• Published 18th Mar 2024
  • 340 Views, 103 Comments

Marking the Generations – Part Three - Glimbursts

The third part of Marking the Generations, a reimagining of the later stages of the Make your Mark series. Opaline's plans are kicking into the next gear! Will our heroes rescue Sunset or will her appearance at Opaline’s door turn into a Nightmare?

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Chapter Four – Dip in the Portal

After helping Kendi repack her entire life’s possessions back onto her cart, Hitch and Zipp found nothing else had been stolen and no further evidence. They both arrived back at the Brighthouse, finding all their friends sitting in the living area waiting for them.

“Sorry it took so long,” Hitch sighed.

He walked over to the chair that Sparky was currently napping in. Rubbing the little dragon’s head with his hoof.

“There were no clues then?” Sunny asked.

“Nothing,” Zipp replied. “Nothing at all that would point to a culprit.”

“And there’s still no sign of Sunset,” Hitch added. “Skywalk’s patrols have seen nothing. She even expanded them into the countryside.”

“Maybe we should start a series of search parties?” Sunny asked. “Like when Peach Fizz and Glory were missing.”

“This is different,” Hitch sighed. “Missing foals are a completely different matter to a fully grown mare going missing. Sunset is completely entitled to go off where she likes.”

“But there have been no messages,” Pipp exclaimed. “Even my social media blasts have found nothing.”

“What blasts?” Starlight frowned.

“Messages sent on our phones,” Zipp explained.

“Okay, but Sunset doesn’t have one of those,” Starlight replied. “However, I see what Hitch is saying. He can’t raise the same number of resources as quickly.”

“All we have at the moment is she didn’t say she was going anywhere,” Hitch replied.

“But it’s out of character too,” Pipp argued.

“No, it’s not,” Starlight sighed closing her eyes and shaking her head sorrowfully. “Remember when she got angry and teleported off somewhere.”

“That means she could be in trouble,” Sunny gasped. “Just like she was when she did that.”

“If she doesn’t show up by the end of tomorrow it becomes a whole different ball game,” Hitch explained.

“But we don’t have any balls,” Izzy frowned.

“Couldn’t the robbery and Sunset’s disappearance be linked?” Misty asked.

“Sunset wouldn’t take anything from Kendi,” Sunny argued.

“Oh, I didn’t mean like that,” Misty replied worriedly. “I meant; the same pony that took the items could have taken Sunset.”

“There’d be evidence of a struggle,” Zipp answered. “Sunset would have put up a fight and there’s nothing to show that.”

“Actually, she wouldn’t have just dropped her saddle bag,” Starlight replied resolutely. “It’s all a complete mystery.”

“I know right!” Zipp growled with annoyance. “No witnesses, no evidence of a struggle, items left behind. None of it makes sense and we’re going around and around in circles.”

“I know how we can find her,” Misty said suddenly.

She got up from the chair she’d been sitting on. Taking the key from around her neck she placed it on the coffee table.

“Zipp, you and Izzy found the door that belongs to this key from Runcord,” Misty explained. “He told me that it would take me to wherever I wanted to go.”

The others looked at each other with excitement, however Misty looked down sadly as she continued. “We can go to her and rescue her if that’s what she needs.”

“Why do you sound so sad, Misty?” Hitch asked.

“Because we also need to take Sparky to the Dragon Lands,” Misty replied. “He’s still not well and that’s all my fault. Also, I could…”

She stopped; her ears drooped as she looked down dejectedly.

“What is it, Misty?” Starlight coaxed. “You can tell us.”

“N…No,” Misty sighed. “It’s too selfish. It’s wrong when there are others in need.”

“Misty,” Pipp gasped. “Please tell us, we’re here for you. We won’t judge.”

“Especially as this sounds like something you want for yourself,” Starlight replied. “There’s nothing selfish and wrong with wanting something.”

Misty sighed and looked at the worried expressions on all her friend's faces.

“I could use it to take me to my family,” Misty admitted. “My real family, the one that Opaline took me from. I…I want closure, I want to know who they are. I…I had another dream last night. I think I know what farther looked like.”

“Why not do all three?” Izzy asked.

“Runcord said it’s only going to work once,” Misty explained. “One round trip, that’s what he said.”

“Of course he did,” Starlight muttered.

“Well, let’s go to Bridlewood and head to the door,” Sunny reasoned. “We can decide where we’re going once we get there. All three options are good ones.”

