• Published 7th Dec 2022
  • 8,464 Views, 334 Comments

My Life as a Pony - _Sugarplum_

Reborn in another world, a former human finds their self in the body of a young pony. As a fanatic, they should feel elated, but this world is not quite as it should be. This is the story of how their new life began.

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Ruffled Feathers

I didn’t know how long it would take me to reach the limits of the village. It didn’t really seem that far, but being smaller and weaker than I would normally be, made the trek feel like forever. Luckily it didn’t actually take too long to reach civilization. I could only recall two people living close to the Forest, and as there was a distinct lack of an apple orchard around me, I knew I wasn’t going to end up at the farm. It was probably for the best. I don’t think I could’ve sat through listening to all that yokel talk the country clan is prone to. No, where I was headed was far easier to handle. Or so I’d hoped.

Ahead of me lay a cozy looking cottage. Greenery and a menagerie of animals surrounded the abode. I sighed softly and started to walk closer. Unfortunately I didn’t pay attention to where I was stepping. I’d ventured off of the path and into the thicker grass. Then I suddenly felt something under my hoof. This was immediately followed by a sharp pain as something bit me. “Gahh!” I yelped and jolted slightly.

Apparently I’d stepped on a snake and it was very upset with me for doing so. I started running through the grass in a panic, weaving around haphazardly as my mind fogged. Why couldn’t I think clearly? I was overwhelmed very easily in this new body. I avoided small rodents and other little creatures as I darted through the brush like a headless chicken.

It wasn’t until I tripped by a little river that I regained my senses. I’d slipped and fell in with a small scream. “Son of a-!” I sputtered and splashed helplessly for a few moments before regaining my footing. I scampered out of the water and sat there for a minute, shivering and fussing like a wet cat. I felt absolutely ridiculous. I curled up while I trembled. I was upset with myself for having freaked out like I did, and for now being soggy, I then started tearing up. “I’m such a dumbass…”

The day had started off like any other for the pony, who lived at the edge of Ponyville. The pegasus woke up early and began her daily chores. She made her way around her cottage and the fields surrounding it, making sure that all of her critters were accounted for and taken care of. She had just finished feeding her beloved Angel Bunny when she was startled by a commotion at the opposite end of property. The mare brushed her long and messy mane out of her face as she saw something running through the grass. “Oh goodness,” she said in concern. Had one of her animal friends gotten scared by something? The creature was short and fast. She couldn’t tell what it was. All she saw was a blur of pale brown fur, which suddenly dipped down, tumbling into the stream. She quickly excused herself from the presence of her rabbit companion and headed over to check on the little creature. “Oh my, oh my,” she mumbled as she trotted in a hurry.

She rushed to the bridge, where she’d seen the figure go under. “Oh dear… What’s wrong little one? Are you ok—“ she asked as she peered under the bridge. The ‘creature’, she now realized, was a pony. A foal! A somewhat scruffy little foal was muttered and crying quietly. The mare immediately grew more concerned. “Shh… d-don’t worry, everything will be fine,” she said softly. Without hesitation, she grabbed hold on the colt, taking the child from under the bridge. She’d picked him up by the scruff of his neck, like an animal would do their young. His fussing slowly died down as she carried him into her house.

Fluttershy sat the colt down once inside of the house. She then grabbed a towel and started drying him off while speaking to him. “You poor thing,” the soft spoken mare cooed. “Let’s get you nice and dry. It’s summer but you can still catch a cold if you’re wet for too long.” She stopped after a little while and sat the towel aside. After getting him dry, she paused as questions formed in her head the longer she looked at him. This diminutive unicorn with his scruffy hair, which was curling up after having been wet, was a complete stranger to her. And that raised many questions. She did not recognize this foal at all, and Ponyville was a very close knit community. Everypony basically knew everypony else. Who did he belong to? Maybe his family was visiting the town? She’d figure things out eventually.

I sat there in Fluttershy’s house, my tail tucked close to me as I felt a little embarrassed. Getting carried off like a wet puppy was such a weird experience. It didn’t hurt, being held like that, but I felt so helpless. Then having Fluttershy worry over me was a whole other thing. She was one of my favorite main characters. Being in her presence should be a dream come true for any brony, but I couldn’t help feeling oddly intimidated due to how small I am in comparison to her. Her lithe frame was lankier than I imagined. She looked tall and graceful, with her long hair framing her face. She was…beautiful. But part of me still thought of her as this adorable little pony doll.

