• Published 8th Sep 2022
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The Omnitrix Hero - Banshee531

Flash Sentry always liked helping others, but in a world full of magic and amazement an ordinary guy can't do much. That is until a strange watch crashes down from the sky, allowing him the power to become one of ten mighty alien heroes.

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Season 4, Episode 6: Love Lost

It was another beautiful day in Canterlot.

The sun was shining, the birds were singing and everyone was getting along perfectly. Nothing seemed capable of going wrong today. But looks could be deceiving.

In his abandoned warehouse hideout, Devious was busy working on something.

He was sitting in front of a table, which was full of many different chemicals. And next to him was a large basin, which was full of an unusual green liquid. The man took two different bottles of chemicals and mixed them together, mumbling something under his breath as he did so.

The two chemicals merged and began to glow, the magic and science combo working perfect to give him what he needed. "It's almost done."

"Good." He looked around and saw Chrysalis, walking towards him carrying a strange tubular device. "Because I managed to get the last one." She used her Medallion's power and warped over to a corner of the warehouse, where several more of those devices were sitting. She put it down and sighed, wiping her brow.

"You sure that thing will work?"

"Of course," Chrysalis nodded. "The aerial dispersal device is one of the greatest creations my company ever made. If the government hadn't shut us down, we could have changed the world.

"And why was that project shut down?"

"Fears of what might happen if it got into the wrong hands." The pair laughed at this, whilst Devious poured his new concoction into the basin. Doing so caused the green mixture to turn pink, Chrysalis stepping over to it. "So remind me what this is again."

"A love potion," Devious replied. "Or, more specifically, an anti-love potion. Anyone who's affected by it, will find they can't stand the one who they would normally love more than anyone. That could be their significant other, their best friend or a family member. All they have to do is look at them and the anger will overwhelm them."

"I see. And how is that supposed to help us?"

"I've told you before. Lulamoon's only survived this long because she's had friends backing her up. Adding you to the equation improves things for me, but taking them out of said equation tips the balance in our favour. Once they've been affected by this potion, her friends will be too busy arguing with their loved ones to help her."

"And you want my dispenser to launch this potion into the sky. The formula will be morphed into a vapour, that'll form a cloud and rain it down upon the city."

"Yes. Although, the final form of this potion is really a powder. It'll be like pink snow that'll magically absorb itself into the skin the moment it touches it." He pointed at the table, which had two small glasses on it full of red liquid. "Drink that. It'll protect you from the potion's effects."

Chrysalis frowned, but took the potion and drank it down. To say it tasted gross would be an understatement. "Alright. Once it's ready, we'll need to set the dispensers up all over the city. If we want all her friends effected, this clouds will need to be massive." Devious nodded and after taking the protective potion himself, the pair got to work.

In another part of the city, Twilight was rushing around her place making sure everything was absolutely spotless.

The reason for this was quite simple. Today was Shining and Cadance's anniversary and she was planning to make it the best night they could possibly have. As such, she had conscripted the help of a few individuals to make sure things went perfect. Said individuals were standing in a line in the living room, ready for her to go over the battle plan.

"Alright!" Flash, Adagio and Timber looked over at her, as she walked in front of them holding a clipboard. "Shining and Cadance will be here any minute. Flash, you have everything you need to keep Flurry entertained?"

"Already picked it up and have it in my car," Flash told her. "Adagio and I are gonna take her to the park, then take her home when she gets tired. After that, we wait until Shining and Cadance get home."

"Perfect," Twilight nodded. "Thanks again for doing this."

"No problem," Flash smirked. "You know how much I love playing with Flurry. Adagio and I will keep her safe and entertained, so her parents can have a fun night."

Adagio sighed. "I don't know how I let you talk me into this."

"Come on," Twilight told her. "Shining and Cadance haven't gotten to have a fun night together in ages. With Shining's plumber work, Cadance's principal duties, looking after Flurry and all the insanity that's been going on in the city. Finding time for any kind of romance has become almost impossible."

Adagio nodded, "I get that. I just don't see why I have to be put on babysitting duty. Isn't there another job I can do instead? I'm a pretty good cook."

"Sorry," Timber told her, "I'll be the one cooking tonight. My beef lasagne and chocolate lava cake will have them both feeling the love so much, Flurry might end up an older sister after tonight." The pair frowned at him, none of them wanting that mental image. But at least he was helping.

"Meanwhile," Twilight went back to her clipboard. "I'll be making sure everything goes perfectly. Music, a bit of dancing and anything else that'll let the two of them enjoy their night." She looked into the dinning room, which was only half-decorated. "We've still got a lot of prep work to do. Flash, you help me with making sure this house is spotless. Adagio, help Timber and show us those cooking skills you have." They all saluted, Timber and Adagio going into the kitchen whilst Flash transformed into Gemini.

The alien rabbit split into seven and they all kept working on making sure everything in the house was spic and span.

Adagio watched as Timber did his thing, surprised that he was actually a decent chef. "Wow, I'm amazed you're going to such lengths for something that doesn't benefit you." Timber frowned at this, as he mixed the sauce and checked on his cake batter.

"This'll make Twilight happy, so of course I'm gonna do my best to make sure things go perfectly. Besides, I need to make up some brownie points after what happened the last time I was here." Adagio remembered that time perfect. Back when Timber had tried to impress Twilight by becoming a superhero himself, only to end up turning into a walking killing machine that almost exterminated Flash and Shining.

"I get it," Adagio nodded. "I guess something like that's gonna take time to forgive."

"Twilight's already forgiven me," Timber told her. "It's Shining I'm trying to get to like me. Even before then, I had the feeling he didn't like me that much." Adagio laughed at this, making Timber frown.

"I think that's just something you have to get used to. You're dating his little sister. That pretty much makes you an enemy no matter what." Timber sighed, knowing she was probably right.

Back in the dining room, Twilight continued to put up the decorations as the Gemini army returned. "Everything's spotless!" He confirmed, "you could probably eat off these floors."

"I do," a voice made him look over and see Spike walking towards them after coming in from outside. As he stepped through the house, Gemini saw him leaving muddy pawprints.

"Dude!" He put a forcefield around the pup, "wash your paws!" Spike frowned, as Twilight picked him up in her magic.

