• Published 17th Mar 2024
  • 599 Views, 71 Comments

A Heart of Crystal and Glass - Mani-Roar

Cadance loses her memories due to tampering from Queen Chrysalis.

  • ...

Chapter 10

Caves were awful. I decided that I do not want to live in a cave or even visit one for the rest of my life. Though the Crystal mountains may have been gorgeous: a splendor of shining rock faces that sparkled under the sunlight and changed color as the light source, or one's perspective shifted. Inside the cave this phenomenon was perverted. The reflected light dimmed the deeper you went, contorted with a haunting glow. Ghostly shadows were cast on the walls as the light tricked your eyes. Shifting colors were mistaken for moving creatures and monsters. Every flicker made me believe it was a Changeling ready to pounce.

Shining and the soldiers he gathered looked stoic and unaffected by the creepy, shifting shadows. It took him all night before he managed to find thirteen royal guards to accompany us on the rescue mission. Although it pained me to do it, we decided it was best to rest for the night and head out first thing in the morning. I hoped Flash would forgive us when we found him. If we found him. We knew the Changelings outnumbered us in this cave. With our forces stretched thin across the kingdom, we were vulnerable and over extended at all times. Especially when waltzing into their territory.

I walked next to Shining Armor as the group of us paced in close order. The cave was rather large, yet still cramped with everyone marching side by side. The only sounds I heard were my own breath and the soldier's metal armor clanging with each step. Not very stealthy. But I’d rather the soldiers have their armor than go without. The deeper we got into the cave, the quieter our surroundings were. All the little noises we made sounded louder in the thin mountain cave air. I had to take longer breaths just to feel like my lungs were full. Each one filled my senses with the smell and taste of the dry yet rich minerals.

Shining held up his right hoof and all the guards stopped in sync. I stopped a step or two after and had to shrink back into my old position. I tried to hide my embarrassment from my delayed reaction. Fortunately, no one gave me a look of blame for being untrained. That didn’t mean they weren't thinking it though.

“What is it?” I tried to whisper, but my own voice rang too loud in my ears. I never realized how deafening the quiet could be.

Shining shook his head, signaling with his raised hoof that we should just wait. I felt stupid for speaking up. Possibly giving our position away. Did they know we were here? Were they even still here at all? Maybe they moved after Flash got the scrying spell off. What if they did move and we could never find Flash?

I didn't get much time to dwell on that as Shining pointed his hoof down the cave. He signaled again and everyone dropped to the dusty cave floor. The soldiers managed to fall prone immediately. I dropped a second or so after them. We all laid in relative silence as Shining and our guards held their weapons at the ready. A Changeling walked into view. Barely visible in the warped cave lighting. Its black skin was perfect for hiding in the depths of a cave like this. Unlike Shining in his snow white fur, or my loud pink Princess butt. Despite our lack of camouflage, it failed to notice us as it turned the corner, revealing itself first. As soon as its head turned our direction, it came to a halt.

Shining didn’t wait for it to move first. He leaped up and thrust his spear forward in one swift, well practiced movement.

I wished I could unsee what I witnessed next. I could barely make out the movements, and yet I saw it clear as day as my mind filled in all the horrible details. Shining’s spear found its target, piercing through the hapless Changeling who cried out in a shrieking hiss. The sound he made. The sight of his wound. The limpness of his form as he hit the ground, never to get up again. These pervasive images lingered in my head.

I had never seen combat before. Had Cadance seen combat? Had I fought before? Did my missing memories carry moments as awful as what I saw? Shining had drawn first blood in our war against the Changelings.

First blood? No. They had attacked us first. I had been taken against my will. The poor ponies of those towns had been assaulted. The Changelings may not have killed us yet, but their hooves were not clean. We didn't bring this fight on ourselves. They came for us first. We had no choice but to survive. I told myself that as I stared at the motionless body of the Changeling on the crystal cave floor.

“Move!” Shining commanded and I finally reacted as fast as the soldiers did. I wanted to be anywhere else except where this body was.

The cave hallway curved a bit before opening up into a wider chamber. I saw a raised platform with two slabs for a pony to lay down, like a doctor's office. Next to each slab was a crystal tower with a giant orb sitting on top. One of the orbs was split in half. It was the first artificial construction we had come across.

“What is this place?” I asked. Seemingly in response to my question, the cave walls began to shake. I felt the rumbling in my hooves first, then I heard the hissing. It was just like the Changeling from the hall, except this was a chorus of what sounded like giant insects. I didn’t know how many Changelings were coming. Only that they were enraged, and loud enough to overload my senses. I could feel their collective essences. So much hatred, anger, and fear.


