• Published 10th May 2022
  • 1,544 Views, 55 Comments

Crystal Prison - HeirofHades

Dusk Shine the top student of CPA struggles to understand the value of Friendship. Cinch forces him to compete in the upcoming Friendship games against CHS. Now he must work with those he labeled him an outcast to achieve victory.

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Hello you wonderful people. We're here with part 2 of the final part. This is one rather short but that's how writing goes sometimes. So sit back and relax

They entered the building. Sweat formed from the mildly scorching air as the tension fueled their hesitation. Spike smelled, attempting to find Dusk Shine’s scent. He wasn’t far. The thick aroma of smoke hovered in the air.

“Come on, Spike, where is he?” Sour Sweet requested. They don’t know how long they have left before Dusk Shine as a person burns away.

“Shut the fuck up,” Spike snapped at her, baring his teeth.

“Hey!” They jolted from his sudden aggression. She’s Dusk Shine’s ex-girlfriend; thus, hostility is evident. However, they didn’t expect this.

You don’t get to order me around,” Spike snarled, narrowing his emerald eyes at the Shadow 5. “You all made Dusk Shine’s life hell with your bullshit,” He scolded, glaring at all of them as they avoided his gaze. “I’ve been with Dusk Shine when I was a puppy. I know him more than anyone,” More than his family. His brother. Cadance and many more. “His hopes, dreams, fears, and the tears you preps caused him. I was there for every bad day,” Spike declared, recalling those nights when he offered comfort to Dusk Shine. “If it wasn’t for his real friends, family, others, and the human spirit. He would have . . . “ He paused, choking on his words, unable to continue. They can predict the works. “So fuck you. Fuck all of you,” Spike growled at the Shadow 5, wishing he had fingers to give them a flock of birds.

“Spike. That’s quite enough,” Luna commanded, ending the conversation as now wasn’t the time. Their guilt hung densely within the atmosphere as Sour Sweet caressed Dusk Shine’s tie. Although it’s well warranted. How could they allow hubris to pollute and overwhelm basic common sense?! At the cost of their peers?! Luna couldn’t help but wonder what horrible things Cinch installed in these children. Thankfully Cadance established some form of morality in them.

“Fine,” Spike grumbled, smelling the air once again. “He went this way,” They turned to the left.

“We’ll cut him off,” One of the CPA seniors announced before they separated.

Night Blaze quickly discovered the first clue. It was the trophy case. They made it that way so CHS doesn’t have an unfair home-field advantage. He groaned at the approaching footsteps. A contingent of CPA students loyal to Cadance and CHS students stood defiantly against him. Stupid

“What are you doing?” Night Blaze deadpaned with a raised brow. They reeked of fear and hesitation. Some CPAs were Amaranth Gray, Citrus Drops, and Track Starr. They’re a part of Cadance’s faction. Amaranth Gray’s loyalty surprised Night Blaze, anticipating him to use this chance to take him down. Gray was in the top ten students, taking either 4th or 5th.

“Dusk Shine, you have to stop this,” One of them stepped forward. A senior CPA student. Caramel Cherrybomb. She’s a pitcher on the girls' softball team. “We’re here on Cadance’s orders. She’s worried about you.” She used his emotional weaknesses, hoping that he’d see reason. “Just stop this. We’ll get you to a hospital and end all of this,” Her caramel eyes pleaded with him. Cadance was good to her, and she pitied herself for not doing more to help Dusk Shine. However, given how possessive Cinch was towards Dusk Shine. Cinch manipulated her schedule to avoid as much interaction as possible.

“I’m sorry,” Night Blaze deadpanned as his eyes glowed. “Do I look like I give a fuck anymore?” He snarled, flames breezing through his teeth. “Besides, you’re here on Cadance’s orders and not of your morality. You guys were happily and cruelly pressuring me to release the magic. Now you’re scared,” Night Blaze acknowledged their hypocritical cowardice. Death opens the mind to countless revelations blocked by ego and cultural norms. Peasants believed themselves princes, humbled their experiences, and found their true place. What’s a king to a god?

“Don’t make us hurt you,” Another one with lilac hair pleaded.

You already did!” Night Blaze exploded. Don’t make us hurt you, my ass! The CPA students charged each other when Night Blaze made several hand gestures. They were slammed into the lockers, groaning from the impact, unable to move from their bondage. The CHS students were silently pallid as sweat oozed on their faces. How can they deal with this?! Some attempt to fight only for their fists to stop mere centimeters from his body. What?! They can’t get closer! Night Blaze pushed them away, sending them flying and rolling on the floor. This must be the same power when he created that vortex. What can they do?! They can’t touch him, but he could touch them without laying a finger on them. Night Blaze’s aura suffocated them. Some of their brains were deactivated as their eyes rolled back from the lack of oxygen. Those that remained. They didn’t see Dusk Shine or Night Blaze. Death approaches. They last saw his burning cyan eyes, a dragon, starving for meat and retribution.

Luna and her team found them, pausing at what they saw. Their eyes were flooded with horror, seeing their conditions. CHS students were limp and motionless on the ground. They weren’t dead, only unconscious and slightly clammy. A foul aroma emitted from their bodies. Some covered their mouths and noses to block the smell. Rarity tiptoed to avoid any rancid puddles. However, they were the lucky ones.

By Gaia’s basket,” Applejack muttered in shaking horror, removing her hat.

CPA students were on the lockers, neatly arranged on both sides. Their arms were outstretched, legs tightly held together, and heads falling forward. A hauntingly faint violet aura covered them, locking them in place.

“He crucified them?!” Lemon Zest mentioned sharply, voicing everyone’s thoughts on the matter. Her breathing hiked, tugging her hair and shaking her head. She wasn’t the only one viewing the scene with terrified expressions. Indigo Zap’s face turned green, holding back her bile. This is one of the cruelest forms of capital punishment. Deserved for only the worst people in Equestrian history. It’s been outlawed for over a century. “WHAT THE FUCK?! How did-why did” She stammered, attempting to decipher the reason behind this. Did Dusk Shine hate them that much? Were they sacrifices or something worse that didn’t desire to understand?

The remaining CHS students recalled Sunset Shimmer’s bullying tactics, which are child’s play compared to this. Did Dusk Shine hold this much hate in his heart?

“Dean Cadance,” One of them said, raising their head to the Dean. They’re still alive! Each of them tugged on a student, breaking the magical aura binding on them.

“Are you okay?” Cadance asked. This was horrible. She checked their bodies, and fortunately, they were uninjured.

“Yes,” Caramel grunted as she sat herself up. “We literally couldn’t touch him,”

“He used some hand gestures. Before we know it, we’re here on the lockers,” Another reported what happened in that brief second. Hand gestures?

“He gave a message.”

Within all of divine bountiful creation, the verdant hallowed ground, scorching merciless underworld, endless serene skies, and resolute blinding heavens. Only I am the honored one. The one who stands above them all,”

Their mouths dropped. Dusk Shine or Night Blaze uttered sacred scriptures while in this state, claiming to that person. Was he that arrogant? Adrenaline chilled their bodies as some exchanged silent, worried glances. This was serious. Beyond their pay grade in every sense of the word. Luna was the most concerned, fearing they lost Dusk Shine to this accursed Night Blaze.

“He went that way,” One of them weakly pointed down the hallway. Spike sniffed for Dusk Shine’s potential location and confirmed it with a nod. The trio of adults turned to them. It’s a silent request. Will they stay out of this or burn the ships? Nobody will blame them if they want to back out. Indigo was out. Understandable. As did Celestia to help with other students and CHS teachers. Cinch can’t be trusted. Sour Sweet and Sunset step forward. Others hesitated but followed in the two’s actions.

The second clue led him to the second floor. More students attempted to halt his advance. Some decided to take up weapons as this would be a tough fight.

“Alright then,” Night Blaze cracked his neck, summoning an energy blade in his palm. They gasped. “Ah, nah,” He shook his head before erasing the weapon. That’s too extreme. He opted for a simple staff. The air tensed before he nodded and charged in. None were successful. They were battered enemies in an Arkham game. They can’t stop him. His movements were blinding quicksilver, battering all in his path with precise jabs and stunning blows.

Night Blaze finally encountered CHS’s B-team, which was the same as the rest. Microchip and Sandalwood were stuck in the trash together. However, he showed mercy to Lyra and her ‘friend’ Bon-Bon. Bon-Bon pulled out a small switchblade and was ready to use it. Night Blaze raised his brow, marching towards her as he kept his focus. Bon-Bon sweated profusely as he drew near. Her body shook, but she couldn’t be scared now. Night Blaze’s face was blank yet soft-spoken, viewing the self-defense tool. He looked at it and back to her. Don’t do this. That’s what his eyes were telling her. Others watched his bizarre display of mercy. Lyra’s hand wrapped around her wrist, catching her attention as her eyes told her the same thing. Bon-Bon grimaced, handing it back to Lyra. Both sat down. Night Blaze nodded with a smile before narrowing his eyes into slits.

THERE’S THAT BASTARD FLASH SENTRY! He stormed at Sunset’s ex-boyfriend when Sandalwood and Microchips attempted to intercept. Night Blaze again planted Sandalwood in a nearby trash can and punched Mircochips in the gut. The two engaged in a fistfight, with Night Blaze dominating the exchange. Flash got a few shots in only because Night Blazed allowed it.

“Why, Flash?” Night Blaze demanded, shoving Flash into one of the lockers. “You toss away an S-ranked girl for a fucking stupid trophy!” He emphathized, delivering several heavy blows into Flash’s body. “Did you even love or care about her at all?” Night Blaze thundered, tossing the ex-boyfriend away

“I do love her,” Flash Sentry groaned as his body ached.

“If you loved her, why was it so easy for you to hurt her?!” Night Blaze fumed

“I. . .,” Flash Sentry paused. Guilt and shame chained his throat as he couldn’t argue with that notion. He did love Sunset even when she was in her bully phase. Yet he abandoned her during the A-non event and the Battle of the Bands.

“Whatever,” Night Blaze snorted as he stomped towards Flash Sentry. “All that matters now is you olive oil drinking, fermented berry guzzling, gyro munching, speed-loving, cloud puffing, rain snorting, senator stabbing, mixed up paternity having, polyamorous bonding, plank ass having, wide board back looking, race car driving, adrenaline junkie,” Flash Sentry listened to his tirade with a blank, worried expression. Did he prepare this? The other CHS students viewed it uncomfortably, thinking he would say something cancelable, but they were relieved he didn’t. “Gary stu looking, Mr. Blank personality but so popular since I’m so nice, bass-guitar playing, straight baiting, self insert airhead. You’re done, and get out of my way,” He insulted in a single breath, getting right in Flash Sentry’s face and shaking his clenched fist.

“Don’t you have Skyborne in you?” Lyra commented. There’s also Cadance and some of his known relatives.

“And so what’s your point? They’ll agree with me,” Night Blaze countered, rolling his eyes at the meager complaint.

Leave him alone,” Derpy Hoove yelped, leaping towards Flash Sentry while protectively embracing him. Her face was red, and her eyes filled with watery fear. Night Blaze raised his brow as he walked off, disinterested in this exchange. He had a game to win.

The second clue directed him to Luna’s office. He paused, checking any traps or undetected abnormalities. Nothing. Night Blaze stepped back and slammed the door with a heavy kick, revealing an empty office with CPA’s flag on her desk. He shrugged as he snatched the flag and exited the room. The next step is to get to the stage, plant the flag, and secure his victory. His ears caught the scrapping of wheels and sighed. It’s the CMC. Scootaloo narrowed her eyes, focusing on the flag. She pushed her scooter, faster and harder, to snatch it for him. He hasn’t seen her yet. Good.

“Come on,” Scootaloo muttered, flexing her hands to steal the flag. He sidestepped. Her eyes widened as she turned to meet his smirk. “Ah!” She yelped as he snatched her from the scooter as it slid across the floor.

“Did you really think that was going to work?” Night Blaze questioned, raising his brow at the young girl. He recalled she was Rainbow Dash’s relative. Not a sister, but likely a younger cousin. His eyes focused on her legs; one was shorter than the other.

“Nope. That’s why we have part 2,” Scootaloo shrugged before smirking, pointing to the other CMCs. Both girls had a lasso, tossing it at his wrist to capture the flag. It didn’t work. Night Blaze snatched the lasso, securing it in his grasp. A pregnant pause steadied in the air as the trio paled at the situation.

“Uh oh,” Sweetie Belle commented before Night Blaze yanked them like a lawnmower cord, sending them flying and crashing on the floor.

“You’re a monster!” Applebloom snapped.

“Oh? I’m a monster? Are you so sure about that, Ms. Anon?” Night Blaze mocked cruelly, titling his head like a curious predator as he dropped Scootaloo. “Please correct me if I’m wrong,” He tapped his chin to recall what happened last year. “Who’s the one that created a smear campaign against someone treating to better themselves for the utterly pathetic reason of not being invited to a slumber party despite them planning one themselves?” Night Blaze started. “Who’s the one that spreads lies, rumors, gossip and personal information throughout their school, destroying friendships and more, causing a near-death spiral?” Applebloom paled as the remorse quaked in her stomach. “Who’s the one that hacked the school’s system to access said information, nearly getting the police involved?” He continued, horrifying the girls. The police were almost involved in the A-non event?! Did they think that won’t be? Night Blaze wondered how naive these girls were. Did they think they were the main characters in a coming-of-age story where a simple apology would solve all the damage?! “Who’s the one that betrayed their brother and sister, broadcasting some of their deepest, darkest secrets?” He closed the gap, staring deep and hauntingly into her teary eyes. “Who was the one, Applebloom?

“Hey, stop it!”


“You two aren’t innocent either,” Night Blaze countered, glaring at the two girls. “In some ways, you two are worse than her,” He acknowledged. Their jaws dropped at his statement. “She was the mastermind behind all of this, but you didn’t stop her in any way. You happily, willingly joined her. At least Applebrat had a motive while you two didn’t,” Night Blaze motioned between them before scoffing. “Honestly, you should be thanking me. If Celestia and Luna hadn’t contacted me, the police would’ve gotten involved, and all three of you would been sent to a correctional facility,” He warned the girls about the other option. A correctional facility?!

“Applebloom, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle!” An array of voices caught their focus. Night Blaze got an idea.

“Catch,” Night Blaze instructed, tossing the CMCs to Applejack and Rarity. Rainbow Dash must still be outside. The elder sisters caught the girls as he fled.

“Are you girls okay?” Applejack asked before narrowing her jade eyes at Night Blaze’s form. This wasn’t the man she helped out during the games. Granny Smith told her stories about how the world chews up good people and then spits them out to become the worst version of themselves to survive. Unfortunately, this is one of those moments.

“AJ,” Applebloom muttered, nuzzling into her chest. Applejack softened her gaze “I’m sorry,” She whispered.

The flag rested in his palm as he ran through the halls. Victory was his. Night Blaze scanned the suspiciously vacant areas. Something wasn’t right. They’re planning something, but what? Ambush? Night Blaze turned a corner, paused, and widened his eyes at the sight.

Vinyl Scratch had her entire audio system primed and ready. Her fingers slid on various attachments, turning on dials for the frequency, creating a low whirring hum. She frowned about what to do as she put her headphones on, but it was better than seeing him like this. Flick! An ear-splitting boom erupted from the speakers. Night Blaze covered his ears, barely blocking the disorienting soundwaves. He ran with a persistent buzzing in his auditory systems without direction. The sound waves blurred his vision as he stumbled away.

The sensory onslaught continued. Photo Finish and her crew appear with their cameras on full brightness. Night Blaze’s vision became a dizzying mess of white and black spots.

Shit! He can’t see or hear anything now but can still smell. Birthday cake? PINKIE PIE AND HER PARTY CANNON! But where? Wait, apples and trees? Applejack! He blocked a stone-cracking kick from her, likely for payback against Applebloom and Big Mac. His forearms stung from the blow. What are they feeding this woman?! He grabbed her monstrous thigh.

“Hey, let go!” Applejack yelled, attempting to escape his grasp while hopping on one leg. She met bear traps less stubborn than this! Night Blaze grunted as he twirled the farm girl around. “Woah, Woah, Woah!” She fretted, holding on to her hat as he spun around. What in tarnation is his family feeding him?!

Night Blaze tossed her into a group. He panted, catching his breath. Still, where is that party cannon?! Night Blaze didn’t have time to think when a heavy shockwave launched him across the hallway before darkness claimed him.

He jolted awake with a gasp. Where? Somebody was holding him. Two people. Sour Sweet and Sunset Shimmer. They’re working together just to stop him. Night Blaze opened his eyes and surveyed the hallway before frowning. They have him surrounded and tied up with Rarity’s and Trixie’s ribbons. The only time his fellow CPA students made an effort was to stop him. He growled.

“Dusk Shine, it’s over,” Cadance declared, her soft voice echoing throughout the halls. “Please stop this,” Her frown quivered as her stomach twisted into choking knobs. She despised herself and saw Dusk Shine like this. Damn you, Cinch!

“It’s over?” Night Blaze grumbled. “Who the hell decided that, Mi Amore Cadenza?!” His head snapped upwards with blazing cyan eyes as he struggled against two. “It’s over when I’m dead, or I win,” Night Blaze avowed, chilling their sweat pores.

“Take him away and hold him for the time being,” Luna commanded, holding CPA’s flag in her palm. His eyes focused on it.

No, you’re not,” Night Blaze declared with fire in his belly and throat while struggling. Both girls further restrained him, attempting to put him down on the ground, but he won’t allow it.

“Dusk Shine, we have your hand locked. You can’t use your magic,” Luna informed. What game is he playing?

“Oh, who said that I needed to use my hands?” Night Blaze implied, raising an amused brow. “Or my hands at all,” Their eyes widened, and their stomachs turned at his answer. He puffed his chest. Flames jetted from his maw, frightening his captors from the unexpected heat. Night Blaze broke free, opening his hand with a faint aura, becoming a magnet for the flag, taking it from Luna’s grasp. His other hand pushed them away. He bolted as Rarity screamed from the torn ribbons. They gave chase, trailing through the hall. Night Blaze listed potential escape options. Can’t go down the stairs. They likely blocked adjacent hallways as well. He can hear several CPA students shouting behind him.

There’s only one way out as he charged towards the window. They screamed as he did.

Alright, we're almost done with this arc. So sit tight until then