"He's right. We worked hard to get this place perfect. It's not fair if you ruin all our hard work."

"Okay," Spike cried, "I'll stay outside if that'll make you feel better. Beats taking a bath." Twilight rolled her eyes and floated him back through the door.

"My lab's open. Go there if you wanna take a nap or something." Spike called back that he might and Twilight turned to see the Gemini scrubbing the ground. After a few seconds, the place was once again clean and he reverted back to normal.

Timber and Adagio soon confirmed that dinner was on track to be amazing, just as a car pulled up to the house. "Here they come!" Twilight cried, the four getting into position as Shining and Cadance stepped through the doorway.

"HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!" They all cried, surprising the two and making their daughter laugh with glee.

Cadance, dressed in a nice summer dress, smiled as she looked around. "Oh, you guys didn't have to do all of this."

"Don't be silly," Flash told her. "You deserve to have a night where you don't have to do anything and enjoy yourselves." He moved over and took Flurry from her, the baby laughing as he held her. "So relax and have fun. Leave the babysitting to me and Adagio." He turned to his girlfriend, "right?"

"Yeah," Adagio nodded as she reached over for the baby. But as soon as her hand got close to Flurry, the baby started getting fussy and swung her fists around trying to hit Adagio. "Hey, what's her problem?" The others weren't sure, since that wasn't usually Flurry's attitude.

Timber laughed as he stepped over to them. "Clearly, you're not a baby person. Babies can smell fear and she knows you're terrified." He reached over to try tickle her cheeks, only for Flurry to suddenly bite his finger. "GYOW!" He tried to pull his finger out, but Flurry have a pretty tight grasp.

Flash patted Flurry on the back and she finally let him go, Timber holding his finger and checking to make sure it wasn't bleeding. He glared at Flurry, clearly thinking thoughts that weren't child safe.

"Okay," Flash headed for the door, "I think we should be going." He and Adagio headed out, Flash turning to the parents of the girl he was holding. "I've got a copy of your house key, so we'll head there when Flurry tires herself out at the park." They nodded before the two left with Flurry, whilst Timber and Twilight headed back into the kitchen.

A minute later, Twilight came out holding a glass of non-alcoholic wine for the couple to enjoy as they sat on their parent's couch. The pair smiled, sipping their wine as they looked forward to a day without any interruptions. They later decided to head out into the garden, the nice sunny weather perfect to enjoy a soft and gentle breeze.

At the same time, Trixie was making her way through the city.

The girl had a strange feeling. She didn't know why, but she felt like something big was going to happen today. She was walking with an ice cream in hand, as she felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand up.

"Something's gonna happen," she told herself. "Something big." She didn't know if she was being paranoid or sensing some kind of magical threat, but she couldn't help but be on edge.

In another part of the city, Chrysalis was placing the last aerial dispersal device on a roof.

"Okay." She placed the projectile into the device and activated it, priming it to go off once the control button was pressed. She then used her Medallions power to teleport herself from rooftop to rooftop, eventually arriving back at their hideout. "It's ready."

"Good," Devious smiled. "Then let Operation Heartbreak, begin." He activated the devices and they both moved over to a window.

Back on the rooftops, the devices powered up and started spinning the projectiles inside. This caused the potion inside the devices to swirl around, making sure it was properly mixed up. The projectiles were then shot into the sky, moving faster than fireworks as they flew as high as possible over the city.

They were so high up that nobody noticed them, but they did hear the loud bang that came when the rockets exploded and unleashed the potion. Everyone looked up and saw large black clouds appear in the sky, confusing them since the weather hadn't foretold rain.

Back at her house, Twilight watched as her siblings sat together on a bench laughing.

Timber heard this and smirked. "Those two are a pretty good couple, huh?" Twilight nodded, agreeing wholeheartedly. Shining and Cadance had always been the perfect couple in her eyes. Watching them get together and eventually marry had inspired Twilight when she was younger. At the time, she didn't think she would ever find someone as right for her as the two of them were. But she hoped one day she would find it.

"They're everything I want to be one day," Twilight smiled. "Even though they have a lot of different interests, the few they share they cherish so much."

Timber smirked at this. After all, he and Twilight had way more things in common than Shining and Cadance. That had to mean their relationship was better.

He was about to speak, only to then notice everything get dark outside. "Huh?" He and Twilight headed outside, whilst Shining and Cadance looked up at the sky. There they saw a bunch of clouds that were forming out of nowhere, growing larger and larger with every passing second. And eventually, they all merged into one giant cloud that blanketed the entire city.

"Typical," Timber frowned. "Would it be too much for the weatherman to actually be right for once?"

"I don't think that stuff is natural phenomenon," Twilight told him. "Those don't look like rain clouds either." And sure enough, the clouds began to drop something down on the city that wasn't rain.

It was a strange pink shower of dust, which fell upon everyone that was outside on the glorious day.

The dust fell upon the city and began to cover it like a pink snow storm, the people also getting covered and trying to dust the pink powder off of them.

Cadance cried out as she was quickly covered, rushing inside to save her hair and dress. Shining followed, whilst Twilight continued to watch the odd weather phenomena.

Flash and Adagio had just reached the park when the pink flurry fell upon them.

Flurry giggled at the strange substance, whilst Flash and Adagio were trying their best to find cover. After a few moment, they decided to just run back to the car and see if they could wait this out. "What the heck is this stuff?" Flash asked, as they reached the car and quickly buckled Flurry up.

"What the heck is this stuff?" Twilight asked, as she took a closer look at the powder covering her.

Timber was just as curious, as he held up his hand and examined the powder on his skin. As he did, the strange substance suddenly started glowing before it was absorbed into his body. As it was, a wave of dizziness washed over him. "Wow."

Twilight was also feeling dizzy and shook her head, the feeling only lasting a moment. She then turned to Timber and noticed he looked off balance as well. "You alright?" But what was about to happen would quickly throw her for a loop.

"Why do you care?" Timber asked, shocking her as Timber marched over to her. "Let me guess. You wanna forget about hanging out and investigate this weird stuff that just appeared out of nowhere?" Twilight could see a look of anger of Timber's face. "What a big surprise. Twilight wants to do something other than spend time with me! I should have bet money on it!"

"Timber?" Twilight stared at him in shock, "are you okay?"

