• Published 17th Mar 2024
  • 599 Views, 71 Comments

A Heart of Crystal and Glass - Mani-Roar

Cadance loses her memories due to tampering from Queen Chrysalis.

  • ...

Chapter 5

“What did you say to me, Captain?” Shining Armor demanded of the yellow pegasi guard in gilded armor.

I should have expected a bunch of burly colts to be unable to play nice with each other.

“I said, your blatant disregard for protocol is unacceptable!” The Captain shouted back at Shining Armor.

It was easy for the three of us to find them in the middle of town. All we had to do was follow the shouting.

“You’re out of line, Captain. I’m trying to keep this Kingdom safe from Changelings, and all you can do is shout protocol at me.”

Twilight watched in horror as her brother and the Captain had their screaming match. Rain Flower stood in stunned silence.

“With all due respect, sir.” The Captain flared his nostrils upwards. He was a hair shorter than Shining, as Shining was tall even for a stallion. “Bringing the entire royal party alone into an active combat zone, is hardly what I’d call ‘keeping the Kingdom safe.’”

“Look around.” Shining gestured to the silent and almost empty town. The four of us and the twenty or so mixed guards occupied the town square. “There’s no combat here.”

“You didn’t know that until you got here.”

“I had to do something. Time was of the essence.”

“Sir, you’re not a Captain of the guard anymore.”

Their back and forth paused as Shining looked taken aback. The other guards did their best to stand at attention and maintain decorum. I could see the uncomfortable looks on their faces.

“What is that supposed to mean?” Shining’s expression darkened and his voice got quiet.

“It means you’re a head of state now. You don’t get to gamble with your life so that you can relive your glory days.”

“It’s not like that at all.”

“What if there was combat, sir?” The Captain let the dead air sit for a moment. “What if we lost both of our rulers and a Princess of Equestria all at once. We can’t afford to lose you. And as Captain of the royal guard, it’s my job to make sure we never lose a Prince or Princess.”

Shining glanced over at Twilight, who was completely beside herself. Rain Flower looked like she wanted to be invisible. This was probably not how she expected royals to behave. Neither did I.

“Lose a Princess of Equestria huh?” Shining drew his gaze back to the Captain, noticing he was looking directly at Twilight. “Were you hoping to play the role of her rescuer?”

The Captain’s face turned bright red.

“Sir-” He began to rebut before Twilight jumped in.

“Shining, stop it!” She marched up to her brother and got in his face. Forcing the Captain to back off for a moment. “This is childish. Flash Sentry is only trying to do his job.” She pointed her hoof at her brother. “You of all ponies should know what that’s like for him.”

Shining stood with his mouth open. He stared mute at his sister.

“Thank you, Princess Twi-” Flash Sentry began but she cut him off again.

“And you!” She turned around on him. I couldn’t see her expression from behind her, but Captain Flash took a step back. “Do I have to remind you that Shining Armor is your leader and superior? Your opinion is valid, but please refrain from arguing like a bunch of cadets.”

Flash stammered, unable to string together a thought out loud. His face looked like a child being scolded by his mother.

“That being said… everything Flash Sentry said is absolutely correct.” Twilight turned back to face her brother. Her anger had evaporated as she looked down her nose at her own brother. “We acted rashly and let our personal feelings get in the way of our duty.” She stepped back so that she could address both of them at once.

“It won’t happen again.” She nodded at Flash. “As I’m sure your tone will be more respectful from now on, right Fla- Captain?” She corrected herself. A small chink in her otherwise regal royal armor.

“Yes, Princess. I apologize.” Flash cleared his throat, looking down at the gravel and stone pathway of the town square.

I was honestly too dumbfounded to add to the conversation. So instead I opted for a sassy comment to lighten the mood.

“He’s cute.” I whispered to Twilight. To which she blushed a similar shade of red to match Flash. Shining must have heard me because he laughed out loud. The laugh was warm. I felt a slight tingle go down my spine.

“Cadance!” Twilight glared at me with nostrils flared. Which only drove my teasing smile wider. I wanted to poke fun at her again. However, in the corner of my eye, I noticed Rain Flower watching the whole scene unfold with wide and curious eyes.

Clearing my throat, I switched gears and attempted to act like the royalty I was. “I swear it’s not usually like this. We usually behave like mature adults.” I said to her. Yet, how would I even know that? I essentially was born today. Or, at least, only had memories of today. It was my turn to flush a bit, as I felt the warmth on my cheeks.

“Oh!” Rain Flower looked startled, like she had been caught peeking. She bowed her head again, careful not to aggravate her shoulder. “It is not my place to judge the affairs of royals and noble captains.” A long pause followed her unfortunate choice of words. Twilight looked like she wanted to bury her head in the sand as she covered her down right maroon face with her hoof.

