• Published 16th Nov 2023
  • 3,200 Views, 306 Comments

Man in a Pony’s World - Nugget27

A human arrived in Equestria and becomes a wanted criminal. He tries to redeem himself.

  • ...

Bob Becomes a Pony for a Day

Bob stared down Twilight, Zippy, and Rainbow Dash while they were laying in front of him. Twilight was perfectly loafing on a cushion while Bob’s two marefriends were snuggling together on a cushion. Before the alicorn was a book in front of her. Rainbow and Zippy were giving Bob huge puppy eyes. Twilight’s tail was wagging in anticipation; she was also hoping Bob would say yes to the question. What was the question? Well…

“You want to turn me into a pony for a day?”

“Of course we do!” Twilight clapped her hooves. “I always wanted to have a little brother that’s actually willing to cuddle with me, and now I can groom your mane while we do!”

“And we want to see what you would look like as a stallion!” Zippy got up and started prancing. “Oh, I bet you would be so handsome!” She squealed.

“I do too!” Rainbow clapped her hooves.

Bob looked between the three mares, who all were now loafing in front of him, wagging their tails and giving him the same look. Now, Bob could easily say no… in any normal circumstance. When faced with ponies that are normally cute, it’s pretty easy to do. Three mares? It gets a little harder. Three mares giving you puppy eyes? Bob opened his mouth and started saying ‘no’ only to stop when each one of them gave Bob some sad eyes. Bob raised his finger and took another breath, before slumping. “I guess I’ll be a pony for the day.” Every single pony in the room gave Bob a big, wide smile that Bob usually would think is cute.

“Fucking ponies…” Bob grumbled. “You three are so fucking lucky that you are really cute, or I would be a lot more against this. Just for a day, alright?”

“Of course. If you want to become human and never be a pony again, we will never bother you about this again!’ Twilight agreed. Her horn lit up and a spell hit Bob dead on, making everything fade-no, it just hurt a lot-Bob screamed and passed out from the pain of having his biology be changed against his will. He fell on his face and laid there for a few moments… A flash of light struck Bob from the heavens, shocking everypony, he immediately turned into a pony soon afterwards. The now stallion lay there for a moment before he slowly got up, rubbing the back of his head with his hoof.

“Fuck… I feel like I got every got stepped on by a horse, every little joint… actually I feel good, just like I got shocked by something…”

While Bob sat up and got his bearings, Zippy, Twilight, and Rainbow were taking in the… human turned pony’s new form. He was a simple earth pony, no wings, no horn, nothing. His cutie mark… was a musical note. While pony Bob and human Bob shared the same mane and hair color, it was messy, spiky even. The tail was equally not tidy; they were pretty average looking for a stallion of Bob’s age. Once more, the stallion before them was… actually somewhat muscular. By no means was he a giant, like Big Macintosh, but he wasn’t just the average earth pony either. In otherwords, Bob looked like somepony who was fit, but didn’t actively work out.

He was a fair bit shorter, even shorter than Twilight when she was a unicorn, despite him seeming like a biological adult.

“Oh god,” Bob raised a hoof to his chest. He then began to go down his whole vocal range before hitting the lower notes. He started coughing up a fit, before quickly grabbing a cup of water that was kept nearby, and downing it. “My voice actually works a little differently apparently,” he rasped. “Oh, my voice is naturally deeper than usual, and… it feels like so much of my voice is stuck in my throat and cheeks.”

“Isn’t that where your vocal chords are? Why wouldn’t your voice be in your throat?” Twilight asked, taking out a pen and a notebook.

“Well, for the most part, yeah, my voice is in my throat. However, human males tend to have deeper voices, so those tend to resonate deeper in said throat, and in most cases, in the chest. Human females tend to have higher pitched voices, like mares do, so their voice is usually way higher up, almost a ‘head voice’ if you will.” Bob lifted his head, exposing his neck before speaking, and speaking, with every sentence going down an octave. Soon, he hit a low note, lower than even Big Mac could manage. “Oh, I have to force my voice so much further back to get that low.”

“Well, if it’s any consolation,” Zippy nuzzled into Bob’s side. “You still have a lovely voice as a stallion, just as you did as a human.”

“But singing, and even talking, sound and feel so unnatural right now.” Bob hummed. “That’s probably why I couldn’t really teach Big Mac how to hit those low notes; he has to push so much further back to even begin doing a chest voice.” The stallion slowly looked down at his free hoof. “Huh, I’m holding a glass without-” the glass slipped out off his hoof and shattered on the ground. “Hands. God dammit!” Bob groaned as Twilight’s magic fixed the glass and promptly levitated over to the sink.

“So,” Rainbow started. “Who gets Bob first?”

“I do!” Twilight raised her hoof. “He’s my little brother, and I want to groom that mane of his!”

“What’s wrong with my mane? It’s like my hair; spiky and black.”

“Well, I just want to, and it would make me happy.” Bob raised a hoof to protest, but decided against it. He got his legs under himself, before trotting, and tripping over himself, over to Twilight’s cushion. After a few face plants, trips, and a new range of human curse words later, Bob was snuggled up to Twilight, while Rainbow and Zippy went back to snuggling, together and glaring, at the alicorn. Twilight promptly draped a wing over Bob, which felt great, and put a foreleg on Bob’s neck to make him lower himself.

What followed was stallion puddy, while Twilight, Zippy, and even Rainbow Dash took turns grooming, licking, and doing what mares do to the stallions they love. Despite how average looking Bob was, below average given his stature, Zippy and Rainbow Dash were quick to find Bob’s temporary form to be very attractive. Meanwhile, Twilight was just happy that her little brother was now a pony, even if it was just for a day.

Several hours later, Bob was humming, and opening his mouth at random intervals while Spike was cooking up lunch. Rainbow looked up from her book, while snuggled up to her stallion, and glared at him.

“What are you doing?”

“Finding my natural ‘mixed singing voice’. I wanna figure out how to actually sing like this,” Bob explained. “Ain’t no way in hell can I ever play the guitar like this, but I may as well figure out singing should I ever want to be like this again.” He hummed and opened his mouth before singing a silly little tune. “Found it. God, it feels weird to be in the second octave and still have it be in my throat.”

“That’s what she said,” Rainbow giggled. “Why are you trying to learn how to sing? We all know you probably won’t want to turn back into a pony after today.”

“Who knows? If the musician life ain’t for me, I could be a pretty good music teacher. Can’t teach foals how to sing if I don’t know how their vocal cords work, can I?”

“...I guess that’s a good point. You’re still an egghead for knowing so much about music playing-”

“Hey, my ‘talents’ got us hitched together.”

“And why did you use quotation marks, Bob?” Twilight asked. “You’re a good musician-”

“If I were only able to sing, I’d be pretty decent. If I could only play guitar, I’d still be decent. My skills come from being able to play so many instruments, Twilight. I can single handedly play an entire orchestra if I had a way to record and layer what I play, but I’m not a master at any one instrument. I’m the jack of all traits. Need a singer? I’m your guy. Need a pianist and can’t find anyone else? I can do that too. Need a drummer? I’m here all week. I’m not a master-level pianist though. I’m not the best singer you’ll ever hear. I’m not the best drummer to ever kick a drum.”

“But you’re still good at making music!” Rainbow pointed out. “I love everything you make… mostly because I love you.”

“Dammit Rainbow, that was cheesy!” Bob nipped Rainbow.

“But it’s true,” Zippy pointed out, resting half upper half over the pegasus and earth pony. “You know how to write music, and seem to know a lot about vocal techniques that most ponies don’t even know about. And,” Zippy pulled out the laptop that Bob had gotten during his time in the Mirror World. She opened it up and immediately booted up a project that Bob was working on. It was some sort of song Bob was writing for a musical he was also writing. “You sound like two different ponies every line and it sounds cool!”

“That’s because I know more about music writing now, than I probably ever would have if I never came to Equestria. I have nothing else to pour my free time into, so I studied how a majority of other people’s songs, that I like singing, are made.” The stallion chuckled. “Tangent aside, I want to teach kids how to sing if I ever give up the musician life. At least then I can do something kinda fun, and help people out at the same time. Hell, depending on how many bits I pull in before I ‘retire’, I might not even charge teaching fees. Since I’m figuring this shit out, I’ll be able to help and teach singing far better.”