"No, I'm not okay!" Timber glared at her, "what did I ever see in you? All you ever do is hang out with weirdos that attract weird things. Why can't you ever do anything normal? Would the world explode if you just spend the day like a normal teenage girl?"

Twilight was shocked Timber would speak to her like this, but was quickly pulled out of her shock when she heard a loud crashing sound coming from the house. Twilight quickly rushed inside and found Cadance was throwing plates at Shining, who was using his Multi-Striker Shield to defend himself.

"What is going on?" Twilight asked, unable to believe Cadance would throw something at Shining.

"This jerk has had this coming for a long time!" Cadance cried, grabbing a bowl and throwing it at Shining. But Twilight caught it in her magic, as Shining looked ready to turn his shield into a blaster. "I'm sick of you. Do you have any idea how many times I almost fell into the toilet because of you. How hard is it to remember to put the toilet seat down after you're done."

"Well maybe if I wasn't distracted by all those decorative pillows on the bed, I'd remember. Seriously, what's the point of those things? You make me take them off the bed before going to sleep and put them back on when I wake up. They're pillows. You're supposed to sleep on them."

The two continued arguing and the only thing that stopped them from coming to blows was Twilight, who was on the receiving end of her own string of insults as Timber continued to rant at her. "What is happening?" She asked, only to hear more yelling as she rushed outside.

The next door neighbours were also yelling at one another, whilst the twin siblings in the other house were yelling too.

"Hey!" Timber rushed out after her, "what do you think you're doing? Don't just leave me behind like that when I'm talking to you." Twilight wanted to tell him to shut up, but she knew this couldn't be his fault. Clearly, something was affecting him. And when she noticed the strange dust on his cloths, causing her to look at the substance on her own clothes, she realised what must be going on.

Flash and Adagio remained in Flash's car, watching as the weird pink dust continued to fall upon the city.

Flurry was happily watching it from her baby seat, whilst Flash and Adagio tried to get what was on them off. "This stuff is so weird," Adagio stated. "What the heck even is it?"

"No idea," Flash replied as he tried to clean Flurry up. "I just hope it's not carcinogenic." Flurry laughed as she watched the powder continue to fall on the city, whilst the cloud that had formed in the sky began to fade away. "Whatever this stuff is, it's not natural."

"I could have told you that," Adagio nodded. "The question is, what are we dealing with? Alien, human or magic?" She noticed some powder on her skirt and wiped it off, holding it up and watching it glow as it faded into her skin. "Magic. Definitely magical."


"I don't think so," Adagio shook her head. Before she could say anything else, a screeching sound made them look over and see a car in front of them getting hit by another one. And before Flash could run in to help, another car came flying by and Flash noticed the driver wasn't paying attention.

Instead, they were in a shouting match with their passenger, or on the phone yelling at someone on the other line "What the heck?"

"Look what you made me do!" He looked over and saw a man yelling at who he assumed was his wife.

The driver he had run into wasn't even yelling at him, instead yelling at another man who looked like he could be his brother. More and more people were arguing with one another, which was causing a bunch of mayhem to occur on the roads and streets.

"That's it!" A man yelled before tackling another man. The pair started fighting one another on the ground, whilst other people started getting physically violent as well.

"Not good." Flash unbuckled his seat-belt and turned to Adagio, "stay with Flurry!"

"What!?" She cried as he got out, "you said I wouldn't have to be responsible for her!" But Flash didn't listen and quickly activated the Omnitrix, transforming into Lindwhirl and rolling forward until he reached the first fighting pair.

Being careful not to hurt them, he used his increased strength to pull them apart. But as soon as he went over to another pair, the first two started fighting again. Adagio groaned, knowing this was likely going to take forever to fix.

At the same time, Trixie was being equally confused.

The powder that had fallen upon her had been the first thing to confuse her, followed by all the people around her arguing with one another. "What is going on?" She asked, only to see two people getting into a fist fight. "Hey!" She quickly transformed into her Mighty Bull form and used it to pick them both up by their collars and holding them away from one another. "What do you think you're doing?"

"Let me go!" He cried, "this has been a long time coming!"

"Bring it!" The other guy cried, "time to make up for all the times you've insulted my cooking!"

"I never insulted your cooking. Not everyone loves oregano as much as you do!" Trixie could hardly believe she was hearing this, tempted to throw them both at full strength.

However, before she could come to a decision about what to do with them, she sensed something and leapt away from where she was. Moments later, a fireball exploded down on where she had been.

The men screamed as she landed, turning towards the source of the fire and seeing Devious standing there with a smug look on his face. She then dropped the pair, "run!" They didn't need to be told twice and legged it, still arguing as Trixie stood tall. "I'm guessing you're the one responsible for all this?"

"That's right," Devious walked towards her. "Be glad you're not with the person closest to your heart. If you were, everything about them would drive you into a rage." Trixie frowned, realising what he must have done. "And don't expect your friends to help you. They're probably busy getting into a shouting match of their own."

"That's fine," she pulled out her bell. "I can take you down on my own!" She raised it up and smashed it into the ground, unleashing a sonic blast that she sent towards him. But before it hit, a familiar web appeared below them both and they suddenly swapped places. "AUGH!" Trixie was struck by her own attack and sent flying into a wall, Devious laughing.


Trixie groaned as she pushed herself up, "so you did take Chrysalis' power. What did you do to her after?"

"Nothing," a voice replied before a flash of light appear next to Devious. And when it faded, Trixie gasped at the sight of Chrysalis. "He offered me the chance to get revenge on you for taking everything from me."

Trixie could hardly believe it. "You two...together?"

"That's right," Devious laughed. "She helps me take the Medallions and hands hers over at the end, whilst I give her a place of power once I've remade the world."

"He's lying to you!" Trixie told her. "If he remakes the world, the only one who'll survive it is him. You might not even exist."

"Do you really think I'm stupid enough to fall for that?" Chrysalis asked, only to warp over to Trixie and thrust a foot into her chest. Trixie was knocked staggering back, but managed to regain her footing in her strength form. "I'm not gonna let you take everything that's important to me away again. I'll make you pay for what you did."

"You're the one who took everything away from you," Trixie groaned. "You chose to use your power for crime, not me." She slammed her fist into the ground and sent out a shockwave, which Chrysalis easily avoided by warping away.

