• Published 7th Dec 2022
  • 8,464 Views, 334 Comments

My Life as a Pony - _Sugarplum_

Reborn in another world, a former human finds their self in the body of a young pony. As a fanatic, they should feel elated, but this world is not quite as it should be. This is the story of how their new life began.

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Author's Note:

excuse the re-upload (and name change)

felt that this and the following chapter should get posted closer together

Motherhood. This was a foreign territory to the butter-colored pegasus. Fluttershy never really thought about becoming a mother. The social recluse, with her timid nature and affinity for wild creatures, had no prospects in terms of a love life. That, along with another specific issue, had her believing that she would never have her own family. She thought she would be alone forever. Well, not entirely alone- She always has her animal friends but they don’t count as being family.

Fluttershy’s somewhat lonely life changed forever when she encountered a critter of a different breed: a little colt in need of saving. She felt compelled to aid the young pony in any way that she can. She knows that caring for Stardust will be far more challenging than tending to sick bunny rabbits but she wants to do her best.

The first step to becoming the foster parent to the troubled child was filling out a mountain of forms. The mares, and the young colt, sat in Miss Glow’s office as the process went on. Completing the paperwork, as well as gathering some supplies for the trip home, took well over two hours. Flutters felt slightly bad that Stardust had to just sit in awkward silence in an uncomfortable chair during the length of time. Plus her jaw was slightly sore after holding a pencil in her mouth for so long. She knew it would be worth it though.

“Everything seems to be in order,” said Honey Glow as her eyes scanned the manifest. “Congratulations,” the earth pony cooed out, “you are now officially the foster mother to the little one.”

“Thank you,” Fluttershy said softly. She tucked her copy of the papers into a saddlebag. The bag had been given by hospital staff and contained some bandages for Stardust’s injured leg as well as a lollipop. She got up from her seat and then looked over at the colt. “We’re all set,” she said, “are you ready…to go home?”

Stardust’s ears twitched and his shoulders shrugged before he nodded his head. “Y..yeah, let’s go,” he’d responded to her in a soft tone. A part of Fluttershy was worried about his timidity but then again she can’t exactly be pointing hooves at anyone when she’s always soft-spoken herself.

As the two walked out of the office and headed for the main exit, some nurse ponies waved goodbye to them. Fluttershy waved back while walking. Stardust hesitated however, his big blue eyes looking at the mare before shifting over to the nurses. He’d raised his hoof and ended up tripping over nothing. This earned a squeak of concern from Flutters but the colt assured her that he was okay. He kept walking after his failed attempt at waving, his eyes fixated on the ground. They continued on the walk in silence for a while.

I let out a sigh as I followed Fluttershy around. I still felt mildly embarrassed that I tripped over my own feet earlier. I brushed the thought away though. There were more important things to think about. Like, how my favorite member of the mane six is now my foster mother… It felt weird but also not? At least I get to live with a familiar face. I think I would’ve been more upset if I was suddenly housed with an absolute stranger.

As we walked, I took in the sights. I think I’m starting to get used to the sight of Ponyville. Everybody looked cute. The ponies weren’t proportioned as exaggeratedly as on TV, but they were still clearly different from normal horses. Their fur wasn’t as bright as in the cartoon but were still jarring at first glance, to see such vibrance on living creatures. Watching the ponies walk around was fun for a moment since it sparked that childish giddiness, like when I would watch cartoons. The only downside right now is that I’m so low to ground. Traversing in a world with barely any clothes was definitely awkward. I decided to then focus on the buildings in order to spare my eyes. I wasn’t focused on where I was walking, I just followed behind my new ‘mom’. It wasn’t until we arrived at her door that I even realized that we made it outside of town already.

Fluttershy opened the door for me and I walked in. She took off her saddlebag and placed it beside the couch. She stretched her wings for a moment before sitting down on the sofa. She patted the cushion with a hoof. “Come here, so we can talk for a minute, sweetie.”

I walked over and climbed onto the couch as well. It was tricky since I can’t grip, but I managed to get up there. I then looked up at Fluttershy, curious about what she wanted to say.

She cleared her throat and then spoke. “I know this is probably a bit… much, um, moving in with a s-stranger, but I promise to take good care of you, Stardust. You need a caring pony in your life, now more than ever.” She said every word in a very gentle tone, even more than her usual delicate nature. She seemed like she was trying extra hard to sound motherly. She continued on, gesturing on occasion. “I only have one bedroom but I’ll see if I can, um, get somepony to build me an extra one in the future. For now, I could just… sleep on the couch. The bathroom is upstairs as well. I’d like you to take one every night, if that’s okay. Although, if you don’t get too dirty, I suppose you could skip a night, sometimes.”

