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You've got a Friend in me

“I swear,” Limestone growled as Professor Sprout pushed open the door to Madam Malkin’s Robes for all Occasions, “If one more human dares to call me cute, sweet, adorable or any other such compliment, I am going to rip this dress off and throw it in the nearest bin.”

Limestone’s astonishment at seeing a shopping street appear from behind a brick wall had been short lived as she found almost every occupant on the street staring at her, whispering behind her back to each other or telling Professor Sprout and Kendra how lovely she looked. It had been utter torture and extremely embarrassing for her. Even seeing the small pile of money in her newly acquired vault had done little to cheer her up and, as the party of three made their way to their second stop of the day, the girl had reached her limit.

“Oh, so you changed your mind and don’t want an ice cream at the end of the day?” Kendra cooed behind her wickedly. “A shame really as Fortescue’s does the absolute best sundae’s anywhere.”

Limestone had only ever had ice cream once, another one of Pinkie’s crazy kitchen experiments. It had been incredible. “Fine,” she growled through gritted teeth, placing her arms across her chest and pouting.

Kendra could not help but let out another snicker. Limestone though refused the temptation to kick her again just in case she withdrew her ice cream offer.

As the bell rung to announce their presence in the shop a small, plump witch rose from where she was reading Witches Wardrobe from behind a counter to greet them. “Pomona Sprout, well this is a surprise. What brings you to my humble shop? Shouldn’t you be preparing for the new year?”

“I am thankfully well ahead due to some excellent interns this year, which I am extremely glad for as we have had the unusual occurrence of a late admittance. She is going to need a full wardrobe but if you could just get us the basics sorted today and sort out the rest to be delivered to Hogwarts, I would be deeply in your debt. Marlene Malkin, Limestone Pie,” Professor Sprout explained, introducing Limestone.

Madam Malkin simply stared at the peculiar pouting half-horse girl in the pink dress.

“Why don’t you take a picture, it’ll last longer,” Limestone said testily.

“Well, that is certainly something you don’t see very often. What is she, half-centaur?” Madam Malkin replied, directing her question at Professor Sprout.

“It is complicated and I would rather not get into the details if you don’t mind,” Professor Sprout responded.

“Say no more. Give me half an hour and I should have everything sorted for you,” Madam Malkin explained. “Come along child, we will soon have a set of school robes sorted for you.”

“Fantastic, I cannot wait to get out of this dress,” Limestone grumbled following Madam Malkin deeper into the shop.


Madam Malkin had been somewhat surprised that Limestone had opted to wear her school uniform rather than the beautiful pink dress she had come in wearing upon departing her store but had decided, wisely, against questioning her latest customer’s decision.

Whilst Limestone was being fitted Kendra had kindly gone and sourced all her first-year textbooks for her. In truth, Limestone believed Kendra had just gone and done it to watch her struggle under the weight of the eight hefty tomes. Limestone’s theory was somewhat proven by the look of surprise on Kendra’s face as Limestone easily carried the four heavy bags to their next destination, Trump’s Trunks and Bags, where she was able to buy a satchel to carry them in along with a trunk to store all her belongings in back at Hogwarts, not that there were many.

After that there were stops at Ronan’s Magical Supermart, Potage’s Cauldron Shop and Mr Mulpepper’s Apothecary, the latter of which led to an interesting discussion among the three witches about the differences in unicorn horns between this world and Limestone’s. As they exited the apothecary and started to make their way up the street to Wiseacre’s Wizarding Supplies, Kendra could not help but notice the queasy look on Limestone’s face as they passed Quality Quidditch Supplies.

“Huh, that’s a new one. Never known a new student who doesn’t want to fly a broomstick before,” Kendra quipped.

“I’m an earth pony, what do you expect?” Limestone grunted, swiftly moving on to their next destination before Kendra could press the matter further, or worse, make her even more nervous of her inevitable upcoming flying lessons.

After picking up a set of brass scales and a brass telescope from Wiseacres, and then a stack of parchment and ink from Scribbulus Writing Implements, everyone opted for a breather with Kendra true to her word in buying Limestone an ice cream. Much to Kendra’s amusement, Limestone proceeded to wolf hers down only to then complain of brain freeze.

