• Published 10th May 2022
  • 1,544 Views, 55 Comments

Crystal Prison - HeirofHades

Dusk Shine the top student of CPA struggles to understand the value of Friendship. Cinch forces him to compete in the upcoming Friendship games against CHS. Now he must work with those he labeled him an outcast to achieve victory.

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Alright we're done with this arc. Thanks to you everyone who've read from the start to finish. Let's end this!

CHS students were buzzing with worry as they provided medical assistance to their classmates. A few CPA students added their support, while most remained where they were after Night Blaze emasculated them. Celestia and Redheart led the relief efforts when shattering glass caught their attention.

“Dusk Shine!” Celestia panicked as he jumped from the window and bounced off the bleachers, narrowly evading CPA students. He shook his head to regain his baring as his forearms and face took most of the damage. Minor cuts leaked blood, but nothing fatal. Aether raged, pushing out the glass shards and healing his wounds.

“Dusk Shine!” Trixie yelled, blitzing at him, but when someone pushed her out of the way.

“Get off of him!” Moon Dancer sneered. She’s sick of all this nonsense.

“Moon Dancer?” Night Blaze questioned as he rose with her help.

“I’m on the reserve team. I’m supposed to help you win the games,” Moon Dancer smiled before turning to CPA. “Unlike these worthless troglodytes,” She snarled, glaring fiercely at their classmates. “ALL THAT TALK ABOUT BEING ELITES ONLY FOR YOU ALL TO BE FUCKING WORTHLESS!” Moon Dancer exploded, gritting her teeth and stomping at their unjust hubris.

She and Dusk Shine were a part of the Gifted Equestrians program. Rigorous studying, specialized classes, and more. They’re the intellectual elites! Not these pompous pay-to-win parasites!

Fleur De Lis sharply whispered, signaling Garden Grove and Cold Forecast to prepare. The two nodded as Fleur ran towards them. She jumped. They used their hands to catapult Fleur De Lis into the air, enabling her to deliver a savage dropkick on one of the CHS students. Her group joined in, fighting and pushing several CHS students away from Night Blaze.

“What the fuck?” He whispered, dumbfounded by their unexpected support. He could’ve understood Moon Dancer, but not Fleur De Lis and her group. He had varying relationships with all of them. Garden Grove was Fleur’s best friend, so she often joined in on the torment. Orange Sherbette and Frosty Orange were more on the positive side. Cold Forecast and Diwata Aino were neutral. Melon Mint was older than them and competed in the last Friendship games.

“What’s the plan, Dusk Shine?” Fleur De Lis asked, tying her lavish hair into a ponytail.

“The first thing is getting through them, but we don’t have the manpower,” Cold Forecast blandly remarked, eying the growing crowd of CHS and CPA students loyal to Cadance.

“Yeah, you do,” The B-Team announced, joining Night Blaze and the others. Mulberry Cascade, Taffy Shade, Lightning Blue, Peacock Plume, Marco Dafoy, Crystal Lullaby, Ginger Owlseye, Said Thunderbolt, and Varsity Trim joined. Many of them were the social elites or children of alums and must maintain the reputation of their status.

Night Blaze took point, staring at the mob of CHS and CPA. Rainbow Dash was incapacitated, leaving Applejack and Sunset to take the lead.

The air stilled. Celestia frowned at the scene. This was the antithesis of everything that the Friendship Games were meant to represent. Students . . . children shouldn’t be fighting like this. It’s supposed to be a fun competition for children. Not the damn Hunger Games.

Shadowbolts! What do you carry on your backs?!” Night Blaze demanded like a commander motivating his army before the eve of battle. His voice was strong and resonating, displaying that he hadn’t lost the will to fight and win. Cinch raised her brow with a cruel upward turn of her lips. The CPA students neatly formed ranks with their backs upright.

An enduring legacy of prestigious excellence,” They answered, including the ones standing against him. The students covered their mouths, wondering why they gave an unconscious response.

“What do you hold in your right hand?” Night Blaze continued, raising his right hand. The CPA students stepped forward.

We hold the tools of ambition, forging our futures with determination and perseverance!” They replied.

“What do you hold in the left?” Night Blaze asked, gesturing with his other hand.