"Maybe, but you could have looked the other way. You chose to be a hero and this is what happens to heroes." Devious launched a fireball and Chrysalis warped it right in front of Trixie, allowing her to get hit with the blast before it could lose any power or momentum.

"AUGH!" She was sent flying backwards and almost fell out the end of the web, but Chrysalis warped her back inside and she hit the ground in front of them.

"Now sit back and it'll all be over," Devious pointed his staff at her and unleashed the lightning. But before it could strike her, Trixie's suit changed and she was suddenly in her Rapid Turtle form.

She raised her shield and blocked the lightning, Devious frowning before Trixie activated her time slowing powers. In the blink of an eye, she was moving at super speed and managed to escape the web before Chrysalis could warp her back inside. "Sky Butterfly!" She changed into her flight mode and took to the sky, flying straight up and as far as she could.

"You can't run forever!" Devious yelled, attempting to blast her with his staff. But Trixie managed to avoid it and fly away, barely managing to escape in time.

Trixie knew he was right, but she didn't need to run forever. She just needed to get her friends to show up and help. She she flew down behind a building and took out her phone, ringing up Flash first. However, his phone only went to voicemail. "Come on!" She tried the others, but none of them were picking up. It was just like Devious had told her.

Twilight was reaching her breaking point.

Timber was constantly her shadow, refusing to let her get more than five feet away from him so he could keep going on and on about all the things she did that he hated. This hounding was driving her insane, and made keeping Shining and Cadance from killing one another harder than it already was.

"And would it kill you to wear contacts sometimes? Or change the glasses to something a bit more stylish."

"Timber!" Twilight turned to him, "I'm trying to keep calm because I know this isn't your fault. But you constantly yelling in my ear isn't helping me figure out what's wrong with you."

"Nothing's wrong," Timber cried. "I just realised I can't stand you!"

"Well then," Twilight used her magic to lift him up. "You'll obviously prefer to be away from me." With that, she pushed him backwards and opened her mother's kitchen pantry. The teen cried out as he was shoved inside, Twilight slamming the door once he was and locking it.

She sighed, knowing she would need to apologise for that later, but had to focus on figuring out what the heck was happening.

She rushed over to her siblings, who were once again at each other's necks. "Sorry about this!" She thrust them both into a chair and, with some rope her dad had lying around, tied them up so they couldn't do any more damage.

"Let us go!" Shining cried, as Twilight put on some rubber gloves and used a dustpan and brush to get all the powder off of their clothes. Once she had enough of it, she rushed out into her laboratory.

"Twilight?" She looked down and saw Spike getting out of his basket, "what's happening out there? I heard a bunch of yelling?"

"I'm not sure, Spike." Twilight quickly emptied the powder into a test tube. "Something's causing people to go nuts and I don't think it was an accident. Hopefully, I can figure out what the heck is happening and make an antidote." She put the test tube under a microphone and started looking through it.

"Well you seem perfectly fine," Spike pointed out. "You think your magic's protecting you?"

"Possibly," Twilight nodded. She took out a scanning device she had made and held it over the powder, getting a beep. "I'm definitely detecting magic from this powder." She was very grateful to all the plumber tech she had got to study recently. With it, she was able to make a scanner that could detect many different kinds of energies. Including magical ones. "But it's not Equestrian Magic."

As she said that, her phone rang and she looked over to see it was Trixie. Hoping she was calling with news about what was happening, she answered. "Twilight! Thank god! Someone finally picked up!"

"Trixie, what's wrong? People are going nuts because of-"

"Devious! He's the one behind this! He used some kind of magic to make people hate the one they love the most. I'm guessing Timber's not there anymore, or you'd have been too busy yelling at him to hear your phone."

Twilight frowned at this. Whilst she was annoyed at him for all the yelling he had done, she didn't think she hated him. Was her Geode protecting her, or was there another reason? "I'm studying it now." She took her scanner over to her laptop and plugged it in. "I'm connecting to the Plumber computer. Hopefully, it'll be able to find a way to counter the powder."

"I hope so. Devious and Chrysalis are working together. I don't stand a chance against the both of them. I need the others here fast before-AHHHH!" Twilight gasped as she turned back to her phone, but the line went dead.


"What happened?" Spike asked, but Twilight had an pretty good idea.

Trixie growled at the sight of her destroyed phone, then turned to Devious who shot another fireball at her.

She leapt into the air, flying out of the flame's range. But Chrysalis was climbing up the side of a wall using her legs. She then leapt at Trixie, swinging her human legs around to try and hit her. But Trixie summoned her sword and used it to block her armored boot, pushing her back before flying away.

Devious launched a lightning bolt at her, but Trixie spun around and used her sword to block it. The impact made her flinch, as her sword's handle heated up. But the bolt ended before it became unholdable.

She panted as she continued to fly, only for Chrysalis to suddenly warp in front of her. "Gotcha!" She thrust her spider leg forward and pierced one of Trixie's wings, making her cry out as Chrysalis hooked her leg through the hole before spinning around and throwing the girl.

She screamed as her wing ripped and she was sent soaring out of control, unable to stop herself with just one working wind. "Luna Cat!" She transformed into her best form and swung her belt around, catching a fire escape and using it to swing around and land on the ground.

She panted, remembering what she had read in her book about wing recovery. Any damage, no matter how minor, took roughly an hour to heal. Trixie didn't think she could last that long.

Chrysalis and Devious charged forward, Devious unleashing a blast of fire towards Trixie. The girl swung her staff around and deflected the attack, whilst Chrysalis warped over to deal a kick to her. But Trixie was able to block it, whilst something caught her attention.

'Devious could easily incapacitate me with his Mad Monkey Medallion. So why isn't he?' It was then that she realised what the problem was. 'Can't target specific individuals, can you? Hit me and you'll also hit Chrysalis. Guess being on a team isn't the perfect plan you thought it was.' She knocked Chrysalis' legs away and thrust her staff into her chest, knocking her back with a cry.

Devious unleashed a blast of wind, Chrysalis warping away to avoid getting hit.

Trixie put her staff away and in the blink of an eye, transformed into her Rapid Turtle form. She pulled out her shield and slowed time down to second the wind reached her, causing it to seem slower. Instead of being a mighty gale that almost knocked her over, it was a simple breeze that made her sigh.

