• Published 16th Nov 2023
  • 3,143 Views, 297 Comments

Man in a Pony’s World - Nugget27

A human arrived in Equestria and becomes a wanted criminal. He tries to redeem himself.

  • ...

The Train Ride Home

By the time the two royals and filly, ended up being carried by Luna on her back, they were quickly directed towards the hospital room that Bob was in. Celestia was sitting just outside of the room, her usually beautiful mane was frazzled a little.


“Luna… I’m sorry,” the Princess whispered. Her mane quickly found its way back to its normal state and a huge smile plastered itself on her face. “Okay, I am not going to do that kind of prank. Bob’s mostly fine after all our healing spells… The problem is his brain. The doctors are just doing a few checks to make sure that he’s fine.”

“Ugh…” Bolt Strike slowly raised his head. “What… Urgh. My head-” Chrysalis pulled the stallion’s head out of the gym bag before hitting it with a newspaper. With her prisoner sufficiently knocked out again, she shoved the bastard’s head back in the bag.

“Chrysalis, that is almost illegal,” Celestia said with a small hint of a grin. She couldn’t do anything due to who legally captured the stallion, and frankly, she doesn’t care either. For all the Princess’s faults, she loathes ponies that would strike at a foal, or a child as humans seem to call their youth. So what the stallion was getting was, in her mind, what he rightfully deserved.

“And he tried to kill a subject of my country. We’re both holding trials for this piece of shit; however, I get the right to decide what to do with him until his trial starts.”

“I know, which is why I am not stopping you from doing this. Had you not gotten to this awful, awful pony first, I would’ve done far worse than beat Tartarus into him," Celestia admits.

“I would’ve killed him,” Luna admits. “I am a Princess, I can skip the trial if I want to. Hurting a minor in such a horrible fashion… Bob is a child, Tia. No child should be laying in a hospital bed with ribs that were broken not too long ago or with his head cracked open.”

The stallion made another noise, and surprisingly, Zippy punched the gym bag, roughly where her dad’s groin was within. “I hate you,” the filly growled.

“Thatta girl,” Chrysalis encouraged. Both the Pony Princesses shook their heads at the Queen’s insistence on being a horrible influence to the filly.

“If I ever become a dam,” Zippy starts with a snort. “And my husband dared attack my foal’s special somepony, I will rip my husband a new one and divorce him right after.” Zippy growled… before she realized what she just said. “Uh… You three won’t tell Bob about that, right? He’s a good friend, not a special somepony.” Luna and Celestia seemed a bit hesitant to tease the girl.

“I won’t say a word,” Chrysalis said.

“He’s conscious, your highnesses.” The doctor said after the door opened. “Don’t jump on him; you could potentially break his ribs again if you do. He shouldn’t have a concussion, so he should be good to go by tonight.”

Upon going in, Bob had his arm in a sling, and the top of his forehead was wrapped in bandages. Before Anypony could speak, Chrysalis was the first to speak with a huge, shit eating grin on her face.

“Hey Bob,” the Queen greeted.

“When did you get here?”

“I’m the reason why you’re not dead… partially,” the Queen explains.

“Oh… Stop by Ponyville when one of my arms isn’t fucked. I need to rub your belly for that.”

“You’d do it even if I didn’t save your life… By the way,” Chrysalis nudged Zippy with a hoof. “She has a crush on you!” The filly squealed before running out the room, while Bob just sat there with a dumb look on his face.

“That was mean, Chrysalis,” Celestia said.

“I know. I’m a mother, Tia. It’s my job to embarrass foals.”

“That is true…” Zippy walked back and set her top half on the bed. She nuzzled Bob a bit and the two had a quiet conversation. It ended with her planting a kiss on Bob’s cheeks, and him blushing. Now that the girl was closer, she noticed that Bob’s shirt was removed. She looked up and down the human, noting every scar he had, yet also taking in every muscle that Bob had… She liked how well toned they were…

Now, Bob was as red as a beat; Zippy whispered something else while the Royals just watched Bob like a bunch of proud parents…

“I think Bob found his first special somepony. Rainbow Dash is sure to follow suit,” Chrysalis giggled. “That poor colt is going to suffer.