“Uh…” Rain Flower cleared her throat, hoping to clear the air as well. “What I meant by that was…” She closed her eyes and sighed. By the time she opened them, her demeanor had changed. She stared right at me with a solid purpose in her eyes, ready to change the subject. “My Lady, I can’t help but think that, since the Changelings can alter their appearance at will, I fear that the danger may not have passed yet.”

Shining and Flash stiffened their posture and regarded Rain Flower simultaneously. I could almost watch the wheels turning in their heads.

“There could be Changelings among us.” Flash glared intently at Shining who narrowed his eyes right back at Flash.

Rain Flower looked from pony to pony, suspicion dripped from her brow. Just when I thought Shining and Flash were going to accuse each other of being Changelings and fight, Flash nodded to Shining. The latter activated his magic and a magenta haze covered Flash from head to hoof. I almost jumped in the way to stop Shining from attacking his captain of the guard with whatever strange magic this was.

Fortunately, I hesitated as the flashing color simply scanned Flash for a few seconds and stopped.

“My Prince, was that…?” Rain Flower began as Shining gave her a charming side smile. I hid the fact that him smiling at her like that bothered me.

“A Changeling detection spell.” He nodded proudly. “Thank you for reminding me. We do have protocols for these situations to be followed.”

Rain Flower blushed as she curtseyed to her Prince. My husband.

“Oh, so now you’re worried about protocol?” Flash raised an eyebrow. Shining snapped his head back to the Captain, looking like he wanted to throttle him. Other than that, he didn’t react to Flash’s comment.

“You’re clear, Captain.” Shining turned his back to Flash, which I assumed was a show of dominance. Not that the Captain would attack his Prince, but leaving his back exposed sent the message that Flash presented no threat. Which Flash all but confirmed with the scorned burn in his gaze as Shining strolled regally over to Rain Flower.

“As you just saw, ma’am, it’s a very quick and painless spell.” He told her as he held out his hoof. “May I?” He asked, looking like he would bow and take her hoof as if it were a dance at a royal ball. I couldn’t stop myself from rolling my eyes.

“Of course, my Lord.” She declined her head, submitting to his will. Seconds later, the touch of his magic caressed her body in a magenta light screen.

“Clear.” Shining said as he faced me now. My heart swelled into my throat and promptly dropped down to my stomach. His eyes were tender and his expression caring. His handsome mug looked into the face of his lover. Yet, there was something else there as well. A tinge of doubt as he observed my figure. A terrifying “what if?” darkened his brow as he stepped toward me.

The doubt seeped into my thoughts as well. I had no memory of myself or my life. What if I was one of them? A Changeling. A false sleeper agent waiting to be activated. What if this magic exposed me for who I truly was, breaking the illusion forever?

I held my breath as he stood before me. He was taller by just a few inches. I must have been wearing my thoughts on my face because he suddenly smiled. A smile that I was grateful for. It eased my panic a tiny bit.

“May I?” His voice was low as a whisper and smooth as caramel. That lovely tone reserved only for me. The town and crowd around me faded away, and only Shining Armor stood in my world with me. I was stunned in place, unable to move or run.

Run? Where would I go? I was afraid, but I didn’t want to run. I wanted to stay here with him, regardless of the outcome. If I was false, a stranger, let it be known here and now. Maybe that would finally explain things.

“Do it.” I closed my eyes, taking in a shaking breath. A moment later I felt the warmth of his magic over me. My breath failed. My heart stopped. I expected to hear screams, gasps, terror all around me. All I heard was,


I opened my eyes to see his loving gaze beaming in my direction, as if he was looking at me truly for the first time since I woke up.

“Don’t act too happy about it.” I found myself muttering. He chuckled and shook his head.

“Don’t tell me what to do.” He winked and moved on to Twilight.

I was allowed to breathe again.

Cadance. My name is Cadance. I told myself for the first time. This was my home. These were my ponies. And he was my…

One step at a time.


“Ow!” I cried as Pell found another knot in my mane. A quick flick of her wrist and the knot was broken.

“Hold still and it will hurt less.” Everytime she found a knot, it felt like my hair was going to be pulled out with the brush. We were sitting in yet another new room that I hadn’t seen before. I assumed the bathing area and the main dressing room were, well… all of the bathing and dressing areas. I was sorely mistaken. This castle had rooms upon rooms and multiple duplicates of each kind. If there were visiting dignitaries from other nations, (and they all hated each other) they could easily be pampered in luxury without ever having to see each other.

