• Published 27th Oct 2023
  • 258 Views, 3 Comments

Sour To The Rescue - TheKing2001

When leaving lunch, Sour Sweet stumbles upon a crime about to happen and rescues the girl, leading Sour to doubt herself.

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Chapter I

I slammed my head on the lunch table in frustration, lifting it up and doing it again. Sunny Flare and Indigo Zap were probably the only two to react, the first watching in concern and the second laughing.

Sugarcoat, as freaking usual just watched with no emotion. Lemon Zest, well the less said about her the better. All she does is listen to music twenty four seven. It’s a miracle she’s a senior and not a freaking freshman still.

“What’s eating you?” Sugarcoat asked as she ever so slightly raised an eyebrow.

“This place sucks!” I snarled and slammed a fist down on the table.

“Talk about an understatement dearie,” Sunny commented as she pointed at me with a fork. “This place was always awful if you think about it.”

“But ever since the Friendship Games, it’s gotten more noticeable,” Sugarcoat stated dryly as she examined the dead silent lunch room.

“Oh gee thank you for pointing that out!” I said sweetly and clasped my hands in front of my face before glaring at her. “Because we totally couldn’t tell for ourselves!”

Sugarcoat glared back as she pushed her glasses up with a finger. A nervous cough made us both look over at Sunny Flare as she covered her mouth and blushed.

“Sugar is right,” Indigo grumbled as she pushed around her pasta half-heartedly. “I never noticed how competitive and awful the sport teams were until after. And it’s not just the soccer team, it’s all of them.”

“Same with the drama club,” Sunny Flare agreed as she propped her head up with a hand. “It’s just so cutthroat. What have you three noticed?”

“Cinch is a bitch,” Sugarcoat said bluntly as I chuckled. “I heard a rumor from mom that Dean Cadence might take her spot in the coming months.”

“That would be epic!” Lemon Zest exclaimed as some pieces of food flew out of her mouth. Sunny Flare and I gave her disgusted looks as we both leaned away from her. “Cinch is like the worst!”

“That is the most disgusting thing I’ve ever seen,” Indigo whispered to me and I nodded. “Have any of you all befriended the Wondercolts?”

We all looked at each other and shook our heads with the exception of Lemon.

“Yeah. Vinyl Scratch. She was the girl who threw the welcome party before Principal Bitch ruined everything,” Lemon answered as she started drinking her pop at a startlingly rapid rate. We all gave her stunned looks as she slammed the can down.

“Woah,” Indigo muttered in awe. “Not even I can do that.”

“What can I say, it’s a talent,” Lemon boasted with a grin.

“And here I thought your talent was being overly obnoxious,” I muttered as Indigo snickered.

“No that’s yours,” Lemon retorted and stuck a tongue out in my direction. Indigo’s snickering turned to full blown laughter as I rolled my eyes.

“I think that what was her name? Shimmer Sunset was nice,” Sunny commented with a grin. “The way she carried herself, the confidence, splendid! I wish I could see her on an acting stage, she would do great!”

“Sunset Shimmer,” Sugarcoat corrected with a faint smile. “And yeah, she was nice. Way nicer than what we deserved. Probably what got Twilight to stay there and leave here.”

We all looked down with sudden guilty expressions at the mention of our former classmate. We had been awful to her since day one of freshman year. If anything, she should have been angry with us.

“Well, can you really blame her?” Lemon commented as she took her headphones off to my astonishment. I think the only time I ever seen her without out them was at the Games. “A majority of her life was here and evidently none of them were great experiences. Everyone except me was mean to her. I quite liked her, all our interactions were friendly.”

“You helped convince her to release the magic with us,” I pointed out with a glare. “That’s not really nice.”

“Well, I was scared. Indigo isn’t a person to mess with, nor is Sugarcoat or Sunny. Or you for that matter. You all would have beat me up or something if I didn’t. You all technically pressured me into it,” Lemon shot back as we all looked away sheepishly.

“She’s right,” Indigo agreed after a moment. “We did kinda make Lemon do it. I’m sorry.”

“Sorry dearie.”

“Sorry we are the worst people ever,” Sugarcoat said bluntly and everyone looked at me as I continued eating.