A few days later, Bob and Zippy were sitting together on the train back to Canterlot. She, her dam, and two other moms(along with a younger sister), were in the train car ahead of them. They were heading to Canterlot with the human for the trial of Bolt Strike, after he had attacked Bob. Luckily for the human, Celestia and Luna’s efforts in healing Bob as soon as they could, and with a quick scan at the hospital, the human was mostly fine. Save for having to take it easy; a healing spell can make a huge difference, but there was still some room that Bob’s body had to recover from.

For instance, his right arm was actually broken, and a few healing spells made it so it just needed to be put in a cast for a couple of weeks instead of having to wear a cast and a sling for nearly six weeks. There were some bandages around the human’s head. Bob was spared from having a concussion, but his head wasn’t healed all the way.

Aside from those injuries, which would be healed in a week or two at the latest, the human was fine.

“You want me to meet your mothers?” Bob asked, not getting up from his seat. Due to him being injured, the filly was the only pony present that could safely cuddle with the human without accidentally making things worse for him.

“Of course! I promise you, you’ll at least love my dam. She is the sweetest pony you could ever meet!”

“I dunno, Luna is pretty sweet,” the human mused. Chrysalis was laying with Celestia and Luna on a couch. The Queen and the Princess were snuggled up together. For once, Chrysalis seemed content to allow her marefriend to cuddle with her while sleeping; Luna’s sleep schedule was an absolute mess because of the trip, so she was trying to get back to sleeping during the days so she can resume her duties at night(and assist Celestia during day court with the aid of some very strong coffee).

Beside the bed is Bolt Strike, that Chrysalis had taken into her custody; as in he was still stuffed inside of a gym bag and regularly whacked across the head to keep him knocked out. The Princesses didn’t initially agree with the Queen’s methods, but she is the one who initially arrested the stallion to begin with, so they couldn’t do much to say otherwise. The Queen did get bored of repeatedly knocking out the stallion, and didn’t want to kill him(yet), so she hit him with a sedation spell.

Another reason the rest of Bolt Strike’s family was coming, aside from the trials, Hive and Equestrian courts are still two separate entities, that was going to end in one way. The family had tagged along while Zippy’s mothers all agreed to cast the horrible stallion out of the family. After hearing what he had done, from their eldest daughter, and were completely done. Having the Princesses immediately sign their files would allow them to skip over the whole divorce problem.

Obviously the mothers were sticking together in marriage, but Bolt Strike was flat out of luck… Assuming the punishments that Chrysalis had in mind for the stallion even left him alive by when they’re put into place.

“I bet you’ll still love my dam despite that!” Zippy coaxed. “She’s nicer than my Dad at least.” The human hummed. He was laid out on the couch, with an ice pack laid out on his head while he kept his arm on. Zippy had opted to simply lay across his legs.

“I’ll be meeting your whole family, bud. Not just your dam.”

“I know; they’ll probably like you too. Just don’t be weird and talk about philosophy again! It was really strange!”

“Hey, I’m mentally ill and spent a lot of time alone; I’m a wee bit insane and think aloud sometimes!”

“Mentally… Ill? Like your brain is ill?” Zippy asked.

“It’s a thing humans have, for instance, I have something called ADD, dunno what it means, but basically I have thoughts all the time, and I can’t stop thinking. I also can’t shut the hell up once you get me going on a topic I care about. I think Rainbow Dash has it.”

“As in… The Rainbow Dash, the Bearer of Loyalty?” The Elements of Harmony chose to ride in a normal car for the trip back to Canterlot; they wanted to give the Royals and Bob privacy for some reason. And because there wasn’t enough room for all six mares and a couch that Bob could be laid horizontally on. So despite Rainbow’s insistence, the six mares ended up in the same car as Zippy’s family.


“Can you introduce me?”

“Sure, they’re my friends… Hmm, that is an idea for an album.”


“An album about each Element of Harmony.”

“I’d… listen to it. I like your singing voice.”

The human’s cheeks were now red. Usually, he didn’t get flustered when complemented, he’d just groan at the praise, or roll with it… “Thanks,” the human smiled.

“Hey! I made you blush!” The filly giggled. “I’ll go get my family.” Upon hearing that, Chrysalis took Bolt Strike’s bag and shoved it in a luggage compartment. A changeling came out of nowhere with a dog cage, before it took Bolt Strike’s form and crawled in, locking itself inside. The filly gingerly hopped down from the couch that Bob was laid down on. She kissed his cheek again, leaving a sputtering human before running out to the train car ahead of them.

