• Published 26th May 2022
  • 814 Views, 14 Comments

Sunset in the gods - red-sun

Queen Luna, tired of serving the gods, has decided to start a rebellion against the authority of the gods.

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Act 0 – The Rebel Queen – Chapter 3

“Damn human! but how...? You should have died after that blow Tirek gave you... there's no way you could still be alive!" Storm yells as he tries to stop the bleeding from his arm.

Tirek is also surprised, and feels a strange aura that Luna is emitting.

"Are they surprised?" Luna calmly replies. “Or is it that all of you overestimated yourself. The supposedly 'mighty gods' aren't as strong as I thought. Your name is Storm from the lightning faction? Let me tell you what awaits you.” Luna draws a second sword. “I am going to slice your body piece by piece. You'll scream in agony, you'll beg for mercy and when I'm about to kill you... I won't, I'll leave your body in agony lying on the ground."

“You dare to threaten me? To threaten a god? You will regret those words!!” Storm yells in anger and gets into a combat stance. "Divine Power" prepares to attack. “'Swift strike'” Storm's feet begin to emit lightning bolts and he begins to run at full speed towards Luna.

But quickly Luna moves a little and places a sword in position in which Storm ends up cutting off a leg by her own impulse and ends up falling. “Aaaaah!! my leg... you cut off my leg!”

"Don't be an idiot, I just kept my sword still, you were the one who came running and didn't see where he was going." Luna says sarcastically.

"Wow... that woman is scary, I wouldn't want to run into her... again." Discord tells Sunset.

Sunset looks up from the water and looks curiously at Discord.

Discord notices Sunset's curiosity. “It's a long story... or was it many stories? No matter. The only thing that matters is that they all end with Luna trying to kill someone (me) and with Celestia unable to stop laughing.

"And why is that important?" Asks Sunset.

“Because she could never catch me ha ha ha! and after seeing what he is doing to that god, that gives another kind of joy to those memories.”

After a long laugh, Sunset asks "Discord, why do you fight against the gods?"

"Why do you want to know girl?"

"I can understand why humans fight other humans but why would gods fight other gods?"

"What is not obvious? For the same reason that anyone would fight for... for power, prestige, ideals, opinions, etc, etc... I personally... I just don't agree with their opinions, also in the sacred land the society of the gods is very boring, and lastly... I love humans, they are always in a kind of order and chaos, it's a vicious circle... no, it's not a circle, it's a spiral."

"A spiral?"

"Yes! They simply seek order but too much order is oppression, when there is oppression they seek freedom but too much freedom creates chaos and when there is a lot of chaos they never seek order, it is in the same way but each attempt is different and the same at the same time. And that makes it more fun."

After saying that, both decide to continue observing the battle.

“Aaaaaahhh!!” Storm screams loudly when Luna steps on his back.

"Yes... that scream of agony... I want to hear more!" And Luna steps on Storm one more time.

Although Luna's opponent could no longer fight back or defend himself, Luna never stopped attacking, but even though she had the chance, she didn't give him the finishing blow... Luna wanted the god to cry out in suffering. Luna wanted to humiliate him in front of everyone.

"This is outrageous... Am I really going to die at the hands of this human?" Storm yells while he did not stop suffering.

"human! I see you have skills. Let me put them to the test again” shouts Tirek runs directly towards Luna to attack her. "Divine Power 'Mountain Avalanche'". And he lands a powerful blow against Luna. But Luna uses her two swords to defend against the blow. Hurting Tirek's fist in the process.

"Okay, I just hurt your hand a little, I see that the gods of battle affiliation are stronger than they seem." Luna then gets in position to attack.

“Human... you haven't unleashed your true power yet... show me...” then Tirek is also placed in his combat potion.

“So you noticed huh…? in that case... here you have it!!” At that moment the black smoke that came out of Luna's armor began to enter Luna's body. Her black armor turned blue, her skin turned black, and a pair of bat wings emerged from her back.

What is this aura? a divine power? No, it's just a simple human... it's the armor. Tirek couldn't stop thinking about what was happening as he prepared for the next attack.

"So he decided to use it," said Discord.

"What is happening to Luna?" Sunset asks worriedly.

“Listen Sunset, hundreds of years ago, there was a duel. All Master fought against an ancient beast, I don't know all the details but after a long fight, the beast was finally killed... however, it is said that the spirit of the beast was indestructible, only a tiny particle of essence was needed so that he would survive. His name was...Nightmare.” Discord tells him.

"But how is it that Luna has it?"

"That's what I'm getting to. During the war of unification of the three kingdoms that would form Equestria, there was a warrior who met the beast that was mortally wounded. Then somehow Nightmare's soul entered the armor of that warrior, making his power to be shared with the wearer of the armor, that warrior won many battles and became known as the first king of Equestria. After the king died, the armor was sealed in the mausoleums of Canterlot where only the royal family was allowed to enter.

"Why didn't the king who rebelled wear that armor?" Sunset asks.

“Because he couldn't, the armor is a living being in itself, and only the armor decides who will wear it. Luna found the armor when she was ten years old. Apparently there was some sort of connection between her and the armor, similar to the one the first king had."

"How much power does Nightmare have?"

"Nightmare was mortally wounded when the king found him, and a beast capable of fighting against All Master equally must be very powerful but it also means that it will cost him more to recover, and in all these years I don't know how much power he recovered".

“Divine Power 'Locust Swarm'” Chrysalis had joined the battle to help Tirek and Storm. With his attack a swarm of locusts appeared and enveloped Luna. But the locusts began to drop dead. "I guess I'd better do it the old fashioned way." Chrysalis then pulls out a halberd and begins to fight at Tirek's side.

On top of the floating castle, a man watched the battle from his throne. He was a muscular man of slim build, pitch black eyes, long black hair that reached to his upper back. He was wearing lead-colored pants. On his legs, he wore gray metal greaves and wore a long dark blue robe. That god was called All master the lord of all gods.

"Nightmare?" All Master begins to speak in a soft but authoritative voice. “Priestess Cinch, is it here? Is this where the threat of the gods will appear?”

“Yes…it certainly seems to be the one our diviners were referring to. 'He who with the determination and power to defy the authority of the gods will appear in the chaos of a mighty dead nation' and the mighty country of Equestria is dying." Says a mature woman just entering the old age. She was wearing a lilac colored ceremonial robe. "Unfortunately my predecessor Discord is clouding the details of the divination, but if he acts now he may prevent it from happening."

“...the determination to defy the authority of the gods...” All Master whispers as he continues to watch the battle.

Meanwhile Celestia was having her own match against Scorpan.

"Hahaha..." Scorpan laughed as he adjusted a dislocated arm. "This is so fun. I haven't been hurt by a human in a long time…hey swordswoman, you're not using your true abilities.”

“You should pay a little attention to the situation of your companions. They are having problems." Celestia tells him while she was trying to recover.

“I don't care, I'm here for my own benefit. Do you know how long a god lives? he becomes very boring and depressing leading such a long life… just fighting just fighting, hunting, destroying powerful opponents gives my life meaning!” Scorpan yells happily. And your swordswoman you are a strong opponent. Scorpan then crouches into a combat stance. “Divine Power 'Wolves of the Shadows'”. At that moment a pack of wolves came out of Scorpan's shadow heading straight for Celestia.

“Swordswoman I haven't seen your sword! where is it?! take it out and fight seriously with me!” Scorpan yells as he runs past his wolves to attack Celestia.

Celestia stretches out both her hands and makes a few moves and a rush of air cuts through all of the wolves except Scorpan who only receives minor cuts.

“AH!! these wounds, my wolves have just been defeated in such a short time?” Scorpan says as he looks at his wounds with emotion.

"You know I haven't really touched a sword for over five years..." Then Celestia raises her hand. “because my sword exists in the void. Materialization aura 'sword aura'”. And she makes a flick with his arm and a thick, handleless greatsword slams into Scorpan, burying itself in his back.

Scorpan gets up with the sword still buried in his back. “So that's the reason… a materialization master… very few of the masters survived the purge. But you're still young, so a survivor taught you” then he lunges directly at Celestia, slamming her hard.

This guy... he attacked me despite his back injury... I expected nothing less from an older god, Celestia thinks as she recovers from the blow.

"Yes! This is the emotion I'm looking for! I haven't felt here since...????" Scorpan suddenly falls silent and looks up at the sky. “It's a shame... it seems that I won't be able to continue playing.

Then the landscape began to change color, Celestia didn't know what was happening, she thought something was wrong with her eyes”.

“Discord, what's going on?" Why did the battlefield change color to shades of gray? Sunset asks worriedly.

Discord puts on a serious expression and responds. “It is the 'Monochromatic' divine power. It is a power that suppresses everything around the user, restricting and draining the vitality of living things, accompanied by the withering of all colors, hence its name. And only a god possesses that divine power…”

Luna opens her eyes and realizes that for a moment she lost consciousness and notices that everything around her changes color. She also knew that the gods she was fighting had moved away from her. So for some reason she was feeling afraid.

"Human..." Luna felt a chill when she heard a calm but authoritative voice behind her. "Why do you oppose me...?"

All Master appeared.

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