"The key to opportunity, unlocking doors to endless possibilities through our unwavering drive and ambition," They announced, with Moon Dancer taking several steps forward.

“What do you seek in front of you?” Night Blaze declared.

Victory and domination. We will stop at nothing to crush our adversaries and assert our superiority,” They were ready, narrowing their eyes and tightening their bodies.

“Dusk Shine,” Sunset Shimmer said, marching forward, holding the amulet in her hand and the CHS’s flag in the other. “I’m going to stop you. We’re going to stop with,” She broadcasted with the amulet raised when an amethyst force knocked her back. Night Blaze’s hand flickered. They gawked at him for his action.

“What?” Night Blaze asked defensively. “Did you think I was going to let her transform?” He argued, gesturing to Sunset. This wasn’t a Shonen anime where the villains watched a lengthy transformation sequence and eventually lost. He’s Azula or Andriod 17 right now, using that gap to win. “Let’s just win this already,” Night Blaze grumbled when his eyes snapped forward. He smiled. They covered their eyes at the blinding light.

The fighting stopped before it began as the sun rose again. Sunset Shimmer hovered above them, as did that princess from earlier. She landed right in front of Night Blaze. Everyone scattered the field, allowing these two higher beings to battle. This was between them. Aether remade them using their emotion as a catalyst for their transformation.
Daydream Shimmer.

That was Sunset’s new name in this form. It’s what the Aether told Dusk Shine or Night Blaze. Doesn’t matter. This Daydream Shimmer was gorgeous.

Sunset Shimmer was always an alluring woman to Dusk Shine sans Night Blaze, but this form was phenomenal. Divine golden wings with a horn to match made of Aether. Her regalia was an asymmetrical strapless dress made of warm reddish pinks, radiant gold, and gentle cyan with gladiator-style heels. Her hair flickered like a welcoming dancing flame. A simple crimson gemstone choker. Her upper arm bands were her cutie mark. In her palm was her school’s flag. Daydream Shimmer was a sun deity of redemption and justice, born from the unconditional love of her friends. She was a hero driven to protect them from Dusk Shine. However, she didn’t want to fight him, but it was the only way to save him from the corrupting Aether. Daydream’s face was determinedly conflicted about what she was doing. It had to be done. To save her best friend from this . . .

Night Blaze.

Aether took an identical design philosophy for him but more organic. Whereas Daydream’s wings and horn were made from Aether, Dusk Shine’s were a part of his body. It was. Until that princess from the mirror world appeared, battled him, and reduced him to more grounded levels. Aether still burned bright and faithful in his body as if he was the rightful wielder. This Night Blaze persona usurped control of Dusk Shine’s body, holding steadfast to his oath of claiming victory for CPA. He was a mess. Fighting an entire horde of CHS students and a contingent of students loyal to Dean Cadance, including the Shadow 5. Then proceeded to JUMP from the second-story window and tumble over the bleachers onto the field. He shouldn’t be moving.


Dusk Shine was still standing. On the surface, it was admirable, displaying his resolve and duty to his school. That doesn’t denote the immeasurable physical trauma he endured. Broken bones, still bleeding wounds likely from the glass and other sources, and reeked of soot and fire. A crumbled and tattered uniform. Not to mention the sheer mental trauma of all things. Betrayed by his principal, peer pressured, and guilt-tripped to release the magic, he virtually died and was reborn.

He now has a separate entity controlling his body.

This entity and aether changed his body, reducing it to mere aesthetic choices. His skin was a darker purple. His hair became wilder and spiker while moving like a stubborn fire. His eyes were draconic, a luminously haunting cyan focused on winning. He held his school’s flag in his palm as well. Unfortunately, Dusk Shine didn’t have the luxury of being remade from the love of his schoolmates.


Dusk Shine , no, Night Blaze was a being of rage, vengeance, egotism, and anguish. A monster CPA they help create. Both wanted to say something but words are meaningless in this situation. She swore that a piece of Dusk Shine remained in his eyes. They didn’t want this to happen. This was supposed to be a fun event between schools. Not this. However, that’s how life goes. You can’t always get what you want and must deal with it.