“What?” I asked as Indigo rolled her eyes and elbowed me under the table. “Ow bitch!”

“Apologize,” Indigo hissed under her breath and her eyes flicked to Lemon.

“Fine,” I grumbled and pushed my tray away. “I am sorry I assisted my classmates in pushing you to help us push Twilight into releasing the magic and for scaring you.”

“Forgiven,” Lemon commented as she tossed a handful of Reeses in her mouth before pushing the bag to the center of the table.

“Wow, you sounded like you meant it,” Sunny gave me an approving nod as I rolled my eyes.

“Of course I meant it!” I sneered angrily. “I’m not a monster! I’ve actually been bettering myself, thank you very much.”

“She has been nicer,” Sugarcoat admitted as she folded up her napkin neatly. “You just have to pay attention very hard to see it.”

I didn’t know if I should insulted or not. I decided to take it as a compliment and run with it. The bell rang and we all jumped up as I grabbed my lunch tray.

“See you girls after school?” Sunny asked hopefully as I shrugged.

“Maybe,” I said hesitantly. “I don’t really have plans often.”

“Nah, I got tennis practice to get to,” Indigo said as we walked to the trash can nearby. With everything else in Crystal Prep, it was overly fancy. We got in trouble if we called it anything other than a trash receptacle. I didn’t think you could get possibly more fancy with a trash can of all things.

“I got nothing,” Lemon said as she dropped her tray of on top of mine. We all looked at Sugarcoat as she sighed.

“Fine, I will be there.”

“Awesome!” Lemon exclaimed as she pumped a fist enthusiastically in the air before we started going our separate ways. Everyone except me and Indigo because we shared the next class hour.

“Uh class is this way Sour,” Indigo gave me a confused look as she jerked her thumb behind me.

“I know. I gotta go to the bathroom. I’ll be late but eh,” I said with a shrug. Indigo nodded and disappeared down the hall as I started walking to the bathroom.

“Please don’t!” I heard someone shout from the bathroom as I raised an eyebrow. I was half tempted to turn away and go to the different bathroom but I felt obligated to go.

“Hold her down!” Someone else shouted as I walked in and my eyes slightly widened. A terrified blue haired girl was on the ground with her skirt tossed aside as another girl held a broom in one hand. I pushed down the urge to vomit as I gave them disgusted looks. It didn’t take a genius to guess what was going on.

“I suggest you let her the fuck go,” I sneered as the five girls looked at me.

“And what exactly are you going to do if we don’t?” One of them taunted as I clenched a fist. “Oh, you don’t wanna do that.”

I may have been a mean bitch back then, but even before the Friendship Games I wouldn’t have allowed this to happen. I may be no Indigo Zap, but I can hit pretty hard. I took a deep breath and swung, my fist hitting the girl with a broom in the face.

“Get her!” One of the girls on the ground shouted as she let the terrified girl go and I gulped.

I winced and gasped as I felt a fist connect to my stomach as I dropped to the ground. Maybe I bite off more than I could chew here.

I curled up in a ball to protect my head as someone kicked my back and I groaned in pain.

“Let’s leave her. I’m bored,” one of the girls grumbled as they stepped over me snickering.

I grunted as I listened to their footsteps fade away and I pushed myself up, ignoring the pain my body felt.

“Are you okay?” I muttered as the girl shivered.

“Why did you do that?” She asked nervously as I slid over to her.

“I wasn’t about to let them get away with well that,” I said as she hugged me and started bawling into my neck.

“T-they were going to-”

“I know,” I said with a softness that stunned me. I hesitantly rubbed her back as she continued crying. “I know.”

We sat on the bathroom floor as she continued crying and I felt a feeling I hadn’t felt since that Friendship Games.

Rage. At the girls for this and for the stupid teachers for never being around when you actually needed them.

“Come on, get dressed,” I said softly as she lifted her head. “Your skirt and underwear is over there.”

She nodded sheepishly as she wiped her eyes and I looked away as she picked them up.

I didn’t know it then, but this was the start of me doubting everything I ever knew about myself.

Author's Note:

Little bit darker than what I normally write but hopefully you all enjoy it. Might change the title in the future too.