• Published 29th Nov 2022
  • 3,427 Views, 166 Comments

Spike's Omnitrix - JSan82

  • ...

Mutant Animals

Author's Note:

I've battled my demons and overcame the stress I endured last year while dealing with my injury. Thank you for waiting as I'll continue where I left off.

"Ah, shit!" Shining Armor curses to himself as he realizes he took a wrong turn and turns off the map of Equestria.

"Shining, what's wrong?" Trixie approached Shining Armor after noticing his sudden change in demeanor.

It's been two days since vacating Appleloosa. Shining Armor and Trixie delegated Little Strongheart to discreetly clarify the details about the Buffalo's sacred land and Appleloosian Orchard's fallout. They obtained a transmission about the newspaper Equestria published yesterday from the agency. The news article records no aliens, only a bizarre creature the authorities managed to suppress without too much conflict, a more conceivable story than most ponies in Equestria would consider.

"The map glitched, and we're going the wrong way!" Shining retorts and gets up.

The RV's navigation system encountered a problem, and Shining Armor misread the map. As a result, they ended up further away from Las Pegasus and closer to Baltimare. Feeling frustrated, Shining Armor trots to the kitchen and opens the fridge to grab a soda can. After taking a sip, he feels his nerves and his tension ease.

Starlight is with Spike, playing parchisi to pass the time since Trixie permitted her to have a break day from yesterday's exercise session. She didn't want Starlight to become so overwhelmed that her body gave out, and the two turned to Shining.

"Everything alright, bro?" Spike asks as he hears Starlight rolling the dice.

"Hah! Five!" Starlight moves her third piece into the home sport. "One more piece to go!"

"Uuuuuh," Shining Armor groans first before taking a deep breath. "We'll be reaching Baltimare in the next hour or so. We'll be taking the more extended route to Las Pegasus."

"Sounds good to us," Starlight and Spike say in unison, not minding the change of plans.

"Wanna take a break and join our game?" Spike asks; he has three pieces on the board and grabs the dice, hoping to roll on a seven to even the playing field.

"I can't. Maybe later, Spike," Shining hovers his drink into the driver's seat. Taking another sip, Shining focuses and uses his magic to steer the RV on the pathway.

"So, what's the plan for Baltimare since we're here early?" Trixie asks Shining Armor.

"Go around and have fun. Maybe go to a game or concert or something. We're on vacation, so we should enjoy the festivities."

"Hmm, maybe the Great and Powerful can-" Shining interrupts Trixie.

"No!" Shining takes a deep breath. "As much as I marvel at your personality leaping into the concern, this is not the time for it unless all others fail us."

Trixie pouts. "No fair. The Great and Powerful Triiixie requests to showcase her mastery among her peers!" Trixie says in character, sounding irritated and childish.

Shining Armor rolls his eyes; Trixie's impersonation is so sterling Shining feels like driving off the cliff. Trixie knows how to burrow under any creature's nerves when it's time for bragging and demonstrating. Starlight and Spike overhear their exchange and start laughing. Spike rolls a seven and shouts with a fist pump. Starlight got anxious about losing her commanding lead, with Spike accumulating momentum.

Half an hour later. The gang arrives in Baltimare. Spike and Starlight are in a standoff in their game. The roll of the dice gave them numbers not needed to win. Starlight needs a three to win, while Spike needs a two.

"Hey guys, we're here!" Shining shouts with excitement. He can't recall the last time being in Baltimare.

"FIIIIIRE!" Trixie shouts, seeing the smoke rising from a burning building, an apartment complex at the corner of the street. Many ponies assemble in expectation of loved ones reaching out unharmed. There are no firefighters present to settle the problem.

"WHAT?!" Starlight and Spike drop the game and run to the windshield of the RV. They see the apartment complex's windows bursting and smoke rising into the skies. One pony took the leap of faith and landed harshly on the ground.

"Alright! I'm going in as Heatblast! I'll get through to anypony trapped in their rooms."

"Alright, Spike. In the meantime, we'll help stop the flames from spreading into the streets and other homes!" Shining Armor responds.

Spike activates his Omnitrix. The silhouette of Heatblast immediately appears when the faceplate rises. "You and I think alike, huh?" Spike talks to the Omnitrix, presses the faceplate down, then a green light flashes.

Spike's body becomes a super hot inner plasma covered by dark reddish-brown volcanic rocks. His body radiates high amounts of heat. His feet have a slight oval-like design with only two toes and one back toe. His tongue is also made of fire, while his collarbone resembles a volcano, which generates a fiery hair that covers his head, leaving his mask-like face visible with no nose or ears. The Omnitrix symbol is on his chest.