Neither said a word before blitzing in a flash. Their school observed two stars dancing and dueling around them. The sky cracked and thundered from each magical blow. They could only keep up because of the colors—purple for Dusk Shine and Crimson for Sunset Shimmer. What boggled the most is that it’s evenly matched, slightly edging in Dusk Shine’s favor. How is that possible?! Sunset has more magic, and Dusk Shine is exhausted. It should’ve been one-sided. Eh, power scalers. Being stronger doesn’t always mean better. Neither does this + that = that. Although it’s a logical assumption but, that’s not how a fight or battle works.

Sunset has more magic, but she’s using it predictably and doesn’t flow as easily. Dusk Shine, on the other hand, his magic is more refined and potent despite the diminished reserves. Furthermore, his mind and creativity enable him to exploit Aether’s potential further. The last thing people often overlook is mindset, personality, and motivations. Dusk Shine has that killer edge. The will to win. His analytical and ruthless thinking process. He’s not dying to win; he’s risking death to win, opening his mind and throwing caution into the wind, allowing him to do things he won’t normally do. Dusk Shine knows how to fight and is willing to fight dirty.

The two continued their aerial duel. A wrathful dragon against a guardian phoenix. Sunset kept her distance, firing off magic beams. Dusk Shine didn’t fly traditionally, making more of an advanced levitation. His lithe body was covered in a glowing amethyst aura. He jetted towards her, calculating the distances, speed, and dimensions of his body to evade her attacks. Sunset readied her body as he drew near with his fist for a strike. He vanished. Her eyes widened.

Where did he go? She frantically searched for Dusk Shine. “AH!” Sunset yelped from the sudden grip on her ankle. Dusk Shine tightened his hold on her, flipping her over, and flung Sunset with all his might in a bestial roar. He unleashed several fiery blasts for good measure. She barely summoned a shield to block the attack as she crashed and rolled on the ground. Sunset brushed the dust off of her when several hands grabbed her.

“Get the hell off of me,” She yelled, struggling to push them off her. Aether can easily solve that problem but she can’t risk it.

“Hold her down; we got this, Dusk Shine,” Lighting Blue announced, giving their top student a thumbs up as they crowded her. His blood spiked at the scene.

GET YOUR FILTHY FUCKING HANDS AWAY FROM HER!” Night Blaze roared, teleporting to their location like an angry god, crushing the earth beneath his feet. How dare they touch her!? In a flash, he slammed his fist into Lighting’s face with such force he flipped, coating Dusk Shine’s fist with blood from this broken nose. Dusk Shine covered him in Aether and telekinetically rocketed him into a trio of CPA students. He charged, outstretching his arms, delivering a savage double lariat toward Ginger Owleye and Taffy Shade as they shrieked from the impact. Were they from Cinch’s and Cadance’s faction? Irrelevant. They dared to interrupt their duel! Cadance, Luna, Celestia, Spike, the Main 6, the Shadow 5, and countless others watched him demolish his classmates. Headbutts, punches, kicks, knee and elbow strikes. All were used. Some would view this scene as cathartic. Did they honestly believe they could get into Dusk Shine’s good graces after treating him like a hot dogshit?

Holy shit,” Someone muttered in abject horror. A crowd of battered CPA students lay at Dusk Shine’s feet like a colony of dead ants. He unleashed a tower of purple flame skyward from his maw while roaring a battle cry. They covered their ears as the ground rumbled beneath them. Was it out of victory or anguish?

Night Blaze turned to Sunset; her body shuddered as her heart nearly exploded out of her chest. “Get up,” He said softly.

“What?” Sunset Shimmer asked, fumbling over her words. What more does he want?!

“I said get up,” Night Blaze repeated, taking a more aggressive tone. “There’s only one way that this can Sunset Shimmer,” He held up a finger. “One of us could no longer fight or when the Aether leaves our bodies,” His robotic face chilled her to the core.

“Dusk Shine,” Sunset Shimmer pleaded as she struggled to stand. Man, that shit hurts.

“We’re the top students; we both must win for our schools. I’m not giving up so easily. Not even for you,” Night Blaze whispered. Thunder boomed from the sky as clouds began to form.

“Rain?” Applejack smelled the air. They weren’t supposed to have rain for another week. Did she do the laundry?

NO! NO! NO! NO! NO!” Dusk Shine denounced these actions with a booming voice while shaking his head, nearly pulling his hair out. They shrunk from this refusal. “YOU AS WELL, FAUST!” He bellowed at the sky. Why now of all times?! “FOR MY ENTIRE LIFE, YOU’VE GIVEN ME SOME TYPE OF HELL! MY BITCH OF AN AUNT! BETRAYED BY THOSE I USED TO CALL FRIENDS! ISOLATED BY SOMETHING I CAN’T CONTROL! TURNED INTO A SCAPEGOAT FOR A BUNCH OF PARASITIC FUCK-MOTHERING GILDED CUNTS WHO’RE TOO FUCKING WEAK TO DO ANYTHING THEMSELVES!” Dusk Shine ranted, listing off the tragedies in this life. He motioned to his schoolmates as CHS glared at them in disgust. They shamefully avoided their stinging looks. Is this how they treated their top student? At least with Sunset Shimmer, she was a bully but with Dusk Shine. He was innocent. Their ire against him was childish, petty, and pathetic. Cinch remained silent

I don’t care anymore,” Dusk Shine muttered as if he wanted to cry. Thunder and lightning crackled in response. He gritted his teeth and glared with unrestricted venom and indignation. “I DON’T CARE IF I DIE AND YOU SENT ME STRAIGHT TARTARUS AFTER THIS!” His body exploded with flaming Aether, regaining his obsidian raven wings in a fiery matter. The ground crackled and burned under his feet. Many took cover at this unworldly power. How much does he have?! “IF YOU HAVE ANY BARE BASIC HUMAN LOVE AND DECENCY!” He requested, taking a few exhales to calm himself. “Please . . .” Dusk Shine beseeched, his lip quivered as he whispered. “DON’T TAKE THIS AWAY FROM ME!” He thundered, breaking several windows as the clouds disappeared. Whatever heavenly was up there listened to him.

Sunset read Dusk Shine’s tormented thoughts. Their eyes meet, raising their glowing hands. Dark purple rays clashed with golden crimson beams. Sunset grunted as her heels dragged into the ground while being pushed back. It’s too much. She ducked under the blast as she fumbled for any ideas.

“Dusk Shine!” Spike pleaded, making Dusk Shine look in his worried eyes. Memories flooded as all of their good times settled in his brain.

“Spike?” Dusk Shine blinked owlishly at his pet, grabbing his head as his eyes turned purple again. What is he doing?

“Get your fucking head in the game nerd!” Night Blaze demanded, his cyan eyes flashing again. His body convulsed, fighting at this entity.

“No!” Dusk Shine struggled, restricting his body as best he could. They watched this dreadful exchange as the two personalities battled for control. He rapidly vanished as if he was fighting. “Sunset, hurry! I . . . can’t . . . hold him . . . for long,” Dusk Shine grunted, tugging on the back of his shirt.

“But,” Sunset fretted.

DO IT!” Dusk Shine commanded, losing his mind’s anchor. Sunset nodded, bolting to his position, firing him a full-powered golden beam. It pained her to see him tumbling away into the statue, cracking it. Sunset galloped to his still body, and hearing him groan painfully eased her spirit. She glanced at his empty hands. Where’s his flag? Her eyes focused on Moon Dancer, running towards the stage. Sunset shook her head before flying over to Moon Dancer.

Moon Dancer snatched the flag from the ground while Sunset Shimmer was distracted. She’s on the reserve team. It’s her job to fill the gaps, ensuring they win. Everyone else besides Dusk Shine was fucking useless. All they did was sit and reap the benefits while she was willing to join him in the fight. He’s down and probably out but Moon Dancer won’t let his efforts spoil. THEY WERE GOING TO WIN! No. She’s going to win for Dusk Shine. A golden light hovered before her.

“Hand it over, Moon Dancer,” Sunset Shimmer sternly requested with an opened palm, making her flinch. It’s over. Dusk Shine regained control from this Night Blaze. He’s knocked out, but he’s okay for the moment. Moon Dancer hesitated. What can she do? She can’t surrender in front of her classmates after everything Dusk Shine did. Someone decided for her.