Yes, they were afraid. Any creature, no matter how hideous, feared going into battle. My own fear gripped me as Shining placed his hoof on my shoulder.

“Stay behind me.” He ordered, trying to push me back with his hoof. I stood my ground, refusing to move from his side. I appreciated his concern, but didn't like being corralled. He gave up and gripped his spear instead. The other soldiers held their own spears at the ready. We had four pegasi with us who took to the air. The room was large, however flying would still be a challenge. I decided to remain on the floor for now. Flying might be my only way out of here, should this mission fail horribly. Shining made me promise to fly away if things got bad. I was fuming mad at the idea, but agreed because he looked at me with such tenderness that my heart broke. Only one monarch should die, not both.

The Changelings flooded Into the room. Some from the ground, others gripping the walls and ceiling as they all scurried in. Their semi transparent wings buzzing, adding to the wet hissing they spewed. There were far too many of them. No amount of combat skill would matter if their massive numbers overwhelmed us. I wanted to use my magic, but what would I cast? Could I cast a big enough shield in time to cover everyone? Perhaps I could cover myself and Shining. Or maybe just myself.

A pink layer enveloped my vision, creating a tinted sphere that colored everything outside of it in a magenta haze. It wasn’t my magic. My magic was blue. Pink must have been-

I looked over at Shining Armor. His horn glowed bright with the same color as my eyes. He had shielded our entire team just as I had meant to. For him, there was no delay in visualizing what he wanted and acting on it in battle. When the Changelings tried to attack us, they bounced harmlessly, and comically, off of Shining’s shield. Over and over they rammed their bodies into the shield. None of them held a weapon in their hooves. Their asymmetric fangs and jagged hoof ends were the only weapons they used. I was sure any royal guard would defeat any single Changeling, but what would they do against ten? A hundred? A thousand? Their numbers were their greatest weapon. My ears filled with the constant percussive smacking of Changelings against the shield.

“Attack!” Shining ordered. “The shield won’t hold forever.” With a short shout of affirmation, Shining’s soldiers rushed to the edge of the sphere and thrust their spears into the charging Changelings. One after another, a Changeling met its doom trying to penetrate Shining’s massive shield. It was horrific to witness as Changelings would charge forward, only to meet the sharp end of a weapon.

Yet they kept coming. There were too many to stop all of them. Victims piled up at the base of the shield, but their numbers never seemed to dwindle. Perhaps they were being replaced. I watched as Shining Armor stabbed another attacker. He had to focus on his weapon, and maintaining the shield. I could see the fatigue in his eyes as sweat dripped down his cheek.

I had to help. I had to do something to contribute. If Shining’s and his soldiers were overrun, I’d be forced to flee per my promise to Shining. But against such numbers, fleeing might not be an option anymore. I didn’t want to think about dying here in a deep dark cave, like the many Changelings who littered the floor. A horrible thought invaded my head: What if they took me prisoner again? Last time my memories were stolen from me. What sort of awful torture had I endured at the end of those dead memories? Perhaps I’d prefer to lay on the floor next to them after all.

Warmth drew to the front of my forehead as the light of my magic glowed in my face. I cast a beam at the nearest charging Changeling. It went wide of my target. I cast another one, and the Changeling swooped below it. I fired in rapid succession to very little success. The trained soldiers made it look so easy.

“My Lord!” One of the soldiers shouted at Shining, drawing my eyes back to him. Shining was keeling over, his magic sputtering and on the verge of failure. The Changeling’s endless assault added so much stress to him maintaining the shield. The unicorns among us activated their own magic, supporting his shield. Their combined effort reinvigorated our protection as the colors of their magic mixed with his.

How long had the battle gone on? Minutes? It felt like hours. We grew tired as the Changelings remained fresh. Their dead and tired were replaced as our dead tired troops stayed on their hooves. Our shield shrank little by little, forcing us to close ranks. We ended up back to back and shoulder to shoulder with each other. The shield cracked and sputtered. Our pegasi could no longer fly. Our cramped conditions worsened by the sight of a black wave of Changelings all around us.

The shield fizzled out and failed for the final time. I felt Shining drop to his knees. The other unicorns looked equally exhausted. I watched as the Changelings rushed towards us uninhibited by any barrier. Their hiss grew louder. Something about their cry sounded triumphant. A sinister smile in their snake-like shout. They were upon us. Nothing could stop their slimy hole filled hooves. Their crooked fangs bared as their wings vibrated.

