• Published 29th Oct 2012
  • 29,806 Views, 1,399 Comments

A Dark Knight for Equestria - Onomonopia

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The First Location

Ponyville Schoolhouse.

Batman be lying if he didn't say he was impressed with the way Scootaloo was handling herself. She had pinned the other filly to the ground by sitting on her and was trying her best to rip the pink one's mane out. The other one, who he decided to name Crown for lack of a better name, was screaming and yelling at Scootaloo.

"You no good blank flank. How dare the likes of you touch me!" she screamed, kicking Scootaloo off and getting back up. Scootaloo recovered quickly and charged Crown, knocking the both of them to the ground. The foals surrounding the two brawlers continued to yell, riling up Scootaloo and Crown farther.

"Take back what you said!" Scootaloo yelled, trying to hit Crown in the face. Crown slipped out of Scootaloo's grasp and planted both her back hooves into Scootallo's rear, causing her to face plant in the dirt. Ouch.

"Take back what exactly? The fact that you’re not good at anything, which is why you don't have a cutie mark? How about the dump of an orphanage you live in? Or maybe it's the fact that your mommy and daddy never came back from that trip because they didn't really love you," Crown said in a nasty voice. That was a low blow, one that even Batman felt. Scootaloo's face turned crimson from anger. She charged at Crown with a look of pure rage in her eyes, bringing one hoof back as she got close. Batman immediately recognized it as one of his uppercuts, similar to the one he had used on the wolves in the forest. A blow like that could seriously injury the pink filly. He took a step forward to intervene.

"Enough!" yelled a new voice. All of the foals turned to look at the newcomer, except for Scootaloo who continued to glare at Crown. Stepping back into the shadows, Batman turned to get a view of the new horse. She was a shade of magenta-ish color, with a light rose colored mane. She had three smiling sunflowers on her flank and was mad as hell. Scootaloo's two friends stood beside the newcomer, apparently having run off to get her once the fighting had started.

"What in Equestria do the two of you think you are doing!?" she yelled at the two fighting fillies. Crown immediately tried to defend herself.

"I was just minding my own business when this blank flank jumped me!" she said, giving a harsh look at Scootaloo.

"I only hit you because of what you said about my family! They did not abandon me and take off!" Scootaloo yelled back, trying to tackle Crown once again. Forcing the older pony to step in-between them.

"Scootaloo, Diamond Tiara, I am disappointed with the both of you. You both know that fighting is wrong. The two of you will stay after class for detention. Am I clear?"

"Yes, Cheerilee," Scootaloo muttered. The one called Diamond Tiara wasn't too happy with her punishment.

"But Cheerilee, it's this blank flanks fault, not mine."

"Diamond Tiara, do not call other ponies blank flanks. It could hurt some pony’s feelings. Also, you get three weeks of detention for what you said about Scootaloo's parents."


"No buts. And I am going to have a serious talk with your father later this week. Now as for the rest of you, class is over, so you may all go home." The foals all yelled with excitement and rushed off in every direction. Cheerilee turned back to the two fillies.

"You two," Cheerilee said to Scootaloo and Diamond Tiara, "Come inside. I think you can start detention by writing I'm sorry on the chalkboard fifty times."

"Fifty?" cried Tiara in disbelief.

"Sixty now. You want to keep it up?" Cheerilee asked.

With a grumble, Diamond Tiara headed inside. Scootaloo's two friends walked over to her.

"Are you ok, Scootaloo?" the one with the bow in her hair asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine, but we'll probably have to call off crusading today. I might be here for a while," Scootaloo responded sadly.

"That's not fair! It was diamond Tiara's fault, not yours!" the filly with the purple and pink mane protested.

"I know but that doesn't do me any good right now. You two should just probably go home," Scootaloo said with a weak smile.

"Are ya sure?" the one with the bow asked.

"Of course. You and Sweetie Belle can go off crusading if you want. Me," Scootaloo said with a sigh, "I have detention."

"We can come by later and pick you up," Sweetie Belle suggested.

"That's alright. You two have a good day," Scootaloo said with a small smile, heading into the schoolhouse. Her two friends stood silently for a minute, before they turned and left. Batman stayed hidden, planning on having another talk with Scootaloo later. He sat down beneath a tree and waited.


The sun was just beginning to set on the horizon when Scootaloo and Diamond Tiara were allowed to leave. The two of them had been writing apology's to each other for hours under Cheerilee's watchful eyes. Once she was satisfied with their work, she allowed them to go. The two fillies were not happy.

"This is all your fault, blank flank," Diamond said in disgust, sticking her tongue out at Scootaloo.

"You want to lose even more of your mane?" Scootaloo retorted, pointing to the spots where she had ripped Diamond Tiara's mane out.

"Whatever, I'm going home to parents who LOVE ME." Scootaloo snarled and rushed Diamond, who fled into the city as fast as she could. Scootaloo sighed and began walking to her "home." After a while, she didn't feel like going back, so she instead headed for the CMC tree house. It was really the only place where she felt at peace and at the moment, it was the place she desperately needed.

She arrived at the tree house and sat down, staring at the orange sky. She thought back to all the things Tiara had said about her parents and could fight the tears back no longer. Scootaloo began to cry, letting some of the pain out. She cried softly to herself for a moment, feeling the loneliness. Then she suddenly sat up straight and wiped the tears out of her eyes. She allowed herself to fall face-first to the ground, using her wings to catch her at the last second. Her small, frail wings shook from the weight, but Scootaloo gritted her teeth and began to do wing-ups.

Her small wings were struggling to keep up with her determination. Ten, Twenty; Scootaloo just kept going and going. She had been training in secret for a few days now, ever since Batman had given her hope. Slowly, her wings had gotten a little stronger day by day. Even Scootaloo was shocked at how much stronger her wings had become in a few days. They weren't up to another pegasi wings from her age group, but the hard work was beginning to show.

She had nearly reached thirty when her wings had enough and gave out, dropping Scootaloo on her face. She slowly raised her head and put both wings back on the ground, trying to continue her training. Her efforts were in vain, as her wings were too weak to lift her.

"I have to keep going," she grunted, again trying to lift herself up, "I have to get stronger. I can't keep failing!"

"Everyone fails at some point. It's what you do after you fail that shows your true character."

Scootaloo shot ten feet in the air, landing with a thud. She quickly got up and spun around, wondering who would be out here this late. Seeing Batman standing in the shadows, her face instantly grew a huge smile. She ran up to him, skidding to a stop at his feet.

"Oh, hi Batman!" she gleefully said, happy to see him again. "What are you doing here?"

"I was wondering what that brawl in the schoolyard was about," Batman replied sternly, looking Scootaloo in the eyes. Her smile faded, replaced with a look of sadness.

"She said that the reason my parents vanished was because they didn't love me. She deserved whatever I did to her." There was a look of fire in her eyes, the same look Batman had seen in multiple crime fighters.

"Vanished? I thought your parents were dead?"

"My parents went on a trip a few years ago. They haven't been heard from since." Tears began to form in Scootaloo's eyes, so Batman decided to change the subject.

"I noticed you tried to mimic my uppercut from the battle with the Timberwolves," he pointed out. Scootaloo gave a sheepish grin.

"Yeah, I saw you use that move and thought it be cool to use it for when Diamond ticked me off. She wouldn't know what hit her!" Scootaloo said excitedly, but her excitement died as Batman gave her a stern stare.

"If all you care about is making Diamond Tiara suffer, then you miss the whole point of the martial arts," Batman explained, while Scootaloo listened carefully. "The martial arts are used to protect yourself and to protect others. Using it to make others who haven't attacked you suffer is wrong. Essentially, you are acting just like Tiara. You don't want to be like her, do you?"

"No I don't!" she replied with emphasis, trying to make her point. "But I really don't know anything about the martial arts or the code." Then she had a brilliant idea. "I know. You could teach me!"

Batman thought about what she said. Scootaloo could use some form of discipline to help her with her rage. It had really helped him in his time of suffering. But she might use what she learned to hurt Diamond again, not that she didn't deserve it. If he was going to teach her, he needed her to promise him something,

"Alright, I'll make you a deal," he said as he sat down in front of her. Scootaloo followed his example and sat down as well. “I’ll teach you a little of the martial arts only if you take the high road whenever Diamond Tiara tries to insult you and your family."

"What do you mean, take the high road?"

"I mean that whenever she insults you, your friends, or your family you simply ignore her and walk away. Don't give her the satisfaction of seeing you riled up. Prove that you are above her petty taunts."

'Ha, as if you should talk,' he heard inside his head. 'You decimate criminals for simply looking at you wrong. Why should you tell her to take the high road?'

'So she'll turn out better than me,' Batman responded, once again locking the voice in the back of his mind.

"What's wrong. Why did you suddenly go quiet?" Scootaloo asked in concern.