You missed,” An articulated molten voice taunted. Sunset’s heart dropped at his voice. HOW MANY PHASES THIS BOSS FIGHT HAVE?! Dusk Shine arose, his eyes flickering with smoldering Aether. How?! She blasted him square in the face. A section of his face returned to his typical hue. He didn’t allow Sunset to ask before rocketing her back several meters with a blast.

“Dusk Shine,” Moon Dancer worried about his state when he grabbed the flag from her.

I solved the equation! My formula will give us the WIN!” Night Blaze claimed with a false prophet's madness with a wild grin threatening to rip his face. His eyes were widened and bloodshot, clinging to his insane theories. He grunted and blitzed towards Sunset Shimmer, leaving his footprints on the ground. Moon Dancer covered her face from the shockwave. Sunset fired streams of magical beams at the rushing Night Blaze. “1, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13!” He dodged and countered every one of them. “I CAN READ IT NOW! THAT MAGNIFICENT SCORE OF YOURS!” HE CAN SEE EVERYTHING! The charts, graphs, angles, formulas, and more!

“What the fuck do you mean?!” Sunset demanded, bewildered by his statement, continuing her bombardment. First, it was math; now, it’s music. Shit, he’s getting close. Sunset Shimmer needed help against Dusk Shine. Victory slipped from their grasp numerous times. Whether it was the Aether or his innate determination and rage-fueled malice against his schoolmates that kept him going.

Cadance shut her eyes with a painful sigh. “I’m sorry, Dusk Shine,” She muttered as she picked up a baseball bat, tossing several balls in the air before launching them at Dusk Shine. Others followed, using tennis balls, soccer balls, and footballs to break his stride or focus. Dusk Shine adjusted his movements to evade the swarm of projectiles

“Don’t sit on your asses! Stop them!” Moon Dancer barked, rushing over to them. Fleur De Lis and her group were right behind her. They prepared themselves for a fight and were going to get it. Moon Dancer tackled Trixie, resuming their earlier scrap. Fleur De Lis and Rarity. And so on. They got the fight they desired.

That brief distraction allowed Dusk Shine to reach Sunset. She didn’t retreat from his aggressive advance, jetting towards him with equal force. Time slowed, unleashing their battle roars. Everything rested on this.

“COME ON!” Dusk Shine’s face morphs into a burning mask, howling with draconic wrath and determination. He’s the Schola Perfecta! This victory will be his!

“FINE!”Sunset Shimmer was the guardian Valkyrie in this final clash. She didn’t care about winning! They can end in a total loss. Her old self would have cared, valuing victory at any cost. Now, she fights for friends. Dusk Shine is her friend. She’ll help him just like how he helped her. Their flags were swords in this final battle. Two ceaseless roaring galaxies clashed for domination in this battle. Each strike resulted in a clanking blazing shockwave. No words were uttered. Only the very last bit of strength they can muster. Adrenaline spiked. Muscles ached, begging for them to stop. They can’t. It's a war of attrition!

Dusk Shine knocked Sunset back before lunging at her. She narrowed her eyes, readying herself for attack only for Pinkie Pie to take his place.

Pinkie?!” Sunset Shimmer hesitated, stepping back from her. How did she get here? Sunset turned. Did Dusk Shine teleport to the stage? That split-second distraction was all he needed. Dusk Shine swapped back with Pinkie Pie, slamming his flag into Sunset’s midsection, knocking the air out of her.

“Oh, that’s dirty!” Indigo Zap complained about the tactic. Pinkie Pie was safe, wanting to do that again.

Oh, you’re one to talk,” Rarity sneered at her hypocrisy. Hopefully, Dusk Shine knocked some sense back into her. She and CHS were still hostile towards CPA for causing this situation. They’ll make their disdain known later.

Sunset coughed, rubbing her midsection from the strike. Dusk Shine pounced, readying his fist for the attack. She raised her hand, summoning a crystalline barrier to protect her. Gensority.

“What?!” Dusk Shine exclaimed as his fist shattered the barrier. She vanished in a flash. Loyalty. Dusk Shine honed his senses when something punched him in the face. A golden streak blitzed around him, delivering a series of attacks, and he staggered to defend himself.

