• Published 30th Dec 2022
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Changing Our Destinies - silent_user

Twilight managed to see glimpses of her future during her entrance exam. But instead of becoming Celestia’s protege, she steps off the path laid out for her and chooses to take matters into her own hooves. After all, Celestia won’t mind, right?

  • ...

Chapter 20 - A Future That Won’t Be Ours

“It’s so cold.”

“Shh… I will warm you,” she enveloped her in her wings.

"I can't feel anything."

“You will again soon.”

“I can’t see anything.”

“Give it some time.”

“I-I didn’t want to die.”

“You agreed.”

“I didn’t think you would do this.”

“I know.” But she had gone through with it regardless.

And now she couldn’t undo it.

“Necromancy is illegal and dangerous.” The pony in her wings was supposed to kill those who performed it, as well as any creations by it.

Both of them were supposed to do it.

“Nothing is illegal for me.”

“But it’s still dangerous.”

“You are worth it.”

“I-I didn’t want things to turn out like this. I-”

“Shh…” such silly concerns.

Such silly concerns when the unicorn should do nothing but rest. “My little Cady… when everything is done…

“I promise I will give you that chance you deserved such a long time ago.”

“Y-You will?” Candy could feel her heart beating faster.

…On second thought, she couldn’t feel her heart beating at all.

“I will. Now that you are immortal, I see no issue anymore.”


“I will never forget Aurora, yet… I simply need to move on. If we are honest, I should have done so a long time ago… you won’t replace her, but you could be right next to her.”

“I would like that, yet-”

“As for the ethical concerns… I really am past that point now.”

“I love you so much-”

“Not now, Candy. Not now. For now, you need rest.”

But Candy couldn’t rest. “What if I mess up?”

“At worst, you will forever be my loyal little Candy. A pony I love like a second daughter.”

It was a soothing thought, though it wasn’t enough. “Don’t you feel anything for me at all romantically?”

“I don’t, but I never viewed you in that way.” Was that the truth?

How couldn’t she love the mare she had fallen to dark magic for?

Then again, she would have done the same for Twilight.

She would have done it for Luna as well…

She did do it for Luna as well.

“I will have quite the challenge in front of me.” The unicorn tried chuckling yet ended up coughing instead.

“Don't worry, Candy…

“From now on, you will have all the time in the world.”


Twilight and Rainbow had disappeared.

Why that was the case, they didn't know.

“I will look for them… but do you have any idea where they could have gone?” The world was big.

A lead would help.

“She wanted to leave Equestria… show us other countries…” Pinkie could only imagine what it was that went wrong.

“She wanted us to go with her… this must have been an accident…." Fluttershy muttered.

“Rainbows was scared… I believe she might have accidentally pressured Twilight into an uncontrolled teleport.” She needed a lead, not self-pity. “This means, Twilight ended up someplace her subconsciousness wanted her to end up in.” But only if her theory was correct. “If somepony told her to leave in a panic, where would she want to go to?”

"I don't believe she knew that herself…." Pinkie thought back to the conversation they had. “It might take us some time to find her…." Out of the corner of her eye, she could see her parents rushing towards them, followed by her siblings.

Yet her siblings remained in the doorway.


“I will be going with the other to look for the princess.” She wasn’t supposed to tell them her true intentions.

But was Limestone right in her assumption that leaving without telling would be better?

“No. It’s too dangerous.” They shot her down.

“Mom… Dad… think about the reward we could get for helping a princess.” There would be no reward.

Not for a very long time.

However, they didn’t know that “…You are right. Wait a moment. We will be going with you.”

She should have expected that answer. “No. You have obligations to fulfil. They… t-they will hurt you if you don’t. I never was any real help… so let me do this.”

To their dismay, her parents knew she was right. “…Be careful, Pinkamena.”

“I will… I love you.” This might be the last time she would see her family.

How she wished it wouldn’t be based on lies and deception.

“We love you too.” They watched as their daughter walked away with the unknown visitors.

Deep down, they knew they would never see her again.

As soon as they were out of sight, Isabella released her magic hold on Applejack. “Why should we search for ponies that fled from us!”

“They were in distress! We must help!” Fluttershy insisted.

“Exactly! Leaving them alone when they could be in danger would make us a bunch of meanies!” Not to mention that Twilight told them that the fate of the entire planet hinged on them.

Seeing she was being outnumbered, the orange earth pony called for support. “Rarity! Back me up here!”

“Ummm… we should honour the princess's wish of being alone?” She wasn’t too happy to be placed in the spotlight like that.

But Applejack didn't pick up on her discomfort. “Exactly! Thank you, Rarity!”

At least one other pony with common sense.

“Okey dokey lokey.” Pinkie began bouncing away.


“We won’t force you to go with us. Good luck… and be careful out there… I don’t think Twilight and Rainbow would lie about these things,” Fluttershy quickly told them before catching up with Pinkie.

"Well, Rarity. It seems-"

“I… I will go with them,” Rarity whispered.


“Why!” How was it that everypony was against her?

They are almost treating me like a villain!

“I don’t want to die-”

“She was lying!” Or was she?

