• Published 21st Jul 2023
  • 3,235 Views, 274 Comments

A Dubious Welcome - Maonyman

Anon the veterinarian has to help Twilight recover from her injuries and then return home.

  • ...

CH5: Some Answers, Some Questions.

"Hey, uh... Twilight Sparkle?"

A light tapping followed the soft words and Twilight reluctantly cracked open an eye. She briefly tensed in alarm, not recognizing where she was, then she relaxed when she saw the strange creature that had been taking care of her and gave him a sheepish smile.

"Morning, Doctor."

By the dim glow coming from the thick curtain she could see his own somewhat awkward grin as he approached, a small tray held in his forelegs.

"Well... afternoon, really. Been asleep for a good, oh... five or six hours, I'd say."

Her ears folded back and she began to mumble an apology, but he interrupted her with a low chuckle.

"You ain't done nothing wrong, girl. Your concussion does need the rest, after all. No, I just wanted to, uh... y'know, check my handiwork. 'Sides, I figured you could get some fluids while I'm at it."

He held up a small glass of water with a straw. Without thinking, she reflexively reached out with her telekinesis, but she felt only a brief fizzle of magic before the dull ache in her skull flared up angrily. She winced, releasing the unformed spell before her horn even had time to light up.

As the pain slowly faded, Twilight furrowed her brows in confusion. She wasn't really surprised that it hadn't worked, but it was odd that this simple spell failed when she had been able to save Anon before her horn was even mended. Was her horn core draining her of magic while it healed? Her books hadn't said anything about that, but it wasn't as if arcane biology was all that well understood... Most unicorns didn't put any more thought into their magic than it took to float stuff around, nevermind analyzing and recording how their magic worked in the first place.

Suddenly realizing Anon was watching her with a mildly alarmed expression, she came back to her senses and hurried to reassure him.

"Oh, s-sorry! I just, uh... I forgot it was broken, that's all. I'm okay, though."

Silently cocking an eyebrow, he held the glass up again and she awkwardly grabbed it with a fetlock. Just as she brought the straw to her muzzle, she suddenly realized just how vulnerable she really was.

She, Twilight Sparkle, an alicorn princess and wielder of the Element of Magic, was in an entirely unknown land with no magic from a broken horn, no flight from a broken wing, and no earth pony strength from two broken legs. Worse yet, she hadn't explained what she was doing to anypony aside from vaguely mentioning to Spike that she was testing a new portal spell and she'd be back soon. How long would it take him to realize something was wrong? Who would he tell once he did? What if nopony took him seriously?

Worst of all, she hadn't been able to predict where she would appear in this world, so how would anypony even find her when they got here!?

Who knows how long she might be trapped here!

A nervous flutter surged up inside her barrel and her fur stood on end as a tremor rattled up her spine. Anon grabbed her fetlock in both hoof-paws, catching the glass before it could fall and causing her to yelp in shock and alarm.

"Whoa, girl, shhhhh shh shh... It's alright."

Twilight stared wide-eyed and panting into the human's face, but he gave her a friendly smile and gently laid his paw on her neck.

"There now, it's okay. Look at me, there's a good girl."

She tried to focus on her breathing like he'd told her before, but the rapid heaving of her chest only made her feel even more anxious. Instead, she stared into Anon's face and tried to concentrate on his deep, reassuring voice.

"That's right, there ya go. Don't you worry, I got you. You're safe here."

He slid his paw up her neck to her cheek and Twilight covered it with her own hoof.

"Everything'll be alright. We'll get you through this, you'll see."

The leisurely pace of his words dragged against her racing mind, suppressing her panic until she was able to get her breathing under control again.

"Good... that's good, well done, girl."

His paw was so warm, so comforting, and his smile was just so kindly and understanding...

The last of her resolve crumbled as the various stresses and rapid-fire ups and downs of the last few hours overwhelmed her. Twilight closed her eyes, leaned into his gentle touch, and wept. She slumped forward and clung to the human, feeling more helpless and alone than ever before in her life, her body shaking with the force of her wretched sobs. His forelimb lay across her withers and awkwardly stroked her neck in an attempt to comfort her. The strange creature had done so much for her already... she tried to give him a little nuzzle to show him her gratitude.

Eventually her tears ran dry and she simply leaned against him, utterly exhausted but feeling much better for having released the pent up stress and anxiety.

Anon shifted uneasily and murmured, "So... you okay now?"

She choked out a weak laugh and pushed herself upright, saying, "No, probably not... but I'm better, thank you. And, um... sorry."

"That's alright," he said with a little shake of his head, "I just... didn't know what to do, that's all. Most of my patients can't even talk, nevermind break down sobbing."

"I guess we're both, uh... a little out of our element."

"Yeah... you, uh... you really ought to drink something, though. I mixed in some medicine that should help with the pain, too."

For the third time, he slowly held the glass of water out to her. Concentrating hard, she tried to simply push the straw around to face her, but although her horn flickered, she was unable to manage even that tiny spell. Letting out a little sigh, she resigned herself to relying on Anon to hold the glass and smiled gratefully at him as she leaned forward to grab the straw in her muzzle.

When she'd had her fill, he proceeded to check on her various injuries, and, after a few minutes, said everything was looking great.

"You might even be able to walk around if I replaced those braces with casts. Hell, I could do that right now if you feel up to it."

Her ears perked at that.

"Being able to walk does sound nice..."

Anon grinned, "Well come on, then." He reached toward her, then hesitated, looking abashed.

"What's wrong?"

"Uh... I was gonna carry you to my office, but since you're... well, intelligent, I didn't want to just grab you like other animals."

Twilight frowned at hearing that comparison again, then shrugged to herself and leaned toward him. He took that as permission and carefully lifted her in his forelegs, one against her chest, the other under her hindlegs and pinning her tail down.

"I'll move slowly, but let me know right away if you feel dizzy or nauseous."

As he carried her out of the bedroom and down a short hall, Twilight caught a glimpse out the window and was surprised by how similar the land looked to Equestria.

He carried her into his office, laid her down on a small couch by the window, and sat down in the most complicated chair Twilight had ever seen. The room was packed full of things across the various shelves and display cases throughout the room, mounted to the walls, and strewn across not one but two desks. There was a lot to look at and very little that she recognized. She was completely surrounded by otherworldly artifacts.

Needless to say, she was a bit overwhelmed.


Her attention snapped back to the human, then she closed her eyes and took a deep breath to steady herself.

"Sorry, just a lot to take in."

"Ah, yeah, sorry. I keep a lot of stuff in here but I try to at least keep it tidy so it doesn't just look like clutter. Anyway, how do you feel?"

"Um... slow?"

He raised an eyebrow questioningly so she tried to elaborate, rubbing the side of her head with a hoof.

"I don't know... I haven't had any trouble remembering things and I'm not confused or anything. I just feel sort of slow and stupid. Does that make sense.?"

"Of course, that's from the concussion.

He got up and crouched in front of her, holding up one small part of his hoof-paw.

"Follow my finger with your eyes, please."

"Finger... so this is your 'fing,' then?"

She poked a hoof at the larger part of his paw and he looked confused for a moment, then he burst out laughing.

"Oh, right, you have hooves. Here, look:"

Still grinning, he raised his other paw and spread it wide, then used his finger to gesture as he spoke, either pointing to a specific place or circling a larger area.

"This is my hand at the end of my arm... what I guess you'd call a 'foreleg.' These are fingers and this is a thumb; notice it's angled differently. Then at the end of my leg--just leg, not hindleg--is my foot, or two feet. The small finger-things are called toes and they help me balance upright without a tail."

He hesitated for a moment, then looked abashed and said, "Uh... sorry, you got all that?"

Twilight blinked twice as she absorbed the sudden torrent of information, then she furrowed her brows in concentration and pointed with her hoof.

"Fingers, thumb, hand, arm, leg, foot and... oh, toes. Yep, I got it! Is anything else different?"

Anon looked a bit taken aback as he replied, "Uh, y-yeah but just... just small differences like cannon, fetlock, barrel, muzzle... I thought you said you felt slow and stupid?"

"Well yeah, I almost forgot the word for toes! That would've been so embarrassing."

Twilight smiled nervously, not sure why he was looking at her so weird, then he just shrugged his shoulders and held his finger up again. She watched his finger move around in six directions, then he held it still and had her turn her head left and right while keeping her eyes on his finger, and finally asked her to touch her hoof to various places on her body in rapid succession.

"Alright, I'll be honest... I'm a little out of my league here. You might be better off talking to a physician than a veterinarian like me.

"Why? What's wrong with talking to you?"

"Well," he said uncomfortably, "Mostly it's the fact that you're talking at all."

She must have looked as dismayed as she felt because he rolled his eyes and sighed, saying, "I don't mean it like that, girl. It's just that I treat animals, you see? Cats, dogs, farm animals, horses... occasionally stuff like birds or snakes, but not humans. Most of my patients aren't even intelligent enough to recognize themselves in a mirror, nevermind talk... or instantly memorize a bunch of new terminology for that matter."

Twilight's eyes widened, "So wait, all this time you thought I was just some dumb animal?"

Before she even had a chance to get upset about that, he was already shaking his head.

"No, I knew you were special from the moment you spoke and I've been pretty much treating you like a human, as... unbelievable as that might be."

His voice and expression had shifted into something like awe and Twilight suddenly jumped to a conclusion.

"Humans are the only intelligent species in this world, aren't they?"

She could almost watch his thoughts on his face as he processed the implications of her choice of words.

"In this world?"

Twilight gave him an almost apologetic smile and lowered her voice to a soft murmur.

"I did tell you I was from Equestria."

"...And that's another world, is it?"

She nodded slowly and was surprised to see his expression turn suddenly angry.

"Oh ok, so what," he said scornfully, "You're an alien, is that it? Where's your spaceship, huh?"

"What? N-No, I... you..."

He just glared at her stammering then abruptly stood up and muttered, "Should've fuckin' realized when you just happened to speak english..."

Twilight instinctively shrank back into the sofa and struggled to keep her fear under control as he towered over her. Had he always been so large? How had she never noticed?

"I... I'm sorry, I meant no offense!"

He snorted disdainfully and his hand flopped in a gesture she didn't understand. She forced herself to sit up again and made her voice plaintive, "Anon, please, I swear I never meant to upset you. I don't even know what I did!"

"Oh ya don't, do ya? Thought you'd just pull the wool over my eyes, easy as ya please?"

Twilight absently realized his accent was getting thicker in his anger and he was sounding more and more like Big McIntosh.

"But I... n-no, I was just going to explain--"

"No, fuck that. I ain't listenin' to any more of your lies. Good fuckin' job on that 'wing' though, had me completely fooled."

"W-What? Lies!? I haven't lied to you once!"

"Oh yeah? Then explain this!"

His hand seemed impossibly large as he reached down and grabbed at her horn. As confusion was replaced by cold terror, Twilight Sparkle did not think, she merely acted. Magic surged up inside her, a small spark shot out of her horn, and then it began to glow.

Author's Note:

Yes I know this chapter ends poorly, sorry. It makes more sense after reading the next chapter. This scene is just too integral to the rest of the story to remove or even significantly alter that section.