"It's go time!" Spike vacates the RV and uses his hands to shoot flames as boosters to fly in the air. Many ponies above see Heatblast and wonder what type of monster will plague their city. Spike arrives on the fourth floor.

"Mommy! I'm scared," A young blue colt said, hugging the front leg of his mother.

"Don't worry," The yellow earth mare leans down to hold her child. "Everything will be alright!" The ceiling starts to quake, causing the wood to collapse from above.

Spike lunges forward and catches the debris from plummeting and squashing. "Gotcha!" Spike tosses the rubble aside.

"Who are you?" The young colt looks in awe at his savior.

"Heatblast!" Spike extends his arms, hoping to see if he can absorb or put out the fire around the room. To his surprise, Spike manages to put out the flames, clearing a path toward an exit.

"WOW!" The mother and son duo said in astonishment. They are glad to have someone saving them from this disaster.

"Follow me!" Spike kicks the door open. The stairs crumble, and many ponies cry for help. "Crap!" Spike shouts in his mind; he doesn't want to scare the duo.

"What do we do now?!" The young colt screams in fear, not wanting to perish like this.

Spike skims around and glimpses a window. An idea comes to him. "I have an idea!" Spike shoots flames from his palms, piercing the wall around the window.

"Do you expect us to jump!?" The mother sternly questions, comprehending it's a drop that ushers severe harm.

"Not quite!" Spike uses his flames to disseminate him and the two ponies. The fire forms a tunnel beam that permits secure travel from out the window to the ground. The fire disbands, leaving the son and mother silent and intact. "I have to get back inside!" Spike uses his flames as boosters once more and returns to the floor.

The firefighters arrive and witness Shining Armor, Trixie, and Starlight putting out the flames and saving the lower floors' ponies. They felt embarrassed for coming a little late. The young colt welcomes his friends and notifies them about this anomaly that rescued him and his mother. When he mentioned Heatblast's name, every pony began chanting Heatblast's name for motivation.

Shining Armor gallops to the stairs and steps back when the wood gives out. He sees Spike on the fourth floor. "Heatblast! We've got the first and second floors secured. Check the third floor!"

"Will do, townie!" Spike held in his laughter before going to the third floor; he reviewed the rest of the fourth floor. No pony is up there, so Spike plunges to the third floor. He sees a horde of ponies gathering by the windows for air since the smoke sucked the oxygen. Some unlocked the windows, calling for help and huffing for breath. "Hey, everypony!" Spike shouts to get their awareness. Within the second, everypony screams in terror until one of them hears the chanting of Heatblast's name.

A stallion trots up to Spike. "Are you, Heatblast?"

The structure starts quavering. "Yes!" Spike shoots flames from his palms, incinerating the window and wall. He uses his fire to engulf the herd out of the third floor. As before, the fire didn't burn or give any pony any markings. Many ponies that witness the phenomenon applaud Spike for his heroics.

"MOVE!" Shining Armor shouts after detecting the structure of the building's deterioration. Everyone flees away as the apartment complex collapses. Shining Armor, Trixie, Starlight, and many firefighter unicorns combine their magic to create a protective bubble to protect everyone from the smoke and combustion of the building, especially with the boilers blowing up.

After a few moments, the burning debris clears. Many ponies are unhappy that they lost their home and possessions but are pleased they have their lives spared from a potentially torturous death.

Everypony gathers around Heatblast and thanks him for saving the day, causing Spike to smile at the glory he's earning when his Omnitrix emblem flashes red and bleeps; he tells everyone that his task is concluded and is needed elsewhere. He uses his flames to fly out of the neighborhood as many ponies wave bye and whistle. They hope to see their hero return to help once more.

"Hey, thanks for lending a hoof," Some firefighters extend their hooves to Shining, Starlight, and Trixie.

"You're welcome," Starlight smiles and shakes their hooves.

"We're glad to help," Trixie nods with respect and shakes their hooves.

"Well, it's part of my life's work to help and protect ponies," Shining Armor explains a little side story about being Captain of the Royal Guard. Then, he shakes their hooves.

Heatblast's Omnitrix's logo flashes red, reverting Spike to normal. He sees a gang of ponies ransacking a jewelry store and wonders if they started the fire as a diversion to attract a spectacle elsewhere. The robbers fled as the police proceeded in for questioning. They chase the robbers.

