• Published 19th Oct 2023
  • 2,091 Views, 102 Comments

My new Changeling life - Leonedavis

Imprisoned in a life marked by solitude and monotony, he sees his existence shift into a surreal strangeness. A new opportunity to become someone better and happier ?

  • ...

8 Willpower And Badland

The desert stretched out before me, becoming increasingly relentless and hostile. Each step became a fierce struggle, the scorching sand under my hooves seeming to absorb every ounce of my energy. My exoskeleton, usually so sturdy, now appeared almost fragile, as if it were on the verge of giving way under the pressure.

The oppressive heat weighed on me, seemingly extracting every ounce of my resilience. Every breath was a challenge, the dry and arid air burning my lungs.

I knew I had to improve, to adapt to this desert that had become increasingly demanding. Every kilometer was a challenge, a test of my willpower and determination. The desert demanded everything from me, testing not only my physical strength but also my mental resilience.

As the mountains drew nearer, I almost instinctively stopped at every rock or shadow that the sun left behind, seeking to absorb the emotions of every little creature. Their taste always remained repugnant, leaving a disagreeable metallic sensation in my mouth.

Yet, I began to notice a difference. It was becoming easier for me to feed on their primal emotions, and I was even able to derive a little more energy from them than before.

The majestic mountains, the undulating dunes, the rocks sculpted by time... Each element of the desert found its place on the pages of my journal, immortalized by my sketches and annotations.

As I walked, a brownish hue began to invade the sky, rapidly dimming the sunlight. The wind grew increasingly fierce, swirling clouds of sand into the air. Sand grains whipped against my carapace and face, forcing me to close my eyes to shield myself from the onslaught of this impending sandstorm.

Fear began to grip me as I realized I was exposed in an unforgiving desert, without shelter or protection against the unleashed elements. The sandstorm gained strength, progressively shrouding the horizon, engulfing the landscape in a whirlwind of dust and wind.

Sand infiltrated everywhere, in my eyes, my mouth, my ears. Every step became a challenge as I struggled to move forward in this infernal squall. The wind howled in my ears, creating a deafening roar, and the temperature dropped sharply.

Visibility was reduced to just a few meters, with every object seeming to blend into a misty veil of swirling sand. The sandstorm had become a veritable hurricane, a display of nature's wrath.

I advanced in a disorganized manner through the swirl of sand, desperately seeking shelter. My steps were uncertain, my senses muddled by the raging storm. The wind roared in my ears, drowning the world in a deafening clamor.

Suddenly, I stumbled upon an invisible obstacle, thrown off balance by the unstable ground beneath my hooves. I felt myself lurch forward, sand rushing into my eyes and mouth. The fall was abrupt, my limbs colliding with the rocky ground.

I opened my eyes, taking a deep breath, feeling the characteristic dampness of the underground reminding me in part of the hive's air. It was as if I had just plunged into a whole different world, far from the searing heat of the desert.

My eyes slowly adjusted to the dimness of the cave. I could make out the contours of the rocky walls and the sand-covered floor; it was a natural and humid crevasse, an unexpected sanctuary.

I got up, somewhat clumsily, moving with the agility of an old pony. Every movement was cautious, as if the cave had suddenly decided to play hide-and-seek with my hooves.

I muttered to myself, "Well, this is an unexpected way to find shelter!"

As I ventured deeper into the cave, a faint yet brilliant glow emanated from the walls. My eyes widened in wonder as I discovered the source of this light: a multitude of shimmering crystals lining the cave's walls.

Iridescent reflections danced on the crystals, creating a display of colors that brightened the darkness. Every imaginable hue, from deep blue to vibrant purple to shimmering green, was represented in this symphony of light. It was as if the cave itself was breathing, alive and pulsing with magic.

I reached out a hoof to touch one of the crystal formations, feeling its smooth and cool surface beneath my hooves. I made some quick sketches in my journal, attempting to capture even a fraction of the magic of this place.

I took a few crystals with me, trying my best not to disturb this place more than necessary.

I emerged from the crevasse, the snow-capped mountains drawing nearer with every step. Each stride brought me closer to my ultimate goal in these unforgiving Badlands.

I searched for prey to quell the gnawing hunger. Desert creatures seemed scarcer here, but I had become more adept at hunting them.

As I pressed on, the landscape continued to transform. The scorching sands of the Badlands gave way to rough rock and rugged terrain. Climbing and flying became essential to progress.

Amidst my progress, I noticed peculiar rock formations, sculpted by time and the elements. The shades of color in the stone seemed to tell an ancient tale.

Suddenly, a stealthy movement caught my eye to the right. I pivoted sharply, ready to face whatever might be lurking in the mountain's recesses. It could have been a desert creature or simply a trick of light playing tricks on my senses.

My heart raced, senses on high alert. I advanced cautiously, each step bringing me closer to the mystery that had piqued my interest.

Gradually, the source of the movement revealed itself. It was a small creature, almost reptilian in appearance, darting among the rocks. Its scales gleamed in the waning sunlight. I stopped to observe it, fascinated by this life that seemed to thrive even in the harshest conditions, deciding not to feed on it. I continued my ascent.

Finally, after two days of effort, I reached an elevated plateau, offering a spectacular view. In the distance, a massive wooden structure loomed, much larger than most of the dwellings I had glimpsed thus far.

Curiosity overcame caution, and I approached this strange construction. By soaring above, I observed the structure from the top. It was bowl-shaped, and its interior seemed spacious.

A nest! My heart raced at this discovery. It was an unusual place for a nest, and what kind of bird builds its nest with logs? Strangely, after the worm incident, I didn't really feel like finding out...

Quickly sketching it before considering descending the mountain, knowing that with a creature like that nearby, it would be impossible.

A part of me was frustrated to leave the mountain, but another knew it was the best decision. At worst, I could come back to finish my exploration when the time was right...

As I descended the mountain range with caution, I couldn't help but think of the danger I may have avoided by leaving the mountain in time. The noises from above grew louder, indicating intense commotion, but I preferred not to linger to find out what it was.

The descent was a daunting task. Slippery rocks and steep slopes made every step delicate. I had to be careful not to lose my balance. Fortunately, my wings served to maintain my stability and catch me if needed.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, I touched down on solid ground once more. I was both exhausted and disappointed by this adventure. My gaze lingered one last time on the mountain I had just descended, silently promising myself to return and finish what I had started.

The days passed slowly, marked by the relentless rhythm of the desert. I found myself gradually adapting to this new environment, with its dangers and wonders. Hunger was still present, but I took some comfort in the fact that I could now tolerate the taste of the primitive emotions I had to absorb to survive.

Every night, when the stars glittered above me, I resumed my journal, noting the day's discoveries, sketching the creatures and landscapes that crossed my path. My initial goal, learning to control my bestial nature, was in my eyes accomplished but I forced myself to stay in this desert for another week, continuing to walk, following the mountains that stretched into infinity, determined to discover new wonders and satisfy my insatiable curiosity.

Hunger remained, but it was now a familiar companion, a part of me that I had learned to accept, and it would remain so once I left this place.

I headed towards the exit of the Badlands, a smile on my face...