“I did warn you not to eat it so quick,” Professor Sprout chided whilst eating hers at a much more serene pace. “Now, what is left. I think we just need to procure your wand from Ollivander’s. Oh, and a small lockbox for your vault key and other valuables would be useful to, so a stop of at Jebediah’s Jewellery is also required. And I suppose I shall allow a stop off at Sugarplum’s Sweet Shop if we have time.”

“Oh, there definitely will be time, I’ll make sure of it,” Kendra informed through a mouthful of her butterbeer ice cream.

“Miss Abbot, please don’t talk with your mouthful and is there anything else you require for the new school year?” Professor Sprout scolded.

“Not that I’m aware of. I picked up the book on Spagyric you asked me to amongst one or two others and along with a few other necessary items like ink and parchment but otherwise, if I’ve forgotten anything I’ll just pick it up from Hogsmeade when I can,” Kendra informed her teacher as soon as she had finished her current mouthful of ice cream.

“Very well, I suggest then that we finish our ice creams and get a move on. Although I rate my two interns highly, I am well aware of just how mischievous and unpredictable the plants in greenhouses seven and eight can be.”

“As am I,” Kendra added through yet another mouthful of ice cream.

Professor Sprout simply chose to ignore the girl’s bad manners and continue with finishing her own ice cream. It was just as they were finishing up and rising to their feet that a loud commotion came from down the street.

“STOP, will someone stop that dog!”

“Huh, I wonder what’s… WHAT IS THAT?” Kendra exclaimed as a giant lightning-fast ball of black fur came hurtling down the street barrelling past whoever or whatever was in its way.

And then the thing abruptly stopped, turned, and stared directly at Limestone with two ginormous blood red eyes and, more importantly, a mouth full of extremely sharp teeth. That was of course the exact moment it chose to charge straight for her.

Limestone didn’t even flinch. She just stood her ground and waited for the inevitable. And when it came, she punched it straight in the face.

“Bad dog?” she said, unsure that was even the correct term as she shook her now somewhat aching fist.

“What…is…that?” Kendra managed to force out of her mouth for the second time, still in shock at what had just transpired.

“How the buck do I know?” Limestone grunted as the slightly dazed dog rose to its feet and attempted to give her the most pitiful look imaginable. “Hey, what are you doing, skat, go find your master,” Limestone commanded.

“I think it has. Professor McGonagall will not be pleased,” Professor Sprout surmised.

“Wait, what, no, no, no, I don’t want a…” Limestone began only for the so-called dog to clamp its teeth around her left leg. “Buck. Kendra, fancy giving me a hand?”

“Nope,” Kendra replied looking at Professor Sprout for an explanation and then at the three gentlemen in suits who were forcing their way through the ever-growing crowd of onlookers.

“Hello there, move aside, Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. Thank you.”

“Barnaby Lee, well this is a surprise. I heard congratulations were in order but thought you were the new Houndmaster for the Pest Division of the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures,” Professor Sprout exclaimed.

“Professor Sprout, a pleasure as always and thank you. All I am allowed to say is that my expertise was required for some business down Knockturn Alley. Unfortunately, that little puppy over there decided to apparate away and make a break for freedom before we could properly secure him,” Barnaby explained

“That’s a puppy!” Kendra exclaimed examining the dog that was nearly as tall Limestone.

Barnaby ignored her. “I now see the reason why it broke free. Sorry to intrude Miss but you haven’t had any links with death, especially recently per chance?”

Limestone glowered at the newcomer but decided to humour him. “If you mean was I meant to die buried under a landslide but instead found myself slipping through time and space to a completely alien world, then yes, yes I have.”

“Ah, well, congratulations then on your new pet. Irish Hellhounds have a penchant for choosing masters with a close relationship with death and muggles often mistake them for “The Grim”, an omen of death. From what you’ve just told me, you sound like the perfect master for him,” Barnaby explained, seemingly unfazed by Limestone’s peculiar story.

“What if I don’t want a dog, can’t you just take it back from where it came from?” Limestone queried tersely.

“Sadly, no. Although I would have preferred releasing him back into the wild, once an Irish Hellhound chooses its master, that’s it, they’re bonded for life and no matter what we try, it will always just hunt you down to be at your side. On the bright side, you’ve just acquired an extremely loyal and practically invincible eight-foot bodyguard, when fully grown, for life as his lifespan will now match yours,” Barnaby explained.

“Wait, what?” Limestone practically exploded, her right eye starting to twitch. “ARE YOU TELLING ME I’M STUCK WITH BEING THIS THING’S CHEW TOY FOR POSSIBLY A HUNDRED YEARS?”