Spike returns to the RV. It's parked around the corner and sits by the table in the kitchen. Shining Armor, Trixie, and Starlight return a few moments later. Each of them inhales from their venture.

"Trixie wonders how the fire sprung in that apartment."

"Could be the robbers I saw after turning normal," Spike said since it correlates with the crime scene.

"What robbers?" Shining, Starlight, and Trixie are now intrigued by Spike's discoveries.

"A gang of them were burglarizing a jewelry store. Then the police showed up and started chasing them," Spike replies.

"In that case, we must leave it to the local authorities. We have our protocols as plumbers," Shining harshly commands since the plumbers still need to be secretive about their approach.

"Yeah," Trixie concurs. "We still have to stay secret unless Princess Luna says otherwise. Our priorities come first; however, since you have the Omnitrix, Shining and I are taking extra precautions to work and theorize appropriate management when working with you in public spaces."

"Well, I'm still a rookie, so I can overlook those precautions, right?" Starlight nervously asks, hoping to find a loophole with her involvement.

"Uh," Trixie turns to her commanding officer.

"No. Rookie or not, you are sworn to secrecy. Therefore, you'll understand that certain affairs are not for us to embark on. It's for Equestrian divisions to manage their predicament. We take care of anything unnatural outside magic."

"Understood," Starlight looks down a bit; though she is still learning the curves, there's more to sustain than she acknowledges.

"So, now what?" Spike asks since chasing the robbers is out of contention.

"Well, we can buy supplies at the Baltimare Mart. It opened recently; I'm sure scouting there could do us some wonders," Shining said; he opened the fridge to make himself a peanut butter sandwich.

"Oh, there could be other games and comics!" Spike shouts with glee.

"I thought you were through with the Power Ponies," Starlight reminds Spike.

"I can read other comics not based on them. I can get into horror comics or mystery comics. Something else to keep me entertained whenever I'm not practicing my aliens or not combatting any other species seeking to destroy and conquer."

"Fair point," Starlight calmly replies. She comprehends possible days of exhaustion from future routines she'll endure with Trixie as her instructor during her training procedures.

"The Great and Powerful Triixie could use new magic items for her Great and Powerful performance!"

Shining groans and face-hoofs himself. Trixie's character gets him every time. "I swear, your character is more obnoxious than Blueblood's."

"What can I say, Shining Armor? The Great and Powerful.., mmph!" Shining Armor shoves a peanut butter sandwich into Trixie's mouth.

"You won't receive milk until you drop the character!" Shining Armor is at his boiling point, an angry tic forming on the upper left side of his head. Trixie muffles, okay.

"Damn, Shining. I didn't know Trixie's character drove you to do that," Spike couldn't help but chuckle at the situation.

"She's a great performer; I give her that. However, I have my boundaries on tomfoolery. She knew better than to press my buttons," Shining Armor starts the RV.

"Are you alright, Trixie?" Starlight gives Trixie a glass of milk from the fridge. She's worried about her friend's position.

Trixie drinks it after eating the forced peanut butter sandwich. "I'm fine. It's not the first nor the last. We sometimes have annual events whose character is more credible with the cover story. Blueblood, and I tie every time."

"Really?" Starlight thought for sure her friend won every time.

"Yea. Blueblood, with elite status, creates the perfect cover-up on his character. I don't have that luxury, and I edge him slightly on certain topics."

Shining Armor drives the RV to the Baltimare Mart. Many ponies gaze at the vehicle and wonder where it came from and how to obtain it. Some took pictures of the RV in hopes of recreating it. The Mayor of Baltimare wants her mechanics to construct building one for her. She's captivated by the next stage of development with transportation.

The trip took an hour due to many ponies crowding the RV, trying to look into the interior from the windows. The only contrast between Baltimare and Ponyville ponies is that Baltimare has a stricter property policy. Since the RV belongs to Shining Armor, no one can come within a certain distance unless permission granted. The Mayor of Baltimare made that law evident after hearing about a Gabby Gums Column evading personal space and private affairs. Her sister, Mayor Mare, reported that ordeal days after she got exposed.

Shining Armor stays focused and operates the RV in the parking lot, where there are many carriages of taxis for shopping. Many ponies were ogling at the RV with amazement, wonder, and awe. They knew to keep their distance; they took many pictures and drew some sketches to create their own someday.