Moments later, a unicorn who had a pink coat and a violet mane walked in. She had an oven on her flanks, as her cutie mark. Currently, she was trying her best to ignore the filly that was pushing her inside the royal train car while two other mares walked in. One of them almost looked like a less fit version of Apple Jack, same coat, same mane tail style and color. She was a little shorter than Apple Jack and was actually a unicorn as well. She dawned a book of some sort as her cutie mark.

Upon her back was a sleepy filly who looked almost exactly like Scootaloo if she were a unicorn. Though her mane looked styled a bit more like Sweetie Belle’s, just a little curlier.

Following that mare was another, who, if you put her in a room with Twilight Velvet, you’d mistake them to be twins. She was a buff unicorn, on her flanks was a spear, and her mane was just like Twilight Velvet’s in color, though it was cut short; her tail looked about the same as both of the Twilights that Bob knew of. “Jeezs Zippy, what’s gotten you so worked up,” the third mare asked. She had a rather… southern accent, a rarity given she lives in a town that is somewhat far north.

“Look!” Zippy ran ahead of her mothers and dam, before stopping before Bob. “This is the colt I was talking about!”

“That doesn't look like a colt. Are you certain you don’t need glasses?” The third one teased again. “You did mistake jelly for peanut butter one day. Perhaps you’re color blind.”

“Mom! That was one time, and it was dark!” Zippy crossed her forelegs and pouted.

“So you’re that colt that our soon-to-be-ex-husband attacked?” The third mare asked. “I would like to apologize for his actions… Given that I am a part of the local guard, with my husband being on the reserves, he should know better than to attack others that can’t fight back… though he did break a pegasus’s wings once… I’m Pike Shaft, I’m the ‘third wife’ of that bastard over there.”

“I think your husband’s just racist,” Bob shrugged. “I’m Bob, and before you yell at the thing in the cage, that’s a changeling pretending to be your piece-o-shit husband. Your husband’s actually stuck in a gym bag, in a luggage compartment next to Queen Chrysalis,” the human gestured to the Queen who was giving the family an innocent look.

“Now Bob, I would never treat a prisoner so poorly… Until recently, that is.”

“Can we see him?” The first mare asked, who Bob was assuming Zippy’s dam.

“He is rather… beaten up. I might have… stomped on his forelegs until I heard a ‘snap’, kicked him in the chest, and punched him in the face several times.” Chrysalis mused. “It’s a wonder, with how fragile unicorns usually are, that I didn’t accidentally kill him. It would’ve been a mercy compared to what’s to come.”

“Why?” Zippy’s dam asked. “I just want to spit on him, like he did to me a few weeks ago before he tried hitting me… until Pike stepped in.”

“He is facing trials for the same crime he committed against Bob twice, Mrs. Carte,” Celestia said. “While by law, he must be tried in an Equestrian court, Bob is legally a citizen of another country as well as Equestria. Since Chrysalis was the one who apprehended your husband, and due to the crimes he committed against her citizen, she’s allowed to put him on trial as soon as he is found guilty of assaulting a minor. I’m hearing domestic abuse is going to be added to the list of charges,” Princess Celestia answered. “She will be ruling the punishments as well.”

“And he abused one of his mates,” Chrysalis hums. “I am not shocked at all. Trust me when I say every mate should be loved and cherished. You list a torture method, and I will add it to what I am already going to do to this pile of filth,” the Queen pulled the bag out of the luggage which landed with a ‘thud’. She unzipped it, before pulling out the groaning, barely conscious stallion’s head out of the bag.

What shocks Bob is that none of his wives, or children, seem to even bat an eye or react… The second wife, or the one that isn’t Zippy’s dam or Pike, has a black eye.

“Jesus christ, how fucking horrible of a pony was he?” Bob asked.

“He pretended to be nice when he first started dating every one of us,” Carte growled. “Then once we joined the herd, he started trying to beat us and made us keep quiet. Pike is the only one here who he couldn’t hit, and she did her best to keep the rest of us safe… though with her line of work, it’s hard for her to be there all the time.”

“Jesus christ…” Bob growled. “With how much my Dad talked about my Mom, it sounded like he was devastated when she passed away. He loved her… You don’t beat somebody up after vowing to spend the rest of your life comforting and cherishing them. That… that just doesn’t sit right with me.” That actually got Carte to smile.

“I believe we got a bit carried away,” Pike said, socking her husband in the jaw, knocking a tooth out of it. “You and our daughter are datin’ right?” She asked.

“We started after I woke up in the hospital. It’s weird, for a lot of reasons, but I’m willing to put it aside. I also know the two of us literally just got started, and I’m apparently dating Rainbow Dash too, dunno how that’s gonna work. But… We’re doing it, and I think Rainbow won’t mind given that she probably prefers mares, and I think Zippy’s a fan of her.”

“Well, the Elements Bearers are national heroes…” Carte mused. “I know she finds Rainbow to be the prettiest of the six, which is ironic given that I believe the Element of Generosity, Rarity I believe, is a fashionista.”

“They were in the train car with ya, I’m sure they wouldn’t mind a meet and greet with you guys,” Bob suggests.

“It would be rude. It seems like the six of them were worrying about something… if you’re friends with, and dating one of’em, we can assume they’re worried about you.”

Rainbow Dash trotted in, glaring up a storm until… she paused. “Wait, why were you guys storming in here? Nopony’s fighting!”

“Somepony,” Carte nuzzled Bob, who was actually shocked at how soft she was. “Is dating my daughter.”

“Oh… Wait, Bob, what about us?”

“I thought polygamy was a thing,” Bob answered.

“It is… We’re all going to be dating, right?” Rainbow asked. Bob nodded. “It’ll be a bit weird to be dating-”

“I got my cutie mark, I’m sixteen. I can consent,” Zippy points out.


“Also give Zippy a bit to get used to you,” Bob adds. “She’s a fan of yours and thinks you’re pretty.” Now, both ponies were blushing rather heavily. “So, what are you three doing after your husband gets shipped off to somewhere worse than hell?”

“We were thinking of selling our home and moving to a smaller town,” Pike spoke up, clearly the lead mare. The second hadn’t even spoken, and she was apparently responsible for keeping the herd safe from their shitty husband and sire.

“Ponyville would be nice,” the second one spoke up. “It sounds quieter, and you could probably become a captain of the town’s guard. On top of that,” she genuinely smiles. “Zippy would be closer to her special somepones.”

“That is a good argument, Fritters. Though transitioning-”

“I can get it set up for you three,” Celestia and Luna say at the same time, before chuckling.

“We can have guards move anything you wish, and rent a home out to you for a bit a year until you and your family get settled in. I can give a good word for you should you apply to the Royal Guard, or the Ponyville Guard, which should instantly land you a job.”

“And Pinkie probably wouldn’t mind another coworker,” Bob points out, gesturing to Carte

“Oh my, first my daughter and then me? A little adventurous, I see!”


“You stared at my cutie mark, where is that located, young stallion?” Carte asks with a tease.

“Okay, this is getting fucking weird. What the fuck-”

“I’m just pullin’ your leg. I just need you to promise me something should you and Zippy and Rainbow get to the point of marrying-”

“Keep’em safe, take care of your daughter. Trust me, the very moment I hurt Zippy is the moment I’m probably better off in a gym bag like your husband,” Bob answers. “I can’t promise the most stable income though, with me being a musician. I’ve been saving every bit I make though, which…”

“It’s nearly thirty grand, Bob. I did your taxes for you,” Luna points out. “You could buy a house and probably retire at the age if… now with two, maybe three wives.” She bobbed her eyebrows. “If you don’t overspend and budget well.” That gets a whistle out of Pike.

“Holy sweet mother of Celestia,” the guardmare was agape. “I didn’t know you were rich!”

“I didn’t either!” Zippy yelled.

“I didn’t know I even had that many bits!” Bob throws his good arm in the air. “Well darn…”

“You do realize that the mares are the breadwinners in the house, right?” Carte asked.

“And stallions, or guys, are the breadwinners amongst humans. I’d feel weird if I couldn't at least spoil your daughter to hell and back every now and then.”

“Fair enough. Though I’m sure you already do that enough,” Bob looked down to see that his good hand was idly stroking Zippy’s ears; the filly was sitting there with a drunken smile while blissfully humming as she got an ear massage.

“Her Dad pounced on me because I did this, and you’re cool with it. What the actual… I don’t care, actually. Dude probably didn’t even know how to treat a woman,” he points at Fritters. “That’s a black eye, ain’t it?”

“...Out of all of us, I’m the easiest mare to pick on,” Fritters admits. “I’m not much of a fighter; I’m a cook, a baker… I just want to sit at the dinner table, watching my family enjoy a meal that I cooked for them. Then my husband comes home after a ‘rough day’ which just involves the bartender not giving him an extra shot, and he usually ends up coming home first since he only works part time at a Hayburgers; he’s a reserve for the guard so he isn’t always working for them… or paid for his ‘services’.”

The mothers all walked up to Bob, one at a time, and nuzzled him and wished him luck when it came to dating the ‘little terror’. When they were done, the human was left alone on the couch again with Zippy. Rainbow Dash figured she could lay on his legs, as those were the only things on Bob’s body that everypony knew, for sure, weren't broken. Unicorns, being relatively lighter compared to earth ponies, and pegasi being even lighter than that, made it somewhat safe for them to cuddle with Bob.

Especially after Luna hit Bob’s bones with a few, permanent, enchantments to make his bones stronger.

Bob was her human, and she was going to ensure he couldn’t get injured again.

By the time they got to Canterlot, it was already sundown, Zippy got a real kick after watching the Royal Pony Sisters do their whole sun and moon ritual. They all piled out and settled down for the night. Bob, despite wanting to, was denied Luna Snuggle TIme because she ‘might accidentally roll on top of him and break something again’. So he was forced into cuddling up with Zippy and Rainbow Dash for the night. While Bob wasn’t complaining, he still would’ve liked to have Luna there…

But hey, he got to cuddle with his herd at least…

The human laid in thought, with two adorable mares laying across his legs, like Rainbow Dash was, or had their snout jammed into his armpit like Zippy was. While he could very easily think of the two ponies he was snuggling with as people, his human brain felt a little conflicted. On one hand, Dash and Zippy were more than just some dumb animals, and were very pretty… With Zippy having a tried and true mane and coat color of yellow and black, while Rainbow’s… well, rainbow mane and tail were awesome. The human was having a hard time distinguishing them from ‘pretty animal’ and ‘pretty ladies’.

Granted, he was sure Rainbow and Zippy were having a hard time finding him physically attractive, so he must be acting in some way shape, or form that the two like. The human didn’t know what he was doing, but he’ll just keep being him if it means having somebody to love. Two somebodies, in this case.

Another thing, polygamy. Having two girlfriends, who were already getting along, was weird. While in some countries, that was a normal, everyday thing, that definitely wasn’t the case anywhere in North America. But… he could love two ponies and neither of them would give him a hard time. Possibly three when he’s twenty, since Luna’s very much stated her interest in him. Bob kissed Zippy, since she was the only one he could kiss without sitting up, but didn’t hesitate to give Rainbow a quick ear scratch with his good arm.

“You can’t sleep, can you?” Rainbow asked, her eyes cracked open slightly, and ZIppy did as well.

“Human things,” Bob said dismissively. “Okay, that clearly can’t be an excuse,” he sighed. Zippy pulled herself away from the human, sitting next to Rainbow who sat up and yawned. “You two know how I’m not from this world, I’m assuming. It’s one of the first things I told both of you guys.”

“...Oh,” Rainbow, while she wasn’t the smartest pony in the room, quickly caught on.

“You said ponies exist where you came from, didn’t you?” Zippy asked.

“Yeah. They weren’t anything like the ponies here. Less colorful, smaller eyes…” The human looked them both in the eyes. “Less intelligent. Like humans, on Earth, are the only sapient creatures on the planet. Everything’s-”

“Sapient? Don’t you mean sentient?” Rainbow asked.

“‘Sentient’ means a being can feel. For instance, a dog can think and feel emotions. You wouldn’t consider said dog to be as smart as… say Scootaloo. It can’t reason like a normal pony, or human can.”

“Yeah, I love Tank, but I wouldn’t call him the smartest buddy in the world,” Rainbow admits.

“Well, sapience goes with sentience. I would consider you sapient, because you can think and reason. You can use logic. On Earth, humans are the only things on the planet that are both sentient, and sapient. We knew we existed, but we wanted to know why we existed. Where most animals saw the stars and thought ‘time to go to sleep’ humans thought about touching said stars and went and did it…”

“So ponies on earth aren’t smart, at all?” Zippy asked.

“Yeah… And I dunno how it is for you two, but I’m… I’m gonna be real. I find you both to be really pretty, but my stupid brain and upbringing can’t find you attractive.”

“Hey, I stuck around because you were genuinely nice, you’re pretty damn humble,” Rainbow admits. “You just happened to be nice and say… a lot of nice things about me.”

“You were just really nice,” Zippy hums. “You called me fluffy.”

“...That’s a good thing.”

“It is, it’s how stallions flirt,” Rainbow says while smirking. She quickly becomes serious. “Seriously Bob, as long as the three of us, maybe four if Princess Luna joins us in the future, get along it’s fine. You love us, don’t you?”

“I love ya Rainbow, I need a wee bit more time with Zippy, but I do like her, almost love her… No offense, Zips.”

“It’s fine,” the filly nuzzles into Bob’s chest, being careful of his broken arm. “We did really only get the chance to talk to each other over the course of a few days. I do love you though.” She cooed when a jaw scratch was his answer to that. “A little harder please?” The human was more than willing to comply

“Hey, you two have arms!” Rainbow pouted.


“Bob, I’m joking. One of your arms is broken; I don’t know about you, but I don’t think you should take it out of its cast just to scratch my jaw.” She walked around Bob and slowly pulled him down, until he was using the side of the pegasus’s belly as a pillow. “I think it’s time we both show how much we like you, Bob.” Zippy and Rainbow grinned maliciously before they started grooming the human’s head…

It felt nice, admittedly.

“Oh… that is weirdly nice,” the human closed his eyes, and before long, he was fast asleep.

Meanwhile, Celestia, Luna and Chrysalis were discussing Bolt Strike’s fate.

“I’ll just take him,” the Queen suggests. “He is my prisoner, and you two were going to hold his trial since the fool comitted a crime in front of both of you.”

“That is completely fair, it is a private trial, after all…” Celestia mused. “What were you planning on doing to him?”

“Things that would be considered illegal to do to anypony in the dungeons. Namely torture, being beaten, and then becoming a love slave for my changelings to feed on.”

“Very well, Chrysalis. Do take care!” Celestia waved as the Queen walked up and nuzzled Luna on the nose, before fully kissing her.

While Luna was concerned with Chrysalis being a future wife of hers, she could admit that watching Chrysalis beat Tartarus into Bolt Strike was rather attractive… So she returned the kiss. “Don’t worry, Luna. I am aware of how poor my treatment of you, up to this point was. It has… it's been a while since I last had a mate. Do forgive me if I am rough around the edges,” the Queen whispered. Her ears flattened. “And sorry for dragging you through Canterlot, on your face, on Hearts and Hooves day.”

“...You know?”

“Of course I do, I can sense your emotions, dear. While I didn’t let it show, I did know what you were feeling… And I’m not an idiot. I will start trying to treat you better.” She nuzzled Luna. “You, me, tomorrow night. I will cook something for you.”

“That… actually sounds kind of nice.” The two nuzzled each other before the Queen took Bolt Strike, who was still in the gym bag, in her magic and trotted towards the balcony. She jumped off and started buzzing away into the night.


“I didn’t think that would work so well,” Rainbow was laughing. Despite the constant moving of his sentient pillow, Bob didn’t stir.

“The first colt I groom, and he ends up falling asleep,” Zippy giggled. “Hey look,” the human, with his good arm, latched onto Rainbow’s right foreleg, and was holding onto it. The pair of mares giggled, before they nuzzled into their special somepony to finally get some sleep in them as well.

Author's Note:

so now bob’s in a herd. i’m not gonna suddenly turn this story in anything nsfw, nor will there suddenly be sex scenes or implied sex scenes.

Bob and Zippy are nearly 17, and while they are technically legal in Equestria, that doesn’t mean i’m cool with writing such scenes with them.

i also plan on hopefully writing these relationships to the point where Bob doesn’t feel weird about dating ponies.

Meanwhile, Luna and Chryssy might become a better couple… if Chryssy treats her mare well.