the other recordings made on Flash's heroics. Hopefully, what he saw would be enough to convince him to trust Flash. But for right now, all he could do was wait and hope.

The door finally opened and Flash saw a suit, who told him to come with him. Flash followed him through the hall and eventually came to the main meeting room. The president was once again on the stage, Azmuth standing besides him. Flash was directed back to the chair, his friends and parents all sitting at the back of the room.

Once he was sat down, the president spoke. "I've gone over the images from the bank, along with several other pieces of footage online and even provided by your friend here," he gestured to Azmuth. "And whilst I still think it might be a mistake to allow someone so young to possess so much power, I've decided to take a risk and allow you to keep the watch." Flash went wide-eyed at the sound of this. "And I will not attempt to turn you into a weapon. I will allow the Plumbers to keep an eye on you."

"Thank you," Flash smiled before looking curious. "If you don't mind me asking, how much do you know about the plumbers? I don't think we really discussed what a plumber is in our last meeting."

The president smirked, "I know everything about the plumbers. Have since the moment I took office."

"WHAT?" Flash and everyone else cried, unable to believe such a thing.

"It's true. After all, our first president was also the first plumber. He and several that followed were all plumbers. And when a non-plumber was elected, they were made aware of the plumbers and that has been the tradition ever since. I was quite shocked when I discovered the truth about aliens being real. And now I get to meet a real plumber."

"Thank you," Flash smirked. "Though I'm only a provisional plumber."

"I wasn't talking about you," the president stated before turning to Shining Armor. "I was actually sent a message several months ago by the plumbers, using a device passed down from one president to another." He reached into his jacket and took out a familiar badge. A plumber's badge. "They sent me a message, telling me that a human plumber had been assigned to protect earth. Had Flash not been outed during this little event, I would have asked to see Shining myself."

"They told you about me?" Shining stood up. "But not about Flash?" The president shook his head.

"Guess they wanted to keep his identity a secret due to his age. But that's beside the point now. Flash will continue to use the Omnitrix and protect this planet, working under Shining Armor's supervision. Is that agreed?" Flash and Shining both nodded with a smirk. "Very well. I'll want reports from you about what Flash does from this point on. If I see something I don't like, I may end up reneging on my decision to trust you. Is that understood?"

"Yes sir," they nodded as the president smiled.

"Good. Now we can talk about some of the issues my decision has already run into." Flash and Shining raised an eyebrow at this. "As long as Flash carries the Omnitrix, any attempt to go to another country by him without permission will be considered an act of war. The other leaders aren't happy about us having such a powerful device, but as long as we keep it inside our country then we won't have any issues."

Flash sighed, "so much for my dream of one day going to see the great wall of China." He knew it would be a small price to pay to keep his powers. And who knows, it might be possible to one day be invited to another country if he built up enough of a reputation.

"Now," Azmuth turned to the president, "about what you said earlier about your planet becoming more known to the rest of the universe. You're right that Earth will likely be getting a lot of attention. So I think you need more of a plumber presence here."

"What do you mean?" The president asked.

"You already have two plumbers on earth. But if you had more, then I'm sure the universe won't be so quick to write the planet off as someplace they can come and cause problems."

"Really?" Flash smirked, liking the idea of more plumbers appearing.

"Why not? The organisation started on this planet. I think it's time you returned to the fold." Flash and Shining, along with the others, all smiled whilst the president nodded.

"Yes, I like this idea. At the very least, the United States will once again become members of the plumbers. If the rest of the countries wish to follow suit, it should go a long way to improving the situation. There'll need to be a base set up somewhere. I think there's still one in Mount Rushmore that might work, if Mr Sentry and Armor are willing to move there." The look on the two's face showed they weren't big on such a thing.

"I think they would rather stay in this city. From what I've seen, it's not just the Omnitrix that has caused the many strange events that have occurred. This city seems to be a magnet for trouble."

"You want to build the base here?" The president asked. "But half of it's been destroyed. By the time we manage to rebuild it, we could have built ten bases anywhere else." Azmuth simply smirked as he moved along the edge of the table.

"Follow me."

They followed Azmuth outside the town hall, though Flash ended up carrying him to cut down on the time.

Once they were outside, Azmuth took that device out of his robes again and pressed. Doing so caused something to appear above the town hall. The same spaceship Flash had seen in the Null Void. Azmuth pressed another button and this caused the ship to fly forwards, towards an area of the city that had been damaged.

To say the people on the streets were scared was an understatement, especially when the ship unleashed a strange green beam.

But the beam ended up hitting a pile of rubble, causing the debris to shake before it started moving through the air. This caught everyone's attention, as they watched the bricks and metal moving together and merging. It was like someone was placing a house getting destroyed in reverse. Within seconds, the building was completely restored.

"Wow," everyone whispered as the ship moved over to repair another building. "How'd you do that?" PInkie asked.

"Just a little something to apologise for all the issues my Omnitrix has caused since coming here. The city should be restored by the end of the day." They could hardly believe that, but it was clear from how fast the ship was fixing up the buildings that he wasn't kidding.

The president laughed. "Impressive. Guess that's alien technology for you. Alright," he turned to Flash and Shining, "you can have a base here." The pair cheered, high-fiving at this. "Shining Armor, you'll need to leave the police force. I know that might seem like a sudden change in career, but-"

"I understand," Shining nodded. "Honestly, I always assumed I'd end up going full time with being a plumber. Didn't think it would happen this soon, but I'm okay with that. Plus, now I won't have to hide whose under my suit anymore."