I nodded my head as she told me these things. Her ‘instructions’ weren’t demanding at all. Plus her always-soft demeanor made agreeing with things very easy. “Yeah sounds good,” I said with a little smile.

“Great,” she replied. She looked at a clock on her wall and then looked back at me. “It’s around lunchtime, are you hungry? I could find you something to eat, if you like. I’ll have to go shopping tomorrow to find things that you really enjoy though. I hope you don’t mind the food that’s already here.”

“I could eat” I shrugged with a light chuckle, “as long as it’s better than hospital food.”

Fluttershy giggled as well and then got up, walking into the kitchen. “What would you like to eat?”

I’d kill for a cheeseburger. Or chicken nuggets. I miss fast food. “Ehhh, I’m not sure. Maybe just… salad?” I said.

The mare’s eyes narrow slightly as she thought. She looked at me curiously. “Are you sure? I also have… let me see,” she said as she looked through her cupboards,“carrots, apples, hay patties, spaghetti, some cookies-“ she prattled off.

“Spaghetti?” I asked in surprise.

“Would you like that?” she asked, noting my sudden enthusiasm.

“Yeah!” I said. Finally, something I may enjoy. Ugh, it’s most definitely meatless but as long as it tastes good, I won’t mind. I like vegan food on occasion. I just don’t wanna eat anymore damn hay! “Can I help you make it?“ I asked as I pulled some puppy eyes. I’d like a say in what goes into what I eat.

D’aww. What a good little colt, wanting to help prepare food. Fluttershy smiled brightly and nodded in agreement. “Of course you can.” She said. She paused and her smile faltered as she remembered what Miss Glow had said about his condition. “It…might be hard for you to hoof me the ingredients though.” She saw him look defeated and heard him mumble profanity. She didn’t want to scold him while he’s already upset though. She cleared her throat. “Maybe you can use magic to pass me things instead?” She inquired, eyeing the horn atop the little unicorn’s head. She then pointed at a box of noodles in the cupboard. “S-see if you can get that for me.”

I looked up at my horn. I’d damn near forgot the thing was there. I then glanced at the box. I had zero idea how to use magic but I really wanted to be of some use. I didn’t want to feel helpless forever. I stared intently at the box, trying to will it into levitating. Come on, float, damn it!

“Um.. be careful,” Fluttershy warned awkwardly.

Come on!

“You don’t want to get a headache or something”

Come on! Stupid horn! Work!

“I r-really think you should-“


I felt embarrassed and tucked my tail in shame. The unfortunate smell of all that straining wafted briefly in the kitchen.

“….N-..no more trying to use magic today, okay?” mumbled Fluttershy as her wings flapped, trying to dispel the smell of pony fart. “I’ll just…make lunch on my own. Okay?”

I nodded in agreement and then sulked off into the living room.

Having retired to the couch after my unexpected flatulence, I sat slumped and pouty. I sat there for a long while, just letting the embarrassing feeling marinate. It was so stupid. I seriously strained so hard that I farted… And in front of a delicate lady- er, mare, like Fluttershy.

My embarrassed thought pattern was interrupted by a chittering sound. My ears perked up and I looked around in confusion. What was making that noise? I then craned my head and noticed a certain bunny had suddenly walked up, beside the couch. I hadn’t heard him approach. Must’ve been because he’s so small and swift.

“Oh,” I mumbled. I waved a hoof at the rabbit. “Hey…,” I said to the little guy.

The rabbit looked at me and I swear he scoffed. Angel Bunny chittered, paws against his tummy. This damn thing was laughing at me? My suspicion was confirmed when he brought his paws to his mouth and made a little fart sound before falling over in silent laughter. What a little jerk!

“Wh- Hey!” I whisper-shouted, not wanting to draw Fluttershy’s attention. “…Fuck you, cotton-butt” I spat at the rabbit.

That seemed to offend Angel as he stopped laughing and suddenly hopped up on the couch and kicked me. It didn’t hurt but I pretended that it did.

“Oh no! The mean rodent’s wounded me.” I said in a quiet voice. I then giggled as I acted like I fainted. I even stuck out my tongue, pretending to be dead.

The rabbit squeaked in concern and started patted at me. I guess he’s not all bad, huh? I sat back up and stuck my tongue out at him. “Gotcha”

He fussed and squeaked and chittered at me. I couldn’t understand any of the noises, but I’m sure the rowdy bunny was chewing me out. He then started to calm down and sighed. He looked towards the kitchen and then back at me, tilting his head. Is he asking me something?