“Hurt less?” I winced as I said it. “How about not at all?”

“Such is life, my lady.” She gave me a wry look through the mirror as she groomed my mane. I swear she enjoyed finding knots.

I hadn’t been back from that rural farm village for ten minutes before Pell found me, gasped at the state of my mane and fur, and insisted on grooming me back to “Princess Perfect” as she said.

After Shining Armor and Twilight went through everypony in the town scanning for Changelings, they scanned each other. Then they taught every unicorn guard how to do the spell. Shining had said regular check points may be necessary if the threat increased or came closer to the Capital.

I sighed as the sobering scene replayed in my head. The horror those ponies must have felt when they saw the Changelings coming for them. Sheer panic, running, screaming and then…


Not death, but something arguably worse. The inability to feel anything at all. Was it only love that was stolen, or was it any heightened emotion? Could you feel at all while drained? That stallion Harvest looked like an empty husk. I would have to ask Twilight about the details and long term effects. Maybe I could also ask Harvest about it once he recovered. It was fortunate that he would recover. Without love or feelings, life couldn’t be worth living.

Pell must have noticed my change in mood. She smiled warmly at me through the mirror. I could almost hear her thoughts. I was free to talk about what was bothering me, but I didn’t have to.

“How are things with you and Prince Shining Armor?” She offered a new conversation topic. “Don’t fret too much on what once was. These things do take time, but I hope that at least…” My cheeks were already bright red when I interrupted her.

“Why do the Changelings have to feed?” I was absolutely not continuing that other conversation topic.

Pell stopped moving the brush mid stroke. She looked taken aback from her reflection.

“They must feed to survive…” She began as I interrupted her again, not caring about manes or manners much at the moment.

“I know they do, but why?” I let the question fill the quiet room for a moment. My voice echoed off of priceless crystal vases and art pieces that decorated this vanity area. “Why does such a creature exist? It seems too sick and cruel for both the victims and for them.”

Pell breathed a heavy sigh as she reloaded for another brush stroke.

“Far be it for me to understand the machinations of the creator of all existence.” She led the brush over my tri-colored hair, finally gently this time.

“Were they always this way?”

“As far as proper recorded history is concerned, yes.”

I raised my eyebrow. She explained before I could ask a follow up question.

“History is full of battles and conflicts between the Changelings and the Empire. Before our return to this realm. Before King Sombra put us to sleep for a thousand years. Before Equestria was founded. They were always our enemy. A group of dark beings who were only sustained on feeding off of happier, more joyful souls.”

My eyes went glossy as I took in Pell in a new light. Twilight had told me that the Crystal Empire returned very recently from a thousand years of slumber. That meant that Pell and all the Crystal Ponies were ancient. Beings from a time long lost to history and legend alike. She was wise and gave me good council, but she didn’t look that old. I suppose none of them aged or had any memory of the time during their long rest.

Pell seemed to read my thoughts through the mirror.

“Not bad for a thousand plus years, wouldn’t you say, my lady?” She cocked her hip out to the side and gestured to her figure. I couldn’t help but giggle.

“A thousand and how many years exactly?” My own grin grew devious.

“Watch it.” Her eyes warned me from her reflection.

“Is there nothing we know about them except war and their magic?”

Pell nodded with recognition, remembering what she was about to say before.

“That's all history has to say about them.” She drew the brush smoothly through the end of my hair. The knots and split ends seemed to be yielding to her at last. “Although, there are stories.”

“Stories?” My curiosity was as peaked as my teased mane.

“Legends. Myths. Stories we tell children to make them behave and go to bed on time, lest the Changelings come and gobble them up.” Pell bunched some tufts of my mane into a ball as if a monster were eating it. I couldn't help but giggle like a foal.

“Well if they’re just old pony’s tales, then I guess it doesn’t ma-”

It was her turn to interrupt me, as she quickly brushed out the mess she just made.

“Do not underestimate the value of a good myth, my lady.” Her expression was a bit serious for someone discussing children’s stories. “Myths may not always be true to history, but they tell us a great deal about the past all the same. They tell us who we are and what we were once like. What we believe and what we value.”

I didn’t have a response so I just nodded in my cushioned seat with my hair all over the place.

“How do the stories go?”

“It is said that long ago, the Crystal Ponies lived in harmony with the Changelings.” She set the prickly brush down and grabbed a much tamer looking comb. “They shared these lands. From the peaks of the Crystal Mountains, down to the dual rivers that flow into the ocean, and all the rich farmland in between.” She pulled the comb down my scalp, slowly bringing my hair back into its original smooth and flowing shape. “The Crystal Ponies were a reserved and suspicious people. They mistrusted all other creatures and preferred to dwell in the mountains that bore their name; only coming down to the valleys and meadows for necessities like food and water.

“The Changelings were a jovial and outspoken folk. They were full of love and laughter and wanted for nothing, except to spread their love to any creature they met. However, the Crystal Ponies were naturally suspicious of them. Shunning their love and retreating to their caves. Alone, cold, and empty. In order to gain the Crystal Pony's trust, they decided to make them a gift. A relic that would help keep the Crystal Ponies warm and spread around what little love they had for each other. The Changelings gathered all the rare and unique crystals they could find and forged them into a single form. A heart that they imbued with all the love and good will they could muster.”

“The Crystal Heart!” I chimed in like a child hearing the tale for the first time.

“Indeed.” She smiled. “Now the Crystal Ponies were cautious, but they still accepted the Changeling’s token of friendship. Which turned out to be much more than a pretty decoration. The heart could absorb love and then give it back in greater quantities. It could generate light and warmth in addition to warming the hearts of those who lived near it.”

“That’s why the Crystal Heart is used as a power source. Twilight told me that it powers the entire Capital.” My ears perked up, twitching just a little bit in excitement.

“You see?” Pell rubbed my shoulder with her free hoof. “Myths are not all fiction. There’s always a bit of truth at the heart of the story.”

I rolled my eyes at her pun as she continued.

“The aloof Crystal Ponies quickly learned that the more love that was stored in the heart, the greater their power and prosperity was. Grateful for the gift, they opened their homes and their hearts at last to the Changelings. In turn, the Changelings convinced the ponies to come down from the mountain and live among the rich lands and explore the world at large. It was a beautiful union of species as the Changelings could embody love magic, and the Crystal Ponies could store and amplify it using the Crystal Heart.”

Pell’s smile faded slightly.

“This story doesn’t have a happy ending does it?” I said and Pell shook her head.

“No, my lady, it does not.” She gazed curiously at my reflection. “Or perhaps, the story simply hasn’t ended yet.”

‘What do you mean?” I asked, but she just continued the story.

“After many eons of peace, love, and prosperity, a demon king was born. Sombra the cold King of the Crystal Mountains. Some say he’s a Crystal Pony himself. Others speculate he’s something else altogether. Sombra had terrible and powerful magic. Magic that could corrupt and ruin anything he wished. He used his magic like a plague. Spreading negativity and ruin. He turned his ambitions towards obtaining the Crystal Heart, thinking it would amplify his magic and spread his influence further. Fortunately, the Crystal Capital was a well guarded city. For the Crystal Ponies, although much happier now, were still a cautious people. Slow to trust new comers. Especially a supposed dark King. They wouldn’t allow him into the city. Sombra instead went to the Changeling tribe leaders. He bullied and demanded that they bring him the Crystal Heart so that he may corrupt it and add it to his power. When they refused to betray their friends, he cursed them. His corruption magic ripped through the kind and gentle Changelings, turning them into something twisted and evil.

“No longer did they give love magic. They took it instead. Sombra used them to invade the Crystal Capital, stealing the very love magic that they had given the Crystal Ponies eons ago. Even corrupted, they didn’t want to feed on their friends. But the hunger consumed them, tore at them so hard they had no choice but to feed or starve. After a great battle, the Crystal Ponies managed to repel Sombra’s force of love thieves. Only after much of the Capital had been ravaged, mind you. They rebuilt and bolstered their defenses. Once again becoming a secluded people for their own safety. Sombra swore to return and have his vengeance. Forcing the Crystal Ponies to remain constantly vigilant and frequently repel attacks from the now corrupted Changelings. Their old friends.”

“The Changelings, it wasn’t their fault.” I concluded. Pell didn’t say anything else for a moment.

“How do you like your mane, my lady?” She perked up once again. I had lost track of her progress on my hair. It looked gorgeous and glowing once again. Pell was a miracle worker. She could make a sewer rat look like royalty.

“It’s perfect.” I turned my head to see her real face, not the reflection. “Princess Perfect.” I smiled.

“That’s all I needed to hear.” She turned quickly to put her grooming tools away, trying to hide the beaming pride written all over her face. “Would you like to retire to the lounge or your bedroom this evening.”

My face plummeted as a nervous thought entered my head. Pell read my mind when she said,

“I have prepared separate rooms for you and Shining Armor. Only a handful of servants are aware of the temporary separation.”

I sighed a little too hard as my shoulders slumped forward and my hoof crossed my heart in relief.

“You make it sound like a divorce.” I straightened up, observing my hair in the mirror.

“Only if you wish it to be, my lady.” Her face stayed even as my eyes widened. “As I said, temporary.”

“I-” I wasn’t sure what I wanted. “I just don’t want to do anything rash.” I looked down at my lap. My legs were crossed, sitting on a red heart shaped pillow

“That’s very wise.” She said as I fiddled with the tassels on the pillow.

“What if we did get divorced?” I asked the pillow and Pell answered.

“Nothing would make me sadder, my lady.”

I believed her instantly. It would make me sad too. I could admit that much to myself.

“What if I fall in love with him?”

“Nothing would make me happier.”

I looked up from the pillow to see her calm, warm expression.

“Although,” She met my gaze as the side of her mouth curled upward. “I’m not the one who has to divorce or marry anypony. You have to do what you want to do.”

“What if I don’t know what I want?”

She looked up at the ceiling for a moment, rubbing her chin with her hoof. She moved away from the mirror and sat down behind me on one of the cozy crystal love seats with bright fluffy red padding. I spun around in my pillow to face her. This room was incredibly red. As if the interior designer expected this to be the place where ponies discussed romance. Or performed it. I bit my bottom lip at that thought. Pell didn’t seem to notice.

“What do you think of Shining Armor?” She repeated her question from earlier. I was finally ready to answer it like an adult.

“He’s fine.” I said curt and she raised an eyebrow at me.

“Fine?” She asked, tilting her head and widening her grin.

“He’s great.” I threw my hooves up exasperated. “He’s wonderful. Handsome. Kind. Strong. Devoted. A picture perfect Prince. Any mare would be lucky to have him. I’m sure they’d line up outside the castle if he was available. But…” I paused, running out of words for how it felt. Suddenly I sounded like a spoiled brat turning down her dream husband. Why didn’t it feel that way?

“But, you don’t want to be forced into it. Even if it’s a good deal.” She finished my thoughts.

“Exactly.” I sighed, looking around this great vanity room. Just one of many palace rooms dripping with luxury that was mine. All of it mine. “I guess I’m just too selfish.”

“It’s not selfish, my lady.” Her grin faded as she shook her head. “Love must come naturally. It can take time.”

“What if it never comes?”

“Then so be it.”

I scoffed out loud.

“You said you didn’t want to do anything rash.” Pell pointed her hoof at me, her back fully lounged in the comfy chair. A well deserved rest for all her hard work. “I would rather my Prince and Princess have a friendship with mutual respect, than see a forced romance that both of you will regret.”

I opened my mouth to speak, but I ended up just letting my jaw hang open.

“So take all the time you need, my lady.” She continued, sitting up straight to look closer at me. “Don’t let any pony rush you. Especially Shining Armor.”

“You think he’d pressure me?”

She pursed her lips, taking time to consider my choice of words.

“I think a love sick fool like him may let his heart get ahead of him.”

I grinned at the thought of Shining Armor chasing me down with chocolates and flowers. I could totally picture it. I bet he jumped through hoops while courting me. I wish I could remember.

Should I make him crawl for me now? As soon as the thought crossed my mind, I felt guilty for it. I should never do such a thing. I went to stand up and shake the intrusive thought from my head. My legs were heavier than I expected. I labored just to get on all fours, and soreness tugged at the base of my wings and hindquarters. Shining Armor was a heavy stallion, and I helped carry him alongside Twilight while flying today. What a dainty Princess I certainly was.

“I think I’ll retire to my room, Pell.” I yawned as exhaustion hit me. I may have recently slept for a week, but this first day back was hard on my weakened body. “Thank you for everything today.”

“Always.” She smiled brightly. “Make a left down this hallway and it’s the first door on your right.”

“Oh good, that’s not very far.” I breathed a sigh of relief as I took slow and heavy steps.

“I had a feeling that we would need the vanity room closest to your current bedroom.” Her motherly smile switched to the devious grin of a friend thinking of a dirty joke. “Unless you’d rather go to Shining Armor’s room.”

I laughed out loud.

“Tempting, but one step at a time.” I nodded to her as I approached the archway leading into the hallway. The room was closed with only a double wide curtain. It was red, of course. I was just gonna call this the red room from now on.

“One step at a time, my lady.”

I pushed open the curtain as I stopped to look at her again.

“Do you think it’s true?” I said and Pell looked confused. “That the Changelings used to be good. Do you think they could ever be uncorrupted?”

Pell looked down at the floor, lost in thought.

“I couldn’t tell you, my lady. It is just a children’s story.”


Author's Note:

Best song to pair with this chapter:

Metajoker - Write Me Your Heart (w/ 4everfreebrony)