“Erm, if you live that long, then yes, I guess so,” Barnaby said a little sheepishly. “Aside from when we require him for breeding programs in the future.”

Kendra could not help but snigger at Limestone’s predicament and, as if on cue, the Hellhound stopped gnawing on Limestone’s leg and proceeded to apparate into her out stretched arms instead whilst giving the girl the most sorrowful look imaginable. Even with her earth pony genes the dog was heavy for Limestone.

“Eugh, fine, you win,” Limestone grumbled reluctantly. The dog immediately gave her face a massive wet sloppy lick. “Eww, dog drool,” she grouched as Kendra doubled over with laughter. “If you really want to make me happy why don’t you go piss on her leg or something,” Limestone suggested in jest only to see the dog leap out of her arms and obey her every word much to Kendra’s displeasure.

“Huh, maybe this will have some benefit,” Limestone commented as she gave her new dog a scratch behind the ear in thanks. Now, what are we going to call you?”

The hellhound immediately gave her a toothy grin in reply.

“Teeth, that’s a perfect name and suits you well,” Limestone immediately decided.

Teeth howled with pleasure at his new name.

“You seem to be getting on just fine, just a few other points before we leave you to it. Due to Teeth being a class four beast and a rare protected magical species, you will be required to get a licence for him. I shall fill out much of the paperwork for you when I get back to my office and forward the rest on via owl to Hogwarts for you to fill out. As you are under eighteen you will need to find an adult who will be responsible for ensuring Teeth does not get up to any mischief, including, but not limited to, maiming, throwing, chewing, scratching, sitting, or defecating on any individual,” Barnaby informed.

Upon that last one, Kendra gave Limestone a very stern glare in reference to her now extremely wet and smelly right leg.

Limestone simply decided to look in the opposite direction before remembering something and pulling a plastic card out of a pocket in her robes she passed it to Barnaby. “This wouldn’t help, would it?”

Barnaby’s eyes widened and, having been so focused on Teeth, it was only now that he realised just who he was talking to. It took him a moment to regain his composure but once he did, he spoke sincerely. “So, the rumours going around the department were true, there is a sentient anthropomorphic pony going to Hogwarts this year. I honestly thought it was just another one of Dumbledore’s harmless pranks but I guess I was wrong. Forgive me Miss. And yes, as a foreign diplomat you are allowed special privileges including me being able to wave the need for an adult to support your licence application. It will also allow me to FastTrack the application as well. Now, I’ll also forward you some specific information surrounding your new pet that you may find helpful but overall, you’ll find he’s just like a normal dog, just a lot bigger and much clingier and more protective. Any questions?” he ended handing Limestone her foreign diplomat card back.

“Yeah, I can see that and no, I don’t think so. And will you quit it,” Limestone grumbled as Teeth had now begun to start chewing on her right leg. She still was not quite sure what this whole Foreign Diplomat thing meant but it seemed to have some benefits at least.

Teeth stopped and looked up at her imploringly.

“And you can stop trying to look cute because it won’t work on me mister but I suppose we had better find you some better toys before I suggest playing with Kendra. Uh oh, no, no, that’s not what I…” Limestone never had the chance to finish her sentence.

Kendra screamed as the oversized puppy barrelled into her and pinned her to the floor.

Limestone ignored the older girl’s screams as Teeth began to wrestle with Kendra’s jacket, which might have been alright if the girl wasn’t still wearing it, and instead turned her attention once more to Barnaby. “Please tell me there is a good pet store around here?”


By sheer coincidence, the pet store was right across the street from Florian Fortescue’s. As the four of them entered the shop to the jingle of a bell, a rather bored looking young blonde witch only a few years older than Limestone greeted them from behind a counter in the extremely cramped shop.

“Welcome to the Magical Menagerie, how can I be of service to you today,” the witch droned not looking up from her magazine.

“Well Jasmine, that’s an extremely fine way to address your teacher now isn’t it,” Professor Sprout chided.

The magazine was immediately placed under the counter as the girl bolted to attention.

“Professor Sprout, what a pleasant surprise. What brings you to…” Jasmine finally noticed Teeth. “Daaaaaaaad,” she whined.

“What is it Jasmine dear. I asked you not to disturb me unless it was an emergency,” A male voice replied irritably, the owner of which soon appeared from the depths of the shop. “My word girl, what are you doing under there? Come out this…”

Jasmine reached up an arm from underneath the counter and pointed towards their new customers.