It simply couldn’t have been the truth…

She must have misinterpreted something that led to her believing that it was…

“Was she? How come you are so confident?” Unknowingly Rarity hit right where it hurt.

“I just am!” Applejack screamed, enraged. “Maybe in her mind, it was the truth, yet that doesn't mean it actually is!”

After all, one can be mistaken!

“I… I don’t want to risk it. Even if it all was a lie up to this point, what do you think Princess Celestia will do to us if we return without her daughter? If she figures out, we abandoned her?" With that, Rarity, too, rushed after Pinkie.

I knew I couldn’t count on you…

But then, why does it hurt so much?

Isabella stared at the remaining filly. Without doing anything, almost all of them had done what she had wanted them to do.

Giving the orange filly one last glance, she began making her way into the direction the three fillies had disappeared to.

Applejack would follow as well.

One way or another.


Princess Celestia could have been worse…. We were the ones who started a fight with her...

Candy loves her.

It was a turn of events she didn’t see coming.

Candy tried to kill her.

Was that something you did to the pony you loved?

What will happen to us now?

They may not have brought her to a cell, yet she wasn’t allowed to leave this room either.

The only thing to do now was stare at the ceiling and think about the decisions in life that had brought her here.

You were so angry when they told you she had a- oh buck! Buck! Buck! Buck! Twilight Sparkle is her daughter!

We tried to kill Princess Celestia’s daughter! It is only a matter of time before she figures out that I was involved!

She knew she needed to repent for her sins, yet the prospect of Princess Celestia deciding her punishment-

She will make it slow and painful….

Maybe she will do the same to me as they did with Lieutenant Estelle?

A patrol had caught the equestrian soldiers in the act, recovering the body, making sure every single one of them would get an opportunity to see it.

S-She wouldn’t do that to a minor, right! I didn’t even have my first kiss yet!

Sweet Moon! What was I thinking!

And still, it was too late. She had wanted to flee to Equestria, and now she would have to live with that decision.

Oh, please don't mess this up, Candy! You are the only pony I know here! Only you can protect me from her!

After being thrown out of a window, she doubted the princess would be merciful to her without the unicorn’s support.

First the Captain and now Candy… I am always running behind somepony else…

Why can’t I fight for myself?

The answer to that she knew.

Because I don’t want to.

Because it’s easier to have another pony tell you what to do.

Could she be blamed for that?


Soon, they will want me to reveal to them everything I know.

What will happen after that?

Candy said they would take good care of me.

She could only pray that the mare wasn’t only defending her love at the time.

I need to take my life into my own hooves…

Else it will become unbearable again.

Only doing what others tell you to do was easier.

The path to becoming happy was more than likely different.


“She obviously meant Celestia.”

“The star that shines the brightest also tends to blind us.”

That was the sun, right?

“Celestia needed the elements to work, and she wanted them to be loyal. How wasn't that clear to you already?" Chrysalis was amazed by Twilight's ability to overlook the most obvious of things. "Did you think she would leave these things to fate? Did you think she would risk the Elements turning agai-”

“I get it!” She hadn’t known that Celestia had been buying her supposed friends before they even met each other, but Chrysalis was right.

It shouldn’t be too surprising.

"What I don't understand is why she forbade Dashie from asking me out.” It was crushing.

I could have been with her…

I could have been with her if I hadn’t been such a moron…

And I could have been with her if Celestia didn’t forbid her from loving me…

So many chances and none of them were taken.

“Maybe she wants you for herself?” The changeling queen proposed.

“Don’t maybe me! You can read emotions!” Chrysalis always managed to find some way to anger her.

It probably was payback for ruining her plans multiple times.

"She isn't here, and at the time, I didn't check if she wants to-"

“She controlled my life! She controlled their lives! She still does!” It was so hard to get to this point without alerting her. “I don’t know why! Why do all of this! Why always lie to me! Why make it her life’s mission to make me unhappy!”

“You are overthinking this.” Chrysalis needed Twilight to start the next phase.

Rainbow had delayed it.

“She simply is a pony that can’t let go of power. That is why she is still pulling the strings even when you are formally in charge.” The changeling queen tried to get her to move on. “Once you have depowered her, we can ask her.”

“Once you have depowered her, we can ask her.”

Because I don’t know how to kill her…

Or myself.

“What about the pills?” Twilight asked.

“It was really hard to get this information… I am telling you, we need to act soon.” Chrysalis was practically begging her at this point. The risks they both had taken were great, and at least she didn't want them to have been taken for nothing. “Celestia’s ponies are starting to notice that something is wrong. Especially Director Candy-”

"Then get rid of her! It shouldn't be that hard!" It was already insane that the unicorn hadn't been replaced until now.

“But we also-”

“I don’t care! Just kill her! Make it an accident! Any investigation I can get rid of as soon as I am truly in charge!” Twilight needed answers, not excuses.

“I will relay the order as soon as-”

“Get to the point!”

“We have found a few medical records that state that Rainbow was confined to a mental asylum for some time during her early foalhood,” Chrysalis revealed.


"Apparently, they feared that she may be suffering from a form of depression, but more importantly, she showed strong signs of disloyalty to the princess, something they couldn't allow a bearer to feel."


"The pills are indeed regular medication, although not necessarily necessary for her to take. At least her doctor was of the medical opinion that she didn't need to take them since she did seem stable to him.

“It appears that they are more there to prevent her from feeling things she should feel, but they don't want her to.

“They are there to make her more compliant.” The changeling queen awaited her reaction.

“Twilight? Do you want me to go on?” The alicorn was switching between furry, which was enough to level a nation and sadness that would make her cry enough to make sure every single pony in Equestria would drown.

“Twilight, are you all right?” Obviously, she wasn’t, yet Chrysalis wasn’t allowed to approach her or use magic on her, even if it might be able to help.

“Can she just stop taking them?” Twilight sounded like she was talking to herself.

“No. While during her last doctor visit, it was noted that they are still of the medical opinion that she could try to reduce her dosage and eventually stop taking them entirely, we shouldn’t forget that this is still heavy medication. She will suffer serious withdrawals should she completely stop taking her medicine for a prolonged time. Constant supervision and a gradual phase-out would be best for her if you want to try this." It was good to see that the alicorn was still able to handle her emotions. It allowed Chrysalis to add the next part. “It was done like that on purpose, by the way. They wanted to be alerted of such a scenario since Rainbow stopping to take her pills would probably mean that she was trying to challenge them.”

You hurt her…

I will be so happy to see you burn, Celestia!

Burn eternally in your stupid sun! The twilight will reign forever!

"We won't be doing anything for now, then. Everything can be fixed once I am Empress. Then I can change things to how they should be." Her friend wouldn’t have to wait long for her to be able to save her.

“E-Empress?” Chrysalis was taken aback.

“Yes. Those titles are arbitrary. Why not take the highest one?” It was a bit silly, but Twilight just knew that her calling herself Empress would push her old mentor’s buttons. "It's just one part of making me better than Celestia in every way.”

“Don’t you think empress sound kind of… evil?” It certainly wouldn’t make it easier for them to get the common pony on their side.

It does.

She will be so sad to see her tool fall…

Maybe then she will begin to understand how I feel.

“I don't care. I do what I want, just like Celestia does, apparently. Unlike her, however, I will at least stand by my actions. I won't hide them, and I won’t cover them up.” Even if her ally would be much happier if she did.

“That isn’t-”

"That isn't smart? You are right. It isn't. Once the curtain has been lifted, they will despise me, and you know what? I will enjoy it.” This wasn’t her fault.

She had tried to escape yet found herself chained up.

"But why! It will make everything so much more difficult!" To Twilight, this was obviously some sort of game.

To Chrysalis, it wasn't.

Those were her children, the few remaining ones on her side, that were being put at risk.

“Why? Because they always took me for granted, that’s why. They could never imagine me doing such a thing, which is why it will be so satisfying.” The changeling could try to change her mind about this part all day, but Chrysalis would never succeed.

Because to Twilight, it wasn't about power. It was only about revenge and a certain pegasus.

They don’t know my suffering.

Nopony does.

Nopony understands.

That includes you.

I will be merciful, though.

I will only make them feel a fraction of the pain I am feeling.

“What about-”

“Dashie will want to fight me,” Twilight acknowledged.

She will never agree.

“But she doesn’t hold any say in this. Why would she? She will never return my feelings on her own, anyway.” The love of her life could fight.

Though she would never win against an alicorn.

“We could-”

“Kill Applejack? I thought about it,” Twilight shrugged. “It wouldn’t even have to be obvious. Maybe an accident on the farm.”

“Then why-”

“Because she would find out eventually,” the young princess reasoned.

“I fail to see-”

“That’s why I will go all in. I will kill Applejack.

“I will dispose of Celestia and her mindless husk of a sister.”

I bet there wasn't even dark magic in control of her. You just wanted us to help you secure your throne.

“I will transform Rainbow into what she should have been.

“And then I will stick to my end of the bargain and use my power to help you and your changelings get your rightful place in my world.” Luckily this was all the changeling queen cared about.

“…If that’s what you want, then we will help,” Chrysalis affirmed once again.

You better do! I didn’t get you out of that statue for nothing!

Making a replica was harder than Twilight had thought.

"By the way, what about Thorax?" They had never talked about him, the purple alicorn only now realised. "I assume you want him dead?"

“No,” The changeling queen shook her head. “Leave him be.”

I didn’t expect you to say that. How curious.

“He took away the majority of your subjects,” Twilight reminded her.

"I know. But for me, this isn't about revenge… At least not this time." If only her remaining children had followed Thorax’s example instead of stubbornly clinging to her.

If they had done that, Twilight would have never been able to prepare Equestria's downfall in secret, yet she couldn't fault them.

Not when they had done it out of love for her.

Love for her and hope that with her, they could preserve the once flourishing changeling culture that they only ever got to experience in her hive mind.

A culture that Thorax had apparently chosen to mostly ditch.

Twilight gave her a suspicious look. She obviously wasn't too happy with the answer. However, there were more important issues. "Very well. In that case, he will be treated as everypony else."

“Doesn’t Spike-”

“Spike will be fine without him.” He would never dare to defy her.

That she was sure of.