“Um,” I mumbled. “Since we’re cool now, I guess I’ll introduce myself? I’m… Stardust, and I’m gonna be Fluttershy’s foster kid for… I dunno, until I get placed somewhere else, maybe?” I shrugged. I had no idea if this arrangement would be permanent. I didn’t even really want to think about the idea of getting ‘re-homed.’ I tried to push away the thoughts with some teasing. I leaned down at tried to look at eye level with Mr. Angel Bunny. “So be nice to me or you might cause problems with her, got it?”

Angel narrowed his beady little eyes at me and then nodded. He stuck out his paw and I extended a hoof. He grabbed and shook my hoof. It seems we’ve come to an agreement.

“Stardust, l-lunch is- Oh?” Fluttershy said as she’d poked her head into the room. She felt a little surprised to see her bunny friend with the young colt. “I completely forgot to introduce you to Angel Bunny. It seems like you’re getting along already though?” She remarked. She then eyed the rabbit and told him, “M..makes sure you continue to be nice to our new f-family member, Angel. Okay?” She then looked back at me. “Oh and the food’s ready now. C-come eat.”

I sat down at the table and began to eat. I didn’t just eat, I devoured that spaghetti like I hadn’t eaten in a week. It wasn’t regular noodles. It was spaghetti squash, but the sauce that she’d made was amazing. I couldn’t tell what it was, but it sure was tasty. I hadn’t even bothered trying to use a utensil and had horked down the meal with a dog. I couldn’t help myself, I was just glad I didn’t have to eat hay and flowers forever.

Fluttershy had watched her with mild amusement as I’d massacred the meal she had prepared me. She seemed like she wanted to say something but she didn’t, at first. She’d simply wiped my face with a cloth afterwards. She ate her own food much slower and was using a fork.

At least I think it was a fork? It wasn’t like what a ‘normal’ fork looks like. It was a three-pronged utensil with a loop on the opposite end, for her to keep the fork attached to her hoof. I hadn’t looked at the utensils before I’d started eating my own food. If I had, I would’ve used one too. Since it’s got a space to hook a hoof into, I wouldn’t have to grip anything, right? That would be nice. I hope there’s more items like that, so I won’t be a total invalid until I can either figure out how to grab stuff or levitate them. My fixation on equine cutlery lasted a bit too long, it seems, as my caretaker seemed a little concerned.

“Is something on your mind?” Fluttershy asked, to which I shrugged my shoulders. She paused and her brow furrowed briefly. She then suddenly suggested that we do something else now. “W-well, now that we’re done eating, what would you like to do?” She didn’t get a response right away and continued to speak. “I’ll get the i-important shopping done tomorrow, but we could go back into town, if you want. I could buy you some toys, maybe? Or junk food? Maybe a coloring book?”

I fought the urge to scoff at the childish suggestions that she offered. Honestly, I wouldn’t actually mind any of that stuff but was still embarrassed. I never really acted ‘my age,’ fully. I remember my real mom used to get on my ass a lot for my regressive behavior and having ‘stupid, childish hobbies.’ I used to occasionally use coloring books or watch cartoons back on Earth. Okay, more than occasionally, in regards to cartoons. I just missed being my childhood years. Everything was simpler then… Maybe this whole situation would be a chance for me to relive those carefree days gone by?

I couldn’t focus on those thoughts for long. An uncomfortable feeling in my lower half was starting to take up my brain space. I kept wiggling in my seat. The issue wasn’t exactly the chair that I was currently sat in. It was a well made piece of furniture. I was just too sensitive, I guess, since this body is still quite new to me. As it stands, having my bare ass on a wooden seat was beginning to feel like hell. I then thought of something I desperately wanted. I looked up at Fluttershy and grumbled out a request. “Can you buy me some frickin’ pants?” I then heard a squeak escape the pegasus’s mouth. Damn it, I should watch my tone, huh?

Fluttershy looked at Stardust with a curious expression. She was surprised, first by his sudden attitude, and then to hear that out of all things that the colt could have requested, he wanted… clothes? Most residents of Ponyville don’t care about any coverings besides horseshoes. Of course, colts always loved to play dress up, but for a foal to pick that over shiny new toys was odd to her. Then again, she had a complicated relationship with fashion back when she was… young. Maybe he thinks that his living here now is so special that he wants to be ‘fancy’ for a little while? He would look adorable in a frilly little saddle…

She fluttered her wings as she smiled softly and finally replied to him. “Alright then… just clothes? Well, I guess that’s fine,” she said to him. “I have a friend who runs a boutique, actually. I’m sure she’d love to make some clothes for you.”

She then stood up and grabbed her personal saddlebag and slung it onto her back, over her wings. It’s not like she intended to fly anyway given that her little friend wouldn’t be able to keep up with her that way. She didn’t want the poor boy getting too tired. She gestured for him to follow her as she walked out of the door. “Off to Carousel Couture, we go,” she said with a little smile as they walked towards town.