• Published 13th May 2024
  • 310 Views, 34 Comments

The tales of Nightmare Rarity - Twilightsonic75

Rarity has transformed into Nightmare Rarity...kinda.

  • ...

Spike and Rarity's secret

If you were to tell Spike drake solàr that he would be best friends with world renowned heroes, become a national hero himself, and that his best friend would become a official princess...he would probably call you crazy.

But after the past two years after moving to ponyville with his best friend Twilight Sparkle, his life had been full of excitement! ...for the most part. Even though he wasn't there when Nightmare Moon had returned and didn't directly help in the second defeat of Discord, he still had some pretty impressive achievements of his own. Like helping defeat King sombra and rescuing the crystal heart, or his most recent achievement, saving equestria, and more importantly, Rarity from the nightmare forces that ingulfed princess luna over a thousand years before!

Spike can say that now he definitely worked for his hero title now. And if all that wasn't exciting enough for him, Twilight had ascended into an alicorn and became the princess of friendship! Which was exciting...at first. After a while, he noticed that her new princess dutys had taken all of her time that she didn't spend time with him as before. Or with the others as much either, so he wasn't alone in that boat. He just wished that something would preoccupie his mind and forget about Twilight out growing him.

Two weeks after Twilight became princess

Spike was doing Twilight's errands for her as she's dealing with political issues that Princess Celestia needed help with. With made sense to him. While growing up in cantrlot, he saw his mom, the princess herself, getting stressed about the overwhelming amount of paperwork she had to do for the day court. The only thing he did in dose days was to run over and hug her leg to help comfort her. She loved the gesture and would levitate him to give him a hug of her own. Those days, he had missed a lot.

But now Twilight was in the same boat now, and now he knew that she needed space to concentrate on the paperwork she needed to do. He felt bad he couldn't help his best friend out as much since they still had a library to run in golden oak library, so he had to hold down the fort until the day was done. Luckily, the library was closed due to all of the political work Twilight was doing, but still, he wished she had spent time with him and her friends more than now.

Spike had returned and put everything away when he saw Twilight working on her bedroom desk. She hadn't moved from their in two days and was worried about her health. Twilight, however, could sense her little brother/best friends worry and decided to take a few minute break to reassure him that she was fine. "Welcome back, Spike! Did you get everything?"

Spike felt a little better that Twilight wasn't working on feums and said, "Of course I got everything. I AM your number one assistant after all, right?" Feeling confident about himself.

Twilight giggled at Spike, knowing that she couldn't have a better assistant than Spike. She remembered that the Princess wanted to give her Several high grade assistants that could help her with her new dutys as princess and run the library, of course she refused as she said that Spike was the only one for her. And she had hugged him tight to show proof she was serious.

Spike decided to say, "So Twilight, you done with all those papers about the pony village in the mountains?" Spike knew about her work about a pony village that seemed to be different then other villages she'd seen in the Plaines and Princess Celestia asked her to look into them as she never noticed this new village before.

Twilight looked frustrated and said, "I wish. But this new village that popped up is seriously giving me a headache. I might have to go up there and see what exactly they have to offer.

Spike began to worry, saying, "What?! But what if they decided to keep you and make you their queen?!"

Twilight chuckled and said, "You've been reading alien invasion comics again, haven't you?"


Twilight gave a reassuring look and said "look I know you're worried for my safety, and I appreciate that. But did you forget that I'm the element of magic? I can defend myself if things go wrong."

Spike still looked concerned. Even though he knew she was powerful, she still lacked the numbers in case there was an army she's facing.

Twilight as if she was reading his mind said, "If it will ease your mind, I'll ask fluttershy and Applejack to come with me. Applejack's strength will prove useful up there, and fluttershy can calm them down if things get out of hand. Not to mention that she can use the stare if push came to shove."

That helped Spike calm down as she knew she was in capable hoofs with Applejack. And fluttershy may seem scared, but she can fight when needed. He still asked, "Think you can use a big, strong, and tough dragon guarding you?"

"Oh, you know one? Is he nice?"