As soon as the proprietor’s eyes caught sight of Teeth they nearly bulged out of his head in surprise. “Good Heavens, is that an Irish Hellhound I do see or are my eyes playing tricks on me?” he exclaimed removing a pair of spectacles from his nose and rubbing them with a rather grubby cloth from his trouser pocket before replacing them back upon the bridge of his nose.

“I-I-Irish what?” Jasmine whimpered, refusing to reappear from underneath the counter.

“Irish Hellhound my dear. They are exceptionally rare and a protected species, meaning that it is a very serious crime to take one from the wild. And considering I have not heard of there being any domesticated ones in the past fifty years, I must ask where you acquired this puppy Professor Sprout?” The proprietor questioned.

“That’s a puppy!” Jasmine squeaked from under the counter.

Limestone ignored her. “Well, we were having ice cream across the road and long story short, the dog found me, apparently escaped when the Department for Magical Creatures or whatever they’re called, were doing some business down Knockturn Alley. And before they could catch the darn thing it took a liking to me and now, well, I’m stuck with it,” Limestone replied lifting up her left leg which Teeth was once again chewing. “So, can you help me stop this or should I look elsewhere? Here, Barnaby even wrote me a quick note explaining everything and that his department of the Ministry of Magic would cover whatever we purchase.”

The owner of the store simply stared at the anthropomorphic pony in front of him that was holding out a piece of parchment open mouthed, seemingly frozen to the spot. “You’re, you’re…” he managed to utter.

“A pony, yes. That is also explained in the note if you just wouldn’t mind…” Limestone said tetchily, only to be cut of as Jasmine’s head popped up from behind the counter.

“Pony? Did someone say… oh… my… word, she’s so cute!” Jasmine squealed leaping over the counter, totally forgetting about Teeth in the process.

Five seconds later Limestone now not only had to contend with a giant puppy clamped around her right leg but a teenage girl clamped around her midriff. Limestone was about as pleased with the situation as a bear with a bees’ nest atop its head. Thankfully the girl’s father had at least managed to come out of his stupor and take the piece of parchment from her right hand.

“Uh huh, uh huh, I see,” he pondered rubbing his chin deep in thought. “Well, this is certainly a peculiar situation and one I will only be too happy to help with. Jonathan Bright,” he held out his hand for Limestone to shake.

“Limestone Pie. And I would shake your hand if I could move my arms right now. Any chance you could remove your daughter?” Limestone requested trying not to grind her teeth.

“Jasmine,” Jonathan said sternly. “Is that how you believe a Ravenclaw should act?”

Jasmine immediately let Limestone go and stared dejectedly down at the floor. “No, dad. It’s just… I mean…” lost for words, she simply gesticulated with her hands to the anthropomorphic pony next to her.

“I know,” Jonathan sighed turning back to Limestone. “You must forgive her, she is equine mad, whether that be muggle, thestral, unicorn, Pegasus or, in your case, sentient and wants to be an equine vet when she’s older. Her grades might not be anywhere near the usual standard expected of a Ravenclaw but I doubt you would find anyone more knowledgeable on equines.”

“Daaaaaad,” Jasmine whined in embarrassment.

“Well, it is the truth little lady. It seems about the only way I have been able to keep you interested in Herbology is through ways such as what plants are poisonous to horses,” Professor Sprout admitted.

Jasmine’s face went even redder.

“Nonetheless, we’ve still several stops to make, including acquiring Miss Pie’s wand. So, if you wouldn’t mind,” Professor Sprout pressed.

“Not at all, how about we start with dental hygiene and work our way from there?” Jonathan suggested.

“Perfect,” Professor Sprout replied.

“Wait,” Jasmine interrupted. “Did you say she’s getting a wand,” she squealed excitedly pointing at Limestone. “So that means she’s going to Hogwarts!”

Limestone shuddered at the manic grin plastered across Jasmine’s face. At least she had her bodyguard to… oh for buck’s sake.

Said bodyguard had just been bribed with a juicy bone and ear scratches. It was exactly as Jasmine’s father and Professor Sprout had said, nothing got between Jasmine and anything to do with equines and Limestone, unfortunately for her right now, was an equine. Limestone shuddered once more. No matter how big Hogwarts was this girl would find her wherever she tried to hide.