“I don’t think-”

“Why are you always questioning me, Chrysalis?” Twilight glared at her. “It’s starting to get annoying.”

“It’s just…

“In the end, we will be happy, but I don’t think you will be…

“At least not when everything is said and done.”


“Happiness is awaiting us.”

They had both said it at the same time.

Which means it must be the truth.

Spike rolled his eyes once more.

I know.

I thought that, too.

I thought it until I met her.

Twilight pressed her lips on hers, stealing another kiss.

It could have all been so different…

The only reason we are here today is because some supernatural force decided on a whim that it didn’t like how things would turn out.

A supernatural force that could do with them whatever it wanted.

Rainbow leaned into the kiss.

We can’t let anypony tear us apart again.

That included the Elements.

Twilight rubbed her nose against hers before she pulled back again.

That was too short…

“We should probably try to figure out where we are and where the next civilisation is.” The purple filly looked around before deciding on a direction. “Let’s go this way, Dashie.” It didn’t even cross her mind that it could have been a wrong choice.

This is how it should be!

No fear.

No doubt.

Only happiness and confidence in themselves.

“Mommy, hungry,” Spike complained.

“We will buy- We will steal some gems when we are in town,” Twilight corrected herself.

Maybe a bit too much confidence.

Still, it wasn’t like they would steal them for fun.

We are simply taking what we need to survive…

It just so happened that for Spike, that wasn't hay but gems.

When did we decide that they were so much more valuable than other, more important things?

Shouldn’t food and water be more valuable?

After all, at least ponies couldn't survive off of gems, could they?

Stupid decisions by a stupid-

“Dashie… you haven’t told me yet what you meant when you said that they lie…." Twilight frowned, the memory of how they ended up here suddenly on the forefront of her mind. “What was it that made you panic so much?”


Buck! Buck! Buck!

“It was nothing import-”

No lies.

Tell her the truth.

"Future me… she claimed I am mentally ill," Rainbow mumbled.

Twilight won’t lock you up and force you to take some pills.

She won’t hurt you like they would have done.

"As an insult?" She could feel the alicorn's breathing getting heavier.

It had to be an insult.

It just had to be.

I wish.

Why was it that every time things looked bright, reality came back, putting itself in the spotlight? “Celestia's ponies locked her up after she tried resisting, but she claimed that the diagnosis was real… can you check that?”

“I… can’t.” This wasn’t her area of expertise. “Look into yourself… was it real?”

Am I insane?

“I don’t know… maybe,” Rainbow answered truthfully.

Those were the best lies.

Lies that had grains of truth in them.

And that was only if it wasn’t the truth.

“You know we already talked about this, Twi… and I… I am hurting everypony around me…" Surely it wasn't normal for a filly to attack grown-ups on a regular basis, right?

“Dashie… don’t be afraid.” Twilight felt the urge to destroy something.

But the alicorn managed to control herself. “Forget about it. If we see anything to be alarmed about, then we will act.”

“When you see it for yourself, it will be too late.”

It was probably supposed to be well-meant advice, yet to her, it was nothing more than a threat. "And if that's too late?"

“It won’t be. It’s not like you will suddenly throw yourself off of a cliff,” Twilight dismissed her.

You are right…

As long as you are with me, why would I?

“Heh,” Rainbow smiled. “Thanks, Twi. You are the best.”

"Anything aside from these horrible lies?" What Rainbow didn't manage to catch was the stark contrast in Twilight's behaviour from when they were still in Canterlot.

Instead of figuring out a way to help her, even if it was just pre-emptively, it was like Twilight simply refused to acknowledge that what she had told her could be genuine this time.

A filly that didn’t know how to handle it.

Handle it in this unknown place.

A place she didn’t even know how to teleport them back home from.

Back home where there were apparently no adults left alive that they could have trusted to help them.

Maybe it was better that Rainbow didn’t realise why it was that Twilight dismissed those claims. "Not much… we… I argued most of the time with her about Celestia, you, Applejack… everything real- Am I the element of loyalty?”

“Yes. You represent loyalty.” Why hadn’t she told her fillyfriend about it yet? “As a bearer, you will become a shining example of your element, but if you ask me, you are one already.”

But Rainbow didn’t care about that. She was more interested in the choice of element. “Why loyalty?”

“Why not?” Who else but the most loyal being alive deserved it?

Only the blue filly didn’t see it that way. “How did it choose me?”

Were there any downsides in revealing this information? “You stood by our side when Nightmare Moon tried to twist you against us.”

Rainbow somehow had trouble believing that. “Yours or Celestia's?”

“We were on the same side,” Twilight hissed.

She had hissed because it had hurt.

You thought I did it for you…

Yet she didn’t. “Twi… I did it for her.”

They needed to move on.

They needed to move on, or this valley would have one less mountain.

“What is your element, Twi?” Rainbow changed topics.

If mine is loyalty, then yours could be… strength?


“I can’t remember… Magic." But the alicorn knew that Magic was only a part of the correct answer.

“Magic?” How fitting. She really should have been able to guess that. “Suits you, Twi.”

Suits you better than loyalty suits me.

“No… I know Magic isn’t the right answer…." Why did she know that?