Spike frowned at that joke, and he said, "Really?"

"I'm only kidding Spike. However, I need you to stay in ponyville until we get back." She said with a gentle voice.

Spike gasped and said, "What?! Why?!"

"The temperatures will be much colder than your use, too. I know you can breathe fire, but even dragons have a limit to the cold. I just want you to stay safe."

Spike grunted. But understood. Harsh cold was my of the few things that can be deadly for dragons. Which is why they love near volcanos. To constantly keep warm.

Twilight felt bad for Spike but she had to be adamant about her Decision. She then said. "I plan on leaving by the end of the week so you can relax." Spike still had a sour look on his face and Twilight decided that there was one thing that can make him happy. "Spike. Why don't you go and see Rarity? I know you always like visiting her."

That got Spike out of his funk! A chance to see his princess was something he ALWAYS looked for. So he said "Thanks Twilight! I'll be back on tonight!" He rushed off to carousel boutique as he said bye to Twilight. Twilight then said "I can ask fluttershy and Applejack tomorrow about the trip in the mountains. And better prepare for the trip myself."

Spike processed to head to carousel boutique, the home of the best fashion designer in ponyville and his crush, Rarity bell. He enjoyed helping her with her dresses but now he drew the line at being used as a pincushion. He was sore for weeks after that.

When he arrived, he noticed that the blinds were shut, and the sign on her door said 'closed'. Spike got worried so he knocked on her door and said "Rarity? Are you ok?"

He then heard a scared voice saying "S-Spike?!" She then sounded panicked and said "d-don't come in! I don't want you to see me like this!"

Spike was getting worried and decided against his better judgment saying "Rarity, I'm your friend. And as your friend, i respect your judgment, but I'm too worried about you! So I'm coming in!" Spike remembered her spare key hidden under her welcome mat, unlocked the door, and made he was in.

Inside, everything was dark. No lights, no nothing. He noticed Rarity's bedroom door a cracked open and said "Rarity? Please answer me. I'm worried about you."

"Spike please! Please don't come in! I don't want to scare you!"

"Rarity! I haven't seen you out of the boutique in two days! I'm seriously worried! I hope you can forgive me, but I'm coming in!"

"Spike NO!!!"

It was too late. When Spike ran in, he saw something he never expected to see again. Rarity...turned back into her Nightmare form! She was Nightmare Rarity again! ...but something was different this time. She didn't attack him as soon as he entered the room. She was terrified, saddened, ashamed. Nothing like how she was before on the moon.

Rarity on the other hoof, was shocked that Spike barged in even though she told him not too, but also horrified that he saw her like this again. She cried as Spike approached her saying "Rarity. Are you ok?" Rarity looked at him confused saying. "Y-you recognize me Spike?"

Spike smiled and said "of course I recognize you Rarity! After everything we've been though? I thought you would have more faith in me then that?" As Spike said that last part he admittedly felt a little hurt that she didn't think he would know.

Rarity saw the hurt in his eyes and hugged him tight and said "im so sorry Spike! It's just after the first time I transformed into this form, I thought you would think I turned evil again. I didn't want to see you terrified of me again." She said sadly as a tear came down her face.

Spike wiped the tear from for eye and said " don't worry Rarity, I understand what you mean. It's like if I turned into my giant dragon form and was aware of myself, I probably would be afraid you'd think of me as evil too."

Rarity looked at Spike hurt and said "Spike! You were not evil! Your greed took control that day! And we've forgave you that day! I never want you to say you were evil ever again!"

Spike smiled and said "well it's the same with you right? You weren't in control that day and it was the nightmare force influence that was controlling you. So if I'm not evil then your not evil either! At worse, we're both technically reformed villains."

Rarity thought about what Spike said and realized that he has a point. At the least, there was something about being a reformed villain that feel...invigorating. Spike knew that feeling. Even though the both of them would never want to return to being villains again, there's something about having that title of being a reformed villain that felt earned. That it was there thing, something that Rainbow dash, fluttershy, Applejack, Pinkie pie, and even Twilight never had experienced.