Once the wind blew passed her, she sped time up again and panted. She couldn't keep doing that, but hopefully Twilight would have a solution to the problem soon enough.

And Twilight did. The girl and her dog smiled when the computer brought up a formula that could counteract the powder's magical effects.

"How the heck can science find a way to beat magic?" Spike asked, as Twilight started gathering the chemicals she needed. "I thought you and Sunset had no idea how magic worked in this world."

"Equestrian Magic," Twilight corrected him. "Yeah, we're still clueless about that. But the magic from Trixie's world is a lot less complicated. The laws of physics there are probably closer to our own, just with a few tweaks to let magic work. Because of that, the plumber tech can analyse it and figure out a way to counter it." She started mixing the chemicals in a centrifuge, as she prepared a deodorant can to hold it.

After a few minutes, the substance was finally completed and she quickly filled the can with it.

"Alright. Let's hope this works." She and Spike rushed out the lab and headed back inside, where Shining and Cadance continued to argue with one another.

"I want a divorce!" Cadance cried, as she struggled against her bonds.

"Fine! But Flurry stays with me!" Twilight frowned and prayed this would work more than ever, rushing up to them and spraying the substance on both of them. Green mist filled the air and filled the room, Twilight also being hit by it. The three felt themselves getting dizzy, as the green mist was absorbed by them.

When the mist completely faded away, they were all silent as the mist took effect.

Cadance and Shining blinked at one another, Cadance then beginning to cry. "Shining, I'm so sorry." Shining looked ashamed at what he said, whilst Twilight undid their bonds. "I don't want a divorce. Please forgive me."

"No, forgive me! I don't know what came over me."

"Devious." They looked up at Twilight, "he made a potion that's turned everyone against the person they love the most. He was using it to attack Trixie, so she couldn't get any help."

Shining frowned, "I can't believe he did this. He's gonna pay."

"You need to save Trixie," Twilight handed him the can. "Take this. If you see Flash or any of our friends, spray them." Shining nodded and took the spray, when remembered what Twilight had said.

"This won't be enough to cure the entire city." Twilight nodded, "you need to make more. As much as you can." Twilight nodded again, as Shining rushed out the room. Twilight and Cadance watched him go, then headed to the lab to get to work.

Lindwhirl sighed, as he finally managed to get the last person free from their car. This didn't stop the fighting, though.

He returned to his car, Adagio getting out with Flurry still in the baby seat, wondering if he should maybe go Pixie Dust to put them all to sleep. "What the heck is happening in this city?" He asked, only for the Omnitrix to beep with the communicator function. "Shining," he answered, "something crazy's going on!"

"I know," Shining replied. "It's Devious. He covered the entire city in some kind of powder that makes people hate the person they love most."

"Seriously?" Adagio asked. "Why would he do that?"

"He's attacking Trixie right now. We need to get over there before she's overwhelmed. My suit's locked onto where her phone was last located. Get over there as fast as you can."

"Got it!" Lindwhirl nodded as he hung up before hitting the Omnitrix, transforming. "Gryforce!" He cried, turning to Adagio. "Get Flurry back to Cadance."

"What?" She asked, "wait a minute!" But Gryforce shot into the air and flew off in the direction Trixie was supposed to be in, leaving the girl and baby behind. "Great," she groaned as Flurry started to get fussy. "Let's get you back where you belong before I have to change something I'm not ready to change yet." She got back in the car and drove off, all the while thinking about what Shining has said.

The dust they had been sprayed with was meant to turn people against the person they cared about most. If that was the case, why had she and Flash not been effected?

Gryforce shot over the city, continuing to see people arguing with one another as he did so.

He feared people would start saying and doing things they didn't mean. If they didn't find a way to reverse this soon, it would be a serious problem. But the question was, how had Devious managed to effect so many people?

He reached the area Shining had said Trixie was in, but found she nor Devious was nowhere in sight.

He was about to circle the area and find them, but before he could he noticed something atop a nearby roof. And as he dived down, he found it was a strange looking device he had never seen before. And he had flown over this section of Canterlot many times, so he would have noticed this before.

He picked the device up and looked it over, wondering what it was until he noticed a logo on the side of it. A logo he recognised as the one from Changeling Industries. "No way." Before he could think anything else, an explosion rocked through the town.

He spun around and saw the smoke behind one of the buildings, causing him to rush forward and leap into the air. In his haste, he was still carrying the device he had found.

He flew over to the building and when he got behind it, he looked down and saw Trixie fighting with two other people. "Chrysalis?" He saw the spider-themed superwoman, as Devious launched a fireball at Trixie.

Trixie raised her shield, the blast knocking her backwards. She cried out as she hit the ground, whilst Chrysalis moved forward to attack. But before she could get in close, Gryforce shot down and unleashed his sonic blast.

The attack knocked her flying backwards, Devious seeing this and launching a blast of lightning at him.

Gryforce leapt to the side, avoiding the attack as Trixie picked herself up. She saw Gryforce and smiled, then heard an engine and looked around to see Shining racing towards them on his bike. "Guys!" He cried, rolling up next to them and pulling out a can of something. "Here!" He sprayed the pair, making them cry out as the mist completely enveloped them.

"What the heck?" Gryforce asked, as Shining put the can away.

"It's a cure to that dust they rained down on us. Did you guys feel any effects?" They shook their heads, only for Devious to launch a fireball at them. The three jumped away, Gryforce continuing to carry the device in his hands as they did.

"Hey!" Chrysalis cried, "that's mine!" She teleported herself up and tried to kick Gryforce in the head, but he unleashed a sonic blast that knocked her back. As she did, Gryforce put the pieces together and realised what he must be holding.

"Shining!" He dived down and threw the device at the plumber, "get that to Twilight. I think it might be what caused all this!" Shining nodded and put the device on his back, then got back on his bike and drove off.

"Get back here!" Devious cried, unleashing a lightning bolt. But Trixie blocked the attack with her shield. Chrysalis then teleported next to her and tried to stab her with her spider leg, but Trixie dodge it only for a fireball to smash into her.

Gryforce saw this and tried to think of a way to counter these attacks, but all he could do was block them with a wall of sound. That was when he had an idea and hit the Omnitrix again, transforming into an entirely new alien.

This one was an eight foot tall robot, whose body was a strange assortment of different shapes. Its chest and waist were two large green spheres connected by a silver tube. It had three arms, two on its sides and one on its back. Its shoulders were green spheres and had silver tubes for arms that lead to another green sphere and after that, there was a green cone forearm that ended in three flat silver fingers that bent in two places. The bottom of the cones had a hole in the middle and it had three legs that were just like its arms, whilst its head was a dome that swivelled and had the Omnitrix on its top.

The new alien spun its arms around, creating a powerful vortex as he yelled out. "Gyrotor!"

Devious saw this and did not look impressed, holding up his staff and unleashing another fireball. But this time, Gyrotor pointed his spinning arm at the fireball and unleashed a gale of wind. The fireball struck the wind and exploded, the fire becoming part of the wind and being sent back towards Devious.

"What the?" Devious could only brace himself, as the burning wind slammed into him and knocked the villain backwards.

Chrysalis and Trixie saw this, amazed that Devious had been so easily countered. Gyrotor then leapt into the air and spun his lower body, his legs and feet moving so fast they morphed into a powerful upside down tornado. This tornado pushed Gyrotor upwards, allowing him to get above Devious before the vortex stopped.

As Devious picked himself up, Gyrotor fell towards him and prepared to slam one of his arms into his head.

But before he could connect, Chrysalis warped over to him and teleported them both a safe distance away. Gyrotor instead smashed into the ground, his body letting out a ringing sound as it struck the pavement.

Trixie chose this moment to rush it, transforming into her Luna Cat form and leaping at the pair. Chrysalis reacted by teleporting her away, whilst Gyrotor flew forward and tried to punch them.

She quickly teleporting him away, almost punching Trixie in the process. The two barely managed to avoid this and spun around, Gyrotor unleashing another tornado towards the villains. But this one was blocked by Devious' own tornado, the two forces slamming into one another and cancelling each other out.

The two glared one another down, as Trixie slammed her staff into the ground and created a bunch of fakes.

When the gales died down, Devious and Chrysalis found themselves surrounded by twenty aliens. And as every Gyrotor prepared to attack, Devious only had enough time to guess which one was real. But Chrysalis noticed only one of them had a shadow, which wasn't the one Devious launched a lightning bolt at.

Luckily, she was able to warp that lightning bolt in the direction of the real one and the electricity slammed into the tornado and exploded.

When the energy from the blast faded, the two groups of enemies glared one another down.

Twilight was still hard at work, doing whatever she could to synthesis more of the antidote.

Adagio and Flurry had returned and gotten a dose of it, allowing Cadance to hold her daughter without the girl screaming. She was working on making as much as she could, but she only had a limited number of spray bottles to fill. "This isn't gonna work," Twilight sighed. "Even if we had Rainbow and XLR8 zooming around, having to spray one person at a time will take forever."

"So what do we do?" Spike asked, Twilight unsure.

That was when her door flew open and Shining rushed inside. "Twilight, you need to take a look at this." Twilight saw him carrying a strange looking device, the girl instantly recognising it. "Chrysalis was using this thing to spray the whole city with that dust."

Twilight took it in her magic and started examining it, amazed by what she saw. "Of course. An aerial dispersal device. That's how we'll do it."

"Do what?"

"I'll dispense the antidote the same way they dispensed the dust." She opened the slot and saw the kind of projectile it used, rushing over to her computer to load the design into it. Shining could only watch as she worked, all the while hoping Flash and Trixie could hold on.

Gyrotor flew into the air, avoiding a lightning bolt as he shot down and also spun his upper body.

His upper half wasn't spinning as fast, so it didn't create a tornado. What it did do was turn him into a spinning blade of pain, moving fast enough to crack through solid concrete. Devious saw this coming and slammed his staff into the ground, creating a wall of wind that blocked Gyrotor.

As Gyrotor fought against the wind wall, Trixie and Chrysalis battled it out.

Trixie swung her staff around, blocking the spider legs that were attempting to stab her. Trixie blocked, flipped and kicked herself around to avoid them and attempt to slam Chrysalis in the stomach. But Chrysalis warped herself away and kicked Trixie in the back.

Trixie and Gyrotor leapt away from them, glaring at the two as they smiled. This was not gonna be easy.

"Done!" Twilight finished building the missile and had loaded it with the antidote, placing it in the dispersal device as they headed outside.

"So this'll cure everybody?" Shining asked, only to see Twilight looking worried.

"I'm not sure. I tried to make the missile's disposal range as large as possible, but I don't think it'll be enough to cover the entire city. Chrysalis probably used multiple ones."

"So what do we do?"

"Try and get as much of it over the city as possible. Fire it in the centre of the city, where the most people are located." Shining nodded and took the device before running out into the street, where he took out his hard-light rod and used it to activate his plumber jet.

The vehicle shot into the air, Shining flying as fast as he could towards the centre of the city. Once there, he deactivated the jet and fell onto the roof. "Alright," he placed the device on the ground and followed Twilight's instructions.

Setting the timer, he stepped back as the device powered up and shot the missile into the air. He watched as it flew higher and higher, until eventually it exploded into a giant rain cloud.

That cloud quickly spread far across the city, unleashing a downpour of the antidote.

All over the city, those arguing with the ones they loved most found themselves getting drenched. And when they did, all the hate and anger they had previously been feeling suddenly vanished. This shocked them, making them wonder why they were arguing in the first place.

Trixie, Devious, Gyrotor and Chrysalis continued their battle, only to stop when they saw the large cloud appear and block out the sun.

Looking up, they were amazed to see the cloud grow larger and larger. And after a few moments, it unleashed a rain that poured down on them. "Who wants to bet that's an antidote to this whole thing?" Gyrotor asked, Devious and Chrysalis growling at this.

Trixie saw it and noticed the cloud stop growing. "It's not covering the entire city." Gyrotor also saw this and realised it meant not everybody would be getting the cure. Trixie tried to think and realised what needed to be done. "You've gotta spread it out!"

"Huh?" He looked at her, only to catch on as he remembered which alien he was. "Trixie, I can't just leave you alone with these two."

"I'll be fine. Now go before you time out!" Gyrotor frowned, but knew she was right. He gave her a nod and leapt into the air, spinning his lower half to create the tornado and fly upwards. As he did, Devious let out a chuckle.

"You were an idiot, to let the only thing stopping us from beating you leave." He launched a fireball and Trixie quickly swung her staff around, knocking it away and glaring at them.

"I can take you two down on my own. And even if I can't, my friends will be back soon." With that, she rushed forward as the two villains got into a fighting stance and chance as well.

Up in the air, Gyrotor reached the cloud and pointed all three of his arms towards it.

Spinning them around, he created a trio of weak tornadoes that hit the clouds and started causing them to be pushed around and grow thinner. Being careful not to break through them completely, he started spinning clockwise in order to push the clouds out further and further.

All over the city, the large thin cloud completely enveloped it and allowed the antidote rain to reach each and every one of them. Gyrotor continued to do this for as long as he could, until the rain began to die down and the clouds started fading away.

As it did, the Omnitrix started beeping and Gyrotor was forced to fly down and land on a building before he transformed back. Flash quickly rushed over to the edge and tried to see if the rain had reached everybody. Hopefully, everyone that had been dusted before had been rained on. If not, they would need to do all this again.

"AUGH!" Trixie cried as she was blasted backwards, hitting the dumpster and crashing into the ground.

Devious and Chrysalis laughed at her, as she tried to push herself back to her feet. "You can't keep this up," Devious told her. "Face it. The only reason you were able to defeat me before is because you had your friends to back you up. Now that I've got friends of my own and took away yours, there's no way for you to win."

Trixie panted as she thought about what he had said. He was right. She had always relied on her friends to bail her out when things got bad. And that wasn't a bad thing. But she needed to learn to stand on her own, when the time came when she knew she wasn't going to get any back up.

"And that starts right now," she stated before digging deep. As she did, the Medallion on her mask glowed brighter as she channelled as much power as she could into it. She took a deep breath before letting out a might cry, raising her staff high before channelling all the light into it and slammed the end onto the ground.

Devious and Chrysalis saw this, wondering what was happening. But then, from out of the staff, a huge surge of water erupted out and formed a massive wall in front of her.

"Seriously?" Chrysalis asked, as the water wall grew to almost twenty feet in height and filled the entire street. "What do you expect to do with that?" Trixie's answer was to thrust the end of her staff into the wall, causing it to explode forwards and morph into a giant wave.

Chrysalis continued to laugh, but Devious had a bad feeling about this. And when he saw a trash can get knocked over by the wave, his bad feeling was confirmed. "Impossible. Chrysalis! Get us out of here!" But Chrysalis couldn't react in time and the wave slammed into her, knocking her backwards as Devious raised his staff.

But the wave struck him before he could defend himself. Both he and Chrysalis found themselves getting washed away, screaming as they were thrown backwards and rolling in the currently.

Eventually, they found themselves slamming into a hard wall behind them. The water also hit the wall and vanished before it could damage it, leaving the pair to fall towards the ground battered and bruised.

Trixie also fell to the ground, feeling absolutely exhausted as she struggled to keep her eyes open.

Chrysalis let out a groan, as she pushed herself up. "What...the heck was that?"

"A solid illusion," Devious moaned. He picked himself up and stared over at Trixie. "But that's impossible. To use such an advanced version of her power. She's too young."

"Well she's clearly not ready for it," Chrysalis pointed out as they saw how tired Trixie was. "I bet she can't do that again." Devious nodded, thinking the same thing. He lifted his staff and prepared to fire a lightning bolt at her, to take her power away. But before she could fire it, a laser flew down and hit the ground in front of them.

They both cried out, as they were knocked backwards.

Trixie looked up and saw Shining's jet, which flew over her and disappeared so the plumber could land next to her. "Back off!" He pointed his blaster at them, then looked to Trixie. "You alright?"

"Just a little tired," Trixie sighed. "But I'll be fine with a bit of rest." As she said that, Rainbow suddenly appeared using her super speed.

"Sorry I'm late. Don't know what came over me and I was kind of preoccupied to get your messages."

"It's fine," Trixie assured her. "Are the others coming?" Rainbow nodded, making Devious and Chrysalis frown. They couldn't stand up to all of them, especially if Flash returned. "Give it up! You're right that I probably can't beat you on my own. But I'm never on my own. No matter what you do to us, my friends and I will always come together to take you down."

Devious growled, "this isn't over." With that, Chrysalis caused the web to form and growl huge. The next thing they knew, the pair vanished in a flash of light.

They all frowned at this, but were glad they hadn't been able to get Trixie's Medallion. Their plan had been foiled and hopefully, there wasn't any lasting damage.

Later on, everyone was at Twilight's place discussing what had happened.

It turns out, every member of the Rainbooms was affected by the powder. Rarity and Applejack and ended up bad mouthing their sisters, something that broke their hearts when they were cured. Rainbow had been arguing with her parents, who were also arguing with her. Fluttershy had spent the day yelling at Angel and all her animals. Pinkie had been screaming at her entire family, whilst Sunset had sent a lot of very angry texts to all her friends.

Now everything was back to normal and they were all happy nothing bad had seriously happened. But something was nagging at Twilight.

"I can't help but feel like I've forgotten something," she told the others. They all shrugged, none of them knowing what she could have possibly forgotten. That was until they heard a loud banging sound, making Twilight's eyes go wide. "TIMBER!" She rushed out to make some more cure, whilst the others shared a confused look.

"Well," Shining stood up. "Today's been interesting, but Cadance and I need to get Flurry home to bed." He turned to her and frowned, "I'm sorry our anniversary didn't turn out how you wanted."

"It's not your fault," Cadance told him. "We can make up for it on another day." They headed out with the others, Cadance turning to her husband as they did. "Do the pillows really annoy you?"

"Not annoy. Just don't get what they're supposed to be for." Cadance nodded as they headed for their car. "Sorry about the toilet seat. I can sit if it makes you feel better."

Cadance laughed at this, "if you think it won't kill your masculinity." The pair continued to joke as they got in and drove away, whilst the others watched them leave.

"I'm glad this whole situation didn't screw up their relationship," Flash smiled. "Those two and too perfect together." The others nodded as Adagio just stood there looking unsure about something. "Something wrong?" The others noticed Adagio's expression and the girl turned to him.

"Can we talk...in private?" He nodded as the others headed out, Applejack and Rainbow sticking with Trixie so she didn't get jumped again.

"So what's up?" Flash asked, once they were finally alone. Then he remembered. "Oh, if this is about leaving you with Flurry. I'm really sorry. It was an emergency and-"

"No, it's not that."

"Oh, so what is it?"

Adagio sighed. "That powder reversed people's feelings for the most important person in their lives. And most of them were people who were dating or married."

"Yeah. So?"

"But we were with each other when it hit and nothing happened. We didn't yell at each other and I didn't feel any different towards you. Did you feel that way about me?" Flash thought about it and shook his head.

"No, I still cared about you."

"Exactly. So that means...we aren't the most important people in each other's lives. The ones that have the other's heart."

"I guess," Flash sighed. "Honestly, I don't know who has that place in my heart. It could be my parents and your's could be your sisters." Adagio nodded, thinking the same thing.

"Even so, we've been together for a while and we've been through a lot of trials and overcome a bunch of obstacles. If it were any other couple, that'd probably be enough to make them fall in love." Flash suddenly felt very awkward about this. "Flash...do you love me?"

"Um..." Flash scratched the back of his head, "I..."

"Just answer me honestly. I won't be hurt by your answer."

Flash sighed, as he searched his heart. After a moment, he had his answer. "You're important to me. Just as important as all my other friends. But no...I don't think I'm in love with you."

Adagio sighed, "I feel the same way. I'm glad we met again and became as close as we are, but I don't think either of us will ever feel more for one another than we already do."

"Yeah," Flash agreed, "you're right. So...what does this mean?"

Adagio looked upset by what she was about to say, but knew she had to say it. "I don't want us to stop being friends, but maybe that's all we should be." Flash frowned, clearly having expected that. "I think this will be for the best. But we can still be friends."

Flash took a deep breath and nodded. "Yeah. I'd like that. But are you sure this is for the best?"

"If nothing's gonna evolve from this, staying together won't do either of us any good. We'd just be holding each other back from finding the one we're meant to be with." Flash was impressed with Adagio, having not expected something like this from her.

"Yeah, you're right." He stepped forward and pulled her into a hug, Adagio hugging him back. They stayed like that for a few moments before pulling back, Flash leaning in and giving Adagio one final kiss on the lips. As soon as their lips connected, they knew they were doing the right thing. Though it was warm, there was no spark between them.

They pulled apart and looked into each other's eyes for another few moment before pulling away and turning to walk away, both having a frown on their face as they walked off. They knew this was for the best, but they also felt a pang of regret for losing such a fun relationship.

What neither of them knew, was that they had had an audience for their little break up.

Twilight had just completed the cure and stepped out of the lab to cure Timber. But as she did, she had heard the two talking and ended up witnessing their breakup. She was standing along the side of her house, thinking about what she had just heard.

She was upset about the two, though understood why they had chosen to split up. But what really got her was what Adagio had said about the powder. She had also been effected, but she hadn't turned on Timber. That had to mean...Timber wasn't the person who meant to most to her.

Later that night, Twilight and Timber sat together on a bench looking up at the stars.

Timber had been apologetic ever since Twilight had cured him, the teen trying to be the best boyfriend he could be. Currently, he was trying to wrap his arm around her to keep her warm. But when he tried, she simply pulled away.

"Twilight?" He asked, "are you still mad about what I did? I said I was sorry."

"No," Twilight shook her head, "it's not you. It's me." Timber frowned. Those words were never good for a relationship. "It's just...I didn't turn on you."

"Yeah. I'd hate to think what you would have done with your magic if you had."

"No. The powder affected me and was supposed to turn me against the one I care for most. But it didn't make me hate you. That means...Timber, I do care about you. But if the powder didn't make me hate you, my feelings for you..."

"Twilight, what are you saying?"

Twilight took a deep breath, "I think we should stop seeing one another." Timber's eyes went wide, as he stood up.

"What?" He cried, "why? Because the powder didn't make you hate me? How is that a bad thing?"

"Timber, we've been together for a while. But even after all that time, my feelings for you haven't grown. I like you, but I don't love you like I thought I would. And honestly...I don't think I ever will."

"I can change," he told her.

"No," Twilight shook her head, "I don't want you to change. If the only way for us to be together is for you to pretend to be who you aren't, then it's better we just go our separate ways." Timber did not look happy about this. "I'm sorry Timber. I want us to still be friends, but please accept this."

Timber sighed, "I don't want to accept this. But if you want to break up, I can't stop that." He turned away from her. "If this is what you want, than fine. But I hope you don't come to regret this. Because I might not want to get back together if you change your mind."

"I understand," Twilight nodded. Timber looked back at her one last time, then began to walk away. Twilight sat there, hugging herself as she thought about what Timber had said. Had she done the right thing.

Devious and Chrysalis sat in their warehouse, annoyed that their plan had utterly failed.

"Damn it!" Devious growled, "I was sure this would work." Chrysalis also felt upset, since it had been her device that had ruined their plan. She would make Flash Sentry pay for finding it.

In that moment, Devious' computer began to beep. The pair turned to it, then at each other before nodding. They moved over to the laptop and activated it, as a dark figure appeared on the screen. "Wall," this figure spoke in a muffled voice, "you certainly certainly made things interesting today."

"I'm not in the mood for jokes," Devious told him. "Did it at least give you the distraction you needed?"

"Yes," the figure nodded. "Thanks to you, we were able to acquire our target with nobody to stop us. I guess thanks are in order."

"You can thank me by getting rid of Sentry and his friends."

"Oh, don't worry. We have every intention of doing just that. But until then, do what you can to make things difficult for them. And we'll do what we can over on this side." With that, the computer went dead and the pair shared a look. They might not have gotten what they wanted, but their new partner had used it to their advantage. It was a start."

Author's Note:

Well that was a pretty heavy chapter. Flash reveals his final new alien, he and Twilight break up with their significant other and Devious has a secret partner. Who could it be?

Sorry if you guys liked Flash and Adagio's relationship. I know this is probably sudden, but I think it works well for them. And it's not like Adagio will just disappear. Until next time.

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