“...D’aw,” Zippy held her hooves up to her cheeks. “Do you think you can teach me how to sing?”

“I could give you the basics, but I can’t be super useful; your voice is literally two octaves higher than my own voice.”

Spike walked out of the kitchen with everypony’s lunch. “You know,” he started. “You look way cooler as a pony. As a human, you look so weird.”

“...What?” Bob asked.

“Yeah, some of the girls were talking about it at Rarity’s-”

“What the fuck?” Bob asked.

“Well, you know how Rarity is, always gossiping and stuff.”

“...What else did she say about me?” Bob shook his head. “I’ll find out eventually. If it’s anything bad, then I will be mad; you don’t talk shit about your friends behind their back.” The stallion’s stomach rumbled. “Right now, I’m just hungry and I wanna eat something.”

“Here’s a palette of flowers, and various other things ponies like eating,” Spike said, placing a giant tray of food that everypony was meant to share. “Twilight wanted to know what you liked the most.”

“Why’s salt here?”

“It’s what ponies get drunk on,” Spike shrugged. “I don’t know; I just eat hay burgers and gems, so I don’t have to worry about whatever they’re eating.”

“Twilight, you want to get me drunk?” Bob asked.

“...I want to… Actually, yeah, that is a bad idea. Especially with Zippy here.” Her horn lit up, and the salt was gone. “I’m surprised Princess Luna didn’t show up as soon as you became a pony; I know for a fact that she still spies on you from time to time.”

“I hope she doesn’t see me as a pony; she’ll ask to spend a whole day with me like this,” Bob shivered. “I won’t mind turning into a pony if I can teach kids how to sing better, but I would rather be human,” he said before popping a dandelion in his mouth. He shivered. “That is so fucking weird!” Rainbow and Zippy got the pleasure to hear Bob hack his lungs up each time he tried a different flower; he likes the taste of a majority of the flowers, but hates how they felt on the way down. The stems didn’t help him either.

“Fuck…” Bob spat out a sunflower. “I loved snacking on sunflower seeds… I don’t get why you’d eat the whole sunflower. This is horrid…” He grumbled as he stared at the chewed up remains of his meal.” He laid his head on the table.

“Hey, at least you didn’t throw up?” Twilight asked.

“There is that,” Bob got to his hooves and stretched like a cat, giving everypony(except Twilight who immediately looked away) a good look at his body. Rainbow couldn’t help but stare as the human’s muscles pulled and contracted as he moved, while Zippy was just looking at his backside… for various reasons. Bob pulled himself forward and yawned. “I wanna go walk around town like this now. Is that cool?”

“One of us will have to go with you,” Twilight mentioned. “And…”

“It would be weird to suddenly see a stallion walking out with all three of you?”

“Yeah,” Zippy nodded. “They’d think we’re all a part of a herd, which would be pretty weird given that you and Princess Twilight are siblings.”

Twilight started to pointedly glare at Rainbow Dash. “And I don’t…” Spike interrupted everypony by walking downstairs with the calendar for some reason.

“Twilight, we might have a problem,” he pointed at the date. “Cadance and Shining Armor are supposed to be visiting today. For a ‘royal visit’.” Everyone blinked a couple of times. “And they should be arriving at the station… now actually.” Twilight’s eyes bugged out and she immediately got up and started running out the door.

“...So,” Bob walked around the table before snatching Rainbow while she was laying down. He pulled her closer, before tucking her rear under his chest and laying down on top of her. “This is nice.”

“I thought…”

“I was going to mount you, in front of Spike, at random, without you giving the okay?”

“Almost. I wouldn’t have minded.”

“And I ain’t doing that kinda shit with you, even like this, without you at least saying ‘yes’ to it. Just ignoring my own discomforts on the subject, I won’t touch you, or Zippy in such ways unless you strongly express consent and we all agree to it.” Bob involuntarily purred when Zippy laid on top of him. Despite turning seventeen, Zippy was still relatively short, and was still half a head shorter than Bob was as a stallion. “This is nice,” he hummed. “I might see if there’s some way to just become like this without Twilight needing to cast a spell; I kinda like this.”

“And we can’t do this as often with you being human,” Rainbow agreed. “You’re too soft and squishing as a human.”

“But you get ear scratches when I’m human.”

“That is true,” Rainbow sighed. “You have so many reasons to remain a pony, with you wanting to be a music teacher in the future,” she gestured to the pony pile they’ve created. “You would be accepted no matter where you go, and you won’t get hurt again for being human.”

“But I was born a human, and I want to be a human. Granted, I could switch at any time, since I’m probably going to be bunking here for a long time,” he admitted. “But who knows? If I develop carpal tunnel from playing the guitar solo to Through the Fire and the Flames too much, then I’ll become a pony and just be a music teacher for a while.”

“And I’ll want foals at some point. Either we’re adopting,” Zippy started. She then hungrily looked over Bob’s form. “Or you become a pony again and we… make some.” Spike rolled his eyes before walking right back up the stairs to get away from the ‘lovey dovey’ stuff until his older siblings came back.

“Yes ma’am,” Bob nodded before resting his head on Rainbow’s…

Princess Cadance, Shining Armor, and Twilight came by the library to witness… a pony pile. Rainbow, Pony Bob, and Zippy. Surprisingly, Rainbow was on the bottom, her wings fanned out, while Bob rested his head on the back of her neck, as though he was trying to preen her wings. Zippy was laying on top, both her forelegs and her hindlegs were wrapped tightly around her other two partners while they had their afternoon nap. Cadance slowly tiptoed over to the sleeping trio with big eyes and squealed. It was such a raw, unfiltered affection between a small herd.

Bob warily lifted his head, blinked a couple of times, before moving his snout down to Rainbow’s left wing, with his eyes closed, and started preening the feathery appendage for a few moments, before putting his head back in its place, on the back of Rainbow’s neck.

“...That is Bob, right Twilight?” Shining Armor asked.

“It is,” Twilight admitted.

“How does he know how to preen a pony’s wings?”

“Remember my wedding gift?” Twilight asked. When her older brother visibly shuttered,Twilight giggled. “Bob helped me research that paper, and also has some experience with Luna… Those two have had weekly cuddle sessions without me knowing. And apparently, preening wings with hands is just as easy to do with a pony’s mouth.” She chuckled. “I’m surprised that Bob’s doing it while being half asleep, honestly.”

“It’s adorable,” Cadance squealed. “Oh, imagine if we all didn’t collectively agree to take him into our family, Twilight. You could be a part of that.”

“...You knew that I had a crush on Bob?”

“Yes I was. Bob had a thing for you, but the romantic type of love that you two, unknowingly, felt for each other died down as soon as Twilight Velvet announced adopting him. It’s more like sibling love now.” She hummed. “Would you date Bob if he weren’t your adoptive sibling? There are plenty of ponies that end up dating their adoptive siblings, and…”

“I doubt he’d reciprocate the idea,” Twilight waved a hoof. “I’m past that little crush I had, and Bob would likely be disgusted by the idea of it.”

“You two shared a bed during the Princess Summit, and Bob walked in while carrying you on his back when you first arrived in the Empire,” Shining pointed out.

“I thought it would be funny,” Bob said, keeping his eyes shut. “And then Twilight started dozing off on my back when we went to do that. Plus, we share a bed all the time and just end up snuggled together. And… dating a sibling of any sort, by blood or bond, feels weird. It would feel wrong.” He agreed. “However, I am perfectly happy to be able to have my sister,” Bob opened his eyes and smiled warmly at Twilight. “I love you, Twilight, I really do.”

The lavender alicorn trotted up to Bob and licked his muzzle. “And I love you, Bob… When I turn you back into a human, can you scratch my jaw? It’s been bugging me all day.”

Bob snorted. “Yeah.”

“Ugh… Bob, if you’re going to be in our pony pile, can you at least whisper? Some of us enjoy our nap time,” Rainbow grumbled, covering her eyes with a hoof. The small smile on her face said she didn’t really care; she just happened to wake up then and there, and just wanted to complain. She managed to somehow roll onto her back, despite having the weight of both a young mare and a stallion on top of her, and nuzzled Bob’s jaw. “Come on, I can’t look cute and cuddly in front of anypony.” She whispered.

“But Zippy isn’t awake yet…”

“I’ll carry her on my back. Don’t you worry.”

Soon after the trio untangled each other, Zippy was sleepily leaning up against Rainbow Dash while Bob got onto greeting his older brother and his sister in law.

“So, how long are you two staying in Ponyville?” Bob asked.

“About a week.”

“Six, that’s enough time to turn back into a human and rub your bellies.” Bob nodded before walking towards the door.

“And where are you going, Bob?” Twilight asked.

“You don’t wanna show your big bro and Cadance around Ponyville? It’s their second time being here, and they never got a tour; it’s about time we gave them that tour, eh? And it would be a good chance to surprise and prank a few of our friends with me being a stallion.”

“Oh! We can so prank Apple Jack and Rarity with you like this,” Rainbow clapped her hooves. “C’mon, I’ll lead the way!”


“And who is this handsome fellow you’ve brought?” Rarity batted her eyes at Bob, who was still in stallion form, after he walked into her boutique. Rainbow and Zippy were sitting in the corner, holding a hoof to their mouthes, while Cadance was checking out some of the dresses she was too big to fit in. Then the Princess of Love dragged the poor, poor Shining Armor along with her to make him try out one of the suits on display. Twilight was just sitting there, rolling her eyes while Bob just looked uncomfortable.

“Why did I agree to this?” Bob asked, slowly turning to Twilight.

“...Bob, is that you?”

“Yeah, it’s me.” Bob slouched over. “Twilight turned me into a pony for the day; I’m going to be human tomorrow when she turns me back into one.”

“Oh. Well, I must say, you do look… oddly, now that I’m looking you over, plain. You are quite fit, and I can almost see a scar or two under your fur, so you would be quite a nice coltfriend should you remain a stallion.”

“And… fuck no to that. I’m not going to stay a pony for a while. It’ll happen again in the future, but I’m not staying like this.”

A couple hours of aimlessly wandering around Ponyville later, and Bob found reality warping around him as soon as he stepped into the library for the night. Luna was staring at him now, they were in her personal chambers. “...Why are you a pony?” The Princess asked. It genuinely looked like she just woke up. “I was hoping to get a belly rub and some ear scratches…” Her ears flattened. “I can easily turn you back to a human if you’d like.”

“Sorry Lulu, but I agreed with Twilight and my girlfriends that I’d stay like this for twenty four hours. Zips and Rainbow had their fun with me being their stallion for the day, and Twilight wants to have her fun with cuddling with a younger sibling, that’s actually willing to cuddle, that she turned into a pony. I dunno why, but I guess cuddling your younger siblings is a big thing in Equestria?”

“It is. Celestia barges into my room after dinner, before I wake up to get a few moments of ‘royal sisterly snuggles’ before she goes off to bed and I have to begin my duties…”

“You know, I do kinda see you like an older sister too,” Bob hummed. “Sleepover at Twilight’s?”

“Sadly… Well, Tia did say I only have to do paperwork tonight. However, I cannot sleep given I just woke up. It would be pretty unbecoming-” a golden flash of magic popped into place.

Dear Lulu,

I know this is around that time of the week where you drag Bob into your room for snuggles and belly rubs. Twilight did let me know ahead of time that she would be trying to convince Bob to become a pony for exactly twenty four hours. If he does agree, leave him as he is, and if you would like, take the night off your duties and get your colt snuggles in for the decade; Twilight certainly would not mind sharing a snuggle buddy tonight.

Your sister,


P.S enjoy your night off!

Luna’s horn lit up, and the next thing Bob knew, he was at the bottom of a pony pile, Twilight was laying on top of him, with Luna draped over her. The pony simply laid there with a small smile on his face until he was swept away in the land of dreams.