She turned to Spike and said "Thank you Spike. I needed to hear that. Fellow reformed villain." Rarity giggled as she hugged him

Spike loved the embrace but had to ask " Rarity. How did you get your Nightmare form back? I thought we destroyed it when we rescued you from its influence?"

Rarity was puzzled herself. She thought all the nightmare force was gone from her system when Twilight gave her a magical scan. She then said " I'm not so sure Spike. I remember I was working on my newest fashion line. I took a break when I opened the blind in my bedroom to let the moonlight in. I saw a purple glow from the moon and all of a sudden, I felt a surge of pain and began to transform into my nightmare form. I thought I wad gonna lose my mind like before, but instead I didn't feel it's influence on me. In fact, I didn't have any corruption from my transformation this time. When I opened my eyes, I was aware of my surroundings, my consciousness, my free will. I felt like...me."

Spike had a idea of what's going on. But he needed to test something to see. " Rarity can I get a good look at you?"

Rarity blushed and said "Spike, I know you think am beautiful, but this is no time to for flirting you know~ *wink*"

He can tell Rarity was feeling better by her teasing and said "Very funny Rarity. I just need to see if something changed from the last time."

Rarity nodded in agreement and Let Spike inspect her. He looked around any outstanding changes that the form made. As he was looking, he had to admit that this form of Rarity's was hot. Her horn was a little longer then normal, her body had grown more Muscular like a earth pony, and her wings glowed a deep purple that looked elegant,yet mysterious...wait WINGS?! Spike did a double take to make sure he wasn't seeing things. He saw correct, a pair of wings were on Rarity's sides and looked about the size as Twilight's wings if he had to guess. "Rarity...y-you have wings!"

Rarity head turned quickly and said "wait WHAT?!" She then saw her new wings and was stunned. "W-wings...i-i have wings... I didn't have those before."

Spike decided to feel the wings to see if there real, and he was right. They were soft to the touch like Twilight's wings are.

"I think this proves it Rarity. Somehow... you Ascended into a alicorn!"

"Wait what?! B-but how?! I didn't see princess Celestia in my room or did the spell twilight did when she ascend! How is this possible?!"

Spike thought about how this was possible too. From what he knew about the ascending Process, it took a alicorn and her student being in the realm of the alicorns for the ritual to work. Was there another way to turn into alicorn without the ritual? He then had a theory. "Rarity. It could have been the nightmare force that triggered your ascertain into alicornhood."

Rarity looked confused saying "what do you mean Spike? I was influenced by the nightmare force before and I was normal afterwards."

"Well, what was different THIS time around?"

Rarity thought about it and said "well when I felt the pain and saw the nightmare force trying to take over again, I fought back this time. Last time, I was caught off guard, and it took me by surprise. This time I felt it coming and fought for control over my body. I thought of sweetie bell, our friends, but what gave me the strength to break what was left of the corruption...was you Spike."

Spike blushed at what she said as she continued. "I didn't want you to be munipaled by the nightmare forces again, so I fought with all my strength of will against it and broke free of the corruption. The pain I felt faded and I felt...refreshed. Like I was feeling joy and happiness balancing with my sadness and anger. And all of them melted into one blissful feeling. When I opened my eyes I was what you see me now."

Spike then had a solid idea about what happened and said " I think fighting the corruption WAS your test. Since the nightmare force originally came from princess luna, the nightmare force was probably enfused with part of princess luna's alicorn power. That's probably why she needed to stay in cantrlot to recover her powers. When you broke its corruption, that alicorn power needed to go somewhere. So since you broke the corruption pressure of it, it saw you as worthy and ascended you into a alicorn and also gave you control of your nightmare form."

Rarity had to take a minute to process what Spike told him. Her desire to stay with her friends was enough to ascend her into a alicorn and now what she feared in the past, her nightmare form, was hers and hers alone to control. She soon said "so...I'm a alicorn...but not a princess?"

"Not really. Sure you ascended into a alicorn, but not by the ritual that makes you a princess. So technically...your a alicorn...without a crown."

