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Defence Against Kittens

After spending a further ten or so minutes on having an introduction to some of the potions they would encounter during their time at Hogwarts and a few they most certainly would not, like the extremely poisonous blood red Baneberry potion and highly volatile Fire-Breathing Potion that could melt the flesh of their bones, Professor Snape had moved onto the Cure for Boils. This he had informed them would be their first attempt at brewing a potion on Friday and that he expected them to come prepared as it would be a closed book attempt with the person you are sitting next to. After that he had reluctantly dismissed them aside Scoti who he wanted a word with. Scoti though had already woken up from her nap and made her escape with Teeth, who had easily shrugged of the laughing potion he had ingested in record time.

“Testing your ability and skill my arse,” Susan groused as they neared the top of the stairway out of the dungeons. “He just wants to see us suffer.”

“For possibly the first time since I have met you, I have to agree with you Susan,” Limestone replied.

“I also would not be surprised if his own house’s students mysteriously pass with flying colours as well. I mean, did you not notice how the Slytherin students seemed surprisingly well equipped for today’s lesson?” Leanne supplemented.

“Like they knew what was coming,” Limestone replied contemplating the idea.


“And that surprises you? The guy is the embodiment of the house he leads. He slithers in the darkness, waiting for his moment to strike and utilise the small bit of power he has,” Susan interjected, acting as if speaking about their Potions professor offended her.

“Fair point. Anyone want to get some fresh air now we are finally out of those stuffy dungeons?” Leanne asked, trying to move the conversation onto more light-hearted matters. “Or would you rather go hug Mr Snuggles?” she directed towards Susan. “Just don’t get to close to me, I don’t want to catch your fleas, again,” she teased playfully.

Even Limestone could not withhold a snicker at those jibes as Susan went red in the face.

“It was two times!” She squeaked in embarrassment causing Limestone to let out a snort of laughter.

“You know your as cute as Limestone when you are embarrassed. Muzzles showing by the way,” Leanne commented with a cheeky smile as she poked her friend’s now extended nose.

Susan’s hands immediately went to her furry face. “Damnit, you know that happens when you get me flustered.”

“Why do you think I did it? Hey look, Scoti and Teeth are waiting for us over there,” Leanne stated, wandering over to meet her other new friend. “Snape was not pleased you skipped out on class. Told me to tell you that he expects you back in the Potions lab after classes are finished for the stunt you pulled. Just what were you thinking? You could have killed yourself you fool,” Leanne finished angrily.

Saving Ron’s rat. Seer remember, I knew exactly what I was doing don’t you worry. And no chance. If he wants me, he will have to hunt me down, Scoti stated defiantly. Now what was that about some fresh air?

“Oh no, you are not just shrugging this of that easily. Do you want Snape to expel you?” Leanne replied sternly.

Expel me? He doesn’t have the balls to even try. Only Headmaster Dumbledore has that power and he is well aware of the implications that could cause.

Leanne looked to the heavens. “Why don’t we all just go get some fresh air before lunch?”

Sounds good to me!

“I suppose so but don’t think you can skive of in the sun Limestone, we have an exam to prepare for. Or were you deliberately trying to sneak away from me at the end of our lesson?” Hermione’s stern voice echoed out into the cavernous hallway they were now in.

“Crap,” Limestone muttered under her breath. “No Hermione, we were in a rush to find Scoti is all, who, as you can see, we found.”

“Excellent. Then I suggest we start our studying with getting to know the correct ingredients before moving on…”

Limestone zoned out and just nodded along aimlessly.


To Limestone’s credit, she kept respectable pace with Hermione’s seemingly insatiable appetite for knowledge and this was in spite of Scoti’s attempts to distract them with all manner of death-defying stunts on her broomstick. Afterwards, they refuelled themselves at lunch where they all found themselves to engrossed with eating as much as possible to even contemplate discussing how their second day had gone so far. Thankfully, this time there was no interruption from Professor Sprout and the Hufflepuff first-year girls made it to DADA in peace.