Snapping back to reality, Batman decided it was time for a change of subject again. "I noticed you were working on strengthen your wings. So you actually did listen to what I was saying."

"Yep, ever since I got to talk to you, I've worked my wings hard. There not on the level of the other pegasi, but, hey, one small step at a time right?" She sounded like she was trying to convince herself instead of him.

"It will take time for your wings to grow stronger. It could very well take years of training just to be able to hover. But you can't give up, you have to remain strong."

"That's easy for you to say. You're probably the strongest guy in existence."

Batman let out a chuckle, one that surprised Scootaloo. He looked back at her with a small smile.

"What if I told you that on my world I am actually one of the physically weakest heroes," he asked her. Scootaloo's eyes were wide with shock.

"You mean there are beings stronger than you? Who?"

"You've heard of Superman, right? He is so powerful he could probably spin the sun on his finger. Green Lantern has a ring that can change into whatever he wills. As for Darkseid, well, let's just say I wouldn't want to face him without some ace up my sleeve," Batman finished with a smirk. Scootaloo was deep in thought, a certain question bugging her.

"You’re a superhero, right?" she said, eyeing Batman.

"The term is vigilantly, but yes, I guess I'm a hero of sorts."

"But you don't have any powers, right? You can't fly or use magic?"

"No, I can't."

"Then why do you do it. If you face creatures that are so much stronger than you, why would you even consider fighting them if you could die?"

Batman sighed. "Because if good men do nothing, then evil wins." Scootaloo looked at him confused. Batman reworded what he had said and tried again.

"What I mean is my home was falling prey to evil and I just couldn't stand by and let it happen. So I decided to do something about it. Just as you decided to do something about your wings," he said, trying to get the conversation back on track. "You could have just accepted that your wings would always be weak, but you went and trained them, trying to make yourself better."

"Strength isn't just about running fast or being able to lift heavy things," he continued, "There's also strength of heart, the will to never quit even in the face of overwhelming odds. That is the kind of strength I see in you," Batman finished, pointing at Scootaloo's heart. Her eyes went wide and she looked down at her heart before looking back up at Batman.

"You really think I'm strong?" she whispered.

"You lost both your parents at a very young age and you have a deformity that took away your ability to fly, yet you manage to face each day with a smile on your face. I'm not lying when I say you might be stronger than me in that regard."

Scootaloo thought about what he said, finally putting two and two together.

"You lost your parents as well, didn't you?"

"Yes I did and I vowed on their graves that I would rid my and any other world of the evil that took their lives. That is why I fight." Batman said with strength in his voice. He was also questioning himself as well. He had never opened up this fast to anyone before, was it safe for him to do so now? Scootaloo didn't seem like the sort of person...pony that would use this information against him. Could he trust her?

'Twilight's right,' he thought with a smile. 'I do have trust issues.'

Looking up at the sky, Batman noticed the sun was practically gone and darkness had begun to descend upon the town. While he was perfectly fine with this, he figured he should get Scootaloo home.

"So, where do you live?"

"In the town orphanage, not too far from here."

"Alright, I'll escort you. Lead the way." The two of them began to walk back to Ponyville. The streets were nearly abandoned, with a pony here and there on their way home. After a while, the two reached the orphanage doors. Scootaloo turned back to Batman.

"Thanks for coming to see me. It's nice to have someone I can talk to about my parents. Someone who understands my pain," she said with a smile. Batman nodded before giving her one last bit of advice.

"Remember, never quit trying and never give in, no matter how hard it gets."

Scootaloo looked at Batman with a sly smile on her face. "As long as I have faith in myself, I'll never give up, no matter how hard it gets," she said, repeating some of what he had told her the last time they met.

"Now you're getting it."

Scootaloo waved good-bye and headed inside. Batman turned and headed back to Twilight's tree house, slightly happier than he had been in a while. Scootaloo was right, it was nice to have someone to talk to about his pain. Someone who understood the loss of loved ones. She had suffered so much at a young age, yet tried to live every day to the fullest and enjoy it.

He could learn a thing or two from her.

Scootaloo entered her room and sat down on her bed. She paused for a minute before she remembered she had something she wanted to give Batman. She ran to her dresser and pulled the item out, before running down the stairs and heading outside.

"Wait, I have something..." her voice trailed off when she saw he was already gone.

"I'll give it to him tomorrow," she said with a smile, heading back inside.


As Batman entered the Twilight's home, he immediately could tell something was up. The six ponies that seemed to do everything together were there, as well as Luna and Celestia. The two princesses looked grim, telling him something bad had happened. They all turned to face him when he entered.

