• Published 14th Jul 2022
  • 1,195 Views, 23 Comments

The Equestrian Majin: A MLP/DBZ Crossover - Lord Shadow Eclipse

A strange creature from an unknown world comes to Earth. What ensues is a lot of destruction and candy

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Episode 4: First Fight

The Rainbooms were staring down, or rather up, at a very very angry Majin. Obuu was literally staring down at the collective of girls with a manic grin on his face and a glare that glowed like hellfire. He was fully enveloped in Ki and was holding two balls of Ki in his hands ready to throw at them at the slightest movement.

"Fluttershy, Pinkie, Sunset, y'all hightail it outta here" Applejack said.

"What?! And leave the rest of you to fight him?! That's not happening!" Sunset shouted.

"Girls, think about this. What are your powers? You all don't stand a chance against this guy" Rainbow said.

Much to the other girls' chagrin, they knew that Rainbow was right. Talking to animals, exploding sprinkles, and the ability to see others' memories isn't exactly great in all-out combat. If they tried to fight Obuu, they'd be crushed immediately.

Sunset, with a grunt of irritation, grabbed Pinkie and Fluttershy and ran off away from the soon-to-be battleground. As much as they wanted to fight alongside their friends, they knew that they wouldn't last long against Obuu.

Obuu, meanwhile, was still glaring down at the few fighters that remained and gave a terrifying grin.

"Maybe Obuu kill other girls who no fight," he said.

But Rainbow once again tries to attack Obuu with a punch. However, before she could land the punch, Obuu grabs her fist and holds her in midair. Without taking his eyes off the others, Obuu twisted Rainbow's arm until it snapped. Rainbow cried out in agony as Obuu let her fall to the ground.

Obuu lowered his hand at the others and fired a volley of Ki blasts. Rainbow, fighting through the pain, managed to move the others out of the way of the attack. Once they were behind a tall brick wall, they had to formulate a plan of attack.

"Any plans, Twilight?!" Applejack asked.

"First, we need to tend to Rainbow's wounded arm," Twilight replied.

Twilight felt Rainbow's arm and actually breathed out a sigh of relief.

"It's just dislocated at the elbow. I should be able to put it back into place with my psychic abilities," Twilight said.

Twilight used her powers to quickly twist Rainbow's arm back into its proper position with a loud popping sound. Rainbow bit her shirt collar in pain, but other than that, she took the impromptu treatment pretty well. Rainbow was panting and sweating from fighting back the pain. Rainbow's arm was starting to swell, so she may not be able to put up a better fight.

"Do we... have a plan... to fight him?" Rainbow asked between wheezes.

"We're fighting an alien from another planet with powers we don't understand! I don't see how we can beat him!" Twilight said.

Applejack cracked her knuckles. "Then maybe we can beat him into submission. Rainbow, can you fight?"

Rainbow let her arm hang by her side. "As long as I don't have to use this arm, I should be good to fight."

"I'll distract him with showering him with flying debris and you two can hit him with relentless attacks. Hopefully, that should put him out of commission," Twilight said.

Using her telekinesis, Twilight lifted everything from trash cans to semitrucks with her powers. Both Applejack and Rainbow Dash stepped out form behind the wall to see Obuu staring at them.

"You finally ready for fight?" Obuu asked.

"Yeah. Sorry to keep you waiting, Obuu. We're finally ready to scrap!" Applejack replied.

"Bring it on!" Obuu challenged with a smile.

Applejack used her enhanced strength to jump up into the air at the floating Majin. Obuu dodged the attack, grabbing his opponent's wrists in the process. He know had Applejack dangling in the air by her wrist.

"Let go, you alien varmint!" Applejack shouted.

She attempted to attack Obuu to get him to let go, but she couldn't reach him with her attacks. Obuu smiled and started to laugh.

"Ha-ha! You can't hit Obuu!" Obuu mocked in a singsong voice. "But now, Obuu can hit you!"

Obuu proceeded to lift Applejack up above his head and dug his fist into Applejack's solar plexus, the area just below the ribs. The pain and shock nearly made Applejack vomit. She clutched her stomach with her free hand before Obuu lifted her up again.

"Obuu not done with human girl yet!" Obuu said with a smile.

Applejack was repeatedly hit in the same spot over and over again. Meanwhile, Applejack was unable to fight back against the enemy's blows. Once Obuu had determined that Applejack had been beaten enough, he dropped her to the ground. She would've hit the ground a lot harder if it weren't for Twilight's psychic powers.

"What do we do now?!" Rarity yelled. "Two of our most powerful friends are now down for the count!"

"I'll try something! It's a bit crazy, bit it just might be crazy enough to work!" Pinkie said with a determined smile.

"What are you going to do?" Sunset asked.

"Just watch," Pinkie replied.

Pinkie left her friends to stand out in the open as Obuu watched her. Obuu glared dangerously at Pinkie Pie. He would gladly destroy or eat her if she tried anything funny. Pinkie simply stood there with a smile on her face.

"Hey Obuu! We're done fighting on our end!" Pinkie said. "We want to apologize to you on behalf of the human race of planet Earth!"

Obuu was surprised to hear something like this coming from enemies. He floated down to the ground to face the cheery female, but kept a defensive stance just in case. Pinkie continued to talk to Obuu.

"We're sorry our rainbow-haired friend punched you. She just gets protective when it comes to our friends," Pinkie said. "If you want, we can be friends."

Obuu simply looked at Pinkie in confusion. He tilted his head to one side as he stared at Pinkie.

"What does 'friends' mean?" Obuu asked.

"You don't know what 'friends' means?!" Pinkie gasped. "They're people you're close to and like being around. You have each others' back. They're people that are honest and are willing to help you if you're facing a problem."

"Obuu doesn't have friends. Obuu has been alone for three thousand years," Obuu said. "Obuu has been sleeping in an asteroid for a long time."

"That's awful!" Pinkie said. "If you want, I'll be your very first friend!"

"Obuu isn't sure he can trust you. How does Obuu know you won't try to fight him later?" Obuu said cautiously.

"As a sign of good faith, you can have this," Pinkie said, pulling out a brownie from her hair.

Obuu slowly took the brownie and sniffed it. He placed the brownie in his mouth and ate it. He swallowed with a happy smile on his face. He flew up into the air and looped around in joy.

"This is the tastiest thing Obuu had ever tasted!" Obuu shouted. "Maybe friendship can be not bad!"

Obuu landed on the ground again and looked at Pinkie with a pleased look. He had his very first friend give him a gift, so he felt that he should give her a gift, as well.

"Obuu will give you back the mean humans," Obuu said.

The Majin's stomach and throat began to expand to unusual sizes. Obuu opened his mouth and vomited up the very police officers he had eaten later. They were all alive, but unconscious. Pinkie smiled and hugged Obuu.

"Thank you so much, Obuu!" Pinkie said. "I know we'll all be good friends!"

"Obuu would like to try being 'friends'," Obuu said.

The other Rainbooms emerged from their hiding place to go up to Pinkie and Obuu. Obuu lowered his head.

"Sorry for eating blue humans," Obuu said sadly.

"Uh... it's fine, darling. They're all alive, so that's good," Rarity said.

"All is forgiven, seeing that the officers are alive," Rainbow said.

"I'm still in pain from being gut-checked over and over again, but I can recover," Applejack said.

With the officers returned and Pinkie calming Obuu's wrath, things were finally quieting down. What they didn't know was that they were being watched.

Secret Location

Somewhere out of sight of the public or government's eye, a scientist sat at a large monitor looking at footage his drones were sending him. He was in awe at the kind of power this alien creature possessed. He twirled his bushy mustache at his thoughts buzzed in his head.

"What an amazing specimen!" he said to himself. "I think I would like to get to know him better. He'd make an excellent template for my experiments."

The door to the room opened and a tall muscular man wearing green and black combat gear and spiky red hair entered the room. He walked up to the shadowed man and looked at the footage of the Majin and the human girls on the screen.

"I take it that this creature has piqued your interest, doctor?" the man asked.

The doctor turned around to look at his subordinate. He smiled in excitement.

"Indeed he has. This creature possesses powers unlike anything else on this planet," the doctor said. "If I got my hands on that alien, its DNA could be added to my greatest creation, yet."

"You believe this alien will be willing to cooperate with us?" the man asked.

"That's where you come in," the doctor said. "If he refuses my invitation, then I'd like you to 'persuade' him to come along. The alien's tough, so you don't need to hold back against him, should it come to violence."

"I'll do what I need to for the Red Ribbon Army, Dr. Gero," the man said. "I'll make sure to restrain the alien if I need to."

"Good, Android 16. Now then, let us prepare a little trip to Canterlot," Dr. Gero said.

Dr. Gero and Android 16 left for their base's hangar and prepared a hover craft for their excursion. The mad doctor was determined to get his hands on their newest resident. By any means necessary.

Author's Note:

Looks like more trouble is brewing on the horizon! Just as Pinkie Pie was able to calm Obuu's wrath, new threats are coming for them! The nefarious Dr. Gero and Android 16 of the dastardly Red Ribbon Army are on their way to Canterlot with the goal of forcibly detaining the Majin Obuu. How will Obuu and his new human friends respond to this new threat? Find out next time on "The Equestrian Majin"!