“We-we-welcome to de-de-defence a-a-against the d-d-dark arts,” Professor Quirrell stammered from the front of the classroom, losing both the attention and respect of half the class in the process. “T-t-today we will b-be looking at the M-M-Ministry’s three cl-cl-classifications of cr-cr-creatures and…”

And even before the end of the second sentence, he had lost the other half of the class. As Quirrell continued stammering away, the class spent the next fifty minutes doing whatever they could to not fall asleep, from doodling on their parchment to whispering and giggling with each other. Even Hermione had trouble understanding what Professor Quirrell was babbling about and opted to instead teach herself from her textbook. Meanwhile, on Limestone’s other side, Scoti had fallen asleep after conjuring a pair of glasses that made her appear awake. Limestone herself tried desperately to follow Professor Quirrell but it was just impossible to follow or pay him any respect with those constant stammers and she was thankful in the end when Hermione stepped in and ran her own mini lesson with Limestone and Lavender.

“Thank goodness that is over,” Susan exclaimed as soon as they made it out of the classroom.

“Until Thursday morning,” Leanne informed her.

“Uh, don’t remind me. That was worse than History. Professor Qu-Qu-Quirrell couldn’t protect himself from a newborn kitten, let alone anything truly dangerous,” Susan argued. “I suppose though, between him and Professor Binns they might bore He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named to death if he was ever to return.”

After Limey paralyses him with her cuteness, Scoti added.

This earned a round of laughter from everyone aside Limestone, although even she could not help but jest with her friends.

“It is nice to know that your friends’ plan to save themselves from the most dangerous threat imaginable is by using you as a shield,” she deadpanned looking less than amused by the prospect.

This resulted in even more laughter.

“At least we see you as a valuable asset,” Susan quipped as she got control of herself.

“Thanks,” Limestone said sardonically.

“And it is really nice that you see me as a friend Limey,” Susan added with her trademark cheeky smile.

“Fine. I give up, you can call me that,” Limestone grumbled.

Susan cackled like a loon. “I knew you would see it my way in the end Limey. More importantly, on a serious note, we’ve absolutely no hope of getting anywhere in that class with him teaching it. I mean, did anyone even note down what the homework assignment was, if there was one?”

This was greeted by a shrug of shoulders. Even Hermione looked flummoxed.

“See, my point exactly. Not that I care much but as you are all aware my aunt not only has me on a very short leash that she will only be too happy to choke me with if my grades are not to her liking but is also the Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. Thus, failing DADA is the equivalent of a death sentence for me,” Susan explained, her smile having evaporated and been replaced with a nervous expression.

“But what can we do?” Leanne asked the question that was on all her friends’ minds.

We could hire a tutor?

Leanne looked at Scoti for a moment, unsure if she was being serious, before finally replying, “I mean, we could, but two problems. One, where would we find anyone to take on the role, and secondly, how would we pay for it?”

Seriously, I’m the last of two well established magical families and have two mansions and a further fourteen properties under my name just to start. I don’t think money will be an issue.

“Woah, I knew you were rich but I didn’t know you were that rich,” Susan commented what everyone else was thinking.

Yeah, well, when the entire both sides of your family are slaughtered and they have no one else left to hand over their assets to, you end up super rich. That and the two thousand galleons a month the Ministry compensate me with for the damages their incompetence caused.

The group of girls stopped and stared at her. It was Susan who spoke first.

“Damn. That’s insane.”

Maybe so, but no amount of money can bring back my family or stop the nightmares, Scoti replied with a distant expression across her face as her right hand began to shake involuntarily

“Understood,” Leanne said placing a hand on the other girl’s shoulder. “I know we have only just met, but if you ever wish to tell us anything with your signs, we will be happy to read,” she added kindly.

Thanks, but I’ve got enough shrinks on my back already, Scoti replied curtly.