The president nodded and turned to Flash. "One more thing." The teen looked at him. "Whilst I am willing to let you continue on as a hero, I'm afraid you being a minor does cause one small issue. In order to continue using the Omnitrix, you'll need parental allowance that can be removed whenever they chose. This'll change when you turn eighteen, but until then..." They all turned to Trail and Misty, who still appeared concerned for their son.

"Mom," Flash stepped forward, "Dad. I know you guys are worried about me. I don't blame you." He showed them the Omnitrix, "I know having this device means I'll end up going through some pretty crazy times. But I don't regret it. And I know this wasn't just an accident. Having the Omnitrix and using it to protect others is my destiny."

"We know," Misty sighed. "I always knew you were meant for something great. I just didn't think it would be this."

Trail turned to Shining, "promise to protect him?"

Shining nodded, "and give him a quick kick up the backside if he ever needs it." The others laughed at this, Flash pouting at the statement. Once they finished laughing, Misty turned back to Flash.

"Okay, you can keep being an alien hero." Flash smiled and moved over to hug them, the family hugging him back tightly. But then, Misty pulled back and looked him in the eye. "But don't think this means you can shirk your education. If we find out you missed school or your grades dropped because you were off being a little green man, don't think you won't be grounded again."

Flash's face fell. "Wait, I have to keep going to school?" They nodded, Flash moaning as he fell to his knees and the others laughed.

A few days later.

Flash gulped as he stared at the building in front of him. The school had finally reopened after everything that had happened and in the few days that had passed since Flash's meeting with the president, news that he was now working as a government sanctioned superhero quickly spread.

Shining had also been outed by the news, which had resulted in an interesting conversation with his parents, but Flash was still the one who was in the spotlight. And now, he would have to forget about all that for a few hours until school was over. That is...if he could actually get up the nerve to walk into the building.

"Scared?" He turned to Twilight, as she, the Rainbooms and Trixie stepped up besides him.

"Terrified," he replied.

Trixie rolled her eyes. "A few days ago, you were staring down a bomb after surviving being sent to a hell dimension. You can't seriously be scared of a bunch of teenagers."

"But everything's gonna be different now," Flash sighed.

"Now you know how we felt after the Fall Formal last year," Rainbow pointed out. "Come on man. If anyone gives you any lip, we'll handle them." The others nodded and Rainbow pushed Flash towards the door, the teen sighing before stepping into the building.

As soon as he did, the students and teachers stopped talking and turned to see him. Flash was feeling very exposed, as he made his way into the round section of the entry hall. Once he was there, he looked around and saw everyone staring at him. He couldn't read their faces, but a part of him was saying they weren't happy to see him.

Then, two people stepped up to him. Ringo and Brawly.

"Hey guys," Flash looked worriedly at them. "So...yeah, now you know why I was always late to practise. I'm sorry I kept this from you, but would you have really believed me if I told you?" The pair continued to stare at him, Flash feeling like a yell or something was about to come.

But instead, Ringo started to slowly clap. Brawly followed suit, shocking Flash as they applause increased. The others around them all followed suit, both students and teachers clapping and cheering for Flash.

"I...I don't understand."

"Dude," Ringo laughed, "you're an alien superhero. You saved the world and who knows how many lives. We totally get why you were late. And we're sorry we kicked you out of the band."

"But I think we all know being a superhero is your real destiny," Brawly smirked. Flash couldn't help but feel his heart grow warm and their praise. And as Celestia and Luna stepped forward, he saw her give him the same warm smile she had only given the Rainbooms after they saved the day.

"Flash, you've done this school proud."

"Yes," Luna nodded, "but I hope you'll refrain from transforming into an alien around school. Unless we're suddenly invaded by some kind of alien monster, of course." Everyone laughed and Flash nodded, promising to stay human if he could help it.

Flash had been so worried his life would change for the worse when his secret go out, but it seemed one of the most important things in his life would remain the same. His friendships.

He wasn't sure what more the future held for him, but he would face those challenges head on. Because as long as he had his friends besides him, he knew he could handle anything the universe threw at him.

In a dark lab, a figure stood in front of a large computer.

That figure was hidden within the shadows, watching as the news footage of Flash and the announcement of the plumbers and their presence of earth was reported. "So," he spoke in a gruff voice, "the plumbers have returned to earth." He spun in his chair, as he held something in his hand. A plumber badge, "this'll be interesting. Maybe they can help me find my missing experiments." The chair turned towards the back of the room, where five empty glass tubes stood.

Each one was meant to be filled by something, but they weren't...yet.

In a part of the city that had been destroyed and rebuilt, something was laid out on the roof of a building.

That thing was a strange tube device, which looked like something out of a sci-fi movie. The front of it was glass, surrounded by grey metal with black lines. The glass showed some kind of gas inside the device, with an electronic display beneath it.

Suddenly, the lights on the display lit up and words appeared. 'Stasis fail.'

Suddenly, part of the device separated from the rest. This caused the gas inside the device to be released, as the door of the capsule slowly swung open. And as it did, a growling sound filled the air before an arm of some kind rose within.

Said arm was covered in green feathers that went up to halfway between its hand and elbow. The hand and rest of the arm was yellow in colour, with long sharp yellow claws on the ends of the hand that looked like they could cut through anything. And sure enough, as the claws grasped the side of the container, they dug into the metal like it was snow.

Author's Note:

Welcome, to season 3 of the Omnitrix Hero. Now Flash is famous and free to be a hero. How will things play out from here on out? And who was that mysterious individual and the strange creature in the tube. Only time will tell.

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