"Well, look who's finally back," Twilight muttered, still annoyed that he had taken off earlier.

"What happened?" Batman asked the princesses, ignoring Twilight. The two glanced at each other before Celestia responded.

"The city of Stalliongrad has fallen," she said in a hollow tone. The other ponies were shocked at the news of another place falling. Batman wasn't entirely surprised by the news.

"Morgaine," Batman stated, already knowing who was behind it. Celestia nodded.

"Yes, it seems Morgaine was once again behind this attack. And it seems you were right, Batman. My sources tell me she took the book that referred to the Star-Swirl the Bearded legend. She's after the artifacts as well."

"I take it you've located one of the artifacts?"

Celestia nodded. "Yes, my unicorns managed to decipher one of the locations. It is found here," she placed her hoof on the map, indicating a forest area not too far from Manehatten.

"The Mane Forest?" Twilight asked in disbelief.

"Yes, one of the most dangerous forest known to pony kind. That is where the Staff of Destiny is believed to be located, inside a temple called "The Temple of Traps." She looked around at the mane six and Batman. "I'm going to tell you right now; this will be a very dangerous journey and I cannot guarantee your safety. If any of you don't want to go, I will not force you."

"Well I'm going," Twilight spoke up. "We can't let the fate of our world rest in the hooves, er, hands of a guy in a bat costume," she smirked at Batman.

"Well then count me in!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed. "This'll be just like one of the Daring Doo stories!"

Fluttershy simply nodded and hide behind her mane.

"Well, it may not be the most ideal location, but I will support my friends," Rarity muttered.

"I'll go to! I always love going to new places!" Pinkie said, bounding up and down, fully recovered from her meeting with Batman.

"Ah'll go as well. I won't let anything happen to my home or my friends," AJ answered strongly.

"I'm glad to see you are all going together. The Elements of Harmony are stronger together than apart." Celestia turned to face Batman. "And what about you. What do you think?"

"First, I think you needed to fire the guy who names your cities," Batman muttered, looking at the ridiculous names of the cities on the map. Mare-i-land, seriously?

"I name the cities personally," Celestia said, a little annoyed.

"Don't quit your day job. Second, of course I'm going. If there's the chance Morgaine is there, I have to go. Besides, I highly doubt these ponies could handle it without me."

"Very well, I will have a ship sent down to take you to the Mane Forest in the morning. For now, I would suggest getting some sleep. The journey will be long. Good luck my little ponies." With that Celestia vanished in a flash of white. The mane six started saying goodbye to each other and heading off, each of them preparing for the journey in the morning. Luna, however, walked over to Batman.

"We do not know why our sister trust you so much, bat," she whispered. "But if any of our friends are hurt on this journey, we will end you."

"You're welcome to try. Also, I don't plan on letting anyone die under my watch," he replied coldly, staring Luna in the eyes. With a nod and one last threatening glare, Luna vanished into the shadows. Twilight walked over to Batman, another question on her mind.

"What do think we’re in for tomorrow?" she asked nervously. As much as she hated to admit it, Batman was the expert in these situations. He pondered for a minute, going over all the facts he knew.

"Since it's the Temple of Traps, I can assume that we will have to rely heavily on our minds to stay alive. I believe that's your department," he thought out loud. Twilight blushed slightly at the praise. "When we get there, you follow my lead. I have a lot more experience in temples and ruins." He thought back to all his battles with Ra's Al-Gul and to all the temples and chambers he had to chase him into in order to stop him.

"Well, the most important thing we need right now is sleep," Twilight yawned, heading up the stairs to her room. "I suggest you do the same."

Batman nodded and headed for the basement. He waked down the stairs and sat in the same spot as the previous night, contemplating everything that had happened that day. He had met a pony that had first tried to invite him to a party, then threatened him. Another one didn't trust him, yet gave him a present for saving her sister. Finally, there was Fluttershy. The little pegasus had seen through his Batman personality and pierced his soul. And she felt terrible about what happened to him, even though they had fought.

Then there was Scootaloo. He wasn't sure what to make of her. Most children in his world and nearly all the ponies here ran at the sight of him, yet she was actually happy to see him. She didn't see him as a monster of vengeance, she saw him as a friend. He hadn't had someone think of him like that in a long time. She believed him to be a shining example of justice. If only she was right.

Batman sighed and let his thoughts go, emptying his mind. Once he was calm, he lowered his head and went to sleep.