• Published 21st Jul 2023
  • 3,235 Views, 274 Comments

A Dubious Welcome - Maonyman

Anon the veterinarian has to help Twilight recover from her injuries and then return home.

  • ...

CH29: An Annoucement

"Princess Luna!"

Luna jerked awake from her dozing to find Bastion laying beside her, just watching her. He smiled as she looked at him, then the voice called out again inside her head, and she realized it was Starlight Glimmer.

"I have a longer report for you this time, so I'll wait a moment before continuing, in case you need to wrap something up first."

"Oh, how thoughtful," Luna said.


"Starlight. She says she has a longer report, so she's giving me a moment to free myself. Unnecessary in this instance, but appreciated all the same."

"Huh. From what I heard about her, I would not expect such behavior."

"Nor I. It seems her time with Twilight has treated her well."

They waited in silence for a brief moment, the Luna raised her hoof to indicate Starlight had begun her report.

"Okay, hopefully that was enough time. So, I made contact with the humans--that's what the local intelligent species is called. They are like apes walking upright and always clothed. Very strange. Somehow we speak the same language... but anyway, that's not important. What is important, is that Twilight is on the way here!"

Luna gasped softly, then smiled at Bastion's questioning glance so he didn't think something was wrong.

"My human contact--his name is Arthur--said they received word from another nation that a 'purple pony with a horn like mine' has been found, and is on the way as we speak. She should be here in a couple of hours."

Then her tone sobered somewhat.

"Unfortunately, there is still no word about Celestia. Arthur says she is likely somewhere not friendly to the UK--that is what they call their nation--and since I know she is too far for my detection spell, he gave me a few other places to try next. As soon as I am with Twilight, she and I will begin exploring to find her as quickly as possible."

She hesitated a moment before continuing.

"These humans... I don't think they are what hurt Celestia. They seem friendly, helpful, and very interested in me, actually. I am still suspicious of their good behavior just in case, but if they can help, and with Twilight beside me, I expect to find Celestia within a day. I will update you when Twilight arrives, or if anything changes!"

Luna sighed, then looked up at Bastion, feeling bittersweet.

"Twilight has been found and is on her way to reunite with Starlight, but there is still no word about Celestia.

Bastion let out a small sigh, then said, "And what do you feel of her?"

Luna closed her eyes and concentrated, then she gasped, hope glowing within her.

"She is healing!"

Bastion's ears perked, "Oh?"

"Yes! Slowly, to be sure, but she has most definitely gained strength since this morning."

"That's good to hear."

Luna abruptly sat up, "Oh! What time is it? I do not wish to be late in retiring the sun."

"You are right on time, Mistress," Bastion said with a chuckle, "I was just thinking of reminding you."

Luna sighed with relief, then shot him a glance.

"I thought I said enough with the titles?"

He merely grinned.

"But you are my mistress, now."

Luna opened her mouth, then closed it, feeling her muzzle grow warm.

She turned toward the window as a distraction and looked up toward the sky. As before, she extended her ethereal magic upward, reaching toward the fiery sphere. This time, she took no chances. The very instant she made contact, she stamped it into obedience, and indeed it was good that she had, for it had immediately begun to swell up indignantly, clearly still seething about its earlier treatment. But she was master of the sky now, and it was compelled to obey as she ordered it down, down, down to the horizon.

Once safely tucked away beyond the reach of Equestria, she cast her awareness around until she felt her oldest friend, the moon. It awoke slowly, sending her a sensation that she had come to equate roughly to a yawn. However this time, as its awareness focused on her, it realized something was wrong and it insisted on an explanation before it would rise.

She could, of course, simply command it to move as she had done the Sun, but this was no petulant flame misbehaving out of spite, but rather an old friend taking a moment to check on her well-being. So she indulged the silvery orb, composing her thoughts into the broad concepts and emotions that comprised the celestial language.

She explained about her sister's student's absence, her sister seeking after the student and getting lost and hurt, and a search to recover them both. Then continued on to explain how her sister had passed command of the Sun onto her before departing.

At this, she felt for the first time a hot fury boil up inside her old friend, but the moon quickly reassured her it was merely angry at the Sun's behavior, not directed at her. Clearly they did not get along. Perhaps that is why they were always so far apart on the horizon, and why, try as they might, Celestia and Luna had never been able to raise them both simultaneously.

Nevertheless, the moon seemed satisfied with her explanation. It sent her an intense wave of hope and reassurance for which she expressed her gratitude, then it obediently climbed into the sky, only a moment or two later than normal.

She turned back to Bastion and caught him staring with something akin to awe on his face.

"W-What?" she said with a chuckle, "Why do you stare?"

He blushed and snapped his muzzle shut before replying, "You... it's just that you are so beautiful and majestic. I cannot... cannot quite believe that I--"


She brushed his lips with her magic as she approached.