I stopped looking at her and took a moment to look around the room. It was still trippy to me, actually being in this world. It was like what you expected from the show but… more real, lived in and not as picture perfect. The room was cozy and smelled a bit like a pet shop as there were a few bowls of animal feed here and there for any critter to partake in. My internal commentary of the scenery was interrupted when my ears twitched. I turned my head and realized that Fluttershy had been talking to me. I felt a bit bad that I wasn’t listening. I cocked my head to the side in confusion as I missed what she’d said.

The yellow mare sighed and then repeated yourself. “Um, little fella? You can hear me, right? Can you talk? I asked you how you got here. Are you lost? You’re a fair way out of the town,” she said. “You shouldn’t wander away like that,” she then politely scolded. “Your parents are probably worried sick, looking for you.”

I really didn’t want to think about how I probably won’t see my family again. My situation isn’t easy to explain, in the slightest. Maybe it’s best if I say I’m an orphan or something? I stood up and winced quietly from the pain in my leg, which earned a whimper of concern from the pegasus. “Um… N-nobody’s looking for me,” I said quietly. “Don’t worry yourself. I’ll be fine.” I tried to walk towards the door but my leg was hurting slightly from where’d I’d been bitten.

Fluttershy quickly flew around me and stood in front of me. The mare pulled a little frown. “Oh but I will worry,” she asserted in her ever own, naturally soft way, “and you are not fine.” She huffed and looked at my leg. “Show me where it hurts” she said, sounding rather caring. I hesitantly raised my hoof and held it out to her. She carefully rubbed the fur on my leg with her hoof and eyes the exposed skin from where I was bitten. “Oh goodness… That’s a bad bite,” she said. My eyes widened as I suddenly worried about if I’d been poisoned or something. She seemed to tell from my expression and quickly continued. “Oh don’t worry, you’ll be fine…. but we should probably hurry and get you to the hospital- just to be safe.” She explained. She let go of my leg and then walked to her door, opening it. She came back to me and then laid down, gesturing at her back. “Climb on, little guy. You shouldn’t walk on that leg. Let me carry you.”

I was never a fan of hospitals. I spent far too much time in them back when I was young, back on Earth. But I had no idea how to take care of injuries on my own, especially now with this new body and no hands. I couldn’t argue too much. Fluttershy had her way. I carefully climbed onto her back, my legs resting on her sides while I was flanked on either side by her wings. They were soft and warm, and so was her fur. My body relaxed as I laid there. Soon enough she carried me off, walking quickly but very carefully. I just hoped I wasn’t too heavy.

The two of us eventually made our way into the town proper. My eyes lit up as we made it to the main street. An array of colorful ponies walked around the area. There were ponies of all sizes, going about their day. I looked skyward and noticed a few pegasi flitting around. The population of pastel ponies all seemed so friendly with each other. Their bright colors were eye-catching, and took a minute to adjust to, but weren't uncanny. Thankfully. I remember how garish some videos of 3d rendered ponies were, but being here was far more palatable. My nerves were tense for a moment as I felt a little hazy in the brain, still not 100% 'fine' with the whole being in Equestria thing. But I was slowly getting used to it. My head started feeling kinda fuzzy, actually. And my stomach was hurting. At least the ride wasn’t bumpy, thanks to the gentleness of my bird-horse mount. The last thing I’d want would be to puke on a main character’s back.

Thankfully, it wasn't too much longer of walking that we reached the hospital. After entering the building, Fluttershy walked to the reception counter with me. The pegasus started to speak with the pony at the desk. At the desk was a cream colored mare with brown hair, pulled into a loose ponytail. She looked kinda of familiar.

“Oh hello,” the mare said, “what do you need help with today?”

Fluttershy squeaked quietly but then started to speak. “Oh… um… this little colt here wandered onto my property. And he… got bit by a snake. He could really use a doctor- if it’s not too much trouble,” she said as I leaned from behind her head and waved awkwardly with my good hoof.

My head and stomach were still bothering me but I tried to appear ‘okay.’ I didn’t wanna stay in the hospital long. So I tried to make a joke. “Hellooo nurse~,” I slurred as I waved.

The nurse’s eye brows raised and she gasped. “Oh my stars. I’ll get a doctor right away,” she said before quickly trotting off to fetch help. The last thing I recalled was giggling as I watched the nurse mare’s rear as she walked away. Then everything went black.

Author's Note:

finals week is over and i finally have some more time to write :-)