• Published 27th Jan 2023
  • 1,054 Views, 16 Comments

The Sorcerer Supreme of Earth - Vishanti

Enter an adventure of the sorcerer supreme of Earth and his adventures across dimensions with ponies

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Chapter 3: Swarm of The Century

Author's Note:

A thousand appologies for not uploading for a while. My excuse was that I was quite busy with life and felt too tired or too lazy to write anything. But when I did, I was focused on the plot of this story; it first came out as an idea, but now I must plan where the direction this story is going or heading to. I got a quarter of it figured out.

Also, credit to M.A. Larson for writing this episode.

In another multiverse, a specific universe, separate from the mythical multiverse where sapient ponies exist, a lone Sorcerer Supreme lives in a mansion he calls the Sanctum Sanctorum, somewhere in New York, Greenwich Village.

Silently brooding as he continues his studies on ancient texts, in a dark room where the only source of light is from candles and a large, round window, with four curved streaks. It resembles the same symbol from the card Doctor Strange gave.

Doctor Strange meditates, hovering above the floor, while reading books and scrolls, that were floating to his view for him to read and absorb the knowledge from these ancient spells.

His thoughts drifted from when he visited a universe where mythical creatures exist and are sapient as human beings. He would be lying if he were to say that he wasn’t curious to explore the new world he only visited, twice.

But alas, he can’t. He still has his sole duty as the Sorcerer Supreme to defend Earth from mystical threats, such as the Dread Dormammu he had fought against.

But maybe, just maybe, he could visit for just a moment. After all, the world still has its superheroes to protect it in his absence. Even if there is a mystic threat, there are other sorcerers, wizards, and or warlocks allies that can deal with it. Maybe he can allow himself, just this once.

He levitated all objects that were hovering around him and set them all onto a table nearby before walking down a set of stairs to the main lobby of the sanctum.

“Bats!” He shouted, calling someone’s name. The owner of that name is a ghost of a basset hound, he phased through a wall to be in the room where his owner is.

“Yeah, doc?” He asked in clear English as he looked up to him. “I’m going on a trip to another universe from another multiverse, would you like to come?” Doctor Strange asked.

The ghost dog hummed in thought, quite curious of where his owner was going. “Sure, why not. But don’t you have a responsibility for your job as a Sorcerer Supreme?” He asked.

“I do, until I realized that the world has so many superheroes. I’m sure we can be gone in a short notice. Just a short walk.” Doctor Strange assured.

“Well… I do like walks!” Bats said excitedly, his tail wagging in the air.

Once all is set and he is ready, he conjures a flaming portal that leads to Equestria, specifically, a forest.

Doctor Strange stepped onto the grassy lands of nature in the deep woods while Bats flew in and the portal closed behind them.

He sniffed in the fresh, clean air that this world has. It had never occurred to him, but when it did, it amazes him that pollution ceases to exist in this world. The sky was beautiful and the scenery of the forest was just beyond other worldly amazing, even if it was a bit dark.

Doctor Strange and Bats strolls past the large, thick trees and a small river that was nearby. He used a spell to guide them close to civilization.

Though Bats can just fly, he chose to walk alongside the sorcerer with his little, transparent paws.

They passed through a pond with some frogs and spotted other creatures; such as bunnies, birds, and surprisingly, off in the far distance was a sleeping cosmic bear with an eight pointed star on its head.

“Oh, wow! Ain’t he a big fella.” Bats commented on the cosmic bear. Doctor Strange hummed in agreement.

Then later, a pack of wolves, made of wood instead of fur, howling to the sky on a rocky hill.

Doctor Strange was quite fascinated with all the mysterious creatures that reside in this particular dark woods. Maybe there was more than meets the eye.

They walked down a dirt trail that leads to the edge of the forests. In a short distance they saw a town built in a 16th century style, with roofs made of hay. All the houses are colored cream and purple.

Doctor Strange noticed a sign next to a gravel road where it leads to the town; “Ponyville”.

They couldn’t tell how to react or respond to the punned name. They just couldn't tell if this name was serious or an elaborate joke. Just who in their right mind would name a town after its own species?

Anyways, going over that bizarre confusion, they walked on the gravel trail where it led to the town.

The town was decorated in balloons, ribbons, cakes and food were displayed. It seemed like the residents of this town were setting up a celebration or a parade of some sorts.

The moment they stepped deep into pony territory, ponies were screaming and running around aimlessly, running from something. Doctor Strange’s natural action was to face whoever was the threat and defend those who couldn’t defend themselves.

When he ran to where the danger was, he was met with a scene of… flying blue, pink, yellow, purple and brown orbs?

“Holy moly…” Bats gawed at the sight.

These small creatures were fluffy with large green eyes, and large bug wings, and they were working as a swarm by eating anything they saw in sight. Any object that comes into contact with these creatures are immediately eaten away until there is nothing left.

The swarm ate objects such as barrels, chairs, tables, benches, street lamps, and now starting with the roof of a house. It was eating fast, almost instantaneously.

They also seem to produce asexually as they vomit fur balls, the said fur ball then morphed into one of these furry creatures.

Looking around Doctor Strange sees the same purple pony Doctor Strange met weeks ago during Dormammu’s attempt in taking over the mythical world. What was her name… Twilight?

Anyways, said Twilight was having a mental breakdown and a crisis moment with her mane all messy and a crazed look while muttering strange words about Princess Celestia coming to visit and everything is ruined. Then she started muttering random things such as building a new Ponyville, orders to her friend with a random plan.

Said friend, a rainbow and cyan pony, probably Rainbow Dash, was already having a hard time flying away from being swarmed by these… swarms. Twilight could be seen already deflating, already giving up and embracing the futile attempt of putting things in order.

Having seen enough of this strange scenery, Doctor Strange invoked the ancient powers of Morpheus and Valtorr to put these fluffy bugs asleep. “By the Mists of Morpheus and Vapors of Valtorr! Put these creatures into a deep slumber!”

His gloved hands magically produced yellow mists that surrounded all these creatures, all the creatures that were caught by the mist were fast asleep. Swarms of them fell to the ground with a puff with their fur helping soften their fall.

Twilight was left with a shock look at this sudden occurrence. A shadow looms over her and she turns to the one who was responsible for this.

“Doctor Strange?” she asked, surprised by his sudden appearance in Ponyville. “In the flesh.” He responded as his red cloak glided in the breezy air. Bats sort of stands beside his owner.

“I-I - How did you - I mean, uh.” She stuttered on her words, much to Doctor Strange’s amusement. “If you're asking what I am doing here, let's just say that I am here for a visit and a little bit of exploration.” He explained.

He looked over the damage of the town, many things were eaten by those strange creatures. “It seems you were pretty much busy with the pests, if i had not come, who knows what would’ve happened to the town.” He said. Twilight laughed sheepishly, a bit embarrassed of the situation.

The ponies came out of their hiding places and looked around the chaotic mess these creatures have made. All the hard work of their decorations for their Princess’ visit is ruined, they only have a few minutes before she arrives. Which isn’t enough time to clean and prepare.

Doctor Strange noticed their sad, glum and disappointed looks. He wasn’t going to do anything as it was not really his business to repair anyone’s mess, and it was also taxing on using invoked magic. He usually leaves the damages to Damage Control. But then again, this world probably doesn’t have a Damage Control team.

But Bats tugged his pants, giving him the pleading and begging puppy look. So begrudgingly, out of the kindness of his heart, and mostly reluctance, he used a spell to magically repair all the damage while levitating all the sleeping fuzzy creatures into a large pile.

When the damage was repaired, decorations in place and the food all fixed with no germs or bacteria, Twilight’s friends grouped together while their pink friend was searching for instruments, for some reason.

“Well, looks like ‘ere everything’s all fixed nice and dandy.” The orange and blonde pony, Applejack, said. Twilight sighed in relief, now taking in the relaxation that the parade was safely secured.

Rainbow Dash hovered over Doctor Strange’s shoulder. “Hey, thanks for the save, big guy.” She said as she tapped on his shoulder with gratitude.

“Yes, thank you darling, for saving my boutique.” The pristine white and purple pony, Rarity said, gesturing to her home, all cleaned and fixed.

“You should probably thank Bats here, as he persuaded me to fix everything.” He said, gesturing to his ghost dog. The pink and cream colored pony, Fluttershy, gasped as she got close into Bats’ personnel space, making Bats reel his head back a bit.

“What are you, little one?” Fluttershy asked in her confident, yet soft, voice as she moved her hoof to place it on Bats’ head to give him a pat, only for it to phase through his body.

Fluttershy gawked at the shocking revelation of Bat’s intangible form. Her friends joined in with surprised faces.

“What just happened?” Rainbow Dash asked. Twilight’s head was filled with so many more questions than the rest. One of them was answered by the doctor.

“My friend, Bats, is a ghost.” He said casually. “G-g-ghost?” Rainbow Dash said frightfully, with Applejack joining her in a hug out of fear. “Yep, I sure am.” Bats said, surprising the ponies even more.

“That - that - that is so adorable! But also tragic!” Fluttershy gushed. She hugged the ghost dog, though sadly for her she couldn’t hug him, but she was still happy to find a talking dog.

“Woah, ain’t she a hugger.” Bats said, slowly stepping away to give himself some space from the overly happy pony.

Suddenly, all the fuzzy creatures that were supposed to be in deep slumber, awoke from the spell. This shocked the Sorcerer Supreme, he wasn’t expecting the spell to wear off so quickly, or the fuzzy creatures to easily resist it.

“How did they-!” Before he could ask, the fuzzy creatures were back on track by eating everything, the ponies were back screaming and running, it all fell into near chaos.

“I call on a Conjurer’s Sphere of Containment!” Doctor Strange chanted as a blue sphere trapped all the fuzzy creatures within, ceasing them from continuing eating.

Everypony stopped their panic again and were relieved of the situation being handled by their mysterious savior.

Although Doctor Strange is strong on the magic side, he can feel the persistence of the fur balls moving around, trying to break free from their imprisonment. He was losing his concentration with their pushes all at once, as if the hundreds, if not millions, have some sort of knowledge to split his concentration. He couldn’t focus it all at once at the same time.

Because of the swarm’s strength in numbers, Doctor Strange could feel the intensity of their force pressuring the sphere to break. Cracks slowly appear, the pressure on his mind slowly aches. “It’s too strong, I can’t hold it!”

The sphere breaks and chaos resumes. Doctor Strange collapses to his knees, feeling out of breath. “Doc, you okay?” Bats whimpered as he sat beside his owner licking his face, attempting to comfort him.

“I’m fine, Bats. I just merely underestimated the creatures of this world.” The sorcerer let out a breath. He slowly gets on his feet, a bit fatigued.

As Twilight and her friends, except the missing pink pony, worked on a plan to get rid of the swarm. Doctor Strange planned on incinerating the swarm, or at least destroying them. But what they didn’t know was that they were buying the pink pony extra time.

The said pink pony, Pinkie Pie, was playing a series of instruments made up of a banjo, an accordion, a sousaphone tuba, and a harmonica with intense and focused eyes.

She played all the instruments fluently while marching as if she was playing in a parade band. The ponies, ghost dog, and human were confused by her bizarre actions until they realized all the fuzzy creatures ceased their gluttony as they danced to the music.

As Pinkie passed them the rest of the creatures followed in line, bouncing on the ground in the rhythm of the music. Bewildered by the display, Twilight and her friends followed and the two otherworldly visitors joined.

Pinkie guided the creatures to the outskirts of Ponyville on the plain fields. In the distance, Twilight can see Princess Celestia’s carriage in the sky coming from Canterlot.

Twilight and her friends run past Pinkie, leaving her behind so they could meet their princess.

The carriage landed and the princess of the sun stepped off her carriage to meet her student. “Twilight, my prized pupil.”

Twilight and her friends bowed upon meeting their princess with high respect and obedience. Doctor Strange and Bats sort of stand to the side, unnoticed by the sun princess.

“So lovely to see you again, as well as your friends.” Their moment of peace was interrupted with the sound of a dancing parade of cute, adorable creatures led by Pinkie.

“So, how was your trip?” Twilight asked nervously.

“Ah, what is this?” Celestia asked, surprised by the unexpected greeting of her visit. She giggled when one of the fuzzy creatures landed on top of her sing. “These creatures are adorable!”

You could hear Rainbow Dash muttering in a disagreement with a scowl. “They’re not that adorable.”

When she looked over the dancing parade, she was more surprised to see Doctor Strange. “Doctor?”

“Greetings and salutations, Princess.” He casually greeted the alicorn with a smile. Celestia smiled fondly. “Greetings to you too, Strange.”

“How’s your sister?” He asked.

“She’s doing great.” She answered.

“That’s great.” He said.

They all stood in silence during this awkward moment until the princess nearly forgot something. “Oh, I’m terribly honored that you and the good citizens of Ponyville have organized a parade in honor of my visit.” She said with gratitude and gratefulness.

“Parade?” Twilight questioned before realizing the opportunity to take credit for this sudden occurrence, as well as a good cover up to hide the incident in Ponyville. “Oh! Yes! The parade!” Twilight agreed wholeheartedly.

“Unfortunately, that parade is going to have to wait for another time.” Celestia said dejectedly. “I’m afraid an emergency has come up in Fillydelphia. Apparently there’s been some sort of… “infestation”.”

“An infestation?” Twilight wondered, feigning innocence.

“Yes, a swarm of incredibly bothersome creatures has invaded the poor town.” Celestia explained. “I’m sorry, Twilight, to have to put you all through so much trouble.”

“Trouble?” Twilight chuckled. “What trouble?” Twilight asked, feigning ignorance.

“Before I have to go, would you care to give me your latest report on the magic of friendship in person?” Celestia asked before she hopped back on her carriage. “My… report?” Twilight asked in confusion.

“Haven’t you learned anything about friendship?” Celestia asked.

Twilight thought about it, her eyes landed on Pinkie who was still guiding the fur balls that she knew were called parasprites from a zebra-witch-doctor-friend.

Looking at her past actions of her treatment to Pinkie and seeing her mistake made her realize that she truly did learn something. “Actually, I have.”

“I’ve learned that sometimes the solution to your problems can come from where you least expect it.”

“It’s a good idea to stop and listen to your friends' ideas and perspectives… even when they don’t always seem to make sense.” Twilight’s friends gathered around her as if they were proud of her. They were immediately started when Pinkie bashed on her instruments a little too hard.

“I’m so proud of you, Twilight Sparkle, and I'm impressed with your friends as well.” Celestia complemented. “It sounds like you’re all learning so much from each other.” She said with love and pride to her ponies, like a mother to their children.

Celestia glanced at the mysterious sorcerer before telling her Royal Guards to go with a nod. “Thank you, Princess.” Twilight said under her breath. She truly felt honored by her mentor’s words.

As the princess disappeared in the distance, Twilight and her friends, along with the visitors run to Pinkie as she is at the edge of the Everfree Forests.

Pinkie guided the fur balls into the forest from where Doctor Strange and Bats came from. When all was gone, she ceased her play and turned to her friends. “Hey! What happened to the princess?” She asked.

“Emergency in Fillydelphia.” Twilight answered with a smile. “Some sort of “infestation”.” Rainbow Dash hinted with a knowing smirk.

“Oh no! Have they got parasprites too!?” Pinkie asked, shocking her friends of her knowledge. “Well, have tuba, will travel!” Pinkie declared.

“I think the Princess can handle it.” Twilight said, stopping Pinkie from playing again. Doctor Strange could only snicker with just the thought of the sun princess struggling to maintain control over the situation.

“So you knew what those critters were all along, huh, Pinkie Pie?” Applejack asked. “Well duh!” Pinkie said, as if it was obvious. “Why do you think I was so frantic to get my hooves on all these instruments?! I tried to tell you!” Pinkie said with frustration.

“We know, Pinkie Pie.” Twilight said, standing by her friend’s side. “And we’re sorry we didn’t listen. And you’re a great friend… even if we don’t always understand you.” Twilight said sincerely. Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash all apologize for their actions. Pinkie smiled, happy to have true friends.

“Awe! that's so sweet, right, Doc?” Bats said, off to the side with his owner. Doctor Strange hummed in agreement. “So it seems.” He said.

“Thanks, guys!” You’re all great friends, too… even if I don’t understand me.” Pinkie said.

“You save my reputation with Princess Celestia! And more importantly, you saved Ponyville!” Twilight said. You could swear you could see Doctor Strange rolling his eyes, but also nodding to admit she was technically right.

After the whole event of the visitor’s walk, both the sorcerer and ghost dog said their goodbyes before Twilight could try to experiment on the dog for science reasons.

The visitors portaled back inside the lobby of the Sanctum Sanctorum.

“Well, that was eventful.” Doctor Strange said as he mentally commanded his cloak off and set it in a display case, the cloak flew in and hovered inside.

Bats hopped onto a couch and laid on it, yawning. “G’night, Doc.” Bats said before dozing off.

The sorcerer chuckled, amused by his friend’s action. “Yeah, good night, Bats.” He whispered before going back to his studies.

When he entered the fourth floor, his thoughts drifted back to the small adventure he had in the mythical universe. He smiled fondly of it, wishing to go through another.

“Maybe next time, next week…”

The End.

(To Be Continued)