"I understand, my Bastion. I was not born an alicorn, you know. It may have been a great many moons since that day, but my memory of it remains quite clear, and I remember well the overwhelming sense of awe you feel now. You are feeling the same as I felt on that fateful day."

His eyes widened, "Surely you do not mean to say that I will become--"

"Neigh, dearest, let not your hopes rise quite that high. It may well be possible, but I can make no promises for that is a matter to discuss with the other alicorns. We do not lightly take another into our ranks."

"But... forgive me mistress, but how can I be... uh," he gulped awkwardly, "Well, crown prince... as an ordinary unicorn?"

"We have several princes already, do we not? Royalty is one thing, but alicorn is quite another. With it comes more power and more responsibilities than most ponies will ever realize. To wit, you are not even aware of the battle I just waged against the sun, nor the careful diplomacy I employed with the moon."

"What? B-Battle!?"

"Indeed. It is quite ornery and does not take kindly to orders. It has no choice but to obey if I am stern enough, but it is no easy feat to wrangle it thus, and one which I must repeat twice daily. Likewise, Princess Cadance and Princess Twilight have their own struggles beyond the scope of ordinary ponies."

She shook her head gently and added, "Neigh, my Bastion. Do not wish so quickly for your wings. They are not entirely a blessing."

Abruptly her muzzle split in a yawn and she smacked her lips as it finished.

"Come now, dearheart."

She lifted her regalia in her magic and Bastion gave her a confused look.

"Do we have somewhere to be?"

Donning her silvery shoes, she smiled patiently, "Not necessarily, but we should let Serenity know of our situation. She will need to plan around it. Also, surely you are as hungry as I? We will pay Serenity a visit, then sup, then sleep, for I was woken after a mere nap this morning and am already weary, and additionally I must be up early on the morrow."

Bastion nodded and trotted over to his own armor, donning it quickly and turning to give her a snappy salute.

"Then I am honored to be your guard for one more night, Princess."

She rolled her eyes and grinned, "Oh do not be so serious."

* * *

"Are you SERIOUS!?"

Serenity all but fell out of her chair in astonishment.

"You have been Princess for one day and you already want to make a new prince? No. Out of the question. Completely impossible. Do you have ANY idea how much turmoil this would cause among the other royals?"

Princess Luna frowned. This was not how she imagined the conversation would go.

"Are you denying me, Serenity?"

Her voice was quiet, but it carried a great weight as silence fell across the room.

After a brief pause, Serenity took a sharp breath and said, "Princess, I wish nothing more than for you to be happy, and I believe you when you say that you and Captain Bastion have loved each other for years."

She sat before Luna and raised both hooves almost as if pleading.

"But you have to understand how momentous this would be, right? Royals would be infuriated, especially the princes! I have nothing but respect for Captain Bastion, but you must realize how much it would offend the princes to be abruptly equal to a mere guard captain?"

"Why should I care if they are offended?"


Her eyes widened in shock and she seemed momentarily at a loss for words. Luna quickly amended herself.

"Forgive me, Serenity. Please remember my ignorance of these matters. I know next to nothing of the aristocracy or the bureaucratic effects they have. I am not doubting their anger would be disastrous, I merely ask in what way it would affect the palace and Equestria at large."

The little mare pressed a hoof against the side of her head, her brow furrowing in distress.

"Serenity, look at me."

Her eyes darted up to meet her own, and Luna lowered her head, smiling apologetically.

"I will not marry Bastion at this time if it is that much trouble. I will not force your hoof in this matter. I merely wish to understand why I should not do so now. Please do not stress yourself over this decision, for I will defer to your judgement and wait until such time as you say it is right to do so, even if it be years hence." She quirked her mouth in a bit of a smirk, "Though obviously I would prefer it to be slightly sooner than that."

Serenity let out a tense giggle, then passed both hooves across her face and took a long, slow breath before responding.

"Thank you, Princess. I cannot even begin to explain how terrible an idea it is to wed you right now. We would be up all night discussing it. Just... please trust me when I say it cannot be now. Wait at least a week or two, and preferably a couple of months first. Your rule needs to stabilize before you go upheaving the royals so drastically."

Luna suddenly shook her head and laughed.

"What are we saying? My sister will return shortly--this rule of mine is only temporary!"

Serenity made an O shape with her mouth.

"Right. I had nearly forgotten among all the talk with other royals of it being permanent. I was attempting to avoid them getting too upset at all the changes."

"So, then... let us assume that my sister resumes her rule tomorrow evening, which I am hopeful will be the case. When, then, may Bastion and I make our announcement?"

"Well... I'd still suggest giving it a week or two just to be safe, but pretty much the moment you return her half of the throne, I suppose it would be okay."

Luna nodded, "Very well. In three days, then, provided that Celestia has returned to the throne by then. Acceptable?"

Serenity hesitated, then nodded, "I'll... I guess I'll make some preparations."

"Thank you. And I apologize for the scare."

The mare held a hoof to her chest as if in pain, then giggled.

"And I thought working under Celestia was tough!"