Leanne took the hint and decided to move the discussion along as she removed her hand from Scoti’s shoulder. “Anyway, even if we do now have the funds to do so, do we even know anyone who could tutor us?”

“Don’t look at me, muggle born remember,” Hermione stated.

Lavender meanwhile shook her head after a long hard think.

“What about Mr Lupin? He has likely not got much to do right now as we are here. Plus, he has always been extremely nice and helpful to us,” Susan suggested.

“That may be so, but I am not sure the teachers would be happy having yet another werewolf at the school. I mean, he has openly admitted to us that the only reason the Ministry put up with him is because they feel it takes a werewolf to know a werewolf and he is happy being paid pittance as long as they supply him with wolfsbane potion and let him crash in his tiny office,” Leanne explained.

“Fair point. Sadly, he is the only person I can think of aside my aunt and I would rather suffer with whatever that drivel was back there than ask her to tutor us. And besides, she would be too busy with her job to have any time for us anyway,” Susan responded dejectedly, out of options.

“We could still send Mr Lupin a letter to see if he knows of anyone,” Leanne offered to cheer her friend up. “Unless anyone else has any suggestions?”

I would also send out a letter to my Ministry assigned bodyguard as well but most the people he used to work with are either dead or in the insane asylum ward of St Mungo’s. Plus, he’s a total killjoy and never wants me to have any fun.

Leanne’s right eyebrow raised in a mix of surprise and intrigue. “You have a Ministry assigned bodyguard?”

Obviously not here as Hogwarts is probably the safest place in the wizarding world according to him. But when I am home, yes. Moody his name is and damn does it suit him.

“Moody? As in Alastor Moody, possibly the most famous and skilled auror to ever live,” Leanne said in total astonishment.

Yeah, although I prefer cantankerous old bastard who never lets me have any fun, Scoti stated, looking like she very much regretted bringing his name up. Cannot believe my parents made him my godfather, what in dragon dung were they thinking? Guy knows about as much about kids as a death eater does morals, she ranted, rapidly firing out one sign after another.

It was obvious to Leanne that Scoti and her godfather did not always see eye to eye and she thought it best they avoided contacting him if they could. “Well, we will definitely keep him in mind but let’s contact Mr Lupin first and see what he says.”

“Awesome! We’ve got a free period now so how about we head to the library and write that letter. Anyone got an owl we can borrow to send it?”

Everyone looked at Scoti.

What? Why are you all looking at me for?

“Well, you are the richest of all of us,” Susan said bluntly.

“That and the fact the McKinnon’s are well known for being some of the best owl breeders in the country,” Leanne said a little more tactfully.

Oh, I see how it is. When you need something, call on the rich friend.

“Pretty much,” Susan said with a smirk across her face.

Fine, but Francesca won’t deliver anything long distance without a good hearty meal beforehand.

The smirk fell off Susan’s face. “Let me guess, you want me to feed her?”

Scoti gave her friend a devilish smirk of her own in return. Why, how nice of you to offer.


Dear Mr Lupin,

We hope you are well since our last session. As for us, me and Leanne are settling in well at Hogwarts and were both placed in Hufflepuff! Unfortunately, Lavender was placed in Gryffindor but no matter what we will always be friends and in only a few days we have added three new members to our little pack, Scoti Prewett, who you have almost certainly heard of, Hermione, a muggle born, and Limestone, an anthropomorphic horse girl from another dimension who is the cutest thing you could ever imagine.

Anyway, the reason I am contacting you today is that sadly our Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, Professor Quirrell, is, well, to put it simply, we all feel a private tutor on the subject would be more beneficial to our education. Unfortunately, despite having the means to hire one thanks to Scoti, between us we have hit a dead end in trying to think of a suitable candidate for the job and were hoping you might know of someone who could help. We did consider asking you but know you must have your hands full at the Ministry. Plus, we are unsure Headmaster Dumbledore would be willing to allow another werewolf into the grounds. Thank you for reading my letter and we do so hope you can suggest someone to assist with our current predicament, yours sincerely,

Susan Melissa Fanny Bones

“One of your middle names is Fanny?” Leanne commented with a snicker.

“And now you know why I never told you. It was my grandmother’s name. She was murdered less than a month before I was born,” Susan said solemnly. “And you already know who Melissa was.”

Leanne stopped snickering immediately as a look of regret crossed her face.

Susan held up a hand to stop her best friend saying what she was about to say. “Don’t, just don’t. You know very well words are meaningless and won’t bring either of them back, so just drop it, okay?”

“Understood,” Leanne replied with a nod of her head.

“Personally, I’m surprised with how tactful you have been,” Limestone said while scrutinising the letter over Susan’s shoulder and looking particularly displeased at the “cute” part. “I expected, To Mr Lupin, we are having a wonderful time causing chaos at Hogwarts and have already made enemies of most the professors for one reason or another along with several powerful allies, an extremely smart muggle born, an anthropomorphic horse that can grow trees at will and an orphaned seer with more money than sense. My personal highlight so far was fighting a giant three headed dog, a hellhound and an acromantula. Anyhow, our Defence Against the Dark arts teacher is extremely lame and has a terrible stutter meaning nobody can understand what he’s mumbling. Can you hook us up with someone better who can teach has how to blow stuff up with magic? Pretty Please, your bestie, Susan.

Leanne tried cupping a hand over her mouth but even that couldn’t stop her snort of laughter as Susan glowered at Limestone.

“Some of us actually had an education my dear,” she said snootily before being unable to hold it in anymore herself as the laughter she had tried to bury inside of her burst out. “Oh my word, that was perfect Limestone but I don’t think Mr Lupin would have agreed,” she eventually wheezed.

“Well, you never know. If he hears about how much you have been struggling in your first few days at Hogwarts, he might be more forceful about coming here and teaching us himself so that he can also keep an eye on you, Leanne and Lavender personally,” Limestone commented, half joking.

Leanne and Susan stared at Limestone as a lightbulb came on in both their heads.

“That is a brilliant idea!” Susan said with a massive grin across her face as she screwed up the letter she had just written, threw it into a nearby bin and grabbed another peace of parchment to start writing it all over again.

“For once I would have to agree. He would be perfect for the job to tutor us. Scoti would pay him more than the Ministry and the castle would offer him better living accommodation than his cupboard of an office,” Leanne stated.

“Wait, what, I was only joking!” Limestone interjected.

“To late,” Susan stated as she scribbled away with mad fervour.


Dear Mr Lupin,

we hope you are well after our last session. As for us, it has been an up and down few days. Although we have made several new wonderful friends, we have, as you expected, experienced significant discrimination and this has left us all feeling dispirited and disheartened, even at this early stage of our education. To our shock, surprise and horror, it is the professors who have been the worst and who lack understanding of our condition and needs.

The Potions professor, Professor Snape, has openly admitted to wanting us expelled, called me dog, and forced me to take an unknown and possibly dangerous potion that turned out to be veritaserum. Poor Lavender is a nervous wreck, her common room is filled with cats and her head of house, Deputy Headmistress Professor McGonagall, refuses to do anything to help as they constantly scratch and bite her. Meanwhile, me and Leanne have been unfairly punished for sparring at breakfast and our head of house, Professor Sprout, is also angry at me for wrestling an acromantula, hellhound and giant three headed dog in the grounds yesterday. Meanwhile, Professor Binns History lessons send us to sleep and Professor Quirrell stutters so badly it is like he is speaking another language and thus we are now also seeking a private tutor for the subject after only one lesson! Our friend Scoti has graciously offered to cover the cost if we can find someone for the job.

It is for these reasons that I am contacting you now. Is there any way you may be able to assist us? It just feels like there are no adults here who understands our condition and needs or, quite frankly, give a shit about how difficult it can be to manage and control. I eagerly await your response and thank you once more for always being there for us, yours sincerely,

Susan Melissa Fanny Bones