• Published 18th Mar 2024
  • 340 Views, 103 Comments

Marking the Generations – Part Three - Glimbursts

The third part of Marking the Generations, a reimagining of the later stages of the Make your Mark series. Opaline's plans are kicking into the next gear! Will our heroes rescue Sunset or will her appearance at Opaline’s door turn into a Nightmare?

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Chapter Thirteen – Testing

The sun had not long risen when Opaline stepped out into her castle garden. It was the only space she could venture outside without running into the barrier that trapped her within her castle. The wall around the outside of the garden being the extent of her freedom.

She looked around at the various vegetables and fruits that were growing there. She had to admit, since Misty had left it had become less productive. She especially missed the Apple Crumbles that Misty used to make. She looked at the little apple tree, sighing as she noted it was bare.

She put those thoughts from her mind as Lava and Jade came out of the castle from another entrance. It led to a lower level where Jazz and Posey had been kept for the night. Lava carried Jazz ahead of Jade who carried Posey. They walked out into an open area and deposited the two struggling ponies on the ground before retreating to perch on the castle wall.

Opaline smirked as she immediately attached purple magical leashes to the pair. Attaching them to a large ring that was imbedded in the end of the pathway she was stood upon.

“W…What do you want with us?” Posey cried.

“Oh, not much,” Opaline smiled. “You’re just my little pony test subjects.”

“T…Test subjects,” Jazz gaped.

“Yes, and you should be happy,” Opaline grinned. “You’re both going to undergo the procedure that everypony will go through.”

Posey frowned. She didn’t like the sound of that at all. She raised her right forehoof and it started to glow.

“Ah, ah, ah,” Opaline smiled as her horn flared. “We can’t have that.”

A bubble suddenly appeared, covering the two ponies. Posey’s hoof stopped glowing just before she tapped it on the ground. She gasped and tried again a few times before lifting her hoof and looking at it with confusion.

“That’s better,” Opaline smiled. “I see I need to take more precautions.”

“I’m here Mistress,” Peach Fizz said as she ran into the garden. “I hope I’ve not missed it.”

“Oh, I thought you weren’t coming today,” Opaline gasped. “What about your father?”

“I sneaked out before he woke up,” Peach Fizz replied proudly. “I wanted to be here for your glorious moment. Poppa will understand once your plans have been enacted.”

“Oh, aren’t you the most loyal assistant a pony can have,” Opaline grinned.

Posey and Jazz looked at each other with shock and disbelief.

Suddenly, there was a whirl of purple fire nearby as Nightmare Shimmer appeared. She looked down at Posey and Jazz with contempt before walking over to Opaline.

“The tasks have been completed,” she smiled. “The seeds are in place as you requested.”

“Excellent, and nopony saw you?” Opaline beamed.

“None,” Nightmare Shimmer responded. “Starscout and her friends are at their little clubhouse.”

“Perfect,” Opaline laughed. “They’re just where I need them to be.”

“If the test is a success,” Nightmare Shimmer sniffed.

“Oh don't worry Nightmare, I’m confident,” Opaline smirked. “Peach Fizz dear, you know what I’ll want to hear.”

“Certainly, Mistress Opaline,” Peach Fizz smiled.

Opaline’s horn flared and wisps of magical energy appeared around Jazz’s and Posey’s hoofs. They gasped as they suddenly found them rooted to the spot.

With her test subjects restrained from using their magic, Opaline removed the bubble. Then she turned and looked up at the tree that grew through her castle. “Today will be my day,” Opaline laughed.

Her horn flared brighter then it had previously, a fiery beam of magic shot forth and impacted the trunk of the tree. From the impact point, a purple glow grew through the tree. It extended right to the very tips of the branches and began growing downwards into the ground.

Purple veins of magical energy suddenly spread out from the tree towards the struggling forms of Jazz and Posey. They gasped as they were seemingly surrounded by these veins before the ground beneath them started to rumble ominously.

Posey shrieked as the ground burst open between them. Two thick purple vines of energy leapt forth. Jazz was equally surprised as she watched the two vines waving around.

They fearfully looked at each other then back to the vines as they swayed from side to side. They continued to struggle but a combination of the wisps around their hoofs and the leashes around their necks held them in place.