I cried out, closing my eyes as I summoned all the magic I could muster. I felt a wave blast out from inside me. When I opened my eyes, the Changelings were scattered across the room. They had been knocked back by my desperate blast. I watched as they struggled to stand back up. They were stunned, but largely unharmed. I had bought us a little bit of time.

“Cast the shield again!” I looked down at Shining Armor, who’s knees shook as he failed to stand up. He looked as if his armor was too heavy for him to wear. I turned my head to the unicorns in our party.

“Help him!” I commanded. “Cast your shields again. Do something!” Even as I said it, I could see how spent they looked.

“My Lady.” A unicorn guard bowed his head to me. He breathed heavily as his horn flickered like a young filly trying to learn her first spell. “We are trying, we…” It was too much. I was asking too much and offering so little. If I could bark orders, I could do something more productive. The earth ponies and pegasi guards gathered around Shining and myself, trying to shield us from the Changelings with their bodies. I called on my own magic. I was tired, but what did that matter? I would not be taken again. I would not let their effort be in vain. I was a Princess. I could not fail them now.

My blue magic bloomed from my horn. A modest shield barely encompassed our rag tag group of soldiers. I focused all my thoughts on my essence. I had to continue the shield, and fight at the same time. I had to be like Shining Armor. The Changelings were recovering and walking up to my shield. Their hisses sounded hungry as they postured in front of us. I could see drool dripping from the mouths of the ones closest to us.

“That’s enough!” A Changeling stepped in front and faced the rest of them. “Hold your position.” He commanded and turned to face me. “It’s over…” He stared into my eyes. There was no greed or hunger in his eyes. All I could see and sense from him was sadness.

“...Princess.” He finally said. “Surrender. You’ve lost. There’s no need for anymore fighting.”

I held my ground and kept my eyes focused on the Changeling who spoke. “We will not surrender.”

He glared back. “Your magic weakens. I dare say you had seconds before my horde tore through your defenses. Your poor husband is already on his knees.”

“Where is Flash Sentry?” Shining demanded as he labored to stand, probably fueled on anger alone.

“You’re in no condition to demand anything from us.” The Changeling didn’t look any different from the rest of them. He was not taller or more distinct in any way, yet they waited and allowed him to speak for them.

“I’m not done fighting yet!” Shining yelled, defiantly standing up to his full height.

“Yes you are.” The Changeling said with a nod towards our panting troops. There was no arrogant malice in his tone. This Changeling was nothing like the one who impersonated Flash. “You and your soldiers are completely exhausted. Please, surrender now and we won’t hurt you.”

“Why should we believe a word you say?” Shining argued.

He had genuine compassion in his blue gradient eyes. “We’ve lost enough lives. On both sides. This is not a fight you will win. I’m giving you the chance to surrender, please. No more fighting.”

“I will never-” Shining began, but I interrupted.

“Who did you send to replace Flash Sentry?” I called out. The Changeling turned to me.


“Your plan to impersonate Flash failed. Horribly. So, I’m asking, who did you send? Must’ve been someone important for such a critical mission.” I added a bit of nonchalance sass to hopefully get a reaction from him.

It worked, the Changeling's eyes flew wide in fear before he could control himself and hastily narrowed them again.

“W-what does that matter?” He said unconvincingly.

“We have him captured.” I said with an eerie calmness, pausing to see how the Changeling would react.

“They won’t care about him.” Shining said, spitting on the ground. He was breathing heavily. “They’re mindless monsters that only care about feeding their insatiable appetite for stolen love.” His teeth gritted as he spoke.

“Y-you heard him.” The Changeling said, trying to sound tough. This child wasn’t fooling me. That’s all he was. A child. Hardly a monster at all. “Surrender and I’ll spare your pathetic lives.” His eyes didn’t match his words. He was unable to look away from me since we started talking. I decided to go with my gut feeling.

“If you want to see him again, you’ll let us go.” I said and he and Shining looked at me perplexed.

“I…” He froze. “Why would I…?”

“What’s your name?” I asked him and I swear I saw him start to tear up.

“I’m Thorax.” He said as his cheeks blushed. It looked maroon against his black skin.

“Why are you-?” Shining began.

“Shining!” I glared at Shining and he relented. He just sighed and focused on catching his breath. I needed him to trust me now.

“Thorax, if you comply with us…”

“Did you harm him? Torture?” Thorax cut me off. His gaze was drawn to the Changelings that laid dead on the cave floor. “Why didn’t you kill him as easily as you did them?”

“Are you and him close? Like family?” I deflected his questions.

“All members of the hive are family. That’s how a hive works.” He narrowed his eyes.

“But, you two were close, weren’t you?” I asked and his eye twitched. “You were direct family. Like the same batch.”

“Batch?” He raised what constituted an eyebrow on his greasy forehead.

“You know what I mean.” I rolled my eyes. “Sorry, I’m not familiar with your terms and genealogy.”

“He is my brother.” Thorax held out his chest, trying to look strong. Part of his bravado reminded me of Shining Armor. “We are from the same litter.” He emphasized the proper term.

Shining recovered enough to stand tall once more. As if reading my mind, he took over the conversation. “Well, if you ever want to see your brother alive again…” Shining stepped forward glaring at Thorax. “You will do exactly as I say, Changeling.”

Thorax said nothing as Shining stared him down.

“Release Flash Sentry, and anypony else you have captured, and let us all leave together. Then we will bring your brother back unharmed. Assuming I’m still in a good mood.” Shining did not sound like he was in a good mood.

“You would have me trade so many for just one Changeling?” Thorax glanced at his fallen again. “After coming here and killing my brethren in front of me?”

“What is your brother’s name?” I asked. I felt guilty manipulating this child, but what choice did we have?

“His name is Pharynx.”

“Pharynx is very brave.” I said generously. “He’s strong but has a sharp tongue.”

“Yeah, I’m sure he said plenty of awful things to you when you captured him.” Thorax looked embarrassed as concern washed over his face. “Did… did you hurt him when you beat… when you took him prisoner.”

“Heh…” Shining chuckled and Thorax’s head dropped.

“No more than necessary.” I assured him. “He’s safe and well taken care of.”

“He wouldn’t do the same for you.” Thorax shook his head.

“I know. Which is why we are having this conversation. I want a different outcome for all of us. An even exchange. Your prisoners for ours.”

We looked at each other for what felt like a long time. Finally, Thorax spoke up.

“Alright.” His voice was soft and full of defeat. “You can leave, everyone can leave just…” I could hear the other Changelings hiss with discontent. “Bring my brother back to me.”

“You’re pretty trusting for a Changeling.” Shining sneered at him. No hint of relief or gratitude on his face. Thorax glared back at Shining, probably trying to think of something biting to say back.

With a quick gesture over his shoulder, Thorax beckoned the other Changelings to bring Flash Sentry forward. The poor soul looked more embarrassed than physically harmed. He gave a silent nod to me, but ducked his head and couldn’t look Shining Armor in the eye. He joined our meager ranks in solemn silence. One by one the rest of our captures guards walked into view and joined our ranks.

I glanced at Shining, who was already turning and making ready to leave.

“Wait, as a show of good faith, one of you must stay behind.” Thorax pointed to Shining. “That way I know you’ll actually return with Pharynx alive and well.”

“I’ll stay.” I instantly volunteered. I have no idea what possessed me, it just seemed right. Even if not strategically sound.

“Absolutely not!” Shining shouted. “We can’t risk…”

“I’m staying.” I interrupted him.

“One of our guards will assume the duty.” Shining shook his head. “I won’t allow-”

“Do not tell me what I may and may not do!” I cut him off as my blood boiled inside me. His hurt expression made me regret my harshness.

“If any harm comes to her…” The softness of Shining’s voice sent a chill down my spine. “There is no army in Equestria that will stop what I will do to you.” He furrowed his brow at Thorax.

“Same goes for you and my brother.” The meek Changeling said, equally calm.

“When I return, meet us at the entrance of the cave.” Shining ignored Thorax’s threat. “I never want to enter this wicked place ever again.” He made it seem like it was pure distaste, but it was also a strategy. Thorax had the forces to keep us trapped in here. It only made sense to not risk coming back inside for the prisoner exchange.

“Very well.” Thorax nodded. “P-princess Cadance and I will meet you at the entrance alone.”

Shining shot me one last troubled look, pleading with me to leave with him. I smiled back and sat on the dusty floor, staring up at the raised platform with the makeshift slabs.

“I’m coming back for you. I promise, Cadence.”

I waved him away. “I’ll be okay. Just, don’t be long, alright?”

Shining nodded, turned and practically snarled at Thorax. “Remember what I said.”

To Thorax’s credit, he said nothing back. Only turned to speak quietly to the other Changelings around him.

Shining relayed his exit orders to the remaining soldiers, and in a moment they were gone.


Author's Note:

Best song to pair with this chapter:

Neu KatalYst - Troglofauna [Drum & Bass]

Was the tone shift jarring or was it foreshadowed well enough? Let me know in the comments Sugar Cube :ajsmug: