• Published 30th Dec 2022
  • 2,597 Views, 245 Comments

Changing Our Destinies - silent_user

Twilight managed to see glimpses of her future during her entrance exam. But instead of becoming Celestia’s protege, she steps off the path laid out for her and chooses to take matters into her own hooves. After all, Celestia won’t mind, right?

  • ...

Chapter 3 - Heeding the Call

"Rainbow! Rainbow! Rainbow!"

Ha, I won! That's what they get for mocking me and my friend!

Rainbow Dash was on cloud nine. Not only did she show off her bullies, but she also managed to get her Cutie Mark while performing a sonic rainboom, a feat previously thought the be just a legend.

"Rainbow! Rainbow! Rainbow!"

I made the impossible happen! They love me!

"Rainbow Dash!"

Wait a minute that sounded different.

The crowd fell silent. "Why is it that when there is trouble, you are always involved somehow?" The head instructor looked very angry for reasons that eluded her.

"Trouble?" I didn't do anything! Honest!" retorted Rainbow. This should have been her moment. Why did Flying Feather have to ruin it like he always did?

"Oh? So, you didn't engulf Cloudsdale and the surrounding areas in a magical shockwave?" He was glaring at her.

"Umm, well, yes, but…." There was no use in denying it. However, she just performed a sonic rainboom. There was no way she could get into trouble for that, right?

"Do you have any idea what kind of damage you may have just caused? Who even allowed you to perform this race without supervision!" Flying was screaming now, his head red like a tomato.

Despite that, Rainbow was not going to be intimidated. In her mind, she did nothing wrong after all. "Pff, it was just a rainbow wave. There is no way it could have caused any damage."

"Your "rainbow wave" spread as far as I could see! Not only that, but it also seemed to be charged with magic! There is no telling how it could have disrupted magical procedures all across the country! Or how it reacted with magical sensitive unicorns or artefacts across the country! And those are just the examples I can think of right now!" Although she didn't think it was possible, he seemed to get redder and louder with every word.

Ok, so maybe there was a tiny possibility that she unintentionally caused some discomfort to some unicorn. Even so, Flying was surely exaggerating. "I'm sure they will be fine." Rainbow waved him off.

This seemed to be a bad move, which, admittedly, she should have known, "That's it! I have had it with you! You are hereby expelled from flight camp! Go to the office while I inform your parents, and if your little stunt caused any damage, you better believe I will send the guard after you! Maybe it will help you learn something about personal responsibility!"

No! No! No! He can't do this to me. I did nothing wrong.

Rainbow was distraught. She loved flight camp. In the crowd, she could spot the bullies smirking. Despite wanting to cry her eyes out, she wouldn't show any weakness in front of them.

"Go ahead and do that! It's not like I care about this stupid camp anyway!" Just like that, she was gone.

"Good riddance, that pegasus will never change," Flying murmured.


"Mom, could you please let the princess know that I will be declining her offer?"

"Sweetie, have you really thought this through?" Velvet was torn. She wanted to support her daughter in her decisions on the one hoof. Still, on the other hoof, as a mother, it was her duty to prevent her daughter from making a mistake.

"I have to agree with Velvet, Twilight. This is a massive opportunity you are squandering!" Too late, Cadence realized that she had resorted to shouting in the heat of the moment.

Shining placed his hoof on her back, "Now, Cadence, this is Twilight's decision to make.” He turned to his little sister. “If you are really sure about this, Twilight, then I will be here to support you."

Oh, Shiny, you have no idea how much I would like to strangle you right now.

Cadence calmed herself down, "Of course, I am sorry for yelling, Twilight. You just surprised me. If you don't want to become Celestia's student, that is perfectly fine."

"Actually, I was referring to the offer of becoming a student at the school as well."

The room fell silent.

"But, but, but….. Magic is your dream. I don't understand!"

"Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, you will stop screaming this instant and respect my daughter's decisions!" Velvet didn't know why it was Cadence who seemed to have the biggest problem with Twilight's decision, but she wouldn't let her upset her daughter.

"It's fine, Mom. I understand.” The little filly assured her mother. “You are right Cadence magic was and still is my dream. It's just not my biggest dream anymore. There are more important things than magic out there.”

Who are you, and what have you done with Twilight Sparkle!

"More Important things than magic?" Velvet inquired.

Hold on a second. Twilight couldn't possibly be referring to…

Carefully, so that no one would notice, the princess of love activated her magic.

Indeed, she found something.

I don't understand. There is something there. When did this happen? How didn't I notice?

It may not be love that she sensed, but there was clearly potential for it. Could it be that Twilight found somepony?

Maybe during her library visits?

It didn't really matter. If the little filly really was refusing out of love, then there was no way Cadence could interfere.

I already compromised so many of my morals for you, Auntie. Not this time! I will-

"Cadence! Cadence!"

"I am sorry, what?" she snapped out of her thoughts.

"You were gone there for a second, Cadence." Shining looked at her, concerned.

"Oh, would you look at the time! I am sorry, but I am afraid I have to return to my duties now." Cadence grabbed Shining with her wing, gesturing for him to stand up.

"Already? You aren't angry at me, are you?" Fearful eyes stared at the princess of love.

"What, no! Look, Twilight, I am sorry for snapping at you, but I swear I will support you no matter what. Just make sure to introduce me to your new friend soon, ok?" She finished with a knowing smirk.

"My new friend? Who are you referring to?"

Cadence couldn't possibly know about Rainbow, could she?

"You have made a new friend?" Shining asked.

"Come now, Shining, we are already late!" Cadence shoved the somewhat protesting stallion out of the door, and a moment later, they were gone.

"Well, that was weird…." Twilight was still processing what had just happened.

"I know, right? Look, Twilight, I want you to know that I respect your decision, even if I disagree. However, let's wait until your father returns from work, ok?" Velvet could only hope that Night would be able to convince her somehow.

"No problem, Mom," The little filly dashed back to her room, leaving her conflicted mother alone.

That went great! It's good to know that Mom, Dad, Cadence and Shiny are so supportive.

She sat down on her chair, looking at her map of Equestria.

"What know? How am I going to find Rainbow?"

There must be a hint somewhere in my vision.

"Hmm, most of the scenes happened in this small backwater town. So that must be where she lives!"

Hah, this is almost too easy. Now I just need to find out which town this is, and then I will finally be able to meet her.

"There must be a hint!" Twilight pushed herself out of her chair and returned to pacing inside her room.

Come on, Twilight! Think!

Her headache returned, but this time she ignored it.

"Stupid head! One hint is all I am asking for!"

There was this library.

"A library isn't good enough! There are countless libraries all over Equestria! If you deliver such a useless hint, I will need more than one!"

No, wait, something about this library was special.

"It was in a tree? It was a treehouse! Yes, that's it!" Twilight grinned triumphantly.

There can only be so many libraries in treehouses.

"This is too easy. All I have to do now is visit the Canterlot Archives. They have a central registry of all the libraries in Equestria." She grabbed some of the books she had borrowed from the archives and raced down the stairs again.

"Twilight, you scared me!" her mom exclaimed, startled.

"Sorry, Mom, but I just remembered that I have to return these books," Twilight replied.

"Alright, sweetie, just be back before it gets dark and remember: losing track of time is not a valid excuse, ok?" This was the Twilight she knew, always passionate about her books and eager to visit the archives.

"Sure thing, Mom!" With that, Twilight was already gone.


"Celestia, may I speak to you under four eyes for a moment?"

"Of course, Cadence. Guards, leave us, please."

"Thank you, Auntie. I need to speak with you about Twilight." Cadence had a very resolute appearance that was highly unusual for her.

"How did it go?" Worry spread on Celestia's face.

"She turned down her place at the school and your offer to become your student." Cadence's face remained unwavering while she spoke.

How can she be so calm? How doesn't this bother her! I thought she knew what was on the line here!

"Why?" This was the million-bit question, right? What was the reason that Twilight turned her down so suddenly?

"It really doesn't matter. Twilight made her decision, and we need to respect it. Instead of trying to manipulate her, we should think of alternative plans-"

"Alternative plans! Alternative plans! Mi Amore Cadenza, I had nearly 1000 thousand years! I would have come up with another plan if there was one! Twilight already is the alternative plan since Sunset failed!" Princess Celestia was enraged.

Who does she think she is! I was under the impression that we were on the same page!

But despite Celestia’s rage, Cadence continued to remain calm as well as resolute. "And look how well manipulating Sunset went-"

"Get out." The older princess couldn't deal with that now.

Recognizing she had gone too far, the princess of love tried to walk back her words. "Look, Auntie, I want to help you. I really do! But not like this. You have to know that the end does not justify the means-"

"I said get out!" Celestia grabbed Cadence with her magic, levitated her out of the room and slammed the doors shut.

This is bad! I have to make sure that Celestia doesn't do something stupid!


The Canterlot Archives. Possibly the most beautiful place in Equestria.

Twilight loved to spend time here. A place where she could be all by herself, reading whatever she wanted, since the archives housed the most extensive book collection in Equestria. They practically had everything one could wish for, and in her kindness, the princess allowed all her citizens to visit them and even check most of the books out, free of charge.

At the time, I thought it was bad luck that they didn't have some of the books I wanted.

As it turns out, even the archives didn't have all the books. Some obscure ones were only stored at smaller libraries. For this reason, they had a central registry of all the libraries in Equestria as well as the books they held.

"Hello, Scroll," she greeted the librarian on duty.

"Hello, Twilight. I assume you want to return those books. How did your exam go?" Scroll asked her.

Oh, come on! Is everypony going to ask me that?

"Could we please not talk about the exam right now? It's complicated." Twilight gave him a pleading look.

"Of course, Twilight. Just the books, then?" If the little filly didn't want to talk about it, then it wasn't his place to ask.

"Well, yes, but I also need to take a look into the central library registry." She levitated the books onto the table.

"The central library registry? Are you looking for something special?" Scroll was confused. How would Twilight already know that a book she needed wasn't in the archives?

"I am looking for a library that is situated in a treehouse. It is really, really, really important. Could you please take a look?" Twilight used her best puppy dog eyes to reinforce her point.

Scroll sighed, "Of course, Twilight, give me a moment." With that, he went towards the back.

Yes! You can't hide from me, Rainbow! I will find you or my name isn't Twilight Sparkle!

Scroll returned quicker than she had expected him to, "You are lucky that there is a picture of every library in our registry, or I would have never been able to find it."

"So, where is it, Scroll? Don't leave me hanging like this!" She was jumping up and down, barely able to contain her excitement.

"Wow, Twilight! You really must want those books, but I am sorry. The library in question has been closed due to the disinterest of the local populace."

Disinterest of the local populace? What kind of blasphemy is this?

She could deal with it later, "That doesn't matter, Scroll, I just need to know which town the library is in."

The little filly was exhibiting highly unusual behaviour. Even Scroll could see it. The information that the library had been closed due to local disinterest had barely phased her. The Twilight, he knew, would have thrown a fit and quite possibly started an immediate petition for the princess to reopen it.

Then again, it wasn't really his job to question her behaviour and what was the worst that could happen? It's not like Twilight would punish this town for not visiting the library. Probably.

"It is located in Ponyville-"

"Thanks, Scroll, you are the best!" Twilight interrupted him, running for the exit.

What an odd filly.


"You must understand, Raven, Princess Celestia is not in the right state of mind at the moment.”

This was a highly unusual request. Raven was aware of the rumours that Princess Celestia and Princess Cadence had some kind of argument, but it seems that she completely missed the severity of the argument if Cadence made such an unusual request. "Princess Cadence, with all due respect, I have worked for Princess Celestia for years now, and she has always been a kind ruler that would do everything to protect her subjects. I simply have not witnessed any out-of-character behaviour from her these last few weeks. What is it that makes you so worried?"

What could have caused such a fallout?

"Raven, I am sorry, but I can't tell you. Just please keep an eye out for anything unusual or rash, ok?" Cadence had to convince Raven somehow. As her advisor as well as her assistant, the earth pony was not only one of the few ponies Celestia trusted, but she was also almost always around the older princess.

"I understand, but you have to at least tell me why you think that Princess Celestia's judgment on the matter is clouded." Raven was unsure. Sure, Princess Cadence wouldn't make a request like that if she didn't think it was absolutely necessary. She knew her well enough to know that, but could she really spy on Princess Celestia? That was what this request was essentially amounting to, after all.

It is my duty to serve the princess, no matter what. I simply can't comply with Cadence's request.
However, what if she is right? What if Princess Celestia really isn't in her right mind? What if I have to protect her from making a mistake?

"Like I said, I can't tell you what the matter is about. Raven, you know me, I wouldn't ask you this if I didn't believe that this is absolutely necessary. Celestia is letting her emotions cloud her judgment, and I fear that she may make a mistake as a result. All I am asking you to do is to inform me should that happen," Cadence pleaded.

Raven relented, "You have to understand that this is a very vague request, but I will see what I can do."

Relieved washed over Cadence's face, "Thank you so much, Raven. You have no idea how much this means to me."

"I am sorry, Princess Cadence, but I must leave now. Princess Celestia is more than likely already waiting for me." Raven turned to leave.

"I understand, Raven. I appreciate that you took some time to listen to me." Finally, Cadence could stop worrying. She still needed to stay vigilant, but if Celestia did anything out of line, there now was a very high chance that Raven would know about it and tell her.

What has caused Cadence to have such a negative view of Celestia? Princess Celestia doesn't let herself get influenced by emotion, nor does she make rash decisions. It just doesn't happen.

Raven hurried, trying to make up for the time she lost. While she would bring Cadence's concerns up with Princess Celestia, that she owed Cadence, her more significant concern was to let the princess know that her argument with Cadence seemed to have obviously left a bad image.

Once she had done that, she would have to see how to proceed further.


"Mom, I am back." Twilight entered her mom's study.

"Already? What happened?" Velvet mustered her daughter. Not only must that have been a new record for Twilight, but Velvet also couldn't help but notice that Twilight didn't bring any new books with her.

Ok, so how am I going to convince Mom to let me visit Ponyville?

Carefully she began forming her sentence, "Soo, the book I wanted…., it wasn't available. But I can pick it up in the Ponyville library!" Twilight smiled at her mother sheepishly. It wasn't the best story, but it should be believable enough.

Velvet's stare hardened, "Why can't they mail it to the archives, like the last times?"

"Umm, the library there was closed some time ago…, and that's why I have to pick them up myself." The little filly shrunk under her mother's ever-hardening glare.

"And if the library is closed, how do you plan to get in and pick the book up?" anger crept into Velvet's voice.

Twilight squirmed, desperately trying to come up with a believable story, "I, they, a local official, could let me in!"

"No." her mother stated.

"But Mom!" she tried to plead.

"Twilight Sparkle, I tried to look the other way, considering what happened with the entrance exam and all, but your behaviour has gotten out of hoof. I feel like you are behaving like a completely different pony. Just now, you came back without checking out any new books. This has never happened before. And when you said that the Ponyville library closed, it looked like it didn't even phase you. You, Twilight Sparkle, are not phased by the closure of a library. Just yesterday, it would have caused your world to collapse. But Twilight, the worst part is that you more than likely just tried to lie to me. I- I don't know what has happened to you! Talk to me! Please!" Velvet was distraught. Her daughter had changed. The sweet filly she knew would have never even thought of lying to her. And even if she did, Twilight would have been way too scared to do so.

"I am sorry, Mom. However, I need to visit Ponyville! It is important!" Twilight didn't look phased.

"But why Twilight? Why do you suddenly need to go to Ponyville? Where is this suddenly coming from? What do you want there?" Velvet didn't know what to do. She always had such a good connection with her daughter. So why wasn't she getting through to Twilight? Why couldn't she understand her daughter's actions anymore?

The filly in question thought about telling the truth. Maybe it should have been her first option, but now her mother was unlikely to believe her anyway, "It just is Mom. Please! You have to let me go!"

"Twilight Sparkle, you are grounded! Go to your room! We will talk about this once your father has gotten home." Velvet regretted letting her husband go to work. She should have insisted on him staying home today to look after their daughter with her.

She watched Twilight as the little filly defeatedly walked to her room. Velvet wished to think that Twilight was regretting her actions and would turn around any moment to say sorry. Still, her motherly intuition was telling her otherwise.

What has happened to our daughter, Night?


Twilight was considering her next steps.

Poor mom, I didn't want to upset her.

"What's done is done, Twilight. You can say sorry and make it up to her later."

That still doesn't excuse my lying. I should have just told Mom the truth. If I did, then maybe I would be sitting on a train to Ponyville now instead of being grounded.

"Ponyville, I have gotten so close yet failed at the last step. There is no way Mom or Dad will allow me to go. Especially now." She needed to do something about it.

What can I do about it? I can't force them to allow me to go to Ponyville, can I?

"No, I can't, but there has to be another option!" She looked at her books. They always helped her. One of them had to have an answer to her problem.

Her eyes wandered around the room until they stopped at a small shelf containing books classified as fiction.

A thought formed in her head, "I could run away like they do in the books."

No, Twilight, that is ridiculous. This is real life! Your parents will ground you so hard that you will never see sunlight again.

"But it would be easy. I could buy myself a train ticket with the money I saved, and I only need a small bag with food and water for a day or two."

Twilight, your parents will worry about you! Don't do this!

Her conscious was practically screaming at her now, but Twilight had already made a decision. She needed to do this. The closer she got to Rainbow, the stronger this weird feeling of a connection got. She needed to do this and would deal with the aftermath later.

"I am simply going to write a letter. That should ease their worries, at least until I am back."


"Honey, Twilight, I mpff," Velvet used her magic to silence her husband.

"Psst!" She gestured for him to be silent, "I need to talk to you about Twilight."

Night put his bag down, "Honey, what happened? Is she ok?"

Velvet tried her best to describe her concerns, "I don't know, honey. Twilight has been acting extremely out of character."

"Are you sure? She seemed fine this morning. I wouldn't have gone to work otherwise." To her dismay, her husband didn't seem to realize the seriousness of the situation.

Luckily for her, though, Velvet knew how to let him realize the gravity of it. "I know, but after you were gone, Twilight decided to not only reject the princess's offer but also her place at the school."

"Oh, wow. That's indeed serious. Come, let's sit down first."

They sat down on their couch, and Velvet continued her story. "Cadence and Shining came over. We talked about what happened and tried encouraging her to take the princess's offer. But, instead, she rejected both her place at the school and her place as Celestia's student, claiming that there were more important things in life than magic." Velvet was gesturing wildly.

"Honey, please calm down. I am here for you. You are right, that doesn't sound like Twilight, but maybe she realized that magic just isn't her thing. It's not unheard of," Night tried to come up with an explanation.

Velvet, however, had expected this answer. "That's what I thought too! But then, after Cadence and Shining left, Twilight wanted to visit the archives."

"See honey, that's the Twilight we know." His attempt at cheering her up had the opposite effect.

"Let me finish! Twilight came back in record time. She didn't check out any new books and wanted to go to Ponyville. She even tried to lie to me so I would allow her to go there. When I tried to get the truth out of her, she just wouldn't answer!" Velvet looked at her husband, hoping that he might have some answers.

"Ok, honey, you are right. That's highly unusual behaviour for her, but I'm sure there is a perfectly reasonable explanation. Let me try to talk to her, ok?" Night could only hope that their daughter would be more willing to talk to him. He didn't want to admit it, but he, too, feared that she was hiding something big if it caused such behaviour."

"Is Twilight in her room?" he asked.

"Yes, I grounded her for lying." Velvet was clearly still upset, and Night didn't want to add more fuel. So, he hid his surprise at hearing that their daughter was grounded. Her being grounded…, the mere thought seemed ridiculous. It hadn't happened in years.

He gave his wife a reassuring look and went up the stairs, knocking at Twilight's door.

"Yes?" he heard her muffled voice through the door.

"It's me, Twilight. Can I come in?" he replied.

"Ok." Night couldn't help but notice the dullness of her voice. Slowly he opened the door and went into her room. There was nothing out of the ordinary. No hints that would give an explanation for Twilight's behaviour. What was unusual, though, was that she was already in her bed and not reading any books for once. Still, it could easily be explained by her being upset at being grounded.

He would have to tread carefully if he wanted her to tell him the truth, "Sweetie, I just talked to your mom. Is there something you would like to tell me?"

"I am sorry. I didn't mean to upset her. I just wasn't thinking clearly." It was a start. He could work with that.

"Hey, it's alright. We all make mistakes. Your mom told me you wanted to go to Ponyville. Why?" It was a risk asking her directly. But, at the same time, it would give him an indication if Twilight was really acting out of character.

"It doesn't matter anymore. I am not going anyway." She avoided the topic, and Night wasn't sure what to make of it. Wasn’t Twilight supposed to be eager to go there? He expected her to plead with him to let her go.

"Sweetie, if going to Ponyville really is so important, then we can arrange it," he tried.

But his daughter didn't believe him, and even if she did, how would she explain the truth to him?

"I don't want to talk about it." She rolled away from him, facing the wall.

"Twilight, please, I am worried about you. Your mom is worried about you." Night shouldn't have doubted his wife.

"Can we please talk about this tomorrow, Dad? I just need some time for myself right now." Twilight mumbled.

"Ok, Twilight. If you need some time for yourself, then we can talk about this tomorrow. Good night my little star." He gave her a kiss on her forehead.

Hooves wrapped around his neck in an instant, and Twilight turned back to face him, her face having the infectious smile again that he had seen this morning, "Good night, Dad. And please tell Mom that I am sorry, ok?"

"Don't worry, Sweetie, I will." Night gave her another kiss before leaving the room, returning to his wife.

"How did it go?" Velvet asked immediately.

"It could have been worse. Twilight didn't try to lie to me or anything, and she was genuinely sorry for upsetting you. She explicitly wanted me to tell you that." She should have been happy about this, but she wasn't.

"Did she give any hint as to why she was behaving so strangely in the first place?" Velvet needed answers. Answers Night couldn't give her.

"She said she needed some time for herself and would talk with us tomorrow." Night embraced his wife. "Don't worry honey, I am sure everything will be fine. Let's give her that time, ok?

Velvet broke away from his embrace, "I don't know, Night. I wish I could be as optimistic as you are."

Tomorrow Night wouldn't go to work. His family needed him, and he would be there for them this time.


Once she was sure her parents were asleep, Twilight got out of her bed, sneaking towards the bag she had previously prepared.

This has to work! Who knows when I will be getting a second chance?

Probably never. Once she got caught, her parents would more than likely look her up forever.

Quietly she changed into some warm clothes, and once she was done, she opened her window, levitating herself, as well as her bag out of it.

Alright, let's do this!

Slowly she walked to the train station, ensuring not to attract any attention from guards or other passersby. A pretty easy feat when one considers that almost no one is on the streets at night, not even guards.

As such, she reached her destination, the train station, pretty quickly, walking to the clerk at the ticket booth. Obviously, she couldn't buy tickets, though, or rather she wasn't willing to take the risk. Instead, Twilight sneaked around the booth, taking in her surroundings. The clerk was not paying any attention, instead focusing on his radio.


Once Twilight had located the tickets, she levitated them to herself.

They really should be more careful. With how easy this was, I wonder why any unicorn would bother to pay for a ticket.

She went through the stack until she found the ticket she needed.

One foal to Ponyville, next train going in about half an hour. Just what I wanted.

Grabbing the ticket, as well as some extra ones just in case, she levitated the others back onto the clerk's desk, with him being none the wiser.

Hmm, platform two. I can see the train already standing there.

She made her way towards it, entering it.

"Excuse me, little one, what are you doing here?" the conductor questioned her, causing Twilight to swirl around. Where he came from, she could only guess.

However, she had already anticipated these kinds of questions. Why would a foal travel alone at night?

She mustered her best innocent, carefree voice, "Hi, I'm Twilight Sparkle," extending her hoof.

The enthusiasm of a filly seemed to overwhelm the sleep-drunk conductor. Nevertheless, he collected himself, repeating his question, "Nice to meet you, Twilight. But what are you doing all alone here at night?"

"I am visiting my relatives in Ponyville. My parents have already bought me my ticket and took me to the train. Didn't you see them?" She had to convince the conductor. He was her last obstacle. This time for real, probably.

"No, I didn't?" Was he really this tired? How couldn't he notice?

"That's unfortunate. They just left." She maintained her cheerful and innocent attitude, turning it up to eleven.

"Umm, well… why are you taking the train at night, all alone?" It was way too late. He was tired, and this filly was confusing him.

"I don't know, my parents said something about a scheduling conflict. I didn't really listen." Twilight almost had him. She just needed to push a little further.

That's right, Twilight. Keep it vague. You are just some filly that did what her careless parents told her.

So that was it then. Some irresponsible parents dumped their filly on a train at night and left, hoping the filly would reach Ponyville safe and sound. Of course, he would be responsible if she didn't, which meant he would have to supervise her the entire trip.

Maybe he would be lucky, "Can I see your ticket, please?"

Twilight handed him her ticket.

As always, luck wasn't on his side. The ticket was legitimate and for the right train. He would have to have a word with whoever sold them that.

"Today is your lucky day," he muttered.

"It is?" Twilight raised an eyebrow, forgetting her fake attitude for a moment.

The conductor didn't notice, "Your ticket is only for a second-class seat, but since I have to supervise you, you are getting a free upgrade to first class. That way, I can keep an eye on you more easily." With that, he escorted Twilight to her new seat, returning to his duties.

Happiness filled Twilight. Tomorrow, she would be able to meet Rainbow. She wondered what she would be like. Were her visions an accurate description? Did Rainbow have a vision as well? So many questions were buzzing around in her head.

Twilight yawned. She would be able to answer these questions soon, but for now, she could finally go to sleep.

Ponyville, brace yourself. Here I come!