• Published 27th Oct 2023
  • 253 Views, 3 Comments

Sour To The Rescue - TheKing2001

When leaving lunch, Sour Sweet stumbles upon a crime about to happen and rescues the girl, leading Sour to doubt herself.

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Chapter II

I stood up and pulled the girl up with me. Now that I wasn’t dealing with a crowd of psychopaths, I slightly recognized her but I didn’t remember her name.

“Come on,” I said quietly. “Let’s go.”

“Wait where are we going?” The girl asked cautiously as we poked our heads our of the bathroom and looked both ways. I sighed in relief when I saw no teachers or better yet, no Cinch.

“I’ll tell you when we get in the car. Now come on!” I hissed and grabbed her arm.

“I’m not going anywhere with you. You might do worse to me than what they would have!”

“Listen, I’m not going to hurt you. I stopped them before they could remember?” I asked as we started to sneak down the hall. She gave a slow nod and I gave what I hoped was a reassuring smile. “I’m Sour Sweet. What’s your name?”

“Coco. Coco Pommel,” Coco answered softly and brushed a strand of blue hair away from her eyes. I snapped my fingers in recognition.

“That’s right! You hang around uh what’s her face, Suri Polomare. The bitch,” I snarled slightly and opened my locker. I looked back and forth quickly before grabbing my backpack and shoving some items in it. I grabbed my keys off the coat hanger and shoved them in my pocket on my skirt.

“She’s not that bad,” Coco protested weakly as I gave her a flat look. “Okay, she’s pretty bad but she does have her nice moments.”

“Uh huh, I’m sure she does. And the moon is made of cheese,” I grumbled as I gently shut my locker and hoisted my back pack on. “Where’s your locker?”

“Right down there,” Coco pointed down towards the doors and I gave an approving sound. “But why?”

“We have to go for the rest of the day,” I answered and ushered her quickly to that general area till she stopped and pointed at a locker. “You can’t defend yourself and I’m just one girl. And none of the other girls are here right now to help us if those girls from before come back. I’ll tell you more in the car.”

I watched as she opened her locker and grabbed her back pack, shooting me a distrustful look. Typically I’d be offended but giving what happened, I’m fine with that. I’ll just earn her trust like I did with Sunny.

“Let’s go,” I grabbed her shoulder and started walking her out of the school.

“Sour Sweet, Coco Pommel. Where are you going?” Dean Cadence called out as she stepped outside behind us and I gulped.

“Blue four door Chevy. Dent in the passenger door,” I whispered to Coco. “It’s unlocked. We run for it, okay?”

“Wait but I don’t-”

“Girls?” Dean Cadence asked warily as she stopped behind us and we both looked back.

“Five, four, three, two and one!” I exclaimed and we took off running.

“Girls, stop!” Dean Cadence shouted as I faintly identified her jogging behind us. I slid across the hood of my car and faintly made out Indigo watching from the fourth floor window with a stunned expression. I opened my door and sat inside as Coco did the same on her side.

“Come on,” I muttered to myself as I turned the key and I watched Dean Cadence getting closer. The car started and I sighed in relief as I backed out of the spot and took off down the road. Dean Cadence quickly became a speck in my mirrors before disappearing completely.

“Okay, we’re in the car,” Coco said nervously as she put her seat belt on. “Where are we going? Is this a kidnapping?’

I gave a frustrated sound and rolled my eyes as I stopped at the red light. She had quite the imagination and it was starting to anger me.

“No this is not a kidnapping. We are going straight to the police station so you can tell them what those girls did and get them arrested,” I said firmly as Coco shrank back.

“We can’t! They will probably hurt me worse!”

“Coco, they were about to rape you with a broom,” I snarled in a blunt manner more akin to Sugarcoat than me and I instantly wish I hadn’t. Tears welled up in Cocos eyes and I inhaled. My next words sounded much more calmer. “Listen, if you don’t tell someone what they did, those girls could hurt someone else. And they might be successful. What they were about to do is illegal and quite frankly, gross.”

“I know.”

“Then why on earth don’t you want to tell someone?” I demanded as the light turned green and I went for it.

“I’m scared. If they find out or anyone else, I’ll be ruined. I’ll never be looked at the same,” Coco answered and looked out the window. “Please don’t make me.”

I sighed and pulled into a gas station as I pressed my forehead the steering wheel. I had no real right to force her into doing this but at the same time, someone could get seriously hurt. She could get hurt if they tried it again.

“I won’t,” I sighed and finally looked at her. “While I think you should at least tell someone, I can’t and won’t make you. But we aren’t going back to school. Where’s your house at?”

“Oh uh I can’t go home. My parents would absolutely kill me if they found out I ran from school,” Coco said nervously and played with her shirt collar. “Can you take me to Suri’s?”

“I’m not entirely sure that’s a good spot either. I wouldn’t necessarily trust Suri,” I answered and looked at her. She had surprisingly bright cyan eyes that matched her hair.

“Oh,” Coco mumbled and looked down as she hugged her backpack. “You can drop
me off anywhere you want then.”

I didn’t really want to tell her that it was probably fucking Suri that most likely got her in this situation. Suri had a lot of enemies unsurprisingly. Hell, even Sunny Flare didn’t like her. Ever since it came out that Suri cheated to win in a fashion competition to beat our classmates, a lot of people had it out for. Stealing would do that to you.

“I’m not leaving you on the side of the road,” I decided as she gave me a confused look. “My apartment is a few blocks away. You can hide out there till school is over and head on home. I can drop you off after if you like.”

Coco paused before nodding slowly. I nodded and left the gas station parking lot.

“I’d like that,” Coco said softly and I shifted a bit in my seat. “And thank you. For saving me. I’m a mess right now.”

“It’s understandable that you’d be one. I’d be more worried if you weren’t one. And don’t thank me, it’s what anyone would have done.”

Coco fell silent as I continued driving. I reached out and turned the radio on, subtly bobbing my head to the country music playing.

“I never took you for a country music fan,” Coco commented with a curious expression.

“I alternate,” I answered as I watched her nod out of the corner of my eye. “Oh and Coco?”


“If you ever come out about what happened, don’t tell people I helped. I have a strict reputation to maintain after all.”

Coco gave a small genuine laugh that I oddly adored.