• Published 26th May 2022
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Sunset in the gods - red-sun

Queen Luna, tired of serving the gods, has decided to start a rebellion against the authority of the gods.

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Act 0 – The Rebel Queen – Chapter 4

“Human... why do you oppose me? I believe everything... I set the rules for this world... without the guidance of those rules, you little humans would just be killing each other to your own extinction." All Master tells Luna.

Despite Luna's fear, she responds. “Heh heh... don't flatter yourself so much. Even without the laws of the gods, we would have continued to exist!!” Luna tightly grips her two swords, she arms herself with courage and turns around to attack All Master.

But All Master barely made a movement with one hand and ripped off one of Luna's wings, leaving her lying on the ground. "The Nightmare Beast you trust... I lacerated both of her wings with my bare hands when she was at her best." Then he grabs Luna's other wing and lifts it up. “Little by little I ripped the skin off her original body. There is nothing about you that surprises me.” All Master looks Luna in the face. "And so today history will repeat itself again, however my priestess said that in the future someone would have enough power to challenge the authority of the gods, but I don't see any indication of that."

Then, in the midst of her agony, Luna begins to laugh. “Heh heh HA HA… seriously? Did the All Master himself come here for a possible future? It's hard to imagine that there is even a time when the leader of all the gods is also afraid, huh? Heh heh…”

“Human listen carefully” All Master leans close to Luna's ear. "As long as I'm here, the authority of the gods will never fall" then he begins to pull Luna's wing little by little. "As for you and that future, today they will be destroyed by me." And she rips the other wing off of her. “Human, do you feel depressed? The difference in power between you and me is greater than you think. You will never win against me."

"YOUR MAJESTY!!" a group of equestrian soldiers run to attack the god who was subduing his queen. But being within the range of All Master's 'monochomatic' divine power, they began to feel a strong pressure on their bodies that caused them to cough up blood and fall to the ground. But Celestia appeared and stopped the rest of the soldiers.

“Stop! There is a powerful divine barrier surrounding them. They will die if they get any closer... I can take it longer... leave it to me”. And Celestia runs directly to help her sister despite the fact that the divine power of the god affected her, making her spit blood from her and blood also comes out of her nose, eyes and ears. She stretched out her two hands together aiming at All Masters “Materialization Aura 'Great Sword'” and a gigantic four meter long thick sword without a handle materialized and shot directly at All Master. But the god stops the sword with one finger.

The god looks at the sword slightly surprised “Aura of materialization huh? So there are still aura masters who oppose us... I reckon you're pretty impressive to be able to cut through my monochromatic field. However, you have reached your limit. Then All Master pushes the sword with one finger and the sword starts to crack and disintegrate, then he throws Luna's body on Celestia. "Remember that you are only human."

Celestia becomes unconscious due to overexertion but not Luna, despite her injuries Luna raises her sword and prepares to attack All Master. “Human... what's the point of standing up? You hardly have any breath left." But Luna just gave a faint smile and ran to attack the god.

Everything is so silent... I don't hear anything anymore. I am leaving this world. These moments seem to be very long. I remember my past... I remember my loved ones, the good and bad times. I chose my path and I don't regret anything, but when did it start? yes... it happened years ago, however, these memories are still very fresh in my memory... it happened when I was ten years old and I visited the tomb of the first king of Equestria... and when I saw the armor... my world changed completely.


“This matter...” Luna was drinking tea while Celestia ate her fourth slice of cake “how can I put it? There was a voice in my head and it guided me to that tomb, don't you think it's strange?"

"I'll tell you it's strange" Suddenly Discord appears between the two sisters scaring them both.

“Discord!! You are crazy! Why do you appear like this?!” Luna yells at her while Celestia laughs at the situation.

"Hahaha! So what if I'm crazy? Of course, I also have a voice in my head, but that doesn't mean I have to obey them (almost always)” then Discord takes a chair and sits down. "So you were telling a ghost story..."

"No, actually Luna was telling how she went crazy and listened to the voices in her head" Celestia told her as she poured more cake.

"I'm not crazy!" Luna screams with shame.

"Little Luna, we're all crazy, most of us just know how to hide it" Discord says to her while he also serves himself cake. "But ignore me and keep telling your ghost story."

Luna was about to say something but she gave up and continued her story "Well... it turns out that in the tomb I found an armor in perfect condition, and I heard that the armor was once worn by the first king of Equestria, it's as if... as if I could communicate with... Are you two listening to me?!” Luna yells as Celestia continues eating cake and Discor is sleeping.

"I'm listening to you sister and Discord too... I think?" Celestia says dubiously as she watches Discord sleep. "Just keep telling your story."

Luna sighs and continues talking “the point is do you believe in destiny? I have this feeling that something incredible will happen to me. Discord, you who can guess the future, what can you tell me?”

Discord widens his eyes. "Listen Luna, I can't use my divination power much anymore... I'm also using most of my power to mess up the other gods' divination, why do you want to know anyway?"

“Last month, I spent a few days at the mine outside of Canterlot. The people there are suffering. You wouldn't believe the hardships that happen. Although we do not use slaves like other kingdoms, and the miners are paid, they are not forced to work in the mines, they can seek other means of earning a living but…”

"But most of the kingdom's money is invested in the mines and that is why we cannot expand our economy well, it is also a crime not to meet the quotas requested by the gods." Celestia responds, leaving Luna surprised by the answer "remember, sister, that I am also a candidate for the throne."

“Sister... I want...”. Luna shakes her head. "It doesn't matter... you know sister, you eat too much cake."

"Is that a problem, Luna?"

And Discord tells Celestia "what he's trying to say is that you're going to get fat if you keep eating like that."


"That's right, you should do some kind of exercise... have you thought about practicing with the sword?" Luna suggests.


"Are you sure about this Celestia?" Luna says as she sees Celestia holding a five year old girl.

"Actually I don't know Luna, I just saw her alone in the desert on the way back, she was hurt, I don't know how it ended like that, I just wanted to take her so she wouldn't die in the middle of nowhere." And Celestia wipes the girl's dirty cheek.

Luna sighs. "Does she at least have a name?"

Celestia looks at the girl and smiles motherly. "Yes, her name is Sunset Shimmer."


Celestia was about to cry, while Luna talked to the doctor "what does doctor mean?"

"Your Majesty of her, as you know, the princess was found in the desert and that she was injured." The doctor tells them.

"Yes..." Celestia replies. "She had a lot of dislocated bones and breathing difficulties... but she recovered from her injuries along the way."

The doctor sighs and answers. “The problem is that his bones did not settle well, which caused problems for his physical condition... and his respiratory problem... although I don't know how long he was in the desert, it was enough for him to breathe a considerable amount of sand and that caused him to develop breathing difficulties... and at such a young age...” The doctor didn't have to finish the sentence for Luna and Celestia to know what he was going to say.

"Goodbye mom!" a nine-year-old Sunset Simmer watched as her mother walked away from her to continue traveling.

“Are you sure you want him to go away?” Luna asks her niece.

"No, I don't want her to go, but I don't want to keep her here just for me either, I knew that mother liked to travel before meeting me and I don't like to see her hold back just for me and my health problem" for the kingdom of Equestria, the problem of Princess Sunset's deteriorating health was kept secret at Sunset's request, not even Luna and Celestia knew why, but they respected her decision.

“Sunset, Celestia doesn't mind stopping traveling...” Luna notices that Sunset is crying. “Sunset, what happened to you?” Question worried.

"I recently had another vision, a vision with a more hopeful future but... but that future has a price."

"Please tell me".

"For the current authority of the gods to fall, you must be the one to start everything, but you will not be the one to finish it... Aunt Luna... you will never be able to see the change that you will initiate." Sunset responds with tears in her eyes.

"Does that mean... will I die?" Luna watches as Sunset continues to stand with tears in her eyes and in silence. "Do not Cry for Me. You are just a girl, you must not shed tears”. Luna reaches down and wipes Sunset's face. “You have a great gift for divination, however I want you to promise one thing, from now on, you will no longer use it, I don't want you to cry for things that haven't happened yet. I will do only what I think is necessary, I will walk the path that I consider to be the right one... and if the path I take leads me to destruction, I will not escape it."


All Master looked at Queen Luna's lifeless body as she held a shattered heart in her hand. "Was over. One more time Nightmare was defeated by me. I have to admit that if you had stayed alive, you and Nightmare would have gotten more power in the future... But now you don't have a chance. This world will continue under the command of the Gods. Our world!" All Master looks at the other major gods. "We are leaving". Before All Master also left he saw Luna's body and noticed that her face had a satisfied smile, as if she had achieved what he wanted, then he left her.

Meanwhile what remained of the Equestrian army began to crumble. But an equestrian general shouted. "Raise your weapons!" shouts the general "We are the army of Equestria, even if our queen has fallen, we must continue!" Little by little the morale of the soldiers rises, "Today we will all die... but our enemies will die with us!" And the remnant of the equestrian army goes into battle.

Despite the death of Queen Luna, the remnants of the equestrian army continued to risk their lives in order to defend Canterlot. The gods did not intervene in the battle any more after Luna's death. And the Equestrian army was able to resist for a while... but they were too weakened... and the voices of the resistance were silenced one after another...

"It is useless to fight." The King Sombra tells the soldier. "Please rest... all the pain will be gone very soon." After the equestrian soldier falls dead the gates of the walls of Canterlot are able to open allowing the soldiers of the Crystal Kingdom to enter the city. “Kill anyone who resists! Those who give up will be forgiven! Look for the queen's niece, I want Princess Sunset Shimmer captured alive!” Sombra enters Canterlot with his army and gives orders to his generals. He also told his generals that the soldiers could loot whatever they want, but by the time the sun rises the order of the city must be restored.

"I'm sorry". Discord tells Sunset as she was crying, when she is done crying he gets up from her seat.

"...I have given orders to evacuate the castle, right now, except for Velvet who is waiting for me in the garden, the place is empty." She tells her as she wipes away her tears.

“You know… there could be another way. You don't have to die for the plan to work," Discord tells him.

"Discord... my death will buy him time, time he needs to grow stronger, to adjust, to prepare for what's to come, to... to make friends." She tells Discord. "Please promise me you'll help her."

"Okay...I promise...but I'll do it my way!" Discord tells him.

Sunset smiles at Discord's answer. "I couldn't expect less from you...thank you for everything." and Sunset heads to the castle garden with a strong determination.

"Stop!" Sunset stops and receives a small vial with a liquid in it.

"I understand that you have to sacrifice yourself but... drink that, at least you won't have to suffer any pain." and Discord disappears.

"Goodbye Discord" then Sunset arrives at the castle garden where her maid Velvet awaits her. Then Sunset walks over to a horse statue and looks at the base of the statue. "At any moment she will arrive."

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