“I agree,” Zipp replied. “Let’s stop asking questions and start getting some answers.”

“Sure, let’s drop Sparky off at Grandma Figgy’s then head there,” Hitch smiled.

“But Hitch, if we go to the Dragon Lands there’ll be no point if Sparky isn’t with us,” Starlight reasoned. “We should take him with us.”

“But I thought we’d be going to find Sunset,” Hitch answered. “Despite the lack of evidence of a struggle, if she’s in trouble and needs rescuing, I don’t want Sparky to be there. It could be dangerous.”

“I know, but I’ve got a feeling that using the key to find Sunset won’t be possible,” Starlight sighed. “No matter what Runcord said about it taking Misty to wherever she wants to go.”

“We could drop Sparky off with Alphabittle if we needed to,” Izzy smiled.

“Who’s Alphabittle?” Misty asked.

“He owns the Crystal Tea Room in Bridlewood,” Izzy responded before looking at Misty in shock. “WAIT MISTY! We didn’t take you to the Crystal Tea Room before! Aaah, we didn’t take Starlight or Sunset there either. That’s a major error of judgment right there!”

It was sometime later that they finally arrived at the Wishing Tree. Izzy had spent the whole trip from Maretime Bay insisting that they all visit the Crystal Tea Room first.

“We could just pop there, have a quick tea and be back here,” Izzy insisted.

“Actually, we probably ought to,” Hitch agreed. “Not for a tea, but to drop Sparky off.”

“We should try the door first,” Starlight answered.

“No, Hitch is right,” Izzy insisted. “Let’s go there now and…”

“Izzy please,” Sunny sighed. “We have no idea what’s happened to Sunset, and she could be in real trouble. We need to try and reach her first.”

“I agree with Sunny,” Misty added. “I know you want me to see all of Bridlewood Izzy and I’m sorry we missed the Tea Room. But there will be time for that later. I’ve decided, trying to get to Sunset should come first.”

“Agreed,” Hitch smiled. “I’m sure we can find another way to the Dragon Lands.”

“And I’ll help you find your family Misty,” Zipp added.

Izzy looked at them blankly, suddenly she shook her head violently. “You’re all right,” she gasped. “What was I thinking? Zipp, show them the door!”

“This way,” Zipp grinned as she led them around the tree.

They followed Zipp and, sure enough, they found a door embedded into the trunk. Just a bit further than when they’d been there previously.

“This was not here before,” Sunny frowned. “I walked all the way around.”

“It was completely covered in vines and undergrowth,” Zipp explained. “I only just spotted it from the air.”

“It took us ages to uncover it,” Izzy added.

“Yeah, I can see that,” Pipp replied as she tried to avoid stepping on brambles that had been left all over the ground.

“Okay, here it goes,” Misty said as she walked towards the door.

She took the key from around her neck. After studying the door for a moment, she spotted a lock in the centre. She looked back at the others unsurely.

“One key, one lock in one door,” Starlight commented.

Misty took a deep breath before placing the key in the lock. “The place I want to go is wherever Sunset Shimmer currently is,” she said.

She tried to turn the key, however it wouldn’t turn.

“Try again Misty,” Sunny suggested.

Misty nodded and removed the key from the lock. She repeated the process again but had the same result. “Why won’t it work?” she grumbled.

“I had a feeling finding Sunset wouldn’t be that easy,” Starlight sighed.

Misty removed the key and turned around to look at the others.

“So, what now?” Pipp asked. “Is it faulty or what?”

“We should try going somewhere else,” Starlight replied. “I…I think it’s not possible to reach Sunset, no matter where she is right now.”

“It could be getting confused,” Zipp theorised. “I mean, Sunset is from the past so there will be…”

She trailed off, the others realising what she was implying.

“I want to take Sparky to the Dragon Lands then,” Misty responded, looking at Hitch. “I want Sparky to be well again.”

“Are you sure Misty?” Hitch answered.

Sparky was riding on Hitch’s back and looked at Misty with worry. It seemed he also didn’t want her to make that sacrifice for him.

“I’m sure, I can’t see any other way to get there,” Misty smiled. “I know this would be an easy way to find my real family. But I’ve also got a great family right here. Also, I’m sure I’ll figure out who my original family are eventually. I mean, I’ve got a great detective for a friend for a start.”

Misty smiled as she turned back to the door, she placed the key in the lock for a third time and closed her eyes.

“The place I want to go is the Dragon Lands,” she said as she turned the key.

This time, there was no resistance. The key turned and suddenly the door burst open to reveal a swirling portal. Misty gasped and took a step back in shock.

“Well, what are we waiting for?” Starlight smiled.

“Are we sure it’s right?” Misty asked. “We can’t see through it.”

“You told it where to go,” Sunny responded. “We probably have to trust it.”

“Trust me,” Starlight smiled. “This is normal for a magical portal.”

Hitch frowned, then looked at Sparky who gave a nod in response. Without a word, Hitch charged forward and jumped through the portal. The others looked at each other before they followed.

Elsewhere, Sunset grunted as she put everything she had into the beam that was firing from her horn. Her eyes were closed as she focused as hard as she could. The beam was glowing bright with concentrated magical energy. If it hit anypony, they would be gravely wounded. However, the sphere appeared to be extremely resilient and was seemingly absorbing the energy.

Sunset cried out as she pushed herself harder, the crimson beam intensifying as a result. Finally, she could feel it, a small hole was starting to open. Sure enough, a thin beam of crimson energy fired from the sphere and impacted the ramp on the other side of the throne room.

However, it was quickly becoming too much for Sunset. Her body was already trembling and was only getting worse. Then, she let out a cry of anguish before the beam abruptly stopped.

Sunset immediately collapsed, panting hard she looked weakly up at where the beam had been impacting the sphere. There was a large black scorch mark, in the middle of which was a small hole. She closed her eyes and tried to teleport, however, her horn just flickered weekly, and she couldn’t cast the spell.

She opened her eyes again, as she realised, she had made an error. As soon as the hole opened, she should have tried to teleport. Not try to make it bigger and cut a way out like she had been doing. Now, she knew she’d need to wait for her magic to recover and Opaline could come back at any moment. Although, she could still see options for her escape attempt working and that gave her hope.

However, Sunset’s eyes widened as she watched the hole slowly seal itself, shattering all her hopes. Slowly, the scorch mark also began to disappear until it vanished completely. The only evidence that was left from all of Sunset’s efforts was a small mark on the ramp.

Sunset closed her eyes as she tried to contain her anguish. Her entire body was screaming at her from all the effort, she knew she’d completely exhausted her reserves of magic. She’d put everything she had into escaping and had come up agonisingly short.

Opaline grinned as she stood just out of sight at the top of the ramp. She’d been watching Sunset’s entire escape attempt and couldn’t be happier at its outcome. It was just what she'd been waiting for. She walked forward and started to descend the ramp, a basket of items levitating beside her.

“So nice of you to prepare yourself for your treatment,” Opaline smiled.

Sunset grunted, she tried to get up to show her defiance but found she couldn’t. Her muscles ached and screamed in protest, and she was forced to remain lying in the bottom of the sphere.

“Oh, don’t get up on my account,” Opaline grinned as she placed the basket next to the pool. “This is going to be so much easier for you now you're nicely worn out.”

“W…what is?” Sunset groaned.

“Your treatment to become my herald of course,” Opaline replied. “I had planned to give this power to Misty, but given she’s abandoned me, you’ll have to do.”

Sunset closed her eyes reminding herself that no matter what happened she would make it back to her time. The evidence that she did so was far too great for her to ignore.

She heard splashes of water and opened her eyes. Opaline was throwing plants and minerals from the basket into the pool. Clearly ingredients for some magical concoction. After each ingredient, Opaline fired a magical blast which caused the water to change colour, working through all the colours of the rainbow.

Then, Opaline fired magic at each of the items she’d placed down around the pool. A series of inscriptions appeared on the floor around each which then led back to the pool. As they connected, spheres appeared around each of the items.

After finishing the last one, she read the book she was using. Then, she fired a final blast of magic at the pool. The water seemed to jump upwards five feet before sloshing back into the pool. It suddenly became an inky black as it rippled expectantly, menacingly, as though it were alive.

Opaline said nothing as she turned to Sunset and smiled wickedly. Her horn flared as she grabbed the sphere with her levitation magic and started to move it towards the pool.

Sunset grunted as she tried to move again. However, she’d long since realised that her escape attempt had played right into Opaline’s hoofs. She could do nothing as Opaline positioned her above the black inky water in the pool.

“Time for you to take a dip,” Opaline smiled wickedly.

Author's Note:

Image by inaactive on deviantart:

Not making a habit of including images here but I feel it's needed for this one. :fluttercry: