• Published 29th Nov 2022
  • 3,428 Views, 166 Comments

Spike's Omnitrix - JSan82

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Learning Curves

Princess Celestia wakes up after having a good night's sleep. She raises the sun after Princess Luna lowers the moon; Celestia wonders what today's training will be like as a plumber. The excitement gets the better of her when some pony knocks on her door.

Raven Inkwell is the mare knocking on Princess Celestia's door with a long list of appointments, meetings, and priorities. Princess Celestia opens her door.

"Morning, Princess Celestia, we have much to-" Raven Inkwell gets interrupted by Princess Celestia.

"All of my duties are suspended until further notice, Ms.Inkwell."

"Wh-Wh-WHAT?!" Raven Inkwell doesn't have the training to react to such a command from the Princess. "Princess, reconsider. Think of the-" She sees Princess Celestia closing her door, making her point evident. "I don't get paid enough to do this job at times. How will I explain to the populous about the Princess' absence?" Raven Inkwell trots to the throne room to make a disappointing announcement to all citizens of Canterlot, including the scientists, royals, and generals. She is not thrilled about the moaning, groaning, complaining, and whining; every pony will blur afterward.

"Alright, with that out of the way, I wonder if the training will initiate now?" Princess Celestia mentally prepares herself for all scenarios Princess Luna may say or teach.

Three hours later. Princess Celestia is reading a book to pass the time. She often thinks about other recent events that were the plumbers' business. So far, the memory of Nightmare Moon stings her the most. After learning that Nightmare Moon was a ruse, she wonders about the other magical villains that friendship sought to disperse and correct.

Princess Luna enters Celestia's room after hearing a fallout in the throne room. Raven Inkwell tried her best to defuse the situation; however, Princess Luna used her royal tone to shoo and silence the uproar. Many ponies fled, not wanting to displease Princess Luna about Celestia's nonappearance.

Princess Celestia turns to her sister. Her adrenaline spikes higher than earlier. Years of waiting about the plumbing business and wanting to associate with their organization. One thing that caught her attention was the letter Princess Luna levitating to her left.

"Princess Twilight Sparkle's Day One documentary, Celestia," Princess Luna allows her sister to read the report.

"I expected much from Twilight to repeat her morning routines. She had a fiasco in the kitchen, which was predictable. I don't recall her making anything for herself besides tea and coffee. Suspending the School of Friendship is a wise decision. I give her credit for the new beginning in her life. How interesting about her friendship with those who are royal? What about those who aren't in their kingdoms? If Empress Ember were to discover the travesty of Spike's plight, would she still call Twilight her friend? Twilight completed her chores. That's something I need to examine with my eyes. I believe she had outside help. What do you say, Luna?"

"Empress Ember will disband her friendship with Twilight after perceiving Spike's status and mistreatment. That's a guarantee, Celestia. Second, I highly doubt Twilight would complete her tasks in a few hours. From Spike's memories, it took him all day and parts of the evening to complete his chores. I know Twilight may have found a loophole."

"How can you be certain?" Princess Celestia observes her sister's body language. She knows Luna can confirm her theory.

"Within the plumbing agency, Celestia. We have eyes and ears all over Equus. I have not disclosed all members within the organization. However, those listening report the smallest detail to the nearest plumber base. It's to ensure the safety of anything unusual and abnormal. Your nephew documents in that department and made sure that he and his team diminishes the threat in secret."

Princess Celestia gasps in shock. "Eyes and ears..? Who's in Ponyville disguised as a plumber?"

"I cannot reveal their identities. Some have requested to remain anonymous during their investigations."

Princess Celestia sighs. She has a lot more to learn about secrecy than she realizes. Then she asks. "What loophole have they discovered?"

"Twilight Sparkle is using students for extra credit work."

Princess Celestia's right eye twitches. "Extra.., credit..?" She sounds both pissed off and impressed that Twilight would resort to using an escape clause to bypass her decree about her punishment.

Princess Luna sees her sister wanting to take off and confront Twilight about using students as an alternative instead of embracing the penalty Celestia gave to her the other day. "Princess Celestia," Luna walks up to her.

"What?" Princess Celestia snorts in anger. She's overwhelmed with mixed emotions due to Twilight's lie in her letter.

"Before you take off and deliberate due punishment to Princess Twilight Sparkle, I suggest waiting a while. I'll notify you if Princess Twilight Sparkle perdue the usage of extra credit on more of her students. If she exceeds the number within the three months, you may do as you wish."

"What number would that be, Luna?" Princess Celestia is intrigued by Luna's strategy. Instead of facing Twilight immediately, she'll wait and scrutinize to entertain all of Twilight's excuses before revoking her title as Princess.

"Ten. The number of aliens Spike has in the Omnitrix. When Twilight surmounts the digit, do as you please. Until then, I advise you to work on your patience."

Princess Celestia takes a deep breath to calm herself. "Very well, Luna. I shall wait upon further notice."

"Good," Princess Luna uses her magic to spawn a book of records in front of Celestia. "It's time I train you starting with the foundations of the agency. After that, I'll show you our base, and you'll meet with ponies you may be familiar with; They'll answer any question."

"What about weapons training?" Princess Celestia wonders if she would wear the plumbers' tech.

"Armaments are too soon for you to handle, Celestia. I will thoroughly discipline you when the heyday arrives. Until then, you're learning the fundamentals as the Princess you are. Alicorn magic and plumber's tech do not correlate promptly. That takes years of practice and self-control," Princess Luna calmly answers.

"What if I don't have years?" Princess Celestia asks in case her time in Equestria was to cut short due to a probable attack.

"Then, you will not partake in the events of the battle. You will protect your subjects and help them evacuate!" Princess Luna bellows a bit. She needed her statement clear to Celestia about knowing what protocols to establish during any predicament.

Princess Celestia recoils a bit. She knows Luna is taking it seriously to another level. "What's with the seriousness, Luna?"

"There are two likely scenarios when imminent dangers arise; Acting in command as a Princess or acting as a plumber. If not armed when aliens, robots, bounty hunters, or anything not seen in Equus, it's your duty as Princess of Equestria to evacuate the innocents. When armed, engage in battle. Our magic has no effect against the invaders from off-world. Alicorn magic rarely tickles them. Their weapons and technology far eclipse us in any shape or way. I need you to understand your line of duty even when we train. It's not about being in charge of what goes on since you ruled for a thousand years. No one cares about your status as Princess of Equestria. You are not a commander, and I want to make that CLEAR. What I say goes, and you are not to document anything unless the agency hears it. We are to remain in secret."

Princess Celestia is shocked at how momentous Luna said. The weight added on and not to boast. Princess Celestia understands the severity of being a plumber and how much it means to Luna.

"Understood, Ma'am," Princess Celestia sees Luna as a different pony. Someone with more control and further understanding and wisdom. She bows with much respect.

Princess Luna smiles. She sees Celestia maturing nicely as a plumber. "Celestia. I love you as a sister dearly. That will never change. We can have fun, but we must be discreet with those around us."

Princess Celestia smiles. "Understood, Luna. So, when do we begin?"

"Right now," Princess Luna opens the book of records.

It's 9:30 in the morning. Prince Blueblood enters Princess Cadance's quarters. He alerted a Crystal Guard not to disturb Princess Cadance as he stretched the truth about a private discussion. Princess Cadance has Flurry Heart in her arm, feeding her milk from the bottle.

"Morning, Prince Blueblood," Princess Cadance welcomes with gratitude since she knows about Blueblood's involvement with the plumbers.

"Morning, Cadance," Prince Blueblood trots up to Flurry Heart. She giggles at him. "Adorable, isn't she?"

"Flurry Heart has a way of seeing the truth within any pony. I guess she knew you more than I, huh?" Princess Cadance chuckles slightly. She then sighed sadly for the crap she treated him.

"There is no need to apologize, Cadance. You treated my facade poorly, not the real me."

"Why did you play charades all this time?" Princess Cadance wonders why Prince Blueblood revealed distorted colors.

"If any pony were to discover my calling as a plumber, there would be no need for the Royal Guard or defense team in Equestria. Everyone would be reliant on the plumbers' assistance every time. Also, my character is to blend in with society whenever I'm off duty."

"So, were you mad that Princess Celestia didn't give you a kingdom to rule?" Princess Cadance knows that Blueblood earned his rank as a Prince, and Celestia was to test his confidence in leading ponies into prosperity.

"I have mixed reviews about Auntie Celestia's decision. She rarely spends time with me to get to know me thoroughly. She used her opportunities to be with you and train you. I didn't have the luxury of Luna to relay Celestia about my progress. I had no one. So, I took action. I went forth to discover lost kingdoms, hidden mysteries, and languages. I came across a crystal spike in the snowy region, which is now the Crystal Empire," Princess Cadance gasps. "However, by removing the crystal spike, I unleashed a creature buried in the snow, my first alien encounter. It discharged a cold breath that would have encased me and killed me from hypothermia. That's when the plumbers arrive out of the blue, shooting lasers from saddle launchers. I was amazed to witness the quickness of subduing the alien. It was like; they were waiting for the right time to oppose the alien. It was then they asked me a simple question. One that I agreed to; immediately after witnessing the fallout of the alien's demise through a precision attack. I've been with the plumbers for ten years."

"Ten years?!" Princess Cadance repeats Prince Blueblood's comment in utter shock.

"Now, to finish answering your question. I was devastated. Auntie Celestia trusted you to lead more than me. She loved you more than her nephew. Princess Celestia doesn't believe in a Prince to rule any nation since the King Sombra incident. Celestia feared that I might go rogue and rule with an iron hoof. Auntie Celestia tolerates Prince Rutherford and Thorax to lead with excellence, confidence, and humility since they are friends with Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends."

Princess Cadance looks down a bit. She feels remorseful about Blueblood's feelings. "I'm sorry. I.., I didn't know how you felt..."

Prince Blueblood exhales. "I'm not looking for pity. Celestia has her morals, and I have mine. I lead by example within my team. I trust them, and they trust me."

"Princess Celestia will know the real you soon," Princess Cadance hopes to brighten Blueblood's mood.

"There's no kingdom for me. Celestia is not giving me Canterlot to rule. She's transferring her authority as Princess to Twilight Sparkle when she retires. That's set and done. She valued her student more than me. My rank is a joke, and those royals laugh and scoff about me being a failure for elite status. Even in disguise, I'm sad, and I couldn't reveal those emotions while I'm an acting agent. Celestia will see a side of me she destroyed. I'm not fond of her being a plumber. I hope she's not registered with my team. That is the last I need, more headaches and discomfort. Before receiving the info last night, I was glad to move freely in Equestria to do my job as a plumber, undisturbed. At the time, having no kingdom meant fewer responsibilities to uphold. If I were to govern a nation, I would have access to move while managing my priorities as Prince and plumber discreetly."

"You had everything thought out?" Princess Cadance asks. She's burping Flurry Heart.

"Of course. I ran through thousands of possibilities; in case Auntie Celestia was to grant me power, even if it was temporary. I would have utilized what I got to the fullest. However, that day will never come. Celestia will anoint another mare with magic power over me in a blink of an eye. That's how she viewed me. That won't change regardless of my status as Commander of my squad."

Princess Cadance tries to see otherwise, but she knows Prince Blueblood is right. During her days with Princess Celestia, she had more time with her than seeing Blueblood. She was not fond of Blueblood's behavior because he was born with status, and she an orphaned. She thought Blueblood was a spoiled brat, but from his testimony, Cadance believed Blueblood was lonely and had no one but maids and butlers to attend to him occasionally.

"Do you wish to renew your relationship with Princess Celestia?" Princess Cadance nervously asks.

"Renew? There wasn't one, to begin with; she rarely saw me and thought about me. During the Grand Galloping Gala, all her attention went to her precious student, Twilight Sparkle. I was idly going around my business, waiting impatiently for any assignment from the plumbers' base since I wanted to separate myself from a boring showcase. This Rarity fellow desired to become my mate. She didn't want me for me; she wanted elite status. Spoiled in richness beyond imagination. I saw it within her eyes the moment she gazed upon me. Rarity is a Gold Digger seeking fame and fortune by trying to date some pony with noble status. She motivated me to exploit my character by having her resent me. It was fun, especially throwing a tantrum about getting dirty and having my fur coated cleanly."

"Why go in the first place?" Princess Cadance starts changing Flurry Heart's diaper.

"When not on duty, I continue the lifestyle as my character, so no pony gets suspicious. With the royals wholeheartedly knowing that I attend the preeminent festivities, the more social class will oblige and give my auntie the utmost respect. There would be a chain reaction if I were to step away from the revelment."

"I never knew you tolerated going to the Grand Galloping Gala each year. Here I thought you enjoy the praise and attention."

"Hmmph," Prince Blueblood scoffs. "I get praise and gratitude from my teammates and workers within the plumbers' organization. Other ponies dislike, deplore, and condemn me by any means necessary. You have shown me distorted colors."

"I know," Princess Cadance sadly states. "It was wrong of me to express vilely at you whenever I saw your face."

"I do attract all sorts of emotions. I practiced diligently to make myself irresistibly irritating. The more, the better results from those who despised me."

Princess Cadance giggles a bit. "You are a master in your craft."

Prince Blueblood smirks. "Thanks for the compliment."

"When do we begin my training?" Princess Cadance tosses the dirty diaper away and places Flurry Heart in her playpen after attaching a new diaper to her.

"In a while. I'm expecting a package from the base. A book of records since Shining Armor did not obtain the book when he moved here with you," Prince Blueblood said. "Which is wise of him with many Crystal Ponies around and a bookworm of a Princess soon to be arriving since the Brave and Glorious is not around," Prince Blueblood refers to Spike. He did his research after spotting the Spike Statue outside, where many Crystal Ponies took lots of pictures.

"Do the Crystal Ponies need their memories erased once they see Spike with the Omnitrix?"

"That's a question Princess Luna should answer since she's in charge of the agency. I can give you my opinion. Let Spike's ponies know he can protect them better with the Omnitrix. They view him as their savior, so that shouldn't change."

"Thank you for your honesty," Princess Cadance smiles.

"You're welcome. Right now, I'll train you to use saddle launchers. First, without using magic," Prince Blueblood uses his magic to spawn a saddlebag filled with two hundred pounds on each side. "Can you move around with this?" Prince Blueblood attaches the saddlebag to Princess Cadance's back.

Princess Cadance squints her eyes and grunts a bit. "It's a little heavy!" She stumbles back a bit by trying to move and falls. Flurry Heart sees and laughs. She groans bitterly.

"Get ready for the morning training with a jog at the Crystal Empire's arena, where they hosted the Equestrian Games."

Princess Cadance pouts a bit. She stands up and walks while carrying four hundred pounds. She pants a bit due to the heaviness. "Are these weights necessary, Blueblood?" Her knees tremble a bit.

"Yes. When four hundred feels like nothing, it gets doubled from there. Saddle Launchers are heavier than our eyes perceive them to be," Prince Blueblood states. "I would advise you to have a Crystal Guard babysit Flurry Heart for the next two hours."

"TWO HOURS?!" Princess Cadance is not thrilled with the time slot.

"When you get to the track, the timer begins. Now, no more complaints. You wanted to be one of us; now you'll have to train and work like us," Prince Blueblood lofty commands.

Princess Cadance groans and accepts Prince Blueblood's training methods. She asked to be a plumber now she has to endure their training physically and mentally. She wonders how Princess Celestia's day is going.