“I think she got this!” Someone cheered. More blows came his way. Dusk Shine calmed his mind, calculating and analyzing the situation. What’s among the most important things when it comes to research? Patterns and timing! Sunset came from the right for a haymaker, only for Dusk Shine to block it, ushering shockwaves from the defense.

“Are you kidding me?!” Sunset thundered before blinking away. She accelerated her speed.

Sunset repeated her attacks only to be met with the same result. Dusk Shine figured it out! She launched a flying kick his way. He sidestepped, grabbed her by the neck and threw her back in his direction. Her heels dragged. Dusk Shine stepped towards her, pausing at the sly smile. He gazed around and widened his eyes. There’s MULTIPLE SUNSETS?! Laughter. They swarmed him like a horde of ants and bees. This can be a dream for some people. Multiple copies of a beautiful woman, but this isn’t one of those times. Dusk Shine attempted to evade them all, but there were too many. One of them has to be the real Sunset Shimmer. He clasped his hands.

Ignis Agni!” Dusk Shine chanted as his body was illuminated in a fiery explosion. It’s one of his main spells during his OnO campaigns when he played with Shining Armor and his friends. All the other Sunsets burned to ashes except one. The real one was hiding far above him. She started gobsmacked at the flames as he stood at the center. “You can’t hide from that easily,” He taunted with a smirk when the ground cracked for waves of vines and roots charged at him. Honesty. Dusk Shine’s footwork and movement would make Tarzan proud as he ascended to Sunset’s position. A tendril smacked him back to the ground before anything could’ve been done. He used Aether to ease his descent. His cyan eye acknowledged the massive flock of burning avian projectiles. Kindness.

“We need to run,” They panicked as the phoenix illuminated the area. The fighting stopped between the three factions. Their bodies heated as they wiped the sweat and dirt from their faces.

“Hold it,” Dusk Shine commanded, raising his hand as they paused. Their faces paled at the incoming barrage. “You’re under my protection. There are a few things greater than that,” He declared, rotating his shoulders to ease his body and joining his hands. Power surged through Dusk Shine’s body as the glowing flock approached. He grunted, emitting a shockwave. Scores of the flock disappeared from his surmounting power. Both representatives unleashed the apex of their powers against the other. It’s how they show their respect. They knew each other for years, lighting the fire and pushing them to newer and brighter heights. Dusk Shine roared. Sunset shrieked. Until they had nothing left.

Sunset’s magic depleted, removing her wings as she landed on the physical earth. Dusk Shine heaved, wiping his bloody nose. The top students faced each other. They battled against each other for what felt like hours. Bruises, cuts, scars, dirt, and blood stained their ascended forms. Both were exhausted but couldn’t surrender, not like this. They didn’t know how much time they had left, so they had better make it count.

Their auras flared once more. Dusk Shine the amethyst flame of raging twilight vs. Sunset Shimmer the rising sun of redemption. Everything rides on this final moment. One attack. The stars clashed, illuminating the sky as bystanders shielded their visions. They waited for the dust to settle. Who won?

Dusk Shine stood above a defeated Sunset, now in her base human form. His face softened, brushing her messy hair out of the way. Sunset groaned weakly, opening her eyes and seeing him again. She lost. He raised his hands, gently floating her body to Trixie and Sunset’s friends. She’s one of the most influential people to him. It’s the least he can do.

"DUSK SHINE! DUSK SHINE! DUSK SHINE!" His classmates, or at least Cinch’s supporters, cheered him on for probably the first time.

Cinch smirked coldly at Luna, Celestia, and Cinch. They lost. She has won again. Was there any doubt about this predictable outcome? Everything's coming together better than she hoped. She must reward Dusk Shine after this, but only after a swift disciplinary action.

“Dusk Shine, please,” Sunset Shimmer begged, looking at him with those brilliant cyan eyes, reaching for him.

“I am sorry, Sunset Shimmer. I can’t do that, not even for you,” Dusk Shine rejected her request as he dragged his body to the stage. Just a few more meters. It’ll all be over. That’s what he thought. But, of course, hardly anything goes according to plan. Dusk Shine’s body jolted. Someone’s coming after him from the left. He vanished in a purple blink to avoid the attack.

It’s Luna! Her solemn face stared at him. This was top of the list of all the things she didn’t want to do. She carried the weight of a reluctant parent disciplining their wayward child, preventing them from going on a horrible path. Luna was his Consul. She’s basically a second mother to him when Velvet’s not around. It’s her responsibility to craft Dusk Shine into an upstanding citizen. She and others made him a pillar of discipline, commitment, determination, and morality. Luna wasn’t going to stop now. No matter how much it pains her to do this.

The Nocturnal children battled similarly to himself and Rainbow Dash. This spar was slower-paced and calculated. Celestia joined in. The Celestial sisters tag-teamed against Dusk Shine, but he still held firm. Their main goal was to exhaust and later restrain him until help arrived. One dominated the offensive, keeping him distracted and leaving the other to restrain him. The CHS students didn’t know that their principals could move like that. They watched a choreographed action scene with grappling, shoves, flips, and advanced moves only professionals can do. His palms glowed, pushing the sisters away. He breathed to collect his thoughts, but that was all Cadance needed.

“Get off of me, Cadance,” Dusk Shine grunted, struggling against his former babysitter. She held him as lovingly tight as she could. Cadance wanted all of this to stop. Please just stop. He grabbed her arm, flipping her over his shoulder before pouncing towards the stage. No more distractions.

“Um, excuse me, do you mind if I hold you down,” Fluttershy humbly requested with a beam, followed by a brief silence. He stared blankly at her.

“. . . What?” Dusk Shine deadpanned. She should at least take him to dinner and a movie first.

“DOGPILE!” Pinkie Pie yelled, jumping on his back. He freaked out as he floundered around to shake the entertainer off. More joined the heap, taking his arms and legs. The remaining Mane 6, the Shadow 5, members of the CHS’s B-team, Luna, Celestia, and Candace. Even Vinyl and Pixel got involved. Applejack dominated the weight class, using that homegrown country strength, bearing Dusk Shine down.

It wasn’t enough.

“WHAT?!” He moved. Slowly, with lead-filled bones, moving each step with a heavy crack. Their hearts quaked as they played tug of war with his limbs. He’s a trapped animal, content with sacrificing his limbs to escape and win.

“Luna!” Celestia exclaimed, glaring at her younger sister. She knew this was her doing.

“Sorry for ensuring he doesn’t skip leg day,” Luna refuted. She won several awards on the CHS’s weightlifting team in their youth. Luna ensured that his mind was sharper than steel and enduring as adamantium. It worked too well. Dusk Shine used what little Aether he had remaining to create a shockwave, blasting them off him. Several groaned from being launched away. His single-minded goal kept him alert, limping to the stage. Almost there.

“Dusk Shine, please, we don’t want to hurt you,” Sugarcoat requested as they stood up. He paused.

You’re two years too late,” Dusk Shine sneered, glaring over his shoulder. For two fucking years, they treated him like a living answer key, only acknowledging him when they wanted answers or an A for their assignment. Now?! Now they don’t want to hurt him! Funny how a near-death experience and a victim fighting back can jolt the brain into realizing one’s falls.

“Then let us help you now. We promise everything will be better after this,” Sour Sweet started as others nodded. She took the lead, cautiously moving towards him. Sour Sweet hurt him the most out of the student body. It’s up to her to make amends.

Help me?” Dusk Shine repeated, titling his head as his shoulders hiked; his voice was low and seethed with disgust. One of his eyes roared as his features darkened menacingly. They backtracked, and terror spread out their bodies in a cold sweat. His aura manifested into an apocalyptic beast, glowering with immeasurable hate. This wasn’t good. “HELP ME?!” He barked, his hand ablaze, and stabbed himself in the shoulder. They gasped. The same shoulder where Moon Dancer shot him and Sour Sweet repaired. “I . . . WOULD RATHER DIE . . . THAN ACCEPT THE HELP!” His rage skyrocketed as he stomped towards Sour Sweet. After what they did to him?! “FROM! THE! LIKES OF YOU!” Angry tears leaked from his amethyst eyes as he raised his fist. Terror scared their faces. Dusk Shine’s fist was overcharged with Aether and slammed into the earth.