Spike, Starlight, Trixie, and Shining Armor leave the RV. They head inside the new Baltimare Mart to explore and find what they desire. The interior is massive, wave after wave of aisles full of hardware, supplies, and more. Spike and Starlight decide to stay together, while Trixie and Shining separate. They agreed to meet up by the register in an hour.

Starlight and Spike gaze upon the books in one of the aisles. Spike flaps his wings and flies to the upper shelves, hoping to locate horror comic books. He sees one with great interest and pulls, only to be knocked down by an enormous mutated frog with a griffon riding on top.

The griffon has pale green fur, yellowish eyes, white hair, and eagle-like claws that are black. The griffon is wearing a machine made of an odd-looking helmet and vest, also wearing a transmodulator and red goggle-visors. The mutated frog has two small horns on its forehead and two bone horns on the sides of its head. It has four red eyes and orange lumps. It has an olive, spiky tongue.

The frog leaps ahead of the two as panic fills the Baltimare Mart. Spike is in a trance, seeing a frog that huge; he's lucky that Fluttershy isn't here; otherwise, she would prevent Spike from harming the mutant animal. The griffon commands the mutated frog to hurry over to the electronics department.

"Starlight..," Spike is dazed to see a deranged griffon on the loose.

"I'll grab our friends. You stall for time!" Starlight shouts and gallops to Shining and Trixie.

"Right! It's hero time!" Spike activates his Omnitrix and scrolls to the right with the faceplate. He sees XLR8 and slams the faceplate down.

Spike feels his body morphing. He grows black orbs on his feet, and his legs are blue. His dragon tail turns black with five blue stripes. Spike's claws become blue and bulky, with three fingers that can only open and close. He wears a black cone-like helmet with a protective visor that slides over his face. Spike's face is blue, his eyes are green, his lips are black, and stripes run under and between his eyes. Spike wears a black bodysuit and a turtleneck-like shirt with a white band in the center. He appears to look like a semi-velociraptor.

"Alright, time to take down that creep!" Luckily for Spike, no one saw his transformation. He races after the mutant frog and griffon.

The griffon hops down from his mutant frog to gather much-needed supplies. In the reflection of some electrical components, he sees Shining Armor shooting a laser blast from his saddlebag torrent.

"Hold it right there, Animo!" Shining Armor aims at Dr. Animo's head.

"Shining Armor," Dr. Animo sinisterly laughs. "Just the stallion I've been itching to see!" Dr. Animo has been yearning to settle the score with Shining Armor after the many confrontations they endured. He's aware that Shining has aligned himself with the plumbing agency and failed many times to expose them.

Trixie is in a position to take out Dr. Animo with her saddlebag sniper cannon. She's aiming for anything suspicious from the Doctor. She's on a shelf a few feet away from Dr. Animo's eyesight.

"Will you come quietly this time, or will things get messy?" Shining Armor is holding his ground.

"Sic 'em!" Dr. Animo commands his mutant frog to attack Shining Armor.

The mutant frog's tongue grabs hold of Shining Armor and eats him, holding him captive in his mouth. It causes Trixie to divert her aim at the mutated frog, allowing Dr. Animo to flee elsewhere in the store. She shoots multiple laser blasts at the mutant frog. It leaps out of the way, causing Trixie to miss her target. She activates her saddlebag thrusters to fly after the frog and free her commanding officer.

Spike sees the mutated frog and uses its' momentum against it. Spike scratches the sides of the mutated frog with his claws, causing him to spit Shining Armor in green ooze. Shining Armor gets pinned to the floor by the sequence.

"Eeeew!" Shining Armor is disgusted. He hates that a green ooze covered his coat twice this week.

The mutated frog turns to Spike and tries to attack him with his tongue. Spike is too quick for the frog's advances. Trixie helps Shining Armor and uses her magic to remove the slob from him.

"Miss me!" Spike is to the right of the frog. He tries using his tongue to grab him. Spike moves to the left. "Miss me again!" Spike continues to toy with the frog. Then, he runs in circles around it, creating a mini vortex to raise the frog and ceasing his run, causing the swirling ends, slamming the frog hard on the ground. "Now, to go after the creep!"

"We're with you, Spike!" Shining and Trixie shout in unison, preparing to bring down Dr. Animo.

A startling, frantic scream catches the attention of Spike, Starlight, and Shining Armor; they see a mutated hamster and parrot chasing Starlight. Starlight's magic cannot defeat such behemoths when controlled by Dr. Animo.

"What are you?" Dr.Animo stops his pursuit and sees Spike in his alien form. He's on top of the mutated parrot.

"The guy that's going to end your reign of tyranny!" Spike declares. Then his Omnitrix insignia blinks red and bleeps. "Oh! Sh-" Red flashes burst, turning Spike to normal. "it."

Dr. Animo gasps. "A little dragon with that kind of power?" An idea struck his mind. "Let's go!" Dr. Animo commands his parrot and takes flight. It penetrates through the roof, creating a hole. The mutated frog and hamster are about to follow when Shining Armor and Trixie shoot them with their saddlebag cannons to subdue the mutant animals. The mutated frog and hamster land harshly on the floor with severe bruises and bleeding.

Starlight pants heavily and grabs a broken piece of pipe from the ceiling, impaling the mutated hamster and frog to prevent them from attacking again. Due to the impact, the hamster and frog lose their' transformation and die.

"Let's move! We have a Doctor to stop!" Shining Armor commands his squad, rushing them to return to the RV and pursue Dr. Animo.

"Who?" Spike and Starlight are confused about the creature they are pursuing.

"I'll explain in the RV," Trixie said. "Let's get going!"

Moments later. Shining Armor is in the RV, driving in hot pursuit of Dr. Animo's mutated parrot. Trixie explains the origins of Dr. Animo to Starlight and Spike.

Dr. Animo was once a respected and promising researcher in veterinary science who went crazy with the desire to rebuild animal DNA into superanimals. His career ended when the plumbers discovered that he was performing twisted genetic experiments on animals. He had hoped that his research would win him the Verities Award, which is an award in veterinary science.

Tree Hugger, an earth pony who uncovered a twisted genetic program involving the Breezies forged by Dr. Animo, reported to the authorities and condemned all scientific research. Dr. Animo lost his license, but the mad griffon refused to relent; He made it evident that griffons can outsmart ponies. What he sought before losing his certified documentation was the Verities Award. Another Doctor claimed that prize. Dr. Jelly.

"We had many encounters with the lunatic. Dr. Animo is the reason that a hydra exists. He's also responsible for the Chimera. Different hybrid species are Dr. Animo's demented research," Trixie takes a deep breath, finishing her explanation.

"The mad genius got inspired by Grogar's entitlement as Father of Monsters, and after reading documented history, he wanted to create his own for scientific research and purposes, but it was bullcrap," Shining Armor noted the explanation while following Dr. Animo's flight pattern on his parrot.

"If Animo's new contraption can turn any animal into a mutant, where would he go next?" Starlight asks Trixie and Shining.

Shining Armor and Trixie ponder likely locations where Dr. Animo may strike to plunder or worse. Trixie's eyes widen in horror, and Shining Armor immediately inspects the destination Dr. Animo is going.

"THE MUSEUM!" Shining and Trixie shout in unison after drawing the same conclusion.

Shining Armor uses his magic to increase the velocity of the RV to the Baltimare Museum like no tomorrow; he avoids the angry taxi ponies cursing at him. Trixie remembers reading an article about Baltimare's Exquisite Animals with a section detailing ancient extinct creatures; she explains to Starlight and Spike the possibility of Dr. Animo's attempt to conjure an undead or reanimate army. The notion made the duo more afraid, which caused Spike to rush Shining's driving.

With the gear Dr. Animo had taken, he adjusted his transmodulator while standing next to a mammoth. Shining Armor, Trixie, Starlight, and Spike enter the museum after noticing several feathers by the front doors, indicating that Dr. Animo is inside, preparing to unleash his wrath upon the populous.

"Animo!" Shining, Starlight, Trixie, and Spike shout in unison, preparing to defend and fight off Dr. Animo's monstrosities.

"Very persistent, are you," Dr. Animo turns to the group.

"This is where your vile experiment ends, once and for all!" Spike declares as he activates the Omnitrix, knowing who to select.

Dr. Animo laughs, initiating his transmodulator. "Sorry, dear boy. It has only begun! See! I only needed a few components to push my work into phase two: the reanimation of dormant cells!" Dr. Animo turns the dial twice this time. His transmodulator shoots beams into the mammoth, bringing it to life. It lets out a trumpet as it stomps down from its pedestal. "Behold the genius that is Dr. Animo!"

"Behold the display of -" Spike presses the faceplate down, transforming into Four Arms. "Four Arms!"

"Spectacular!" Dr. Animo is intrigued with stripping Spike's Omnitrix to further his genius of creating mutated alien-animal hybrids of his likeness.

"Trixie! Starlight! Let's bring down Animo before he reanimates every creature from dormant!" Shining Armor activates the saddlebag thrusters, launching himself into combat when the gigantic mutated parrot tackles him.

"Shining!" Starlight pants heavily after the sudden attack.

"Shining will defeat the bird; our objective is apprehending the mad scientist." Trixie reminds Starlight about their goal to end Dr. Animo's goal before he creates an unstoppable army. The duo chases after him.

Spike is wrestling with the mammoth, performing a superplex by holding onto the tusks. He reads the mammoth's body language and is determined to remove one tusk. The mammoth charges with the intent of colliding into Spike to trample him; however, Spike sidesteps to grab the left tusk, yanking it off after using his right foot for leverage when he stepped on the mammoth's front leg.

Hearing the mammoth's screeching in agonizing pain reminded Spike of Fluttershy's kindness. She wouldn't hurt nor harm any animal, even if given the opportunity of revival. He closes his eyes, imagining the heartache Fluttershy may read from the newspaper with the speculation of animals dying by his hands. It didn't matter with Spike since Dr. Animo would violate more of the animals he came in contact with if he'd escaped the plumbers' clutches. Spike uses the tusk to penetrate the mammoth's eye socket, piercing the brain to see if it dies, which it does.

Shining Armor activates the saddlebag machine gun on the left side, with the right torrent operating as the thrusters for his jetpack sequence. The parrot falls after succumbing to many wounds from Shining's assault. He sees Dr. Animo attempting to reanimate a Lochness Monster while dodging many magic beams and lasers from Starlight and Trixie.

Spike runs down the hallway after hearing the commotion of magic and laser beams firing at Dr. Animo; he sees him trying to bring a monster to his beckon calling. "Noooo!" Spike shouts, alerting Dr. Animo to turn to his attention, which was his undoing.

Starlight and Trixie take down Dr. Animo with their combined assault, causing Dr. Animo to collide into the wall near an exit. Dr. Animo sustained minor injuries from the impact and sees his opportunity to flee elsewhere to generate a new army to bring devastation to the plumbers; however, Spike grabs his transmodulator from his head and crushes it.

"Nooooooo! My life's work!" Dr. Animo watches his creation destroyed while Spike reverts to normal after the red light flashes. Shining Armor and Trixie aim their saddlebag guns at him, causing him to surrender.

"You will never corrupt or endanger any species now, you sick bastard!" Shining Armor punches Dr. Animo's face, knocking him unconscious for every monstrosity creation he made that plagued the world for a decade.

Trixie contacts the plumber base in Baltimare, informing them to send the authorities to apprehend Dr. Animo and create a cover story about the damages and recent mutations many ponkfolk bears witnessed.

Spike, Shining, Trixie, and Starlight leave the museum after the authorities arrest Dr. Animo; the plumbers disguised as the police thank Shining Armor and his crew for finally capturing the crazed-up griffon from creating more wicked beasts to unleash on the populous.

The gang returns to the RV after a long day; Shining Armor receives a thank you message on his visors from Princess Luna and Prince Blueblood since they failed to capture the mad griffon during their confrontations and can finally be at ease unless he escapes, which would be complex to achieve. Spike and Starlight return to their game while Trixie cooks a late dinner for everyone, her treat. Shining Armor decides now will be a good time to vacate Baltimare and resume their travel to Las Pegasus.

Comments ( 10 )

It's good that you're fine and continuing.

I am so glad this is continuing.

Interesting on how things looked with adapting Animo.

Wonder if the Young Six(such as Smolder and Ocellus) will show up at some point?

All villains can't just be ponies, right?

Pretty cool too

Wonder how things look when Spike meets Ember too?

That's much later in the story


Would be cool in see him bonding with the Young Six such as Smolder and Ocellus too

You're obsessed with the young six, are you?

Just into them quite a bit.
And also into the idea of Spike hanging with them due to them being close to his age(and the fact I ship Spike x Smolder and Spike x Ocellus a bunch) being interesting(and the fact that both Spike and the Young Six were quite wasted in the show).
Its pretty much the result of possibilities

not Smolder not Ocellus not Ember not Gabby not Rarity even all Pony how about spike x big chill or alien girls spike he care she big chill child here protector and important an kindness, love feel appreciated feel special Helpfulness, or Sacrifice, happiness Guidance, Empathy, respect, acceptance in stay Equestria

Looks like Twilight has a bias against dragons

I hope we see Smolder(and maybe Ocellus too) chew Twilight out hard for what she did to Spike

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