Why did she know that yet she didn't know her actual element?

“Dashie… I can’t remember my element.” It bothered Twilight severely.

“Maybe a form of Magic?” Rainbow offered.

“Maybe… I just can’t see it.” Could it be a form of magic?

If it was, then what form?

“Why can you remember my element but not yours?” It being the opposite way would have seemed more reasonable.

“I can remember all of your elements… but it’s like they didn’t want me to know mine.” There were obvious gaps in her memory where this kind of information should have been.

“You think the elements did that on purpose?” One more item on her list with reasons why they weren't their allies.

“I do, Dashie. I assume they want me to figure it out on my own.” And she couldn’t.

She couldn’t because she knew that the last element would only appear when all the others were there.

What a bunch of horse dung.

“You will, Twi," Rainbow assured her, unaware of that fact.

“Thanks, Dashie," Twilight told her, regardless.

Because, in the end, it didn't matter.

When looking around, it was evident to her that it wasn't their destiny anymore to become bearers.


The sun was shining bright.

A new day had begun.

Celestia looked towards the city below her.

A city she was now fully in charge of again.

It was the same for the rest of her country.

Parliament was gone.

The nobility dissolved.

Only her judges remained.

The media was under her direct command.

The army’s leadership under mind control.

The ESS and EBI were and forever would be hers.

The cabinet would soon be filled with better, more loyal ponies.

There is nopony left to oppose me.

What would she do with that power?

What would she do?

My little ponies… I never wanted you to suffer like this.

Yet it was the inevitable result of her actions and inactions.

I only want to protect you.

Her eyes wandered towards the newspapers that were still in circulation.

Weird. Since when do they already lay there when I wake up?

She read the headlines.

“Equestria at War! - Recent Events Traced Back to Changeling Infiltration!”


“Harmony Is Calling! - Creatures of Darkness Return!”


It was an adequate headline, based on her previous communication strategy, yet she would have preferred a different one.

“Our Country Calls! – Together, We Will Win!"

Meh. That’s a bit too patriotic, isn’t it?

One paper remained.

“Celestia Loses Control! - Equestria Will Suffer the Consequences!”



She yanked the newspaper towards her.

It was the newest issue of The Mirror, Equestria's most prestige investigative newspaper.

They wouldn’t have dared!

She began reading, “We welcome all readers to what will be our last issue. The last issue that will deserve to be called an investigative newspaper.

“The last issue that will be made by us, for when you are reading this, they will have already come for us.

“Come for us like they came for all the others they considered opposition.

“We will have been expecting them.

“We will not have gone into hiding.

“On the off chance that there will be a trial, we will advocate for the truth.

“Truth like you will read on the following pages.

“The extent of corruption that is happening while the government preaches fairness and equality.

“The dangerous state of our bridges.

“The gamble you take when riding the railroad.

“The beginnings of a food shortage you will have more than likely already noticed if you don’t live in a castle.

“Truths we all have known yet never dared to say.

“Truths we never publicised until it was too late.

“Or is it too late?

“Will she hear us when enough of us raise our voices?

“Will she see us when we all assemble together at her castle?

“Can we afford not to do this after all that has happened?

“Although this issue might seem biased thanks to the differentiation, we want to provide you from the usual narrative, it isn’t our job to tell you that.

“It is our job to give you the facts so that you can form your own opinion.

“Independent facts for once.

“Unapproved facts for the first and final time.

“A story about a family she killed because they dared to love the daughter she abandoned.

“A story about a princess she removed from her position and killed without any legal justification.

“A story about how parliament was burned down by her for deciding to vote against her.

“More stories than can be printed in a single paper.

“Will it be enough to silence those remaining ones forever?

“Keep them as quiet as the corpse that lined the streets?

“If the past is anything to go by, then our princess will certainly try.”

It had only been the front page.

The actual stories they researched were only beginning on page two.

Yet Celestia was already too scared to read the next ones.

How could this happen?

How could this paper be allowed to reach circulation?

How many ponies have seen it?

How could they have known about all of this?

“A story about a family she killed because they dared to love the daughter she abandoned.”


“Princess!” they rushed into the room, saluting her.

“Have they been arrested?” she waved the newspaper in their face.

“Of course,” they confirmed.

The fact that they knew that meant that the rumour mill was probably already in full motion.

“Have them brought to the castle dungeon,” she ordered.

“Let’s see how long it takes until they forsake their precious truths.”


She stopped.


There was a huge commotion at the newspaper stand.

“Disperse! Disperse! Disperse!” she could hear guards shouting, almost sounding helpless.

The crowd remained.

As if in a trance, she made her way towards it.

"Martial law is still in effect! We are authorised to use lethal force!"

It seemed to do the trick since she could see some ponies fleeing, a few of them holding a newspaper in their hooves.

Still, a bunch remained.

What is going on?

This was what she got for deciding not to get up early to buy one, thinking there would only be official garbage in them anyway.

But there still has to be official garbage in then, right?

By now, soldiers were arriving.

There won’t be much time!

Some ponies began holding up papers as if they expected the armed ponies in front of them to stop and read them. “She isn’t our princess! She isn’t our princess! She isn’t our princess!” The princess’s ponies wouldn’t allow the chants to continue for long.

Such chants simply couldn't be allowed to spread.

The paper!

Get the pap-

A crystal landed in front of her.

Huh? Wh-

A bright flash caused her to only see stars.

“Charge!" Immediately the sound of more explosions followed, followed by sounds of beating.

Dandelion crawled forward.

“Get the guards! Get their weapons!” It were far fewer shouts than previously.

Shouts that were almost drowned out by the sounds of running as well as desperate screams.

Yet it seemed that they were still able to cause damage. “Guard down! Medic!”

“Celestia Loses Control! - Equestria Will Suffer the Consequences!”

Was this what all this was about?

Please let it be the case!

“Kill the rebels!”

There wasn’t any more time left. She needed to leave, or she would die with them.

I could-

No. Not like this.

Her moment would come, but it would be on her terms.

Dandelion, too, ran.

Another crystal landed in front of her.


Too late did she close her eyes.

Again, she kissed the ground, rubbing her aching eyes.

Ponies that, by the sound of it, were wearing armour rushed towards her.

My badge! I need my badge!

Without any sight, she tried to fumble her last hope out of her bag.

It was too late. They were already here.

Curiosity killed the cat, Dandelion.

But unlike the cat, you only had one life.

A life that ended because of a silly news-

“She is with me!”


“And who are-”

“I was called in to help,” he explained in a voice that didn’t leave any room for questions. “I work as a guard for the EFPS building. She is my superior. She is one of us.”

…I never realised that I am technically his superior.

“She is one of us.”

By now, she could see again, taking in the scene.

“… she shouldn’t have been here.” For a moment, she could see relief in their eyes before they hurried to help their comrades.

“They are right. Let’s get you out of here.” Sprint dragged her away from the commotion.

I would have died…

Without you, they would have killed me…

She would have ended up like the motionless ponies she could see on the ground while Sprint dragged her away.

I shouldn’t have snapped at you-

He tore on her paper. “Get rid of-”

“No! I need to know what this is all about!” she insisted while pulling it away from him.

“…They will start searching for those soon,” he muttered. “Those who keep it will be suspicious.”

If they fear it so much, then it's just another reason to read it.

They reached the EFPS building.

Dandelion tucked the paper away in her bag.

"She isn't out, princess!"

It was the first time she had ever heard those words.

Truth be told, it was a very bad sign.

“Dandelion! Sprint!” Scribbling rushed towards them. “Are you ok?”

I know we have agreed not to talk about yesterday, but I feel like this might be a reason to do so anyway.

But not while they were exposed to the public like this.

"We are." Sprint's eyes begged Scribbling not to question it further.

“…Ok.” There were other things to do anyway. “We have received wave after wave of foals during the night. As a result, our orphanages are at capacity. Please don't be surprised. There are a few fillies we a currently harbouring in this building due to the situation, Director.” It felt weird being addressed like that. “A few workers are still unaccounted for, while others won't return to work. This causes us to be massively understaffed, thanks to the unusually high workload." Not to mention that they hadn't been in a good place before all this. "Your input is required, Director."

Are you my assistant now?

She would have to name one eventually.

“Are their parents gone for good?” Maybe they could return a few foals using the unbureaucratic way.

“Yes,” he confirmed. “We are currently handling about twelve thousand new foals in your jurisdiction, with only a hoofful of them above the age of five." It seemed that older than five was a cutoff limit during the purge.

Was it mercy or- Twelve thousand!

“We only have capacity for about three thousand!” she shouted, earning her the attention of everypony in the lobby.

Why didn’t you fetch me!

“That’s the problem, Director.” As if it hadn’t been obvious. “And Canterlot is sending some of their foals to us for handling as well.”

Oh, come on!

“Can we… send some of them away as well?” It wasn’t the ethical way, but she needed to succeed somehow.

Any failure would be her responsibility.

“Stalliongrad would be a possibility.” They weren’t in a political position to complain to them.

Just like they couldn’t complain to Canterlot.

…I will keep it in mind.

“What are we doing to them right now?” Dandelion tried to come up with another idea.

"Our orphanages are filled over capacity, and we will try to hire additional workers if you authorise the use of our emergency funds." Hopefully, the crown would spare some bits, or they would run out pretty quickly. "Then we have housed as many as we could in all of our other buildings. The conference rooms, the cafeteria… really any place we didn’t need to work… Dandelion, they are young. Some of them might die, and we probably wouldn’t even notice.” How would they even feed them all? “We also asked hospitals, daycares… the list goes on.”

I will miss my home.

“Nopony gets to leave or I will have them arrested.” She could do that now, couldn’t she? “We will work 24/7 from now on.”

It still wouldn’t be enough.

“…I will send out requests for additional support and try to organise volunteers."

The crown had killed their parents.

The crown had left them alive.

Did the crown have a plan for them?


The moment he had arrived at the academy, his friend came rushing towards him. “Soarin, good that I finally found you. I have news.”

They looked around, checking if they were alone.

They were alone.

His friend chose to whisper regardless, "Spitfire's family is gone."