Then, the vine nearest Jazz suddenly whipped around in a long arc. Its tip tapped her right flank, and she gasped as a tingling sensation ripped through her. Posey shrieked as the vine nearest her did the same thing. She desperately tried to move to make it miss but she couldn’t. It tapped her flank too and she cried out as she felt the tingling sensation.

Panting, the pair looked at each other before looking up at the vines. Their eyes widened in shock as they spotted a ball at the end of each of the vines. Within the balls were their cutie marks.

Jazz checked her right flank in disbelief and gasped when she found it empty. Posey meanwhile looked completely dumbstruck as she watched her cutie mark be taken away.

Then, both cutie marks began travelling down the vines. To the pairs dismay, they disappeared into the ground. Almost immediately after that, Jazz and Posey started to feel completely exhausted. The colour in their eyes faded and they began to wobble on their hoofs. Opaline laughed as her horn flared, the wisps of energy disappearing and allowing them to fall to the ground in exhaustion.

Peach Fizz grinned as she ran inside the castle. It wasn’t long until she came skipping out, a huge grin on her face.

“It’s worked Mistress Opaline,” Peach Fizz beamed. “Their cutie marks are in the sphere over the pool. The collection system works perfectly.”

Opaline beamed before laughing maniacally. “Wonderful,” she replied before turning her attention to Posey and Jazz.

“Let it be known that I am fair,” Opaline grinned as her horn glowed and she removed the leashes. “If I were you two, I would run.”

Posey and Jazz gasped and looked at each other. Weakly they scrambled to their hoofs before they hurried away as fast as their weekend bodies could.

Opaline laughed again as she watched the pair go. “Nightmare Shimmer, Lava, Jade, to me.”

Nightmare Shimmer frowned as she walked to Opaline’s side. Lava and Jade meanwhile glided down from where they’d been perched on the castle wall.

“The time is now,” Opaline grinned. “This is where you help me undo the wrongs of the past. The three of you, fly to Starscout’s Brighthouse, you’ll know what to do when you get there.”

“Cause havoc,” Nightmare Shimmer grinned, an evil twinkle in her eye.

“Exactly,” Opaline smiled.

“What about me Opaline?” Peach Fizz asked hopefully.

“You my dear will return to Maretime Bay. Lava will give you a lift,” Opaline smiled. “Gather as many ponies as possible at the Together Tree. Then their powers will be collected that much quicker.”

Peach Fizz grinned as she bowed. “You’ll soon be the rightful ruler of Equestria.”

Opaline gave a huge grin as Lava picked up Peach Fizz. Barely able to contain her excitement she looked at her little group of brainwashed allies. "Go!" she shouted with glee. "Go and make this day mine!"

Lava and Jade both bowed before they took off. Nightmare Shimmer meanwhile walked forward from Opaline and gave a sideways glance over her shoulder. Then, with a smirk, she flared her wings and took to the sky. Opaline watched them go for a moment before turning toward her castle.

Opaline giggled with excitement as she entered her throne room. She looked at the sphere that a short time ago had been Sunset’s prison. Circulating within it, were the two cutie marks of Posey and Jazz.

“This is it,” Opaline giggled. “This is when I rise.”

Her horn flared as she lifted the Dragon Stone from its holder next to her throne. Then, she positioned it between herself and the exposed part of the tree. Barely able to contain her excitement, she fired a beam of energy at the Dragon Stone. It glowed brightly before amplifying the beam and firing it at the tree.

The whole castle shook as the purple glowing within the tree magnified. Opaline placed the Dragon Stone back in it’s holder and let out a long laugh. She knew she only had to wait now.

A short way away, Jazz and Posey were laid on the ground. They were already completely exhausted, even though they hadn't gone far.

"We...we have to warn e...everypony," Jazz panted.

Posey didn’t respond right away, she had her head laid on the ground as she panted. Finally she lifted her head and was about to reply when Jazz squeaked in dismay. Posey turned her head and saw what Jazz had seen, the tree in Opaline’s castle was glowing with a bright purple aura. Veins of purple energy were rippling out from the base of the tree in all directions. Four larger ones rocketing through the ground at great speed.

Jazz gasped as one of these rocketed past them and towards Maretime Bay. "I...I think it’s too late," Jazz sighed.

"If only they hadn't taken our phones," Posey moaned.

The pair could only watch helplessly. Opaline’s plan was well underway.