• Published 14th Jul 2022
  • 1,195 Views, 23 Comments

The Equestrian Majin: A MLP/DBZ Crossover - Lord Shadow Eclipse

A strange creature from an unknown world comes to Earth. What ensues is a lot of destruction and candy

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Episode 5: Living with a Majin

At Pinkie's Apartment - Two Days Later

Obuu was sitting with Pinkie in her apartment with the rest of her friends, who were looking a lot better. Rainbow Dash's arm was in a sling, but she was looking better. It had been two days since their fight with Obuu, and they were very lucky Pinkie was able to calm him. Twilight was more than happy to get the opportunity to study an alien lifeform for the first time while the others were rightfully wary of him.

"So... where are you from, darling?" Rarity asked, wanting to break the silence.

"Obuu came from far side of the universe," Obuu replied. "Not sure which planet, though".

"What can you tell us about yourself or your species?" Twilight asked, pulling out a notebook and pen.

"We Majin use Ki to fuel our powerful abilities," Obuu said. "Regrow limbs, fly, and super strength."

"'Majin'? Is that what your species is called?" Twilight asked.

"Yes," Obuu replied.

"What is 'Ki'?" Fluttershy asked.

"Energy to power Majin abilities," Obuu said. "Obuu used Ki during fight."

"That explains a few things," Rainbow said.

"So why have you come to Earth?" Sunset asked.

"Don't know. Probably just random," Obuu replied. "But Obuu happy to be on this planet. Good food."

"How are you able to... turn people into food?" Pinkie asked.

"Magic from Majin antenna," Obuu replied simply.

"That's... pretty awesome," Rainbow said. "You'd never have to worry about starving or have to buy groceries again with that kind of power."

"True," Applejack said.

"Well, what do we do now?" Sunset asked. "We have a powerful alien entity living with us that has the power to destroy this entire planet."

"I think we should let him stay here," Pinkie said. "I can calm him down if he gets mad and we can each show him how great life on Earth can be."

"Are you sure you can handle him, Pinkie Pie?" Rarity asked.

"If he starts to get mad, I'll just shove a cookie in his mouth," Pinkie replied.

"Well, we'll keep an eye on him just in case," Applejack said.

"You can leave it to me!" Pinkie said.

As soon as the Rainbooms left, Pinkie and Obuu were all alone in her apartment. Obuu looked around the human domicile and took in everything the room had. He was most mesmerized by the large flat rectangular slab in front of the couch he sat on. He pointed to it and looked to Pinkie.

"What that thing?" Obuu asked.

"That's a TV. You watch it for entertainment," Pinkie replied. "Here, we can watch something together."

Pinkie pulled out a remote and turned on the TV. Obuu was more than surprised by the imagery he saw displayed before him. There was a school of some sort being displayed on the screen with a line of trees on the front with pink blossom falling from them. Among the trees were two young humans, a male and a female. The male was tall and had somewhat spiky black hair and a slim physique. The female was appealing to the eye with her notable curves and doll-like features. The pair looked longingly into each other's eyes. Next thing Obuu knew, they leaned forward and touched their lips together.

"What this and what are the two humans doing?" Obuu asked.

"They're kissing, Obuu. It's what humans do when they love each other romantically," Pinkie replied. "As for what it is, it's an art form called 'anime'. It's animation from a human nation called 'Japan'."

Obuu stared at the screen. A smile spread across his face at seeing this "anime" thing. This made him so glad he came to this planet.

"Obuu really like this 'anime' stuff," Obuu said without looking at Pinkie.

"I'm glad you like it!" Pinkie said. "There are more series we can watch later if you want."

"Obuu would like that very much!" Obuu said.

The two new friends sat there for the entire day watching anime. It warmed Pinkie's heart to see something Obuu enjoy. This would be a good way to keep him happy as a clown, too.


Canterlot City Outskirts

A flying ship with the Red Ribbon Army logo flew just above a forest clearing preparing to land. Doctor Gero had Android 16 land the craft in the middle of the clearing and activate its cloaking device. They didn't want any random hikers or campers stumbling across their ship wile they were away. Gero walked into the clearing with a big smile on his face.

"We've finally arrived in Canterlot, 16!" Dr. Gero said.

"Shall we proceed in obtaining the specimen, doctor?" Android 16 asked.

"As much as I would like to, we can't go into battle without all our ducks in a row," Gero replied. "We need to be properly prepared for an upcoming fight. Good thing there's a hidden Red Ribbon Army facility in this city."

"What will we do while there?" Android 16 inquired. "I can see that obtaining the specimen with brute force alone will not deliver the desired result."

"Exactly, 16! The specimen appears to have tremendous power, but limited intelligence," Gero replied. "If we can't just use raw power, then we will use ingenuity."

The two Red Ribbon Army officers flew towards the city with their flight abilities under the cover of darkness. They don't want the organics to know they were there. Not that there was any real threat they could pose to the Army's goal, but they were simply following protocol.

The two Androids flew around the outer edges of the town until the found what Dr. Gero had been looking for. The two hovered above an abandoned steelworks factory with two red "R's" spray-painted above the main door, a hidden symbol for the Red Ribbon Army. Gero and 16 entered the building to see... a normal-looking abandoned steelworks factory. But 16 knew that this was a skillful deception. The Army was very good at hiding their bases of operation.

Dr. Gero walked to the main desk and began typing on the desktop computer. After typing in a passcode, a large section of the floor in front of the doors opened up from the sides to reveal an elevator platform before them. Gero and 16 got on the platform and began to descend underground very quickly.

A minute later, they were now standing in an underground facility. As Gero and 16 traversed the facility, they saw all the necessary equipment for a Red Ribbon Army advanced science facility. There were living quarters, weapons caches, a central control room, and an entire section of the facility dedicated for lab work. The sight of the labs brought a tear to Gero's eye. 16 simply stood there stoically.

"I can't wait to get started in the lab!" Gero exclaimed. "Perhaps you should head to the training room to prepare yourself, 16."

"Very well. I will have to be in prime condition when we confront the specimen," Android 16 said quietly.

"Good man. While you're training, I'll send some spy drones to keep an eye on the specimen," Gero said typing commands on the computer.

Six orb-shaped drones flew out from the factory's smokestacks and made their way to the alien's last known location. Once they found the specimen, Gero and 16 would be able to monitor him and his behavior to give them an advantage. Gero would get his hand on this specimen no matter what. His newest creation depended on it.

Author's Note:

This chapter is a shoutout to Android18EXE, who seems to love this story. This chapter is for them.

It looks like Obuu and Pinkie are bonding quite well. Pinkie showed Obuu something that the two of them can enjoy together. But things are not going to stay peaceful forever, as the nefarious Dr. Gero and Android 16 of the Red Ribbon Army have finally arrived in Canterlot. What are their plans for Obuu? Can he and the Rainbooms deal with this new threat? Find out next time on "The Equestrian Majin"!

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