But Soarin didn’t follow his lead. “What do you mean, gone!”

Maybe he should have brought him to a secluded area first. “They issued an arrest warrant, yet never found them. The entire family just disappeared.”

“How can that be!” One did not escape the ESS.

It was unheard of.

“Apparently, they were foalnapped by changelings. Many families were, in fact.” Soarin was asking questions he didn't know the answer to.

It was already a major risk gathering the scarce information he was presenting right now.

“…I thought that was just something we made up.” The young Wonderbolt had finally lowered his voice.

His friend rubbed his head. “I thought so too, but it seems they are very much real.”

“So everything we did was justified?” What a surprising turn of events.

“I don’t know… maybe?” He hadn’t participated that night. Were the dead ponies bugs in disguise? “Soarin… they believe Spitfire was one.”


“They said that about every-”

“This time for real, Soarin. They are convinced. They have evidence… it’s not looking good… she did something to the royal family.” It would hurt them all.

They had allowed a changeling to get close to the princess.

But… no.

“Soarin… they are currently going through medical records. The going theory is that the changelings killed the real Spitfire at some point, replacing her with a drone… the Spitfire we knew may have never existed, just a spy to take advantage of-”

“No!” He felt his life falling apart. “Even if she was a changeling, that doesn't mean that it was all a lie!"

It simply couldn't have all been a- Did I say that out loud!

Soarin covered his mouth, but what was said was said.

“They might have used magic on you-”

And now that he had said aloud, he would stand his ground. “They didn’t!”

There were just too many good memories they had together.

“Soarin… they used magic on you. If the crown finds out you are thinking like that, behaving like they did will be your only line of defence.” He looked around uncomfortably. “You have wandered too far off the road… this is no longer wanting to help a friend. Instead, you are beginning to defend enemies of Equestria…that line of thinking is what gets you disappeared around here. If you go further, I can’t help you anymore. I have loved ones that need me.”

I understand. I, too, have one.

“I won’t be asking you again. I promise.” He assured his friend.

And his friend knew why he wouldn’t be asking again. “You should look for her in the Badlands. Good luck.” With that, the pony that had risked his life to help him quickly began wandering off, knowing that one way or another, they wouldn’t see each other again.

Once again, a pony would disappear thanks to the actions of the government they both were working for.

“Thank you… for everything.” Soarin called after him.

A journey was awaiting the young Wonderbolt.

Life would never be the same again.


“How could you let this happen!”

"I-I-We didn't account for them to print anything else than what we had approved!"

As it turned out, The Mirror had submitted a different paper for approval than the one they had actually printed.

Nopony had accounted for such a scenario.

"From now on, we will oversee the printing process!" Celestia commanded.

“Of course, princess!” The head of her media commission breathed a sigh of relief. “Your mercy truly knows no bounds.”

One more word about mercy, and you will get the Raven treatment.

“Princess… there have been some rumours as of late-”

“There always are,” he would have to be more specific.

“Yes, but this time they are persistent and…." He seemed unable to bring himself to finish the sentence, opting to say something else. “May I just ask you about them? As head of public relations and the pony in charge of official communications, I need to know if they are real or not.”

I suppose you are correct.

“You may,” she nodded.

“My princess, are you attracted to mares?” He felt ridiculous for having to ask the pony he considered a goddess this question.

These walls have more holes than Swiss cheese. Maybe I should glue all of your mouths together?

“What if I am?” she mustered him for any sign that she would need to replace yet another pony.

“My princess, this isn’t about me. We need to know, for if you are, I think we should start working on the public’s opinion on these matters immediately,” he reasoned.

I brought this upon myself…

“Or you could just deny it. There is no need for them to know.” After all the years of fostering what was, at best, indifference on these matters, she didn't feel confident that announcing her being gay would be a good move.

Especially not now.

“Yes. That would also be possible,” he confirmed.

I still am in charge of the media. I can keep this a secret even if they managed to fool me for once. I-

“No! We won’t be doing that again!” Those were her subjects, not the other way around. “I am the one with the sun! Why should I change for them! They should change to accommodate me!”

“Absolutely! They don’t know anything!” What a display.

He should ask her to perform more like this in public.

A strong ruler for a strong nation.

“Do whatever you want. Where you fail with words, my forces will pick up with weapons.” Although she would prefer it if he succeeded.

“Does that mean…” He still needed to get an answer.

“Yes. I am gay. Big shock.” Celestia rolled her eyes.


This is ridiculous.

“You may pick up your broken worldview in your free time,” she hissed.

But he wasn’t silent because he thought that it was somehow wrong. “If you are gay… shouldn’t we all be?”


“I mean… you are our role model… so is being gay like the new normal?” The unicorn played the scenario out in his head.

It’s almost like you want me to micromanage your lives!

“You are overthinking this,” Celestia tried to get him to stop.

“But… whatever you do, we should do as well! We should strive to be like you!” This was always what he had been told and told others as well.

Have you overdosed on your own propaganda?

“Look, you can love whoever you want. I am your princess, not your mother.” This was somehow worse than the reaction she had anticipated.

The unicorn didn’t take well to her, saying he could do whatever he wanted. “How would that even work! We need children to secure our future!”

