• Published 13th May 2024
  • 311 Views, 34 Comments

The tales of Nightmare Rarity - Twilightsonic75

Rarity has transformed into Nightmare Rarity...kinda.

  • ...

Spike's true brain power and combat skills

As Spike continued his way home, he began to calculate how to upgrade the unicorn gadge machine into an alicorn gadge machine. Despite his laid back life style, Spike's race of dragon were not only skilled in combat, but also extremely intelligent. In fact, when he was in his teens, Spike was smart enough to make a Security system for his mom's personal valet...it's design is now being used for all bank valets in equestria.

While Spike knew that the gadge machine was designed and built by Twilight, he did help in the construction long enough to get a idea how it worked. Now with the knowledge of it, he can upgrade it from the ground up to be far more advanced then before. After all, all dragons LOVE a challenge!

When he returned to the library, he found that Twilight wasn't in her work desk. He called out "Twilight! I'm Home!"

Twilight called out, "I'm in our room Spike!"

Spike headed for there room to find Twilight packing her bag. Immediately getting scared, he asked "W-what's with the bag for twi?"

Twilight heard his voice and saw his face and quickly put two and two together. Her first instinct was to assure him that it wasn't what it looked like. "Spike, Shush. It's ok. I'm not going to abandon you. I'm packing to investigate the mysterious village we talked about this morning remember?"

Spike calmed himself as he remembered that conversation. "Oh. Sorry Twilight. I guess I let my fears get the better of me huh?"

Twilight looked at Spike with a calming look on her face and said "Remember what I said back at the crystal empire Spike? I would or will send you away. I would never forgive myself for that, And if anypony says otherwise. I'll send them to the moon!" She jokingly said, getting Spike to chuckle.

Spike felt better after Twilight reassured him that they be apart. But the feeling of distant between then was still as strong as before. He decided to stop thinking about it and refocus his mind on the Calculations needed to upgrade the unicorn gadge device.

After both Twilight and Spike when to bed, Spike woke up and made sure that Twilight was asleep, put some earplugs he had on Twilight to block the noise, and headed down to the basement lab to start work on the upgrade. Gathering materials and tools to began this project.

As Spike began to work by replacing and building new features for the machine, Twilight began to toss and turn as she seemed to be having a nightmare. A nightmare of Spike leaving her, ever since she became a princess, she's been having these nightmare of Spike packing his stuff and leaving her. His dream self said "I'm leaving Cas I'm no longer useful to you. Thank you for everything Twilight...Goodbye."

"NO!!!" Twilight woke up in a cold sweat. Scared that one day, Spike will her and never return. She felt her ears filled and used her magic to pull what's inside. "Ear plugs?" Twilight thought, it was weird, Cas she hasn't used ear plugs since she became princess, and the only times she would uses them was in her underground lab. "Spike. How did my ear plugs get in my-" she looked down to Spike's little basket bed, and saw thay he wasn't in their. "Spike? She called her voice getting nervous, thinking her nightmare might be coming true. When she made it to the hall way, Twilight heard noise coming from the basement. She wondered if Spike was down there.

Spike continued the upgrades to the gadge machine with amazing progress! He already finished the coding for the new functions of the machine, replaced all the broken parts, reinforced the metal plating of the machines outer frame, and almost put all of the functions for alicorns. He was so involved in his work, he never noticed he's alicorn roommate looking though the doorway.
"Spike!" Spike shot up from where he was working, only to hit head on the console and damaging it. Twilight felt terrible and rushed to his side. "Spike! I am so sorry! I didn't know you were under there!"

"It's ok Twilight. I have a hard head. I'll be-" Spike didn't say anything else as Twilight dragged him to the library couch. "No way mister! I'm gonna check your head for injuries and your going off to bed! Don't you know what time it is?! And what were you doing to my old unicorn power gadge machine anyway?! You KNOW you can't handle a machine like that! You could -"

Spike was tired,cranky,and annoyed. So his normal Patience for Twilight was smaller then normal, and she has just used the last of it now as he screamed" TWILIGHT! I'm not a dumb little kid! I'm a young dragon! You KNOW my race of dragon are high in intelligence! And YOUR talking about me being up late at night miss 'all nighter' well tough luck! I'm gonna finish my project tonight and You can't stop me!"

Twilight had alot of patiences with Spike when he messed up, but now he's officially broke her last nerve, she wasn't having it. "Oh I can't stop you huh?! Well, WILL SEE ABOUT THAT!!" Twilight lunged herself at Spike, as she was gonna drag him to bed and never let him leave her side.

Unfortunately for her, Spike wasn't going down quietly as dodged Twilight with ease. Being small had its advantages, especially in combat. "Heh. You always did suck in physical attacks Twilight. You think being a alicorn would help. Being part earth pony now and all." Spike taunted Twilight as she began to get aggravated. Unlike trixe, Spike KNEW exactly what to say to tick off Twilight, and he was gonna use her rage against her and tire herself out.

Twilight was getting ticked off as Spike dodged her attacks left and right. Normally she would've caught him by now and dragged him to bed now. But now he's bobbing and weaving away from her attempts. "Grrr fine. If tackling you won't work-" she began to charge her horn with magic and said," Maybe a containment spell with work. " She fired the spell at a unexpecting Spike, but was fortunate enough to dodge in time saw that she was using a spell to catch him.

"Wow. Somepony's getting serious." Spike was starting to get nervous. He knew how good was Twilight and her spells and he needed to avoid her shots at all cost.

Meanwhile outside

Applejack had Finnished her dealings with Filthy rich about a zapapple order he had and was on her way back to sweet apple acrs when *crash* Applejack got Startled at the broken window from...golden oak library? She got closer to investigate when she heard "is that all you got hackeye?" "its HAWKEYE you little twerp "Either way, your a total hack at aiming!""why you little...get over here! Applejack was surprised by what she saw. Twilight and Spike were fighting. And not in a argument, but in actual combat! While a part of her wanted to stop them from fighting...another part of her wanted to keep watching. This was nothing like she ever seen or been apart of. She hasn't had the nerve to challenge a unicorn to fight Cas of their magic being a unfair advantage. But here was Spike, taking on a AILCORN and holding his own. But the most amazing part was when Spike was caught in Twilight's magic hold...and broke out of it by sheer will! Applejack's eyes widen like the day she saw the sonic rainboom when she was a filly and didn't want to stop watching.

Spike and Twilight attempts of dodge and capture eventually turned into a epic brawl, and neither of them wanted to lose. Spike's natural combat instants had kicked in, and was going for punchs and kicks to throw her off, while Twilight didn't know what she was feeling. The intense urge to win, the trill of combat, were things she never found Appealing before when she was a unicorn. But now as a alicorn, this was different. It was like she has a warriors blood in her veins...and she LOVED It! But Spike's Agility and speed quickly got annoying and she said "Why. Won't. You. Just. Stay. STILL!!! You little monster!!"

That got Spike triggered. Ever since his transformation into his giant dragon form, he's been irritated by that word and nearly beaten up a stallon that called him that. But this time...it really hurt that SHE of all ponys called him a monster. He was furious and said "This is nothing! You little WIMPY NERD!!!"

Speaking of triggered, Twilight hated those two words ever since she was a filly. She was bullied by other mares for her smarts and her weak Athletic skills. She hated it and thought that being princess Celestia personal student had finally put an end to those names once and for all. But now Spike, her little BROTHER, had the gall to say those words together at her...she was devastated...and wanted him to feel the same way as she did. "That's it! You've crossed the line! I've had enough! I'll make you feel how I feel! I'M ENDING THIS NOW!!!" She charged her horn with huge amounts of arcane magic and aimed it at Spike.

Meanwhile Spike was feeling so much anger that he wanted to make Twilight suffer for what she said to him and shouted, "You want a monster? I'll show you a monster! I'LL CRUSH YOU!!!" He then charged a powerful fireball from his mouth and aimed for Twilight's under belly as she got on her hindlegs to fire her blast where Spike can't escape. They both yelled, "TAKE THIS!!!" Both attacks fired at the same time and hit their targets. Twilight's on Spike's side and chest and Spike's on Twilight's underbelly. When they layed on the ground both saw the damage they did to themselves, but also saw the injuries to the other and were heartbroken. Twilight saw what she did to Spike and was disgusted with herself. Spike was badly hurt but with his Scales he'll live, but the fact he was this badly hurt and bleeding was all HER fault...she cried.

Spike meanwhile felt horrible. He saw her burns on her underbelly, the smell of burning fur and heated flesh were coming from the same place where he would snuggle Twilight when they read together...he cried hard and blamed himself for what happened. "...I'm a monster..."

Applejack, after seeing what happened, wanted to see if they were ok. But decided that they needed some space, so she'll come check on them tomorrow, and headed out.

Twilight, seeing her little brother blaming himself, got up, even with the burns she had and walked over to him and tried to comfort him, but he moved and said "No twilight! I'm a monster! Please keep away! I don't want to hurt you more!" He got up and ran,despite his injuries Twilight gave him, and ran away from Twilight. "Spike WAIT!" Twilight tried to go after him after seeing a trail of blood from his wound but stopped cas of the burns on her underbelly. With a heavy heart, she was forced to telaport to her bed, and let her alicorn magic heal her burns for the morning to go find him and apologize. As she drifted off to sleep, she said "No Spike, your not the monster...I AM." With guilt building up inside her, Twilight eventually fell to sleep. However, her pillow soaked up alot of tears before her sleep took her.

Author's Note:

What do you guys think? My first fight secne! Was it epic? Let me know in the comments! And see you guys in part 3!