Rarity thought about it. And said "it's not important if I'm a princess or not."

Spike was shocked and said "but I thought you always wanted to be married to a prince and to be a princess?" He said it a bit hurt Cas of the thought of Rarity leaving them and that he knew he stood no chance at being with her.

Rarity looked at Spike hurt and sad, she had an idea of his crash on her, but didn't know the depths it went until Spike's first birthday in ponyville, when he reverted back to normal after remembering her, but it was especially clear to her when he risked his life to save her from the nightmare force. She never told anypony, but ever since that day, she has had strong feelings for Spike. So strong that she'd turn down every stallion for the past 3 months. So she hugged Spike and said "I may have thought marrying a prince would glorious. But now i realize that im not cut out to be a princess. I have my growing fashion business that keeps me busy enough as it is. And it'll keep me from see you all as much as i want. I may not be a princess Spike...but you'll always be my prince." She kissed him on the cheek and giggled as stared at her googly eyed.

Spike, after breaking the trans said "you know Rarity, Twilight has a invention that might help you figure out how strong you are."

Rarity looked puzzled and said "hmm? What invention?"

"Well, back when she was a unicorn, she would practice more then tricks and transformation spells. She would also train her combat spells too. To gadge how strong she's gotten, she invented a machine that read her magical impulses and gadges how strong she is."

Rarity was impressed to say the least but had to ask "How dose that help me now that I'm a alicorn?"

Spike then puffed out his chest and said " I can upgrade it to gadge an alicorns abilities, so we can figure out how much potential you have . it'll also Monitor your health to see that their isn't any side effects from your ascension into alicornhood."

Rarity was touch how much trouble Spike was going though for her. "How was I blessed to have a amazing young dragon like you as my friend Spike?"

"Just lucky I guess? Heheh" Spike flashed a grin at her and Rarity blushed when he did. But then asked "but how do I return to normal? I mean my nightmare form IS divine but mind you that some ponys are still Cautious of me after the nightmare forces incident. It didn't damage my shops Reputation but pony might think I've reverted back to being evil. And we don't need to send ponyville into a panic about this."

Spike was already aware of this and came up with a plan. "Hmm, have you tried to use your magic to revert back to normal?"

Rarity was so much in a panic earlier that the thought never crossed her mind. She began to calm down and focused her magic to revert back to normal. At first nothing was happening. But after a few seconds, she started to glow purple. After a purple flash, Rarity was back to her true form...sorta. she still had her wings, with just turned white instead of deep purple. "Spike..."

"Well what about a glamor spell? It'll hide your wings till you transform into your nightmare form again.

Rarity tried a glamor spell and surprisingly, it worked. The wings were hidden, which was a shame, since they were gorgeous. "Oh Spike you helped me so much! How can I ever repay you!"

Spike simply replied "just happy to help a friend in need."

Rarity, however, wasn't satisfied with that. She was gonna repay him for EVERYTHING he's done for her the past two years. And now she had plenty of time to work on that.

Spike looked at the clock and said "welp, I better get going. I better rest before I start working on upgrading the machine. "

"I understand Spike. You've done more then enough for today. I'll open up shop tomorrow, after ascending into a alicorn and obtaining control my nightmare form, I need to regain my strength for tomorrow. But afterwards Spike, I'll treat you to some rare gems the next time we go gem hunting."

Spike stomach started to growl and said "I'll have to take you up on that offer."

Spike was walking to the front door when Rarity said "oh! One more thing Spike." He turned around to see her as she said" let's not tell anypony about what happened today. The last thing I need is questions on top of questions about all of this. Pinkie promise?"

Spike began to say "Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!"

"Thank you Spike." She hugged him and said "I'll see you tomorrow my prince!"

"Take care my princess." Spike said. Knowing he had alot of work ahead.

Author's Note:

I always thought that nightmare Rarity had much more potential as a form,and as a character plot for Rarity. So I decided to make it more important and give rarity more development. Comment to tell me how you like it. See you in chapter 2!:raritywink: