• Published 19th Oct 2023
  • 2,060 Views, 102 Comments

My new Changeling life - Leonedavis

Imprisoned in a life marked by solitude and monotony, he sees his existence shift into a surreal strangeness. A new opportunity to become someone better and happier ?

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1 New childhood

I woke up alone in a cradle, confined to this small cell, bathed in an oddly familiar greenish light... Why did everything here seem to be tinged with this pale green hue?

My eyes scanned the bars, instinct urging me to approach, to try to climb them... But the absence of legs and arms made the task particularly challenging, if not unfortunately impossible. A helpless frustration took hold of me. I began to pace in my cradle, letting my mind wander. Despite my youthful appearance, I was an adult. The psychological craving for beer was already gnawing at me, demanding a stimulus, be it physical or mental!

I wandered in circles, like an animal in a cage, focused on taming these new muscles as time seemed to blur as I continued to explore my limited surroundings. I tried to make sense of the strange appendage on my forehead, the horn that seemed to be a part of me. It felt like an extension of my being, pulsing with an energy I couldn't quite understand.

I focused on the horn, willing it to respond to my thoughts. Slowly, tentatively, it began to emit a soft glow. It was a small victory, but it filled me with a sense of hope and purpose.

I didn't know how long I had circled in that cradle, but one thing was certain: "Bzzz dreee reeee!" 'Mother or someone!' It always sounded better in my head...

No buzzing of wings or the sound of hooves reached my ears, so I continued honing my ability to move. As soon as my new mother arrived, I'd give her the cold shoulder for leaving me alone!

Okay, I was already a brat. So, I decided to practice sticking out my tongue in advance making me whistle, which was oddly long and pointed, like a serpent's.

After an interminable period in which I had already worked all the muscles I could, I heard the sounds of hooves approaching.

Setting aside my growing resentment, I hurried to the other end of my cradle, my yellow eyes wide open. "Brezzz?" 'Mom?'

My disappointment was immense when I saw something resembling my mother, but smaller and less welcoming. Its green eyes were locked onto mine, as if I had insulted its entire family.

I started to look down, but then remembered the promise I had made to myself: I would no longer be a victim of life.

I lifted my gaze with perfect confidence, conveying all the accumulated anger from my past life in my eyes, as my horn softly glow. "Bb zeee drezz!" 'Do you have a problem?' The creature took a slight step back, its expression showing shock, which made me smile.

It quickly placed a tray in my cradle before leaving the room, its eyes still fixed on me, "what is this larva?" he said worried.

Once the creature was gone, I looked at the small cubes of some kind of jelly arranged on the tray. After all the exercise I had done, I was a bit hungry. I approached the pieces and nibbled on the first one. It wasn't the best thing I'd ever eaten, but it satisfied my hunger.

The creature returned some time later to retrieve the tray, and my eyes followed it the whole way until it exited.

I allowed myself to fall asleep to rest my muscles and aid in digestion.

I was awakened by the sound of hooves, and I shot a murderous look at the intruder with green eyes before recognizing the familiar features. "Bzzz" 'Mom,' I murmured, rushing towards the nearest bars.

"You are definitely special, my Thunder." Thunder, that was the name she wanted to give me?

The green glow emanating from her horn lifted me once again, then gently set me down on the other side of the alcove. As soon as my body touched the ground, I moved as quickly as my newfound mastery of my muscles allowed, heading towards her.

Surprise painted her face. The same green glow lifted me and placed me in another corner of the room, my back turned to her.

Her surprise was even more evident when I pivoted to join her, looking at her with my large yellow eyes, straightening up a bit once I reached her. "You are truly unique, Thunder." She finally took me in her hoof. "I have big plans for you, my child..."

My heart raced, my thoughts a whirlwind. What did she mean by 'big plans'? What was my purpose in all of this?

She held me close, and I could feel her warmth. It was both comforting and unnerving. What awaited me in this new life, in this world so different from the one I knew?

As she gazed into my eyes, I couldn't help but feel a strange connection. Was it the bond between mother and child ?

I don't know how much time has passed since my hatching, but my mother brought me to see my brothers and sisters emerge from their eggs. Their first reaction was to hissed to each other. As my yellow eyes scanned the area, I couldn't help but notice a larva that remained slightly hidden in its shell.

But I promised myself that none of them would surpass me. I redoubled my efforts to master my body and speak my first words in the following days.

While my mother quickly came to check on me, I waited until she was near the exit to deliver my finest "Mom !"

Her steps stopped immediately, and she turned her head towards me. "Yes, Thunder, I am your mom, but I am your queen."

"Bzzz Queen ?"

I could read pride on her face before she left.

My body convulsed uncontrollably as I regurgitated the strange, green liquid, my screams echoing in the confined space. The taste was bitter and foul, burning my throat with each retch. Panic surged through me, my mind racing to comprehend what was happening.

"Queen!" I cried out, the word torn from my lips in desperation. It was a plea, a call for help, a desperate attempt to make sense of the nightmare unfolding around me, causing me to lose consciousness.

I opened my eyes in complete darkness. My body had changed. I could feel I now had four small legs and something on my back, and most importantly, I had a real mouth with sharp fangs!

Using all my strength, I shattered my cocoon into small pieces. Even though it was as dark as usual, I forced myself to stand on my legs, starting to get used to walking. I focused on lighting up my horn. To my surprise, it was easier than before, emitting a green light.

Once again, it seemed I was the first to emerge. "Mother will be delighted..." My voice came out naturally, but it was deep and resonant.

Where was my mother? I moved forward cautiously, step by step, getting used to my new body, looking for someone to point me in her direction. I passed under some sort of arch and found myself face to face with a armored changeling who was asleep. He was easily twice my size, but I didn't care. "You, where is the queen!"

The changeling startled in surprise, thrown backward, while my yellow eyes fixed on him with amusement...

Not surprisingly, I saw him get up angrily and raise one of his legs. I dodged his clumsy strike with a fluid motion. Unfortunately for him, even though I was shaky on my legs, it wasn't the first time I'd been hit. Although it was one of the first times I'd dodged, my head was filled with memories, moments when I'd had to face violence.

I lunged at him with all my weight and strength, but only managed to hurt my head, finding myself staring at the ceiling a second later. My newly acquired body demanded a mastery and strength I hadn't fully acquired yet.

The guard mocked me as he dusted off the spot on his armor where I had charged. "Good boy, now, go back into the hatching room before you hurt yourself," I felt a hoof grab me by the neck's carapace and a kick sent me flying back inside...

"I'll get my revenge," I murmured, focusing on my horn to produce light and on my legs, but my wings seemed unable to move. I would likely need help learning how to use them properly.