Everything became blurry in a blinding purple flash.

Sire’s Hollow was in a frenzy. Citizens exited their buildings and homes to witness a burning pinkish-amethyst star in the sky. Students gazed out at the window, murmuring at what it was. They were scared but also intrigued by this phenomenon. Starlight ogled with a hopeful and blank expression. She cracked a lucid smile as the star burned so beautifully. It’s him. Starlight darted out of the classroom. She had to see it. He has to know she hears him and she’s coming to find him.

“Starlight, where are you going?” Sugar Belle asked. Her other friends wondered the same thing and followed her.

Starlight Glimmer didn’t stop, running past other students and teachers in their small school. Her friends chased after her. Firelight was giving a sermon in the town square while Stellar Flare countered, leading to one of their classic arguments. He pointed to one of the hills for Starlight. She beamed, pushing her body further to her destination. It’s a popular spot for stargazers. Her pace slowed as the path got steeper. She must see it with her own eyes. Everything would be so perfect once they met. An unstoppable epic duo. Just wait a little longer.

Dusk Shine, I can hear you,” Starlight breathed, her body ached from the dramatic physical feat. Chilly mountain air cut her unprotected skin as she went higher. Starlight didn’t care. She’s almost there. The wind fluffed her hair as she hurried to the spot. She’s here, falling to her knees. A broad maniac grin broke on her purple features, opening her arms to welcome him. I CAN HEAR YOU!

Tempest gazed at the celestial object, narrowing her eyes. Her forehead burned with a foul familiarity. This isn’t good. These Aether levels have terrifyingly exceeded their prior knowledge of it. She revved her motorcycle, accelerating it to CHS with haste. Friendship Games are today. An ambulance was called in, adding reassuring bulk to her journey.
“Hold on, Dusk Shine. I’m almost there,” Tempest muttered as she entered a school zone.

They shielded themselves from the impending conflagration, but nothing happened. All the injured students found themselves in optimal health. No aches, pains, or stiffness. Rainbow Dash found herself free from that disabling sensation in her spine. She tested with a few jumps. In fact, she found herself in better condition. The windows were rebuilt as well. They gazed at the exhausted Dusk Shine. He healed them and rebuilt the landscape. Why? Was it an act of mercy or redemption? He’s the only one barring any sort of damage. Did someone call the ambulance or something? Hopefully, someone did because he needs one.

“Trixie, can you watch Flurry for me?” Dusk Shine spoke normally for the first time since he released the magic. His flaming horn vanished; only Dusk Shine himself remained. “I don’t think I can make it this week,” He gazed weakly at the magician. His vision was blurry, but he recognized that whitish-blue hair anywhere. Flurry loves Trixie. She’s her Cadance in this case.

Dusk Shine, no,” Trixie sobbed quietly. This isn’t how the show is supposed to end!

“Sunset Shimmer. The same thing for you with Spike. I already sent you the information,” Dusk Shine continued. Her heart sank at the reveal. Please no. Thanks for my friends,” He smiled brightly as best he could at the pair. His smile was weak, barely holding onto dwindling strength. “And,” He whispered. His heartbeat slowed. Vision foggy. Not much time left. He couldn’t tell where he was looking anymore. “Thanks for letting me know what it’s like to be,” Dusk Shine hesitated, tears flowing from his eyes. The ground swayed and wobbled under his feet. Everything . . . going . . . dark. Why can’t he say it? He didn’t need to say it. Sunset or Sour Sweet already knows the words by looking into his eyes.

Dusk Shine’s body was on a ship, surrendering to the rocking waves. Is he on the ferryman’s boat? His face fell, going blank as he tried to stand. He can’t. Several yelled his name, but he didn’t hear it. His body was doing something it should’ve done a long time ago.


Author's Note:

Fun Fact/Trivia: During the beta phase of the story, when I tried to write the story without magic. I know that was dumb. Cinch forced/blackmailed Dusk Shine into taking a type of steroid pill. That idea inspired Dusk Shine's/Night Blaze's initial rampage and later scenes.

I'll keep the steroid idea for future plots and ideas later