“I dare you to say one more word about this!” Golden magic formed a noose around his neck.

“I will contact you with our new public information strategy as soon as possible,” he finally managed to get his act together.

“Thank you.” Would it have been so hard for him to say it at the beginning and spare them from having to go through all of this?

“Any other changes? Interspecies-”

“Is that a thing?” she raised an eyebrow.

“I don’t know, my princess. I just thought-”

Too much.

You are thinking too much.

“One issue at a time,” she shot him down for now.

Now that I think about it, I don’t think I ever bothered to make a law that would make such a thing illegal…

Heh. She would roll over dead in her grave.

The head of her media commission bowed before her before leaving the room.

…was that the right thing to do?

Will they accept me for who I am?

Would they do it after all she had done?


“I am only doing this because I don’t want to put my family in danger by somehow invoking Princess Celestia's furry due to me returning without her daughter," Applejack growled after having caught up with Rarity. “Twilight can’t have gotten far.”

“That is the same reasoning-”

“Just shut up!" As quickly as she had closed the distance between them, she had increased it again.

I want to go home…

I want to see Granny again…

I want to see Big Mac again…

I want to hold my baby sister…

I want to see my parents again…

She had been gone for so long.

She had been so happy when she returned.

But it wasn’t meant to be.

In record time, they had come for her.

Why don’t you miss your families…

Why aren’t you sad…

“Applejack… I miss them, too.” Rarity had sneaked up on her.

You obviously don’t.

“We won’t be gone for long,” the white unicorn assured her. “As soon as we have found her, we can fix this.”

You are just a loyal lapdog to the crown, like every other unicorn.

“… Applejack… they aren’t out to get us. Why would they?” If anything, their princesses had a record proving that they only meant well.

They aren’t out to get you.

You are a unicorn.

“I can explain it to you, but I can’t understand it for you,” Applejack mumbled.

“You know we were in the same elementary school, right?" Rarity whispered.

You remember me?

“I realise we haven’t been friends then… I shouldn’t have shunned you,” the white filly admitted.


“…Because I didn't want to associate with an earth pony if I didn't have to." It felt so stupid retrospectively.

“Why now?”

“You were at the castle… I thought that if the princess allowed you to be there, you must have been a good earth pony,” Rarity explained.

You thought… so now you are thinking I am a bad earth pony?

“Applejack… you never made an attempt to befriend me either.” This wasn’t just on the white unicorn.

How could I?

“You do nothing but look down on us. Why would I?” Applejack defended herself.

“How can I learn and change if you don’t give me the chance to do so?” Her whole life, she had done nothing but learn noble etiquette.

Learn to be what she had been told by everypony she should strive to be.

And then the princess had shown her that it was all a lie.

“You are still running after her,” the orange earth pony reminded Rarity.

"And you still believe her to be evil." And Rarity simply didn't think that that was the case.

After all, the changeling had admitted to being up to no good.

"We both are sticking to our guns, are we?" Applejack smiled.

Horns, wings, hooves…

We can pretend all we want…

In the end, we are all the same on the inside.


Civilisation had yet to show itself.

"You know, Twi, I was thinking, why is it that my future self still exists if you have changed things?" Rainbow asked her.

“Maybe it’s because it wouldn’t make any sense otherwise?” It seemed that the purple filly, too, had thought about it.

But what was it that Twilight meant by that? "I don't follow?"

“If the future changes the past, then the past couldn’t have been changed because the future would no longer exist, right?”


“So, instead of changing the future, a new timeline is created, making the old one run parallel to it, I think?” It was just a guess, but it made sense to Twilight.


“But wouldn’t that mean that at this exact moment, there is a version of myself out there going through all of what my future self had to suffer through?” Rainbow bit her lip.

“If I am correct, then yes, and we would never be able to change it.” It wasn’t the answer Rainbow wanted to hear. That much Twilight could see.

“But what’s the point! All the elements would have achieved then would be the creation of a second timeline!” It made it all seem so irrelevant.

“Dashie, those things are complicated. I have no idea if I am correct and… maybe this is indeed what they wanted.” Rainbow had a point. Her theory didn’t seem to make sense in that regard. “I suppose multiple timelines would mean multiple sets of elements, and each set would probably want to try their best for their own timeline.”

“I don’t want myself to suffer…”

“Dashie… I am sorry.” But there was nothing she could do.

And Rainbow knew that, yet it didn’t make it any less crushing. “Why did I succeed while she failed!”

Why will there always be versions of us walking among the darkest of paths!

“We were both lucky, Dashie. Very very lucky.” Sometimes there wasn’t a satisfying explanation.

“I am so scared of losing it all again.” If luck was the reason for them being here, then all it took was for it to run out.

And yet, to Twilight, it was a silly concern. “I won’t let it happen, Dashie.”

You are right.

We won’t let it happen.

“T-thank you, Twi. I love you.” The Elements could try.

But we won’t allow them to succeed.

“I love you, too, my silly little angel.” Twilight gave her a hug.

“Silly little angel.”

I have once again worried too much, haven't I?

No matter how hard I try, I just can't stop.

In the distance, structures came into sight.